The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, August 29, 1851, Image 3

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■injusticexitd robbery! Pshaw! What K|-<ully thing is the boasted right of seces sion” were conceded on all ■hands. Jt is JtNjf lUiJtbstniclion atbest. ■which no sensible man Would ever think of ■carrying into operation,,ban he the Her. It is the shadow nfa shade, a little ■bit thinner than moonshine, and yet we ■ hear as much howling over it hy the se ■cessionists of the day, as we ever heard ■ from a*blearseyed hound in its observa tions of the pale-faced mo o n at midnight! Georgia Citizen. THE SECOND DISTRICT. The contest in the second is likely to Ibe an animated one. Both the candi- I dates are men of talent—both of them I are personally popular. Mr. Johnson, however; is the best speaker, and has made much the best impression upon the people. He is gaining ground daily, and will he elected hy a handsome major ity, especially if the Union men in the several counties do their duty. We caution them, however, against relying Into much upon the strength of their cause, or upon the majorities of last fall. The second, is one of the Districts which thedisunionists hope to carry. In it, there art* no less than five disunion presses. In it, is concentrated nearly >ll the talent of the party. Columbus is the great focus of disunion in the Slate. The fire-eaters there resolved to conquer and control the District. The desperate speculators of that place have not forgot ten the fortunes which were realized out of the Indian lands and wars. They are anxious for more trouble and strife, and turmoil. They are even willing to stir up civil war, in order that they may have an opportunity to get fat contracts, and grow rich upon the misfortunes of others. It well becomes the planting and far- I ming interests of the District, therefore, | to he upon their guard. Disunion w ill [ bring no blessings to them. Outhecon ■ trary, it will destroy commerce—cut off | the markets for their cotton and reduce I the value ol thrir negroes to a mere song. Th is is what the speculators wib to ac- I cotnplish. They are willing to ri-k ile r horrors of war; because they know the I t Pool hat boys will have to do all the I lighting, while they will hold all the of- j I fici ‘. Surely it is nut yet forgotten how j these same men, and their relations, man aged to get every post of honor and pro fit in the Mexican war. To onr country friends of the Sotth- West then we say, if >Oll wish to save j jour property —if you wish to avoid bea- j vy trues—go to work at ote?e—all your neighbors, and let all go to tin* polls iw order to put down these Columbus fire-eaters and their candidates amt their candidate. These men are endeavoring to defeat Mr. Johnson, berause lie is conservative'in his views and feelings— because he loves the Union, and stands pledged to support the Georgia Platform. For these reasons; they are pursuing him .with the most tleadly hate We call upon the tillers of the soil— the toiling working people of tlie District to come to his rescue. Let them semi him to Congress, and they tiny sleep in quiet. So fur as their interests are con cerned, they will have a watchful, able, honest, guardian to protect them. Let Mr. Benning he elected ; and what will be the result ? The sixth resolution of the Albany Platform, which was framed i by these same Columbus fire-Eaters, ! pledges him to remain upon the Georgia ; Platform only “SO LONG as the trill of/he people remains unchanged He will claim his own election, as evidence that die popular tcill has been changed, *wd the Hoodvgates of disunion w ill be opened. Friends of Union—of peace— ol quiet—of good order; he not deceived. If yon are true to your principles—if the blood of the revolution still courses through your veins—see to it that no such man be chosen to represent you in the councils of (lie nation. The Detroit Tribune estimates that the wheat crop of that State wilt exceed in a. mount that of last year full one third; that Michigan will export ten million bushels ol wheat, six millions of corn, three hundred million feel of lumber, dur. ing the present year. The aggregate exports are set down at twenty millions of dollers in value. FORT'GAINES FBIc¥s“cURRENT , CORHICTXD WEEKLY HY THE MERCHANTS; Jkgrinm;—Ketoeby, 16* lSiKiec—lh, i 5* 6 India, ! ISnXOj Nnita—“ l 5a 6 Rope, per lb. i Sa 10 Oil—ljimp 175 a a 00. Bacon—haina, per Ik, 12 I,meed, 125 7 aides, “ If Train, I ol^_JgJs ohoutdeiv * 10I’m*—bu-liel I JK#T fa Pork —merr, bbl. SW a f'2o I .cm. Syrup bx, i 00 Bolter—country, lb, 15 a2O Shot—bag, 1 75 a 2 00 Candlen—aperiii, “ ‘ 5 a55 Soap—per lb.® adamantine, - 4050 Steel—cant, lqL . 20a25 Candida—box, ft* <** Blistered)# 18a20 Castings, per lb, I Tallow, g Coffee—Rio, 17 Sngae—St cron, lb. JO alB Colton, : : * Jt. Orleans, •* 8a 10 Full —Mackerel, 1 #l4 * 16 No. 2. . I* Refined, •• Wall No. 3. : 12 50 Crashed, l5 al6 Com, per bushel, 100 Spirit*—brandy, 50a I 50 Four —western, bbl. 700 eogoiae, gal. 8 50a4 00 Canal “ 800. apple. *• 62 a 70 Glass —per box, 275a 300 Rmn—iamaica” 150 (;unPowder-keg,6soa 700 N. England, 50G2 Hidea—dry, lb, 8 a 0 Whiskey—raw, 3> Iron —sweedea, lb, 5a 7 monongahala, 88 a I Oil English, “ 4a 6 rectified, “ 35 Lard, i : 12Gin—holiand, I 7Sa4 00 Lead, : : 8 aineiiran, 62 Mollaaaee—gallon, 42a44 Vinegar—per gallon, 37a49 Salt—aack, 188 Win**—prr gal, T4al 00 Oglethorpe Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY. Bams, per !l>. . IScts. clean “ .13 ■fehnulders, 12 n 12A BITTUmJK, Goshen “ . 25 a3O Cdmiiv “ 12 a 15 BAGGlroßftiiiiny 16 Mnflwß^Bnv ’ 15 COFFEE, lejalG 1 CANDLES, Adamantine, -■> . 4 ‘u 50 ‘Fallow, 25 a 30 FLOCI’, .wr t>lw n A7 Jba SUM MACKEREL, No. ‘ lfflg&Jr, ,->() a 16 *t 2. “ ] j MEAL ’ 8 “ l';!^S® LARD, per lb. . . 14 a 16 LEAD, “ . , 10 al2 MOLASSES, per gallon 40 a 45 • ROPE, . . ; . f + 9 SYRUP, N. O. “ 50 a55 Clarified 90 a 1 00 SUGAR, * . 10 a 12 SALT, per sack . . 200 SALT, per bushel, . 1 00 RICE, per lb. . . 5 a 5 OI L, Linseed, per gallon 1 25 a I 50 TURPENTINE “ 1 00a I 25 TALLOW, per p,. . 9 a 10 BEEs’\V\X, per bl. . 20,. £5 NAILS, per lb. . 6a 7 FACTORS AND Commission Merchants, ANDREWS HARDWICK if CO., OGLETHORPE, GA. HARDWICK if COOKE, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. The House at Oglethorpe will receive anil forward Produce to the House at Sa . vannak, anil furnish Family Supplies, Hogging, Rapt, Jjfc., to their Patrons o’ Oglethorpe. John F. Andrews, John G. Cooke, July 17, Richard S. Hardwick. 14 6m, Macon NheriiPs Sale. Vs/ ill he si.. I hetre tin* 0.1101 House F door at Lanier, M iron County on the First Tuesday in October next, the following propel IV to wu: Lot of Land, No, 92, io the 13fil Distlict of formerly Mu-cogt**-, now M o on Couniv, Also one large Road Waggon and Six Mules, i all levied on as the property of MvKinni’.li i Taylor, to satisfy a C fa form Moron ! rior Court, in favor ol Jones Hu t. vs. s,iid TayLr. P roper! \ fn-mled Oel b^Slrie-Ofknil. THUS DIXON, SITiT. August 29. 1851. Floyd House, MACON, GEORGIA THOM VS WILLI VMS in forms 11is friends and the public, lliai lie ! has purchased the lease and furniture of the above establislimeni, and that as sole pro piielor, he intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po lite and competent clerks and seivants, nod is determined that the table and bar, shall be snplied with the very best the country affords. The House is too well known for him to say any thing in regard to it. The rooms are in fine repair, anil the furniture as good as can be found in any House in the Slate. — Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old firm of Buford & Williaiis,dur : ing his former connection with his House, hr | pledges himselfto spare no efTort to give en i tire satisfaction to both new and old friends, I July 24, 1851, 15 ly. Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the Citizens of Travelers Rest and its vicinity, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of work in bis line of busi ness, such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, nt the shortest notice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the ad joining Country, that he is prepared to exe-i cute all jobs that may be brought to him, in the way of Harness making and Repairing; and that lie keeps on hand, both Carriages, Buggies, and harness r -ady made, and for sale „t the lowest Cash prices. Those wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine bis stock before purchas ing else where. 11 D. POWELL. Travelers Rest, July 24, 1851. ‘ 15 ly SOUTHERN MUTUAL dJVSmtJLKIUE c 0., - PrittrjpU Office, Altai, (It. , ’ Ai.bon Chase. Secy, A usury Unit PresS. Whis company has been in operation between ihrec ami , A four years, and baa acquired a capital in nuutfi and cash of nearly Three Huudred Tlumwiud Hollars, .All I losses promptly mailed on the presentation otVilmiaeWy I proof. Film Risks, and iiisnmncos on Negrcsis, a.-Weil i a* upon the live* of W bite persona, taken hy (lie under- I aigned AgentatOglethorpe.t.n. PHILIP COOK., Agent. ; July 31, 1851. 16 6m. MEDICAL OAiil). I - JAMES M. FOKES reappctCullyof lers his services to the citizens <il Ople : tlmcpc nnd vicinity in the vtrrjoua hes ; of Medicine. He may he found at Mr. Fears , Drag A’mie during the day, and at the Pa | viliim I louse at night, when not profession ; ally engaged, i Angus) 14,18.91 > jg t s j WAREHOUSE ‘ AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. OGLETHORPE, GA. f H E undersigned having under construc tion large and commodious Ware- Houses, take iliis nn thud of informing Plan ters and Merchants generally, that iliev will, | in a few days, bb prepared in receive Cotton ! in Stole, or any kind of Merchandise on 1 consignment. BAGGING, HOPE, or any kind of sup plies, will be purchased in this market, or ordered either from iSavaiir.'ih or Macon, at the lowest pliers. The strictest attention will be paid io all business entrusted to their From past experience we llntter our-. general satisfaction will be given. RA L ADVANCES made on Cut tofiHfd will. US. J. E. J. HORNE. 19—tf* J- W.C. HORNE. Yatiikop” DcalcFWjwjfiitn and domestic rifnmmoons Gibbons New RhilMtig, Corner oj Congress k, Streets SWANNvfWA, KKKU.V constantly on hand, and a !ar:;.. a ltd well scloctci] *tock of Fi,'ii!i?3L)„iii,- tic 19 IS I'Gn iff US. suitable for the to • whuih he iuviies th * particular attenaon“‘c visitin.T the market. ‘ sSavatipah, August 80th, 1851. 19—vra.l £, LOOKOUT FOR THE. VILLAIN!!! A MAN bv the name of ,jj. WAiDHOP. recently left j this place lor parts unknown, after staying here four or five months, leaving the under signed, together with many other citizens of the place to suffer for a considerable amount of Money. He also succeeded in borrowing a considerable amount of money fiom sever al unsuspecting individuals, on short time, in order to have money to hear his expenses from ibis place, lie also took from the Sil versmith’s Shop a fine gold watch, without leave belonging to Mi. Simons. So id V\ aldroD came to tins place as a Pain lei and fur some time, followed his profes sion apparently veiv ludostriocslv. He brought a l ‘d\ io ibis place with him, whom lie m.uri. din Marou. tl is reported be has another Mitcaod two chiMreti io .\iis\>s - sippi. Ttiwaid tin- i-ittei end of his sta\ to - Oglethorpe lie jocosely called himself .1 Moi r-1 evi l v crowd. Said Waldrop is about 6 feel high, stupt; built, high forehead, ‘link e\ es. &.•„ a bay# 2tl VC o! sjc. Ill’ u if., is u s-,slell d<-i built, lather sharp featured ladv, Ini lin • ed to be il.i li skiiineii,—carries ivuji her a small lap dog decorated with rili.iniljt, -• Said Waliliop was last heard of in Rome, G;i„ and was aiming for Montgomery Ala. lie sold Mr. Simons’ waiidiin Atlanta, Beb.w, we give a lotlei written by him to his. brother in Mississippi, which w illsnfli cieiitly prove him to be a villain. A. THOMASON, Os tin* Magnolia House. JAMES BELL, Os the Oglethorpe Hotel. W. H. H. BIGHAM, E. V. LEE. Oglethorpe, August 22, 1851. A kUi'r written by 3, R. Waldrop, to liis Brollier. Oglethorpe , August sth, 1851. Dear li rather: —This is to inform i on'that I am not well, hut hope this tuny find you in grind health. | w rote to you snipe lime simee, arid giien yon a deed to 154 iielmrs of land being* in the South Bzht (joariei of S. 12, T. 8 H, 1, West in Gaifyette County, Missisaippi. 1 have ••ever heard from you or any of you since and whether you are all dead, or w bother you have not received the letter, or vvliat it is I eannot tell. lam certain of one thing and that is I have done my duty to you all as to writing and answering your inters. lam still in this place, doing best I can for myself. We are fare sep era ted front each other, and may never See each other in lids world, you live in Truck ly country and so do 1. We havf just returned from hurry ing one of a great number turned out day to see the lust ol Capt. Elli-., a nnnjrr 1 man. Mrs. Waldrops health is g'jul. She sends her love to you all. was raised hy the Honorable Mrs. Haiti* of Macon, Georgia, as to boot / got none, but have a angel anti a cliris taih that communes with God always.— She knows nothing of my past life, Jam endeavoring to be study man, althu i dream of blood and dead men every night; I try t<> he as cheerful as possible, ‘ enough for yon to know that 1 am looked | upon as honorable, Mrs. Carry Waldrop I was the pony I spoke of some time since | in letter to mother, write as sooa as you ! feel like it and keep dark on the subject i only to mother ami sister. Excuse my j short letter and haste as I have to go to the Lodge* as soon us dinner is over. Your Brother. JOSEPH H. WAI.DROP. • Waldrop endeavored lo post himself off aa a jfiuson, but wan fimnd In hr an impnatcr. fJN OWNS END’S, Sands’, Kishv's. and _2 Comstock’s Compound Extract’s of j Sarsaparilla, fur salr bv, | Aug. I, 1851. PHILIP T. FEARS. GOOD Old Poll and Madeira Wines, Fine Brandy and Alcohol (for medical purposes only,) sold by Aug. t. 1851. PIIILP T. FEARS. PILLS —Champion s,Cook’s, Simmons’ Dent’s, Peters’, Gordon’s, Moft'at’s, Little’s, Jayne’s, and all other kinds of Pills for sale by PHILIP T. FEARS, at the Oglethorpe Dmg Store. At g. 1. 1851. Piles! Piies!! Piles!!! READ thfenU YOU who arc sutlering Willi this dread iti* PirßNiM* ;i!i(l*-al! ul the Oglethorpe Drugg 6'ture and buy a box of Prior's pile ointment. Atlanta, Sept. 25, 1850. This is to reitifyihat l have u<ed Pryor’s Pil* Oiut- I men! with success in the treatnit'Ht of ulcers of the pha gedeunc kind t further state that it is tle best application to piles ° atl am aetjuainted with. H. WESTMORELAND. Atlanta, Sept. 25, 1850. Col. Wm. Ih Pryor:—Dear Bir; lean and do most cho fiddly and sincerely certify to the etlieiency of your ‘‘'nent. Pew persons can haw a hette right to exp an opinion concerning tlie many dillerent rente- : dies that have heen otiered to the public for the cure of ! t’tf malady than I have, because few have been more severely than I • .ve been.and as few. perhaps, i have tried a greater number of remedies for it. Sly opinion is that your pile ointment is the very best in use; •hat it will not only sooth and ameliorate, but will posi tively cure if properly applied and persevered in a lair trial. ! recommend U all persons in reach of such a remudv the use of your ointment. Yours rCspectfullv, EDW. YOUNG HILL. LaGrangu, Ga., Aug. 1850. ’ Col. Wm. B. Pryor:—Dear .Sir.— You ask me to ex ‘ prfv an opinion with regard to your ointment for Piles L 1 am familiar with the dillerent ingredients Sft&rffig ijjto its composition, as well of the mode of nm- it art inedy powerfully efli ft cious in'relieving .j he maladies it profebbes to cure, as well as many othdwt-outageous diseases. I have known with much sir c ‘fs in the treat ment of Piles uarticnhiayEjaiid fa! e great pleasure in of* frHngeou this U’stimonmfwf its virtue. iL A. T. lULCtY, M. I). A. M. Sold by Philip T FiYars Dealer in Dings, Medicines, Paints, Oils, - Dj;u .Stuffs and Books. Bilker Street, Gn. ! Pliysicians supplied on liberal tokii).s. , August 1, 1851, r 708 ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE, \ Two ami a half miles from Oglethorpe. r-TSHE Subscriber linving more Lund than • ho can cultivate, olfers the plantation s where he now lives, 2.j miles west of Ogle - tliorpe, for sale. There are 708 acres of ex t cellent Pine Land—lso acres in cultivation —itolerablc good house—good Gin-lioitsp and Cotion-screw—good orchards, and a letter A. No. 1, Spring of good, cool, and pure water. • | The health of the place is undoubtedly first , tap'. The cleared land is under a good, ■ leu a*, and lias been cleared lanni .-14) to !7 . | voais, lon ItaviiiL’ tl dav f'oindpion. an<l Iv i ing well, is still i mu'leared,J# heavy timbered, lies well, anil | Io - pnattlieaf blaek-j ick and buck-nve grow. kiliDdP'* ,)VPr 1 suliiciettcy of timber fora i “voon, Saw-mill. Fuo further pirticulars. . conn tnd sri Dining my absecce Mr. \. A. Low” will he on tlie t>laee and and show i it to p'-rsdns calling. O. G HORNE. August 7, 1851. )7—tf : AYER'S ( Cborry Peel oral for the Cure of C ougAs % Colds, Hoarseness, Bronchitis , Whooping-Cough, Croup, Ashthma and Consumption. Amony the numerous discoveries Science has made, in this geneiatioik to facilitate the business of life—increase it* enjoyment, and even prolong the term of human ex . isteiice, none can be named of more real value to man kind, thnnthis contribution of Chemistry to the Healing An. Avast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or eoinbimuion of medicines known, can so surely con trol nnu cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary dis ease which have hitherto swept from our midst thou sands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can he relied on to cure the most danger ous uftl’ctious of the Our space here w ill not permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected .by its use. hut we would present the following opinions , of men, and refer further fenuiiiry to the circular which the A gem below named, will always be. plea ; sed to funii* h free, wherein are liill ifarticulure and in tlispulahle prooi'ofthosc. facts. From the President of Amherst College,the ’ celebrated Professor Hitchcock I Jataes C. Ayer—<*Vir: I have used your Cherry Pec- I oml in my own case of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am sati->tied from its chfuniciiil-s’omtitutiun, that it iaanad ? mirahle com|H)imd for the i*clief <>f laryngial and bron i chial didieultix’s. If my opinim as to its superior char acter can. he of any service, you are at liberty to use it r as you thin!’ proper. t \ EDWARD i/rrCHCOCIC, L. L. D., , From the widely celebrated Professor sjil liman, 31. D., L. L. J)., Professor of ’ Chemistry , Mineralogy , Sfc, Yale Col lege, Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil. ■ and Sciedtijic Societies of America and Europe, ■ “ I deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from some of the bust articles in the Materia Afedi* ca, and a very effective remedy for the class of diseases . it is inumded to cure. Ne\V n;Lven,Ct. f Nov. 1, 1819. A/ajor Paftison, President of the S. C. -Senate, states he has u-ed the Cherry IY-ctnral with wonderful success, t> CurHsft inflamrnaiitm of the lung.u From one of the first Physicians in Maine. •Vaco. Me.. April ’Jfi, 18*19. 1./:\ J. C. Ayw* ffiwell. Dear Vir: 1 arn now con stantly using your Cheriy Pectoral in my practice, and prefer il to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints. From observation of many severe cases, I mn convin ced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, b that t have put to defiance all other remedies, I invariably recommend its use in cases of consump tion, and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease* Ke\pertfully yours. L. S. CD*VIIM \N, M. P. PREPARKP AND N’OI P BY JA3/12.5 C. AYER. Practical Chemist 1-owell, Mix ss. •Void ly P. T. Fears, Oglethorpe, Joseph -Sucker, Afobile, B, K. Jones A, co., Montgomery, and Druggist# generally. July, 311651. 15 3m Administrators Sale. AGREABLE to mi ordfli* of the Honor able the Inferior Court of Sumter County, when sitting tor ordinary purposes, will be sold at the Court House in Lanier, oil the first Tuesday in October next, on a short credit, say till the first day of January, Lot of Land number eight (No 8) in the see.. corn! district of formerly Muscogee now Ma con County, said land being part of the es tate of James M. D. King deceased, sad sold for llie benefit of the distributees, ANGUS M. D. KING, Adm’r. July, 811851. 16-tdi. E. B WEED, iflacon, On. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Ffiy dicar c. WOULD jin vile tlie attention of his frieiiis to liis stock ol Cut lery, Iron, Nails, llollow-ware. Guns, Black smiths and Cncpeqlers Tools, Agricultural Imgliment, Axles, Spiings, Mill Irons, lin. Plate, Sheet and oar Copper, Lead and Zine, Locks, Lalihes, Hinges and Screws! i and every other article usually kept in Hard- \ i ware Stores, which ho will sell on reason*- : ble terms. Macon, July 19th, 1851. 15 ly ~P. G. ARRINGTON, ATTO RN E Y A T L A IF , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, Oglelliv[)c, iTljxeon Count}', <a. April 17 iS.Vi. _ 2—ly Was>hbaru, Vi’ildcr ACo. IC ominis si o n Merchants) AND FACTORS. JOSEPH WASHBURN.) lit,tiny Street JNO. li. Wli,l)i,U, > Savannah, (in ERA G. DANA. > July 24, 1.451. Him Land and other Property for Sale* UIE Subscriber olfers for sale a valna .ll. ble setlleineiH of Oak and Hickory, Land, nearest point within one mile of Ogle thorpe, on both sides of Flint River, (the residence on said laud being within two and a half miles of Oglethorpe, on the East side of said River) containing six hundred and fil ly or seven hundred acres, two hundred of which are now in cultivation. There is also a good Ferry on said land. There is also a settlement of kind containing about five bun dled acres, 200 of which a • in cultivation which can he purchased on teasonable terms if desired, lying broadside of the above des ciibed sell lenient. (Said lands are well wa tered. , Also a small lot of Negroes Moles, Wa gons, and nil tlie farming implements be jLlongi.ig to the premises’ to l e sold with the , kands, or w itbout, to suit purchasers. The , ajhove property will be sold on good lei itggjl 3 Whose who desire to purchase will doJwell ‘< so TalLaiid < xainineJor lliemselveWjJßSM | July IS 6m ! Now Spring aiid Cowls ! l!* J. t. strees*is \l7'C>T 7 f.!> rtM-rioflfiilh’ vnlt jhe aU* nUuit f Isiw frib iuls ” and the j-Hl>lti* ■•elitsa.ily hi* la rue and well , s4‘! ‘C!ed rt<HrUm*nt <>t , sm* r iiW & s r.T/J/JPR cr; OC- VS , * c*t) i. iiat of every vurii’ty*nf ■Siu,)ie and Fancy Dry s ( ioi)d:—such ns kefyoys, Satinets, ( ‘ju-iiucrcs, ( , Blankets. Flannek. Jlt'i-ry,. Linotis, MusHns, Silks, Satins, ami a variety . ~f ...• i Be ad y -,Tf art e r 1 otlt ia g v Os the Lai&t Sfi,lt mul lirM (lualtly . If AM’S and CABS of every dt~ riptiim. BOOTS and Sfjft>ES of all quaUti’ W- A vavicty of GROCERIES, HARDWARE , CUTLERY, +C. dn Fhort. purchaser-can he supplied with almost any article they deMre, on the ninrl rtibtmnblF term*. ‘Chose who desire to get the full worth ol theii mon ey, would do well to give me a call, for J pledge myself that none who purchase shall go away without obtam , ing a bargain.’ J Foci Gtiines, Ga., Alarch 25th, 1851. I—if OGLETHORPE DRUG STORE. PHILIP T. FEARS takes this method of calling the attention, of his friends and the public geneiully to bis splendid as sortment of Drugs and Medicines now on band, and assures t lie Physicians of this and 1 tlie suirouiiding villages that lie will do all in liis power to give satisfaction. ! He Begs leave also to call the attention ! of the Ladies to ms bountiful supply of PERPIIMKRY. TOILET POWDERS S} PAINTS. Oglethorpe, August 1, 1851. 16-ts. EPJH.NG’S Compound jFluld Extract of BUCHU, a sovereign remedy for dis eases of tlie bladder, spine and kidneys, o i nary organs, ginvey stone in the bladder, chronic catarrh of thy bladder, morbid irrita tion of tlie bladder, and urethra, disease of the prostate ond retention, and incontinence C of urine from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned. Sold by PJI I LIP T. FEARS. Prico $2 per bottle. Aug. 1 1851. I, . - DR. WOODRUFF’S Family Medicines, among which will be found liis invalu ; ble, Dysentary Cordial, Pain Killer, and Liquid Cathartic. Also Dr. Comstock’s Pa tent Medicines, Mr. Brown’s Pain Killer, Connels Pain extractiu* and Magical Extrac tor, pain is not known in its use. All sold at the Oglethorpe Drug Store bv Aug. 1 1851. P* T. FEARS: A LA RG E assortment of Medical, Clas rQ, sical, Miscellaneous, and School Books iShl|ps, Pencils, Paper, Ink and Bank Books of every description, and for sale by P. T. FEARS Druggist. Oglethorpe Aug. 11851. 16-ts AY ER’S Cherry Pectoral for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Consumption, for sale by [Aug. 1, 1851.] P. T-FEARS. DR. CHRISTIES Galvanic R, Its, Necklaces, Bracelets and Magic Fluid for the permanent cure of Rheumatism and all Mervnus Diseases. For sale bv Aug. 1,1851. P. T. FEARS. CT EN. TWIGGS’Hair Dye, for making H Gray Ha ir grow iiut its original color and no mistake ; riUinters in this rttv te>iifv to the lari. Sold bv P.T.FE\RS; Aug. 1, 1851. i IS-ts PURIFY THE MLrtOD. MOFr \TT’S v u .< table Lite Pill* n I Plioenix BiltcrA fur sale hv Aog.l. 1951. P. T. Ffc.lßS. 1 GEORGIA, Macon Couni v. FOUR Months after date application wifi bo made to the Court ol Ordinary es said County for an order to sell lot of laud No. J3O in tlie Second District of once Mus cogee, now said county ol Macon, as th* property of William Tomlinson deceased, for the benefit of liis In its and creditors. E. 4a U Y AJm’r. May 24 1851. S , ”-4rr. I GEORG IA7MACON Cof’NT Y. IT'fOUR months after date application will . he made to the Honorable Inferior 1 Court of Marion County, when setting for or. diimry purposes for leave to sell the land and negroes belonging to the estate of Pheb* Peebles, late of Marion County dt e’d, ISAAC 11. PEEBLES, Adm’r. July 9tb, 1851. 13 4us gGX', CABMIfIJIL & THE Subscribers having as soriated th**niselves tfnder th* above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware-House and Commission Business, lake this method ol informing th* Planters and Merchants generally, that they are now prepared lo receive Cotton in Slot* or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at all time* Ragging, Rope, Twine, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron, Sfc. ffc. Liberal Advances made on cotton whea desired. G. C. Caiimicii.kl. J, P. Haiivbt. HEFBIIENCES: Messrs. Logan & Atkinson; Macon, Ga , “ Neely &■ Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. RABUN, FULTON & CO. Commission Merchants, NO. 207 BAY STREET J. W lABUN, ) r sv i avawwah. o*. v August 22, 1851 19 6m. VOIVGE * OOEIV, FACTORS, AND Mj^Am S. iVANIXAII GEORGIA. * !w. P. YONBK. fjiitv 17 6ni.] wr. ODIM. yvareho use AND COMMISSION BUSINESB. N. OUS LEY if SON, MACON, GA., GODFREY OVS LEY ts ( 0.. BAVANNAII, GA. iiHII B, OODrBKY, H. OUSLKY, July 17, 1851. . j. p QVLx. 14-Cm. 1200 Acres of Land FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offer* for alp, his plan tation, consisting of 600 acres lying four miles from Atuciicus and sixteen miles from Oglethorpe, on the road leading from Americus to Oglethorpe. 150 acres oflatid under cultivation, 75 acres fresh land. Said premises ate well watered with Springs and a small creek running entirely through the 600 acie lot. Also three other lots with small improve ments, mostly oak and hickory. Any person wishing to purchase said ptemisrs, or any of said Lauds would do well to call and exam ine the glowing crop upon said premises. The Subscriber can at all times be found on tlie plantation, and will take greal pleas ure in showing the premises to any person calling. ALEXANDER RAMSEY. July 17, 1851, 14-6 m. FOUR MONTHS after date application will be made to the Court of Ordina ry of Macon county for leave to sell a negro girl, for the benefit of Martha J. Bell, minor, JAME 7 BELL, Gurd’n. July 17, 1851, 14-4 m, WANTED {. SITUATION as Clerk in some ex tensive Mercantile House, by one who has a good deal of experience both in buying and selling goods, and a good deal of ac quaintance in iSouth West Georgia. Apply at this Office. July, 24th 1851. 15 2m LEWIS ft PRICE, Ware House and Commission . Merchants, OGLETHORPE, GA. WE TAKE this method lo say to our friends, and those who may entrust us with their business, that we have comple ted our Ware House in this place, and are now ready in attend to all business in our line. We will give our personal attention to business, and no pains will be spared to pro mote the Interest of those who may favor us with their business. The usual advances made on Cotton and other produce in iStore. ELBERT LEWIS. JOHN t. PRICE. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. 15 ly Cabinet and Carriage RepalrinfShop. Corner of the Green Square awl Macon STssevs, Oacmnin. T !PHe Undersigned would-tak* this moth* il orl infill ming the public that they are now prepared hi execute all kinds of Cabi net win k ; iilao o repair Carriages at th* shortest noiiee nnd in the most workman like manner. WRIGHT ft BALLARD. | Oglethorpe, July 24, 1831. 15 ts