The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 07, 1851, Image 5

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the last shaft quivered in his own breast earthly career is ended. Fretnia eontylost a star in her Chaplet—commit nity a ilwfnl man, —the Legal pro fession, an Hfltottrn her of and his relatives amL dfi aflectiddafc* kinsman. Thereio*be h, Resolved , That we sorely regret the P k)ss of Brother Scott, and sympathise with his relatives and friends. Resolved , Thai we wear the usua| badge of mourning 30 days in token of our respect for the deceased, end that the Lodge room lie clad in mourning for the same time. Resolved, That a conv of this pream- 1 ide an resoluiions be forwarded to the | Mother of the deceased, and also to the < (papers of the city fbr"pul>licaiion. ! E. W.’aLLEN. ) B. A. HUDSON, > Com. JOSHUA SEE, S i E. J. PixCKaRD, Sec’rv Pr tern. i MEDICAL CARD. _____ \ DR. JAMES M. POKES respectfullyof ler% iiis services to die citizens of Ogle thorpe and vicinity in the various In a itches of Medicine, He may he found at Mr. Fear Drug Stole during the day, and at the Pa vilion House ui night, when not profession ally engaged. August 14, 1851. 18—ts ‘ ( Cabinet and Carriage KepniringShop. Corner of the (lrent Square and Macon ‘ Streets, Oglethorpe. ! FjpHE Undersigned would take this nielli- , _UL ud of informing the public that they are ! now prepared to execute all kinds ofCabi net work ; also to repair Carriages at the i shortest notice and in the most workman- , ike manner. WRIGHT & BALLARD. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. 15 ts Now Spring and Sunniier Goods i J. T . SUGGS TjKTOULD respectfully calf the attention of his friends ” and the public generally to his large aiul well , selected assortment ot SPKJJV& & SI\7IJUER GOODS, i consisting of every variety of staple and Fancy Dry Goods—such as Kerseys, Satinets, Casimeres, Cloths, Blankets, Flannels, shawls. Calicoes, Handkerchiefs, Hosiery, Linens, Muslins, fc?ilks, Satins, and a variety of other Fancy Articles. ( Ready-made € 1 o I Iti n ? Os the Latest Style and Best Quality. IIATS and CAPS of every description. BOOTS and SHOES of all qualities. A \ ariety of GROCERIES , HARDWARE , CUTLERY , SC. ■ In short, purchasers fan he supplied with almost any article tftay desire, on the most reasonable terms. Those who desire to get the full worth o! tlieit mon ey, would d*> well to give me a call, for I pledge myself that none who purchase shall tjo away without obtain ing a bargain. Fort Glints, Gci., March 25 t0,*183 1. I—ts Oglethorpe Prices Current. CIIUUr.CTF.iI WEEKLY. BACON, Hants, per !b. . 13 cts. fctides, dean “ . . 13 Shoulders, “ . 12 a 12J BUTTER, Goshen “ . 25 a 30 Country “ . 12 a 15 BAGGING, gunny . . 16 Muff’d gunny • • 15 COFFEE, ‘ “ . a 16 CANDLES, Sperm “ . 50 a 60 Adamantine, “ . 40 aSO Tallow, “ . 25 a 30 FLOUR, per bbl. $7 50a 800 MACKEREL, No. L “ • 15 00a 16 50 “ “ 2. “ 14 •• “ 3. “ 12 50 CORN, per bushel, l 00 a 1 25 ‘‘MEAL “ 1 30 a 150 LARD, per lb. . . 14 al6 LEAD, “ • . 10 al2 MOLASSES, per gallon 40 a 45 2>YRUP, N. O. “ 50 a55 Clarified 90 a 1 00 SUGAR, “ • 10 a 12 I SALT, per sack . • 200 ; SALT, per bushel, • 1 j RICE, per lb. . • 5 a 5 OIL, Linseed, per gallon 1 *-o a l 50 j TURPENTINE “ 1 00a l 25 I TALLOW, per lb. • . 9a 10 ■ BEES’ WAX, per bl. • 20a 25 ■ NAILS, per lb. . 6 a 7 I FORT GAINES PRICES CURRENT. OORUECTED WEEKLY BV THE MERCHANTS. Bae'on-ha.ns.pepb, . } shoulders “ 10 Pcas-hushel 100 a 125 Pork —mers. bbl. slßa*2o JUni. Syrup bx, 4 00 cjSSn.”* 40 * “• W n-naTir lb ’ 17 Suur-St lojl Coffee-mo, V Orleans,a 10 I 114 WWII I! 0- o’ ! VJSO Crushed, “ 15 al6 I Coroijar bushel, 1 W 3 “ { ill! f Flo,, £ir ß ’ r “’ 8® a,|e, : g ; ; * GlaseA™ box, 275a 300 Ruuxr-iamaiea 150 Gun Powder-keg, 6 50 a 7 00 35 Hidee-dry lb, Ba 9W * m > OI , aha | a , 85 a 100 Iron—, Ja jj m b „ gy Urd KngU,h ’ : “ : 4 *l2Gin—Holland, I •* * 42a44;Vinc“ar-per gall™.37a4a Salt-saekf 150 IWines-per gal. 74 a 100 ~~ ToTficE MESSRS. KELSUN&CI M.MlNGwould inform the public that persons hiring ‘ 'aggie* rmu’ nms: exiwet to pay on the delivery of them,at and P* boarding horse, with them must pa> ™ o " l .'^'indebted™. cessnies require iHi, course. All pt mae , them bv note or account Will please settle troniediu y- April 24th, 1851; 3 n - H.N. GRAY Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Blakely, Early Co,,Ga. March 25, ISSI. I—ly INEW STORE. Carson, Grier & Cos. 7SpyߣE just received from New York and • B at their Now Store, opposite j Price's House, Baker Stieet, a large and of Spring and SunlnM* Goods, Consisting of of Staple aiMPß^UrytiootL. Boots and >hoos. wß> dwaie, Cutlery and Crockery, Drujrs Med icines, Ready made CloihiHg’, tionerv, Jewelry &c., &.c. AII flittflwtei have been catefully selected, and witlbe on very reasoneble terms. The Citizens ofl Macon and adjacent Counties are respectful . ly invited to call and examine our stock be lore making their purchases. We would also call the attention of those in the vicinity of LANIER, to our Store in that place, where we have a Slock equal to any in Oglethorpe, and where almost any article desired can be had on good terms by culling at the Brick Store. R. CARSON, J. M. GREER, J.T. CARSON. Oglethorpe May, 15 1851. stf GEORGIA —Macon County. WHEREAS A. A. Irwin applies to me ■ fur letters of Administration on the j estate of H. W. Ellis deceased: These are therefore to cite, summons and admonish all persons concerned, that they he and appear at my office within the lime pie- j scribed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, otherwise said letters will be granted. W . W. CORBITT, c. c. o. August 6. 1851. 17-lm. 708 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, Two anti a half miles from Oglethorpe. f jjTHE Subscnber having more Land than JL lie can cultivate, offers the plantation i where he now lives, 24 miles west of Ogle thorpe, for sale. There are 70S acres of ex cellent Pine Land—lso acres in cultivation —tolerable good house—good Gin-house and Cotton-screw—good orchards, and a letter A. No. 1, Spting of good, cool, and pure water. The health of the place is undoubtedly first rate. The cleared land is under a good letice, and lias been cleared faom 10 to 17 yeais, but having a clay foundation, and ly ing well, is still valuable. The 550 aeres uncleared, is heavy timbered, lies well, and has proadleaf black-jack and buck-eye grow.- ing all over it—a sufficiency of timber for a Sttam Saw-mill. Foo further particulars, came and see. During my absecce Mr. A. A. Lowe will be on the place and and show it to persons calling. O. C HORNE. August 7, 1851. 17—ts AVasitbiirii, Wilder &€. Commission Merchants, AND FACTORS. JOSr.PH WASHBI'RN,) 111,Bay Street JNB. K. WILBUR, ; Savannah, Ga FRA (i. DANA. ) July 24, 1851. Is Gm Tloyd Hope, MACON, GEORGIA THOMAS WILLIAMS respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he has purchased the lease and furniture of the above establishment, ami that as sole pro prietor, lie intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po ? lite and competent clerks and servants, and is determined that the table and bar shall be suptied with the very best the country affdrds. The House is too well known for him tosnv any thing in regard to it. The rooms ate in fine repair, and the furniture as good as can be found in any House in the State,— Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm of Buford &. vV tlliams,duj ing Uis former connection with his House, he pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire satisfaction to both new and old friends. July 24, 1851, 15 ly. Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the Citizens ot Travelers Rest and its vicinity, that lie is prepared to execute till kinds of work in liis line ot busi ness, such as making and repairing all kiii(l of Vehicles, at the shortest notice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the ad joining Country, that lie is prepared tn exp* cute all jobs that may be brought to him, in tin: way of Harness m iking and Repairing ;< and that lie keeps on hand, both Carriages/: Buggies, Hnd harness ready made, and fsr sale at die lowest Cush prices. Those wishing to purehaso will do wrHJfiJ call and exaugwd hi# purcjMFl Travelers Rest, July 24, ly SOUTHERN MUTjUir uvs\ec co„ Principle Office, Alliens, Ga. Albon Chabb. Secy, Asbury Hbll Pros’t. nthi* company ha. been in operation between hire*; and 1 four yenrs, and ban acquired a capitul in notes and cash of nearly Three Hundred Tluat-and Dollars. All losses promptly settled on the preseiimtion of satisfactory proof. Firk Risks, ami insurances on Nearoes, as Well upon the lives of W hite persons, taken by the under- A**. July 31, 1851. ‘ 16-6 m. TOWNSEND’S, Sands’, Risby’s. and Comstock’s Compound Extract’s of Sarsaparilla, for sale by, Aug. 1, 1851. PHILIP T. FEARS. OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. PHILIP T. FEARS takes tliis method of calling the attention of his friends and dm public gcnetally to liis splendid as sortment of Drugs and Medicines now on hand, and assures the Physicians of this and I the sot rounding villages that hu will do all in his power to give satisfaction. He Begs leave also to call the attention of the Ladies to his beautiful supply of PERFFMKRY. TOILET PUIVJJKRS if PAh\TS. Oglethorpe, August 1, 1851. 16-ts. EPPING’S Compound Fluid Extract of BUCHU, a sovereign remedy lor dis eases ot the bladder, spine and kidneys, u i nary organs, gravel, stone in the bladder, catarrh of the bladder, morbid irrita ot the bladder, and urethra, disease of r flhmqtstaid and retention, and incontinence from a loss of tone in die parts con cV|Sold by PHILIP T. FE \ US. Prfe|®2 per bottle. Aug. i 1851. Dl^jj^ku^U FF’.S Family Medicines, amonesHjjEli will be found bis invalu ble, Dysentery ®|mdi;d, Pain Killer, and Liquid Cathartitfjiglso Dr. Comstock’s Pa tent Medicines, Pain Killer, Connels Pain extraUnflhnd Magical Extrac tor, pain is not knowOTßwts use. All sold at the Store bv Aug. 1 1851* A LARGE assortment of sicalj Miscellaneous, and School Bo6ks Slates, Pencils, Paper, Ink and Bank Books ot every description, and for sale by P. T. FEARS Drugoist. Oglethorpe Aug. 1 1851. 16-ts AY ER’S Cherry Pectoral for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Consumption, for sale, by [Aug. 1, 1851.] P. T.. FEARS. DR. CHRISTIES Galvanic Belts, Necklaces, Bracelets and Magic Fluid for tho permanent cure of Rheumatism and all Mervous Diseases. For sale bv Ang. 1,1851. P. T. FEARS. GEN. TWIGGS’ Hair Dye, for making Gray Hair grow out its original color and no mistake ; numbers in this city testify to the fact. Sold bv P. T. FE \RS; Ag. 1, 1851. 16-ts PURIFY THE BLOOD. MOFFATT’S Vegetable Life Pills and Phoenix Bitters, for sale by Aug. 1. 1851. P. T. FEARS. GOOD Old Fort and Madeira Wines, Fine Brandy and Alcohol (for medical purposes only,) sold bv Aug. 1. ISSI. PHILPT. FEAJpII PILLS —Champion's, Dent’s, Peters’, Moffat’s, Lntle’s, Jayne’s, and all other kinds of Pills for sale by PHILIP T. F&YI18, at the Oglethorpe Ding .Store.# ‘ At g. 1. 1851. AJER’S Cherry Perioral for the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis, I Vhooping-Cough, Croup, Ashthma and Consumption. Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in tliis g.’aeration to facilitate the business of life—increase 4 its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of human ex istence, none can be named of more real value to man kind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing AH. Avast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicincn known, can so surely con trol aim cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary dis ease which have hitherto swept from our midst thou- | sands anil thousands every year. Indeed, there is now | abundant reason to believe a Kemedy has at length been ( found which can be relied on to cure the most danger- j jous affections of the lungs. Our space here will cot permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further enaninr to tho circular which the Agent below named, will always be plea sed to furnish free, wherein are full particulars and in dispttlabk* proof of those facts. From the President of Amherst College, the celebrated Professor Hitchcock . . “James C. Ayer—Nir: I have used your Cherry Pec toral in iny own ease of deep-seated Bronchitis,-and am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that ii is an ad mirable compound for the relief of laryngia! .and bron chial difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior char acter can be of any service, you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. HOWARD J/rrCIK OCK, !.. L. D.. From the widely celebrated Professor Sil liman, M. /A, L. L. JJ ., Professor of Chemistry , Mineralogy, Sfc, Yak Col lege, Member of the Lit . Hist. Med. Phil . and Scientific S ocitlics oj America and Europe “ I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from of the best articles in the Materia A/edi ca, and a very effective remedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure. JNew Haven, (’t., Nov. 1, 1819. , Afojor Patthon, President of the A’. C. .Senate, ’ateF Tie has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful success, r>cure an inflammation of the lungs. Prom one of the first Physicians in Maine. ■Vaco. J/„., Aprils*, 184<J. Dr. J..F7. Af* r. /,t>well. Ontr Nir: I uni nnsv con stantly uaingfour Cherry A'ctorai in my praciirn. aihl prefer it to any other medicine tor pulmonary complaint,, k’nira of many severe cases, 1 am ( , ,j it will cure cnilphs, colds, and diseases of tile lungs, lot vo put to deliaiiee all oxhor remedies, I invariably recommend its .tse in ea-ex of cpnsump -1 lion, and consider it much thff best remedy known for , that diseu-e. Ilesueotftilly yours. I. S, Ct’.SHM AN, M. D. jPREPaRKD AND .VOID 15V JaAIRo C. AAIiR, f’raetical Chemist l.owell, J/ass. .Sold by !’■ T. Fears, Oelethorpe, Joseph A’llcker, Me, H. II- Junes i eo., jUoiitgmaerj-, and Druggists generally. July, 311851. * IS 3m ■- Administrators Sale. a GKEABLEto an order of the Honor able the Inferior pourt of Suniier County, when silting lor ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House in Lanier, on tho first Tuesday in October next, on a short credit, say till the first day of January, Lot of Land nutnber eight (No 8) in the sec. cond district of formerly Muscogee now Ma con County, said land being purl of the es tate of James ftl. D. King deceased, and sold for the benefit of tho distributees. ANGUS M. D. KING, Adtu’r. July, 81185). 16-tds. P. G. ARRINGTON, attorney at law, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Otfleiltoipe, Macon County, Gin April 17, Idj.l, g—ly PEMBERTON & SUMR, ARK now receiving and will continue to receive during the Summer n large stock of Famihf Grocer ies , consisting of Bacon, Dird. Flour. Loaf and Brown Stiga Coffee,.Tf4i, Rice, Syrun, Molasses. Mackerel No. ! Whiskey, Kum. (*in, Brandy, Wine, Porter Cordial*, l.ejnoh tfvmp, Pickles, Preserves* Lobsfers, Sardines - , Snulf. Sizars Tobacco, Soap Starrh, Adaman tine and Star (handles, together wit a a general assort ment of ronfectioncric* &<*. Pure and Extra l/*ad. Paints Oils. Putty. Varnish, I.amblack, and a variety of other Paints, Mails; anil many other articles too numerous to mention, all oi which will Ik*, sold very low for cadi. Call and see for yourpelf before purchasing elsewhere. ] heir Store is on Crescent street, one door west of the Pavilion House. They will give the highest market price for Country Produce, delivered attheir Store. May 1,185!. 3-Gm mrvicK subscriber being desirous of embarking in other -J- business, olfers for sale, his entire (half) interest in the. Cabinet Furniture business, consisting of a full sett of elegant tools, new machinery, stock on hand, house and lot, and also his dwelling hours? and lot, viola ted on Macon Street. Pun-lniNe-rs are invited to call and examine fir themselves. WILLIAM. II WRIGHT. Afay 7th 1830. 4. t f > FA V TORS AND Cominissioii Me reliant s, AfihmElPS HARDWICK If CD., OGLETHORPE, GA. IT A R it&l CK ts C O OKE, STREET, GA. Wo take this method our friends and patrons of South-Western Geor gia that we are now receiving Supplies of BAGGING, ROPE, SALT, SUGAR AND COFFEE, at our Store in Oglethorpe for the accommodation of our paironsik As we only intend keeping the leading articles above named, any other articles that our patrons may want, will bo ordered for them at the shortest notice. We will re ceive the Cotton of Planters at Oglethorpe, or at any other point on the South-Western Rail Road, and forward it to onr house in Savannah, making liberal advances on the same, when required, and account for the nett proceeds at Oglethorpe; or we will seJk it at Oglethorpe if the owners dcsita iu- We have the facilities for storing at Oglethorpe, should any of ogrpatruus wish it held at tiiat point. Frosn the facilities we can afford to Plan -tel*, by doing their business either at Ogle thorpe or Savannah, and furnishing them with their supplies at Oglethorpe or at any point on the Road, a strict attention to busi ness, and a scrupulous regard for llteir inter est, we hope will procure for us a liberal share of patronage. John F. Andrews, John G. Cooke July. 17, 1851. RichardS. Hardwick. 14-6 m. Land and other Property for Sale tTjTIHE Subscriber offers for s-de a vulua jL ble settlement of Oak and Hickory, Land, nearest point within one mile of Ogle thorpe, on both sides of Flint River, (the residence on said land being within two and a half miles of Oglethorpe, on the East side of said River) containing six hundred and fif ty or seven hundred acres, two hundred of j which tire now in cultivation. There is also | a good Ferry on said land. There is also a : settlement of land containing about five hun dred acres, 200 of which are in cultivation which can be purchased on reasonable terms if desired, lying broadside of the above drs ctibed settlement. Said lands are well wa tered. ~ .Also a small lot of Negroes, Mules, Wa gons, and all the farming implements be longing to tin premises’ to be sold with the lands, or without, to suit purchasers. The above property will bo sold on good terms. Those who desire to purchase will do well to call and examine for themselves. SENUiS H. CLARK. July 24,1851. 15 6ui Piles! Piles!! Piles!!! READ this all VOU who are flittering with thin dri nd i'nl D?sca,e ami rail at the Oglethorpe Drtigg Nlori ami buy a box of I’riorT pile ointment. Atlanta, Si ft. 25, 1850. Thi* i to certify that I have used Pryor’* Pile Oint ment with success in the treatment of ulcers of the plin gedemic kind , 1 further slate that it is the best application to piles that 1 tun acquainted with. 11. WESTMORELAND. Atlanta, Sept. 25, 1850. CoI.Wm. 1!. Pryor:— Dear Nir: I can and do most cheerfully ami sincerely certify to the efficiency of vour Pile Ointment. Few persons itan haven better right to express nn opinion concerning the ninny different reme dies that have lteen offered to the puffin: for the cure ot the malady than I have, because few have Inert more, severely nfflicted than I have been,and as few, perhaps, have tried a greater number of remedies tor it. .My opinion is that your pile ointment is the very best in Use; (pat it will not only sooth and ameliorate, but will posi tively cure if properly applied anil itersevered in a fair trial. 1 recommend to all penults in reach of melt a remedy the use of your ointment. Yours rnsitcetftilly. EDNV. YOUNG HILL. LuGrsnge, Ga., Ang. 1850. Col. Wm. B. Pryor: —Dear Sir.— Von ask me to ex press uu opinion with regard Ut ynnr ointment for Piles and Burns. 1 urn familiar with the different Ingredients entering into its composition, a* well of the modo of coin jiotinding it. and consider it a remedy powerfully effica cious in relieving the maladies it professes to cure, its Well as mahy other contageooa diseases. 1 have known it used with nnirli mu t.'ss in the treat mentof Piles particularly, anil lake great pleasure in of fering you this testimonial of its virtue. R. A. T. RILLEY, M. D. A. M. Sold by Philip T Fears Dealer in Dings, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs and Books. Baker Street, Oglethorpe, Ga. Physicians supplied on liberal terms. August I, 1851, 16 6m. -g G. C. CARM ICILEL&Co. THE StibScribcts Itaving as iMIHBBR sotiated tliemsdves under the above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ward!oust: anti Commission Business, take tliis method oi informing tie Planters and Merchants generally, that tbe\ are now prepared to receive Cotton in Slot or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand hi all times Bagging, Rope, Twine, Sugar, Cujj're, Salt, Iron, ,Sfc. £fc. Liberal Advances ntatio on cotton when desired. G. C. Caiimichal. J, P, {larvet. nK.rr.nF.Nci'.s: Messrs. - Logan <Sc Atkinson; Macon, Ga., “ Neely V. Fleming; Griffin, “ Ogletlinrpe, July 3, 1851. 12- Jy. Lost or Mislaid. A Note of hand bearing date 24th of May i CSh. Lst, given by Allen Meeks, for $32 with interest front date, made payable to j Jatm-s Mcqnillen or bearet, on the first day] of October next. JAMES MiQUILLEN. ; Oglethorpe, July 17,1851. 14-3 t. 1200 Acres of Land FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for sale, liis plan tation, consisting of 600 acres lying four miles front Ameiicus and sixteen tuiles . from Oglethotpe, oil the road leading fiom I I Americus to Oglethorpe. 150 acres of land j . under cultivation, 75 acres fresh land, s Said premises am well watered with Springs I and a small neck running entirely tlirough ! the 600 acte lot, Also three oilier lots with small improve ments, mostly oak and hickory. Any person wishing to purchase said pi onuses, or any of said Lauds would do well to cull atig| exam ine the glowing crop upon said premises. The Subscriber can at all times bo found on the plantation, a rid will take great pleas ure in showing the premises to any person calling. ALEXANDER RAMSEY, July 17, 1851, 14-6 m. YOSOE A ODE.Ii, afMj F ACTORS, A NOj iroMMissifmi vmmitom NO. ( J 4 BAY-STREET, SAVMNNAH GEORGIA. w. p. yonoe. {July 17 6m.] tv. oden. Warehouse ” AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. A’. OUS LEY fy SON, MACON, GA., GODFREY OVSLEY If ( 0., SAVANNAH, GA. JAMES E. OODPIIEY, N. OUSI.F.Y, July 17, ISSI. n. f. ousley. 14-6ni. FOUR after date application will bo made to the Court of Ordina ry of Macon county for leave to sell a ncgio girl, for the benefit of Martha J. Bell, minor, JAMEs BELL, Gnrd’n. July 17, 1851, 14-4 m, WANTED A SITUATION as Clerk in some ex tensive Mercantile House, by one who has a good deal of experience belli in buying and selling goods, and a good deal of ac quaintance in iSoiith West Georgia. Apply at this Office. July, 241 h 1851. 15 2m LEWIS & PH Hl.', Ware House ami Commission JJcrch an ts , OULKTBOUPii, DA. WE TAKE this mctiind to say to our Irieiids, and those who may entrust us vt it!i llteir business, tiiat we have comple ted our Ware House in this place, and are now ready to attend to all business in our line. Wc will give our peisonal attention to business, and no pains will be spared to pro mote the Intoresl of those who may favor os with their business. The usual advances made on Cotton and other produce in .Store. F.T.BKItT l,r.Wl>\ .KIIIN V. PRICK. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. 15 ly Notice. I HEREBY’ foiwarn all persons fiom trad ing for a certain I’rnmisoty Note given by myself, and Vinson I’. Hart as security, given about the first of June last, fur sixty , dollars, and due I lit! 25th of December next,! The above note was made payaele to Jo- J sepli Rozenbiim. As the obligation for which the above unto was given has been j canceled l am determined not to pay it tin- j less compelled by law. GREEN DIXON. Oglethorpe, July 24th, 1851. 15 3t E. If W EED, Uncoil, Ha. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Hardware. WOULD invite the attention of liis friends to liis stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths ant! Carpenters Tools, Agricultural lmgliment, Axles, Spiings, Mill Irons, Tin Piste, Sheet and bur Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges and Strews and every other article usually kept iu Hard ware Stores, which he will sell unreasona ble terms. Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly ‘•I ICE 1 . ICE! The subscriber possesse* a teceipt to enable any person to make Ice, in tiny climate, with hut little expense or trouble. ‘Fife process is simple, ar.d can .in accomplished by the most limited ttnder tatiding, so as the produce fiom even warm eater, in tho hottest climate, a pine ice, e iual in every essential to that formed by na ■ut al causes. The ItoctiVy of always having at one’s will, in tho heat of summer, a pute and delicious Ire, will readily be conceded; and its advantages, in taxes of sickness, cun t not be too greatly prized. By tins sam* process warm water ca 4 be rendered lolly cold in about 5 minutes, and ice creams, with many other luxuries, wan lie. made itt from 10 to 20 minutes. The following notice of ihirgreat ertsrov*- ry is taken ftitini the New York Son :t “A Real Lcxi nv* —Dr. James R.'WiL ; mihgion pmdoces, by an artificial ptoctss, i pure end solid ice,'from vtnnn wtitvr, in tins heat oflfitbmer, in less than half hour. And | lie can rentier a hanelof water as cd|d as ic I itself hi l. very few minote?. Th^ discov ery be of immense vulue living Sunlit. Terms. —This receipt, which containsfyl! instructions tor making ice and icecreams, cooling water, and tiriiiumernus other useful mailers will he forwarded to order lbr Two Dollars, by addressing Dr. Jas. R. \V it sun ton, 122 Nussau st., N. V. On-e Agent only will be appointed inearb county, and those desiiing the agency nmst forward SSO, for which they will receive 87 copies of ti e pamphlet, containing full in structions. liook Out for the New ■ OMNIBUS AND BACK: KINK, g ‘piJK Puhlus are rcHpectlully informed that the undftft*’ signed is now running a Uuvk.front Oglethorpe Jk the jrur|H>se of convening [uwsengurs to any point \iithir* fifty miles. Afeo lie will convey pasvengere frunjnhe Kail Hoad Depot to any pert of the C'nj, on the tu(#i *e (‘oiuoflating terms. - J. R. WALDROP.’ HRbne 20. l£i> I, .. dfl- ts, A New Liven; Sale and Exchange S T ABLE, l.ocatid on tlic corner of Hnndolph anil Chatham Streets, in still view of ‘The Oglethorpe Hotel, WILL be completed and ready for business by the 20th Inst. At this Stable will be kept, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Vehickles of all descriptions, to hire, sell or swap. Poisons will be sent to any point in Georgia. Horses boarded by the month, week or day. Persons coming to our place to take the curs, can find a lingu airy, comfortable and well kept Stable to leave their Horses at. The Lots adjacent to the Stables, are shaded by a beautiful grove, and well supplied with running water; Drovers are therefore, invited to give us a call, as ample provision will bo made for their accommodation. W. COLLINS, G.W. ASIIBUKNi J. C. ASHBURN, iM. S. McKENZIE. Oglethorpe July 1, 1851. 12-6 m. GEORGIA, Macon County. II OUR Months aftet date application will be made to the Couit ol Ord'nary us said County for an order to seil lot ol laud No. 130 in the Second District of once Mus cogee, now saitl county ol Macon, as the properly of William Tomlinson deem,sod, for the benefit ol Ins In iis and creditcis. E. GUY’ Adm’r. May 24 1851. Carriages! Carriages! HE Subscriber anno.nice* to the peo- S pie of Oglethorpe and smrounding Country, that lit: lias new on hand, and will continue to receive, Buggies, Carriages, Rockaways, <&.c,, and will sell on it asotiablu terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in liis line are invited to call and examinn his Stuck, at Messrs. Lewis & Price’s Watu House, oil Baker Street. t. m. Jackson, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts J. Kaufman & Bro. IjILOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, ’ Syrup, Lemon Syrup,TobuccYr, Soap, Candles, &e. &.o. Just received and lor sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts Rates of toll at 6. 11. CLAttK'S FEltliV. On Flint Hiver. a. MAN anJ Horse, 10 Cm'* 2i 1 Horse Waggon or Buggy, 25 2 “ “ “ #U 2 11 Close Carriage, I’arauch ur Rockaway, 35 4 or 6 Mule team, 40 Anew Bridge is now hull I on the road from the Ferry to Oglethorpe uctoss Buck’s Creek, 1 making tile distant only two and half miles from the Ferry. Tim landings are as good as aii v on the River. July‘Jilt, 1851. 13 Goi _s ‘ - I .HOUR months after date application will ; be made to the Hqnorablo Inferior Corn l of Marion County, when setting for or. , dinary purposes for leave to sell tire land and n.-groes belonging to the estate of Phebo . Punblt s, late ol Marion County dec’ll, ISAAC I! PEEBLES, Ac’m’r. ; July 9th , 185 L. 18 4m