The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 24, 1851, Image 3

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Prices Current PaL CORRECTED WEEKLY. BACdH& Hams, per lb. . 13 cts. SMMtefcJt'iin . 13 BUTTiff7 ! Golifi - ; ‘2s7^^ s Country “ . 12 a 15 BAGGING, gunny . . 16 Mail'd gunny . . 15 COFFEE, “ 12 a 12A CANDLES, Sperm “ . 50 a 60 Adamantine, “ . 4i( u 43 Tallow, “ , 25 a 30 FLOUR, perbbl. $7 UOu 9 MACKEREL, No. l.“ 14 “ “ 2. “ 10 “ “ 3. “ 9 50 CORN, per bushel, l 00 a 1 25 MEAL “ l 30 a 150 LARD, per lb. . . 14 a 16 LEAD, “ , 10 al2 MOLASSES, per gallon 35 a 45 ROPE 9 SYRUP, N. O. “ 50 a 55 Clarified 90 a I 00 SUGAR, “ .8a 10 SALT,*per sack . . 200 SALT, per sack, . 2 RICE, per lb. . . 5 a 5 Ol L, Linseed, per gallon 1 25 a 1 50 TURPENTINE “ 1 00 a I 25 TALLOW, per ||j_ . 9a 10 BEES* WAX,> r 1,1. . 20.. 25 nails, perjib. .. 4 . 5 FORT GAINES PRICES CURRENT CORRECTED WEEKLY BY THE MERCHANTS Baeainn^ —K*tucky, 16 alB lUo* H) • 6 a India. : IRaSO : , Rope, pr lb. : 9a I” ‘'il-l-amp 75a3 0C Bacon —hams, peril), 12 Lneycu, 1 sides, “ II „ 1 shoulders “ p. W ali:. Pork-mess. hhl. *ll a *2O Lein. Syrup 1J 4 00 Butter —rnimtrv, lb, 16 ;1 20 aboi-ba;’ 1 <oa. sK) Clam I les—sperm. •• d6 a 5S -"ipe' r Ih adamantine. “ 40 a 50 steel-east, lb. 20a .o Can*lies —box, SIOO Blistered rastimrs. per lb, 6 1 allow, , 0 ~, Codec—Rio, 12 a l3 sugr-St t-rmi,lb. W}- Cotton. : • N. Orleum, 8.. 0 Mali—Mackerel, 1 #l4 >•'’ . .. ... ~ No. 2. . 13 Uetiued, V; No 3 : 1250 Criudietl, “ *salb Com, per bnsliel, 100 Spirits-brand) , 50a at) Flour—western, hbl. 7on eoginae,gal. • s.<u 100 Canal “ Stttl apple, “f,™ fiUißs—per box, i75 a 3 HI) Kmii—iunr.ih*;t ‘ t,imPowder-keg,6 50 a 7t)o N England, S'” *- Hides —dry, lb, 8a V Wliiskey-mjv, S3 25 Jr,,,,—sweedes,ib, 5a 7 iiwuioogatiala, 8;>ai00 Knalisb. “ 4a (• rectified, “ 3; ; ; l*2<lin—hotlaml, l Iba’Z CO j JI . Rl |’ : : H amerieao. 30 a bit Mollasses —gallon, 42a 44 Vinegar—per ga110n,35 as') Salt —sack, 150 Wines—per gal. 71 a 100 ( OME YE TO THE WATERS. Warranted no mre n<> pay, and no mistake ; Hnitplami’, Fe ver ti ml A gun Remedy, Cut the cure of fever and Ague. < all ai I lie Drug •Store all \e shake)s and be healed. PHILIP T. FEARS Sept. sth, 1851. 2! if New Dry Goods & Grocery Store. On Bukrr Street. JX'V WYTODGES, would res e ®® • bTH pertitdly inform the Citizens ol’Oglethorpe and the PLn'ers of the surrounding Country that lie is notv open ing a large and well selected stock id Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, Hardware, Crot kery, Kiadlerv, Boots, Mines fee. He will also keep constantly on hand a large lot of dtfJCERIESiOFaPm DESCHIPTION. The public are respectfully requested to call and examine for themselves. Sept. 12,1851. 22—ts f|N OWNS END’S, Sands’, Rishy’s. and J Comstock’s Compound Extract’s of Sarsaparilla, for sale bv, Aug. 1, 1851. PHILIP T. FEARS. TAILORING. JOHN CRANE would r^pr*cifully in forme ilu; Citizens of Oglethorpe mnl the surroundin'; country dial lm lias now opened a Shop in tiiis place for dm |iiii|hiso of executing nil business in bis line dial may In; entrusted to him, in dm neatest and most fashionable style. Ho lias on hand a latge lot of Splendiil Clocths lot men’s di. r.winy, which the public are invited to call and ex amine before purchasing eleswhere. JOHN CRANE. Oglethorpe, tfept. 2ft, 1851. 24—if. Dry Goods a; Wholesale SAVANNAH GA.” ROBKKTS, FOOTE &- MAKSHAI.I, arc now re ceiving at their store. corner of Broughton amt JefEuwm .Mreetn, oppositu Saint Andrews’ Mail, a large and Well fielectcilmock of fureigri and dunientic Dry <finals, which iliry offer for tale, upon the u-iial terms. Wawtl exclusively wholesale, and think we are able footii'i sufficient inducemenw to retain die trade in this ciry. We have now instore too bales brown Shirting* and Sheetings; 50 cases hleeched “ “ 50 “ fancy f’rints, 50 hales Negro Blnukets; J 5 *• Ked and H tiite Hannels; 100 eases Kersey* and I ind-eys. —ALSO— mi extensive assortment f l-adies* t’lothn C'asnitnereH, and other miscellaneous article*; Usually wanted by merchants from the interior. JOT Particular attention given to orders, iNcpt ember *26. 24—Cm Cabinet and Carriage Repairing Shop. Corner of llie Green Square and Macon. Btkkt, OoLttTMoarr.. •s£• aj ‘ mUE Undersigned would tnke this ntnllt- Jt oH of informing the public licit they arc now prepared to execute all kinds o( Cabi net work ; also to repair Carriages at the shortest notice and in the most workman* like manner. WRIGHT & BALLARD Oglethorpe, July 24,1851. !)’ POTASH. A fine article for sale bv, SNEAD & CHAPMAN. Oct/l7 1951. 27 ,f Dentistry JT*R. A. 0. HORNADY hav’me In* HJr.-aietl .1 OGLETHORPE, GA. aMfc-tc-iInII\ auuonnees ,o the citizens oi tli'nPiil tee and tbe surrounding connor that Ike has opened an office in (lie second Storya^YJauson’s Store, on the Corner ol So ml* and Cuvier sis., “here lie can be found fttj^linies. N. B. AI|P operation* warranted.— Terms CASH. October, 10 1851. 26—6 m P. S. Ladies wailed on alßtfcjr residence. K L ARGE l'*t of choice daerin Ibr'lLle JjL by J. O. HODGE* Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—9 DRV Goods. Hardware fee. of every description, just recoved and for sale by J. O. HODGES. Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, lhsl. 25—if. A|| BARRELS of F re*h Flour xs tr just received and for sale by J O. HODGES. Ot>h tlmrpe, Oet. 3. ISSI 25—if. f[ °l Fin*’ Chewing M. VVV Tubatwo, to. sale Cheap, b> J. O. HODGES Oglethorpe, Oct. 3, 1851 25—if, A LARGE Lot td Bagging and Rope, A just received and |ir sale bv J. 0. HODGES. Ogh'tboepe, Oct. 3, 1851. 25—if. LOOK I IKUK! VALUABLE MILLS FOR SALE. TANARUS; I! E ihhli’i signed olTcis tor sale, liis and (ii iit Mills, situated a quarter *f a mile south ut Oglethorpe. It is a valuable location fur a Wool canJieg establishment. He also nil.-is fiu sale s*v ril residence lots sitoal.'d ahtml the same disc.mi r smith nl Og'pilioijip, S, (. COTTON, October 3, 1851. 25—ts. TIN, SHEET IKON &: COPPER, Maiml'actory. fATf H E snbsei iber mild take this method of Jk mini tuiu:,’ the Citizens id OglMhoipe ami (lie smronnding ciinnny that lie is now prepared to furnish any quantity of Tin, ; Slical lion and Copper wait:, oil the most reasonable terms. All kind nf Job tvoik in It's line done with neatness and dispatch. He will also furnish, Gnl-e s, Coiidncters and Tin innfiug I’m houses. He w ill also keep on hand a spira lled lot ol H crtiess, sole and upper 1 eatln-rs Hides and Tallow tak’ n m exchange for tin- above mentioned articles, J. B BREEDLOVE. Ogletlioi pe, Ga. Oct. 3, 1851. 25 3m. Admiitist rat ois Sale. PCRsIJ VNT to an ortlrr of the Inferior Court while silting for Oidinarv pur poses, lm the Comity of Macon, w ill he sold tin llie Fist Tuesday in December (text, be fore tbe Com I House door in llie mwn ot Lanier, Lots of Land Nos. 174, in the Ist District; 20 and 59 in tin 2d District for metl v Muscogee now Macon Countv, and No, 4 in ihe3otb Disti id originally Lee now Macon County, belonging to the estate of JoliuJ, Hungubnok, deceased. Terms made known on the dax of sale. JAS. S. CALDWELL. AdmV, tie bonis non. Oct 3, 1851. 25tds GEORGIA—Macon County. %%. IIER EA S Joseph H. McKenzie, ap tf i plies to me for letters of Gtiaidian- j ship mi the persons Hod property us the niiii ors of William Rowell deceased. Th *sp;ii*(* l ln'*r<*fori l to rife and itHmonisfi all j wlio are concerned, to lie and appear at ntv i office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any they can, xvltx said letters i should not be granted. W. W. CORBITT, C.C.O. Sept. 26, 1851. 24—If. EXE< TOR'S SALE \ lie -old before the Court W T House Dour in Lanier on the hist Tuesday in December in X', a likeiv Ne- i gene Woman, bv the name us lluri iet, as die ‘ Pr opcci vul Martha J. Bell, minor. Terms ! made known on tlax of *n| , JAMEB BELL, Guardian, Oct.3, 1851. 25—ids. | A D MINISTR ATO It’S SALE. ! Gy vir/ure of on order of the Honorable Inferior Cour of Macon Count \, while sit, logos a Court of Ordinary. V b ILL lie sold on the hist ‘Tuesday in * V January next, Before the Court House Door in tin* Town of j Lanier, within the legal hours of sale; the j lands and negroes of the estate of Me- ! Gruffer Bryan, lateofsaid County, deceased, there is a settlement us 557 acres of the land lie place xvhereon (he deceased died, and (which adjoins lands ul Maj. Young, M itla xv Lggetl, lehahod Davis and James Caldwell, the Ini of negro-s ate hk<*[v, 16 in number consisting of men, women, boys, girls and children. The halnnee of tin- property, of S lid estate, will he sold on the place ml the dav following. Terms made known no the dav of sul. NATHAN BRVAN. Sept. 26, 1851. 24 if. —— - 1 j , Jewelry. j i A FINK lot of Jewelry just received and fur sale by, KAUFMAN Ac BRO. j Oglethorpe, Oct. 10,1851. 26 ts. ‘ PLANTERS WARE-HOUSE. | 7| HE UNDERSIGNED beg leave to K iafnrin you that they have ifiken ti e j PLANTERS WARE.HOUSE, for a term ot time and associated themselves tog. titer under the name and style of S. .W. Rloud wmili ifc Cos., in the Ware-House and Com mission Business, in all its vaiinug hranches. I’lie business will he cumlnried hv S. IV. Bloodworth ; from his experience in the business, they feel confident tis giving gene- ‘ ral satisfaction to all those who may entrust them with their business; in confirmation of which, we refer the public to the subjoins , ed references, and at the same lime, ask a ! liberal share of their putionage. I hey promise to keep ilndr patrons ad vised id the slate ol ihe maikei at all times; they take this occasion In sav to au\ wliomav Store their Cotton with them, should they afterward wish it shipped to Macon or Sa vannah til Cli trh slon, it shall he promptly attended to without any additionalexpensi . Their Ware-House, in consequence of its Hcalilv, has advantages over any other in ‘Nlßnfilce, in point ofseciuilv from firi',he ing le li'nil other buildings. They will also Infse yd mil is’ eullon Insured if desired. Liheiat C/fSUI ADVANCES will be m irln on PimEice ,rr Store. Allorih *rs (rum PI anlers nr couniry Me, clia'Us will be (ill, ii at slim t moire, and, (as they have no int.ttest in Mt-rcliaudize,) at tin lowest cash pri.eitj s. W. BLO'ODWORTII, RICH \RD JOHNS ION, “■■■ REFERENCES, ‘ t Planters: a’ Dr. Thomas, 1 Isaac Cheney, Esq. J Talbot Cos. Gen’l T. Grilltn, l M. D. North, Esq. f (’mveta Cos. James N> al, Esq. J Win. Pryor. Esq. Pike, Cos. Rev. Win. Moseley, ( Judge A. W. Walker, f Henry, Cos Thus. W. Ashfoill, 1 Ed. Br.ioghtuii, Esq. f I’ruop, Cos. J mlge J. May , l T. Nil hols. Esq. ) Favetle Cos. I. Nii Inds, Esq. I B P. Bussey. E*q. I M’ liwethei Cos. Clias. (’argil, Esq. W. Harkness, Eq. f Butts Cos. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; Rice Dnlin, Esq. Charleston, S. C. Fields & Adams. Macon, Ga N. A. Hardee & Cos. 1 C. Hariridge, E>q. > Savannah. Wm. P. Ynngo, Esq. ) Editors, S. U . Georgian, and S. D. inm iai. (tIUFKIN, (h'nr(!iii SejM.. Isl. 185!. This is to eertil'v lint Mr. S. W. Ittuniiworth, lias fur several years been engaged ill die ll'are-llnuve ami t'iimmi-sion business in iliis place, and from uiv aei|uaiiilance with liiin, I feel no hesimiiou in reeom lueuding him in that capnrlty In the patron* nf Oide llioipe; tie is also a gois] judge nf die quality of t .'utiuri, unit eunsequently an excellent salesman. A. A. GAULDING, Sen’r: partner of tlie firm of Gaulding, Ferril &• Chapman. Wm. R. PHILLIPS, Seu’r. pail Ilf-1 of Jones Phillips & Cos. Oglethorpe, iSiqii. sth, 1851 21 3tn .Votice ts Debtor* mix! Oetlitttrs. 4LL persons indebted to the Estate ol Addison C. jSeotl late ol Mai on Com.- Ix deceased, are hereby required to make imniediate payment, and those having claims against said E-tate me hereby notified present them in terms of the law. E. W. ALLEN, Ex’r. | Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts Georgia —Maeon county. VT'-'mrn ERE AS Ge.uge H. Slnpoy p ---v v plies to me for letters ot Guard ianship fur llie Mmoi childieu of Jaspet J. Sloppy deceased : These aie therefme to cite and admonish all and singular die kindred and • rediiots of said deceased to be and apptaral nix Olfice within dm lime prescibed by Law, to slnuv ; cause if any they have or chh why said let ter should not be granted. W W. CORBITT, c. C. O. October, 1 Otb 1851. .- 26 lm. To llie People of South-western Georgia. I Remember, that when you come to trade ‘That money saved is money made. Messrs, doney & co. have just received a large lot ot FALL V\ INTER GOODS, of every variety.— Also a splendid assortment of Ready Made ( othing, llafSi Caps, Cools, xltocs Ac. All of wbii h ibex xx ill sell ehetip enough to i enable the purchaser to save ball’ his money. 1 They also have on hand a large quantity of Choice Groceries, which they will sell very low. We would therefore say to the public. Call in, before you father go To trade xvitli Greek or J. xv, And yon will find dial Doney At Cos. Con sell cheap bargains too. DONEY &. CO. Oglethorpe, Oct, 10, 1851. 26 6m Another New Store *n ( ahum's Building, OgiHliurpe t: , THE Subset iler takes this Method 111 inlni mum tin Citizens ol O ‘le 'llioipe. and the So.riioudiiig C<oo’iy, he lii- just opened, and idlers lor Sale, his well Ik.nrled Slock consisting ol DRY GOODS, R ady Clothing, Sadd ! erv, Trnks, Valise’*, anil almost.’ any 11 1 i 11 lz that can he called fir, usiily kepi in a Dry G"nd S'ore. M. H. MEYER, Agt. October, 16, 1851. 26 3m. SI U rile RN MUTUAL co, Principle Office, Athens, Ga. At.bon Chase. Secy, Asbcky lluLtPres’t. rjViis company lias been in n|s’r.iuun la'tween three amt A four years, and has neiiuired a eapilal in mites and crsli of nearly Throe Hundred Thousand L)oll; irs. Ml | lowes proinptfy setilejl on the pre. entntio ‘tfsatisfactory proof. Fire Risks, and insurances on Neffrws, as well us upon the lives <*f V’ hite persons, taken l>\ the under signed Agent at i Igletliorpe, t hi PHILIP COOK, Agent. July 31, 1851. 16 6m. MEDICAL CA'D. DR. JAMES M. FOKES respect 101 l vnf fers his services to die citizens of Ogle* iln'ipe oi 1 vicinity in the various h inches ot MnUciriK. H” may he found at Mr. Fears Drug xS'iiue during the day, and at tile Pa vilion House at night, when not profession al'v eilgagi'd. August 14,1851. 18—if To the Afflicted. F you are laboring under any of the dis til eases named below , and if you ate real ty dnsiious ul gening restored to bodily soundness. Mill have it in your power to do so now. The price is not nmeh, and tilt; cure is warranted. Os all tho remedies yet bes it’ ill*- puhlie, if. ii i. none that can show such a handsome it soli bn the same lenglli <>! lime, as Marshall's Magical Pain Eradicalor r Tins is a remedy uni intended to cure eve ry” dtsukasi’ that • llesb is li.-ii m ’ Nm i- ii iniendeiLlii work miracles in curing diseases which Hieiiicnralih , Inn we do not hesita'e in say, llial, it any ol lie- following diseases can he cujell, Marshall’s Erailiralm willcer tiinlv do it. 3’ry i( and lie cniiviueed. I Fm RhenHiaiisin. Linulngo, Painful Nerves, Spinal A (feci ins. Palsy, Disloca tions. Sprains, Bruises, Strains, (E lem iions Stvellings, Weak Joints, Couir.idl'd i’en dons, Tuinois, Nodes, Ganglions, Wens, Goitre, Headsiiche, Weak Back, (ioot, ’ Sciofula and Tooth-ache. The following letter anti certificate is from a person in the city. Tim original can be | seen at the store of the proprietor. AUGUST A, January 31, 1851. Messrs. W. 11. & J. TuitPfN :—Gentle nieu, — I have much pleasure in sating that my wife, who.has been afflicted with Rheu matism in the feel and kite, s I'm the past two months. Inis been i min !\ cured by the use of • Marshall’s M tgir P ;in Eisdicntor.’ It is, in ill. opinion, the Inst remedy ,vcr of fried the afflicted public, as it will certainly t ine. Evei v body slu'iild loivc it. Yours, respectfully, &c. Fur sale by D’Antigone & Barry, D. B. Pluuih Si. Uu., VV. H. Tuii, W. K. Kitchen and the Proprietors, Augusta, Ga. Foi sale in Charh .stoii, hy Nelson r, Ch &, Ooiirtrier. Dr. Cleveland, W. A. iSkrine, and John VV. xShoy. For )saleing|ethorpp, by P. T. FEARS. •Sept. sth, 1851. 215 m COPARTNERSHIP. The undersigned being joint an equal partners to the town Lot* of W ■st Oglethorpe, located on apart of Land L"t number two hundred in the twenty eighth District, of original Lee, now Macon County Georgia, take this method of informing all whom it may concern, that a co-partnership exists in said property under thi‘ firm ot J. W. Herring Ac N. L. Angier, and that either partner, the names here ntn annexed is authorized to execute legal and warrantee titles to any or all of said Town Lots, located ns above described. J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, 1851 21 ts Georgia Maeon County A LL persons interested, are hereby /tL n lift- and dial four months d’ler date, application “id be made to tlit litferiwr CtVhrl of Said County, w ben silting for or* dianrv purposes for leave to sell the hole f the real e-tute of Howard VV. Elli* eeeased, late ofsaid Comity. A A. ERWIN, Adm’r. Sept. 5 1 It, 1851. 21 4m Hardeman k Hamilton, ! WARE-HOUSE I\D COMISSION MERCHANTS. A! icon, Ga. j liiiini'iun k Hardeman, FACTORS’ IN!) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, SAVANNAH. GEORGIA. Will give )ir*mjit t hII business < iioi iii'te.l >i> them, at i idler place. THOMAS HARDEMAN. CIIAS. F. HAMILTON. I SOUTHWESTERN RAIL ROAD.! A DMLY TRAIN for l J -,sseotfers and rfembt’ leaves Maeon at 6 2 A. M —A>riven ai Oglethorpe at | I 2 A. M.—Arrive* at Maeon ui 3-2 P. M. C oioet tint; each wax with the Cenlinl am! Maemi & Wes tern icuiu-, and (lie Tallahassee Mail S l'i Fii'ie. Paksengers dine m Fort V (Ilex l | |*2 P. At. GEO xV. AD AMS, Sn|d. S. W. R. I*. Oal< thorpe, Oet. 10. 1851. 20 H Shoes for the Darkies. jM HXIfX Pairs of xvell made Negro shoes, just received and for sale by, j DONEY & CO. i O-ietltorpe, oct. 10, 1851. 26 6in A LARGE assortment of Medical, Clas sical, Miscellaneous, and Soliool Books iSJaies, Pencils, Paper, Ink and Bank Books ot every description, and for sale hy P. T. FEARS Druggist. Oglethorpe Aug. 1 1851. 16-if WAREHOUSE A.MI COMMISSION BUSINESS. OGLETHORPE, GA. rgTllE undersigned having under construe- JL lion la,ge and cbnmiolious Ware- Houses, take this method ol informing Plan ters and Merchants generally, that they will, in a few days, be prepared to receive Cotton in Store, or any kind of Merchandise on ’ consignment. BAGGING, HOPE, or any kind of sup plies, will be purr based ill this maiket, or oi tiered either from Savannah or Macon, tit the lowest prices. The strictest attention will he paid to all business entrusted to their care. From pal experience wo flatter our selves that general satisfaction will be given. LIBER \L ADVANCES made on Cot ton stored with us. J. E. J. HORNE. August 22, 19—if. J. W.C. HORNE. Henry lathrop, Dealer in Fsrrrian tind Domestic BUY GOODS Gibbons A e/e Building. Corner of Congress ft hita her Streets SAVANNAH GA, 17 KERN constantly on hand, mid is now receiving a •’ larav ant! well wlecfctl PtocU of Foreign and Domes* tu‘ Z 9 i>C (/ H&i. huitable for die siHson, to whcili In* inviu>< itn* partiinlur attention of mere limits vi -iting the market. ‘■a*annuli, August IS5\. 19—vm.* FA C T O lIS AM) Commission Merchants, ANDREWS HARDWICK CO., OGLETHORPE, GA. HARDWICK fy COOKE, BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. The House, fit Oglethorpe, trill receive and forward Rrtnhtee to the House at Sa.- vannoh, and furnish Earn Hi/ Snp/itips, Banging, Hope, .ye., to their Patrons at Oglethorpe. ! John F. Anorews, John G. Cooke, July 17- Richard S. Hardwick. 14-6 m. A!aeon Sheriff’s Sale. VI ILL be sold before the Court Hotisn f V door at Lnnter, Macon County tin the First Tuesday in October next, the following propel tv to wit: Lot of Land, No. 92, in the 13th Distiicl of formerly Muscogee, now Macon County, Also one large Road Waggon and Six Mules, all levied on as the property of Mi Kinnith Taylor, to satisfy a fi fa form Macon Supe rior Cyan, in favor of Jours Hicks vs. said Tavlor. Property pointed out hv defendant. THOS. DIXON, Sh ir. August 29. 1851. Floyd House, MACON, GEORGIA Fil IIIOM \S WILLIAMS respectfully in- Jl_ footis his fiiends and the public, iliat lie has purchased the lease and furniture of the above establishment, and that ns sole pro piietor, he intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He. xxitl secure po lite and competent cletks and seivauts, and is determined that the table and liar shall bo suplied with the very best the country affords. The House is too well known for him to say any thing in regard to it. The rooms ale in fine repair, and die furniture as good as can be found in any House in die Slate, — Thankful fur the liberal patronage bestowed upon the old fit in of Buford Ac Williams, dur ing kis former connection xvitli his House, he pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire siiTtsfnction to both nexv and old friends. July 24, 18.51, 15 ly. Valuable House and l.ot For sale, on Simipler street. THE SU DSC RIDERS offer for Sale their House and Lm Situa ted on Sumpter Street, m Square three Lot N<>- 6. in the Toxx nos Oglethorpe. The Housed* a large two story building, tlte loxver *torx now occupied as a Store. Those who desire a bargain would do xxell to apply tarlv, as this is one of tbe most valuable locations for business in Oglethorpe. T. H R. FLEAIMING, J. J. CHAFFIN. Oglethorpe, Sept. 5, 1851. 21 ts Carriage Making and Repairing, THE Subscriber would respectfully an nounce to the Citizens of Travelers Rest and its virinhv, that he is prepared to execute nil kinds of wmk iu his line oflmsi ness, such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, at the shiftiest moire. And al so In the Citizens of Oglethorpe and llie ad joining Country, that he is prepared to exe rule all pd>s ilmA may he brought to him, in the ivny of Harness linking and Repairing ; and that lie keeps nil hand, both Coinage*, Buggies, and harness cad v made, anti for sale ..t the lowest Cash prices. Those wishing in purchase xx ill do xvell t<> call and examine his stuck before purchas ing else xvhere. 11. D. POWELL. Travelets Hist, July 24, 1851. 15 lx RABUN, FULTON & CO. Commission Merchants, NO. 207 BAY STRKET J. W IMBUN. i j n l. rin.TN. SAVANTTAH, GA, ! I I*. WIIITKIIKAD, ) irrr ILL give strict tittention to the sal# Ww of Cotton and other produce, con., signed to them, and promptly fill orders for Bagging, Rope and Family supplies, al lit# j lowest prices. j August 22, 1851 19 6m. VO.NGK A OWEN, FAd OKS, AN D i COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO. 94 BAY-STREET, SA VANN'AH GEORGIA. w. r. YO.NOE. [julv 17 6m.] w. oden. WAkEIiaUSE I j AM) COMMISSION BUSINESS. N. OUS LEY ff SON, MACON, GA., GODFREY OLSLEY ts < 0., SAVANNAH, GA. JAMES F.. OODFRF.Y, n. orst.F.v, July 17, ISSI. u. r ot'st.F.v. 14-6nt. LEWIS * PRICE, Ware House and Commission J 1 er c han ts , OGLETHORPE, GA. WE TAKE this method to say to our friends, ami those who may entrus ts with tlu ir business, that wo have coinplet ted our Ware House in this place, and are now ready to attend to all business in our line. We will give our peuomil attention to business, and no pains will he spared to pro mote the Interest of those who may favor us with their business. ’Pile usual advances made on Cotton and other produce in Slore. Kf.BK.KT LEWIS, JOHN V. PRICK. Oglethorpe, July 24, 1851. J 5 ly E. IS WEED, 71 a eon. On. Importer-audDealci* in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN . , m Hardware . WOULD invite the uUenlioti'of his friends to bis stock of Cut lery, Iron, Nails, Hollow-ware, Guns, Black smiths and Carpenters Tools, Agricultural Imglimenl, Axles, Springs, Mill Irons, Tin Plate, Sheet and bar Copper, Lead and Zinc, Locks, Latches, Hinges anil Strews 4tul every other ankle usually kept in llard | ware Stores, which ho will sell oil reason#* hie terms. Macon,Julv 19th, 1851. 1*) ly ~Y. it . ARRIN GTO N , A TToR NEY AT LAW , AND NOTARY PUBLIC, OirletlioriM*, Itliu ou Connty, Cut April 17, 1850. 2 ly Wnslibiirn, Wilder ACo Commissioi Merchants, AND FACTORS. JOSEPH WASHBURN,) 114, Bay Street JNO. It. WILDER, > Soi'cmnah, On KltA (J, DANA. ) July 84, 1851. 15 6m Land and oilier Property for Sale- HE Subscriber ofleis Ibr sale a valua [ bio settleiiiei*l of Oiik and Hickory, Land, nearest point within one mile of Ogle thorpe, on both sides of Flint River, (tlm residence on said land being within two and a half miles of Oglethorpe, on the East side of said Rivet) containing six hundred and fif ty or seven hundred acres, two bundled of which are now in cultivation. There-is also a good Ferry on said land. There is atso a settlement of land containing about five bun dled acres. 200 of which are in cultivation which can be puirliased on reasonable terms if desired, lying broadside of the above des ciibed settlement. (Said lands are well wa tered. Also a small lot of Negroes, Mules, Wa gons, and all tbe farming implements be longing to the premises’ to be sold with the lands, or without, to suit purchasers. The above property will bo sold on good terms. Those who desire to purchase will do well to cull and examine for themselves. SEN US H. CLAnK. July 24,1851. 15 6iu G.C.CARMICH Jt&cS. SuliMCiilieis having as soii.iied themselves under the altove name, for Ihe purpose of transacting a General and CoiUß&fcion Business, take liiis method ol inlorming the Planters and Merehunis generally, tiiat they are mnv prepared to receive Cotton in Stole or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at ail Hlttes j ßagging, Hope, Twine, Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Iron , 4’ c - <-V c ‘ Liberal Advances made on cotton whea desired. G. C. Carmichael. J, P, Mauvey. HKFERKNCLS: Messrs. Logan & Atkinson; Macon, Ga., “ Neely &• Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3, 1851. 12-ly. Administrators Sale. \GUF.ABLE to an order of the lloiior ahl the Infetior Court of Sumter County, when sitting lor ordinary purposes, w ill he sold at the Court Mouse in Lanier, on the first Tuesday itt October n>')tt, on a short credit, say till the liisl day of January, Lot of Laud number eight (No 8) in the set. rood district ol formerly Muscogee now Ms* con County, said land Icing part of tha as* late of James M, [). King deceased, Bad sold fur the benefit of the distributees. ANGUS M. D. KINS, AdatV. July, 31 1851. M.fcU.