The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, November 07, 1851, Image 4

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SS K. SELLERS, ■W iMABEX <fc jrXiWS^EJK. OGI.I TtIuKPE, (• A , Qt WOI'LT) respectfully tin- public this’ he JCZVltan pemuuirtiily Ira-alcil in Ityvtluirpe, (tit tho *tnurpue of Hepniring Gktek*, Watches. Jewelry Sic. no will visit all the prinripfe tm, iu and villages in South-Western Ccur-ia, tlttrintr the xutmni'r months fur the purpose of executing any worfcm lip line <>l Imsiiiewt that may present itst-lfi A!liv|iairittg ttoite in a work* manlike manner, ami warranted. April Vlih, 1851 3-ts. BLANKS. “WTOW on hand end for .sale hi this Office, Justice’* .Summons, Exei'tilimi!. &e. iSu.rtlP* Deeds, Juror Summons, Bonos Ac Aov oilier Blanks furnished n| sliorl notice All o>tiers when accontpanied by (he < ttsli Wi*l be promptly at(eqded in. Books! Books!! 60 COPIES OF THE Married Woman's Medical Companion , For sale at the “South-VVext Of fice by C. B YOUNGBLOOD. P. S. All orders from abroad promptly ■ attended to. Sept. 12,1851, BUOGEYS and carriages. THE SUUSCRI HER lias on lihiiil and will coii'inne to keep, till kinds of Carriages for sate. His Catiinge* now in Store at the Ware-House ol G. C. Car,, rnicliael 6c Cos. I shall he absent for a tew days, during which time John P. Ilivey will act as my authorised Agent. Any per son wishing carriages call tail on hint and be accommodated. W B. HALL. Oglethorpe, sept. 5, 1851. 21 ts. notTce^ TfpSKRS. NKLSOft&Ci MMlNliwould inform t Up i*i- pubiic Vbv.t perron* hiring • iigjffe* front lh*ir Mab|** uium expert to pay on tin* delivery of ilium,unt) perrons bourdinghorwf* with them uu-t |>*i\ monthly. > heir nr ce*Mtit*> require this court* 1 . All priMiun ind* bud t<i them by note or account ‘will plea>e settle liniuniiatrlv April #4b, 1851. 3-if Four months oiie. datenppii catinn will to* marie to tlteCmiii ol Ordinary of Macon County, when sitting f" 1 Ordinary purposes for leave to sell all lla lands, negroes, goods, Chanels \i. lo li.op ing to tile estate of lMcGiotider Brvau d,*< M NATHAN BRyAN. Ado... Sept. s*li, 1851- 21 4nt Harness! Harness! THE tttnlereitilled will keep con slanlly nil hand, mid tor sale hi G. L>. Carmichael &, Co’< VVare*ll ms,, •or ner of Ba ker and Cuiler street*. A Urg* supply of Harness of all description, Car riages, Buggies, Wagons and Dials; also ex tra Bridle lines &.C. VV Inch wilt be sold at the lowest prices; •Holders promptly attended to. S. B. KING. Sept. 12, 1851; 22 4m. PRETTY TEETH A Sweet Breath -jt>.R. MASSON’S Vanilla Tooth Wash I F for cleansing the teeth, and Poryfiving the breath, for sale ut FEAR’o Drug Store. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 ts Carriage Making and Repairing. THE Subscriber would respectfully tin nouuce to ttie Citizens of Travelers Rest and its vicinity, thui lie is prepared to execute all kinds of win k in his line of hnsi ness, such as making and repairing all kind of Vehicles, at the shortest notice. And al so to the Citizens of Oglethorpe and the ad joining Country, that lie is prepared to exe cute all jobs that may be brought to him, in the way of Harness making and Repairing; and that lie keeps on hand, both Carriages, Baggies, and harness r-adv made, and lor sale at the lowest Cash prices. Those wishing to purchase will do well to 1 call and examine his stock before purchas ing else where. H. D. POWELL. Travelers Rest, July 24, 1851. 15 ly MEDICAL CARD. DR. JAMES M. FOKES reipectfollvof- I’ers his services to ihe citizens ot Ogle thnrpp and vicinity in the various b'H.iches of Medicine. H>* may be found ai Mr. Fears Drug Stote during the day, and lit the Pa vilion House at night, when nut profession* ally engaged. August 14,1851. 18—-if Land and other Property for Sale 74'HE Subscriber offeis for sale a valua j| ble settlement of Oak and lle kory, Land, nearest point within one mite of Ogle thorpe, on both sides of Flint River, (die residence on said land being within two and a li'df miles ol Oglethorpe, on the East sidt of said River) containing six blind red and fit ty or s'-v. n hundred arr.s, iwo bundled ol which are now in cultivation. There is also a good Ferrv on said land. There is also a settlement ot land containing about five bun dled acres. 200 of whi. hare in cultivation which can be puicliased on reasonable l< mis if desired, Ivmg broadside of the above des ciihed settlement. Said lands are well wa tered. Also a small lot of Negroes, Moles, Wa gons, and all llm farming implements be iongi.lg to the premises’ to l e sold wiih die lands, or without, to suit put chaser*. The above property will b<* sold on good terms. Those who desire to iiarchasi will do w.ll to call and examine f.r tbemiblves. SEN US H. CLARK. July 24, 1851. 15 6m f%\ THE -real remedy for Übeutuatisin, Gout. Pain in the j Side. Hip. Back, Limbs and Joints; Scorfnlo. Kine’s Evil. White Swettnigs. Ilaol Tiun-rs. Stiff Joints, and nil fixed pains whatever. Where this Plaster is applied i Pain cannot exist. Tlie-e Plasters possess the advantages of being put 1 lip in air-tight boxes; hem e they retain their bill virtues in all climates ‘I Ins celebrated Pain Extractor lias been so exten sive!’ used by Physician* and the people in general.! both in this country and But pur. that it is almost need-! Ir-s to -av any thing about it. Yet there may lie some who stand in need of in* healing poweis who have not vet tried it. For th-tr sakes we will simply slate what it ha done in thousands of eases, and what it will do for them when tried A VOICE FROM GFORGIA. Head the following testimony from a Physician. Gestlfmkn —Your Hebrew Plaster has eared me of pains of which I have suffered for twelve years past.— During thi” period I labored uniter an affliction of my loins and side, and tried many remedies that mv own medical experience suggested, hm w ithout obtaining re lief. Al length I used your Plaster, and nm now by its good effects entirely cured I will recommend the lew David or Hebrew Plaster to all who are suffering from contraction of the muscles, or permanent (tains in the side or ItacK. 1 lie pi-ople of Georgia ave hut to become acquainted with its virtues when they will resort to its use. Yours,truly M. W. WALKP.It, M. I) Forsyth. Monroe County, Ga. To Messrs, t-eovil &. .Mead. New Orleans. La. JEW DAVID’> OR HEBREW PLAS TER IN NORTH CAROLINA, Messrs. Scovill & Ylentl: I have been troubled with thechronic rheumatism for the last twelve years. On tie Ist of Jill,. 1449.1 was so had that I could not turn myself in bed. and the pain so severe that l had not slept n wink for six days. At thi, time ntv attending physi inn prescribed the'‘Hebrew Plaster.” and United like n charm; the pnui left me. and 1 slept more tlmu half of the night,and in tin ce days 1 was able to ride out. 1 consider the Hebrew Piaster”-lie best remedy for ail sorts of pains now in tr-e G \V. M’MINN fiendsrxinivilln,N <’ Aug Ifi. 1850 ffanire ff Counterfeits mid bast unitatiims ! The eer iiiuc will iu future have tile signature of E. ’ AVLoh on the steel plate engraved label on the top of ettrh box. i’tlrrhfts r* are advised that a mean counterfeit of this urit-le i, it, existent e. ‘Hie genuine is sold only by ns, nttd by our agents ap pointed throughout the South —and no jjnUnr is attornd in nil it Dealers ami purcha-ers genreallv are raution e.| against buyhtg “f any hot onr regular agents, other wise they will be imposed uponl-h a worthle ■article SCtIVII. & Ml AD. 113 fit art re” street. V Orleans, Sole enernl Agents for the sou lie n States, to wliotiiall orders mttsi invaria bly he in hirers el l -old In I lend & Oliver. Oglethorpe. Ga.; I. F,. A A 11. Thonitwon I’ottil Town; 11. M- Jeter. Huna Vista; 0 Young. America"; Dill A Marshall. Fort Gaines; AV ! Anderson. Fort Vu’ley; ristts-r A Howard. IVrry- t vvltolesale to llavilaml Iveese A Cos. ‘e Y ork; Haviinntl ilisle & Go Au ni-ta Ga.; Haviland HarallA to ayd P >l. t'ohen Charleston. S. West okthofs!‘ ? il | i I'A l’F.l) on ihe it' l ol La’il V’ .si l ilu* |u I‘Si iii locality ot ilie City ol Oglethorpe, |!p ? luitts’iliately after rnissiui! ilit Brunch.— (xround tiieii nnl rolling, w.itet gooil. Town Lots suilahlo for business or residence. The Lois life ini mediately on ihe main loud lead ing lo Pooiliown ami Ano runs from which direction the priiicipie irutle for this point will come. Those desirous of healih or plea sant locations, ill do well to cal! and exam ine lor themselves. Lots have already been sold to the amount of Severn 1 thousand dol lars, Apply to the subscribers on the prem ise* J. W. HERRING, N. L. ANGIER. West Ogtellmrpe, Julv 9, 1851. 13 ts ( - j L j,,,, I For Sale. ! rOT No. 9 ->n Square 3on the Corner 1 A of Macon and Chatham Sireeis. Ap ply -o PHILIP COOK. Ogelihnrpp, July 3, 1851. 12-ls. FORT GAINES HOTEL. O. 11. D4VIS, H AVING purchased the above’nsmed Hotel would le speetfully inform his friends and the public gene rally thai he has taken lAill charge of it. Those visiting Fort I laities w ill please give them a call, as no pains will . lie spared for the accommodation of those who favor him with their patronage. Annexed to the establishment is a large 1-ot and com modious Stables, sufficient for the accommodation of Drovers. March 25, 1851. I—ly j. \r. sPEJ\rt eT 1 MERCHANT TAILOR. I „ OGLETHORPE, GA. , ,r '* ESPECTFULLY informs the ciii zt-u i ot Ogh’ihnrite and viitniiy that he is now piepared In e*"ciiie any work entrusted to i.ini, in the nemesl and latest style. He I will also keep for sale, a variety of ( CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. VEST , INGS. HOSIERY, SHIRTS hr. Persons wishing good Clothing, will do i well lo call and examine foi themselves be- J fore purchasing elsewhere Shop on the s corner o! Sumter and B ‘ker Streets. Ogh-ilinrpe, Sept, 19, 1851. 23 ly t OGLETHORPE DRua stow:. \ PHILIP T< FE \RS takis this nn ihiMl 1 nf calluig the aiteiiliou of Ins liientlx! and the puhlir gi lieially to his spit ndid as- sorlnieiit of Dings and Mcijii mes now on IlHnri, and a*s. res ihe Physii iana nl lliis and tin- sin rounding villages ihm he will <|u all m his power to give satisfaction. II Bogs leave also to call the aiti-ntion of ihe l.adk * lo his heauiiful supply of pKßprntby TOILET TOWLE US ts /Vi/A7’s . Ogiellnirpe, Angusi 1. 1851. Hi it. FOI’R MONTHS after date apt.lieatim, 1 will lie made to ih< f’oiirt of Ordma- l r\ ol Macon COIIIIIA for leave to sell a negro “irl for the benefit ..I V. i’ll.* J Hi !. minor. J \ME BFLI , G"id’t,, July 17, 1851, 14-4111, | w- NOTICES OF Mi Oj ELS. Mft >1 no Ii a House, Comer of Cr< scent and Sumter Streets figldhorpe Ga. BY A. M. THOMASON. THE best accomodations that the times and market will afford may he found at the above named House, at all times. No effort Avill he spared to render ail who call, comfortable. June 5, 1851. 8-ly. PAVILION HOUSE, OGLETHORPE, GA., Immediately Ojr/wsi’t the South \\ esten Rail Road Depot, s, s. BOONE. June 1, 1851. 7 -ts. < glethorpe Hotel, BYJAMESBELL. LLEN SUTTON would respectfully inform the public, that he hits opened ala rue and commodious house for Public Entertainment in the new town of Oglethorpe, under the management of James Bell, whose experience in the buxines* will en able him to give general satisfaction to all. The rooms of the hoiit-e are well finished anti supplied with exc*-l lent beds. dM\ The table will always be supplied “ith the bestfaretlie country •an afford. In short it is inten ded, if poss-ibl •, to make this hou-e superior to any in >outh-estern (ieorgia. A large Brick building is now beingerei ted on the premises for the purpose of affording extensive accomodations, which will be completed by fall. f Hie public are invited to call. Oglethorpe, May, !•*>. -851. 5 ly, | DAhIiEKEOIYIW!! IIILIP T. FEARn lokes this method £ ol luforiuiiig the citizens ,ot Ogh iliorpe and iis vicinity that ho ts iKiUGpn p-ircd to take likenesses in a neat and superior man net, iu Bieastpinfi Lockets, Morroco, Silk uni velvet cases. 45 Delay not, then, lo s* - cure one orimore of the mementoes of life, which, oniliyf the try ing circumstances of a final seperaiion, no pi ice can purchase. Rooms it the Dt og Store on Baker Slmei. May 22, IHSI. 6-if. (iEI BUM —Macon (ounty ( nurt / Ordinary. May trm IKSI. Present their Honors, lel.ahod lla’ Is Jic senli Mott, Geoigi \\ illiains, O. C. Home and Nathan lit van. Justices I a(i(>eaiing to ihe Tiiiiil that \higal Dost* r. Adlii’r oil the Estate of AV ilsoo Hostel, dei ’ll, his lody -e.ileil ■(> s lid Estate is a|,| aieil h\ tin- tom lots filed in office, and pia s lo In- ili-inisseil limn said Aomin istralion. Il is ihereloie oidireil by Ihe Court thai >t>e Cleik ol Ibis Court cause a Notice to he published, calling upon all per sens concerned, to be and appear at ihe November Term of said C-iuri and show cause if any they have why letters of Dis mission should not be granted. A true exirart finm the minutes. YV U. CORBITT, Cl’k. May 22 1851. 6-1116111. Carriages! Carriages! HE Subscriber announces to the peo fi pie ol Oglethorpe and smfounding Country, that he has pnw on blind, and wiii continue to receive, Bugeies, Carriages, Rockaways, &c., and will sell on reasonable terms. Those wishing to purchase anything in his line are invited to call and examine his Stock, at Messrs. Lewis &. Pi ice’s Wate House, on Baker Street. t. m. Jackson, Agem. Oglethorpe, July 9tli, 1851. 13 if J. Kaufman & Bro. FLOUR, Sugar, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Syrup, Lemon Syrup, Tobacco, Soap, Candles, &c. &c. Just received and for sale. Cheap for Cash. Oglethorpe, July 9th, 1851. 13 if PROSPECTUS OF THE South-West Georgian. The SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN is isued every Friday morning in the new Town ol OGLETHORPE, at the low pi ice of Two Dollars a year, to be paid in advance. OUR POLITICS. We are now and ever have been for ihe | Union. The “Georgian” will, therefore, advocate the measuies of the great conser vative Union Party, it will pursue a fait and candid course towards the Opposition—he slowing censure on whatever is sensmahh-, and ever battling for tiulh, tegsidless ol the source from whence il emanates. Its columns will be filled with choice selec tions of Miscellaneous. Poliliial, Domestic and Commercial News, from a number of the most popular Journals of the day; together with Statistics anil general information 01. the engrossing Sllllp'Cts ol Intkrnai Im phovemfnt and Southern Manufactures. Al)\ ERTISING. ‘ Advertisements will be inserted on the foilin’ dig n 1 ms; () in Dnllai (iei square of twelve lines of less for iln fust insertion,and Fifty Cents fm each insertion thereafter. A Ido rul deduction will In- made on v arlv advertisements, or ‘hose inserted fm three or six months. Also ronncts will ni idt j with County Officers, to advriis* or tin in on the most liberal tel ms. Ml lelleis on business, llllisl 111 in'iliessedi lo C B Y migt loed, Pohhshei. 10 p< st paitl YOl XGBI.* f'l*A IU l LAND Ogh-tLoipt fra. Alay 7*’ IKSI RV FHY ‘1 ADF ri.OTIHNC al Cesi fm Ca,.. I.A DONFY & C„. July I*l 1851. ‘ 12-if. | FOR SALE. f* HE “PAVILION HOUSE” in the | new town of Oglethorpe, situated on the corner of Crescent and Macon Sts., near and in full view of the Rail Road Depot, is now offered for sale. The building is new, the rooms are large, neat,and airy, possessing every convenience for the comfort of travel ers and boarders. Purchasers are invited to call and exantinp for themselves. ASHBURN, BOON & Cos. May 28th 1851. 7-ts FOR Sale, by DILL &.MARSHALL, a large quantity of Bagging, Rope and Twine. Fort Gains, Ga. June, 1 1851 9 ts BACON! BACON!! We have for sale 40 Casks BACON SIDES, at the low est market pi ices. DILL & MARSHALL. Fort Gains, Ga. June 1, 1851 9 ts B ‘ LOUR. 75 Barrels Supeifine Ftoufl 2 for sale at Fort Gains, Ga. by DILL & MARSHALL. * June 1,1851. 9 ts. r j- - Brandy, wine, gin whiskey, S)R If UP. and VIN EG AdR, for sale bv dill &, marsh all. ’ Fort Gains. Ga. June 1, 1851. 9lf ! HOES, Hats, Clafhme, Saddlery, crock 1 , erv. Haidware. furniture. Nails, Salt, ’ Iron, Coffee, &i &c., for ■ sale at jite cheap Store ir Fort Gains Ga. dill &, marshall. June 1, 1851. 9 ts. 1 Notice. ALL persons indebted lo the firm of T. M. Jackson &. Cos., in the Counties ol Maeon, Slimier. Dooly and Marion, are no tified that their notes and accounts ha ve been placed in the hands id Philip Cook, Esq, of Oglethorpe, for set I lenient. T. M JACKSON&CO. June 19, 1851, 10-ts, M)TI€E. 1*8; HE On-pamieislop In leiofon- existing I under lla fiimol A. • ELLE’ &Cos is litis day dissolv’ dby mutual 01 sent. Ei ther id the luulerslgio and, • II a lied lo the bnsini sot ill*- uusei'h and Imu, .-nit me 10- ‘horisi and to use iis nanr in tiqiit-iuiimi. A AVLLI.Es, g. f. Palmes. Savannah, June 19. 1851. * THE Undersigned liavii g disixosed ol his interest in the GR(K ERY BUS| NF.SS tu his late paltrier, Mr.G. F. P YLMS and J. VV. WEBSTER, ol the late fire of Swifi, Dt nslow &, VV ebsiei, would respect hilly solicit a continuance to them of the patronage of his late firm, A. WELLES. Savannah, June 19, 1851. *itMy. COP .4 ItT NT It SIIP. T?.'E Undersigned having hooglll out till interest of Mr. A. VV ELLES, of the firm of Messi*. A. Welles & Cos., have form ed a copartnership, and will continue the WHOLE SALE GROCERY and PRO DUCE BUSINESS, under the film of VV EB>TER 6c PA LMES, at the old stand of A. W, Sc Cos., and respectfully’ solicii a continuance of the patronage of that firm, and of ihe public generally. J, geo. f. palmes. Savannah, June 19, 1851. * 10-ly. A New Livery, Sale and Exchange S T A B \a K, l.oeiited on the corner or Knndolpli aiKtChntlinm Streets, in full view of The Oglethorpe Hotel , WILL be completed and ready for business by tin 20th Inst. At this Stable will be kept, Horses Buggies, Carri ages and Vehickles of all descriptions, lo hire, sell nr swap. Persons will be sent lo any point in Georgia. Horses boarded by the month, week or day. Persons coming to out place to tke the cars, can find a large airy, comfortable and well kept Stable to leave their Horses at. The Lots adjacent to the Stables, are shaded by a beautiful grove, and well supplied with running water; Drovers are therefore, invited to give us a call, as Hinple provision will be made for their accommodation. A. W. CoI.LINS, G W. ASHBURN, j c. ashburn, m. s. McKenzie. Oglethorpe July 1,1851. 12 6ttt. RAIL-R AD H USE, Opposite Central Rail Road Depot £ AST MACON, BY S.M. LANIER. Afay 15. IUSI. My, J Rates of toll at s. H I LtHK's FEUKT. On Flint River. / M A N and Horse, 10 Ox Cart; 25 1 Horse VV ag£nn or B"gty, 25 2 ” “ “ * 30 2 11 Close Carriage, Batiiiii-h nr Rmkaway, 35 4 6 Vol. * e.m, pDp 40 ’ V v* b'i sue !> |o>n the r<md fr n I F ri\ it iiniifii* MiHMt BtHkVl iei k, h diN’ ih r 011 m him) hnlf nih > | troll the |\n%. Till iHlldtllgti. an a* ; is a 1 v i*>. In River. J iv 9 Ssi 19 6m ! .loh work newt I\ fxc*tru j ted at liiiscilicey loi cash. fi MALE AND FEMALE COLLMP THE coiiduotnre of the Inutimtlnn asstire its (latrons. anti the public in general, that Iwßp apvays shall be a sufficient number of ‘ -jiyetent- i"- striif tors and Tutoresses ir. all the brand*, professed to be laualit in the Institution- JM A punctual observance of the of good morals, a due regard to ilec&ey ami politeness, shall he promoted by every by persuasion, kind anil gejifefefttiiwgnniop. But when these are ilisregunlei! and faults wantonly committed a coins I the fundamental principles of good education, then proper severity shall be applied; and if unfortu nately, the obstinacy of thedelinquent should amount to inaotigihiena*, hd resotm-e is left for the preservation ■ 1 discipline, but expu listen or dismission, which, how ever. shall never take place, but by the decision of a -majority of the Board, (Visiting Committee.) # Terms: f Orthography per Academic year, $ Ifi 00 Tuition in Spelling, heading, A ritlunetical la bles, It ruing and Arithmetic per Academic year, 20 00 The above with Geography. English Grammar, the use and drawing of Maps, 25 00 The above or either of the foregoin • with En glish Composition, Ancient and Modern His tory, with problems on the Globes, Orna mental Penmanship and Botany, 30 00 The above • r either ol the foregoing with Ge ometry, Algehra, Trigonometry Mensura tions, Surveying Navigation Civil Engi neering, Chemistry, Geology,.Natural, Mur al anil Mental Philosophy, Khetoric and l/>gic, 40 00 The languages alone or with either the above departments, 40 00 French alone, 20 00 OBNAMENTAJ, DEPARTMENT! Instnintei ial JJustc, 50 00 L ! se of Insrrument, 10 00 Needle Work and Embroidery, 8 00 Wux Flowers and Knot, 15 00 Drawing and i’ainiing, 15 (XI Visiting Committee: G. B. VV AKDL AW Esq. Coe J. E. BROWN’ Dr VVM. J. JOHNON; JaRED HUDNALL; Esq. BENJ. HODGE, Esq. JOSHUA HA HR In, Esq. apparatus; The Instiltttioii lias an extensive Plulosltphieal Chemical. Astronomical and Mathematical Apparatus sufficient for tin- denioiistra'ii'ti of all Chemical ami j Scientific cognitia. I lit pupils ate received fer no less a period than a ’ session. No deduction will he made for absence, unless occa sioned b protracted sickness. One hall, or part of the tuition isexpeclcd in advance, and the remaining at the close of the session. Board tain he obtained, in Vspei table families, a from eight to ten dollars per month. t JOHN A. GRANT, ort Gainrs, January, 185, I—ly Principal.. J. Kaufman 4* Kro’*’ INKW DRY GOODS AM CLOTHING STORE. On huker S reel below the Oglethorpe Hotel. WOULD respectfully inform ihe Pub lic that they have just opened their | k, fonsisline of f'ulicoes. Ginghams, Muslins, and all kind of Ladies Dtess Goods, Hose, Gloves Laces, Edgings, ilk Parasols, Fans, &c., together with a variety of Fancy Articles, and a nice assortment of fine Jew elry. Also a fine lot of READY MADE CLOTHING, Shoes and Boots. All of which will be sold, for cash, at New York cost price. May 22, 1851. 6-ts. John Freeman, WOULD respectfnlly inform the public that he is a me ” chanic and that he can execute jobs of sash, doors blinds and inside finishing ol houses, also he can make chain pumps at the shortest notice. He may he found at Boone’s Hotel at all times when not engaged. Oglei horpe, May 8, 1850. 4 6m Drs. THOMASON & DAVISON, ®®SM.®l'a@ 2PSi , S-1!5(@3A58 , & OGLCTIIOKPE, GA., D ESPECTFHLLV inform their fnendsand the public ” generally that they continue the practice of Medi cine in the new town of Oglethorpe. As one of them has had several years experience in the practice o Medicine, they flatter themselves that they will be able to treat the various diseases of the human system in a scientific and successful manner. A share of public pa tronage is respecilully solicited- .. One of them may be fcnnihafpleir office at all hours, except when professionally engaged. JtTOffice on the comer of Sumpter and Crescent Sts. A. M. Tiiomason, M. D. | J. C. Davison, M. D. April 7,1851. I—ts w G. C. C ARM ICHAU C o *H E Subscribes having as> sotiated themselevs under the above name, for the purpose of transacting a General Ware-Hous and Commission Business, take tilts method ot intorming the Planters and Merchants generally, tiiat they are now prepared to receive Cotton in Stote or any other Goods on consignment. They will have on hand at a Mutinies Bogging, Rope, Twine , Sugar, Coffee, Salt , Iron, 6ft. Sfc. Liberal Advances made on cotton when desired. G. C. Cahmichasl. J, P. Harvey. REFERENCES: Messrs. Logan & Atkinson; Macon, Ga., Neely & Fleming; Griffin, “ Oglethorpe, July 3,1851, IS-ly. E. B H I ED, Macotl, Ga. Importer and Dealer in ENGLISH AND AMERICAN Ha - dtvare . WOt) lab ■nvtie i lie attention | in. ts en s to Ins stock ol Cut itn • Iron. N •ilx, Hollow, ware, Gnus, Black - molts nm C’urpenti rs Ttiols, Apt •* oliinal lo>g tno nt, Axles, Spimg*, Mill Irons, Tin PUlr -Ic et and bar Copper, Lead and Z ( o’ , L u ka, Latches, Hinges and Strews (trot even nlltei riithle usually kept in Haid wan Stote., width he will sell on reasons, hie in ms. Macon, July 19tb, 1851. 15 To the Afflicted. IF you are laboring under any of the dis eases named below, and if you are real ly desirous of getting restored bodily soundness, you have it in your powir to do so now. The price is not muchjfflpd the cure yet the public, thowi? done that can show JidCh a handsome result for the same length , j of time, as I Marshall's Magical Pain Eradicator. This is a remedy not intended to cure eve ry disease that ‘ flesh is heir to.’ Nor is it intended to work miracles in curing diseases which are incurable, but we do not hesitate to say, that, if any of the following diseases can be cured, Marshall’s Eradicator will cer tainly do it. Try it and be convinced. For Rheumatism, Lumbago, Painful Nerves, Spinal Affections, Palsy, Disloca tions, Sprains, Bruises, Strains, CEdematous Swellings, Weak Joints, Contracted Ten dons, Tumors, Nodes, Ganglions, Wens, i Goitre, Headache, Weak Bgck, Gout, Scrofula and Tooth-ache. , The following letter and certificate is fronv a person in the city. The original can be 1 seen at the store of the proprietor. AUGUSTA, January 31, 1851. 1 Messrs. W. H. 6c 3. Turpin:—Gentle men, —1 have much pleasure in saying that my wife, who has been afflicted with Rheu matism in the feet 4nd knees for the past two i months, has been entirely cured by the use of ‘ Marshall’s Magic Pain Eradicator.’ It , is, in nty opinion, lire best remedy ever of feied the afflicted public, as it will a certainly 1 cure. Every body should have it. Y'ours, respectfully, &c. 1—... For sale by D’Antignac & Barrv, D. B. Plumb 6c Cos., W. H. Tun, W. K. Kitchen and the Proprietors; Augusta, Ga. Fm sale in Charleston, by Nelson Carter, t'a &. Courtlier, Dr. Cleveland, W. A. Bkrine, and John W. £>toy. For -suleingletliorpe, bv P. T. FEARS. Sept. sth, 1851. 21 su A CHALLENGE TO TIIE WORLD t IVVILL FORFEIT $10,00(1!! and pay the same to any charitable institution, it any nr a I lot Iter articles that flood llie mar ket as Salvet ot Liq< ids, unde their various cognomen of Pain Exterminators—Extrac tors-Oinlinents —Killers. 6cc. 6cr. can per form such a cure, in all particulars, as ha* been performed by Dailey’s Magical Plain Extractor ! ! in, wltal is reported in mv printed paiiipleln as the “ Hague street Explosion Case.’’! and 1 obligate myself more over, to pay $l - to any parly, who can prove that tluru is one word of untruth in that statement ! Read it—Ailye who have change of&earu Engines, lot it may save your lives, and the lives of thousands ofotheis. Dalle)’s genuine Extractes, is not alone good for the following diseases, hut it has ptoved itself in all cases, infailable ! Only gr* the Genuine article, and tliere is no niisCttki'; viz. Burns, Scalds, Piles, sore and inflamed Eyes, Erysipelas, Salt R Ileum, old and en vetcrate sores, Cuts, Wounds, Swellings, Sprains, inflammatory and chronic Rltuinnia tism, stiff joints, sera legs, rhilbluds, felons, etruptior.s, aud all cstt rtml inflammations.— Being the Salve in direct contract with tho diseased locality—rub in on well, where the disease will hear it. On sores apply it by plastersspiead on linen, two appli;aiions u day, viz: morning and evening, is generally sufficient in all cases, apply it fearlessly, as it is perfectly safe. Put it right inside in the corner of the eye, when the eye is inflamed —it will draw out the inflammation, free it from pain and ease the eye. Try it foaress ly and unreservedly it can do no barm, and will certainly effect a cure! Only— get the Genuine article! In case of broken breast nd sore nipples, it never fails to afford al ost instantaneous relief, and effect a positive and sure cure* Caution!—The public is cautioned against base Counterfeits of my Salve, under the old wrapper. Buy therefore Dailey’s Extractor only in the present new wrapper and enlarg ed boxes—Mind ! the emblems on the newr wrapper sun Triangle, serpent, Dove, Lion and Eagle. C?* •I" 1 printed circulars. DALLEY’S ANIM VL GALVANIC, Ascertain, quick anJ never failing reme dy for l lie cure of Poll evil, galls, sores hu mors, bruises, swellings broken knees. Bone spavin, Quitterbone &c. N. B. Broken Knees it cures without scar or disoratirn of the hair ! H, DALLLY, Inventor and Proprietor. 415 Broadway, New York. AGENTS SNEAD & CHAPMAN. AT THE New Drag Store. SUMTER ST. OGLETHORPE GA„ Oglethorpe 17. 1851. 27—8 t. Floyd House, MACON, GEORGIA THOMAS WILLIAMS respectfully in forms his friends and the public, that he has purchased the lease and furniture of the above establishment, and that as sole pro pi ielor, he intends to give the business his strict personal attention. He will secure po lite and competent clerks and seivants, and is determined that the table and bar shall he suplied with (be very besi the country affords. Ti e House is too well known for him lossy anv thing in regard to it. The rooms are in fine repair, and the furniture as good as > an be found in any House in the State.— Thankful for the liberal patronage bestowed opou the old fimi of Biifont & tVdliams, dur ing bis former connection with bis House, he pledges himself to spare no effort to give en tire saiista. tmn to both new and old friends. July 24,1851, J 5 ty.