The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, October 22, 1852, Image 1

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Office on Sumter Street, ) Over the Post Office. ) VOL. 2. •THE SOUTH WEST GEORGIAN, ;ls published, every Friday Morning by (CHARLES B. YOUNGBLOOD. TTBSMiTUiaij payable is advance, for one year, $2 00 fU aot paid iu advance, 3 00 rar payment any time within Three Months from fthe.tiine o! subscribing will be considered in advance. r fts~ No notice to discontinue the paper wilt rbe regarded until all arrerages are paid. Six months Subscriptions will be received on the .■*ame terms in proprtion to time ns the yearly. Rates of Advertising; OneTMlnr per Square (of Twelve lines, or less,) for the first insertion aud Fifty Cents for each week thereafter. No personal Communication will be admit tedexcept ns an advertisement, paid for in advance at double the rates of advertising. All Advertisements not limited when handed in, will be published till ordered out and charged ac oordingly. Professional Cards. Professional and Business Cards will be inserted . at the following rates; Twelve lines or less, three months, $ 3 00 “ “ six months, V b 50 11 “ twelyc months, 10 00 No advertisements of this character will be ad mitted unless paid for in advance. N. B. The bill for all advertising is due when the publication ceases. A deduction of 10 percent, will be made when paid for in advance. Law for Advertising:. Salks or Land and Negroes, by hxeditors. Ad ministrators and Guardians, are required ’by law to be advertised in a public gazette, fqrty days pre vious to the day of sale. These sales must be held on the first Tuesday in 1 the month, between the hours of ten in the forenoon and three in the afternoon, at the Courthouse in the ■ county in which the property is situated. Sales or Personal PSoi-KRTf must be advertised < in like manlier forty days. Notice to Debtors and Creditors of an Estate must be published forty days. Notice that application will be made to the Or • dinary for leave to sell band and Negroes,-rnust'be published weekly for two mouths. Citations for betters of Administration, thirty days ; for Dismission from Administration, monthly six months: for Dismission from Gunrdainship, ■weekly forty days. Rules tor Foreclosing or Mortgage, monthly four mouths; for establishing lost papers, for the full space of three months ; for compelling titles from executors or administrators where a bond has been given by the deceased, the full space of three months. The Law of Newspapers. 1. All subscribers who do not give express No tice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscriptions. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their papers, the publishers may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse taking their papers from the offices to Which they are sent, they are held responsible till their hills are settled, and their papers ordered to he discontinued. 4. The Courts have decided that refusing to take a newspaper or periodical from the office, or remov ing and leaving it uncalled for, is prinia facie evi dence of intentional fraud. DE DCTLCE JOVENETE, OK, A BRIEF SKETCH OF The Life, Loves ami 4<l ventures ot SIGNOR CARLOS DE CASTRO, ALIAS, CAPTAIN VALENCIA. Th Universal Lady-Killer. In our edition of yesterday’s Courier, was contained the following paragraph: “A Spaniard, of the Mexican army', named Signor de Castro, alias Captain Valencia, has been arrested at Cincinnati on suspicion of having stolen the $49,000, which was lost re cently at the Weddell Hotel, in that city.” This Signor de Castro, alias Caftain Valencia, is tolerably well known in Hori da, Georgia, and other sections of the Union, as one of the most accomplished, fascinating and genteel villians unhung. He is a very ■mall, and very handsome man, with fine dark Spanish contour and complexion; very ex pressive eyes, long flowing hair, and remarka bly decate hands and feet. Ho is, withal, quite well educated, and thoroughly versed iu all the minute forms and observances of gen teel society. He is exceedingly fascinating in his manners, and is “death on ladies’ hearts” —particularly if they are young, beautiful, snd well supplied with the “ready rhino.” — He dances, sings, plays, flatters, flirts and fools divinely. He is, emphatically, a “sweet ■little fellow”—a “precious angel”—a “love of ■* man.” He quotes poetry —says prayers in Spanish—talks French —wears kid gloves, ‘find sports, that universal woman-killer, a fine moustache. He is, withal, a kind of spiritu •l rapper—endowed with the power of übi- possessed with the faculties of the chameleon. His traitsof character are taken from his associates. He can be “grave or gay , shallow or severe,” according to the I - ’ ior .fancies Df his companions. He is loiarti, a Portugese, a Cuban, or a •an, just as occasion requires, or as it is, ible to be one or the other, i first heard of jCapt. Valencia among )pr ten, alias the number one cod-fish cracy of Gotham. He lodged in some > marble halls in the vicinity ot Wash i Square, of the Seventh Avenue, He leisurely through Brodway in tho same >t with a distiguished “leader ol the ton” Mobile. With her, he visited Newport, aga and other fashionable resorts. He wd the mothers and fumbled the daugh* trough all the fashonable polkas of the If ho failed to excite sympathy sufli cient for his purpose, he chewed logwood and used some “chemical preparation” which in duced a quasi hemorrhage of the lungs that never failed to produce an immense sensation, and to draw both the anxious motl eis and their lovely daughters iu crowds to Lis cham ber! The Captain, moreover, was, ffccoiding to his own modest story, a here of the fi st w ter— a Creole Cuban, who had joi efi tin standard of Lope* and iji n d.-.-pi t!v wounded in the fight at ( ard.-uas. to jnoj. of his patriotism he would separate his beau tiful jet black whiskers and expose the ghast ly scar inflicted by the blood thi sty Spaniards! He also told of a serious wound which he bad received in one of his thighs from n cm hi ■(•. Valencia, in short, was the lon sc” t! at gilded the fashionable ho:Loii. ilo via. wined and dined and polka-ed until he be came sick and disgusted with the fooleries o Saratoga. He accordingly turned his fuse to wards West Point. There lie made the ac quaintance of some gallant officers, who had served in Mexico. At once our Cuban transformed him-dlni. t.o a Mexican. He described minutely the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras and t be pultepec; in all of which he had borne a part. He even persuad a distingushed officer into the belief that he was the identical man who lia<l inflicted the sabre wound which came so near taking off the comely head of our hero. Having thus ingratiated himself with the gen tlemen at “the Point,” he finally obtained let ters of introduction to their friends at Wn tervleit There he borrowed some 81,500 and decamped. He afterwards become a tenant of the tombs for a short time, where he amused himself by sending his daguerreo type likeness to his distinguished lady friends. These much cheiished love-tokens were of course “post marked” anywhere else but at the “Tombs”! Finally,'one morning he slip ped through the Augers of the “turkey,’* aud was off iu a hurry. His next appearance, According to pur re cord, was as a Cuban pat iot at Holly Springs, where he melted all the ladies’hearts in upper Mississippi. He played billiards, flattered the old ladies; fooled the young ones, culti a ted his moustache, arid matjo occasional explora tions into the trunks of his fellow boarders ! In one of these explorations our hero discov ered that his friend had more money than was absolutely necessary to supply the actual wants ot nature, and according “divided the pile.” Suspicion rested upon him, but no one dared to openly accuse the patiiot, who had Tofinght and fell under the heroic Lopez. The men shunned'him but the ladies ca-ress ed him only the more fondly, because they re garded him as a persecuted man! Valencia, having keen instincts; saiv that all was not right, and soon sought the more refined society on the Gulf coast. He accor diagly paid his respects to his dashing.lady triends in Mobile, arid hence repaired to Pas cagoula. Hero again, our “love of a man,” by his personal cl a ms and bland manners, made a profound impresiion upon the ladies. Not satisfied with the evident | a ti llity shown for him- in the dance and the.drawing room, he’ again resorted to his chemicals,” again had hemorrhage of the lungs, and. again was caressed,-and fondled, and nursed by the con gregated fair ones. He a'ctpd his part so rad. mi-ably as to passthrough all the stages of apparent convalescence. His daily visita tions to the saloons of fashion wee looked for with the intcuset interest*, and the lovely belles almost quarrelled among themselves for the privilege of fanning him, an l of pi ty ing with his beautiful, glossy, j. t Mick a i fi. The only difficulty with our hem now ws to make a proper selection among the vic tims of his charms. Before He completed his investigations as to their relative financial merit'll, a bona fide Uapfijiri in the A merican army, who had been stationed at Vefa Cruz, arrived at Pascagoula. Capt. Valencia! Capt. Valencia! was upon oveigt fair li .. Finally the hour for the gay dance ariived, and the large saloon was filled ty excess.— After the first cotillion our hero, exquisitely apparelled, made his appearance. There's Capt. Valencia, exclaimed’ ono! Isn t lie handsome, said another! Oh! what henntiml ringlets, ejaculated a third! One of tiie lair sylphs, turning to our army friend, enquired, “Sir, are you acquainted with Capt. Va lencia?” “Where is he?” was the reply.— “That handsome gentleman approaching Miss Q— —“ That Capt, Valencia, Madam! I assure you he is a Vera Cruz barber, and hits contributed to my comfort by his skill many a time!” There was a perfec t stampede among the fair ones as the news spread.— Some bit their lips—some turned red—some pale—solne looked silly—some indignant— while the “anxious mother of tho supposed happy lass snt bolt, upright in the corner, and fanned herself most furiously while she re peutedly exclaimed—“l knou-'d It from the beginnin —l said he was an upstart, and I told my gal that he must be a barber, kase he wore a —what d’ye call it —and took such nice care of his har! Dear me, wo fashonable, rich folks, of good families, must bo more careful who we introduce to our gals. I war at you I'll never be taken!” In the OLE COIXTRY’S GOOD IS OI’RS. OGLETHORfE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1852. mindst of this scene Valencia quietly glided to Iris chamber, and in a few hours was on his way to paits unknown. Our a‘i i ll next rC|Kl'ts Valencia at a select and fashionable boarding house in v ha. leston. Here he opened the show with a hetnor; lmge. liis apparent suffering excited svhipatfiy, while his delicate appearance, and bl indness of maimer readily gained him t o acquai > .’•o of toe ladies. He now ii •ft :s - ignor Ca ii.os deCasi ocutlicr o! a distinguished family in Cub i. .iu chain- I ed to have been the intimate f. iend arid ■ mi- I panion of Dr. Wuudeman du: iig hi; frequent I visits to that island, in this way he m.. the acqmii itance of the friends of that .list! i. 1 guisited gentleman. Whether he succeeded 1 ia making his usual impression upon the la dies, we are not informed. We presume lie ■did, however, as he was for a time the l’o>i i. tu.'oto of the City, and was feted by the elite ol the chivalry, lie at least, managed j to obtain frOrn them letters introductory to some of the'first gentlemen in Gco;g1 1 and 1 ■ lorida. liis excuse Tor leaving Charleston, was that the Cfipt. General of Cuba bad tiv and a large pi-fee ripotl Lis lio.'ul, and be was attaid of being kidnapped! lie reinaihi-d.a few day in Macon, and thence pioceeded to Tallahassee, where liis letters gained him im uiodi ite access to the cheerful homes and gen. crons confidence of the most intellectual and hospitable gentlemen in that gloiiotis land of chivalry and of flowers. Signor Carlos de Castro was soon the lion of Tallahassee and all the Surrounding foiests. Tho gentlemen admired him for what lie had done and suffered for Cuban liberty—the ladies admired him, just because they could no’ help it. Another hemorrhage was necessary for the accomplishment of liis purposes, and to furnish a good excuse for his loitering so long amid the orange groves and bland breezes of i io.’fda. Accordingly, the preforniance came of!'to the Satisfaction of all. Again, he was carefully nursed dining liis illness, By way of vaiity Here lie intro duced “some new features in the play. He indulged occasionally inn kind of intellectual aberration, in which lie made some startling developments, From Iris incoherent expres sions, pmtly in Spanish and partly in Eng lish, liis attendants gathered, iu his devotion to the cause of liberty he had been regardless of human life. He would frequently exclaim : “Ah! mi iriadro—take off that eye—take off ti at eye—that bloody eye—mimadre!” In bis apparently calmer moments lie allowed his fiietids to “sup on horrors” ad , ihi urn . He had killed liis best friend, “el qnerida li. berlad,” and hence liis mental anguish! Upon liis convalescence he was taken by the hand, by every one and treated with dis tinguished consideration. On one occasion, being invited to a party, he claimed to have lost a diamond ling and insinuated that the theft hail been committed by pile of the guests, also a professed l.nban pat. iot. The insinuation was resented, and a challenge passed. The friends of the respective bellig erents, feeling assured that they must be gen tlemen, because introduced by gentlemen, took .sides -and a deadly feud was near lining tho consequence. A fight was suppos ed to by inevitable. De Tustro, however, was not to be thus summarily disposed of. He had a hemorrhage, but with great cool ness and composure sent word to his anta gonist that he was ready to meet him as soon ns he was sufficiently rec * eied. ‘The meet ing- was thus postponed tor several days— meanwhile the ring was t'ouivd in t.iC’ session of a “fiirlady” at Aewport or M. Ma ks. Upon inquiry slie stated t! t it ‘<:■<! presented to her by the"party “del \ fhu oflender encamped in “oPtiMc- quick time,” and left 1)e fc!astro tho hero ol the fight! De Oa'Tho was now in the “full tide of successful expel imerit,” and was carrcs-'ed and eouted by every body. What slaughter lie made among .the affections of the fair I, it may be indelicate for us to say, or even insinuate. Our informant says that he b.iskedin the love-light “of many a dark eye, aiid might have had the hand of the loveliest arid fairest iii matrimony’. As Valencia was nprtil every lady’s lip at Pascagoula, so IK: Castro was the only one talked of in the land ‘of love and of ilfiwers. One 1> ight morning, as his foitunes approached the ze nith, a gentleman who had visisted I’asca. goula, made a (lying visit to sonu friends in Tallahassee, when lo! he recognized in the bland, gentlemanly, exquisite De Castro, his accomplished and polite friend, the Barber of Vera Cruz, alias Capt. Valencia, the he ro of the hard-fought battles of Cardenas arid Cerro Gordo ! De Castro had just comple ted his arrangements, to accompany a de lightful party of lovely and charming Indies to the North. He was promptly notified that he must travel in “some other direction.”— Again he exhibited his peculiar genius for villainy. He professed to be highly indig nant, and announced liis determination at once to visit Maoon, Savannah and Charles ton, in order to cstablish'diis identity, and con found his revilors. He accordingly turned his back upon the land of flowers. At Ma con he did not louve tiie omnibus to see Ids re- fierce. At Savannah he called upon a distin guished C üban, who frankly told him that he knew nothing about him, and that he doubted liis being a Cuban, as he did not Use idiom of the island. The next wo heard of Dr. Castro was liis second advent in New York. There he quiet ly called upon a pn. tion of the very pa ty that had expelled him from their company in 1 lori da, and infoiined them that he had re n his Tiicnds in Macon and Savannah, and had iu his possession letters stating that he was really a member of the De Castro family, that he was a gentleman, a patriot, and everything he pro fussed to be. One of the pa tv, who had be come thoroughly acquainted with the facts, called upon him at once “to pro luce tire docu ments.” This was a poser. Our hero was taken by surpiise. lie had tailed to have the letters prepared. He hesitated, stammered, and finally said that he had left them at liis hotel, but would call again! ■ finding that he detected De Castro left the city, or carefully concealed himself; at any rate, lie could never after be found. YVhat fair hearts nave since then fallen victims to liis charms, |we cannot say. The last news we have of ini is contained in the paragraph at tiie head oi tiiis article. We presume he has come to the conclusion that there is a little defter enee between marrying merely for a fortune and stealing one, he might as well seize upon the money and rely upon his wits to get the wife afterwards. Artesian Wells. To have Artesian wells there are certain conditio ;s requisite. tis necessary to find a previous water-bearing strata impervious to water, such as gravel, between two strata im pel ions to water, snob as clay; and iu order that the water shall rise to the surface, the percolation of the water through the previous ■ strata must descend from a point higher than the surface at tho point of the boring. The strata must dip, in an inclined plane, from such a height the water will come up to find its level. The distance more or less is not material, so the water is continued between impervious strata, at the place where the orifice is made. We have before us two charts, showing a geological section of the different strata through which Artesian wells have been bor ed, and'exhibiling the principles upon which the water-bearing strata tiso and crop out on the surface at a distance from the point of boring and far above the level. One is n sec tion of the Paris basin. The order of the strata are; 1. The te-tiary formations; 2. vJlialk; 3. Green sand and clay; 4, Oolite .and jura limestone. The strata from which the water is derived are the alternating beds of green sand and clay, ami t.he chart truces them out to where they rise'to the surface.— The other chart is a geological section of the strata in Alabama where Artesian'wells have been sunk, and they exhibit tho same leading point of a previous water stratum, prevented from descending by an impervious bed of clay, and from rising to the surface by limestone and day. The porous bed is traced to an elevation which would produce a pressure on the lower part of the stratum sufficient..if per forated there to force a stream u > to the sur face. These are the sin pi ■ elements of the Artesian force, and there i tin rea on to doubt that water can be found ii almost eve y 1 ce if the bo: q can desend deep enough ii in any , Ttfces the depth required L eno.un u The scientific geologists is the best judge from the ci eiunstaoces of any particular location whether it is likdy to require a greater or less depth, to reach the water strata, but even the best opinions are, as to some places, extreme ly uncertain. Os the results of experiments made in Ala bama there have been some details published ; and we believe Professor Tuomoy, of the Uni versity at Tuscaloosa, has published a care ful report upon the subject, but it is not vvith i i our reach. We have been enabled, how ever, from other sources, to give the follow - ing details: The Dallas (Ala.) Gazette says that the first Artesian well of Mr. J. E. Mathtws, in v ahriwlia, is completed. It is 735 deep, and sends forth a stream of water measured at 1,200 gallons per minute. The famous French well at Grenoble, it is said, does not isoharge more than half this quantity. The water, says tho Gazette, boils up, roaring like a Cataract, forming a branch of considerable size, and the low grounds, some two hundred yard distant, require ditching to carry o(T the immense quantity of water collected upon its surface. Mr. Reid, the successful borer of this well, has commenced boring another some sixty feet distant, which will be some 1,500 or 2,000 feet deep. To prevent injury to the first, it is necessary to make the se. condone much deeper, so as to reach a dif ferent stratum of water. The first well is tubed; as the second will be. Mr. Ried is al so bming a well for Dr. English, two hund red yards distant from Mr. Mathews. It is now 530 feet deep, and discharges 200 gal lons of water per minute. A correspondent of the Gazette gives the following in relation to the first well of Mr. Mathews, which was bored for thy purpose of obtaining sulluiyut water to supply a steam cotton mill. J ii st, a well was dug in the ordinary way, •J 2 feet through the red city sand and gravel lying upon the rotten limestone. A large pine log was then procured, and a hole 3 1-4 inches in diameter bored through it. After sharpening the end and putting an iron hand around it, the log was put down and firmly driven and forced into the rock. The well was then filled up, the tipper cod of the log appearing about a foot above the surface.— The boring then commenced, and with the various tools and contrivances of the art, the earth was rapidly penetrated. As each lower sheet of water was reached by the tools, the water was thrown up by the whole in great quantities and with more violence. When t!ie fit st wator, that is, the water just below the first sand stone, was reached, the upward flow of water did not exceed seven gallons per mi.uite. It was increased to orfc huiidred gallons per minute, when the second sand stone Was proforated, and on reaching the third sheet of water upwards of 300 gallons per minute rushed up through the orifice seemingly impatient of its limits. Thinking that the quantity of water would be increased by enlarging the hole they rimmed out 9 1-4 inches in diameter and 538 feet deep to the sand stone lying above this bed of water, and inserted a tube from the first and resting upon the third sand stone. They were not disap pointed ; the water from a ‘small stream be came a large column, rushing upwards with violence at the rate of 1,300 gallons per min ute, and running ofTin a considerable rivulet. — .V. O. Picayune. Something Interesting for everybody. A New York contemporary, discoursing upon the elements of success iu buisness, lays down the principle, that notoriety is essential to its success, and this publicity is best attain ed through the press. It says : “Fortunes are aceuniulatated in a few years by those who have the intelligence and tact to avail themselves of this power, greater than men seeking success through years of unuided application have hitherto dreamed of. “The vast benefits resulting from systematic and continuous advertising are only begin ning to be understood. It is not pretended that all must, ns a matter of. course, acquire wealth by such means ; brit it had been de monstrated that the merchant who has a well selected stock, and deals uprightly, the man ufaetuerer whose goods are as cheap, quality considered; as any in the market, or the me chanic who is skillful and punctual, may in crease liis buisness at pleasure, in propotion to the energy and means lie employs in gain ing publicity. v, “Then why do not all advertise ? Because buisiness men are only beginning to realize its importance. Still, the amout of adverti sing seen in the cclumns of the journals lias doubled within five years, and vv ill double again in five more. Those who still bang back will see their younger and energetic rivals outstripping them. There is no use in contending against the spirit of the age. .if they won’t jump into the cars and pay their fare, they must be left behind to travel on foot. Railroading. —As the Lafaytto Irian was pitching along the other day ut a most terri ble rate, it was hailed from a large farm house with loud shouts of ‘Stop, stop !, The la 11 was rung—the whistle sei earned— the train was stopped. •What's wanted (’ asked the conductor. •Why,’ said the old man one and my old woman wants to go with you.’ ‘Well,’ said the conductor, ‘get aboard— get aboard.’ •But we ain’t near ready yet. My old wo man has just begun to dress, and wants you to wait.’ There was a perfect explosion. The ladies tittered—the men screamed —the conductor looked blank, and shouted ; ‘Go ahead !” The passengers all begged him to wait until the woman dressed and one gentleman shout ed, —‘come on with your wife ‘i’ll hook her di ess,’ and the train vamosed. Who will dare 6ay that woman don’t claim their rights in this country, where a whole train is stopped to give a woman a chance to put on‘becoming !’ Western women nga inst the world ! If she had got hold of the conductor she would have made him wait: Health of \#w Orleans.— Tho Pica yune says : The health of the city is now most excellent At no season of the year has it been better than it is at tho present moment. Avery few sporadic cases of fever were said to have occurred some time since, blit no appearance of disease now exists. We assure our absent friends Unit they may return without delay to the city, where they will enjoy not only health, but nil the other comforts aud luxuries which they left heuhind them. Several persons in Cincinnati nre making preparations to leave for the far-off land ol Austral! i. The city of Glasgow, Scotland, had n popu lation at the beginning of thi* century of only 77,000, It now numbers 370,000. | Terms—s 900 in advance, ) $3 OO at the end oi'the year. The Newspaper in a Family. A school teacher, who has been engaged a long time in his profession, nnd w itnessed the influence of a newspaper upon the minds of a family of children, w rites to the editor of the Ogdenshurg Sentinel as follows: 1 have found it to be a universal fact, with out exception, that those scholars, of both sexes anil of all ages, who have had access to newspapers at home, when compared with those who do not, are 1. Better readers, excelling in pronuncia tion and emphasis, and consequently read more understandhigly. 2. They are lietter spellers, and define words w ith greater ease and accuracy. 3. They obtain a practical knowledge of geography, iu almost half the time it require* others, as the newspaper has made them fa miliar w ith the location of the important pla ces and nations, and their governments and doings on the globe. 4. They are better grammarians, for hav ing become so familiar with every variety of style, in the newspaper, from the common; place advertisement to the finished and clas sical oration of the statesman, they more read ily comprehend the meaning of the text, and consequently analyze its construction with accuracy. 5. They write better compositions, using better language, containing more thoughts, more clearly and connectedly expressed. 0. Those young men who have for year* been readers of the newspapers, are always taking the load .in the debating society, ex hibiting a more extensive knowledge upon a greater variety of subjects, and expressing their views with greater fluency, clearness and corricti.ess in their U6e of language. From Peru and Chili--Excitement abonl tbc hobos Island. The intelligence from Peru is ofra very in teresting character. A correspondent of the New York Herald writes from Valparaiso, Chili, August 21, that the utmost excitement awhile existed in consequence of information received from the Chilian Minister at Wash ington announcing that Com. McAuley hod been instructed not only to look after Ameri can interests, but actually to take possession of the Lobos Islands belonging to Peru, os is claimed. The Valparaiso papers denounce the measure as unjust and piratical inrthe ex treme, and charge that the next steps in ag‘ gression will bo the pouncing down on the Juan Fernandes Islands by the piratical Ame ricans. This perturbation was somewhat quelled, ho wever, by the quiet entrance of the flag ship Karitau into tiie harbor of Valparai so, on the 19th of August, where she dropped anchor, Nevertheless, the Peruvians, as hith erto stated, took the precaution to garrison the islands, and, at last accounts, were still busily preparing to prevent foreign aggression They had placed on the barren and desert isle a governor and armed force, with its en- - tire navy, (two small steamers,) and Congress had authorized the purchase of three more, and Gen. Dustua was to take command. If they have not been very careful, ere this, some of the vessels which left New York to load with the precious manure, iu accordance with Secretary Webster’s advice, have met with a very w arm reception. The Valparaiso letter says: . “Such vessels would unquestionably meet wi h a wa;m: eccj tit nat this time unle.rapio te ted by am; n-of war, ;:s Peiu is deter min ed at .11 ha a da to protict her interests in. thn: quarter. Aid well she may make tk*. attempt at least, lor w ithout the revenue de rived by the monopoly and sale of this guano, she would soem be without the credit o means to keeji in motion the wheels of her di lapidated government.” The Children in the Wood. The St. John’s, N. 8., Freeman relate* the following rcmakable story; “On the 25th of last month, Mr. Bartou, of Grand Lake, sent his three children in search of his cows. The children loitered to gather some hazel nuts, and, when they were about to return, the youngest, n boy scarcely-five years, of age, remained behind. Some time after, the fears oftlie parents were excited at his protucted absence* and a search was made for lhc child, but in vain. The assistance of the neighbors was summoned, and the search continued day after d*v in nil directions, but w ithout success. The weather was very fc vere and stormy, aud all hopes of the child’* recovery were abandoned. Strang to relates however, he was accidentally found on the tlfnih day, at a distance of six miles, by a par. ty who were not in search of hitn, and at th* time that a party who had again taken up t)v* search had got on his track. A dog ha 4 found the scent nnd led the first party to th* spot. “The little fellow, when found, appo&ped quite unconcerned, and gnC'e a very sensible account of his adventures. He was afraid of being chastised for lojtcriug in the woodsy nnd did not return with the otlier children, and when lie tried to get lwck, he could nql find his way. He cried the first dny, but not afterwards. The first nigt he slept ip a tmv, but liu said hw was ajr*i4 would fall whig NO. 20.