The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 24, 1851, Image 4

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PEMBERTON & SI BEK, 11 RFI now receding and Will continue to receive during **■ Sumuikt a large*tock of Family Groceries, ©on*i#tsng tis Batvm. l4fd r niir, v |M[Aiid Brwu M4h.*n - No. !••> 3. Bum. (.in, Miumiy, Wo,-. Borur < tir<liafo. l^vaofi rMtktfc, !*r*y*rv<- >• SiiutT. Sig&r* Tchucco, Soap Sjn rm. ArUtijuin tine and Blftr Candii**. jefi“r \riti a i!*-fnvni a-yen ineni of foil fey lion ri*s&o. l*nr ain! !littr:• lnil, Taint* | Oib, Putty. Varnish, lamhlark. m.i a \ttri<*U of oilier j Paint*. .Nail#; and many other article# too litiiiicrou* to j locution, all Vis which will h *Jkl very l*\v for tush. C'ail and ms fiir yuliwlf t* */htv ficrrlMyiijK whore. ] Their Store i* on Oiytcrm I'Jiwt, ihh* door \\vt of tin* Pavilion House. ‘rhey*wiil give the Mi?lif*t market i price for Country iVxiuVr, deJiveieii at their More. May I, ISM. 3-fim DONEY & CO. TPOl ! l/D resjiectfihl , inform tli< i- fried* and the j ™ that tiev luivc jn*t opened at their i STOKE, ON MACON STiUCKT, a NVvv and welln- ! fitted Slock of Fancy and Staple Dry-Goods, j Consisting of Prints, Ginghams, Muslim, Latins, Britt ; 4'c. 4rc. Also, a variety of Slrauiict Taney Silk Bonnets! In addition to their general aiwortm**rn may he found j Hardware, Hulluir-imri , Bools and Shots,l fats awl Caj*B, ’ READY-MADE CLOTHING, Saddlery, and a good amort ment of Family Groceries. W*Ah we shall make no allowance for to up credit anti bad debts, we are confident tint! we can and will make it to tlie advantage of those wishing to buy to c all and examine our stock before purchasing chewier**. T. A. SWK A IUSGES, j A. G. \ . HONEY. April Sth, 1851. I—6m JAMES kTsELLERS,” WATCaMAKS3X& JEWEIEn OGI.F.TiIOHPE, BA., rj? WOULD respectfully in'orm the |.iilj!ic iluit lie Jp- A pcrmtuiemly located in Ugletkiorpe, ft.r the • .ur(c f Uepuiritijj Ciocke, YVan her. Jewelry Aro lie will visa nil tin l principle loans and ,itbvyci. iii Suuih-Western (ieorpiu, during Vii - summer mniith* l'or lb* pnrpiso of executing any work in Itis line id bmimo-. thai may present iteeif. All repairing done in a work manlike manner, end warranted. April SIU, 1831 3-if. m.AAKS. OW on liiinJ a nil fur sain nt this Office, .Xw Justice's Summons, Executions &o. ShewT.s Deeds, Juior Summons, Bonds&c Any oilier Blanks furnished at short notice All oiders ’when accompanied hy the tush Wi'l be promptly intended to. liooksl Books!! 60 COPIES OF TilU Married Woman's Medical (uj anpnniou, l'or sale at lire “South-West (ienrgiioi ftee by C. IJ. YOUNGBLOOD. P. S. All orders from abroad promptly attended to. Sept. 12, 1851. 11UGGEYS AND CARRIAGES. THE SUBSCRIBER^has on band and will continue to keep, all kinds ol Carringt s lor sale. His Carriage* mm in Store at tlto Ware-House of G. C. Car., inicliael & Cos. I shall be absent for a few days, during which time John P. ILrvey will act as my atiilioi isetl Agent. Any per suit wishing carriages cun call on him and bu accommodated. W. B. HALL. Oglethorpe, sept. 5, 1851. 21 if. FotlhT Messrs. NELSON 4; ri'M.MlNfJvvouM infi.nn the public that panon. hiring Hugpies Irum their Stable miM expect lo pay on the delivery of them,ami perconn hoardinghome* with them niuntpay monthly. I heir ne rc**ities reiju.rc thi* course. All persona indebted to them he note nr tin ount will please settle immediately. April Stl’h, 1831. 3-u’ FOUR MON I US aliei duienppli catiun will hr made lo the Court of Ordinary of Macon County, when sitting for Ordinary purposes for leave to sell all the lands, negroes, n (m ,|s. Chattels Ar. belong ing to the estate of MoGronder Bryan dec’d. NATHAN BRYAN. Ad mr. j Sept. stli, 1851- 21 4m GEOUGIA —-Macon ('oiiiilv, ri I liomas Anieison up. T * plies lo me foi letters of Adminis tration on tire estate of Jackson Taunton de ceased. i Itese are therefore lo cite and admonish ull and singular the. kindred and creditors ot suit] deceased, to be anil appear at niv Office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause if any liny have why said letters should nol be grunted. w. W. CORBITT. C.C.O. Sept 26, 1851. 24—lm. GEORGIA, Macon County. WHEREAS Anderson C. Carter applies to me for letters of ad ministration on llto Estate of Juntos B. Car ter deceased. These ate therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my Of fice within the time ptescribee by law, m show if any they have or cun why said letters should be nol granted. W. W. CORBITT, C.C.O, Sept. 26, 1851. 24—lm Harness! Harness! tmdereigiied will keep eon- JL slant ly on htititl, mid for sale tit G. (J. Carmichael &. Cn’i Ware-1 louse, t or ner of Baker and Coiler itri-r ts. A huge supply of Hanot* of nil deseription, Cat, ringes, Buggies, Waguiwand Diays; also ex tra Bridle line* Ac. Which will he sold at the lowest prices; all oiders promptly attended to. 8: B. KING. Sept. 12, 1851; 22—4 m. PR ETTYTEETTI A Sweet Breath* DR. MANSON'S VmulU Tool’ll Wash for cleansing the teeth, and Puryfiying V breath, for sale at FEAR’S Ding Store. t JKi * fffK trri-ai remedy f!r Uhem;Riii-m, Gout, l’ain in tlifj * Suit*. Nip. F-in*U. {4iull%mi Joint#; Soorfuk*. KingV l Kvil", White Svvf!lings. Nani % ronutrs, Stifi* Jojiiih. ant! | nil |ised pain* wliiiic ver. \\ here; this Piaster in applied j Fuiii ninSH etitu j Tiu-e PlkMtiM pttPs-MR the Htl I vantages of being put , i uu in uMil3t boxer; hera e they ictuin their full virme.s i i in ail tilinmt* #. ’ ‘I hi- cii hrait*.] Pain Kxirurlor has been so exten j lively hm*'l *y PhyNirittfis arid th |eople in general. I h'lih in ihi potmiry and tarupe, that it is almost ueod jlt>s ;u ’t- 11 ) ll MUfrT 4*huia it. Vet there may he some ! in lied of is healing p<wer who have not ! yet i.'i'*d it. l'or tin irMikes we Will Hiup!y iiatr what it j has (Isuit* in thtH’.srmdsof ta-scd, uml what it will do for ( them when tried. A VOICE FROM GEORGIA, j Head the fuilnwing testimony from a J’/tysiciein. j f.KSTi.KMKX—' Your Ibih.ivv I’iastcr tms cured me of 1 pain** of which 1 have snilcred for twelve yearn past. — f this period Uubnrcd under no utDiction of my J loins and side, and tri<*d many riunedies that my own j medical experi r -ee suggested, but without obtaining re j lift. At length 1 used your Plaster, and urn now by its j good eD ; cis entirely cured. 1 will recommend the Jew ! or Hebrew Plaster to till vvlm are suffering from * f*nlruction of the muscles, or peruiunent iviins in the ride or baoK. The people of Georgia have but to become acquainted with it# virtues when they will resort to it# uw*. \ ours, truly, M W. WAI.KEB, M. D. Forsyth, Monroe County, (.'a. To Messrs. Pcovii & .Mead, New Oilcans, La. JEW DAVID'S OR HEBREW PLAS TER IN NORTH CAROLINA. Messrs. Scuyiil &, Aleud: 1 have been troubled with the chronic rhcuniat;*in for the last twelve yen tv. On ti*.f Ft of July* lS*i‘J. i was so had that 1 could not turn myself in bed. and the j ain so sever’ that 1 had not slept a wink for six day#. At this times my aueitiling physp ian prescribed ilic*‘Hebrew Fhv ter/ J arid it acted tike a champ, the pam left me, Lnd 1 slept piore th;n. half of the nigh'., and in tin te days 1 was aide to ride cut. 1 consider the- Helm:w Fluster*’the best remedy fur all sorts of pair.* now in use. < • W. M AliN'M. I lenders;, tviil e,N.F. Aug. 115, 1H51). jjcutd if off ‘ounterfi’Us and Lust imitations ! r ]'ht genuTj u \vill in future have the Hgnattire of K. Tayt.ou on the steel plate engraved label on the topot each box. Purchascri are advi-cd that a mean counterfeit of this articled in existence. The ueuuin • is sold only hy ns, and by our agents ap pointed throughout the South —and uu j*ti!ar is attowtd to sell it lVuler* and purchase of genrealiy are caution ed again* t Inn ing of any hut our regular ids, otlar wtHC they willt*.- iiupo;cJ upon wiiii a Worthies*article. ttCOVIL A:. 31 HAIIIS Chartres stn*ct, N. Orleans, Sole t*enerul Agent* for the Sou 1 horn state#, to wiwin ati orders must invaria bly l>c oild rented. Sold hy Head and ()ii\er. Oslethorjie, <a,; I. E. and A. 11. ‘l'Lpirijtfon, l‘;;,d TiAvr; il. 31* Jeter, lluua Vista; U.lft-rir::ii^ r ; Dilid Marshall. Fort Guiiies; VV. .1. Aiidc; c:i, Fort VuHey; ('ooper ds Howard, IVrry.— Soiil at wlnk'xaic hy Kce*c and. t . York; llavilajift, lb-k &Sm Ga.; iiavilund lJarraUd (.‘a arid th 31. Cohen,(tuulcsioh, .S. C. April, mi. x West Oglethorpe l ITU AT ED on the risn of Lann! Wost of ibo pioseiU locality of the City ol Oglethorpe, lm. after crossing the Branch.— Ground liigii and rolling, water good. Town Lots suitable for business or residence. The Lots are immediately on the main road lead ing to Pondtown and Americas from which direction the principle trade for this point will come. Those desirous of health or plea., sar.t locations, will do well to cal! nnd exam., inefor themselves. Lots have already been sold to the amount of several thousand dol lars. Apply to the subscribers on the prem ises J. W. HERRING, N. L. AMG I Est. West Oglethorpe, July 9, 1851. 13 if For Sale. LOT No. 9 on Square 3 on the Corner of Macon and Chatham Streets. Ap ply to PHILIP COOK. Ogtdthorpe, July 3,185 L 12-ts. FORT GAINES HOTEL. o. ii. snvis, HAVING purchased Ihe o trove named Note] would re ppectfhliy inform his friend* umJ the public gene rally that be ha# taken full charge of it. Those visiting Fort Gaii.c* will please give thejn a call,a# no pain# will be spared for the accommadatton of those win) favor luin with lheir patronage. Aiinext and to the cxfhbllshment i# a huge Lot and coin motlious .Stable.*, suflicicnt for ifae accommodation of Drover^. March 25, 1951. I—ly ./. IK SPENCE, MERCHANT TAILOR.* OGLETHORPE, GA. Respec tfully informs the citizen of Oglethorpe and vicinity that lie is now prepared lo execute any work entrusted to, in the neatest ami latest style, lie will also keep for sale, a Variety of CLOTHS, CASSi:MERES. VEST. INGS. HOSIERY, SHIRTS So-. ! Persons wishing good Clothing, will do Well to call and examine for themselves be fore purchasing elsewhere Shop on the corner ol Sumter nnd B iker Streets. Oglethorpe, Sept. 19, 1851. 23 lv OGLETHORPE DRUG STORK. P llll,lP 1,1- I\ \RS lakes this method of calling llm iiiteuiinn of Ins |i tends and the ,111GI it: g< iietally in Ids splendid as. forlllO'llt el Dings and .Medicines now oil , hand, and assures the Physicians of this ami j the sm rounding v illages dial he will do all in I his power lo give sniisf.ieiion. | lie Begs leave also to call the attention !of (lie Ladies to his lii-Miililiil supply of PKIIFUiMKRY, TOILET HUH DKItS if PAINTS. Oylethorpi*, August 1, 1851. 16-if. MONTHS after date npplicalion will be made to the ('onrt of Ordina ry of Macon countv for leave to sell a negro gill, for till! benefit of Martha J. Bell, minor, J A ME I BELL, Gurd’n. July 17, 1851, 14-4 m, a NOTICES OF a, HO I ELS. lift 31 a g n o 1 i a II ouse, Corner of Crescent and Sumter Streets Oglethorpe On. BY A. M. THOMASON. FET H E best accomodations that the times *ilid market will afford may he found at the above named Bouse, at all times. No effort will be spared to render all who i call, comfortable. Jtnies, 1851. S-ly. PAVILION HOUSE, OGLETHORPE, GA., Immediately Opposite the Sciitli WcstCß Rail Road Depot. S, S. BOONE. June ], 1851. 7-ts. <gle(horpe Hotel, BY JAMES BELL. LLFN SUTTON would respoclfully /ijX inlonn llit* public that ho has opened u large and commodious house for Public Enterfainnvtjt in the new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of Jatut s Bdl. whose exucrienco in the business will cn ah’c Itiiii to give gem'nil satisfaction to nil, ‘The rooms of the lioumj arc well lini-ficd and.supplied with e\: I. lent beds. Ac. The table will always be supplied with the lcst fare the country can allbrd. In short it is inten ded. if po>Mbl-‘, to liuikt; this hoiHe superior to any in South-rt tvtcrn Georgia. A largt Brick building i# now being erei ted on the premises tor the purpose of afKirding extensive accoinoduiiorts. which will be completed by fall. ‘1 he public are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, 15, 1851. JisilWi RAGIRREOTYTESd? gj 111 LIP T. I EARS takes this method .2. ol iaformiug the citizens ol Oglethorpe and ils vicinity that he is now lo lake likenesses in a ntal rtiid superior man ner, in Breastpins. Lockets, Morruco, Silk ami velvet cases. Delay not, then, to se nile one or morjr of the meinentbes of life, which, under ilife living circumstances of a final seperiitiini. no price can purchase. Rooms at,the Diug Store on Baker Street. May 22, 1851. 6-if. GEORGIA —Macon County Court of Ordinary, ‘day Perm 1851. Present their Honors, Irlmbod Davis, Jn senli Moll, George \V illianis, O. C. Hume and Nathan Bryan, J list ices. ST appearing to the Court that Ahigal H Duster, Adm’r on the Estate of Wilson Duster, dec'd, has fully settled up said Estate as appeared hy the vouchers filed in office, ami prays to he dismissed from said Admin istration. it is therefore ordered bv the j Court that the Cleik of this Court cause a j Notice to he published, calling upon all per sons concerned, lo be and appear at the November Term of said Court and show cause if any they have why letters of Dis mission should not he granted. A true extract from the minutes. W. W. CORBITT, Cl'k. May 22, 1851. 6-tn6in. Carriages! Carriages! Ffij ’ HE Subscriber announces lo the peo -SL pie ol Oglethorpe and smruniidiug Country, that he has now on hand, and will continue to receive. Buggies, Carriages, Rockaways, &,e., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing lo purchase anything in liis line are invited in call and examine ids Stuck, at Messrs. Lewis &. Pi ire's Warn House, on Baker Street. t. m. Jackson, Agent. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 ts J. Kaufman & Bro. IT) LOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, &.c. &,e. Jm,t received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9ih, 1851. 13 if PROSPECTUS OF TIIE South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is isoi'd every Friday morning and, the new I'own ot OGLETHORPE, at the low pi ice of I wo Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for the Union. — The “Georgian” will, therefore, advocate the measures of the great conser vative Union Party, it will pursue a fair and (‘undid course towards the Opposition—be stowing censure on whatever is sensorahle, and ever battling for It nth, icg.itdless of the source Irmn whence it i-manaleg. Its column* vv ill be filled with choice selec tions o( Miscellaneous, Political, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics and general iiifm inatlmi on the engrossing subjects of Intkrnal Im provement nnd Southern Manufactures. ADVERTISING. Advertisement* will be inserted on the following terms; One Do!lai per square of twelve line*of less lor the fust insertion, and Fifty Cents foi each insertion thereafter. A libera! deduction will be made on yearly advertisements, nr those inserted for three or six months. Also contracts will bo made with County Officers, to advertise lor them on the most liberal terms. All letters on business, must be addressed tit C. B Youngblood, Publisher, and vast paid. YOUNGBLOOD &, HOLLAND. Ogletlimpo. Ga. May 7lh 1851. RAEDY MADE CLOTHING at Com for Cash, by DONEY & Cos. July Ist 1851. 12-ts, FOR SALE. THE “PAVILION HOUSE” in the new town of Oglethorpe, situated on ’ the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new, the rooms arc-large, near, and airy, possessing every convenience fur the comfort of travel ers and hoarders. Purchasers are invited to call and examine for themselves. ASH BURN, BOON & Cos. May 28th 1851. 7-ts. ITNOR Sale, by DILL & MARSHALL, . a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851. 9 ts ■j|"> A CON ! BACON!! We have lor sale JSJ 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market ptices. DILL & MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts ]?LOUR. 75 Barrels Superfine Flour ’ for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. hy S DILL & June 1, 1851. <) ;f. RANDY, WINE, GIN, WLSkKY SYRRUP, and VIN EG A £9br sale bv BILL & MAUpHALL. ‘ Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 9tf SHOES, Hats, crock ery, Hat Nails, Salt, Iron, Plows, Sjjgvr, ‘Comte, &c. &c., for sale at lire chwji store In Fort Gains Ga. h.v, ’ DILL & MARSHALL. J-neJ 1851. 9 ,f. Notice. A LL persons indebted to the firm of T. xaL M. Jackson &. Cos., iii the Counties of J Macon, Sumter, Dooly and Marion, are no ; lifted that their notes and accounts have been |. placed in the hands of Philip Cook, Esq, of Oglethorpe, for settlement. T. M. J ACKSON & CO. June 19. 1851. ]O-if, NOTICE- ~ ■FJfNIIE Co-partnership heretofore existing Js under the firm of A. WELLES &Cos„ is this day dissolved by mutual eotiseut. Ei 'her ol the undersigned, will attend to the business of the unsettled liim, and are mi.. ihorised to use its name in liquidation. A. WELLES, G. F.P ALMES. Savannah, June 19, !8o 1. * it). | v FKVIIE Undersigned having disposed ofliisj interest in the GROCERY BI'SI NESS in his late partner, Mr.G. F. PA LMS and J. W. WEBSTER, of the late firm ol ! Swift, Denshiw &, Webster, would respect fully solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *l(Kly. COPARTNERSHIP. THE Undersigned having bought out the interest of Mr. A. WELLES, of tln firm ofMessis. A. Welles &. Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the firm ol WEBSTER &. PALMES, at the old stand of A. W. & Cos., and respectfully solicit a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of the public generally. ‘J, W. WEBSTER. geo. f. Palmes. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *IO-ly. A New Livery, Sale and Exchange S T A B L E, Located on tlie corner of Kassdol(>!i iu*d€(infliniut Streets, in fnil view of The Oglethorpe Hotel , WILL be completed and ready for business by the 20ili Inst. At litis Stable will be kept, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Vehickles of all descriptions, to hire, sell or swap. Peisons will be sent to any point in Georgia. Horses boarded by tlie month, week or day. Persons coming to out place to tak* the cars, can find a large airy, comfiuiable and well kept Stable to leave their Horses at. The Lots adjacent to the Stables, are shaded by a beautiful grove, and well supplied with running water; Drovers tire therefore, invited to give js a call, as ample provision will be made for their accommodation. A. VV. COLLINS, G. W. ASHBURN, J. C. ASHBURN, M. S. McKENZIE. Oglethorpe July 1, 1851. 12-6 m. IlTl L. ROA D fl OUS E , Opposite Central Mail MoatTDepot EAST IffiACOW, BY S,M. LANIER. .May 15,1951. 5.) y , Rates of toll at S. 11. t'LAHK'S FEBHY, On Flint Diver. MAN HO.I Horse, 10 I Horse Waggon or Buggy, 25 2 “ .( 30 2 “ Close Carriage, Btiratich or Rockaway, 35 4 or 6 Mule team, 40 Anew Bridge is now built on the road from the Ferry to Oglethorpe acioss Buck’s ( reek, making the distance only two and half miles Irum the Ferry. The landings are as good as anv on the River. July 9th, 1851. 13 Cm JEWELRY. 11. JL ly “i tin” reparniß of ( looks. Wotchw. * Jewelry i t work done *Mhe short,-si notice, and Warren ted. Oaletlmrpo.'October, li t 1351 28—6 m Job work neatly execu ted at this office, forcash. MARRIAGE : e ‘ WHY SO OFTEN UNHAPPY. n THE CAUSES AND THE REMEDY ! r Many and many a wife endure* year# cf bodily s ; suffering and of mental anguish, prostrate and help ■, 1 le*9, embittering her life, that of her husband, am! o ! hazarding the future welfare of her children, arising ’ from causes which, ts known, would have spared the sufTering, the anguish to the wife, and to the bus 0 band embarrassments and pecuniary difficulties lag their origin in the mind being weighed down nndfl harassed in consequence of the sickness of the panion of his Itosorn. llow important that the causes should ( to every wife, to every husband, that J and harrowing consequence* to the henltljppnd hap piness of both may be avoided! and health too precious to Admit any pompo of the rate to be spent without the full enio\meht of the other. The timely possessentitled as <’ follows has been thesaving the health and the 1 i fooMhous-imkl. os over ED THOUSAND have been sold since the first edition was is if* The authfir has been indneed to advertise it by 1 j the urgent and pressing request of those who have been indebted to its publication for a!) they hold dear (that all may have an opportunity of obtaining it), and who have favored him with thousand* of letters of encomium, some of which arc annexed to the adver , tiaement. THE MARRIED WOMAN’S Private Medical Companion. BY I>R A. M. MAURXEAU, F f#SSOR or DISEASES Os WOW* V. ’ ’ Twentieth Edition. \Bmo . . r >o. Pt ice, % 1.00. 1 THIS WORK 13 INTENDED ESPECIAt \. LY FOR THE MARRIED, or those ormtenila ting marriage, a* it discloses important secrets which should be known to them particularly. Here, every female —toe wife. tl>r mother—the one either budding into womanhood, nr the one in the decline of years, in whom nature con tern pi ales au important change—can discover the causes, synip , toms, and the most efficient remedies and most cor • tain mode of cure, in every complaint to w hich her if sex is subject. The revelations contained in its pajrcshavr proved a blessing to thousands, as the iimnmernldo letters I) received by the author (which he is permitted by the f writers to publish) will attest. SICKLY AND UNHAPPY WIVIIS. Extract of a Letter ft om a Gentleman in Dayton, O. ” Datton. May >. I' 4 IT. Du. A. M.— My Dear Sir: The Married Woman’s Private Medical Companion.’ tir which I enclosed one dollar to your address, came C safely to band. 1 would not have trouble 1 you with these few lines, luit that 1 am impelled by r> setise ’ of gratitude, for myself and wife, lo give utterance to our sincere and heartfelt emotions. p 44 My wife has beep perceptibly sinking for some three years or more, in consequeoee of lu r great an guish and sufTering aome months before mid during confinement; every successive one more and _ inure debilitated and prostrated Iter, putting h r life. n ini mlhent danger, and which was. on th Inst occusi m. despaired of. 1 supj*oscd that this ststeof thin.:-* wo* incviiablc, sod resigned myself to meet the worst At thin time (now about two months) l heard yur s j book highly spoken of. a* ccutaudiu nne matters rcat-hiitg my case. On its receipt nnd perusal, 1 cr.v - not express’ to you Uie relief it affurded my distressed mind and the joy it page* imparted t mv wit"*-, on . learning that the great discovery t f M M. l>- it ’ j rncaux pmvided n remedy. It opened f* , -fs|*c.:t to me which 1 little conceived was po**uole. No pecu uiury consideration can ever re]ny the • ,t.,c;s i am under to you for having been the means nt im parting to us’the matters contained in • The Married Woman's Private Medical Companion. B'it for this, ere another year would have passed ovt*r my head, in all human probability my wife would bar** been in her grave and my children left mnthrlH* x Extract from a Iriter. Competence and Health. 44 Lancaster, Pa . Oct 24, 1847. 44 My Dfar situ: T know yon will have the kind ’ ness to bear with mo In encroaching upon vonr time, while I acknowledge (in bclmlf of myself and wife) . the obligations we fee! ourselves-under to you in hav ing made known certain matters, contained m \our I most invaluable ‘Married VVonwyi's Private Medical j Companion.’ It has been worth if* weight in gold to me. if I express myself rather warmly, voti will I see that 1 can rot do so too wnrmly. when ) inform you of the extent to -.which 1 have, throtigii it, been benefited. 1 will state my situation when I obtained your liook through the merest curiosity 1 look nprm it as one of the most fortunate events of mv lift*. I had been married some ten years, ami w as the fail ter of seven children. 1 was long struggling tioreasfnglv, to the end that 1 might gain a moiferj.r, t-on-p, tenev, ‘ but the results of tny utmost oxer:ions * the cod left me slmut where I was at the beginning of esch j •*r: and that only, with tlio moat minted i;con<nv, *uHi ciug with barely the neressawen .f lif.t. Finally, this constant efTort was beginning to have it* cfVect upon * my health: If* It less capable to endunt its coutinu I* ance, while I felt the necessity of perse v-rancq. 44 This confifant.'uticensin.gstruuglo on my part vm imperative, in consequence of the prostrated eomli lion of my wife 7with occasional intvric.isaiool Uo six year*, much of the time confined to her bed, tm-1 if ; course incs.ptble*of taking the charge and manage ment of household nffiiirs. Her condithm arose frt*m causes of which 1 was ignorant. Oh! what uotiM ) I have given had I the six years to live over ugxin ! What would my wife have given l * have been spared tho long days and still longer nights nroatrate on a bed of sickness! all of which would have Iveii r avoided, had I then seen a copy of 4 The Makkiso Woman’s Pkivate Medical CoMianion.’'’ From a Physician. 1 DANG BROILS D ELI VKill FS, OBSTRUCTIONS, IRREGULARITIES, &.C How many nre snlfering from obstruction or irreg ularities peculiar to the female system, which un dermine their health, the effects of which they are ignorant, and for which their delicacy forbids seeking medical advice! How many sutler from protajnats uteri (foiling of the womb), or from Jtuor-tdhwt (weak ness, debility, .Vo., Ac )! How many arc in (vuutanl agony for many mouth* preceding < onfiuement! liow many have difficult if not daneorous deliveries, and whoso lives are jeoparded during such time, will find In its pages the means of prevention, amelioration, and relief! Extract from a Letter. To those just Mnrricil. —“ Had 1 known!” 44 PntLAPßr.rnis, Nov. 22, 18-17. “Dr A. M. Mauhickau: Had i known ol the im rwtffut matters treated of in ‘The Married Woman'* rivate Medical Companion’ some years ago how much misery I might have escaped ! I haye suffered year* from causes w lifch you prjii.t out in your book, w ithout knowing what to do. l obtained a copy, and found my case treated of. I trust every female will avail herself of the information contained in ita pages.” Letter* are daily received of this character, unne cessary to present. To those vet unmarried, but contemplating mar riage, or perhaps hesitating a* to tla? propriety of incurving the responsibilities attendant upon it ( the lm|onanco of being po?*ea*od of flirt iovolnrion con tained in these page*, bo intimately involving their future happiness, can not he appreciated. It is, of course, impracticable to convey mo*e fully the various subjects treated of, as they are of a na ture strictly intended for the nmriied. or those con templating mnrrißgpj neither is it necessary, since it is every one's duty to become possessed of kuowl edge whereby the sufferings to which a wife, r moth er, or a sister, may be subject, can ho obviated. 5 or Copies will be sent by Mnil free of Pontuge s to the Purchaser, RT On the receipt of One Dollar, 44 THE MA R. HIED WOMAN 8 PRIVATE MEDICAL COM 1 PANION” is sent (mailed free) to any part of the United States. All letters must be post paid (except those containing a remittance), Bnd Addressed to Dr A. M. M.AURICKAU, Box 1224, New York City. Publishing Office, No. 1*29 Liberty st., New York. Over 220,000 Copies have been sent by MAIL within three months with perfect safety and cer tainty I All person* wishing to purchase the above work or Medicine, can do' so !,y applying to wo hr mail or otherwise; As 1 am Dr'. Mau rweau s ((((tliiirized agent PHILIP T. FEARS—Oglethorpe Ga; t<i pr ui DruggSt Medicine* and 800/it, i Coakscorner, St. Baker lift djk 40* L i J„j|’WWs 18 S ’ MALE AND FEMALE COLLEGE. conductors of the Institution assure its numerous -*- patrons, and the public in general, that there is, and a]ways shall lie a sufficient number of competent in structors and Tutoresses in all the branches, professed to be taualit in the Institution- A punctual observance of lhe rales, the preservation of good morals, a due regard to decency and politeness, shall be promoted by every possible means, especially by persuasion, kind and gentle admonition. But when these arc disregarded and faults wantonly committed against the fundamental principles of good education, then proper severity shall be applied; and if unforttn nately, the obstinacy of the delinquent should amount to* ineorigihleness, no resource is left for the preservation ol discipline, but expulsion or dismission, which, how ever. shall never take place, but by the decision of t* majority of the Board, (Visiting Committee.) Terms: Orthography per Academic year, $ ]fi 0G Tuition in spelling, heading, Arithmetical ta bles, Writing and Arithmetic per Academic year, 20 00 The above with Geography; English Grammar, the use and diavv iug of Maps, 25 00 The above or either of the l'oregoin? with En glish Composition, Ancient and .Modern His tory, with problems on the Globes, Orna mental Penmanship and Botany, 30 00 The above* r either ol the foregoing with Ge ometry, Algebra, Trigonometry Mensura tions, Surveying Navigation, Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology,Natural, Mor al ami Mental Philosophy, Rhetoric and Louie, 40 00 The languages alone or with either the above departments, 40 00 French alone, 20 00 ORNAMENTAL DEPARTMENT: Instrumental Music, 50 00 I se of Instrument, }0 00 Needle Work and Embroidery, # 0G Wax Flowers and Fruit, 15 (JO Drawing and Painting, 15 00 Msithig Committee: G. B. WAKDLAW Esq. Col. J. E. BROWN* Dr. WiW. J. JOHNON; JARED HUDNALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. JOSHUA HARRIS, Esq. A P PARA T I’ A ! The Institution has an extensive Philoshphical, ( Ih’iuuai. Astronomical ami Mathematical Apf'aratua, itt for the demons:ialien of ail ( hcinical ami bucntilu- eognitia. ’l'He pupils arc received for no less a period it . Kessu n. .Nodeduction will be made for absence, unless ocoa fioucd In i>rotrai icd sickuiw. I bie l.ali, or |ari ol die iniiion is exoccti din advance and tin* rcmaniu.g at the close of die Mission. Liard can Ik* übiaincd, ui rerpccluhle families a Iroin eigliijto ten dollurs per month. , _ , JOHN A. fill ANT, r out (JaiNrs, January, 1831. I—Jy Vr, M ,ijal. J. Kaufman Bro\’ JMiW i)KY GOODS AND CLOTHING STORE. (Jh baker & rut below the (Jglet/turpc Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform the Pub lic lluit • ll*v have just (ipmod tlie-ir Slock, consisting ol Calicoes, Gingham*. Muslins, and nil kind of Ladies Diess Good*, Hose, Closes. Laces. Killings, ilk Parasols, tans, &c., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice nssm intent of fme Je *'lO- Alsu a line lot of HEADY MADE LL.OIMING, I 'o. s mid Boots. All of wlneli will be* sold, fur cash, at Now Yuik cost (nice. May 22, 1851. G., f> Jriin Fecntan, worn) respectfully inform die public that he it a me cliatue turn dial be cun eutou.ejolw of .asii, dooi. blind, and inside bundling ol houses, also lie run mat e chain pumps at die shortest notice, lie may be ibui.d at t onne s notol at all times when not engaged. Oglethorpe, May 8,. 1850. °4 Cm Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON, yjß’S’g'geaASjfa OObCitiOKI'E, tii.. H F d a, l ;}’ in,olra .' l " ,,r fiends and the publi. <„i,K., n J th ‘‘ y V" 1,,1n,u ‘ ike l>metice of Alrdt- I, ‘ , ‘ c ,IC ' V town ol Oglethorpe. As one of them lus bail se\eta yeuts experience in the practice w to ! tremdm l v’’ V ' lkU, L r li ' CU “* lv '-'“ Uia * ‘hey vull be abl. ei -nd b \ * ,I,SIOM:S ul d'e human system h, I sueiiul.t and tuci esslul manner. A share ol'oublie m. Irotmgu ls respccilully m, helled. 1 ** except ljeu “ d ai ihcir oflste a > ko Ur ., i xtrpr ” ion proiessioiially engaged, A vri'ooo ‘frfcutupter and Crescent Su. Apdir. o '’-' l - 0 - 1 J Uavison, Ab^p. GIsOKOIA— -MACON COI'NI Y, ( Ccurt “f Ordinary, July Term, 1851. l ; .,!! u " oralllc li'liabod ‘Darite, JiiS Wl Wa "’ a " d Ni ‘ ,,,u “ R rya I * E . R ?4 S ’ Jame * S. Hollinshed, T V Adininisirator Ha,man, deceased. Conrad Murph, Administrator of Jacob Jasper lappey, deceased, and Jame O. Moulton and McKinitetli Taylor, Admin isirators of Thomas Taylor, deceased, duly petitioned tire Court for letters of di inisston from the Estates they severally reo; I lierelore, all persons concerned, ■to hereby cited to appear at the regular 1 erm of said Court, on the Second Monday m January next, to show cause, (if any they can; why said tellers of dismission shou'ld tJt be gramed m terms of the Law. Given under my hand, at Office, in La. nier, tins /U da y ol July , A. D. ]B5l II n I W - W * c °HITT, c. c.'o. July 9.M851., 136dk 1 Wool! Woof!! Wool!!! WANTED— 10,000 pounds of WOOL either washed or un. washed. It must be clear of burs and other hard substances. The highest market price will btispuid, either in Cash or Goods, by oel . ti y Macon, Ga., or by the Subscriber in Oglethorpe. „ P- D. J. MAT. Sept. I*J, 1851. 29-