The South-west Georgian. (Oglethorpe, Ga.) 1851-18??, January 06, 1853, Image 3

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B C beyond the jurisdiction oftlio individual ■ St'“s, like ti:e ;ioO office and the in ils. X Mg evident tha* tile oointnorco Between ti e dis. Kirent States must hr controlled hv the --00111- ■ sereial egulatiuus”-of the General Govern- I nifiit; because it is a matte) in which like (lie Spout office, ail the States aie interested, and ■peforc it cannot form u purl of’ tlw local :l HO inn of an individual Mate. I ’ CostsaSj OJSicer* giJeciet!. ,in Stmitoi Y_iiiiiitj lor j tnlges oi tue iutei io K{Vui rt. ■&*•* Glass, Fsam i M. Cokeii, ■ John U. Fletcher, James M. Ahu.i; ■ Joii.v J. fi i i>sn\. ior Pax Collector. Jacksom Txxem. For Receiver of Ta.c Returns. Axihiew J. Williams. Sjttltlra s>caj!t. Dies on tlu-J;li hmr.iit the’ l>. M. llngonin ’lllA ‘ ! \, t/l'i*. J/llltl.Wlli'l’ \V. ItItAHI.MV. I nllaol’t ot •J. \>. hrmllov, J/rs B. wtnoaly vest t lay w■ H, nml *f- t* 1;! a chick i: -t ni, iii ia apjvir t yood h allh, but alioiit 2 riM-a thix iimriiiaa’ flic messenger Bealh summoned her io the spirit land. ASSitiS® MIXICR ’ books, Mot. , :.m! a CV>V \ !*• A/cb -v ,< t.Mv Ait reliant- oi ’ li vc !c a i. ud to, v tin’s ciiber t i- it m dp ol..tie'll* ’ Ail per.-oil's ii so lb.- invtibire i\*tp . v . “t. i’ m held, tic■ n.ijc-r.i.will le nut ink) tram tar oilccriou. L)ciau.'s ‘.Vili hid . their not.g| a■ - ’ ‘ ac ilv.-.ofiwfc <>f .I/iiler mil Halt..'.:£Sbl. ■ Sl'l.i-ltEaN F. J/tl.l.Krt, (>'!• ‘ll ‘r;ic. hill. 5. tsstf. . ‘ Assitfnee. ’ So—til. •‘A.'’ IVOX'f€!l3. A 4 Id. whom it mjfv conc.'rn’ aV.- li.-rßJiy notified Jml licit> will i>.- coiiirut'n&M itt tiscruc.'.ufta iy >••. . . ; v,;clc tu tlia s discriheV fordiito in tigle *.i ;> . •ii .i:' ’ |. l-l ■ due, yiyjcss lli.-v arc paid Hy ■t.'m ..r Jay of. e r arv next’ ‘ rtlil-r imluigefteo ‘.v.a i.o. la .nle.y, ana t hereforA iie.-vt not he asked. K. tl. C.\ ti\N : .'.a.a..ry Ml 1553... 35—ts. AT COST FOR CASH. OV2:iU*S>ATS, €3L,OAI£S ‘ .'•Qv ,':V S3. ‘ V.’OU ‘TlaO GOODS for Lm'ie’s Ipesscs, tit <J. H. J/.di .s r bill'. :4:*v !i :sr>3. 35—; i : Si aiilt’A!; AM). MikCMAiCAL a7d ni - ! f (0 /U JJ It AXtj A■> Ka i ;.ti; iositsd in OjlotLo pe, ‘• .: :> itri-t.ttiSk'R o.v ijAl.iii; ::n:o /, ahV'if l air i.'xs, Asa licit v, MeKcsz k if 1 ‘<>’? Sr.utft.’ \;. . work is \vhrrnei> .i to ivo satirfav'ion; -on.-. c.-iJiin; araa a-un .•• at; i wdh.i. ‘/ -: .. , \ mc- a: 12:. ... . ‘J :. |:i"i. v d-irvv■ • li. Yj-o.a ( aid, ... t i> c! be it'.. iid?j to nftmcidiately. i cuv- ci: ,-o<j viii.r: c -c , ■ iti.Kl4:iiiV<;K.s. w j. r WM., M and. |i jissj-:,- ‘ IJ •Id ‘s. | E. J.hii'.Af), M. TANARUS). t ■ i.. ‘. ■ ;• ’.i.vt. •; w.t i. VVi i’ i >.•. hi J. it.: ii. i).. hi: i.’ - >.;! :i. .'a . .>c .1,1 n :tl -3m f43,s¥ , is COLLEGIATE iNSUTCTE. I A V■ : ‘ ; 1 I t, a ££ • LtOirar j'JyfpdTtiii'oii. . ’ 1 Uev. Wn.MAM-I.'. \\ latiis, A. M:'t-i.fnc;[':'.l.. Mr, I>, 0. i\V. kills, iuiijd-. (.h.i.Miua:. .Mu.-, kl.iuv \V ,Li;i.s.’ Mi.-S ! UZA I' . \ , Aiti.uc .Jycjiorlirifitt. Mn Wm. £• wl'li w.h. r A’ssi^titlioe. Oruanicnial Dcjnir.incul. klKr. ‘i.AitV A: Mans. Tills next Sctnion Co.t.aK'iieoJ Jan. the ftkh, close the second ft'e lms lay mJdv, Vvliielt will lie ihe.i I>. v ; the hall Term will on the Seeoti i h!mi,l,iv i'll AuycsL* an.l clo.c on thelast.'\Vcii-. n >•.:• t:i ..owaihcr. ‘ k : - jfcgan ‘., :• In :■ iatonrtalion-’ niid ii td.iliiilo.jne iuay ho oliuiu •i by apiiiyin’ to any one bf tile Board of . •. • h roraytir, (ia. Itoc. 22, ls.>2. S3—hn, SN itv Male laigl* School. I films i:\STiT.UnON; v.-hich, though not secta- 1 JL ria|i, is under the' ’ direction of .the .Methodist. i| Ui , lorry, will he aifioneil for tile ti(lninei.i <il I';.nils oil Moiidav, Januiiry, lutli. Th treltoo,, \i!ih .•• uuidit ill the Perry Aca'seiny nidi a MOtti -1,1,. |c,;inli:i cam he creotod, which will hr ‘liniodu ,ia ve ir. )n'tlu> C.AUibliSlm'.ent of this In-;)it ilioh, i: is'iutoadad ’ to : f.ifiji’d t. iTiipnrtiiory S-v ..I of ao .•lilihgn-rul'ntihica; liiitoi ilu! very huh t.i ~1, a;;d uiiou a solid laVrifc, i’a wlitcnwouliyi •Antic!o. 1. Ill” !,e pv. |.arcd any class in CoUcgc; and thorn not wishing t*> tiihe. n Co*BW course, nuw r ive a th...-'oadi cliiStical aid Maihcinat.icul . : watimi. io iicduaididt Ihi-. CVCIW a lT .!ian,v :|-V to tin-- ilifialCcf (ad ;td\ iiu.*cin.'cl o, Iho ,'l ie'Trust, v Skive se ,,, . t ~mii ij. A’rhri.m r whbi* w.ll liaiMiuis, .a t!iovfnii:iiayd cri-sleal-tyijyl- I” Inke <.'iai'U.e of lie- !n,iiv.iti.i?i. ‘.Mr. C. 1 ;i",S for the oUhc • i 1 ! i•m *I, a nt'W .‘iui cxcmAl t Mppavatyfly t<.whicii ttd ■ i*ms‘ oro unv intikliVv conlinuG to )jg* : A.- ij:iv bb.* Cmipofcutinstnic iur ’ will ! *o A-i t it cVtAy cte^irlmont. Mr. “V. Avovl'i fcay'io tin iso Jmreirit* to iii't’jiiirP l oi*’ (’dic..<‘, that. Ik not,mi I. ly inyii.os; hu* . •lii.iieilifcs invi-:.l,'c.ailion ol’ lds. sy t-Mtvltifijg Iv in, iirc-k iiu-d the Kuglish CJSjStjl'-'S Till, it .Tissue ICITION Wll.l. lIK AS 1”L I.ows; Ist Jiivjsion, l.aliu, (ii'cijk. otc.,- per term l'n nnmtlis, -a.- .. . sa- - $1(1. Oh 2nd 1 livibon, Knglirh Urnmimir, Geograjihy, fAwpo.‘st.ion,-.ate., - ------ J 2 ‘Ojt Division, (I(■.loinphv,'Arithmetic, etc!, in 00 4(1, “ (IrUiiiovapVy, Kvinliiijr, elf.,-- 8 g(l flood hoard cah lie .d)tniued fi;om fO.per ,noUtl ’‘ lIOVTKLL COBB, 1 ‘ .1. ULTI S Il’.fjftin, t Trchteks. .!( MIX li. hl.Nd, j JAMES syi'lSXON, J John M. Gales, See’ry. , . ‘ .. Oglethorpe, Dec. 10, Ivd. t IRRIIGi; KEPOSITORt. 15! Kill VS EOrIfAWAYS, AND ‘tK A M AK ltl AGES. S3 THE Imve on lißiul and 9-&SJ&C. will continue to receive regutar mtp- ,,'icp o! every variety of (A .fid A(. l-S, at Mueoti pHc-s with the Ourlriends re<iuest,!dto o. a A CO. Oglalierpe, April 8, 18*2. Kh-ly ! list iii to. lUiV. r.A. STKObi.L, 1 ,r ,It. j ® iVm*s i:* !his in ti* .ti -t. v•! 1 - Ja- eti on i u- Jay flit- -ltli *l;.\ . autniry. j iiio JlepartneuTs oi Mu.-it ; MoAtrii , :uii i .rii:ut iit;il nvo : ■ ‘’ *•! In* iilliMl 1 (oTiipt.-toiil tt*iu - h\*r>, | j i'ii ‘ toiiowin will Ik* tin* Mii-h off- i'ili, A;c.: j i or i'riiunry Ovartni. nt, per tei in ot tens i nioiiilis, I s*2o, ih .''r i'ii .rh ; jk* term of ten mont h<l l!8, (H “ i hir.i ** •* “ *• “ I ;p> ; \ “ .’eotul amirirst “ “ 44 I 40, o. * .Mu>ie wi Ii ugoMtljistr’ unfits. “ “ I 50, Ot ( •'N'i’.i'b, inliitn. or J ntin, ■( j I,>*■ !>m\vin r anil hiiiiin.. J v^, ; - <H * ‘i M -:e, nml keit bing witli [ eiu iii ti,.o lwi iental-*, v I ]/<h Boar 1, wi ll wHslm?, <C’e. / 110, o I ! b**(Miirs.’ of in.-frnetion i*s.**s tboronas in inn I :finii ur ! nst it; t ion. ntnl the Pri* <ij A liitn- I > •!I to ii’igenee, to ]x*oui<>tt'Vie interest: <>i his pupils. As ke enii ueeomnio<l.‘il• •nly aliinii -I*l nnniber of 1.-oari t*j*s, parents who vii>)\ to pi nee I heir <lauirliJers jis< er his care, will j linsc to make early np| iientions. j *o j>s• |;il wifi In* taken fur h*s< 1 rjf than ntkum •'.Veej ! hy special contrnet—P.*yi.ici’;/• li If in a.- vnee. ‘ I*. A STKOHI:|a Principal. di. Bottles B ii-ani of\YiM rh- r* ‘ ji'-l r eeiv e<l an,l tbr sale at the siun *> (io’ l- • Mortar i>v I‘'i )l\ A- )11-I.IS. Nov. 12, 1852. * 2—lf, THE Sott! 1 Westoin Bail Uojhl -Vmipany wisb- s to h\V-’ A|r Hie venr i > v'.m t repair of: beir iioa !, Sa.\<y .\ <:•<* Fellows, ami TtveSie Woliifii, They wi'.l he well fed, clothed, aid have necessa ry medical nUbntioii when sick. \(Tteres paid tpiar h rlv at the Company's oiiic. at Sl.icm. Applica tion m l l.c imulc/a; 1h •• olllee it. jijtena, to !t mi li'.Tijileidant.ur to’ Air. it. McEeimon, sitpervisur on hlMJjvat!. i dfet'j will nlso 1..; received hy t'ni-ni-li seventy hephdliN.iod wi-!i ■acal per moil: f deudavd at the Depot in 3hieuii . rally Station mt the i!.. .and. , (IEO. IYfADAMS, Suj.-t. Maeoji, _ A'ov. lll.iiwL’.. | Bii-lt, ‘f A Sure Ch;|icc. BApyteGjjlt)f-I.;t.RUDEHIIi, DkitOf.ScDHY fiOODb.HkiDlt HALE i'Ej.OW.COhT. - TUK , i:rid.'i , .-i;‘,hi II wishing tl el.ife out hi. btisi ness hi Oejdhorjc ( Wilt sell j A LARfjfi lothr r.Aoora. r6fx (jkd ■ cAA/Ay, w<.y>irf6fccAsri. Every it, iitvlfyd Io call a toy .store oii.Ciiyloid •Sweet, .one door t.ifli” left, of ThimipSon .(• l'e.J. ior 1 III) dutornifued ‘..(sell tiicJcHcaju-si harc.ains e\, i ‘btfereu lu UH.'eiJv Ls UglellitiL'c. • ‘ ! jami:sti.avovLbi:e'l!t. ■ “ct. 1, 18.V2. ; I ::: -‘f S .TREIECII AViniilw Glass, tor salc’hy .S’ BM;Ai|.l CilAJ’ilA.N. Oct. IT I or|f ‘T I'MSi'l D, ’las’ ne, istfl• .inWTritin Oii-', j’ sf 1-eceiveJ and I r .-ale itfllie sign ol the Golden, ..lovtar hy PIJJLI-.ilTt ’A,<t I^l-iS, Aoy. 1i:,'1832. * 82 —ft. To Sir JjadirS. S£ fiREUYI! '.K i. a id'toilvji t.rfi. I k.s qfev. r \;\.vi ty j uniting 1 which u* law .’]•<.'fewti . , tl o::'Johiinpirii', (lose (A r.-meinn, uii Tjib* 110.--, •tl Mitv'r'Oiia, j •• • *% 1 s,-V su|vTio; ,I CoiV rne i-t Pi. ir own rafHvT, :**r 3;ti( •ut Mfeijgn of I.• :> fi.*ri,tu !-v , rf.M iiKic'i'OiN k f*uasb :Vov. 12, 1552. . 2 4 }-pgfr.’ To Flp wjcaßJSs w 08-’ iT.i'r!!,;’ , i’C.‘t:l and .-it. .deal ■ tr-Miff- fs x rspea-oi-v’ a hi-lt, - ffv.’t’ male and Eern.. e Oat!: t rsi , tfci : fir atilc'hv. ft’: MB ELTOa A\ the - ivii-sA-f ; 1. Colilci Miirtm-. . Saji*’ -,.>ev. L’. 1832. fjVtl'.. ■ A ■■■ ’--TBA i;,£T k’, M I.(_/■ .’ ti / 1 i‘” | , [> ; i'n it-y'-t Olliceof f-ahl l ... a-’ ,i/■■'.■'* Lul'/t j ■ t i)..(•,.nilivr E, 1-832. .y 1 > u ll \vii.n-.i it .|j ori.-ern, ye, ‘licit h-li ►- -HL. I od Daiis ioi-r.ici- Guar..i.m,of tlie ,’ijfhi);-cliiilj- I'eu ol John . li iti-.:! jok <!e.-ea, J, ha.i nppiit ti hi. unship. It’ appliCauo is nor. made for letters of. Oiifti'diansiiij. toe stihi minors by the tie?:- ‘.ujie.-id: t’t.Kirk for said Ooai-.ty, In Ire hold 1 on the fyulM kiou dtiy’ in March next, |i ir.ll. rovidttas the ijkw (Hmu ill sill'll I'as.'S, Ill'jiM’ Ul I pi nvided. ! p . J,.COLLIN'S, hi-dimiry! Dec. 111, 1502.. t , 382- it).. Nidß” 2-'Em :.B'> fheveliy foi-ivivr.i ni itersdns ffoiri trading fev the iolinwi.i” 32,0 t a the consid -rations lor u liich raid note Wat.n;venhi vc failed u-ml J u.ndetermined not to jiay it. f * Cwp}’ ornate. Hy the fifteenth Jav of DeeettL.T next I protitiso 1,11 pay llarreii M. sp.neer or he'iivr'.h” jti lll ot t Weti kf,Dun.lrcd Alollars for value received. ThD Win day of J0,',,. 1.801, , , Signed, J AS. W >T, Oglcflioi-pc 3t. . . All pcr.4 i iiC. mi4l PHUNfILIf. .(• CD., ini- W.l|kU2iii't cumeforwar. aid make i.nju •.lini.^|.:i/>^cn. < .* M Vi .ar.c..lesiy.'U* f cIT- up their l.iiaiithAin ,lih-rmM make SOIIIC cl -ijig.; in lh” tirnu ,'flu f jjjii; ‘ tjc qOP will he prom ‘tjy tailie.d dty all vidi ltiipil nt.-V eon eel’ll. ‘ r ‘ ” -(.*gVthorp< 1852. • i *2—t.f 111 soldvelth,'first! in M -rch next v V bd'or. the eoit". hoar.■ limr hi ITlatwlr Ear ly KoiivtV fc of hini A'e. Hire.’ lml.lred jud forty six (3tG>in li.cUiiilociith <%ti'ict 4f Early coiinty sold iu the | I'dphrty jdi AU#amler |l'il-/.[4mk do ceitsetl of Cl’ wmvd tpunty 01. l tn:r .-a.itl.dlo all or il.Tdftlic In -rior,of said eeu:i y toifu hcn.hi of the heirs arLcredtors of mi.! .1 rwu# Terms ’ BLKV. ELL t.ii’hNl", .MV. D.;Vf.ii .2. r I - Ijpc J- ‘ - , ■ CEORCn MAM* COVMIY. Will'd t'.AS Ljl A tie ley nppljes to up for let ters .f Ailiatnirtration with the w ll iinucx c.l on the c l ute of Wiliam AnaW Dciwafo.!. These arc heirefore to litc and WmonrA all run ceri.c.l to lie 1.11,1 oppetir 1 ; my otfi/'c witliiatli ‘li no proscribed b law, to si w caufr if nny h v can why said let ms MiwU ct be g*ntnl. tbven uu ’ <ler luy baud (flicinily. , *’ 3T J.WddXSOHiinrnv. Dec. 6. 18 i. 81—304. Ilin iOSf AS! R^ROIGU. WHOLES/ hE & HE AJL DEALERS IN DRY- GODS <5 GtOCKRIES. IIAKUWAR AKD CJU KIRY, DATA BOOTS AND Sll ES, HEAD A \L DK CLOTHING, On Guy :n Sranti, <: .nr loaraj t)v4al*. Planters ai , Oount.iv M Mint sac ‘if ciilbv lh vitcl to < 13 id. t.mme dfftoetc, -IJteli D the largest , ver I .night to thilhdkct Olelborpc, a. Nov. toll, -B—U I .UKMO.lii CARD. I WILLIAM LLf.I.S hiiviuG- pemmiumtlv loealed in the city *4 (‘‘‘K thorpe, most respeet tally lenders his services l-> its eitizon: and With an experience of mori* than twen ty- \e years, together with prompt: nml diligent nt teuii'ii to the duties of his pi- ion, he hopes to nierir mnl receiv* l a liberal .dial patronage, lie may >e found af l'eniperton tt lAdo Drugstore, oral his rsi leiicc on Baker Street. Oi’leth ipe, I*\*l>. Ith 1852. 42—tt ntiZiH'AUj €'.12057” DIL LV.M i.S 2d. LuKI .S respect lull y oRn: - : his services to the citizens of Oglethorpe uni \ i einiiv, in the various branches of Mkor-ink.— Hr. jnav he.fouml at the Drugstore ot iVmhcrtoti it Ellis-luring tlie day, an-I it tin* residence of,!. I*. Har vey, JiiMiml. r St. a: . . . vlieii not prose.. ionaliv l-ltli, ISBI. is—ts SouDifini Mutual lusurauce Compaßy. lion. ASIiUHY HULL, I'rcHtdent.and Treasurer. ALB(?UN I’ILxSK, See’rv. Prof. 0. McCAY, Actuary. THE undersigned is prepared to take five ri.-ks,or risks nj on tin* risks of ser vant .in tin above Company, ;.t usual rates. lVr soiis .:eeting (nsiir.iiK'e u: v imnobers of the Conf pnffy,.md entitled to share in all its bemiits. Eor lurUiir informal ion cull on URBAN C. iiOHNK. Ag nt. Ogik lhorpe,,, 1552. 7—ts. th f IJII.VKT IV liOA.V, y : il’U'lT’i'ld.Y informs the public'that !■’ . oustantly <m hand at iiis Shop, - - 111 t hallium and ,'banter Ms. 11 “ 1 i- 1 - Hi iI.T I'd IvNITI'RF, suidi as Bu ” ardiubos, Centro Tables, Dining Tables, bea r-icads, .Ve., made after the latest and most ttie.i “liable styles. those wishing such ailieleswill do .. .I locaM. * ghthiii'pc, N'ov. 19 1852. btVCm. mil's, iIEE? ! a cX-s * • fi'-'-L woi.l.t ivsp. emiiv inform her b-l'intM'patrons mul the public ilmt she ran T hciimmf ut the r.-si,Lm. o! M. tj jl.-RinMe HI I on green stjimrc, yvlicrc she krej s eoristalillv , m ht .’ .1 .. .II selcfttc-l.Stock of silks, Ki 1 . 1 Tl i: w” “-'- s lor which she.ofi'Ct's to fcH low for and Il'.niK'tts made to order with rtcat m sand ilcs|'4itc-h. !■.. !!, "” sand Imts blench’ and, pressed, and dressed in tilie-huesMi j * *L y^ijuVesign cd *\\piijU'L ‘iiuorl?tin* , < * , M2c%'o'k Ogl(?tiiorpe and surrounding t’oun*. ,jy tu:t he Ims opened a - AM) CAKE ISAKERY, -1 CANJfY MAXfpACTORY. I nrlics and Y\ eddings. luriii.-heil with ornnlnnd.d _nt'i ■ ■ liru‘ I'cmw,Cakes. The ah.rve urtieics J. Mill ‘s iply I'rediniauiii'acturcd of the best .Material, ‘ievius I!AS>U. ”!ore orr Snintcr Street, tliird House South of ‘Empire Hotel JOHN STARK. , Oglethorpe, Nov. 5,1 b, 1862. 28—am S,?u iiklL A ! 1.',:... V XTLVJ.N.. for i.rlsxe nyers -ttt; .1 i reiahl jlSen-i at (Kj A. M.—Arrives at (/yleiltorpc. a 1 1, j .. ,\i. Leaves ()':!•'!boitpc at J 1 j ... Jf-Aftt<i..ij at-si r. id. ‘ t'onn,ing ya. h .-iV .yi.U'l b. I V'.'oltd, NiV.eoti. niid tt',". r'’ f&tiltii .at'dtin- J'ail.'.hastte., Kuiindn, and C.'n’tmiTTiM .Mail’ •ni . I .inos. I’.wsrug. rT dinti af Fori Vitlf.-ylit 11 bp.. M. • OFWT.GR,W. ADAMS, Supt. S. \V. IL 11. , M.icon,.Sept, let: TS62. 2e—ly WASTED. ,A T fti . I.M I’ 1 1! i. DpL'SE non dozen* Keys -ML l.ii'ii.Turkeys', (Tiieu r.-, na. Du b , for which ‘ be iiieb ■st'hilii'k.t price wid he j ai.l iu 1 :..-li. ’ JhsSE L’AI.V. • Gjlcthorpe, Sc].L Till IS.V2. 2U— BSOOKS! BOOK*!! ■. A Nl.'.Y BggK.SToUI-:, nnu thcOgl..- y Thorpe Hotel, where thesubsoribs-r dc 4i-jv ..j/ .- . i keeping, rt gciicrnl assortnieiit ol . ‘cn, School an.l Blank Hooks, and Sfa itioHjuy ; ijl.-io a general askorliii . ot Wail Taper, vVitidow Smelt s. Musical !ii lr. ■ .ids .Ac., all.of whi'ii lie wili sell as low as tln-y ~an be my ‘oilier market. jusl .received.—(hie. tine MeloJian, of sup, erior tone f.ihd (iifisii. . ‘A bit of fine \'i.i)iivs, also a splendid lot of Accordctjiis, vr.rving id price from ‘-1 50 to bgj. .--!, ‘ sV. li. till ATM AN.’ , ■, (IN Ih■ ! ■ . ,ne j-■ ]■ i 8 io J*ooI: - , yj]■ iiook co.y.t :i*. ones luu i 1 id ami one L. x ■ doilar b.B, .i ho following describet Holes: : ts. (Hie note of $ loon due Ist January next, on John \Y. Brown. . , - Due note of Ist May last, on Alfred Les ter. , .N, 9 yin- note off : V's duo bust Jcndarv, on Stephen F. •M-fierjC*'?-"':-’ ’ ‘ nolo of ‘'■ d'.ie :.. ‘ t’i I, ‘, i One note of dm Ist Juno inst. on \Y. Ji. ,\'el- Fifty I>o!lari' l‘ew.artl is oliVr.d to any ]crson wlfl(> will ib-livcrjsaid poclcet Hook umj notes. I lit re fi'. ewM'ai (uiv poison from trailing foi noli - muJe Jtavabl • Inline ill 1852. JAMESS. ('ALJMVr.L!.. June 25, 1 ‘'*”*2.l io —ll C inoiPE Winj.-. ami Brandies for ‘ledica! t; <•, J kclcHcml by! a eoinpeLcut jtulge, jut-t reccivotl and for sale at tlr sign of tlm (iohlen Moruir by I’EMBi KTO.N .t I.i.IMS. 1 Nov. 19, 18521 Sll—if SA, S. CtiTTSXaj, WllO|Ks VLI’ AM) KIJTAIL t Ruder in f&iiiMmzm&i . SEEI’S ednstautiy on 1 imr a full supply of the v BEir (P AI|3TI, ‘ liiRSAI.Et'UFAK Tid public arc invited to call and examine before iju . basing oiscwfcrre. j Store o;j iiiikrr Street, nppnsitc : J. V. PStt l.t C..,> WAIt 1. J I U t SK. i jOgletborpe, N-r.. 19, 4852. •-: r BiruTT i /fe>i)|Wfc-Bo: es ~f lladHyr.-. R ..-v Relief, ;-ist , o 5 “ W ,'d‘juid fur sale at tin- si::n of die i Gobbiti Mortar b I’BUUERTON 4 ELI !:•>. Nov. 12. 18-52. iu if WOOD, B&SAttLKy t v 40. I MANOfACTI LUkS-Jll,’ AM) lIi'.AI.EILS IN v l iili !i -i Ug(l ft 11 I) X>(ltl tV {t I b.df iv(da i xum I ‘uli£ v s *xr lo'mi: l.Axua. uoia.r:, M.u-ox u.v. U \ w, keep conrl mil Iv .... lein.i, ( m „i •viAnr* P’' n V u,B *‘“' tu ring ntoiHiManulaeUirv near | .i:-:i3s [lll river,) every style ami linish ,l i't.rai i tula*, >t \vlii*fc tin- following comprise a part. MtihogMiy vn-i lila< k Walnut Dn.-sMiiu iinivtiUF Sidehoataa—L nter Table** and V. a-h Sta:nls, with : and wi iiotsl narbK* tops—t'ard. Side, and Ladle*.’ ! Work TkKle.s-t-Whatnots—Malmgauy, Black Wai tlist, antic lurry Joining and ‘lVa *TfcLL-.>-~Work t> .\i s—aortaVilc I K->ks—Tvt -a dVlt s—Solas I M vans—()f icti.'in- —Quart t tt t Tabb s—Looking (.Bas ses, Looitlu f'jiitiss RbtK's, A t. t'Tl.ur.otii?B,o twenty li‘Tcivnt ]:;lters— M:- bo j-.diVj Black W iluut, and Curled Mapie.-LiV.di>* tt i vftrietv of StaiiLCuand j'alnted, both plain and orna n.o.'tal. Koektiig of Mahogany, Walnut, Curled Maple, a)ul < her kinds, of various pattern-. All of the new style f Furniture niv received by this house .as soon ns bev come out in Boston, Mew j York and Philadelphia * BEKsTKALS, ot -Mi-iogany, Walnut, Cherry, | t’’tried and plain Maple, ud Poplar. Vi I \ l )OW’ sj lAI JljS. ai i*jr, assortment constant- | ly on h-: !. (JILT UoßNl’)> ;l *id Fixture’s. FEATHERS, amt KcuHier’ W lH „ MA’l i UESSJ^s, nf l’iirLu Moss and Uoiu. , Julies and Gentle.meti a-, most* respcfstfullv invit’ 11. -Mve as a call before P‘vhai-imj: <k- wlmre, ns wv h:t; ■ r.tmost eiKleaoisto please Loth i:i <{Ui lify and bi jo iv. -. ‘id* MAM I'ACTL RldtS. For Copnl Yar- j nub, Mah.ojanv and Trimmimrs. ,7fYd‘F':f : .' : l:,;! i'I’ADD-D.CT Sd-U'J*l*l Silt- i I'ASl.l.:-.. A 1 1.1) wi l !. t‘:me andlliit ■ h.j'h. £a§*"H. rotifwr al R.aluced Ti'iccn . ‘ VSII. Get, 22, J5.,2. 28—ts j OLLJiTUORPE FAT!NiI Fowl:!. ,(• 111T.1.5'.! \N takeircjirt. ~.v itur t-i the ei; • , : : lu*rj •*, fiV:it Vtv :ia v<* ora iieil ul.; a. •i* \ i'< ‘•!*)'!, on Stttiittiritr.^ in three a S'lnuliyi Grjfrry an-l Providian fiinivvl AND C'A?S)V .12 1.\ .OMCTOBY AND A Ni;>IRKRONE ETiCyuftj'AN SALDON E'.TiNG IIOUSE. u licr-’ all .tlists, sweet; or sour, can he suited in don* Lie quick time, to uny t iling iu tlu;'lino of luxuries, •* -rved up iu tlie finest style, or not -erred, ns \ o:i bbe C\-.!5iSSy jPrect'vy :trd ? B?r4‘F y Sh parimeiitl will ••* a:! ti.;. . ;s*sup )Gu-l W tel.-lioTei* :s (Aoiiocs, Fio ; ; . ■ .•<!, ihd.le'', v.'-il*. •! ice, ‘fable ..alt, < : •• 111-, P’.e.iesm all kinds, l‘iv i-ves lerricvs, rh‘rn- s. Melons and Cirrous, Dried C;u - rants,,Jellies, (irouml (f uipuy 1 b-p i .•?*, ice (.'titsup, i ‘Rap-ins Almo . : Fu.-P >, Wiiianj . oeoa | Brazil nnd li/t/.el At.;, i-.'ilberJ?. Apple , (.ran- I ;Ces, l.ejuons,’ M * s, Craelvere, IVarl bt.i - li. (!ju\d]es, ( i.’ar -, Smifi, ‘hewing and Simddn-’ Tob- :V en,.Mt,h. s Uysbuci m:d’ Fi b “in It ir sea ai, ( iiU'ii yol nil kinds, Cord .a!.-, Madeira anjl Fori wine- lor Medienl p 1 rpttses, ami imieed u!umst i .uny lltitiD and every tiling in the v\4>y of luxuries or “ .oodics.” ih 5 enndy ami fniilrtthmcry TSaei- ; nfactnij’, will ho .''.inmciv u-ate with Vii” r nt l'OUt'.yv cxtcii'.otl, however ar.d all ‘ ;.'!■>fi ‘.iitl the t'l'y or Couutiy, will be Sih-.l .it the rllofteat notice. The T SnltgHS, will at all limes Ecu feast ol’ ‘ things,” wK.-yo .i..ii.u’ -s jii'ovi basket will be emtii and of its deUcai is, tiv.,l scrvevt t'y. will; smb fiiiyur nr to to.iij.t. the a|').w*ibfa . of'tlje unY-t •_ i.r.i.b-ni .lyitjiejirie. to av.i. ty. ’l iiistE |mi‘fm IR'witT-tif hiijlcf’ ff.’ pmnjtsV,iijnwv PoW"!l, who iiitetijls To m-'iwlfrh jwl.'!.•< i. ‘•jjvkJ.Oi',” so ifj-liehnri th:;t tt wHI Ih ; a ry to -jink riie ifikh es.”. to make his. ijjjv.oipeiA “f .'i goo l” for It XV.','l; offer each n j>n.-t ru (tie “Oglie tlin’oe Etdia:: Saloon.” < live us a ejill. O.'l.'theijte, Nov. 12, 1852. ‘, 29—ts. Look o! S*iij'3isiau.-*, Mmlianih, &c. ’ \ i.LE iber de-irouji.&neaviiur for th ■ Wj-t, -L- is o!e. rii;:’ lor ; -<lo tin* premises when an be no\ resides piUintcd in the viL'ayo of ■l’Hnddiip, tSty.rer U'o’uuty and ,vh iv tin* ttrent Umr oiigiiiara lead ini; l’ro:n UMotlioi'pc to I'iufaulr., Aia., and jro.a ta>luinlnis to Florida ibroturh SoulieW - ,j Geoi' : ;i i intersect. On he premises i a sum; cabin suitable fur a snnill fumily,-ftu l exceilein gardenv. Tin anew jratued store limi.'O, Inrpc nnA eoiimm liou.s, cnpabTe of eotittiinim; a very stock of gfnVds. ‘i'itere is not in all Soul b-West (Icm*- jB auiop; euit-dbb* locution fora ldivsicijin orMor, oryd nutn (lesiroiH of kecjiiny private enter thnimeiiPifcJtJl for all. It is surrounded le. t ImanMfff? far:tilt•.? covJit'ry, ami in the midst of an Li I us! ::ntis and tdmvour populal ion. jut. as th-* prtMf oftlio pudding is iu chew ini; feho bnpf, l will only add i:t eoncfnsioli, eome and look for vour.adf and that very s um or you will lose she opporf.tnit v oi-oLtniniii.r one of tin- very Lest loeti!i*>,!s for the .1! ove tic. .*riLcd purjo.ic6 to bo found in Seutii- We.-t Boor ria, .TOSEPI! UII.PIX. F;: nlship, Sumter Cos. (La. I>- e. 1, l c .2. Ilj-lm |D RCWAIU). STOLEN from the suLscribers plantation, <nc mile East of Riclilnml Stewart Conn la / i, ty (Lu., on the of tin* l'Jth in L. on.* ■ nfili Ironßrtvy llor- , 5 years ol 1 next snrm bub hind feel h bit*.. litid a nmal! ar on his bit a-1, y.m, U mark.- ofe dlar on Ids shoulders, walks and trots well and ha.- a ahorrthiti main, no other marks rce;d!; e!< and. T\v*‘Uty re\sard will he paid for ilu do!iwry of my hors?*, and thoty do'dars for tin- tiu.'i with :o\.oi r.i ilctcat t - eo;.v:. , bite. JOHN Lt.AJvl LY. Richland, Stewart Cos, C u. Oct, 2', 1852. 57-ftHw . A STjYi'.ttV am! ait person- wantin'’ Tiiek work VUI be ae<.>t.'iniio>!:ii.(.>d Ly uppl\ inj;t the >-■ p'l'il fr. My work’ .shall be<xecutcd in style *ci! lie ih,in-in (he phie.-an.l tn a- re tsonaJ,!, tei’iiis. r< >r f;rUu*r iiitbrma!.ion jtj>pjv to , , J. 11. ’HOLLAM> ihorj>o, Ajrl .‘to, o j 1 M*t 1* on W . A. vV ilbiiiiis, made to Al- A**- fi'vl Ron. t-*r bearer ae.d e:t'b*r-*< dLy 11. W. Brifhn f*r 5 <bit-d .-oniet!n;e in !8i r .l. All per* son** urc lorwunit'd toiii ir.\lTiitx for stiii note, and tlie piirti* s from pasungmiy one *• .eept mvsel!. Jept. 24, 1852. 22if. ’ JOSUCA CIIEUUV, A\ ounccri of Quinine ju*t received and for calc Ly FEMBERTON r : KLLIS Nov. 12. 1852. 20—t.f. t'lnntfitioii l BS*nt ,\t-j;rot‘N | to ESirt-. be sold on the first Sut .ll relay in February J V V n- xt by an Ord< r of tlie Con - s inurv ! of MionC i• • *. y, on I!*• Plantation <d Joseph Ed- , wc.rd *, LtL* u til county doeca*i*d, nil of the Per- 1 tshnbb property L .!oti>;in; to sidd estate. ConsUl ■ inis of Mul , Hors -, 110/s Coro. F*M r, Planta- j fioiitanN, Ho* ho’l fin l K !tturn.: ire, Ae.— [ A l v‘H b-r-.t 1 th • .i.m* lime md phuv. >aid PI- . ‘.*'u. •• •is t • •; of (527) fiv • Vmm hv ! and j tv fity-'iv p!* op,m i't'i'l, AU > will be Lived j <>•!’ ‘ U 1 Cm ; * au'l place, U R of ‘h- Lelotr in*;; to 1 • Tate. AiUilUriN. Xo?4unlwrlUi. —*f * PUBLIC 1 iius. c. and. micoa, long and favorably known U the Uvvelliiitf comiMUirity as a Landlady and ‘'tMvi-. ’unnoumv t fur old friends and u, ny new on? s as will slop with her,) that si. w* taken tlt- ‘-PAVILION HOUSIi” imm -diai, * v in of tli.‘, uml eonv-uient to IV b. A n •- part ot ihe city. Where she wuld Le e\\ U f |,, |wi K-uiue them attain with ukml aecoiuiinulatin., | • fare, eL*an In d-, neat rooms Ac. Every atm I * lO,l W *L Le paid to tliose vtoppia; w itli Imv, and im \ trouble nr pain* spared to make?/// comfortable uiid contented. -a splcndiii four horse Omnibus runs to this hou*< where pa tseutf.-rs wit. he taken FUI i-t'F UAld.r. | 1 F , x ry t,i teut'on p-iiJ. t the of ba ; ”/:*e,-. ! j liter-, is also a and well kept l.i wry .>tabl- in eonnectioii w:i tltis ILmsc. U‘A-ilnrpe, ])ec. I, 1852. 81—3 m Albany Patriot copy 3 months. | j JEASIE SOTEI. I 1 lIU undersigned htvs eomplett ?1 a hu\;e and I t ‘umno-iii-i.s Brick Hotel, on the corner ui Oiulkam and Baker. ii “ t >. i-. ;he .; vol t CLLldit-UPi., c*>m echo,; to tin* Kr.i , -,.l f> •* ot, und easy <*faec ix*tb to !it-- !1; 1 elill •/ ih,! de and Piueurs. Lit liOUse Will be under eh.O’ ‘• of MB. JAaIKS BSCLIj,. who Las had m idi e>.j i -u. in tbebusiness. Tlr- - lioomsarc well arraniTe.l, n v at ami ;.iry ami tie l'a: le tunii. Jtc<i w CL, the best the co miry tifVcrds, ; /C'C ii Aißd s x U L>i. K A TF. A ion’ l iv .iy Mabb- is kept in comue:ion v.-iih the <*saMi-bi: eat. f;-o.n which pv tytn ecu at. Bute.- ’ll’ tl 1 ... hed Wtiil v uri dune 25, 1 >5 2, ].!—l v. IM?ms SOTH, 1 L i Hi . v • lAE ‘ ■:-*•—'m ■. •! (.al* oi’ I J l ’, 1 Wa.'viit,.,'tin : M ‘Hall. Macon, \a -p. etf 11\n eniio t;e in h liv.C this ..LAV A.. i :• iXEMHI’ Ip - n.L j x now open for the reception of boarhere ar visitors. l‘h& house is new, and eommo-lion:*—the r.cnt, spreioue-'an 1 airy—and| ’Li ftteßout with new junl Fit mil uYe. A* i 0 xvbojmder hi-* pervomd HT.p.'riiU nditnee. h,- iblttv’.'fEldm.'lsdf, t,l:itby Seah-tut’tenlion To lit::*h . ss, to niaUf his tr'fcsts comfortable, aiwM.o tuerit a <vit *>inn; 1 heir pntrouaee. * * duorA Liverv tStablcsin conned ion wi htlii.s iio,sc. y- * uaiM Juno V.\ p€-fr. PAfMMilpi os} h*vtM pe, EAmus .*. 01'rt •sti'i,in,. i>idv/t, by . I’AE p*\>]ri- tur will be id* at nil titno U> j -’ J. h*ive :t fibcrr.l slinrc of‘pntrqfa;;** aal v ill f ,*% lat n.l timesto im;'A; iii> rialron; rt6tulbrtabb a., \u <*a;. powibly do tbo close attetd*un ol liims. h a..., servant*to Uicir Welfare dai'in*; tlaTr . toy with him. Oylothorpe, ApHJ 23, 3 852; I—-ly ira.lGlsOt*jK. IIOI’SE. (Conxun ok CrtKteCjilvr \nd Si mtiui Siuitrrs.) BY ANDREW lit) WARD. I jiei omodntions that <Mv* times and . .'.Y market alb*! -:, may la- ibwini at tb.-above ■ uu[u-.p 1 1... 1 ... .j iff; .ill ti 1 111 ■ :* No effort Wlil be;-plU'etl ! o r* ‘ob r sdl win* call, eoui(or*nl -le. i3&*’ Rent. Jaue Iff'li, lb -L 8— c &rml ee m % &0 0 . iVAttK-tiOV-SU AM) C-oirramisMiot, ’h-i'dißTits. : . -f ‘D/K latofirm ol'G. (’. (’AIEMBdI .Eli *v t.’o, ki. nssoeijite?! veitlr tiK'M in Un* a; <*ve basil-Y-. Mr. TJIILMAS J. McMKTU.L, of Ma.ion county, tender their thanks ior past, pavronavre and ask a eohtimmtion o,‘ I .!ie*-s to their new firm. Having ‘ converted th* , ?r old Ware lumse into a Livery and rale Stable, they have built anew , Warc-luMwe remote from the daharer of fire, on Randolph Ftf* t, adjoining tin. 1 PJantcr.s’ Ware iiu Their attention will be given to ihe interest of their customers. ’i he new linn will be known tfttd J< slgmvt4*d 11s tSft iirin of ('ARMB ii .Ff. aV Cos. •. t'vr.Mi ti • .1. r. iiarvky, t. j. mc.micii.kl, J>ern<ei*at phase copy. Oidetboi jk, 24, 1852. 22-1 v. Yfi.lsiaS*!?’ ProjH-rlj for Kale. ’id iii f sabsei i:er ilesir-to>eli on j terms, Lots of Lund, .u-e *l2 > j o 5 W 121*. 127 12S 12.’ PJ 132 153 amt 15U I iiitli** tenth distriel, uLt* : 23-!23 2 - 3\) , 82 V*7 in the foiir-teetith district; N**s. 27 2'* 1 ( 32 82 38 84 85 8.4* iu tin: fifteenth di. : ' i-jet of ]).i*!y I Counlv. Some ofili • nbfive him!. Imv • \ .I,*:;!•!?• im I pro\ -■ ,-nb -*n t!., 1:1 ami e:it l •* pmvia.-,*d -,-i Arin j singlcor eo,’.e<-; ive b*ls !** >: the puiv'ms r. AlstiUlH ti'ili'l tt !iia!-!c I’ob.;’ .* iainJ cor.lai:ii*iT ‘ 720 ae; i:i tlie eoi.ntv ,*t (*iub ieii Fla., S md< ■ j K. of i) ; itbicv en L’ vie Hint.. iVrson.s wi-hint: any 1 itiformaikui resjn-.:tiui; tlu* lands in Pooly county, \ will plenst* call aiitlseelln* IVoprietol't tlie Pn\ilioit j House in die City ol’ Updet Inu'pe or at( ednr Hill, or | | Siatb ’- Mills, iu tin “,->:inty oi i>ooly. Any per.-on j ! wi.-liiinr i;N*i vi.ii ion resp. ••Ji.i; l!i-*U :u t of land in | | iAoi’hla, wilipi-.-. •• • adai.df . -*:\ir. ihuitei .VI. |Bin:mi, i | CuiM ! . fot.u’ v, fi. or i !,.• i > i , ’].ri<' , tr *f th* raw i l :t-l lioa mtliis nj )• •. W.M. S.M’L. \ i (y.'l*‘l)*orje, April n itL, 3:.*52. I—iy i —*- i'as-riajre :t . .flaking ; A>i< ‘ ;Vt BI'I.IIY, 11 !■: I* Al B| N (1. i ON >4 >!'tT,:; sT. ’.\UTIIK KM I’s RK H'JL’sr, j Oy r iV/7 (h:, ; /•;, ga. j Tiite Cojairt. I'ln-r hip h :e!olbro * r.i: b.*r j j the li:L- fil'.u ail 1 styh 1 oi \\ J‘i ‘ht, W'ldiiu..- i. ..e , | i is th:.- idav tlis ol\ed, by Win. 11. r* ‘iji'i; . j fn* lll lie concern. ‘Hu b* -iiliess V-id b-* eortiii.n- i 1 ibv Willi,mis and .'* •, a’ the same stafuT two doors i alcove fl!,e Empire lio'.u*-’ on Saw ter btr •• t, w! re they wiu keep eom-tauUy on band a Mot of HISIBI PS AN I) (TH iiu C \RR iAHi >. i At.-"—a ih: i ‘ty of FFjUMTTi!Leiiisi..;i,i *<f r i - : TFK iMiR; AN 1) TLA-TAB Li is, A-. Cauntjw profitn*e tnk?-i( in f*r ajy , kind of work *loiie nt thi.-e^tnhliklirueut.., i 1 Oglrtliorpc, AngnatUi), 1852. I’-—tf Sihfrifl'Xale. \\f ILL bo sold hVtpre tb C<Mirt houke dy^rin the * Town of Laiiicr, Macon comity, # bet ween tin* le*ynl hours of kale on tin* first in •laminry next the K*llowiM; property to *dt; T.(t number bi.vteeM (Jtijoft Square twerrty-thre * (28) iu .the Town or ihoirpe wi h the improve* im-nts thereon, sold by virtue of a fi fa in favor i*l F. A. Nance, vs John B. Arnold, ini?i U>< (MMitainim; fol'ty feet front and one hundred and fifty feet bark. Ab o, lot number Hevenfcv-stx (7tV) in ihe Ibii'teeuth(l 3th(ld-iriol of ••rinimi'Jy Mthse>* i •r t >(> m*'v Macon count v. nlso, lot number mm bund- 1 red and ninety-mx in tlu* I‘uvi (It) jfi-uiet. of j originally Musee.;ec m*'V .Macon eo'intv, -d<o. k>* 4 ‘ i,timber one mu! m-tgi <1 -t 7)onS.j’ v tweT,(A*tive (25) in )!m Tew, of <Y* 3l ta>fd !y vitv- ofn I Mori m- • ti fa in favor of !l. Stir-hlurd A Fm., vs } fo),ii B. \riHfJl. } huftivl F. lfeminj; vs huhic, U. If, j • u.ti- rroii VH.barne. THOMAS i)lSo\ T)ep’t Sh’tf. j .\tr. im —-aiix. LKtIAL A l!\ FRTIBE.V!ILYTB. 1 ■ -jk _ * ■': “J? T MACON StBRjT TALE. „ , Ff ‘l.i ■ l- <>JJ 1. ‘oi .- vti • omit; hiniiH’ door In / V • .Ik town f Limit!- \ U,. firSioTi.\iv Fid>rnary Ltt\ t, t! • I al \murn <*f fol lowiu; property to wit: x laUs No. three and four (J & t\’u \b*ek d1 > w st (Ajletborpv! Icvi -l on* by virtue ii so tl w it Afaeoa -saperittr ♦ ’aurt is VaVor ot v'arson, lir^er, 1 \ (’*. vs. Jamo> M. r'o.*t'*r, propevfy poinUsd - j iUin if. ~ \ \ S.O, h No. t wo^2)npmrefouttc’ , * > ’ \ m lints th r on l* \i l >u Lv vr f ’ I p. )j,.r (m rt. in favor ’* rt. l.atvis v h inn, 1 ion 1 . v *^ ,s ” the UM\ivi led half hun'!r<>\ i. n | th*- pjs) in •li-*triet ot - n* ••nby\ in *• a jj* fn froijr , ‘a f?.\or of Jem,-* I*. Ndis4 \ Ballard, levied oh ? tlu- pi> A I'iulit, propert * p anted out bYlw^,^* Ai.<, oiic’bnndtad Hi.d tidv acres of Tatrto °*l the Smirk njdc,of i-r*t*k beififr of lot No. o*c and twenty (Pm*, in the t Wenty-ninth (29) dj triei of originally l.c* now county by vir tue oft, ii r, from ab.cou empelior C\urt, in favor •'i f Oiiius, Aside ni. Al* Kea/io A Cos., \n. J. (J I>uvi *ui aa-i A. M. Thomasou, I \i*.l 011 property °l •* • l‘i i “t;. Also to satisjv ali fa from Macon Int, r.i ■: r-'iii iii favor o* Rcbejt fliß v K-ffn tpc. 1 An*. oi-* jr<y miuv to Two ti fas from , Mi-i iui In!, rior f.V#•:r? in fa *or <if *ndin St urdi vniit | N> * Miles lay lor ml Jnm-s JABlomn'v J> vhh) <m a-th pr*-, er;y of .l/ib Tnytor, )*rupirt v jaunted O.;; bysuill Taylor. .\t- b.'i ‘ -ate. t, (17 ‘ : n t-qunre t\o (2) tn VI ’ ; d’ ‘ ’; -.‘ •* a. ;vnii in from J/tteon Supe rior CV rt in ,ji\ ro. Aaia it J/. anon.nsoti %•<, L* -s, j • ‘ ci’ y | oditedout l y pbiintitf. Ah n, t\. - lu; ,0. •*\ . n (7 .v B)in block syTcii ia the town *1 < ;:b-ihorn>‘, t> sjdislv ati l’a b’° -V S p 1* * v o rt iii fuvor ,f i.. <. C’ii at,i;-A vs. Urn. W. iPirdy. A.-m, iwo • tv-o, on, bov ttbo„t tw Ive year* <•! ip-anl e m • iibu {'. tv-live years o’ ! !c*\ i*l out* * l -y’y* A* n by i> !■>. in favor of Robert A. 1 , Mm tt.iu* . A ran Ji. Tioinasoa j 1 *ja rtv I ointed vit. V r I ,’a i ;%*.ty. •'l*so, lopot la:iw N'>. , e ie.ndr *1 and sixteen (lib) in thy *\-<ou<i i district ?*i originally Mus <o;ee, f 4 .y d/;i<*ii ••:*%. tusuti>y :, .limtice court II Lin tivov c! * ib\ aat \>. Joseph Jolm.-on, ►aid if vv T uade t : r -l n • i to me L\ constable. At-u. o; o L.ii i f..rt iv six (4f) iu the Second <‘*4'.* ‘ .1/ sconce, now )/a?*un ctu?i v♦. i*. • . ?*v \\ . run* a Just let (b-rt in !.it •. oH f'i:upN di \ !a vi lh\r- field an-iothers, b vy made and r. !t-rne-l to ni** by constable. A!. . *. • :i * Irimlr. i **i ty (3iv) acres of lot No. ; nine (t) i:i th * 1 w^’y-ninth (.29) district of } ‘i . v •’ • now J/ueou or nty, tt* satisfy *‘;;n*b , y fi fa j i‘i ir. !• of {*. A. (/ran an o(h--i's vs David V.'ouuts leTy lined- ....d v turned to in.‘ Ly eon-tabK*. I Also, tony .'x {f* ‘ :\ov, sos L.nd pari ?, lot No. j ? 1 ei-,,in Hi * t TVi-nfy-nitph (*.:;♦) district of ori. in* j p!y. ■(’ now Am i. *ii county .► satisfy sundry :u ----! <iee f’'tt*! fi J.if* in f.ivnr * -i. A. Shines and oilier* * L. P. ( 'tiiuptoii, levy n.-ide and returned tome I !-y con.itable. * *+■ Ai m*:-;h hrdfoflof No. fifty (50) iu the Reeoud j v\*,‘ - *i. *t uduinull V .l/rise<nree l*iW JMcoll COUP* t \ 1,. .-.-. y si.:nt*v ti fas in favor ot Ansley and ea:e%Kvs. W\!i im ti rover, !\ v made and return ed to me by,^ „ ’ui( *M.\S in XUN, l)ep. SlPff. D,v. :;o. is.*.--. s l l t , K MAGON SALE. WH.I. livwl.l un fcVhrimry uo\t V..!;,r;- ‘be CiMirfr Urns-* Awm* in the l“"*n ol'i.ailier * a the r<'.ntv •>r'\la<*(,*n\n.\^ fv . vu^le UMKLI llomv of tfni follow i’iyf |>l*'o|N.rtV to Vw, •. One hundred riidfutv nitf'-f vt imid oil tin* Suvii\\ side of the crock, heine; ] uht of \o. oneliutn 1 r*<i m\A twenty, in Diet von* v-n;bill *12.-4 net of Lee, no \ Macon courtly, 1* sidon a* iln* )M>perfv-of .Iti 4J, a ii .JjL w U ivc. .funnel W. ns. said 1 mvbuii. )•I'wMoiit ■) mmnted-ont by j.lntmi.V’s attorney. J)AYJ> liAMAOK, Sifff Ihr. Id, 1 *./2. a*2—tdK AtStti-isntr%lor 1 !i Male. *V > ” J ’ ‘ IW hDhe.-t l idder, bekuv th y £ r. i\!i * .-•• 100. 1 iii \ iciinia, Doofy county on th first, Tue.- hi in r.-l.vnurv m xt. in pursuance |of an order o.‘’flu < ’rdinary emir*, of said comity, Toll likely youiiii N i'V V< > , hcloi'.ixnii’ to .hr estate ! of Wesley A. Du; . 1. <hv. t id. viz; MM, n mini* j (.'nroii i% u worn--M ; .In::* , a /irl; Lcthv, a jfirl; I Nanev. a i'hihl; l/.irev, a v ountn, ami her child, •lose]■him*; .loanna. :i •_• ;1. .m<! llncl.nt I. a •rirl.— Sold for the pirrooM of -lid rthuthuL Term-tin the dav of Mile. i‘!ii:i;T it. DANIFL, j k \ . r.u N.x n.'N i:.i:zei.i. f Aamr * live. *n, IW2. s—t'K ftlilSOUB A. Vt inter Comity, rag*<M Jd.D I- lore ir.c.llii* dav an acting Justice JfiL of ih • P <* in and lor said ronntv, one chirk hay or mo>:-< ••.doro.d II >"se Mule onevyc >mt, snp | oi-ed to he fifteen years old. and |f|miii*ed hy Zuchurjah Pass and \V. LL Ih n- M lo the value of twenty-live di ii ir.. \pj r.ii ed fir’s (iih December, 1 fit'll'. “ \. 11 AMMON, .1. V. A true extract from the esfravhook this the Pith Deeemher. l*.Vj. A LIMED MtiMIPRSON. c. i. r. Dee. i ‘ij'J. UJ—ll*l CXORtiIA, MACON COUNTY. P • no. I*. D. Pollard n Justiee of JS- tin* Peace i: nad for -aid County, hy Win. 11. Oliver. One -mail .lenity jink* e-tray, inoiiw l color ed, with white spol on th. jio.-iders or tdiafed hy the collar, rip brand, nor any vther pnrtici lar ufark, iiii.i i} pruned a- u law by Frcilriel. Jonfi and WilliudfiHthiplitit,’ old thi IhKh duv of <*eio I '. i Ido certify that the above a tnui io'n U'otn my docket, and hn all been done jiceoi 1...4 law. ho.'IUUD T>. POLLARD. .L V. \ti n . .e ivofO .h e.-lfav Ihiok, this Decom lur 1 ;.h \r', -r VV. UOLUNS, rik LC. Dee, 1 (>, lso-, —dm. UKflVUil V, jSiicot! Ooiiuty, Ve liH.j.A.-, ii :ji > V ilwJi ul'|ilie* l tin-lurid .• .. A ‘Mi ‘-(ivttiiiii on ll i*sfutr nf-ioiou il'-ii : J“i 1 1 ‘ ’ 11:v Thi—i’ are ilifK ... “ m>’ un ! tuiuMUMi-ii all ji.-i'Miuii intvrrat. cl in lie in-! iipi’Ctr nl niy within tile time |.i-c .-i-i , liy luw, In limv canw if ms vsiata why mid 1.-tt •!¥ siiu.nlii t.nt Ij • ffinnU-il. innlcf t iy Knud aiHiviallv. \V. .1. I'Ol.l.lNs, OrdinarV. I>nr. 1.6. mi. Si —Slid Su2l.\TV di^V 1 nJt#” ilfite npjilicntion w ill Ic-lim-tc . - ... Ci o,- It., uy'nf Suwtcr vo.mtj for" to ii n i c'li cf the J'.'i'KUmi jiro|icrty of Hrnry 11. I.imi]il.'iii ini. dec.-us. .1 tor tin liem fit af the heir, met cicititoi i .‘I snij ilccfu.i'd i’ COOK Adm’r. With the will i.nurxcd lice, sit, lui S4—wtui CITATION. i GEORGIA, } ~ ~ ■ W. .1. Collin*, Onl. ; Martin ( minty, }To u jj whom it tuny concern, UIIMtKAS, NaUaui Ort’oo administrator u|iou tiiC t.'tat*’ I's .YUdJsntiW Bryon late of enmity ilcc-w-itl, |ijriie Uvr letter* of Dismission • rtw.i tlu* ndii.iiiistraien of sailestate — therefore or dered that i lie kindred ami ‘l'eJitora of uti l di’ceaa ml Ur. and tfejgr in--- hereby *itcl and admonished to file their ohjtetion* til’ any tle‘\ navel in mv ui terms <K tin* taw ; otherwise letters ut disnussion f will l*e (trained the apjili ant at the next a; the Court of tin*", of :>aid Countvjeyv >* tjr’ By order of the Court, jft’ . W. *l. ( < •JA fSS - ’ ‘ r/Ih, ' r J Hov. T*„ UttX , g*—my*-