The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, July 10, 1851, Image 4

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LAST HOURS OF A SINGLE .GENTLEMAN This morning November 11, al half’ past 11, o’clock precisely an uitjbrfiiiinte, young man, Mr. Eduard Pinckney, mi’ deruent the extreme penally of iufitua lion, hy the expatiating his attachment in, Mary Ann Gale, in front of the alflrrail-, ings of Si. Mary’s Church, /-iingtou. * It will he in recollection of all those friends of the parties who were at Jones’s party Britton, two years ago, that .Mr. Pinckney was there and then first intro duced to Mary Gale to whom lie instantly tegan to direct particular attentions- danc ing with htr no less than six sets that even ing, and handing her things at supper in the most devoted manner. From that period commenced the intimacy between then) w hich terminated in this moftving's catastrophe. Poor Pinckney had barely attained reason tobejieve that but for reason of a iiislwenty-eighili year; but there is no pecuniary nature, his single,life would have come earlier to an untimely end. A change for the better, however, having orcured in his circumstances the young lady’s friends were induced to sanction his addresses, and thus became accessor ies to the course fur which lie had just suffered. The unhappy man passed the last night ot this bachelor existence in his sol itary chamber. From half past eight to ten he was engaged in writing letters— Shortly after his younger brother, Hen ry, knocked at the door, when the doom ed youth told him to come in. On being asked w hen lie meant to go to bed, lie re plied,‘Not yet.’ The question was then pul to him how lie thought he should sleep? to which he answered, l l donl know.’ He then expressed his desire to a segar ami a glass of grog. Ilis hro.. tiler, who sal down and partook of the like refreshments, now demanded if lie would take anything more that night.— lie said ‘nothine,’ in a firm voice. His affectionate brother then rose to take Heave, when the devoted one consoler -sktj-lv advjsiSl feipi £o take care oydjg&W; Precisely at a qn to j seven the next morifing, the victim of Cupid having been called, according to bis desire lie rose and promptly dressed himself. He had the self control to shave himself without the slightest injury; for not even a scratch upon his chin apt peared after the operation, ll would seem that he had devoted a longer time than usual at his toilet. The wretched man was attired in a light blue dress coat, with frosted but tons, a white vest and nankeen trowsers, with patent leather bools. He wore a round his neck a variegated satin scarf which partly concealed Corraszo of the bosom. In front of the scarf was inser ted a breast pin ot conspicuous dimem sioni. Having descended the staircase with a quick step, lie entered tbe appartmeut where his brother and a few friends a waited him. He then shook hands with all presetn; and on being asked how he slept, answered ‘Very well,’ ami to the further demand as to (lie style of his mind he said he felt happy. One of the parly hereupon suggested that it would be as well to take something before the melancliolly ceremony was gone through, lie exclaimed wiih some emphasis, ‘decidedly.’ Breakfast was according served, when he ate a French roll, large round toast, mo suasages, and tlirre new laid eggs which he washed down with three great breakfast cups of tea. In reply to an expression of asion islimenl on the part of persons present lie declared that he had never felt heartier in his life. Having inquired the time, and asccr. taiued that it was ten minutes to eleven, he remarked that it would soon be over. His brother (lien inquired if he could do anything for him; when lie said lie should like to have a glass ofale. Having drank this, lie appeared to be satisfied. The fatal moment now approached, lie devoted the remaining portion of his time to distributing among his friends those little articles he would no longer warn. To one he gave his segar case, to another his tobacco stopper, and he, charged his brother with latch key, with instructions to deliver it with after all was over, with due solemnity, to the landlady. The clock at length struck eleven, and at the same moment lie was informed that a cab was at the door. He merely said, •1 am ready,’ and allowed himself to be conducted to the cab, into which lie got with his brother, his friends following on behind in others. Arrived at the tragical spot, a short, but anxious delay of some seconds took place; after which they were joined by the lady with her friends. Little was said on cither side, but Miss Gale, with customa ry decorum, shed tears. Pinckney en deavored to preserve decorum, but a slight twiching in his mouth and eye brows proclaimed his inward agitintiun. All necessary preliminaries having now been settled, and prescribed melan cholly formalities gone through, the usual question was put—‘Wilt thou have this woman to be thy wife ?’ To which the rash youth replied in a distinct voice, ‘I will.’ He then put the ring on Miss Gale’s finger, file hyiywnial noose was ad justed, and the poor fellow was launched into matrimony.— London Punch • I JNjpr’ Life*Time. —When the world >vsscreated, and all creaturs assembled m have their jileTtiiire appointed, the ass ad- I valu ed, and asked how long be would ‘ ItnvoTo live. ‘ ‘Thirty y'pnrs,’ replied nature;‘will that be agreeable to {* I ‘Alas!’ nnswerd the ass,‘it is a long I while! Remember what a wearisom exis tence mine will be : from morning until night I shall have to bear heavy burdens, dragging corn-sarks'to the mill, olliprs may eat bread, while I have no encour agement nor he refreshed, with any tiling but blows and kicks. Give me but a portion ol lhat time,'l'pray !’ Nature was moved with compassion, and presented to him but eighteen years. The ass went away comforted and the dog came forward. ‘jjow long dost thou require to live?’ asked nature ; , thirty years were too long for the ass, but wilt thou be contented w ith them ?’ ‘7s it thy will that 7 should !’ replied the do . ‘Think how muidi I shall nave to run about; my feel will not Inst so long a time; and, when 7 have lost my voice for barking, and my teeth for biting, what else shall I be fit for but to lie in a cor ner and growl?’ Nature ihmight lie was right, and gave him twelve years. The ape then up proached. *Tlion wilt doubtless, wjlliimly live the thirty years,’ said Nature; ‘thou wilt not have to labor as the ass and the dog. Life will ‘lie pleasant to thee.’ ‘All no !’ cried he ; so it may seem to others, but it will not he ! Should pudding ever rain down, I should have no spoon. I shall play merry tricks, and excite lauglij ter by my grimaces, and then lie rewarded with a sour apple. How often sorrow lies cortcaeld behind a jest! I shall not be able to endure for thirty years, 1 Nature was gracios, end lie recieved Afrffe n. At last carne man, healthy and of his days. ‘Will thirty years ro'fiU-nt liner’ ‘How short a lime!’ exclaimed man : ‘When I shall have house.and kindle a fire on my own hearth—when ihe trees 1 shall have planted are about to bloom and bear fruit—when life will seem most desirable, 7 shall die! Oh, Nature? grant me a longer period !’ ‘Thou shall have the eigqteen years of the ass besides. ‘This is not yet enough,’ replied man. Take likewise the twelve years of the dog.’ It is not yet sufficient,’ reiterated mau ; ‘give me more!’ •I give thee, then, the ten years of the ape ; in vain wilt thou rrave more ?’ Man departed dissatisfied. Thus mail live* seventy years. The first thirty of his life are his human years, and pass swiftly by. He is then healthy and happy—he labors cheerfully, and re joices in his existence. The eighteen years of the ass come next, and burden up on burden is heaped upon him ; he carries the corn that is to feed others and blows and kicks are the wages of his faihful service. The twelve years of the dog follow, and he looses his teeth, and lies in the corn er and giowles. When these are gone, the ape’s ten years form the conclusion. The man, week and silly, becomes the sport of children. Gems of Thought. —The love of pub lic opinion is olteu mistaken for the dic tate of genuine bravery. The best thoughts areever swiftest win ged. The dalle r lag behind. How preious ought every hour to be, when each may he the lasi! He who depends upon the sweat of his brow for daily food and comfort may be found, nine times out* of, ten, the most fortunate man. 7’he noblest spirits are those which turn to Heaven not in the hour of sorrow but that ofjoy : like the lark, they wait for the cloud* to disperse” to soar up to their native element. The self-denial which vice exacts is greater by far than that involved in the struggle of virtuous endeavor. God is too merciful to let us have a full view of our characters, or a panora mic prospect of our rices. The cultivation of the heart should he like that of a garden, where we prune and weed before we begin to plant Old Fashioned Honesty.—Some years ago, two aged men, near Marshal ton, traded, or according to Virginia par lance, swopped horses, on this condition that on that day week, the one who thought lie had the best ot the bargain, should pay to the other two bushels of wheat. The day came, and as luck would have it, they met about half way between their respective homes. ‘Where art thou going?’ said one. ‘To ihv house with the wheat,’answer ed the oilier. ‘And whither art thou riding?’ •Truly,’ replied the first, ‘I was taking the wheat to thy house.’ Each, pleased with his bargain, had thought the wheat justly due to his neigh bor, and was going to pay it. PROSPECTUS' 4 SouUi-lWst Georgian. EST GEORGIAN'‘is ilPtftiJßvcry Tlmrsdav morning in the new Town of OGLETHORPE, ai the low pi Ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the y Union.—The “Georgian” will, therefore, | advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Parly, it will pursue a fair and candid course towards the Opposition —be- stowing censure on whatever is sensurable, and ever battling for tiutli, regardless of the source from whence it emanates.. Its columns will be filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics anil general information on the engrossing subjects of Internal Im provement •and Southern Manufactures. ADVERTISING. Advertisements will be inserted on the following terms; One Dollat per square of twelve 1 ineso less for the first inset lion, and Lilly Cents for aeclt insertion thereafter. A liberal deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, or those inserted for three or six, months. Al|p contracts will be made with County Officers, to advertise for oil the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed to C. B Youngblood, Publisher, and ]>ost paid. YOUNGBLOOD &. ALLEN. Oglethorpe. Ga. .May 7th 1851. PEMBERTON \ RC now reviving and daring the Summer a large xHhJBi Fa'mi l y roceries , consisting of Bacmi, Gard. Flour, Loaf and Brown Sng:tr Collet*, Tea. Ri<m£ Syrup, Molasses. Mackerel No. 1-2-3. Whiskey, Run* Gin. Brandy, Wine, Porter Cordial-. I .union iSyruni Riokiefi, Preserves. Sea Lobsters, Sardines. Snuff, si Tobacco, Soup; Starch, Sperm. Adaman tine andjStar fanotai. together with a general assort ment (Jjjponfectiojieries &s. Pureand Extra Lad. Paints Oils. l%ty varnish l.ambldok, and a variety of other . iifji, Nails; and many other articles too numerous to 1.. TH4OIL all of which will be sold very low for rash. Cal!%ifl see fur yourself before purchasing elsewhere. Their. Store is on Crescent street, one door west of the Pavilion House. They will give the highest market price for Country Produce, delivered at their Store. May 1,1851. 3-6 m notick! THE subscriber being desirous of embarkinsr in other business, ufl'ers for sale, Itis entire (half) interest in the Cabinet and Furniture business, consisting of a foil sett of elegant tools, new machinery, stock on bund. •hy*tje and lot, and also his dwelling house and lot. viola ted invited to call ami WILLIAM. II WRIGHT. May 7th 1850. A c 4-t(. H, N. GRAY Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Blakely, Early Co„Gu. March 25, 1851.’ I—ly ~pTgT ARRINGTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Oglethorpe, Macon County, Ga; April 17, IBSU. g_ly Drs. THOMASON A DAVISOn! OGLIiTIIOUPE, GA., RESPECTFULLY inform their friends and the public generally that they continue the practice of Medi cine in the new town of Oglethorpe. As one of them has had several years experience in the practice of Medicine, they flatter themselves that they will be able to treat the various diseases of the human system ill a scientific and successful manner. A share of’public pa tronage is respecitully solicited. One of them may be found at their office at all hours, eieepl when professionallv engaged. Office on the corner of Sumpter and Crescent Sts. A. >l. Thomason, M. D. I J. C. Davison, M. I>. April 7,1851. l_tf notice! MESSRS. NELSON * GUMMING would inform the lu public that persons hiring ttuggies from their Stables mu t expect to pay on the delivery of them, and (icr-ons boarding horses with them must pav monthly. Their ne cessities require this course. All persons indebted to them by note or account wdl please settle immediately. April 21th, 1851. 3-ts. ’ NEW STORE. Carson, Grier & Cos. HAVE just received from New York and opened al tlieir New Store, opposite Price’s Ware House, Baker Street, a large and desirable slock of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting of every variety of Staple nml Fancy l>ry Goods, Boots, and Shoes, Hats and Bonnets, Hard ware, Cutlery and Crockery; Drugs St Med., icite s, Ready made Clothing, Sadlery, Sta„ tionerr, Jewelry See., Set. All of which have been cainfully sclet ted, and will he suld on very reasonehle terms. The Citizens of Macon and adjacent Counties are respectful ly invited to call and examine our stock be fore making tlieir purchase*. We would also call the attention of those in the vicinity of LANIER, to our Store in tliHt place, where we haye a Slock equal many in Oglethorpe, and where almost any article desired can be Imd on good terms by calling at the Brick Store. R. CARSON, J. M. GREER, J.T. CARSON. Oglethorpe May, 15 1851. stf Y. "hiTdson! ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lanier Ga. WILL practice and transact faithfully nil biuineMen trusted to his charge in the countiee of Macon, Marion, Stewart, Sumpter, Dooly and Houston. May 7th 1851 4-si 1 CANCERS CAN BE CORED 11 IMPORTANT TO THE AFPIJCTEI) ■’ A'MONGthe many important tliifcoveriea and improve merits oi.ihe present age, the undersigned has it in his power to oflhr to ih<fee altliuied, a rentedii for Lancrf, a disease heretofore deemed incurable. remedy wiis discoyered by L)r. B. sHKPAUD, of Vermont, and made successful in his own case, after vigilant trial and failure of all other poanlkr .remedies vvitlpn his reach f Who, together tfith the undersigned have made appli cation or said remedy Vo many cases with astonishing [.success. This remedy h* free from all mineral, or vege j table- poisons, and has been applied with safety and suc j cess to (’ancer of the tbngue. j This remedy is deemed certain in its happy-effect, ii timely application is made, before the disease reaches in ternal organs, or the case aggravuteu by improper rem edies. Caution. —The undersigned lias been an eye witness to many cases of this dreadful malady, and has sevn various methods of treatment, and believes all pmposi tionAio cure vsbNoiit as delusive, as no such case has m*t his observation. There are some from the organs implicated, ad vanced age of the patient, or from misapplication, that, render thorn Impel, ss.cven to the remedy n< w offered to the public. . ■■ sj S AH persous who apply in person or by written deM script ion of tlieir case giving its size, location, ageto* erul health and habits,'together with the have been n<ed, may expect a candid answer oHphe result of their case. j It cOifnot be too forcibly impressed on oios®MMieted with Cancer, to make early application ge.rous, and prolongs the lioui* of ('barges for Cures Board and nursin JMPlre moder ate. Letters addressed, l>ost paid, P r > °”M )t attention'. -• ifV 11. 11. InAPI. Oglethorpe, April 16th, 1851- % —din Ssart-’s, fey. $ JUT \ - % kjw ... Flw so a® CTi ni remfilv for ithomnatSm, Gout, Pain in the j'J. Sitto, Hip, Hack, Limbs and Joints; Sctirfulo. Kina’s rfvil. Wliite Swt llinps. Hard’ Ti.niors, Stiff Joints,and all filed pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied Pain cannot exist. These Plasters possess the advantage* of being put up in air-tight boxes; hence they retain their full virtue* in all climates. ‘I his celebrated Pain Extractor has been so exten sively used by Physicians and the people in general, both in this country and Eu-opeVihat it is almost need less to say any thing about it. Yet there may be some who stand in need of its healing poweis who have not vetrried it. For their sakes we will simply state whatit has done in thousands of cases, and what it will do for them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA. Read the following testimony from a Physici&n. Gentlemen —Your Hebrew Plaster has cured me of pains of which I have suffired for twelve years past.— During this period 1 labored under an affliction of my loins and side, and tried many remedies that my nWn medical experience suggested. Hilt without obtaining re lief. At length 1 used your Plaster, and am now by its good effect* entirely cured 1 will recommend the Jew t'avid nr Hebrew Plaster to all Who are suffering from contraction of the muscles, or permanent pains in tin side or hacK. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with its virtues when they will rcsort to its use. \ ours, truly, M. W. W ALKEK, M. I). FdrsyiH. Nlonriie County, Ga. ToMessre. Scovil & .Mead, Mew Orleans, La. JEW DAVID'S OR HEBREW PLAS TER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scovill & Mead: I have been troubled with thechwto rht'Utnaiism for the Inst twelve wars. On tile Ist of July. 18 Id. I was SO hud that Icn ; n.u turn myself in bed, and the pain so severe that 1 had not slept a wink foraaMtau’s. At this time my attending physician prescribed Plaster,” and it. acted like a charm; the pain l*t me. and I slept more than halfof the night.and in days I was able to ride out. I consider tlig Hebrew l’laeler” the best remedy for all sorts of pains now in dye. G. W. M’MINN. Hendersonville, N C. A, IHSO. Beware nf Counterfeits imitations ! The genuine will in future have the§fignature of E Taylor on the steel plate engraved labekon the topof each Ho*. HeStSti. Purchasers are advised that a mean counterfeit •Xilxis article is in existence. J* c’ The genuine is sold only by us. and by our agents ap pointed throughout the South —and no pdtar is allowed to sell it Dealers and purchasers genreallyare camion-’ ed against buying of any but our regular agents, other wise'they w ill be imposed upon with a worthless article. SCOY’IL & MEAD, 113 Chartres street, N. Orlekn*, Sole General Agents fog the Southern States, to whom all orders must invaria bly he addressed. Sold by Head St Oliver. Oglethorpe, Ga ; J. E. St A. H. Thompson Pond’Town: 11. M- Jeter, Buna Vista; D. Young, Americus; Dilidt .Marshall, Fort Gaines; W. .1. Anderson, Fort Valley; Cooper & llowtml, Perry.— Sold at wholesale by Ilavi!and,;Keese St Cos. Sexv York; Haviland, Ilislev & Cos. Augusta Ga.; llavtland Harrall&Co, and P. M. Cohun,Charleston, S.C. April, 1851. DONEIT & CO. fIjOCI I) respectfully inform thei’ friends and the ” public generally that they have just opened at their STORE, ON MACON STREET, .New tuid wellse lected Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Consisting of Prints* Ginghum$ t Musiinn, JUt urns* Drazt *rc.rc. Also, a variety of Straw and Fancy Silk Bouiaofs ! In addition to their general assortment may be fi und Hardware, Hollow-wars , Boots and Shoes, Hits and Caps, READY-MADE CLOTHING, Saddlery and a good assortment of Family Grpefrici, SfTAr we shall make no allowance for lons credit and had drills, we are, confident that wo can and w ill make it to the advantage of those wishing to buy to call and examine, our stock before, purchasing elsew here. T. A. SWEARINGEN, | A. G. V. HONEY. April Stli, 1851. I—fan PHILIP COOK, ■MSHJMJra'S’ iVT (AW, OGLETHORPE, GA., P practices in the Counties of Houston, Moon, Dooly Sumter, Marion, ‘l albot, and Crawford. April 8 , 1851. 1-ly, JAMES K. SELLERS, WATCH MASSEB. &. JZI WBXBE, —m QOLKTHORPE. GA., ■;~fo WOULD respectfiffly inform the public that he i*Tina:ienlly located in Oglethorpe, for the i lift purpose, f>{ Repairing Clocks, VVateliee, Jewelry Ac. He will visit all the principle towns and villages in South-Western Georgia, during the summer months for the purpose of executing any work m iiisline of busineMi: that may present itself. All repairing done in a work manlike manner, and warranted. April 21th, 1851 3-ts. ——-if■■ ~ GEORGIA —Macon County. WHEREAS Zaclmrialt Gamniage ap plies to mo for letters of Guardian xltip for the orphans of Joshua Taylor dec’d: These are therefore to cite, summons und admonish all persons concerned, that they be anti appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted. W. W. CORBITT, c. c. o. 1 May, 22. 1851. 6-lm. MARRIAGE: WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY. THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY! Mast and many a wife endure* years of bodily suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate anil help less, embittering her life, that of her husband, and hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising from causes which, if known, would have spared the ■offering, the anguish to the wife, and to thehyj* baud embarrassments and pecunTiry diUlfuUjjMMj log tlieir origin in the mind being ’- harassed in consequence of the sickuessJr, tile com panion of his Loeoid. How important that the onuses |Bld be known to every wife, to every the dreadful and harrowing he6lth and hap piness of both may be Life is too short and health too precious to any'portion of the one to he spent without enjoyment of the other. The timely posscsgßfof a little work entitled as Mows of saving the health and jagplo HUNDRED THOUSAND IpSpiM have been sold since the first edition was is- The autlior has been induced to advertise it by the urgent and pressing request of those who have been indebted to its publication for all they held dear (that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and who have favored him with thousands ot letters of encomium, some of which are annexed to the adver tisement. THE MARRIED WOMAN’S Private Medical Companion. BY DR. A. M. MAURtCEAU, f. CfESSOR OF DISEASES OF WOMEN. Twentieth Edition. 18mo., pp 230. Price, *I.OO. THIS WORK IS INTENDED ESPECIAL LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those contempla ting marriage, ns it discloses important secrets which should be known to tliem particularly. Here, every female —the wife, the mother the one either budding into womanhood, or the one in the decline of years, in whom nature contemplates an important change-can diacover the causes, symp* | toms, ami the most efficient remedies and most cer tain mode of cure, in every complaint to which her sex is subject. The revelations contained in its pages have proved a blessing to thousands, as the innumerable letters received by the author (which he is permitted by the writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVES. Extract of a Letter from a Gentleman in Dayton, V. “Dayton, May 1, 1817. •‘Dr. A. M. Mauriceau— My Dear .Sir ■ ‘The Mnrried Woman’s Private Medical Companion.’ for which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came aafely to hand. I would not have troubled you with these few lines, but that 1 am impelled by a sense of gratitude, fur myself and wife, to give utterance to our sincere aud heartfelt emotion*. “ My wife has been perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequence of her great an guish and suffering some months before and during confinement; everv successive one more and more debilitated and prostrated her, putting her life in im minent danger, and which was, on the Inst occasion, despaired of. 1 supposed that this state of things was inevitable, and resigned myself to meet the worst. At this time (now about two months) 1 heard your book highly spoken of. os containing some matter, reaching my case On its receipt and perusal, 1 can not exprena to you the relief it afforded my distreiied miiid anil the joy its pages imparted^to my wife, on learning that the great discovery of M. M. Deso meaux provided a remedy. It opened a prospect to me which I little conceived was possible. No peeu niary consideration can ever repay the obligations I am under to you for having been the means of im parting to ui the matters contained in ‘ The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion.’ But for this, ere another year would have passed over mv head, in all human probability my wife would have been in her grave and my children left motherless. Extract from a /setter. Competence and Health “ Lancastfr, Pa , Oct 24, IM7. “My Dear Sir: I know you will have the kind ness to bear with me in encroaching upon your time, while I acknowledge (in behalf of myself and wife) the obligations we feel ourselves under to yon in hav ing made known certain matters, contained in yonr most invaluable ‘ Mnrried Woman's Private Medical Companion.’ It has been worth its weight in gold to me. If I express myself rather warmly, von will ace that I can not do so too warmly, when ’I inform you of the extent to which I have, through it, been benefited. J will state my situation when 1 obtained H-nigh the merest curiosity I look upon 10 most fortunate events of my life. I ried Borne ten yearn, and was the father ren. I was long struggling unceasingly, t.! might gain a moderate competency, sos ray utmost exertions at the end left ire I was nt the begimmig of each year; , with the most stinted economy, mifli dy the necessaries of life. Finally, tliis ; was beginning to hove its effect upon Felt less capable to endure its oontinu folt the necessity of perseverance, nnt, unceasing struggle u my part was consequence of the profit.iitteil condi tion ormy wile (with occasional intermission) for six years, mur t |i of the time confined to her bed, end of course incapable of taking the -charge and manage ment ofhoAebnld affairs. .Her condition arose from causes of whi‘di 1 wi.s ignorant. 0L! what would I have giveiiThad I the six years to live over again I What would my wife have given to have been spared the long dafcrand still longer nights prostrate on a bed of sieluietss! all of which would have lieen avoided, had Mheh seen a copy of ‘The Married Woman’s Private Medical Com fan to*.'” • • - - ’ From a Physician. DELIVERIES, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &.C How many are Buffering from obstruction or irreg olarities pdapliar to the female system, which un dermine tlieir health, the effects of which they are ignorant, mil lor which their delicacy forbids seeking medical adyice ! How many trailer from pro! a putt t/&f?\fallirig of the womb), or from jlnor-alius (weak ness, debility, &c., Ac) I How many are in constant agony for miiy months preceding confinement! How many liavejtimcult if not dangerous deliveries, and whose liveware jeoparded during such time, will find in its pares the means of prevention, amelioration, and relief I ’ < Extract from a Letter. To those just Married. —“ Und I known!” “PIIILAIIEI.PIIIA, Nov. 29, 1847. ‘‘Dr. A. M. Madrickai’ : Hml l known ol tlio ira portHnt nintture treated of iri ‘ Tlio Married Woman's Private Medical Companion’ some years nen liow <“ much misery I nilqlit Imve escajiod ! ’i have aufforeil ■qyoam from causes which you point out in your hook {Qrtjknt knowing what to do. I obtained n copy, ami found my case trentod of. I irust every female will avail herselfoftbo information contained in its pages.” tetters arc daily received of tliia character, unne ceaaary to present * those yet unmarried, hut contemplating mar rtnee, or perhaps hesitating as to the propriety of incib-inq the responsibilities attendant upon it the importance of being possessed of the revelations con tained in tlieeo oners, suiotimniely involving their future happiness, can jiht he appreciated. the various “ ‘.pads M rtT*’ m °f f "" y teinplftling irihrriaqo-’nMtlier is it necMs'ary It is every ones duty to become ( iossesse.l ofknowl. edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, a moth *r, or a sister, may be subject, con be obviated. er Copies will he sent by Mall free of I’oslaae to the l’nrclinscr. ESP* On the rerciutof One Dollar, “ THE MAH T&N'’S A . N ,V^ V A TIc “Woa* com 1 : n-SSa? tent (matlid free) to any part of the United Btite>. All letters must he post paid (except A. M. MAUBiCRAU, Box 1224. New VnrV Publishing Office, No. 129 Liberty Bt* New York^’ i ? 0 > 00 ” Cosies have been sent by withm three mouths with perlsct safety tad c‘ AH persons wishing to purchase the above work or Medicine, can do so by applying lo we by mail or otherwise; As I an. Df. Mau risoa ii h unt Ip tn/pcJ agFut# PHILIP T. FEARS— Oglethorpe Ga. Dee er in Druggs, Medicines and Books, Looks corner, Barker St. New Spring and Summer Goods* WOOLD respectfully call t lie attention of hi- rri.nAHli “ and the public generally to large andp^B it In 2 y A -M aAc Clothing 9 Os the Latest Style Best Quality. I MATS and CAPS of .every description. ROOTS... SHOES of all qualities A variety of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, CUTLERY, a c I In short, purchasers can be supplied .with almost.., ■ article they desire, on the most reasonable terms ’ M Those who desire to get the full worth ot tiicii nm I ey, would do well to give me a call, for I pledge mvlliH that none who purchase shall go away without obiT I mg a bargain. Fort Gaines , Ga., March 25th, 1851. I—ts T © 21 ® I HAL£ f AND FEMALETOLLEGE | rpHE conductors of the Institution assure its numerou, I -•- patrons, and the public in general, that there is, i4 | always shall be a sufficient number of competent in- I, strut-tors and Tutoresses in all the brandies, profcssnl K to be (aiiaht in the Institution. A piinetiial observance of the rules, the preservation H of good morals, a due regard to decency and politeness, | shall be promoted by every possible means, especially by I persuasion, kind and gentle admonition. But when I these are disregarded and faults wantonly committed 1 against the fundamental principles of gqod education 1 then pifopex severity shall be applied) and if unforta- I nately, tiie obstinacy of the delinquent should amount to I iucorigihlenessj no resource is left for the preservation I of discipline, hut expulsion or dismission, w I ever, shall never take place, but by the decision of 1 majority of the Board, (Visiting Committee.) Terms: Orthography per Academic year, $ 16 00 | Tuition in Spelling, heading. Arithmetical ta bles, H riting and Arithmetic per Academic year, 20 00 The above w ith Geography. English Grammar, the use and drawing of ‘Maps, 2.0 00 The above or either of the foregoin * with En glish Composition, Ambient and Modern His tory, xxnil problems on the Globes, Omn inen’al Penmanship and Botany, S3 00 I Thu aluixerr either ot the foregoing with Ge ometry, Algebra, Trigonometry. Mensura tions, Surveying Navigation. Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology, Natural, Mor al and Slental Philosophy, Rhetoric and lAigio, 40 00 The Languages alone or with either the above departments, . 40 OS Frciilsh alone, ’ ’ “ ‘ 20 Do ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT: Instrumental Music, ft!) 00 Hse of Irisrrtimem, 10 00 Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 08 Wax Flowers apd Fruit, 15 tw Drawing and Painting, 10 80 Visiting Commi/tet : G. C. W ARDLAVV, Esq. Col. J. E. BROWN; Dr. IVM. J. JOHNSON; JARED HIONALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. JOSHUA HARRIS, Eq. apparatub: The Institution has ail extensive Philoshpliiis!, Chfcnticnl, Astronomical and Mathcmatica! Apparatus, S’liflicient for the domonßtration of all Chemical and Scientific rwgnina. ‘Fhe pupils are received for no less a period thuu a session. No deduction will ho made for absence, imleas occfc sioned by protracted sickness. One half, or part oftlig tuition isexncctrd in advance, and the remaining ut the close of the session. Board ran be obtained, in respectable families, at from eight to ten dollars per month. JOHN A. GRANT, I out Gaines, January, 1851. 1— ly Principal. ./. Kaufman dp lira'* NEW DllY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. On Crescent S'reel between the Magnolia _ and Pavilion Houses. the I’uli > lie (Suit they have Uieir .Stock, ednsi.-ting of„Cilicoea, wfcggjj"™** Muslins, ttittl all kind of Ladies iioso, Gloves. Luces, Edgings, Silp Pttrasols, tails, icc., togetlier tvitli a vatioiyNof Fancy Articles, and a nice assortmeni t f fijie Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All of which will ba sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. Notice, Tax payers of the Town of Oglethorpe. IN accordance with Section LXXVII of the Ordinances of the Town of Ogle thorpe, I have been directed bv the Presi dent and Board of Commissioners to give notice ihatcueiy person liable to Taxation, shall pay tlio same on or before the 22d day of July, and in case of failure, Execution will be issued instanta. JAMES R. NELSON, Marshall. This 21st May, 1851, 6-2 m. P. S. My; Books are now open and I am ready for thai ’oception of Taxes. J. R. NELSON, Marshall. and Messenger please copy and forward ileir bill. “**T ” nrm the public that ho is a me n execute jobs of sash, doors, of houses, also he can mat* notice, He may be found at when not engaged. , 1850. 4 6m. RS> takes this methei citizens of Oglethorpa he is now prepared t eat and superior mat. ockets, Morroco, Silk day not, llieq, lo se ihe mementoes of life, ing circumstances of a ko can purchase. on Baker Street.’ \ 5-if,