The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, November 07, 1851, Image 2

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\\ si*?/ i /ever i-luanging.—- /ii'H does an imprssion A-ti|on your body or _ - I ® 4, i ..**•( * Upon my ininil,’ 4 lf it were not u suhvUipoc, could it; receive and retain iuj>rc<ii,irf’ I was silent. Tin* mtfcj ot the strati ger were so (uft of nteaMtug Unit / was oppressed by their signification. A win dow seemed opening upon the unseen world ; but, as yet, no object was plain ly vissible. * Look around you,’ said the stranger. * There :s the dull, cold, lifeless earth. —■ j Seeds have been cast into its bosom.— | Now, by what are they vivified? And; Jty hat power does each spnd up, after !; its kind, its leaf and stalk ? From whence is this wonderful and perfect discrimina- i lion? It is front the unseen and spiritual i world flowing from its infinitely variant principles of life into, forms of matter presented in seeds. In germs lie the pupils of influx; and each, after its kind, receives life from the unseen world.- And ns the law of like producing like is an invariable law, it follows that, in order to the production of a particular plant or tree in the seen world, there must he a like plant or tree in the unseen world from which it exits as an effect flowing front its cause.’ * Tree* and plants in the other world !’ 7 shook mv head doubting!). * That is a mere spiritual world.’ ‘Will you have a world without the objects that makes up u world ?’ asked the stranger. • A tpiritual world will have spiritual objects.’ * Oil, spiritual!’ 1 Your ideas of the spiritual,’ said the stranger, 4 are still dark and obscure.— But this is m cause of wonder. Mere, all is brought to the test of our sensorous perceptions; and it is hard to rise above these and withdraw our thoughts from them as to think abstractedly. But do not reject as false what ton connot im dersland when first presented. You need not, you should not, receive as true what comes nothin your miruL with sufficient evidence. But to negative a propositon because the mind does not rise at once into its comprehension is not the act of a wise man, Hold your mind ever in the affirmative principle ; but admit nothing as (ruth which is not clearly seen. Prove all things; and, doing'*), bear in mind this wise saying—There are more things in heaven and earth titan are dreamed of iny onr philosophy.’ We separate—/ and the stranger. — But 7 could not forget his strange lan guage. 4 Two lives !’ said I, as 7 sat musing alone in the still watches of the night that followed. ‘Two lives, and two form* of life: an outer and an inner life; the seen and tlnvjiinseen. Two bodies; a natural and a spiritual body; each substantial and capable of receiving and retaining im pression. How full of meaning is all this! How much does it invuive ! And can it be true ?’ The longer I ponderedjthe'suliji ct, the more truth seemed involved in the prop otition. It was plain to me that the tin. seen body, the spiritual man, must be as cornpleet in every part as the natural body, which was but as its outer garment, or, rather, its means ol action in the low - er undjless perfect world of matter. 4 And if all this be so,’ said I, one thought evolved another, > Imw wonderful in perfection must that body be, organ ized, as it is, of spiritual substance ; and how perfectly must that spiritual coun tenance express the passions and emo tions of the soul! All! how different wifi all be when we come to lay aside this body of flesh and blood—this mass of inertia, now is filled with the life of the spirit which it is ever bearing down, and whose powers it is ever limitin')? ! In that unseen world, there will be no veil of mat ter to bide the moral quality .All eyes will see us in our true character, in our true spiritual forms. 1 paused. The last words uttered were the plane for anew influx nfideas. 4 Wlial is a principle form ?’ / asked myself. I pondeied long. * What is spiritual ?’ *lt is thought and affection. A spir itual form, then, is a form of a flection ; nr, in other words, an affection clothed in its proper thought; for it is by thought that affection conies into manifest percep tion, and shows us its quality. Can this, be so ? How much, undreamed of before, is involved ! Will evil affections give a beautiful form ?’ ‘No!’ My thoughts turned towards a beauti ful yonng lady, w hom I hail m<*t during the day, who was greatly admired for herjpersoaal charms. In form and face, she was almost Unities*. I now remem bered that, in convesing, she had exhibited a feeling of malice towards another ; and had also displayed a large share of vani ‘y 4 The seen body is beautiful,’ said 7, still inusiag ; ‘ but, is it so with the un seen body ? Can an evil affection clothe itself in a form ot loveliness?’ I pondered this question until there came a great change. 7w is no longer in my chamber, musing upon differeu’ questions, but among a company ol ■air people who sot in the porrh of a large building, the architecture of which was i more perfect than anything I had everj belieled. Before us spfeaed out a beau tiful landscape. i • This i> anew country to me,’? t *aid I to one who was near me; and, as I spoke, 1 tried to recollect the wny by which I had came. 4 What is its name!” . * This i the world of spirits,’ replied j die person to w hom I had addressed the | inquiry. 4 The World ufSpirhs,’ A thrill’went I through me. Was 7. then dead ? •Not d*d,’ said my cnmpanioji, wluq perceived my thoughts, 4 but trim alive. You have laid aside the boily ol', and 1 arisen in the true spiritual body.’ ‘But these arc H'’! ’ said 7, holding! up my hands ; 1 i can much one against the other. Moreover, 7 can touch your body, end it is firm like my own.’ 4 And all is spiritual,’ was replied. ’ Your body and my body, and the bodies of nil armtnd ns, are spiritual in their substance. What made ns men on earth? Our flesh and blood ? Mere dead mat ter ? Far from it. We were ‘.rien, ‘be cause we were spiritully organized, and, in the human form, made alter the like ness and in the image ol God. Does the laying aside of the natural body make i.-s less men—less human ? No! Andean we be men without having bodily lorm and senses?’ As he spoke, there npprnclieri one whom I had known in the world, >iid who had departed ihence a year before. She had many questions to ask about friends site had left behind, all of which 7 answered. As she left me, after a time, 7 turned to the one with whom 7 had spoken, and said to him— -4 How is this? In the * (her lift* this person had a beautiful body ; but no she is deformed and repulsive.* 4 It is because her affections are evil, and not good,’ replied my companion. 4 In this world, all are seen according to their quality. Good affections gi\e beautiful forms, and evil afl’ei tions repul sive forms.’ My thoughts instantly turned towards one who, while living in the world, Pad a sit lily and deformed hotly, hut who had a pure and loving spirit, and who-e chief delight appeared to be lo do good ; and, its l thought of her, I sfcw her up proachtug. She drew near etui join ed the company. Oh! what fa change ! The bent body was straight and graces fill, and the severe angles of hersidh ring countenance had given place to a sur passing beauty. My heart was touched with admiring wonder ns 7 looked upon her. Another whom I had known appear ed. He was a man” who, while’ living in the world, had been covetous and who yet loved a good reputation, and, therefore, concealed bis real character under assum ed forms of benevolence and liberality. While in (lie natural body he was fair of person, lint now there was a bideoiiness about Pis countenance that made me turn from hint with a shudder; and I under- 1 stood the quality of his life from ill* font* and expression of bis person and face, a- 1 dearly as if 4 covetousness’ had been writ ten upon his forehead. 4 Ttiis man was of goodly appearance in the world,’ said I, turning to my com panion. 4 His seen body war. fair to look upon,’ was replied ; ‘hot bis evil affections were daily and slowly destroying, in the un seen body, every trace of beauty. Collie with me, and 7 will show you some < f those who have become so changed from the human form, through evil lives, as to appear more like basts than men.’ My companion took me to a valley, before conceleh from view by a dense for est, through which led a winding path.— In this valley were companies of men and women, engaged in various pursuits that st ented to occupy their earnest attention. 4 Look Irom this point,’ said my com panion, as we gained a little eminence, 1 and you will see them in their true form., I looked for a moment, and then turn ed away, sick with the si gin. 4 What did you ee ?’ asked my com panion. 4 Men and women, so changed as to appear more like evil and filthy liea-ls than forms of htimain intelligence.’ ‘As you B**e them, so are they. While in the natural body, many of them had beautiful forms, for which they were lov ed and admired. But in their life in the world, they marred tlie form and feature of their spiritual h ‘dies bv evii and blast. Iv affection.. One had cunning of the fox ; another the cruelty of the wnl:; and another tile filthy sensuality ot'the swine. All this was hid from the natural sight— it was the unseen. But the veil of flesh is removed, and what was unseen lias he* come the seen. They are now before you iu the forms that correspond to their true affections. 4 Olt! if men knew this! I exclaimed. ‘Return and give utterance to the truth, /hibli'li w hat your eyes have seen and your ears heard.’ 4 But they will not believe,’said I. 4 Tell it nevertheless.’ At this moment I saw approaching one whom I lead loved with an affection more intense than that ol a brother, and whose loss I had mourned with” turn ail ing saiTOW. She had observed me, and i ns hurrying forward. As -lie car:* near, 1 perceived that she was no longer beautiful as betore. Every fair featun was distorted, and tlure was an expres sion of evil in her countenance that shocked me like an ehgtr’n torrent. — Ob! be wus hideous ! 7 turned In flee; bill -he threw her arms around me and iitt-rcd Words of endearment ; and tier voice, instead of being flute, like iu its I tones, (robed like the voice of the raven, j 7*l sorrow / awoke. | Long did 7 lie pondering the strange I vision. 4 Dreams are, lor the most part, i fantastic/ said / • 4 but they often come jiu similitudes of truth. There is truth | veiled here; I feet it, 7 know it. Ah e yll life : musl distort the feature of onr inner man, and change them front beau ty to deformity. We know trial tin mind receives impressions, anti retain- them. Warp the mind in rhidbood, and it ever alter retains ill unplrnsing form, which is ever manifesting itselt by means of the , outer hotly. /five could see, by a spir it.nil vision, this mind or innei bdy it.-elf we would see the distortion a plainly as we perceive an unsigiity crook in a fa vorite tree.’ And il all this be so, and wlm will make bold to deny it ?—each one of us is, day after (lav, either marring and deforming the unseen body, or rendering it more beautiful. Every evil and selfish affec tion every unholy passion, genre in w rong feeling, or arUMis, de forms the spirit ; while every jgood and g *nerous emotion, and t ier* act that springs front a purified and all- 7 * l morticing love of our neighboj, is rendering it more and more beaut il.tih, and, if continued to the end ol lit'p, the unseen body, when it rises into lliejlfghl of the spiritual world, will appear l#vely as the form of an an gel. Reader,dav this up in your heart, and ponder w ell tin* w ords of the stranger.—- Tliev are not idle sounds, like the tones of the passing wind. BeATIFULLY SaTD.— VVe make the following beautiful extract oil the Home stead Exemption Law , from a letter re cently written by Judge Dilliaimuiy of Tennessee : Secure to each family, whose labor may acquire it. a little spot <,f free earth, that il can call its ow n—that w ill be an asylutnin times of adversities front which the mother and the childtett, old age and infancy, can still draw sustenance and ob tain protection, though misfortune may rob them of all else, and they feel they are still free, still entitled to walk the green earth and breathe the free air of heaven, in defiance of the potency and power of accumulated wealth, and the domineering of the pretending and am bitious. The sacredness of that conse crated spot will make them warriors in time of eternal strife. 44 Those shocks nf corn,” said Xenophon, 4 inspire those who raise them with courage to defend them. The largest of them in the field as a prize exhibited in the midd'e of the stage to crown the conqueror. ’ Sev cure a home to every family w hose hon est labor may obtain one, against the weakness, vices, or misfortunes of the lathers, and you will rivet the affection of the child ill years of manhood by a stron ger bund than any consideration that could exist. He Will remember where fie gamboled in Itis early youth, the stream upon whose flowery banks lie has plated, and in whose limpid waters lie lias bathed, and the family altar where , lie felt a mother’s kiss and a mother's ‘ love, and the green spot within that little homestead where sleep die loved arid the A Jewish Divorce.—A Jewish Hi vorce was granted iu this city a few days > ago. 7l is the first ease that lias occur red here during 13 years. The appli cant was die husband. The mode of untieing the knot is simple. The ag grieved party lays the case before the chief rabbi, who selects two other rabbis, and the three hear die statement y call witnesses ; and if satisfied there are grounds for a divorce, give to die suitor a writing of twelve lines—no more nor less—on parchment, This i signed by witnesses, who also see that this party delivers it to the party crimirated. When this lias been done the Separation is com- j plete, though the parties can be re-mar-j ried, if they wish; but if die wife—fori instance —should marry another man, ; and he should die, the former husband ! cannot again marry Iter. The woman ■ iu this case is not a Jewess by birth or j education. Site was connected with no 1 church. Shortly after Iter marriage, she ! appealed most urgently to the rabbis here j to he admitted to the Jewish faith. Alter considerable opposition, Iter wish was granted. This is very rare, and only one other instance lias occurred, so far as we can learn. Ohio Flaindraler, Oct. 5. OFFICIAL VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. As counted and anounced in die Legisla ture vesterd iy alieruoo . : Cnlib : : 57 397 McDonald : 38 824 Cobb’s majority : 18 573 aL ■ * THE SOUTH-WEST r.EQRUUN c. b 7 ymngblooW mm OGLETHORPE Nnv. Bd>, 1851. Aginl* for the South-West Georgian, St-KNcKR Cai.div ei*l, Fan Gaines, Ga Jeter A. ’Hogue, near Anurievs, do. Col. Wm. T. Perkins, Cuthbert, do. G. Caritiieks, Esq. ‘vtkbert, do. M Gii.ukrt M. Stokes, Slade, Lee. conhuM Dr. v\ m. M. Stokes, Dooly co. .! M. L. Holman, lSrooksville., Strj&ft do. A. A. Blakely, GriJJi.ii, P ike do. John W. Griffin, Griffin. JlF’ do. J. I', May, FrancisvilleMS do. W. J. Parker, Co., do. A. ./, Williams, Aaent for Sumter co. SSnluciien in the term* os the fMlli-West Georgian. After the first day of October the Gear gian n ill be furnished to subscribers aI the following rules : SI,OO for 6 months, if paid in advance, 125 44 “ if not paid in advance. 2,()1> fur 12 month.') if paid in advance, 2,50 “ “ if not paid in advance, Inducements to Clubs. Five Copies 6 months for j$ 4,00 in advance, Ten Copies 44 44 7,00 “ Five Copies 12 months 41 8,00 14 Ten Copies 44 4 4 44 1 5,0(1 “ Fifteen Copies 12 mo. 44 20,00 41 VVe have been induced lo oiler the above terms in order to increase the circulation of our paper, and for that purpose wc earnstly solicit tiie co-operation of our fiiends. If we meet with sufficient eucurai>emen(, ivc intend getting new material in u few months and enlarging our paper. Union Nomination For Count j Officers At a meeting on Tuesday last, of the delegates of this county, selected for the purpose of iM>irinniit>g suitabb, cau d date- for {Go. nty Officers, the (ids lowing gentlemen were nominated : For Sheriff —Davis Gammage. For Clerk (Superior Court—W. VV. Corbitt. For Clerk Inferior Court—W J. Collins. For Tax Collector Wm. Sltearly: Foi County surveyor Elijah Williams. For Coroner John Cox. {£7” The Georgian has unavoidably been delayed one day beyond the time of publication, ow ing to the illness of one of Lite publishers, and the Office being moved. These circumstances will also account for the scarceness of editorial, a* we were called oil’ from that department thereby. Editorial Items. The Legislature —Both branches of the Genera! .Assembly convened iu their halls on Monday last, agreeably to the provisions of the Constitution. Mr. Miller, of Richmond, was elected President of the (Senate. Mr. Glentt ot Henry, elected Secretary, L. S. Stewart was elected Messenger, and Mr. Asa B. | Mitchell of Fayette was elected door keep er. The House ol Representatives also went into the election of Officers. Mr, Meri wether was elected Speaker. Mr. T. S. ! Sturgis, of Muscogee Clerk. Mr. Me | Common, of Monroe, was elected Door keeper,, and Mr. Jesse Oslin of Cobb, w as elected Messenger. Yesterday was set apart for the elec tion of Judges and Solicitors. VVe have received Gov. Cobb’s inaog. oral address, but too fate lor the present issue, it will appear in our next. We have received Gov. Towns’ “fare well address’’ and shall notice it next week. VVe have received various accounts of the late fair held in Macon, but as every- t i body was there, we are on a stand whet It? j ’ er to say iinyihiug-aboul it or not; how- j \ ever, as we promised to give particulars, ! ! we shall do so next week. As the Legislature is now in session,, our readers may expect to be kept prop- 1 ; etly posted up in the doings of that body. 1 Lanier, Nov. 4th, 1851. ‘l’lte Constitutional Union party of Macon County, met in the Court House, j to day agreeable lo previous notice, to I nominate candidates fur County offices. ■ when on Motion ol W, W. Corbitt Esq. Marlin Edge Esq. was called lo the chair, and Bunvcll Green requested lo act as Secretary. j On motion of Borwell Green Esq. j VVilliam W. Corbitt was unanimously no j inaled lor Clerk of the Superior Court. On motion, the meeting proceedtri to bailot for a candidate for Clrrk ol the In terior Court when on Counting ballat* it appeared that William J. Collins, was duly Nominated. On motion of Josialt Hill Esq. Davis Gammage was unanimously noiniualed for Sheiiff. The meeting then proceeded to nomi nate a candidate tor Tax collector, when oil counting (lie vote, it appeared that VV Ilium Shealy was duly nominated. X Elijah Williams was nominated bflH I County (Surveyor, and Joint Coroner. On motion of T. Dixon, it wasJynttved and curled that the prnceediiusgfgjpl this meeting be signed by the Cgjjrmmi and Secretary, and published JHpfe South- West Georgian. Th&p|gting then ad journed. AM i VtPdN EDGE, Cl*,u jUpr’ ‘ ——— The Telegraph case. —This case bus ijaatly been decided in the U- S Circuit -Court. Pit ladelpltin, before Judge [ Grier qnd Kane, in lavnr of Morse patent. The Court have decided that the Bain Line infringes upon the claims of the ori gional inventor, Professor Morse. A decree and injunction against the Bain Line was directed to be prepared by the complaint’s counsel in accordance with the prayer of the bill. Telegrhph Across the Atlantic. — The London correspondent of the New York Courier &. Enquirer, in bis last let ■ ter, remarks : The success of the submarine telegraph across the English Channel, lias set the English press to speculating upon the possibilities and advantages of establishs mg the same mode of communication be tween England and America ; and some of them have gone very fully into the statistics of such an undertaking. A Jewish Wedding in St. Peters burg.— I lately attended a Jew ish wed ding ; 200 men and nearly 100 women, all, ol the Jewish persuasion, sat down to dinner. The chief rabbi performed the ceremony, and the festivities were kept tip till seven o’clock the following morning. The men sat down to dinner first, while the women were dancing, and the women dined afterwards. Every one of the guests gave a present to the young couple ; and assure yon the wed ding was an expensive and dashing affair, though llte bridegroom and guests were nearly all soldier* ; but then they all have a business or profession of some kind, which they are liberty to exercise. The women, too, trade and traffic as in other countries ; and some of these std diers are possessed of wealth that w ould astonish yon.— Cor. Jewish Chronicle. Cotton JHarliiCi Cotton Statement, Nov. 7th. 1851. Rere’d at Oglethorpe lor the week, ending Noi.Oth, 1,196 bahs Sltip’dper S. VV. Hail Road, 746 44 Balance on hand, 450 44 Total receipts up to this time, 4,739 44 Total shipments 44 2.881 “ Totiil balance on halt I, 1.858 41 Oglethorpe Nov. 7th 1851. The market is steady with good de mand. We quote the market at 6.J a 7cts. Savannah Nov. 7. Cotton 6 a 8. Charleston Nov. 5. Cotton 6£ it Bj. New Orleans. Nov. 3. Cotton, 6 a BJ. ” Atlanta, Nov. 6. Cotton, 6 a 7. Augusta, Nov. 5. Cotton, 7 a 7| Griffin, Nov. 6, Cotton, 6 a 7J Columbus, Nov 6. Cotton. 6 a 6j Oglethorpe Prices Current. CORRECTED WEEKLY. BACON, Hants, per lb. . . 13 cts. Hides, dean 44 . . . - 13 Shoulders, 44 . . 12 a I2=V BUTTER, Goshen 44 . . 25 a 30 K Country 44 ..12 als GING, gunny yds. . . . 16 Mafl’d gunny 41 . . . 15 E 9 COFFEE, per lbs. . . 12 a 12J CANDLES, Sperm 44 . 50 a 60 Adamantine, 44 . . 40 a43 Tallow, 44 . . 25 a 30 FLOUR, per bid. . .--7,00 a 9,00 MACKEREL, No. 44 . . . 14,00 44 4 4 2. 44 . . . 10,00 I “ 44 3. 44 ... ~ 950 j CORN, per bushel, , 1,00 a 1,25 : MEAL 44 . . . 1,30 a 1,50 LAR D, per lit 14 a 16 LEAD, “ 10 a 12 MOL ASSES, per gallon . 35 a 45 SYR UP, N. O. 44 . . 50 a 55 Clarified “ . . 90 a 1,00 OIL. Linseed, 44 . . 1,25 a 1.50 TURPENTINE 44 . . 1,00 a 1,25 -SUGAR, “ . . 8 a 10 FALLOW, per !b. . . 9 a 10 BEES’WAX, 44 . . 20 a 25 : NAILS, “ . . 4 a 5 KiCE, 44 . . 5 a 5 SALT, per sack . , 2 00 GEORGIA MADE Negro Shoes!!! BEING very desirous to introduce our Manufacture of Southern made *Negro (Shoes, into Soutn-Western Geoijp* we have t'ejliianjym price to SI— -ii>- ioSWe Miled ffßKWjhe’ tacked toe hud Copper nYerthl eye seants.— gPlrtanted to he the hiapicst and best made pNegro (Shoes got up in Georgia. BANKS <fc Cos., I Nov; 7th, 1851. 30—6 m. Lost, Stolen or Mislaid! A POCKET BOOK, containing the fol lowing Notes, viz: Four for twenty five dollars, two for twenty dollar* and one for twenty one dollars, all given by Oibom Jones, made payable to James A. Davenport or bearer, due 25tti December next. Three lor twenty five dollar* and one for thirty dollars, given by James hurnsides, sen. Jas. Burnsides jr. and Solonton Henderson securities, all made payable to said Davenport or bearer, due 25th day of December next. One for twenty five dollars, on J. Hasty, Osborn Jones security, payable to said Davenport die Ist Jan. next. One for eighty five dollars, on John Humphries, payable to J. Founds, traded lor by paid Da* venport. One for fifty dollars on Mr. Marlow, J. S. Tay lor security, payable to said Davenport or bearer, dti© 25th December next. One for thirteen dollars and fiity cents, on John Prince, payable to said Davenport or bear er, due the 25th December next. One for seven dollar* and eighty some odd cent*, on Josi&h Tedder, Z. Tedder aecuritv, payable to said Davenport or bearer, due 25th December next. One for fourteen dollars and some els. on Wm W. Alford. Z Tedder security, payable to said Davenport or Ih-arer, duo 25th December next. One for five dollars and eighteen cents, on L. D. l aus.J. $. Tay lor security, payable to said Davenport or hearer, due 25th December next. One lor six dollars and some eta on J M. Taylor, L. D. Laos security, payable to said Da venpo tor bearer, due 25th December next. One for nine dollars, on Bryant T tlder, payable to said Daven port or bearer, due 25th of last December. One for eight dollars, on Time. jPeddy, payable to F.S. Brown, or bear er, doe 25th of December 18ID. One fi r four dollars and five cts. on Z. Tedder, payable to Wm, Westbrook or bearer, both trailed for by said Davenport. Also two re ceipt 4.; one for two notes placed in the hands of officer* for collection, on L We&the-rshg of Murwn county; one from Z. Tedder for a note on Win. W. Alford, placed in his hands for collection. The public are hereby wanted from trading for any of the iluHe described notes ami those who gave them are warned not to redeem them. Any person who will deliver them to the subscriber at Buena Vista, or inform him of their whereabout*, shall be rewarded. JAMKS A. DAVFNPORT. Nnv. 1, 1851, 29-3 t. ft. E. SELLE ll S VEli UIFuG E. This Worm Medicine has no superior— if an equal—in Ih ‘s or any other coun try. It is much used and highly re., commended by Physicians. a,¥.7 OHMS frequently infest rliikirnn, ;ig- Y Y grsiviiln nil other (lUcast's, awl urn capable of producing gr*at distnrhanr.eH in the pyt* 4 ni, and, consequently all mtulieines given to remove them should he prepared with great care, am! of the bent ma terial- ; and il is to tie feared that many of the worm medicines i:i use sire totally destitute of these qm’litb**. The Vermifuge which itwHiilwrihcr ofifent to ihe publics is prepared of the be.-t material* that can hr procured. THETRUTII bFmE.NOF I 1U Til. Concerning Sellers* Vermifuge A vial producing wonders. Read the following from the Kev. S. If'ako field. Pastor of the. Liberty street -Methodist Epi.-copal church : Pt • ts:i v nc H . Wit rch 8, I H I7. Mr. IL K. Sellers.— it is front :t sense of du*.y. a* Well as with gn*ut pleasure, tLug I bear testimony to the vir tue of your jmi I y celclratcd Vermifuge. I procured a single bottle anil gave, it to three of mv children, who hail been ifi for several weeks. The old “At was seven years old, tin* next four, and the y Hugest eighteen months. The first passed fifty-six worms, the second forty-sevam.iyod the third a considerable number not distinctly recollected. Since then they have been do ing well, and are now itiqrood health. Yours, respect fully, S VVAKRMKLf). (*h kenvii.i.k, Va. January 15,1845. Mr. R. E, Sellers, —Ynw Vermifuge gives universal satisfaction. 1 lutve sold Fahnestock s, API one’s and others, but none ha? given ike a: is fact ion that yours ha*. B. F. HR AH AM, Post .Waster. Sellers’ Vermifuge—it trials in aiders enry where. Bto Sanuy, nv. M:iv IS. hir. •VrR F. Sellers—Dear sir: Ytair V„rimlug iHVxliicft Rileh womi.-rl'til results, lliat 1 lliinU il word, wliilr la lriv vou a few (heu about it, A neiglilrrr. Dr Gray, • hou-iit from me one vinl of it, ittul pave tin- content!* to threeofbMchildren: tke fir*t (.a-tt-d IRtt the neoonii l.*>3,unit lb tiiinl 70, making 41)3 worms <!i charged by itsii,gone vial. Mr Gray immediately bought mur vials inure. Mr. J M'Simrley nl-o gave the content, of one vial to three of his children, which brought from the first 73. from the Second .’ll, and from tho third 3t, making 156 worms bv the. use us one vial. I gave my own child, aged one year, twolcarpnonfiiis; which oxpcH'd l t.oneof which was at. least one foot long. Your Vermifuge is considered |t.ho best, that has ever • been brought incur motion of country, and so Liras f know, has'never failed. Yours, respectfully, J 1. TRUMAN. Let Physicians Speak. Sellers’ Vermifuge is the best in use. — Here is proof. Lime no Station. Ky. Dee. 17, J 845. Mr R JB Sellers,—l have the pleasure to inform you that 1 have used in rn* practice your celebrated Vermi fuge with the most happy results 1 have formerly used Fahnestock's, but being lYrstmdrd to try yours, J have found it far slipperier in every respect, and r an say with out the fear of contradiction, that vour Vermifuge pos sesses more virtue than any 1 ever used, and most cor dially recommend it to the attention of the public. I will state a rase where I gave one viol of your Vermi fuge. My brother’s child was pining nnd wasting to a mere skeleton. In 3G hours after I gave the Vermifuge, the enormous quantity of upwards o (tit hundred worm, were passed. The child that was given tip for lost, itt now as well asanvin the neighborhood.- AMBROSE ARNETT, M. D. 4k Selin s’ Vermifuge Hie Pest in the World Gali.ipoiis, O, April 1,1851, This certifies that I have kept on hand and used in my practice, It E Sellers’Vermifuge, for the. two post years. lam confident in saying it has not failed, in a single instance, to relieve children ami adults troubled with worms; in many instances it has brought away large quantifies. lam confident it fa the best worm me dicine in use. All that is required to give it reputation in any family, is togive it a fair trial. 11 II WILSON. M. D. Point Pt.EANSANT.Va, Oct. 4,1847. Mr. It F. Sellers, —Os your Vermifuge, I can sayt without hesitation that having used it extensively in mv practice for the last four or five years, I think it decided ly the best preparation ofthc kind of which I have any knowledge, although 1 have heretofore used the prepa ration of several other manufacturers. Youre, respectfully, 1) COUGH, M. D. Sellers’ Family Medicine, Graham Station. Ohio, May 25, 1849. Mr. R t. Sellers,—l think it right, for the benefit of others, to state some facts in relation to your excellent Family Medicine.. I have used your Vermifuge largely in my ownfitmily, one vial frequently answering for expelling large quan tities (say 100 to 200) of worms from ttvo children. I have also used your Liver Pills arid Cough Syrup in my family, and tney have, in every instance, produced the effect desired. As I am engaged in merchandising. 1 nm able to state that I have yet to hear of the tint failure where yonr medicines have been used in my section of the country. In conclusion, I may stato that they are tho medicines of the day, and are destined to have a very extensive pop ularity. Yours, respectfully, W II PINNEL. The Vehmuiiok w ill continue to lutve.a red out side wrapper, and will have the name of Roh'tE. Sellers stamped uponeqeh vial, without which it i.iiotliis Ver mifuge. U E SELLKKS Proprietor Pittsburgh, Jttue Ist, 1850. For shlc by SNEAD Sf CHAPMAN, At tha New Drug Store, Oglothorpc Ga‘, ‘