The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, September 24, 1852, Image 2

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PBaon. Eduvavil V nuns SI up * <; f ; Ac.Ci-stw*<*. Jr(fs\x, :ic,.u lit!:, 1852. Ucnitcxun: —You: - favor of the 21. t, t!:. was ilul. ,-i- ; Will otllCr j • ■■ :.. |*W I ; jlfjfWfe tAfttfePt tMtDonli -;. t 0 . ‘•! . |.i,. (Bw i.THHHpi<^TW'Fie Cos n i ■.. HP* M mn oa Iso ITtli ult. hie P*®nNp to Trie formation of Consninliotial Union P-'tty, a (;:five or V.l.ig,— Scarcely Ihen, may 1 lm expectei! lo apologise lor an intßposiuoa to eu my vote, in tlie ! coming contest, for 1*1©; e-> aad King; p.v lieu. ! lmly hi.toe the tic i: 1 ;i: ‘ proi-1,-limited tli- so* lution of that party b m ..1 iVntoeraey. Their brief connection-v.U!t that j.:. “ty (i. in deed such eynncction ever ext.- tvd) was v.-r----ed-hy ---ed-hy their own •<•. ent, av! in cl e lienee to the comm:.nJ .f ti. • ’ note I . i:tie- Conttenti in. T’ at ■■. i .:■!. ;• ,cpmpt>?- wl of Aboli-: :i : , ... soil. licnikOis hind- Barnburner.- o.';he N'ortlft Jut.;ettf. fthia the North \v , i Fite.rite, i i-m;, Jilid rn.i ■ / ’ n — li founded hi on -i.’i n: : i i-rite ino. sty 1. J 1 Democracy: Ihcrijim t<. thei;- buyti'jp, by , this lu-frrogeticfni. prir t hood, there c;ri. t.-dri but lilt-ic common yioc cl of .•*.r* .itiiv feb.J Tween the Deuio, - -rc i,- nominees and inv.-fU- ‘ since that event, mn i Is. Tim indorse- i mm! has pro] nr.l the bill ..for dUtonbr.—’ Should it be, by any, niposod that Fierce i.-. preferable, in this m. jhi-nn, t > Scott or \Vt-b ----ter, from Bertie former show of Southern jrfe, o, cfions—i can only sav, for myself, f have !? w ; ; o for the standard In-arcr of a piuly.. re-, “7 n .UO discount©nance intervention in i’je I", tto quarrels of foreign nations. The i , ij. j m j|j. under the direction'of Ojod himself, au r. y, ( , ~ , v ,. tlc , ;tii j : ation o ann.-i vnn not capacity to’ “ l '’ ‘ h r -..-n of tin*-living v,o:ld;, T nt> n.ore is our p@lili();i l safety, capable Os protecting the v.,| e h nt 3 n race the floods and Store of rn e. . ext to .o l.tejjjjH t'.'i i doctrine, ofs Intervention the most cal Ivor ,-m 1 fi , (l wh * h tirne-semug cpdogy. th t „ , !tion .adopted this opfoe, without. - anj ng now, or„on any tuture oycanon, te bvoho oul . country m entangling nHi,-mces,,. oa u . to furnish a plank by which liu-Dj uform might lie approached by, the-alien vo, j,, times like the present, dtp man who not wear his country'.-: livery, “would La. ~ freedom for a great man's enuse, avd pell L. country for a sjfnile.” Tltc remark is no lets trge <jf a body of men, of however many com posed. But if in rejecting tho principle re ferred to, they did but express their honest convictions of national policy, then, with equal pretentions to honesty, I must be allow ed to maintain my sentiments in cordial op position to them and their views. Another suspicious circumstance—tho platform was dodged, till the nomination was made? to af ford an opportunity for ail who l might r.ot feel disposed to acquiesc'd, to retire uncom mitted. As proof, / thktk, I discover hie sup porters of General Fierce bringing to the po litical market very diflerent fr.b.iqcs for. No rthern and Southern consumption, It 13 an old trick, sjvl the people should do it. Let a man be what, he is. If I know myself, my , heartfelt conflrloeec v ill stiver he accorded lo i: a Nor: hern man fjjJ: Acti at least, and net ad <•<.; . ~ ia/a profes sions, must command my favor, in the hum buggery of ids l/ionde, w had,-in tiie Lw Vjj Buren camju-ig!’* “.dcao., and.the Fropl - ets,” —we did not hylicvs, Aois *‘or.e in n- vn from Use dead, 1 ’ arid will we again be the vie times of oat infidelity? Our candidate only proferse&to be a defent do of tho entire Cuiaa under d.e Constitution. Ili.t acts, dating a lung pa! lie service, give evidence of hi < iiMviit;. But why not vote fer General Show, and obey tho dicta limos ; Vs hip; N.r^oijal Convyntiou t i! ... is a— might bo suf.k-ic-ut exc. .- f-r nvy oh v recusant, f cons. run -, .I mi ,t | ; content without fu . .- ; particular ly, if it be co:; • ‘ J ,h. :a. i li ,of t e citizen are u.-t li:.! I -i , .-.n,l if tion by ir. ‘i. id j- .. v..acti .I, • • annihilated h ... . . constituted ft .-., ■ v. ..'. !,- parly and <;. . • ... . : t ,\ . ‘Will, not lVj. ‘ i . paling the re.--- . i . a. . :i —.. Waul l ii . ters of Geo i: v. . i eo..- ::e. j And nlthougi ...... ...i . - ,-.,i in,” they w ■ being co.nmi: -.{ :o ‘ ■ v. . 1 General i-i.*n .- a; the . .. . cm. :.t of hi> • own oandida v reived a vot in tii th..- . ■ ■■ t and h;.-! : :i They, the pen le ami C- • j.-al i . \,. . equally <liela e i to, .-.a 1 /. . . -. n a < ~-d tuency, slionlJ L. • 1; . ; ; :■ \al |ow a candidate e , 1,'.. i.-, t , •They, tlio pt ,1 j of'. . . ; refusing to v IS would lie j-'rir Uiu ,1 : ~ \,- ,1 . ; .j —J,i , : for refusing hi. r:j\ ;Li . i-.rGeu-j eral of the nmae : ,1 . ...,- : . Tho military Lo . irs of ..:i aide it: !> - -,i from his pi!.inti3 brow li!;.- tr ■ I. > n the moon-lit tii-.naru.nt —• nnun.ii i ; tli i ation and chilli -.igi th pi.ii -- > 1. 11. i! v a dsuliag, a glori ms t i mo. L.-t u- :■ uird and preserve it a bright f tacr in tho tow* | ©ring plum jof pur n iti tu's honor. Butler us beware that w • jit i i.ito not to lie dim in ! lustre, by calliig him to a service in which I hois without. —-j . ,if which iu- m know nothjtig, r Utui iin or -pi it u-U conti inlcati >- A -1 * *’ “-staJ is 1 .obi-mOu.,, fcfO339?3W)J tOC.U t. : shuts—l must lie excused for my unb/.lii fiu the aiithenUeity of the “rapj ingf.‘” T i Genei-ai Taylor Leeeme tlie l'fe idewt of the j United hiatvs, be never had a:- , f i-v drv<. ad:, or a- :ner advocate than mvaoifi 1 slid venerate his tiauic nndi-oryy bis hytift**- rp. \ t, I can bid regret that he < v.r • r.tV .- e ! himself ti-inj ted to toko the Buekin.saa dfief j in the grand drama oi’ time- Apurican. • Government. It was an tn.'.irc trunupbune, a |./ n-.nii'.U most fatal. With ta-Tjfcffve ti fix Jive j oi prescience, or prep i.dftig tojpiopv whe i ther suiichiu© or f-,.. It, j it General Scott wyre my brother, tor the s,-|ke oft - ■ !i sh.eudil’nud'icrMi him, i.i n. mu-U r.s no map cayirsc I In till j Gdugs, net UreUjkntf. thpugdi t-.-ndei ias n s'feciqoV'tjij,’ I iwa not ai.ikoftS'4vl;p':pf{ti-i:d the patiiottem. ts thii -ui:r-4-. ttfh riddihr and i uurivailul d.R :'-.,in. : ‘Gdd f Ti > :s gre and mdif.u.v-rg; cfj'.tion jSf po’ niftjit? *>fako,- vl |! i the ha:.:nd of-Jiis n..d ’ :: • m: f 1.1 :■ : p.i, r<p";rb ■i"• * In- ISiS inspect; tlycof.diifqn(|f'Conpi<il’ ’ ..-h-tho sh-f-r. ‘t-V-o-t,ha.- a.i/ct- — Ficrecrl*;’ fis.V to - W:- I’Y- •• h'Hter 1 .(-’',i-ii, the I.:r-f: j ißmirivtul t-ioAt'iay- Gtdhoan and ! Weßßtei-, 1i.0.,- idr*.. :Ti.Hy ~ii ( . . y jyc-q Mo i.n Uj.i.a tli©.graves juf tTie fy.rui'e/ l Gie rl-Aili- 1, fitr-h .iq.turned, ryreafs fiio’ ‘j tjc of psi T hv j ihld vet -enr.doj-e J them in i%in-' b bf’obh-j idn)?.green. % o.ityvoiiig’ infiijfi meiiw pre.-h.iig - who ?Lp bJ'ny.; The lyaiion liid.oaii, is iidt yH calmed arid many are itu d.Atg tllVmscl-.'i..Mhat they did net con vo.. .-, v.'Lilo the opputTmi.fy’ e.d.-i.->l, lo tdl iTh® me :-u:e 0: tl.e <-;irji.Jy honor of o un livtfle.! sons hxcijqpi, ]c. c ■,, , ’ r. :y, of .hi inpst -m.undffibß cmru-.t.-y. ‘ But Lowing to the. iiaJxoT.',’ hi d•• i 5 of fatty tii tiijimi, tjicy hayo..:-. Hotted fabSpebpi. testup *oa Shoal kh-s niusniaT to’ Who does rot know-that \vi 4 cn Webster shall bp taltcn Bom t,,e of.ilitm-y ol his weeping'c'oim i try, this iipcontiollnblc sorrow will -jftryio* tunst ,orih,and deluge die land with t aru.— then, tlint pur ltdaitsj not yetcicatiiaed,miiy< not bn lacerated again, and our * lumbers dis lMrlx.-d ’ey bitter repentance and Vain l egrets, let us throw off the miserable shackloß of partv domination, and have the maulihops to “do ftonor, to whom honor is jjpip."'. But the appeal is vain—Tor who dni csLquor his coun try, or'praise her noblest sons, vvhen ruthless ( : - -..n-s them as the victims of.ieieri j-re -id nu’. ? Censure e: u-s’-out 1 e-dmaiist!! ITiiH’l ’ dcatf issues —and uoiv only ured as ■-rre-ciows for the prepidioed,.an,d humbugs *. 1 ignorant—to.o general for f OO and tmnicaaing to deserve i <lll Li t a refl9on for refu ■ iwf in the assumed . !?).*possibly be elected. There’ m'j J U °. ~" S J 1 j'^ 8 'l%.tiahi cause, and admit ’ \ f p-,- e ‘o.ontHimtaaliQn devoutly to bashed, Vtf wc, Jj within tiie reach of I?'®! 1 t a h, S ?\ U h all deference to the opinions of t ,ose meA> as . ■uniption which, may sun cc as R gubtel f to those who cannot live ,'r „ . • • but win never deter putrimi', from form an ce or duty If tlio poop. „ re n . cc / H!K , ( are dc,ai-mined tole governed t^e m , a of •t’.i.m own chc-icc, ,1c .can, end mo **.•-, • he elected. If tb< v are and e S i onsiblii pcliticd jtimq?, - . ’• b r.ut'-j't&.j’Jtoi u;;l -flfese jo ‘give his liynjty cuppplf,. anff- e . j kk? Bit irriju,; ..rid insulting•indnuntibnl Ik: 1 lag done our dtfty, the cvp-.t to. Uud ovi.-'; g l’rovidcuce wdia-pr at ournatiotial -nativity, promoted om-rr-.ct pos peiHy, nn-1 . yards and .protect* otu- q.)re -M 1 -.- iitioli; bid r ..- li-. • I : c.s eoi v'.mly bo : The th ti.-u ofl.o:!. is in i-og.hUo. V•* v.hei | fell JV.U” oi’ei.her nod.! and: -Oil his J though cortaiii defeat eliou! iit Liar in the ;.iv.t . wry, t...-a, w.rmld Vi!.. :.-r men te'j , -aeo (pa.don tho exp res don) by such deceit- 1 j * l ‘l No, no, o y doctrine i-, satisfy’ J y°^ r 0V - ; <“o..scitnce3 —il “..'vric, if you Vote j . J . . 1 1 • , ; ‘ - •* J' u ‘' vUlw * .0-r t.iC 4<.^>uilion j ■- ‘ : - • v- nibtif U.. 11, to; “ . ji i 0-1 •tittction or ‘i..... f \ h en i 1 !'l-‘s- r '2 oi.vciiefi to- p.iity i-ioveineut, J J cie achy ©..jicggt f.tiiip of individual ex- j \ ,*?“ ljC h.'Hii r) !.l into ope-.u; n do. th. j i ‘ , ‘ ut U; -- :i ‘ .T:d. -'i' : rs-.-C j .*.* ‘ \ Ct ‘‘ n P’ - iv.oi.iT e,ect b- aeciT Jiglitß for | ] Ul.O J. of the people, tln-.i i.. ; ;> a thocld-j ! *'**-’ **h :r.y-;;a 1 ruw-d’ | Now liio vanuidaoy’of Mr. is cfccl’i- ■ | -iv, ly of popular Oi-fgn,''andalthough at; nipt* J cd lo bo : uraugled in i„> cradle, by the tyrant i.iwns'.er t i.:ty, we tru*i it tuny yet provi* the Ue: -.;u].? of t*.e race. : u.-cly no f. outlie; a roan, if he. eot-rir.h the i hi-.oe. . t.i->i;,i.... can object t-i lie I rral • -v ol .... . r. cosier, as e.-rpr.-d i.i tlie mc aior.-ilje t! eeie between ian.self the re no-.vived .-kußi-r from Soma Carolina, upon : fiietus r< ,- nous. l-.mco lh:-t tit.-., the | noa-f h.v h kii ig . tat.-s b..\.- l< ( Ohio a largo 1 j and e . r. eiii.ig lu.'ij -: ii, in tne ital.ot, .1 ceuii- j til. i .doss and ! b;<idy wars, aiul couso j | queat ;.i . ions. n;...i:ist the wiii, and i j i.i rj.j. ■ai .o jiuu.n- an .1 t >; it - * exc .ions of, ’ d.e I'rent eenaior ftoni ti e Ba.-.t, have [irodu- i red ai.J c.iint coulinuo to aggiavClothi.-, st.itc I of;-s. lio-.v cordi.iily then slioul.l wc i grasp his put:i< iic i.aiul, vih-si he extendsii ; I uitli the great and libcrxl declaetion, that he ! | i . the .Senator of the whole Bniou——kuov. iag ; | no Nijith, no South, no Kasl,.np W < ;;t. ‘Biir.t ! which was denounced as Bed eral then, ! may now bo hailed as liberality, [unlotlion i and liceurity for the hit,-;, .-u of the South in | the B niou. And no change has come over | Vif'gflJ.- of hi j polid -al dre ini; but that gem ( ’ “141 rr.-e di-ico.vcrv, routi.Cen ey ip politics, illuuiiues still ids oarc ar, .je is grill the same gi-eiit tivw.-r.of i trcfigtli to tlie whole Union, aifdyet i varum V- y iuul-. idual Sts tea in tt.o excel y cf all titr.-’i ~ul rigids, y hrther hone.; or eacri/icu be hi; 10- vyaii!. . - To wjhom, besides the hr.raortaj Chy, do we owe nuclr a (j[(4>t of grafifu ato 1 (Webater, in ditiicukles mdse tcicG.;and 11101 c tlie-integiityrof the eouiitry : Without, J-U su]ij.ort,"thb ciea sui t s would butte IV becotne thc-lawjof the-lapd'; mid tl-.e Union of (pur.cous.iiT, the coriK-r-stotie of .out fictional indepemiuiice, n oultl now be <*iiumbiwd. tSp'Aliib.'TK .tli. t we-re,” After this i.u.cU: -at, Mnrjtbr nk generous, and .urkiiitig suppdit of ti© Fugitive Law, in the nM-l-A of revilers midTiittef cncidfoe, the.-idirriiii. ;r,.tion of General, GoternimtutWonkl have pro vi.jvt tfce Noitl:,’ a lidiculous feiltnc. And .cnn. tye. not-lie trusted? Kts ancient fiieudr. aijd ftj’ij::prl(iihirve(k*P4'rtt(lldui for pur sake; shall \ve be gidlly of- itijgratcfhi abatidomont th finitb of his patilotb'm i it-nuß , bju^dßet, iJxi it vylio. Cn,\ vuthoi'.t a Miishj bi-eoftlx cLarg-j <jl’ - m.d’ ituftice. As a’ di| biirflafist, the ( ivili-red wjo:ld does ; nilt “boiift Tiis equal; I!T> cotivoritioinf : Sr.d frenties, whuilier-f-r'r,'pa?t imlefiiiiity or f\j.-are sodality,'are Wi 4 wiih the ef.daiing .cemjjijt pfeuligldenudCtce, Jtffd- not VGtb rfioTJood ofqitri(4s amni tyis. Whr.t qviniificationa '•-vat'edV.r.tion of huhiaM k .disticiion, -\s hivli few must Over hop© to rcasilv cud v.-liich iiohe'will ovta-.’lenvv wild) perfect sclt-appr6baffonJ If I hi-V net ©asggeruled liis- pretutjtionr—-then I<fl IjrsopojK iiR. ia candor, confess Qiai“AiU-. tides must be baiushed bcqauSe caHetl th.-j-i . ■ ‘i-’ (’f !’:? cr.-vdi late for the Vice Presidency, I . why bo penaitled to say, t’mt the testimony’ df nubtnn is necssryy to ©siabHdi hia title to tin ldgltest living,-faxtte, as-.t di. intorested, tin ftmbiriptvs mid profound polititian. Asa statesman, lie is mntked by wisdotn far be yond his Voars. The Georgia rj;i|form bas extoited the praises of the present generation, and wil receive the unbought adrnjriitioii oj‘ - agos to come. Since the year ISIS he has been my intimate associate, wiih a few brief interruptions, nn.d with pride I add, is still my trusty and well tiied fiic-nd, I have known him among the frivolities of boyhood, the way wardnesss of youtli, and the sterner temp tations of riper years, and if the candour of a whole and well-spent life be not all deceit and hypocrisy) then a purer man -than Charles J, Jenkins has seldom adorned tli.e.hi<tory of any age or couutry. V. it!) tlicee views, more deeply entertained than clearly expressed, my duty is my pleasure. Yours respectfully, EDVV. YOUNG HILL. The Webster Convention—An ICleetoral Ticket Nominated. Boston, Sept. 16-—The Webster Conven tion, which assembled at Boston yesterday, issued a long nn<J able address to tin. , eopje of the: State, cohcluding ns fultows: “We call upon the friends of the Union everywhere throughout the country, to arouse from die lethargy which is upon them, and to act w ith the vigor tha t becomes them—vt- call fcpoii independent whigs every whlre fo,reject an oiganizatkin which will hapd-dowr. thti Katicinal Government td a. scctiohirl fi-agmoik of their gr'yiit party .in *h.4n4s-tliat they dpmot .appio-hav A'fg -e m upon,-the pobpl| eveiywhero to u. d-B{ 1 , .--work of pklitldkibs of every pariv, vl and V.-hodd p©r euaue tsiim tliqt <*ioy hive too little interti jo cohjer Joidr liigheet-ha:ri©!;s-ttpoii boid We t PUikgtrtjitn, and tliat-milit t;y ropu : tou.ji i.- d-c bwV.nvcr-ue to tJie'Cßbv;mr.ient j ‘-is gtci ; lie)- . lie- * :.! ncTV. J tii. rr erfSittpl'pv ” tSikifo-i ’ •’ ‘ - ■■ ■! of it.-? aff.dAs :'.;i .Adnijid ; • „ti j v ai iiiy of\i bettp:'day l :,;. • !e",t.j .1 1:. jioUph -a GoiianfutiOn-V, i.i',h ‘ • ‘ “ li: city and tmi :,n one mjfl |nsppor.-!,( e y’ ’ f v ~ f~i. The J.ithAuDg. Doctoral irket vrafthW j utiifiia. ti: - ‘ 1 * ;* j 11-- tors fill ■ • I ( ■ : ! - l Li 1, i .:. j ink Gkfi'-d. of’ iVoylnoctow:’, ; oj y 4 < t-.-l, |T B j ; , cola, rtf Caiitbfk 4th, Wml Uaydß:, o .'lios? ... r 1 “ Ti ( Urti Os s gtf, k Bal , 0: Urn; ‘tb, fj. 1 ■ • -Of, G. Y. B. T'octom. of ,? r . vard. sth, M 10th, Kambr Foote,af • Spiingfirid, Jltli, Luther Ciiflia, of Rich,. mon.l. I J. L. l'immock, in anhotmeing ’the candi date?, Said Mr. Jenkins, of Georgia, was as Great a man as Mr. Webster, only he was not as well known m Massachusetts. The several names as they were called, were re c; iv: and with great applause, although the cliair nnn raid they w re ill well known to the peo plo of liusetts. *k.e full owing persons were announced as ; the \\ ch.-tv,- executive committee, Rev. Hub j bard V, i.-.rlow, Tollman tVi%, 11. Lvmaii, ■ uiuk-.i A. Wl.itd, J. A. Hedge, John L. | Ui-.nmoe!;, Chniles A. Wells, Arthur Ticker tug’s. Cl aries Terrcy, Thomas Watcher, majority of them ai e residents of Boston. |— I hi closed tie business. Speeches wore tlmn made by the Rev. M. 11. b'fnith. Rev. H. H iinlow, rt young lawyer named Wilson, and : others. No distinguished politician took part I in the meeting, wliich adjourned shortly be j fore ten o’clock, with nine cheers for Web ; ster. u :x...... Mi.-. K: I ring, the locofoco candidate for \ i--c President, durim? his service in the 17.-ft. j Senate, voted for tlie (1. arm! Hankrupt Lmr and ths l'/tiled fit ties li'tnk rh'trlrr. — 'lbid. £a* liitLJiake in Sanliag,* dc t üba. By the steamship Blyfk Warrior, which arrived at Mobile on Thursday, coyi -s of tho . J/iario deda Men: ~ of Havana, of the iiith 1 and J-fth ult. have Ippen received- oniy tem of news they contain is the account , u terrible earthquake at Santiago de Cuba, by which nearly the whole town jvns and. t < ycd. it. commenced about half past 8 o'clock in the afternoon of the 20th ult. Another slvock was felt at 20 -minutes past 5, another at B o'clock at night, another at 1, and the frith, die strongest shock of all, at half past 8 o’- clock in the morning. At 5 o’clock t’nue was a slight shock felt, and the following Ifly w;i© e.iocdj: and rainy, ai*4 ‘bus or tw o sligld shocks were felt in th°’ aflUnnoon, Fveiy J house in this city was more or less injured, and tue.'iftbabitftntfl, who hiid all ran. to the c|iurches in the first motneats of terror, were ‘com; died to abandon these and take refuge in the open places, the .plantations aiid'fields nrducu tlie city, and. the vessels ft harbor.— The Ist for were crowded w ith ‘ tho terrified population, who, says tho Redactor; were j treated witli the utmost kindness by the cap- J Buns and crewsjof tlie foreign as well as the Sj ajiish yosscls. There was but a single ex ceetioit to this conduct', and that was on the pari of the’eaptain of the American ship’John prim ordoted his drew- to haul in the plank ivhon be saw the affrighted population rushing towards his vessel. The editor iif flie.Redactor speaks in severe 1 terms, of his inhuman conduct, and says: “See these ex amples, you. poor fools, who believe that we should look for protestors among our Nqrth Alrietiean brothers!”’ The ecclesiastical authority had ordered B-- cli’iirclies which had suffered the g cat est damage, to be closed to prevun't further misfoi tunes, and bad erected aUere in tii’ plains and pnbiic places, before w]iieh*cr6was of people were continually prostrating tin 1/1 • selves and olferiiig up prayers for their safipfr. The loss is roughly estirtmted at from* tril lion and a half or tw-o millions of dollars, vrjfh out counting the injuries done to tjie plnfta tiotis and villas in the neighborhood. A Ve st c* no mention made of any loss oflife/yet fccnrcely tliink such a calamity could qecjib without it. The Mobile .Tribuno on ‘bittur day says that sixteen persons were kiiUl, and it is possible that the editors may havo /ceeiv ed some lator information than is cottained in the papers. f Letters received from Saitadero lay that tii at village also felt the shocks, buttjfe extent of thg damage was not given. It was thought in Santiago dc -tfuhflihat Baracoa must- have also suffered /rom this eiuthquake, as the steamer Gen .l Armero, which should have arrived at Sai|iago from thoro on the 21st, had not made nr appear ance/and it was thought that sh/ had been detained by the authorities of Bancoa to as sist the people of that town. New Hampshire Talk. The Manchester American tms comments oh tire testimony in regard to th/New Boston speech. Itwould seem that Aiplicitv is re garded as on.e of Mr Tierce’s Wistinguislring tiaits by his nearest neighbr/s : l’ronr the best evidence wAhin our reach, w c are convinced that the nyort of the New’ Boston speech given by Mr./oss, is suhsta.i tially coiaect. I'he cvidtnJ of the matte’ i aU in favor of correctness, vide, on the other hand, we have.the bare anders al of Ayer, Cos re tell At Cos. —and at last mt of <-on. Pi. r*-.- himself. We say. -fin Mpin;, j t,i..t oar neighbor oftho ?| 1: > ‘ .’ nqt take offenee) that frorfi.R die ci. c cos', ii appears;that Gcii/Fic*jye argued bis 5 . case at Now Foston Ire a lawyer, ;u;<£ id seme extent,, brought Li/principlys to aqnare with tlie sentirtrents, prftndtcos pros one dive'll notions'of the audiarJb. ‘The v. i.i’ vae alo Pierce, asanybod/who k-, 0 , s . q.*] .. iii --ocognixe. At. N*Post idiot elf {O. on© point, Vz : that the freesoib-p 1 -hhiiki vote for iNojyMarthi : noxy herii ad dltessiiig himself to anther point, viza fTtat hi ought to j,-e aceepteii- to the Mouth as a can didatofortjie Presidt/c V. Hence the djsoi rp. *W betwee the tjo product ionV Jp p, wMicm-'l oi . ring f .la i’re: i capdiii.-.t ■ rii.-ov,- hinutlf ito the arena in hiqo-.,,] •Wendi?, vihu n ow'iat, the General has Com nrenceitewe. ppcsii js that hi; liu-raiy Jo.w< will fee sidffcioiitMlH.'icd. The following /aragraphs from tire same ■ v uot v ifiout point: Wq are not f./e -to |cc how Gen. Fierce, can with iso mill Wakes tiehontieyp Fogg-eud Goo-j/e .is whonlbev iue eiieck by te l w ith his most ittiima.te friends. Joha/a#Buren, otherwise pajieil i’rince John, /poke at lifllsborpugh ; aruj, George Bftrsfw, the very maii ( whom we >avo heard Cl- Fierce denouneeto ’his own tern as an dolitionist, much more tiercel / than he do cjmw Fogg and Goodale, has been - onmwMed to write his life. And tlieu Khn Irtvood, whom he tumbled head loreinorsicij of the democratic wigwam, hair returned aJgo, s f or () en j>j erce We wish/) kne w why Elder Foss iind tlie rest of the Trillion*,, 0 f this vieinits did not speak at tli abolition meeting at liillsbrtr ough. VVfc- send to N V York for one when tnere was/ne ready w ith n ten lniles ? Tie 4'cllow Fever in Hiarleston The ja’est official reports slu v th(l ,j ow fever tile greatly on the mcrease n ton. jle papers for Monday re^ i ((j ' ( j j.j.’ teen ci®a for the three days ending’ day, ;k 10 o’cjock, being an average i-p V( , [>er dly Tuesday’s papers report tlnv, 0 o deal it for the twenty four hoursending Movday at 10 o’clock. The whole riuniliej 1 ol'd'ft'hs for tho aveek ending the 18th, are report'd at forty, twenty-one of which were by v- Kov fever. Tho deaths tho present week, frfSn present indications, w ill be much more n amorous. TIIE SOUTH-WEST GEORGIAN. C. Si. YoMjiSafalood, Editor. OGLUTHORPE, SEPTH MB UR 24, 1852. *” 4 lndependent Ticket. FOR PRESIDENT. D'AN’L WEBSTER, Os Massachusetts. I- OR: 1C E PR E S.IDEN T. ( HA HUES J. JENKINS, Os Georgia. EIEI-JO!:? ron TIIE STATE AT LAItG*: IT. It. fUAlAtlji .. of K“liiiV'(l. I El',4'. I■ 11 .r. of Trou p El.lA-tel|S FAR TUE DISTBICTS: Ist—n.Biir.r.ij; W. tiilAEi-E. Srt*—TVabxex Atkix. . 2d—'it. Brown. 6th—Y. I- 0. VLu’.iira, V- eonxoTo.v IV,e, Floyd. tffi— [LOUNT (.VJPLBftEU* [.-Ht ll—-PjlfLIP 8., LeMLE. i lac Wlfiis - i'ialibnia . T. Tlie (Jnvvrmnynf dt tlu- L"Hifi-a teates is oflimi ted c'J u-'acteiy it iCCcmtiiieA tg the exerejne of. ghuited by fh.d'Ooiieituti.oii, and r>n< b ih nitty be necessary and pjßier fin- eafi-yirig flic"grouted’ pewore into full execution, and tiiut-afe power.’not-tlu-agraiftedfeT- lieaeaSnriiy iiuplie'd, ilt-c ... xj.rcfsWa-i*6}Wdd io'the>tatesl-eej and to’ . tjiejMi'i-To. ‘. ** . jtr • Wo J. The Sjjtate nifvenimeuts should be held in Ituvr reserved rijjpts, und the Seiu-nd tjovei-d ----m'-mt. SU'Tained in .ite ‘Coastifufionul powere, und the l, i.ion-siioidd-'hc ud if utt-hed ovahi. aa “the ij/dbuiiuiti ottn'C v * S.- ‘flint while t-tragolm:;. freSd.oiu,’* evervv.‘bfere,. •nli-la tour vy.iNiicst •nsM£w we Shull adheiv to ihc doctrines., of (Tie f'ettier of Ms JdolmJryf^ at oh-'! jHtcn-c.-fftn,lbs, Kurctycll -Vddrests of'kecjdunotd'- •••*'•<•• free from all .eStribging witli,foreign il*onbfi4es, and of own to stand iqidn iip-eiga ‘jfontlx niissiftu us a,llepub iio is ut to propagate. otil*o]iluious,’ or impose on’ Othor countries opr Totm of govit i-uiucnty by artjtiee Or’forge, ttr.t tf> tca. li by f-.xuirtple,’ to ehioribv Ui.r .success, hlo^era t''d j’..itfee, the liK-saings-ol ’ s'eff’goveqißM!®t nmlillic .of fre-C ijistit*- ■ -'TY'-;’ ~--...- 4. Tlint Whei-epboidc iQ.-kc und eoutrot theOo-’ ■vci-imii‘t.f,.th;y'‘'?riiud obyyvus cotisfitm ion, fswrej nud ir’t-ntics, jrlbcy would'’ retain'fheir mid the respect which Uh’ claiul uud w ill .n-ftui idkigh i otfbrs. C ■> .8* Govoi-umt-ut siioxid -be eoiubwtcd upn prinei cqjtespf the strictest, cconaaft', nhd. shffi- 1 c-icTit.tOr ihe expenses thf-vcot in liiuewfheitee, ‘H!"L t To Or uiuililv .-iiVed from a ui.t-y 011 -imports, au,| not iron.dafci. tux-csj ; tfi in teivaig incli duiee ‘ soihd jioK'ev reqijaeaa jud dfc*t-.niantipn-, mid'pro'l tection lrofii trai.d ny.sjii oiti'b;antics whoii pructicu-’ Ifib, tv hereby BidrnUe.(-ucß.ragouHi*t nmy be assured .to.Amwk-au iilfi.sU-/, equally total! ctaesc-ytr oil ppi'tions of .the cotititrf. ■ ‘ - • U. ‘ill’- Con Mi l umi vestsio-CviigrPsis the'potror lo oi'on on.l repair harbqra, and'ot,stritati<ik;- n 0111 navigatilO rivoi-s; and it is expedient Unit tiou gi's .-.lialt exen-ise.tlititqjbwer si.oh jiu proveuicts aerme ssary i.ii* tK.- cdmUmu Ueteaed, or ior iiie jn-otee-iou iind laoihly oi coamiui ee witli tor . eixfl iiulMas or a.uo:^.llfc t-lku-s;” such in,move ments be/ng, ,n eitrj instance, national and nmoral in ihetrohunie.'cr. 7. Ike deUenil aniUit.-ae Governmeut arc parts oi one system, alike necessary loriiie conm-on pros pei-my. pteise and securily, a'u.T outfit'to be re-urn-- 0.1-alike, with cordial; Ualtflual amUimnioVabte attaclmient’ Respect ior tfib antixirity ol < adi, akcß acqiiiescuKip in tile eoiistitunonnl measures ol each - ! are duties r. .pared by tin-plainest eoti.-ok-nuiou ol natopnal, ot btate, and of in.tix iduai weitai-o. 8. ‘lfie series of acts of the t liu-ty-la-si Cooros coinmoiily known as tlie compromise or adjustment (the net ior, the recovery ;of fugitives from'labor in’ cliutcd, w-c receive and acquiesce', in, as a finul set- Ueumnp in principle.and substance, ot tfie aubject to which they relate, aud so. tar as there acts are concerned, We will imiintaiuthem and insist bn tlieirs stri* ouldtoeimnt, i&til time- and ‘experience shall .demonstrate, tliO necessity -of further legislation to regimid against the eyas ion. of the laws on the one fimid, and thfe Iheir powers *Oll UtctaUit-v-A not impuii-uig their ,present etheioncy to carry out the reipiiix-nteiits'of the (.oitstitiitioii, aaS'we Dprc . uii.lurtfier.afeiMM'n’ of the'qnli*Ba thtißset uep, u„ ungm;ous to oar aiid wilt discounter iiam-s aU etlorts to eomimte-or rcntiw sudi agitation, wherever, or howdverumijc—an’d xve x( iti nffotalu this Utiicmcnt as cssuimal to fri* mt uolajjty'yi our party, ancithe-iutegvhy of the Up ’ ‘ •*. , - ’*• :-:,.-.lho4?6ite Qf -Mir Ujdon, ext.-mljkitbe-’ eett-*.oceans iraa the British fasreasions. to tlie ~..,wcan Itej I.ttie, iaege eiu-ongh tor ait sit- ; in-josys o, p;ospvritv ajut j,\ver,.xy* srey.tlc.iy- ojqpsed lo :tjf (fftr'tJlcr nequisitldns’ <sf i-iiery w%iiA- hmylit wyh vhe tremjtf-c dt iU (.ouall-)- AJ| rile Aj. Od .fit lief ptopte,*- , 7 ',’ ■ ; ‘ 1 luls :. iu,- joint and cotn moifpr'op'hyy 01 (So hoidlpirtitat wa-iijo yiimto,.riHrtbjis,- cith.V bttfyfjfl of tiuißju-Y’ _ d*4 pfruvttu* bUtrA ov spaeifi&l n- uuuui and inrjcft.t.r the qth-.iv o. .pe Con: o<,/'HSy,'-viitc in tivtar ritr iqat ahd <. ! q;.al pi-Slid liji-M 61- the r.fdbecds aa.eut.qe ihy 1 . - ~ 1 L v’.rwV carry iu,* oi.-t the principles riyreutbai.oruyn'. aeiao and, Hw/jor tlie pitri dte'pf 8c- TeetUrr untp t6r \rtioui arc fi\u ’npn-e caij pur t .o.rr,. .. at tho apn’rifiteliit^prcWdeßßafedee ‘’' ’ .Or’ cither oi tile .pr, sent ieeaiiu-r:-—nieij, 11 *'* ‘he'rect-Ui.-grcai; iu • volfjng tB-erjfianuite,. ol the Uxm-fnim lit,, j.fu ;i gaai-.idry oi t.,i> T... 1 ‘lii y'td the C'Qiistiaution mid the -Ruioa, a tat y. hose ; ;oitl is know* tW uoeord vyitb iii’- irtov - dt'c’.o...roiidi ajiacij due, and v irml;.‘"i kj.oi,,; 110 .Rorili, no aamth; iro fiu.-.t, ho V-d :* iihvfry j 1 ohii; 1 at<?TUt j.. 1 . Vflsji&tttt *?}■ ‘‘DdoMe of fivjidfnt, end ’• !*’ rile office’ Oi \ mV l’l'C-ildetif 01 UO. pWUHi,ntetes. ioaftiw quiie A -Mr of tl) liv :u> mnqagtia of the. Union Dtjpiooratia l iprpo ty*l Tiiiyj Clique, ihefriij Lomenlipn at Athu.ta on- t }u> J 7tfi ilftt. for liic purpose pt iregotiating a compromise wit’ll the. Southern Rights Patty*in order t.i fofm'a .cppnrtnership iyith them inifn ejec'tohii Ticket. A committee v?af appointed to confer Vijl*. t!;o ckcoutjvp cdmiiijttoy of Sauthfern itightb Patty, and request to -so remodel their Ticket as to nwkn it acceptable to the , Union Democracy. Tlteeomrrtittce perform ed thtirdnty, and were promptly told by Sdttifi'efn Rights committee t!jU they couWtrf’ quite copio it. I here was but one way of compromise and that was to votP for the ‘ Southern Rights Ticket as it was, without any alteration whatever. T'lie Union Dcmo et-atie committee reported tlijs fact to then convention, and on consultation, it was agreed that they sLould abandon the. Union organi ration entirely and co-operate with the South ern Rights Party. Wo wonder what Mr. Thomas, of Elbert JJ do now ( He J g the fhart who said “lie nii'(f’' i,,10r VOto foMl, ° Dcvil for Preaidant for riof, 0 ’" 11 ’ for Vioc President, than vote ’ and King through Southern Rights Electors. Ho hated the Southem Rights Party worse than ho did tlie Devil—it was to him eXtatic bliss to hate them, and if Religion w'ould make him like them, he would hesitate to receive even tlie grace of God.” This was Mr. Thomas’ language in the Union Conven, tion held in Milledgcville on the loth of July, Alas for Mr. Thomas, and a number of others who entertained similar sentiments, they must now vote for those very men and co-operate with the identical party that they there so loudly denounced, or abandon the idea of vo ting for Pierce and King, We scarcely think it probable that this ob stinaey on the part of the Southern Rights party w ill be effective to much good. Tlie great mass of Union Democrats who would have, voted for a mongrel ticket, have yet a sufficient sense of consistency to withhold their votes from Fierce and King rather than . co-operate'with Fire-eaters. We-may now l ook for greataccessions to the Webster move* meftt. Uni off Democrats may vote for Web s’tef and Jenkins, v. itkout the slightest iijconsis tency. There were Union Democrats in tho .Convention w hich nominated them, and there is not a’ single'dector on the Webster ticket that is nota ffrm and qnco'mprQmising Union mail; and all are men writh whom they cordial ly cp-!opcnate.d ‘ There is no impas ’ able gulf betw§ftr them. They can unite with sis, but*,to espoule the oohse of those \i’ho wer* their most bitter enemies last year, veoqld be a strange and inconsistent amalga mratiion. *. y , W on’t work inrihe Southern Rights Har ness. The Editbr of tlie- Constitutional Union, wlio is” a Union Democrat, is down upon the - proceetliiig bf the Atkhja Convention with a long eiiiloiiarl in which ‘he avows his deter mination not to support tlie Southern Rights -D’clorbl Ticket. lie even . prefers the tri umph of Scott or Webster to the success of Bierce in the State of Georgia through the me dium of the Southern Rights organization.— This spirit of dissension is by no means con fined to the Editor of the Union but the same feeling of dissatisfaction exists gCneraly among Union Democrats throughout Uie.Btate. Tho spirit between them and their Southern Bights brethren ‘is effectual and lasting, ,119. compromise can efface it, it is destined to w iden and strengthen into a perpetual es trangement. TLis fact is forcibly demonstra ted by the aetion of a minority of the com mittee of reconciliation appointed at the late Atlanta Convention. They put forth anew Union Electoral Ticket which they recom mend to the sitjiport of all the Union Demo crats.. This movement will meet the general approbation of the party, and if the remarks of the Union be true, it met the approbation of a majority of the Convention at Atlanta. In commenting on the remarks of tire Con stiMivnalisl ‘iu. regard to a re*uion of the party, he says:. < “The"Co.-fs/z ‘pfroi.’a/zs?-proclaims the Demo cracy. re.mi-itod, and says that the Union men at Atlanta resolved to support the present tick et, l!:•, is uot true. • t But two men of-whom -we heart! on w ith -whom we conversed, con sented the IF ilhiori ticket,- Every titan front Chorqjtec Georgia ojiposed'the pro ceedlngs of tjie Convention and disapproved of the 1 , . ” li. tr.k by true, and we have no room to doubt it, t!je chances for a re-union have pass cd, the two “parties jnigl it have united to some e*tcHt on a mongrel’ ticket’ but the Southern lights wing v.cre inexorable and the last alternative ft>r a re-union .was defeated. It no been observer to point out v, frat party the “Union Democrats will now co-operate wtjli. They will unite their efforts whit iliPi jayity ‘which is now, battling against ..the couu|.tioijs of.both national parties, and en.deavoi mg 'to lay the foundation for the os, tablishmcnt of a great pnrtv, devoted to the maintenance of the Constitution and tiro per petuation of the ifnjon.- Scott So ho. “ VVe received a private letter from Osanipfa, Alas/ from a, strong arid substaunch Whig, a few day's since, die viiniing'-up of which was as follows:-“Scott is no go here, the Whigs won t-vote for him.” This is indeed in un-. fui tuutite affair for the tonacions adherents of” •National Cauhyses,, and party worshipers of’ Military Chieftains. The same cry would ba lieajd throughout the length and breadth of 1 ,|lie land •could party tyranny lie robbed of the universal sway it now holds over the Ameri can jiuojile. • The people have been gulled in to the seivice of shewing politicians by the al leged dishonorableness of an independent cOurse. Renounce the delusions, break the -unholy .charm-, and fractional caucuses will 111) longer ffliake Pw-idents. fiotley’s Ladies Book. We have received the Oct. fvo. of Oodoy ( which is a-very valuable No. 1 It contains several beautiful engravings and presents a genernl appearance of progressive improve mertt. “A day’s nimble through the mechan ical department of the Ladies liook,” in an article which would he read with interest by all who have never had an opportunity of witnessing the modus (tpprrandi of printing.