The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 17, 1851, Image 1

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jllfc ‘ootttl)-'CD(Ot YOUNGBLOOD & HOLLAND. Pr<Staiclrs. | VOL. L Is Published every Friday Mormnp . in the new Town of Oglethorpe, Macon County.Ga„ C. B. YOUNGBLOOD & A. JI. HOLLAND, Publishers. TEKMS--#9;j*er I ‘ear in advance RATES OF ADVKRTISING. On* Dollar per square (of I*2 linos or L*kk) for tlie first insertion, and Fifty Cents for wirh insertion thereafter. A liberal (lednotion will be made to those who adver tise, by the year. V Advertisements not specifier! as to time, will be pub lished till ordered out and charged accordingly. ’ T. HUDSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Lanier Ga. Tin LI, pmotire am] transact faithfully nil business err* ” trusted to liia charge in tlie .-omities of MucoiA, Marion, Slew art, Sumpter, Dooly Rnrl Houston. Wav 7t!i 1851 4-6 m H.M.GHAIf ~ Attorney and Counsellor at Law, 8 takely, Early Co„Ga. March 5\ IBS-1 I—!v “phlllp oo kT Adornos? as .xaw, Ot.LKTHORI'E, GA., Practices in th* Counties of lint;ton, Moon, Dooly Sumter, Mn.-ion, ’ialbot. and < raw ford. April 8, 18.'. 1. l-!y. K. 11 .~S IMS, k CO., (.ENEU At, DEALERS IN Groceries and ttnint'slit Goads. ALSO Bom*, Shoes, H its. Caps, Bagging, Rope, Iron, Steel, Nails, dee. At the Brick Store, Conner of Sumter and Chatham Sts., OGLETHORPE GA. N. B. All Orders Promptly At tended to. It. H. Sims. T. J. Tiireekeld. October 3, 1851. i. 25—6 m W. w. CHAPMAN Jc CO. WARE •HOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Conner of linker and Chatham Slieels, OGLETHORPE, GA. ARCHIBALD W. MARTIN, W. W. CHAPMAN £ CO. October 3, 1851. 25.—6 m. New Spring and Summer Goods J. T. SUGGS ITOl’I.i) re>| vet fully call the attention of his friends W and the public generally to his large and well t'flected assortment of SJPNI.V€d A SV.TJo7SM;tt GOO US, oimsiNtiiir *f every .*iriety of Maph* and Fancy Dry tundi as Kerseys, Satinets, Casimereß, Cloths, Blanket*, Flannels, Shawls, Calicoes, Mind kerchiefs, Hosiery, Linens. Muslins, Silks, feutins, and a variety of other Fancy Arti lew. lie :t <1 y -NI n<l e € 1 olh in K (X the Latest Style and fir st Quality. 11 ATS and CAPS of every description. BOOTS ami SI (OKS of ail qualities. A variety of ii ROGER lES, HARDWARE, CVTLERY . #C. (n abort. purchasers can be supplied w ith almost any article they desire. on On mot# rtumnuulvterm*. Thuae who desire 1“ gel the full worth ot theit mon ey, Wtiuld do Well id give me a call, for I pledge my-elf that none who purchu.-e shall go away without obtain ing a bargain. Fort Gaines, Ga., March 25th, 1851. I—ts 1200 Acres of Land FOR SALE. THE Subscriber offers for stile, his plan tation, consisting of 600 acres lying four miles front A met ietts and sixteen miles front Ogleihoipe, on the roarl loading from Americus to Oglethorpe. 150 acres of land under cultivation, 75 acres fresh land. Said premises ato well watered with Springs and a small creek running entirely through the 600 acre lot, . * Also three other lots with small improve ments, mostly oak and hickory. Any person wishing to purchase said premises, nr any of said Lands would do well to call and exam ine the glowing crop upon said premises. The Subscriber can at all times ho found on the plantation, and will take great pleas ure in showing the premises to any person calling. ALEXANDER RAMSEY. July 17, 1851, 14-6 m. EPFING'S Compound Fluid Extract of BUCHU, a sovereign remedy for dis- j 4-hsus of the bladder, spine and kidneys, in jury organs, gravel, stone in the bladder, chronic catarih of the bladder, morbid irrita tion of the bladder, and urethra, disease of tiie prostate and retention, and incontinence of nriue from a loss of tone in the parts coll ect tied. Sold by PHILIP T. FE A R|. Price $2 per bottle. Aug. 1 185f. TT&B- WOODRUFF’S Family Medicines, | | aiming which will be found his invalu ble, iDysentary Cordial, Pain Killer, and Liquid Cathartic. Also Dr. Comstock’* Pa tent Medicines, Mr. Brown's Pain Killer, Counels Pain extractor and Magical Extrac tor, pain is not known in its use. AM sold hi the Oglethorpe Drug Store by Aug. 1 1851. P’ T. FEARS: Piles! Piles!! Piles!!! READ this all you who arc mflcring with I'ul Disease ami call at the OgletliuiyirSiig# VMw and boy a box of Error’s pile ointment. Atlanta, Stpt. 25, 1850. This is to certify that t have used Pryor's Pile Oint- 1 ment with success in the treatment of ulcers of the |ilia gedemie kind . i furtlicrstatc thut it is the best application to piles lliat 1 am acquainted with. 1L WESTMORELAND. Atlanta, Sepr. 25, 1850. Col. Wm. B. Prvor: —Dear Sir. I can and do most cheerfully and sincerely certify to the efliciency of vottr Pile Ointment. Few persons can have a better right to express an opinion concerning the many different reme dies that hate been offered to the public for the cure ol the malady than I have, because few have been more severely afflicted limn I l ave been, and as few, perhaps, have tried a greater number of remedies for it, il/y opinion is that your pile ointment is the very best in use; that it will not only sooth and ameliorate, hut will posi tively cure if properly applied and persevered in a fair trial. 1 recommend to ail persons in reach of such a remedy the use of your ointment. Yours respectfully, EDW. YOUNG HILL. LhG range, Ga., A tig. 1850. Col. V\ m. B. Puyor:—Dear Air You ask me to ex press an Opinion with regard to your ointment for Piles and Burns. lam familiar w ith the different ingredients entering into its composition, as w ell oltlie mode of com pounding it. and consider it u remedy powerfully etfica eioita in relieving the maladies u professes to cure, as well as many other eontageous diseases. I have known it ttseil w ith much su<cess in the treat ment us Piles particularly, and take great pleasure in of feringynu this testimonial of itsvtrtue. H. A. T. RILLEY, M. [). A. M. Sold by Philip T Fears Dealer in Dings, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stud's and Bonks. Baker Street, Oglethorpe, Ga. Physicians supplied on liberal terms. August 1, 1851, 16 6nt. AYER’S Cherry Perioral for (he Cure of Coughs, Colls , Hoarseness, Bronchitis, Whooping-Cough, Croup, Ashthmu'jmd Consumption. Among the numerous* discoveries Science has made in tliis generation to facilitate tins Imsineffeof life—increase its enjoyment, and even prolong the term of human ex istence, none can be named of more reril value to man kind, than this contribution ofChemistry to tin*. Healing Art. A vast trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, lias proven boynml.a doubt, that no medicine or combi nation of medicines known,can so surely con trol ana cure the numerous varieties of pulmonary dis ease which have hitherto swept from our midst thou sands and thousands every year. Indeed, there is now abundant reason to believe a Remedy has at length been found which ran be relied on to cure the most danger ous hflections of 1 lie lungs. Our space here will i.ot permit us to publish any proportion of the cures affected by its use, but we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further enquiry to the circular which the Agent below named, ivilf always be plea sed to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and in disputable proof of those facts. From Ihe President of Amherst College, the celebrated Professor Hitchcock . ‘•James C. Ayer—*Mr: I have used your Cherry Pec toral in my own ease of deep-seated Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution, that it is an ad mirable CointMHind lor the relief of laryngial and bron chial difficulties. If my opinion as to its superior char acter can be of any service, you arc at liberty to use it as you lliinh nrojwr. EDWARD tfITCIICOCK, L. L. D., From the width/ celebrated Professor Sil liman, Al. L)., L. L. D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, Sfe, Yale Col lege, Member of the Lit. Hist. Aled. Phil, and Sciedtifi.c Societies of America and Europe. “ 1 deem the Cherry Pectoral an admirable composi tion from some of the best articles in the Materia Wedi ca, and a very effective Temedy for the class of diseases it is intended to cure. New Haven,(t M Nov. 1, 1819. 3/ajor President of the S. C. .Senate, Elates he has used the Cherry Pectoral with wonderful success, to cure an inflammation of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Maine. A'aco, Jfe., April 26, tSt'J. Dr. J. C. Ayer, /.owe!]. Dear Air: 1 am now con stantly using your l'hurry /’central in my practice. and prefer il to any otin-r nn-tlirim: for pillttpittary complaints. From oltsurvation of many severe discs, 1 am eonvin ced it w ill cure - of tin: Inngn, that have put to nil other reined it--, I intarialily ret-omiuenU it tn-e in ea-ex of con-iunp (iim. and consider it muidi the beet remedy known for that di-ea-e. lie-|K-etfidly your-. 1.. .V. CTNIIM \\. M. I). PREPARED AND A'ol D BY JA.WE-V 0. AVER. Praetieal f’hemist Lowell, Afuw. •Sold by i‘. T. Fi arx, UglClliorpts Joxepli A'neker, Mobile, B, If. Junes At ro., .Uontgienery, and Druggists generally. July, 31 1851. 10 3m AYER’S Cherry Pectoral for the cure of Coughs, Colds and Consumption, for sale by [Aug. 1, 1851.] P. T- FEARS. DR. CHRISTIES Galvanic Belts, Necklaces, Bracelets and Magic Fluid (bribe permanent cure of Rheumatism and all Mcrvoux Diseases. For sale bv Aug. 1,1851. P. T. FEARS. GOOD Obi Pori and Madeira Wines, Fine Brandy and Alcohol (for medical purposes only,) sold bv Aug. 1. 1851. PIiiLIKT. FEARS. PILLS —Champion's, Cook’s, Sim mans’ Deni’s, Peters’, Gordon’s, Moffat’s, Little’s, Jayne’s, and till other kinds of Pills for sale by PHILIP T. FEARS, at the Oglethorpe Drug -Store. At g. 1. 1851. GEN. TWIGGS’ Hair /)ye, for making Gray Hair grow out its original colot and no mistake ; numbers in tliis city testify to the fact. Sold bv P.T. FE \RS; Aug. 1, 1851. 16-ts PURIFY THE RLOOD. MOFFATT’S Vegetable Lite Pills and Phoenix Billers, lor sale by Aug. I. 1851. P. T. FEARS. OGLETHORPE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1851. €1)1’ €’alf €fllrr. b THE TWO CLERKS. BY C. I). COH'.SWORTHY. Wool’s! thou, with deep repetance, bting |raHnmiderer to the told ol Goil ; Use nOMWqiroaelt—a billet sling Or an it on rod. With pleasant teords, and looks that speak r nie warm of the heart, Go—and the udunLnt will break, And tears ol Upe contrition start. * When 1 get thronoli with Haler, 7 shall set up i:i anti l tell you what Harry, I sdjall make money hand over list.’ y * S<> you may think, Charles, but like hundreds of others, you will be tlisappoiL ed. 4 Not exactly. I know what I filial! do, and I will succeed admirably. / have been somewhat observing, and noticed what business produces the greatest pro fit with the least capital, and bow tuose men manage that become licit.’ * Whitt business do you contemplate en leiing upon, when you become ol age ? * That’s a secret jet; but I know. 4 4 All 7 have to say is, that you will lie disappointed. 7l i can make a good liv ing and lay by a little every year I shall be satisfied.’ 4 A little won’t satisfy nte, that I assure you. 1 intend to become rich.’ Henry Welbv was the son of a pom widow. His mother had early instilled into bis mind judicious and valuable pre. cepts v Front childhood he was laugh’ that a good name anti spotless character were invaluable to an individual—more precious than gold. A strict regard lor truth, and a tender sympathy for the un fortunate and stifl'ding, bad ever eliarac* terized the buy. Mrs. Welby had the satisfaction ol seeing her son practise up on the instructions lie hail received front his mother. No oath ever polluted his lips—no falsehood marred his charter, and no vice leproised his heart. Kind and generous, faithful tint) industrious, lie won the encomiums <>f his neighbors, and when of suitable age was solicited by .Mr. Haler, a wholesale grocer, to titter his store. Charles Ingalls was the reverse of Hen ry in almost every tiling. He wtts brought up by indulgent parents, who were in ea sy circumstances, and suffered him . too often to follow the ben of bis own incli nation without being cheeked,. His In . titer (Ini not believe it to be his duty to severely correct bis son, when guiltv ol’ any wrong act, and would often suffer bim to pursue his own course without a word of advice. The parents of Charles were of that t la.-s who look more to the appearance than to the heart. If a boy conducts well in company, is particular in bis dress, and is constantly aping the fool ish fashions of the dav, w ith such all Is well, the lad must make a sinert ami ac tive man. Thus Charles was suffered to grow up, follow tug the bent of his own perverse nature, till he was ol a suitable age to do something towards his ow it sup poll. His lather was anxious to pot him in a lawyer’s office, deeming the profes sion oflhe law the height ol’ respectabili ty No opportunity presenting, he fi nally seemed a place lor his boy at the store of Mr. Haler. The w holesale merchant was a gentle man of middle nge, who did an extensive business, and was reputed in be rich.— He had one or two elder dei ks in his em ploy, when Henry and Charles entered Ins store. These li.ds generally lived on good terms w itli each other ; hut occa. sionally a dispute would ari*e between them on account of the overbearing dis position o/'Charles. lie wtts determined at times to have bis own way, no matter how much it interferred with his compan ions. Rot its Henry was Lind and yield ing, and seldom manifested angry or re vengeful feelings, the lads on the whole lived on pleasant terms. The\oninz men hail been in the em ploy of Air. Haler several years w hen the . conversation at the beginiug of our sto rv took place. They had often conver sed on the lui-iitess they would pursue m after life, and while Harry insisted (hat small gains and a safe business were to he preferred', his companion declared that nothing would sati.-fy him Imt large pro fits and extensive trade. 7t was seldom that Charles spent an evening at home with his parents, or tit the house of his master. In the summer season he would walk die streets with his companions, eu OUR COUNTRY'S GOOD IS OCRS. ■raged in idle conversation, while in win ter he would resmt to suite shop, where lie pas-etl bis lime in profitless amuse ments, it nut vicious pursuits. On the, Henry improved Ids leisure limit's in reading and study. His even ings were general’v pa-sed at home, read ing some useful bunk or paper, nr in drawing or writing. His companions were chosen (mm those who were indus trious, and thought of the improve ment of the mind and heart, than the dec oration of person, or the gratification of the appetite. 7t was not nnfrequetitlv that Henry iu\ fjaired ol his companion, on returning at night where lie past the evening, ‘Oh, / have had a line time,’ would be his reply. ‘Why don’t j ou read more ?’ once said Henry todmn. 4 / don’t love <o read; and besides, 7 get Imt little jDrte'you know. 4 You luveju much time as 7 do, anti j in die course of a lew mouths past, 1 have read a tioten volumes, besides various pe riodicals.’ 4 Rut you read evenings, it bile I am enjoying myself. 4 If von would take my advitmJCliarles —and 1 think it is good advice, find in the end you will it so—l would say dtm’l go into the society of the idle and frivol ous. There bail habits are contracted w hich lead to everything that is bad.’ 4 No, Harry, you know nothing about it. If) on could go with us ami enter in to our sports, you would he happy.’ 4 That is what I have no desire to do.’ All the pursuasions ol the virtuous youth could not produce tlie desired ef fect. Charles spent his lime in idleness and fully, made a fine appearance m so ciety, anti look pride in bisdre.-s and ex tenor deportment. A lew y ears passed, and the young men had completed their clerkship.— Welby, by the earnest solicitations ol tlie merchant, was ptirstiaded to remain in bis employ another year for a specified salary, while Ingalls commenced business for himself. The lather of Charles had proposed, ami now put a capital in his son’s bands to commence with. He en gaged it large store, and had it filled with groceries of the first quality, not forget ting to parade his casks ol rum, brandy, gin, &.c. He also erected a hnr in bis store for the retail of spirits. So here was the secret of his money making.— Day by day the shop of Ingalls was crow ded by purchasers and loafers—for the latter crowd are ntresary result of a bar. Pass by his store any hour oflhe day, and you wtil hear the rattling of glasses and decanters, and the impure conversa tion attendant upon such business. If you have taken a look within,.you would have seen Charles or bis clerk behind the counter dealing out to the miserable and poor as well as the decent and well dres sed, what lias not inappr<'pri<itely been called 4 distilled damnation.* Eat I v anti late was lite shop open to visitors. Pass ing one day, Henry entered the store, in quired of his friend what success he met w itlt in Ids hii-iness. 4 1 do finely,’ said lie. 4 1 regret,’ said Henry, 4 that you have erected that bar—becutt-e it will hate an evil tendency. • i could not get along without it,’ said Charles, 4 f realize more profit from the sale of spiriisTltait from all my other busi ness.’ 4 Rut only consider how much misery you are instrumental of producing.— Doubtless many a poor w ile and mother is suffering; because, for a little gain, you put the intoxicating glass to the lips of’ the husband and father. ‘lll did’ni sell to llient somebody else would, itii<l I should I >ose the profit.’ 4 That you don’t know, and if it were so, that is no excuse for you.’ 4 1 don’t care, I will sell spirits so lung as 1 can get pit teasers.’ 4 You will regret it at some future day I havii im question.’ 4 Rut 1 shall sell, and its no body’s business. |do wish our community was rid o! the confounded meddlers. 1 Itatfe a right to di-pose of what I please. This is si Iree country, ami die fii-t man that instills me (or selling liquor, I will order Inin from my shop.’ ‘Don't get angry friend Ingalls, I tint niily speaking lor your good.’ 4 Well, | don’t thank you for it. There is a set ol men about now-a-tinys, that do nothing but interfere with other men’s business. They are determined to com, . pel us to give up selling spirits; hut their efforts shall lie in vain. They talk about prosecutions and I lie like, thinking that we are fools eii nigh *o pay attention to wltat they say and do. No, we have more manliness about ns.’ 4 R ut, friend, don’t you think it w ould be for your interest not to retail rum ? You know there are a great many people in this eommnnity, who look upon your business ns not respectable, and oil that account will not enter your store to pur chase tt single article. If you should re linquish the sale, or even empty your casks into the streets, I think it would he greatly for your interest in the end—l am certain it will be so.’ 4 1 know heller than that. No induce ment whatever would prevail upon me now. Since so much has been said, I will sell and risk the consequences.’ 4 l know you will regret it,’ anil just as he spoke, a hall’ dozen poor and mise rable beings entered tin: shop anil called lor spirits, and Henry left, grieving over the conduct of bis liientl. ‘ In a year or two Ingalls had become attached to his cups, and it was said that occasionally he was seen intoxicated.— However that may he, Ins business Grad ually fell off, and it was with difficulty that he sustained himself day bv day.— He neglected his simp, and idled away his time w ith unsteady companions, spending money and contracting intemperate 4 liOm -its. Titus inattentive to business, he <P*VH failed amUd to give up. On set tling- vtidt bis freeitors, Ingalls could pay little more than twenty per cent; the re mainder hatfi been sponged from him by lys comfmmpns. ami squandered in vic ious pursuits. Alter idling about lor five or six months, lie started west in pot suit of business. Welby continued with Haler for one year. He had been so faithful to his em ployer while a clerk, and had behaved with so much propriety, that his master concluded in take him into t qual copart nership. This was an honor entirely tut expected to flwiry, and the prospects was brig-ld before him. Mr Aalrr had been doing an extensive business, and w as now quite wealthy. The responsibility of the concern was throw n upon Henrv, and no man was better qualified to sus tain it. Diligent and persevering, virtu ous auk honest, lie had received the sip probation and respect of all who knew him. Asa citizen and neighbor Welby was of great service. He was one of the most active members of the Temperance Society, and by his exertions a large a m oiiit ofgßod Itatl been accomplished.— He went among the poor iiu-lnutes, and persuaded them to forsake their intempe rate habits, while lie advised those wlm dealt in spirits to rlinqnlslt the stile of it. He was a friend to virtue, and a benefac tor of the poor. Welby had been in business hot a few years, when he led to the hymeneal al ter the beautiful anti accomplished daugh ter of his partner, Mr. Haler. From early youth lie Itatl been partial to Ellen. Her sw eel disposition, Iter graceful matter? ami her indn-irious habits, had won his efiei tions. Unlike multitudes that sur rounded her, she thought mote of Iter heart than Iter face, (he improvement of the mind, than the decoration ot Iter per son ; atttl would rather spend Iter time at work or in study, than at the theatre or in pacing the streets. Two more con genial spirits were seldom united. The marriage day was a happy one to their friends and neighbors, as weii as to them selves. Every body loved Ellen Haler and Henry Well)}’, ami now (bey receiv ed the smiles and good wishes of all, and many a prayer was offered, that the bright morning of their days might not be duud detl with Sturow. Several years parsed and Welby con tinued to prosper in business, while the influence he exerted around hint was heal thy and salutary. About once a tear he would leave hi- native place ami jonrm y to the South—partly oil business, and partly (or pleasure. < One season lit- trav elled as lar its New Orle-us w ith hi- wife. One morniiijr as they were passing the street, they uoiieetl a crowd gathered, ami on imputing the cause or diflictilt v, 1 1 if- \ learned that a poor fellow had been caught, who a kw nights In-fore hail bro ken into a store, ami robbed it of a con siderable amount. While moving alone, the nfiieer ul justic e appealed with the prisoner, and a # siitgle glance revealed to Welby the route nance of Ills former coin pttilion, Charles 7ngalls. , ‘Can it be possihV, Elicit, lliat this i. Chatlcs; said lie. | TERMS: $2 in Advanee. 4 7 believe in my heart it is,’ said his wife; nnothcr look convinced them. His dress was very shabby—he bore the imprint of vice and intemperance— but lie was burned on, and they lost sight of him. Henry had concluded to leave New Orleans on that day but the situation of Itis olti friend induced him to remain, in the hope dial lie should have an oppnrttu nity of seeing him. After several inqui ries, lie learned the next day lliat Charles was in jail, and thither he bent his steps —he w as permitted to see the prisoner— on entering the cell he found dial he did not mistake the man, worn and altered as lie had become; but the thief did not re’ cognise Henry. 4 My friend,’ said Welby, 1 I am sor ry to see you in tliis condition, and would that I could be of some service to you.’ ‘O, sir,’ said the prisoner, intempe rance has brought me hear. For the last live or six years 7 have hern miserable. I have snfl’ered in body and mind inure than I can express.’ 4 Have you no friends ? ’ 4 l Itatl ft tends once, blit | left them.— /had parents, but 1 have not seen or heard from them for several years*. 1/ I hud performed my duty—lived, nsjl ought to live—l should not have come to this.’ 4 Sir—T- nin a thief!* and the tears gndted from Itis eyes. 4 I was in liquor ami was persuaded to steal by those who have left me to suffer. Oh, that I had my life to live over again ! How differ ent would be my course ! Then if a friend advised me, l would hearken to him.’ 1 sympathize with yon, and if it were in ttiy power, 1 would release you from prison, that )ou might he abetter man.’ 4 Sir, who nitty l call you. I have found no one to sympathise in my sorrow, and to speak a friendly word to me since I left my native place. VY'ho may I call you r’ 4 My name is Henry Welby.’ 4 G tod ben vens! my old friend and companion—in truth it is lie. I knew your voice—your looks,’ and the poor fellow could say no more for very joy. After a few minutes, Charles related all that had befallen him since he left Portland. In truth lie Itnd suffered by land and by water. Olten he wa depriv ed of all the necessaries of life, and yet he roulinoed In drink, till he was over per suaded’ by a £ng of villinns to steal. YVhell Henry left the prison, lie prom ised to exert himself to the utmost, to ob. • tain the release of his intemperate, but, as he now believed, penitent friend. After remaining in New Orleans a week or mitre, lie finally had the satisfaction of taking Ingall by die nrnt and leading him from the prison, lie was furnished w ith suitable clothing, and sufficient limn cv given hint to pay Itis passage home.— When he arrived, he was taken as clerk into the store of Hitler and Welby, where for years he conducted himself with the utmost propriety. A drop of spirits nev er again entered Ids lips, lie became one of the most efficient members of the Tem perance Society, and is now using Itis strongest endeavors to advance the glo lions cause. He was lan ly united to a a worthy woman. The debt be owes bis friend Its often repeats lie cannot pay. 4 Ami but for you,* lie recently told itim, 4 1 should now be a miserable outcast, a vagabond and a curse.* Such is the influences of kindness!— How glorious the results ! Ye who have emhatked'.n the temperance cause, be gentle kind, ‘ persuade and entreat, and take by thy hand tlue who err, and you will uecnnipTtt-h tut amount of good that can only be,rewarded in eternity. Singular Discovery. —A place lias lately been discovered in Allegany coun ty, Peitlisylvniiia, several feet below tlie sat face ot the earth, where is found petro leum', or rock oil. It flows out of the rock-, and is eagerly sought alter as a medicine. I he \\ ndiiiigtnn National Monument is now uiiteiy .six set I in heigh', with a torce ol sixty mechanics constantly em ployed thcicmi. A car drawn ly a steam engine/lirqnt tttly conveys visitors to the tojt ol Vhe structure, frntii which a beaus till v iv w may ltt> enjoyed. Cl?* The President of the United States has appointed li. R. Curtis, Esq., ol lioston. a Judge ol the Supreme'Couft in the place ol Judge Woodbury, deceits* uJ. NO 27