The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 07, 1851, Image 4

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forming a great Southern party —a sects’ sioa party in sact —and they have the as sume to call upon tin* old Unio.i Demo crats to assist ttiem it) their unholy work. Hot will they be able to call’ll Union Democrats in such n mischievous trap ? Most assuredly not. They percieve the object of these great Union men just be fore the election, is to pet votes. Were they to avow their -secession doe tripe o- j peidy, fhey korW'-fijnro passed experience jhai the people ‘r-o?i*4.-rej.fCl;.jJPrn with 1 scorn. Hence tlirkp reason why the tpiesttcwnow. From Ihe flown Cornier. ‘ A.Whis!Mck Jj By Ih6 r&4 ne oT tire tsrve nnfiilof words, our opponents hope so to jssCite j distrust in the minds ot Union Democrats, I. as to abandon tlie noble banner under which they in common with Union Wfjigs | have enlisted. To a limited extent, Ibis | libel upon history anil fraud upon the i -people, will prove successful, and nr* j ie-jiMplish tin? purposes of liaise who have j *<Mit it fortii upon its deceptive errand.— ‘ k nrtlinately, however, for our case, the I mass of the people of this enlightened Commonwealth are too well informed and too well inclined to lie ei'her alarm ed to or sedmed by stub nil idle bog-! bear. Every one nt all familiar with die Mining events of t(, e lust 18 months, knows full well, that causes entirely t'.rr luitous, occasioned the severance oI old party ties, ami tin? abandonment of old polUical platforms—An issue overshad owing and swallow ing up all others, al most without die knowledge, and entirely without the ci nseni of a majority of eftli.-1 er parly, was suddenly nod unhappily j spin trg upon the country—an is- i sue involving die very existence hi the j Constitution and the Union. For this i i-MK’, so ruilions* to old political organi- j titious and appellations, arid so fatal to! the puce of the country, we pronounce j Nashville Secessionists responsible. They I I'liicialfti? at>d oljii forward ihlßj present political amalgamation,-, ami by solemn resolve, in Convention assembled advised the abandonment of old political connexions and usages. CHARLES J. McDonald was president of that con vent ion, and signed the death warrant of the old political parties in Georgia. Aud yet the people ore gravely told that tilt new order of things is the result of Whig trickery ! Now, we unhesitatingly declare, that in the whole movement which has resul ted in the dismemberment of old and the formation of new parties in Georgia, Whigs have been tlie led, railier than the leaders. They have been and are still, willing to waive all minor consider ations, ami to Itel in the present great struggle for Constitutional Liberty, that there is neither w(pg nor democrat, but that 7 all Union men are their political confederates and brethren. have a letter from :m esteemed tiieml and gentleman ol camden county, proposing to have a public mealing at Centre village on the 23d inst., and re questing us, if possible, to obtain the ser vices of some of our public speakers to address the people on that occasion.— This is an important canvass in Georgia. It is perhaps the first time in our history when we have bad before us the issue ot Union or Disunion, presented fur our decision. That is-ue is now verily upon ns, and it depends upon the enlightened judgement of the people in their choice Ibr Governor, whether or not Georgia will link herself to the care of Carolina seces sion and with her rush on in the mad cn reer of the disttpionists, into thee bvss of Revolution and liar: “As terrible as it is unnatural.” W'e appeal then to our Union men who are eloquent in speech, it’they will not, in ibis hour of peril, make some small per sonal sacrifice for the safety and perpeto iiy of our liberties ? \\ ill not smoe one or more respond to the call ol our friends in Camden county!* Our people aie lions esl, in their motives and action. They will act rightly—but they are likely to be decieved by our adversaries. They want light and they send up their cry—“come over and help us.” Who will go? A gain we ask, who will go and address our fellow -citizens of ranidcn on the 2‘ l d, up on the great issue of Union amt Civil Liberty, or Disunion Anarchy, and Civ~ il ll'nr ? Saainnak Republican• (17* The Augusta Constitutionalist in ;iii effort to prove that now is the lime to discuss the right of secession, calls to his siiil the follow ing happy illustration fur* uitheil by the Savannah Georgian : A man may claim the light lobe hur ried when he dies, in a particular square in a grave yard. Another denies his right. Now the claimant need not com mit suicide in order to show that lie claims the i iglit and is determined to enjoy it.— He may consistently, and with great pro. pricty, solemnly assert hit right, mid yet postpone the exercise of it to the longest possible period. A happy illustration indeed it is— brought into being; doubtless by the pow rof association. Secession—suicide— dead- hurried- limv naturally they inn together. U* -TS</ h heart the inouth sp-..* •” ‘•The lugs are i i'c Democrats are already lr cairist Richie, Foot*, SujW Mg* and the tffitirt? people’ •-’ST , ! to plant the banner onfiiried by villt* Convention, where ern fury por SoiKjiyrn treason can rp n y’ i it. wkf M r. Toobrbs'6e tins V<di‘r,?— :{_Jr will he be ono of thcry-f— Cj/leunbus ! Times, June 25, 185 DIO GEN. EXPLAIN. Tbe’disuytion print* have frequently asserted that Gen. Jackson modified and exp-Wfned away bis views upon the right o| secession, as contained in Ids Procla mation and Notification Message. This is not so. Aml ran Jackson Dona lon,” present Editor ol the Washington Union, was Gen. Jackson’s private Sec rtf ary at tin? time, and utterly denies the fai t. In the Union of July 3rd, Major Donulson, has a long article in which he : denies that Jackson, Madison, or any of the Democrats of their day, believed in die right of a State to secede. He then adds: ‘Equally unfounded is the insinuation that Uen, Jackson’s proclamation was die | composition ol federal minds, and was nf, lerwards amended iri order to sati.-fy the scruples ol an offended democracy.— General Jackson never, by any act of his hie, explained away the meaning of his proclamation. The publication authori zed by him conioins the fullest proof dim all assertions to ibis effect were gratui tous and unfounded. Indeed, the very passages ol that document which were ap proved by that portion ofhis cabinet which were never suspected ol a federal affinity. There is not a sentiment in that document w hicli mi limit's against tbs Vir ginia resolutions; there is not a word in it which General Jackson ever consented to modify or to change; not one that am member of his cabinet desired to change, either Alien or since, that ever we have heard 0f.4 Nor is it true to say that Mr. Livingston wo,s the dim docu ment. ii was pui iiitoioini chiefly by him, because it w as a document to be recorded in the Slate Department; but inessential features were drawn up iinrnedimkly un der die direction and dictation of the Gen eral himself. Indeed, when presented to the cabinet it underwent important, chan ges and particularly in the features which the constitution was formed, and die mode in which it bound all the people under one common and united government. RFIETTS. ENDORSEMENT. The Richmond Enquirer, the leading democratic paper of Virginia, makes the following remark in reference to the recent speech of Mr. Rlietl endorsing his friends Me Donald and Quitman : “Mr. Rbett’s cheering reference to j Quitman and McDonald will excite the I storm of indignation in Mississippi and [Georgia—and unless those gentlemen shall promply and emphatically disclaim all sympathy, on their part, for the blind and reckless movements ofMr. Rhett and his brother disuniooists of South Carolina their defeat w ill be among tiie most over whelming on record.” lias Gov. McDonald “promptly and em phatically disclaimed all sympathy for the blind and reckless,ntovemntsof Mr. Rhett and his brother disunionistsoi South Car olina r” Not he. There are lon many Car j olinians in this State, and too many of Ids supporters are rank disunionist,” for him |to do any such thing. That is not all. Rhett knew his man. He knew hissenti mems, and would not have claimed him .is one of liis colaborers, if lie had not been certain of il. The fact that McDonald has not ’’disclaimed all sympathy with him, is conclusive proof of liis disaffection* to the Union, and his disire for a ’’South, ern Confederacy'.” Eet ‘the people re member this. He is claimed by Rhett— he has not denied the claim—and his fail ure to do so shows it is well founded.— So vannah Republican: A Strange Confession. —The South ern Press, the disunoion organ printed at Washington City, takes to itself great credit for having influenced the Abolition, ists to acquicesce in the Compromise : /t may all be so. One ol the Editors of that paper lias been so recently transfer- j red from the ranks of the Abolitionists to i those of the Southern Disunionists. that it would he strange if he did not still pos sess influence with his old friends. Re sides, his circulation documents in the Southern States has doubtless entitled I him to the gratitude of Fred. Doubtless J and the whole Cozmiovia wing of the j Abolition Party. We have long suspecs ted that the Southern Press had two fttee —one turned towards Carolina, and the other to tile North. We did not suppose, however, that il would acknow ledge the fact, until we read the issue of the 2611i nit. Truth, however, like murder, ‘will out.’ The Press seems to acknowledge that nn open ‘confession is good fur the soul.’ We are inclined, however, to think that the professed devotion of Sew and is: Cos. to tile Union is about as sincere as that of the Press itself, nnd of some of its (j non am allies in Georgia, /f it lie true, as it asserts, that Setvard - Van Buren have become die a b 4 Sends of the ‘glorious Union,’ )•’ V ‘Sfaiure that a -iiliilar change Mias by certain men at .the -S noth who-so heartly co-operated twiili them last year in their efforts to de | feai tlie Compromise and destroy the very : Union which they now profess to love. Journal h Messenger. Great Union VictoTy in Alabama it aiu! .urn ii a 11.! rue Glorious Union! We have the extreme pleasure to lay belore the public, the subjoined thrilling intelligence from the Alabama elections. Alabama Georgia’s first-born and clier- | islted daughter, lias done nobly, thrice j nobly. She lias repudiated disunion in ! every shape, and once more thrown to the breeze the glorious stars and stripes.— Alabama lias not been charmed by the rattle snake, nor wheedle by die secession fallii ies of Rlielt, Yancy and Mcdqiialtl. She lias done her duty. People of Georgia remember a few more such vic tories will crush tlie monster disunion : forever. Union guards, then, up andjal them ! Let us carry Georgia by 20,000 votes, and we can then have peace and quiet for a few years. Look at tlie fol lowing glorious news from Alabama, and ’ dien take courage. BY MAGNETIC .Montgomery, Ala.. August Otii J Gentlemen :—The favorable to the Union Collier is elected Governor widiojii opposition. A beret otnbie, ( man) is elect to Congress by I lOOnnajority over Cochran. bite, Cobb arnjf Houston all Union men and Bragg and Harris, Secessionists, to Congress. For the Legislature tlie Un ion party,,have carried every thing. As lar as ascertained, w e have one hundred and tlcirtff•three Union men to thirty firewaters- Glory enough for one d'Pl Union Banner. {By Teltgrph to the Charleston Cornier .] New Orleans, August 7, 10.50. P. M. Barely lour hundred bales were suid in this market to day, and prices were nom inal. Becon had an upward tendency, Sides are held at 10, cents. Prime Lard in kegs is worthjl l^xyits^4 , ork is firmer, aud .Mess commands sls 1-2. Columbia, August 7,7 P. M. The Culiou market is again at a and there was not a single bale sold to’ day. News by (lie Iropa. The cabinet of Louis Napoleon, had tendered their resignation to him, but these, at the last advices, had not been accepted. The cause of their dissolution is not given. Rumors of ministerial crisis in Portu gal were rife—the Duke of Naldariha not commanded that confidence which n was hoped lie would. In one regiment, an actual revolt had broken out, but it was promply quelled by the energetic meas % ures of Saldauha, Assassinations are becoming more frequent than ever at Rome. The relation betweed the Port and the Pacha ol Egypt are becoming more un easy, though the desire of the Sultan to bring the Pacha into more strict subject, which the the ‘fitter resists. New \ork Money Market* aug. 4.-The state of the money market, w hich exhibited evidence ol improvement at the close # of day, on Saturday, was’pro duced more by an over provision for the exigencies of the hour, than by any radi cal change in tlie slates of money. The mercantile interest begins to lee! with greater intensity the pressure of the mar ket, and as the Imnks particular discount enance the paper ol importers of foregin merchandise, and all credits that emanate ho in that source, it spreads a wider influ ence than persons generally believe.— 1 his refusal to discount importer’s pa per, does not arise from any want of con fidence in the stability of that class ol the mercantile community, as they are esteemed one of the most responsible a inong our business classes, hut from the belief that if the facilities anticipating ‘heir sales are denied them, thnl the im portations may he essentially checked, as a large amount of goods will he forced oil at auction, and the low prices ruling may induce foregin slippers to withhold their consignments. With this view the contraction will go on until it produces this result; we may therefore, forego any hope that the banks will do otherwise than keep the money market in a strin gent state lor some time. A large influx ol gold dust from Cali., fornia would inspire more confidence in the future, and release a considerable a moiint of priv ate capital which has been suddenly withdrawn from active use consequent on the absence of confidence hut from their steady course of contraction for the next sixty days. But extensive remittances from California would exers rise a salutary influence in calming the minds of (lie community, arresting the rapid decline of- prices, removeing the apprehensions of numerous failures, and dissipating the fears af a panic. The banks and the commuity having rested with confidence and security on the belief that the flow of gold frbm California would be undiminshed, were not prepared for such a reduction in the vaults of the hanks that small amounts required for the ordinary operations ol the interior alarm these institutions. New York Money Market Aug. 5. — There was a meeting of the Brokers last evening, in consequence of the redemp tion Which the Merchants’ Exchange Bank had nnounced it w as about to make ol country bank notes at par—but as the Merchants’ Exchange hank resrined its resolution, no furiher action was taken. THEJ)uTCTEST GEORGIAN *ETHOHPE’ THURSDAY, AUGUST 14,1851. FOR GOVERNOR, II ON. HO W E L L CO 88, OF CLARKE COUNTY. FOR CONGRESS: JAMES JOHNSON, Os Muscogee. Agents for tlie South-West Georgian, Spencer Caldwell, Fori Gaines, Ga Jeter A. Hogue , near Americas, do. J. I*. Gaulden, Ilainbridge, do. Col. Wsi. T. Perkins, Cutlibcrt, do. G. Caritiiers, Esq. Cuthbert, do. Gilbert M. Stokes, Slade, Lee. co. do. Dr. Wii. M. Stokes, Dooly co. do. M. L. Holman, Brooksvillc, Stew'rt do. A. A, Blakely, Griffin, Pike co. do. John W. Griffin, Griffin , do. J. TANARUS, May, Francisville, do. A. J. Williams , Agent for Sumter co. tt?” Editor being sick, is the reason o no editorial matter for this week. 07*We would call, the attention of our subscribers to our published Terms, and re quest those who have noUjpmplied, to do so without delay, as our expenses are con stantly moving on, and without the means we cannot lessen them. If payment is not made by the Ist of October, we w ill be compelled to claim an additional Fifty Cents on each subscriber then in arrears. a FrWosition, We propose, if the present subscribers to the South-West Georgian will send us the monuy for subscription immediately, to ap propriate it to the purchase of new Type and oilier materials, which will enable us to enlarge our paper. We desire to improve the appearance of the XJeargian, in order that it may compare favorably with anv pa per published in the State, and we pledge ourselves to do it, provided our subscribers will acceed to the above proposition. A Voice from Dooly, Messrs. Editors Will you allow me a brief space in your columns, to say a few words to my old friends ol the Demo cratic parly, with whom 1 have acted lor years, and with whom I still hope to la bor for the protection and preservation of the Union. For years past we have been together on the Calhoun platform of non-intervention. In our different conventions we have adopted and ap proved the following among other kin dred resolutions. Resolved, That the people of the South do not ask of Congress to estab lish the institution of Slavery in any of the territories that maybe acquired by the United Slates : They simply require that the inhabitants of eacli Territory, tliali he left free to determine for themseN ves, whether the institution of slavery shall or shall not form a part of their so cial system. It was on this platlorm that wejall rallied in support of General Cass. Why then shall we forsake the same principle now, when unbraced in the bills which have passed Congress ? Why dissolve the Un ion or raise the cry of resistance, because California has done the very thing which we resolved she had a right to do ? Why then break up this our glorious existing government, because California aban doned by Congress, left without law or government framed her Constitution, without serving the pupilage of a Terri torial probation. Why determine to re sist the laws of Congress, because slavea | ry was not established ? or in other words has not refpse to admit California, be cause she did not tolerate slavery in her Constitution ? These, my Democratic friends, are questions which I put to yon as honest, consistent men. Are you going to rally in support of Charles J. McDon ald who is the disunion candidate? are you going to abandon old party are you determined to forsake your greajfl conservative principle ? No never [jMuut ly in the support of the Hon. Jpiwell Cobb, who is the great ihMKbn of the South, and a devotedapend of the Union ol the Stales wither dishonor. For the honor of oqtfKlcestors let us not be deluded princi ples. interfered to es labbsli si aunt in California. And so we for the future. The VVil has been excluded from both gjPFmw Mexico and Utah bills, audit liVen has been repealed in a part Tex ‘as; And to all this the .fugitiie slave bill, and I ask you why in the name of com mon sense and reason, paate about re.-is tance. For my part I cannot do it.— Again are yon going to support a man who as recent as 1850 tried to destroy your noble form of governent, will you be forced into such an pernicious absurd position, You must recollect that the contest is a critical and perilous one, it is Union and disunion. /am happy to see that there are hundreds of old Democrats who like myself are resolved not to lei go the good old Union helm. May the Constitutional Union parly, who enter linris the most ordeni desire to perpetrate the blessings of this Union in true spirit of llic Constitution, gather from belli their ranks the wise and good of the land, and bring the government to the free and hap py policy of its great founders. If our Fire Eating friends will leave us, let them go and find allies where tliev can. PINDERTOWN. NINETEENTHSEN ATOR IA L CONVENTION. The delegates chosen by the various districts of the counties of Dooly and Sum ter, to select a candidate of the Constitu tional Union party to represent the 19th Senatorial district in the next Legisla ture, tnei this day in drayton; James S. Beall, Esq., Chairman, and H. K. Me* Lay,Secretary. After calling the roll, the Chair an nounced that tlie Convention was readv lo proceed with the business. Mr. F. Adams then aunoticed the name of Dr. JARED TOMLINSON, ol the county ol Sumter. No other name was announced, and on mbtion the Conven tion proceeded to ballot. On counting out the ballots, at appears that Dr. J. Tomlinson bad received twen ty-five votes—and was therefore nomina ted us tlie candidate ol the Convention. On motion of Mr. Adams, the Con vention then adopted the following reso lions: Resolved, That we pledge ourselves to support toe nominee of this Convention with that energy and zeal which the pat riotism ol our cause and the great interest at slake require at our hands. Resolved, That we recieve and adopt the •,Georgia Platform ’ as the creed of our political faith ; and that we hail the nomination ol’Hoti.H’ WELL COBB, as the exponent of that faith, with joy, and that ne pledge ourselves to give him our earnest ami hearty support. Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to inform Dr. Tomlisuon of his nomination, and request liL accep tance. The Chair appointed Mr. P. Adams, Henry K. McCay, Esq., and Mr. James Salter, as Committee under the resolution. On motion, it wus Resoved, That the proceedings oi'this Convention be publish ed in the Journal Messenger, Georgia Citizen and Souths West Georgian. ° The Convention then adjourned JAS. b. BEALL. Ch’n. Henry K. McCay, Secr’y. DR. TOML/NSON’S ACCEPT ANCE. Ame.icus, Aug. sth, ISSI. ‘(jtnllcnun: Yours of this date, in arming me of my nomiution by thtCon, stitutioiial Union Party as a candidate for Senator in the District composeififtfc the counties of Dooly and Sumter, aiM j Infested nty acceptance, has been rev citjyed. 1 lla ept llle non^nali °n widi pleas„ r p. and in doing so, permit av. ih ai / am a Utiion itmrt to my heart’s core—,| )a , I am satisfied with (f,e Government of my fathers, and have no wish to change and that it l am elected, you may rest assured that the faction now engaged i an attempt to subvert this gloriou Union Committee. A Truth. —“ When we hear , mo grunting and groaning about his “o” science, openly and publicly, i n a l| and places, and yet know that il )e „ • * concern of tile man is Jit, bread nnj ter, we are reminded of P oor R;,. , saying, that ,l,e ‘worst why el in i * tnakt'S the most noise” CDrl Just so it is with some of our noisiest Fire Eaters. They who have the ‘Southern Rights’ to h>e endangered and least interests involved, are be!, iicerenl in action and denu- wheels best, ■ for nothing butt 0 a noise’ and MHffc tip a fnss, feraily.’ Council Chamber July 24th, 1851. CALLED MEETING Present, B. A. Hudson, Jno. M. Greer, J. 13. Williams. Absent. Robert Iverson, G. \V. Ashbua Commissioners. On motion of Com. Greer. Resolved, That all Carriages or wagons, other than drays, kept for tlie conveyance of goods, wares, or merchandise or for hire, be required to pay to the Clerk of Board, as a lax License. For a one horse wagon or vehicle SB,OO, for a two or thiee horse wa gon or vehicle $12,00, for a three or four horse wagon or vehicle $16,00, and for a five or six hoise wagon or vehicle 20,00, and all comply with the provisions ol this ordinance shall be subject to a fine of not exceeding twenty-five dollnrs, t the dis cretion of tlie Board adjourned. Council Chamber, July 29th 1851, Tlie Board of Commissioners met their evening. Present B. A. Hudson, Prc?sident, Corn’s., Ashbon, Iverson,Geer, Williams. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and after some alteration were confirmed. Comr. Ivreson from the Committee of acts, reported in favor of an act in favor of Wil liam Horne, for the amount twoi dollars and fifty cems, ordered lo be paid. On motion of Comr. Ashbuon— Resolved, That the Clerk enter into n written contract with Robert Carson; for cleaning out Sumter and Cuvier Sreets, ac cording lo the directions of the Committee on Srreets. On motion of Comr. Iverson— Ordered, Thai the President appoint a special Committee of three to confer with a competent Suiveyor, and engage his ser vices to ’.ay off the public burying ground. And also lo report at the next regular meet ing, also toreport upon the propriety of using the situation selected, and report at the next regulai meeting tin motion of Comr. Iverson— That William Wilson and James Suggs have time given them until the next regular meeting lo raise the amount of fines imposed on them by the Police Court. On motion of Comr. Asliburn that u committee of two be appointed toreport a resolution in regard to liabilities of the deputy Marshal and hi* duties as such. On motion ol Comr. Asliburn— Ordered that William Wilson and James Suggs be authrized to use (heir Alley upon gii ing lo the Clerk their notes for the Tax. On motion ofCornr. Iverson— Resolved,, That the President ap point a Board of Physeians to he termed a Board of Health, and that they be re quested to make a weekly report of ail sick matters, as they may deem proper. Whereupon the lollowing were appointed Dr. Head and Oliver, J. Westmoreland, Oliver of striven, Pitts and Hall, aud that the Clerk inform these gents of their appointment and request their acceptance then adjourned. P. G. ARRINGTON, Clerk. DIED. In this City on Monday llih inst, af ter an tlness of 18 days with Typhoid fe ver Mr. REUBEN A. SMITH, fornw ly of Coweta County, but for the last 8 or 10 Months a resident of this place. South Western Lodge U. D. ) August II th 1851. ) The Lodge liaving received information of the death of Addison C. Scott, an un.. affiliated Brother in our vicinity-A com mittee consisting of E. W. Allen, B. A. Hudson, and Joshua Sec was appointed to draw up a suitable preamble and reto.. lulions, who submitted the following: I he ways of Providence are inscruta-’ ble and past comprehension. Death has been abroad and with the unerring scythe of time, has leveled another fellow man Drum the ranks of fraternal Brotherhood. Addison C. Scott lias been calletwrl£l%dine to eternity. After nine days of paifl|foli|b |e rs be died on Satur day 9di inst. P• M. He bore his illnSNiii{iLJ*! most tyMralleled res ’S nal ' on a °d fortitude, skill proved ineffectual a* gainst the shafts of death. It seldom fallijUo the lot of man to ew j°-v a large share and esteem ■ han did Brother Scott, He was posses sed of high minded andigenerous princi ples. Not a stain is to be found to be* Houd the fair escutcheon ffikthe name lie •eaves behind. “ He had taken up his residence in our Clt y sor 6 months since, where lie tfxpec ed to, and where it was hoped by his many friends, that he would be permit ? Pe nd many years of usefulness.— ns bow of life is forever unstrung,