The Gibson record. (Gibson, Ga.) 1891-1954, April 11, 1902, Image 4
EDUCATE AMERICANS Is One Proviso is Will of Late Cecil Rhodes, FIVE MILLIONS ARE Enormous Sums ore Left By South Af rican Magnate For Establishment of Colonial Scholarship* In Various Countries. A London special says: The will of Cecil Rhodes provides for the estab lishment of colonial scholarships; two American scholarships to each of the present states and territories of the United States and five scholarships for students of German birth, all the schol arships to be at Oxford. The German scholarships to be nominated by Em peror William. Commenting on the bequest, Mr. Rhodes, in a codicil telegraphed from South Africa, said: “For a good understanding between England, Germany and the United 8 tates will secure the peace of the world and educational relations form the strongest tie.” Mr. Rhode's will is a remarkable and voluminous document of more than 3.- 500 words. It was executed in 1899. There is a codicil, attached on the day of deceased’s last departure from Eng land and another cabled from Cape Town, leaving £4,000 yearly to keep up the spot in the Matoppoho hills where his remains are to be burled. The will further directs that a rail road extension be made into the Ma toppoho hills so that visitors may go there at the week-end to inspect the “majesty and glory of their surround ings.” Mr. Rhodes explicitly says he Is to be burled in an aperture cut in the solid rock, surmounted by a brass tab let bearing the words: “Here lie the remains of Cecil Rhodes.” No one else Is to be burled there who has not deserved well of his coun try. Mr. Rhodes bequeaths all his land ed property near Buluwayo and Salis bury, both In Matabeleland, to trus tee*, whom he directs to cultivate the land for the instruction of the people of Rhodesia. Hla celebrated country place at Groote Schuur, not far from Cape Town, Mr. Rhodes leaves as a residence for the “prime minister of the federal government or South Afrl ca,” with £ 1,000 yearly for its main tenance. Regarding the American scholar ffeips, Mr. Rhodes says: “I desire to encourage and foster an appreciation of the advantages which, I implicitly believe, Will result from a union of the English-speaking people throughout the world, and to encourage in the students from the United States who will benefit by these scholarships an attachment to the country from which they have sprung; hut. without, 1 hope, withdrawing them or their sympathies from the land of their adoption or birth.'” Territorial scholarships, once cstab Ushed, shall not lapse upon the ad mission of the territory to statehood. Another provision is that no student shall be qualified or disqualified for election to a scholarship on account of race or religious opinion. M», Rhodes desires that the students should not patronize any particular college, but distribute themselves throughout the university. The trus tees are allowed to suspend or remove any. scholar at their discretion. Mr. Rhodes expresses the hope that the trustees will arrange an annua/ dinner and reunion for all students and scholarship graduates, who arc able to attend and invite thereto as guests “persons who have shown sympathy with tho Views expressed by me in mv will.” Mortgage For Seventy-Five Millions. A mortgage for $75,000,000 was filed for record In the county recorder's of flee at Youngstown, O. It is given by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Com pany to the Union Trust Company of New York, trustee, to cover an issue of gold bonds. Arbitration Treaty la Signed. The state department made public Friday a synopsis of the arbitration treaty signed between the Argentine Republic and Paraguay. Rhodes Left Total of $30,000,000. According to The London Daily Tele graph, the will of Cecil Rhodes deals with a total of £ 6 , 000 , 000 . Heard’s Nomination Confirmed. The senate has confirmed the nomi nation of C. M. Heard as postmaster ft Elberton, A»a. PAY THEIR OWN WAY. No Appropriation Will Be Asked For Coronation Embassadors. It is said that congress will not be asked for an appropriation to defray the expenses of the United States spe cial embassy to the coronation of Edward. These expenses will be defrayed by the civilians of the party out of own pockets, while the army and attaches will be ordered to London the course of duty and thus will to de—''* »»»" their ordinary NAY, NAY, SAYS EAGLE. Former Governor of Arkansas Defies Present Chief Executive Davis. *. Governor Jefferson Davis, of Arkan »a4/,has asked for th; resignation Former.poverhor James P. Eagle, of the state capl^ol commission, Co m mlssioner SB Eagle (ML requested I the gover . to give . his nor reasons for the request. Governor Davis replied, in substance, that the conflicting views of the two concerning -democratic politics would prevent them from working harmoni ousiy together. Eagle refused flatly to resign. CLUQ EXPERIENCES, “It 053 r.der has written a rathe? 'lever lUtlo book. "Don'ts for Club Men.' ” “Huh! Tho don'ts don't worry me half as much –3 the dues."—Philadel phia Press, The common flea leaps 200 times it* own length. To show like agility a man sis feet tall would have to leap a lUgtance ot X ’ 20Q feet - TIis SI* Dav Walking Slatch. The last day of the recent six day walking match fourul the men suffering terribly from exhaustion brought on by their long strain, loss of sleep and irregular meals. To be strong and healthy we must take good care of tile Stomach and sleep regularly. If you cannot cat or sleep there Is nothing in the world will do von as much good as Hostet i>r‘s stomach Bitters. It restores the appe :ito, aids digestion and promotes sound m u p. 17 it. The egotist who is all wrapped up in himself rhould never complain of the cold. Ulna Worm Ifoufed. "Send box of Tettertoc. It's the only thing that makes any impression on a stubborn Bing Worm.”—Mrs. Kntlo Oldham, Mon tnlba, Anderson County, Texas. 50c. by mail from J. T. Shuptrino, bavannab, Ga., if your druggist don’t keep It. Some people couldn’t break into society with a burglar’s kit. Stomach Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy Cures Sour and Headache. At Druggists, 50c. Most men like to he told that they are working too hard. The average girl has liar wedding all planned long before she gets her first pro cess!. TO YOUNG LADIES. From the Treasurer of the Young People’s Christian Tem perance Caine, Fond Association, du Lac, Wis, Elizabeth “Deab Mbs. Pinkuam:—I want to tell you and all the young ladies of the country, how grateful I am to you for all tho benefits I have received from using Lydia E. Pinklmm’s Vege table Compound. 1 suffered for Lj/j A| ; ■iz '■, ' -.v? . i MISS ELIZABETH CAINE, eight months from suppressed men struation, and it effected my entiro system until I became weak and debil itated, hundred and at times felt that I had a aches in ns many places. I Only used the Compound for a few weeks, hut it wrought a change in mo which J felt from the very beginning. I pains, have and been find very regular since, have no that my entire body is as if it was renewed. I gladly recom mend Lydia E, 1‘inklmm’s Vege table Compound to everybody.’’— Miss Elizabeth Caine, 69 W. Division St., Fond du Lac, Wis .—$5000 forfait If above testimonial fa not genuine. At such a time tho greatest aid to nature Vegetable is Lydia Compound. E. Pinkham’s It prepares the young system for the coming change, and is the surest reliance for woman’s ills of every nature. Mrs. Pinkhum invites all young women wlio are ill to write her for free advico. Ad dress Lynn, Mass. A Fruit. © * Its quality influences ■ the selling price. Profitable fruit 9 growing insured only y when enough actual /Potash J r / is in the fertilizer. Neither quantity nor / good quality possible without Potash. Write for our free books p jf giving details. 559 CERMA.N KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau St., New York City. o mm I have used Ripans for several years in my general practice as a first-class extempore remedy for late dinners’ distress, and have carried them in my vest pocket in the little paper cartons. At ban quets and at lodge meetings I have often passed one to an adjacent brother. The Five-Cent At druggists* ordinary occasion. packet Tho is enough family for an CO cents, contains for bottle, u supply a year. MORPHINE ■ m Opl«l*», Laudanum, fValn* And l iquor hiltiU per- ■ ■ iHAn^BUy And p»i dwsly ,-urod At home. N . dcteoilon ■ from twAinewt. Action itamediaie. leaven iqtllftt lu ■ ■ PN tiAtural, healthy rendition without dreir* for drugs. I Hj j Writ* for particular*. DR. LONG Cv*., At inti, Ga. Cure Guaranteed for $10, § E. J. Vawter’s Carnations are the Best n HOICIZ Caruatlou From the tatmme’ Helds,” Vawter Ocean I AI IPAUNIA 1>nrk Hardy rooted AKIaA IIDINScnttlngf. ' 1 »t out artificial beat, lent postpaid, propagated receipt with on pVioMoMvSli^vVoutef^ orders Ilulbftfor’iSr; Riled 3 < iiII 41 Ml) nulh* for 25c In rotation. Onltmovr. Add^J*O c*a* park fujual Co., line ] oc*as park. CAurokxtA. ? CAI “vli 7CD)C ® cprno 5 ' *. maiied'onrecelptoiuw/v^th–VuaOOtontasYut! ^ ,, , riVpefwibfijair. ^"JfOTMoibj. *. 5 J9HN A. SALZEB SEED CO., La Crowe, Wi?, DOZEN HOTELS ARE BURNED. Conflagration In Atlantic City Wipes Opt $750,000 of Property, No Lives Lost, Twelve hotels and more than a score of smaI1 buildings adjoining the board walk which is built along the ocean edge were destroyed at Atlantic City, N. J., Thursday by a fire which swept the beach front tor two long blocks from Illinois avenue. The loss, it is believed, will exceed $750,000. In this respect the conflagration is the most disastrous that has ever visited the city. The loss will be only partly cov bred , . . Dy insurance. Fortunately no’Ives were sacrificed, though probably a dozen persons wero slightly injured and burned dur ing the progress of the Are. It was reported early in the afternoon that six men had perished in the flames, but the rumor was without foundation. The origin of the fire is unknown, but it'is said to have started in either Brady’s baths or the Tarlton hotel, which adjoins the baths at Illinois avenug and the board walk. The city was guarded Thursday night by a company of militia who were requested by the municipal au thorities to aid the police in the pre vention of looting. About a dozen men were arrested during the day for robbing. “DOG IN MANGER” THREAT. Hanna and Frye Vow to Kill River and Harbor Rill, if Subsidy Fails. A Washington special says: There are prospects of a lively clash be tween .the senate and the house if Senators Hanna and Fryo endeavor to make good the threats to hold up the river and harbor bill which are cred ited to them. In view of tho announce ment that there is no chance for the ship subsidy bill to get through the house at this session, owing to the pronounced opposition of a number of western republicans, these powerful senators are said to have sent word that there shall be no river and har bor bill and no inter-oceanic canal bill unless the house acts favorably upon the shipping bill. MONEY IN ATLANTA PROPERTY. Biggest Single Deal In Real Estate Ever Consummated In City. One of the biggest real estate deals ever made in the city of Atlanta took place Thursday when Captain J. W. English bought fro mthe Scott Invest ment Company the property on the corner of Marietta and Peachtree streets known as tho Norcross build ing, fronting 55 feet and 8 inches on Marietta street and 110 feet on Peach tree. The price paid for this valuable piece of realty was $145,000. This price is a practical and striking illustration of the rapidly Increasing value of Atlanta property. In the early forties the property cost about $ 200 . CARTER IS SERIOUSLY ILL. Convict Captain of Engineers Has Typhoid In Leavenworth Prison. Oberlin M. Carter, cx-captain of en gineers in the United States army, is seriously and probably fatally 111 at the federal penitentiary at Fort Leav enworth. He has typhoid fever and on Thursday evening his temperature was 106 1 - 2 . Carter’s only fear is that he will die before his affairs are arranged. He sent an urgent telegram to his attor ney, Mr. Stone, of Chicago, asking him to come at once. There is a suit no pending wherein the government is trying to obtain pos session of Carter's property, claiming it Is part of the booty he secured while in charge of government contract work at Savannah. Ga. This will really amount to a civil trial, the thing Car ter has made repeated but vain efforts to secure. Carter says he wants Mr. Stone with him so he can finish the brief. Then Carter says tho fight for tho vin dication can be carried on after his death, should the illness prove fatal. —It is believed at Washington that President Iloosevelt has made up his mind to retire General Miles In a few lays. SENATE OLEOMARGARINE BILL. Measure Passed In Upper Branch Dif fers From House Bill. At the conclusion of a lively debate Thursday * the senate passed the so called oleomargarine bill by a vote of 39 to 31. The measure as passed by the sen ate differs in some respects from that passed by the house of representatives. It provides that oleomargarine and kin dred products shall be subject to all the laws and regulations of any state or territory or the district of Colum bla. into which they are transported. whether in original packages or other VOLUNTARY MANSLAUGh I ER. Was the Verdict Returned By Jury in Granade Murder Case. At Atlanta, Ga.. Thursday, after de liberating four hours, the jury in the case of Theodore J. Granade, the den tal student charged with the murder of another student, W. Jesse Pope, re turned a verdict finding the defendant guilty of voluntary manslaughter. A motion for a new trial will be made. PATRICK SENTENCED TO DIE. ! Convicted Murderer of Millionaire Rice ! Subject For Electric Chair. At New York Monday, Albert T. Pat ! rick, who convicted March 26 was on Of the murder of William Marsh Rice. ' vas sentenced by Recorder Goff to be put to death in the electric chair at Smg Sing prison on w May 5. Rice died .. , on September 23, 1900. An appeal to be made to the court of appeals by Patrick’s counsel, will act as a stay of execution pending * decision by the higher court. FAITHFUL EMPLOYE, At a Northern horse fair recently an intending purchaser arrived rather late in the day, when the choice wa3 limited. He noticed three animals huddled together in a corner, so going up to the attendant he said: “Trot out the middle one, mate.” "What," answered the attendant, • and let t’other two fall down? Not if I know it! Wait till the boss cornea. I’m taking no risks."—Tit-Bits. NOTHING IN VAIN. "Nothing is made in vain,” said the philosopher. That s right,” answered Senator Sorghum. "I was thinking of that the other day. It doesn’t make any dif ference how no-account a horse is, you can always trade him off for some thing, and the most useless member of society can be gathered up to the polls for voting pur ”—Yv ashington Star. S. D. B. SENT FREE, Cure* Blood and Skin Oiasaxca, Cancer*, Bono Tain*, Itching Iluinorp, Etc. Fend no money, simply try Botanic Blood Balm at our expense. B. 15. B. cures Pimples, scabby, scaly, itching Eczema. Ulcers, Eating Sores, Scrofula, Blood Poison, Bono Pains, Swellings, Blicuma tism, Cancer, and all Blood and Skin Troubles. Especially advised for chronic cases that doctors, patent medicines and Hot Springs fail to euro or help. P'ruggists, $1 per large bottle. To prove it cures B. B. B. sent free by writing Blood C o., 12 Mitchell St., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent to scaled letter. Medicine sent at once, pre paid. All we ask is that you will speak a good word for B. B. B. when cured. An electric carriage call lias been de vised, which is to he adopted at London theatres and other public buildings. Sec advertisement of EE-M Catarrh Cure In another column tho best remedy made. Ninety-five mined tons of gold and 520 of silver are in a single year. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after Unit day's use of Dr. Kline’s Great Nervoitestorer.t 2 trial bottle and treatlsefroi Dr. It. If. IClisk, Ltd., 031 Arch 3t., Phtla., P.t. The Metropolitan Police of London look after 8200 miles of roads and streets. Jf requires Padki.kss 410 experience to dye with Put ham Dyes. Pimply boiling your goods in tho dyo is all that is necessary. Fold by all druggists. It takes sand to propose to a girl, but it takes rocks to marry her. Piso's Cure cannot be tho highly spoken of as a cough cure.....J. W, O’Bjiien, 322 Third Avenue, N., Minneapolis, Minn., Jan. 6,1001 The man who keeps pace with iiis good intentions must be quite a sprinter. Cnlai’tli C'tiunot Curetl tho With local of applications, the disease, ^-ftjatarrh a-tthey cannot rdoq'.v soat is a blood or it constitutional disease, tod in order to auto you must take interim! remedies. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on tho blood ami mucous Surface. Hull’s Catarrh Cure Is not J jack medicine. It was proscribed by oml In the best physi cians in this country for Mars, and Is a reg ular beat tonics proscription, known, ooinl It Ljeomposed r.ed with the of best tho blood surfaces. purifiers, Tho noting i/cootly combination on the qsu oous pc* 't of the two ingredients in ' aat produces such wonderful for testimonials, results in ruling f catarrh. Bend free, K. J. Cuf.svv A Ct; r {>»,, Toledo, O. Bold by druggists, pv. 76c. Hall's Family Pills arfv ho best. Coventry, England, ) e. centre ot the British bicycle iudustryyrcports a revival of business. Best For tlto Bowels. Nomnttorwhat alls you, hoadaoheto,«can cer, you will fmver get wcihyuU your bo well are put right, Oascahets help nature, ours you without a gripe or pain, produce easy natural movements, oost you just lOoents to startgetting your health book. Cascasitj Candy boxes, Cathartic, the genuine, put C. up in metal evory tablet has V. C. stamped ou it. Bewa re of imitations . The Krupp factory, the biggest iron working of steel concern in the world, uses up MC tons « 'ay. Wea “ I suffered terribly and was ex tremely weak for 12 years. The doctors said my blood was all turning to water. At last I tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, again.” and was soon feeling all J. right W. Fiala, Hadlyme, Ct. Mrs. —■i—wyii™*** m RW it— c. w; 3*raax.-f7%am jwi mm p > No matter how long you have been ill, nor how poorly Ayer’s you Sarsaparilla may be today, the is best medicine you can take for purifying and en riching the blood. Don’t doubt T t, put your whole trust in it, throw away everything else. SI 00 a bottle. AH dra gsiatg. AsIl youi doctor wliat ho thinks of Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. He knowsall about this grand old f amily medicine. Follow his advice and wo will be satisfied. LoytoU, J. C. A van Co., Maas. Maisby 41 f" I – ,h St., Company, Atlanta, Ga ’ ors >' En@finCS cHld BOllCTS Steam Water Heaters, Steam Pumps and l’emberthy Injector*. -tlf m Jaft >v» tv tw Mhli~ kr ,‘S.j| Manufacturers nnd Dealers in SAW MILLS, Corn Mill*, Feed Mills, Cotton Gin Machin ery and Grain Separator*. SOLID and INSERTED Snws. Saw Teeth And I/OckB, Knight’s Vntent Dogs, Bird sail Saiv Mill ami F.nglne Repairs, Governors, Grate Unrs and a full line of Mill Supplies. Prico and quality of goods guaranteed, v’atnloguo free by mentioning this paper. Capudine Cures ALL Headaches, LaGrippe, Colds, etc. Money hack If tt falls. 15– 25c. All Drug Stores OROSPerous S3 KEOPLE, ^sHoits DISASTER AT FOOTBAU GAME Twenty-On^ Spectators Killed and Over Two Hundred Badly Injured in a Collapsing Stand. A specal from Glasgow, Scotland, says: The casualty list of a disaster when a number of persons were killed or injured by the collapse of a specta tors’ stand during the international football match Saturday afternoon be tween England and Scotland were completed Sunday. They eclipse all the reports and estimates of the cas ualties which were current Saturday night. The disaster has resulted in the death of twenty-one persons and the injury of 250. Nearly two hundred of the latter were so seriously hurt that they were taken to infirmaries for opera tion and treatment. One hundred and fifty of them still remain in the in firmaries. A large proportion of the injured had limbs broken, bodies crush, ed and mangled and heads and faces gashed. Several more deaths undoubt edly will result Irom the most critical cases of fractured skulls. The infirmaries were beseiged all day Sunday by friends and relatives of the victims of the disaster, and heart rending scenes were witnessed when the names of those who died were post ed outside the buildings. The action of the authorities at Ibrox park, in averting a more general panic by permitting the game to pro ceed, while they encouraged the im pression of the crowd within the in ciosure that the accident was not so serious is now generally commended. The incongruity of the yells of ap plause mingling with the groans of the strugiing sufferers will never be for gotten by those who witnessed the scene at the rear of the terrace. DISCUSSED CHINESE EXCLUSION. Yellow Men the Subject of a Lively De bate in the Senate. After passing the Indian appropria tion bill Saturday the senate consid ered the Chinese exclusion measure for nearly three hours. The principal speech was made by Mr. Fairbanks. of Indiana, in support of the bill. He analyzed its provisions to demonstrate that they were not in contravention of r length ts the ’r„ right CM of ,“ congress “" a to enact 11 exclusion legislation. He maintained tha^ it was a principle of this govern ini nt to protect its labor against such lotv-nrleed S I, labor ! as would mmo u,. I nited states , from China. An extended debate followed. Mr. Gal linger, of New Hampshire, and Mr. Piatt, of Connecticut, indicated their belief that the provisions of the meas ure relating to the exempted classes were in contravention of our treaty ob ligations to China. Mr. Lodge. Mr. Penrose and Mr .Fairbanks combated this view, the supporters of the meas ure maintaining that its provisions wore drawn clearly within the treaty obligations of this country. HANNA A FRIEND IN NEED. To Convicted Mr. Rathbon e He Will Be Good Angel Indeed. A Washington special says: Sena tor Hanna has made arrangements for furnishing the bail necessary to secure the temporary release from prison of Estes G. Rathbone, former director of posts for Cuba, who was convicted of complicity in the Cuban postal frauds. The senator has been advised by Rath bone that the court has fixed the at $100,000. Mr. Hanna regards this sum as unreasonable, and will ascer tain at once if it is possible to have it reduced. He intends to secure Rath bone's release pending eonsid eration of the appeal for a new trial before the Cuban supreme court. When Rathbone is released, on bail Senator Hanna will play bis next card in the interest of his friend. The sen ator, it 4s said, has several good ones up his sleeve. BANK RELIEVED OF CASH. State Institution at Ruskin, Nebraska, Victim of Burglars. The state bank of Ruskin, Nebr., was robbed of $16,000 in cash at mid night Friday night. The robbers, sup posed to be five in number, gained in gress by prying up a window. NEGROES ORDERED TO LEAVE. Sunday Was Last Day of “Grace” For Them In Lawton, Oklahoma. Sunday was the last day set for ne groes to remain in Lawton, Okla. The day passed with no direct attacks on the colored people, but trouble is ex pected later on. Many of the negroes have left, stating that they will not receive protection. Many, however, are determined to remain. Some own property and some are in business, and it is this class that is dividing the sen timent of the white people of the city and vicinity. FUNDS FOR SUFFERING BOERS. Check For $5,000 Is Sent in By Com mittee at Chicago. A certified check for $5,000, drawn to the order of President Roosevelt, was forwarded to the president on March 28 by the committee of citizens Which Governor Yates appointed in last to raise funds for the relief c>. Boer women and children suffering in the concentration camps of South Africa. EXTENT OF OUR FOREIGN TRADE. In Agricultural Products Subject of Statement Issued By Department. The department of agriculture has issued a statement of the foreign trade of the United States in agricultural products. It s>ows that during the fis cal year 1901 foreign countries pur chased American farm products to value of $592,000,000, representing the largest agricultural exports in our his tory. Compared with the record for 1900 they show an increase of over $100,000,000, DAN GROSVENOR SAYS: 1 “Pe-ra-na is an Excellent Spring Catarrh Remedy—I am as Well as Ever.” ■7: % 7S. g^-'v.Y •V llfclifl m . w we v m i M 1 ii / \L A yyt 1 £§1 H0>\ DAS. A. GROSVENOR, OF THE FAMOUS OHIO FAMILY. Hon. Dan. A. Grosvenor, Deputy Auditor for the War Department, in a let ter written from Washington, D. C., says: “Allow me to express my gratitude to you for the benefit derived from one bottle of Peruna. One week has brought won - derful changes and I am now as well as ever. Besides being one of the very best spring tonics It is an excellent y ’ ■--DAN. A* uROSVENOK. ln a rePe m letter he says: “I consider Peruna really more meritorious than I did when J wrote you last. I receive numerous letters from acquaintances genuine. Ii all over the Country asking me if my certificate is invariably answer, yes.”--«Dan. A. Grosvenor. A A’on e ressin an * a Letter. of Peruna is taken during the early Hon. II. W. Ogden, Congressman springmonths the cure will be prompt f rora Louisiana, ln a letter written at and permanent. There can he no full Washington, 1). O., says the following ures if Peruna is taken intelligently of Peruna, the national catarrh rem- during the favorable weather of spring. ea “I ' : couHeJeivtlouslp , it eon recom- wherever it ranv be located, it ZidVl'lYrounT'good mJdTctnTto cures els with catarrh the of the certainty stomach as or catarrh, bow those who arc In need of a catarrh same remedy. It has been commended to of the head. me by people who have need it, as a If yon do not derive prompt and sat remedy particularly effective in the Moctpry results from the use of Pe cure of catarrh. For those who need runn wr |t e at once to Dr. Hartman, « good catarrh medicine. I know of ivi a fuU statement of your ease. na,hin O bet,cr w - Ogden, d he wH1 l)e p^ged to give you hl#f a n Tr *' , * t Ca *" rrh ,n spring. valuable advice gratis, of The *P rin # is the time t0 trcat ca ' Address Dr. Hartman, President ta ! rh CoId ’ we ‘ weather often The Hartman Sanitarium. Columbus. ^ rd , s a ™ re of cat a F h ' . MM c o u r8 e Ob m Any Position.. Is a comfortable one to the woman who wears the . . si® sRoyal Worcester - •>?- or Bon Ton . Corsets , * V 'W'U Straight Ease, front, and elegance. grace K Aakyoordealerto them show Yimm to you. il li Royal 1 Worcester ... Corset Woreeiter, Co., Mast. IP nir i SOUTHlftN p< HOME "m It \lr' • * *' mm > 1 , ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT? —USE— SOUTHERN HOME MIXED PAINTS The standard for quality In the South for the past 20 years. If dealers in your town do not han dle it, write us for color card and prices. j F. J. COOLEDfiE – BRO., Atlanta and Savannah. Wholesalers of Window Glass. EE-M Catarrh Compound Cures Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchi tis and Colds. A MUD, PLEASANT SMOKE, PURELY VEGETABLE. W* give an irou-clad guarantee that Itr proper use will cure CATARItH or your mnnev refunded. For tobacco users we maki ; EE-M Medicated Cigars and Smoking Tobacco, carrying same medico jpropertie as the compound. Samples Free. One box, <me month’s treatment, one dollar, postpaid. Tour druggist, or EE-M Company, - Atlanta, Ga. DID YOU EVER Consider the Insult offered the intelligence of thinking people remedy who i the claim is made that 1 “ n r 050 will eure all diseases* No. wsll, think of it and send for our book telllnir all about 20 Social Remedies for special dis j eased conditions, and our Family Medicine Cnses. A postal card will secure the book Pill. sample of Dr. Johmon*s “After Dinner r A’ne Home Remedy Co . >■ % a I Ptsors C-URt -EOF? ifi 1. U LUtttb WhtHt ALL tlSt PAILS. Cl Best < ough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use n in in time. Sold by Tnursfiats. ■ CONSUMPTION AS SO. 11 * UWIONWAOE. w J viS ; Wa , 0 : j ■ V JO m m <8 1 Sold by 63 cities, Douglas and Stores the best in American retail shoe dealer* everywhere. fey.-. JJ W. Caution L. Douglas* ! The name genuine and price have stamped on the bottom. Notice <«er«ai« of salt* tn table below t 1 S98es 148,708 Pairs. 180» = 898.1Sa Fairs. 1800= 1,269,754 Pairs. 1901 = 1.566,720 Pairs. 2 Business Hart Than Doubted In Four Ytart. end end other Mila mot* men'* |a.00 sa.50 s’.ioea then any two menutecturere. by tide W.JLDottglM Yvith 56.00 $3.00 $ And shoes $3.60 »hooa of other placed makes tide Mid 8.00 art found to be just u good. They will outwear two pairs Mad of ordinary of the best $3.00 leathers. find $3.60 Including shoes. Patent a Corona Kid, Corona Colt and National Kangaroo, Fill Color IrilHi b» 4 Always Block Hooks I'sod. W.L.Doegtaa^O $4 “Gilt Kdf* Liar” cannot be equalled. ^^^WyL^gOJO^ASjBrojktOTjMTO. Shoe, by mail. 23 cts. extra. Catalog MONEYS™ ^ g.Jtae^.uS^cnVwhiS ; they can nnke monev rnpldly—the labor t>eln( tight and emplo mrnt the year around. It re quires no salesmen capita’ or great education. Some of our best are country buys. Profit quick and sure. Writs at once for particulate. HUDGINS PUB. CO , Kiser Bl'dg, Atlanta. Gt. URINQPATHY _ Is curlngdiscAscs the new science from of detecting aCMEMlCAL and and MICROSCOPICAL analysis of the urine. Send 4 cents for mailing case and bottle for urine. Book fr». 'StLj? Sr*S Consultation Medicines furnished. free. Fees reasonable. Address LA 3TS13 » F. SHAFER, M. D y Pa 533 Penn Ave.. Pittsburg. ASTHMA 0A/N BE CUBED. “Peck’s Asthma Cure*’ will do it Hrelieve* the Tvo^sr Attack of Asthma in cne jplnifte. It Is equally good for Crvup or •» old*. Try U. Free sample sent to any address J. C. PECK, 07 Ivy Street, Atlanta Ga. Mention this Paper In ANU-Fl.teen-l writing to advertisers. 90*2. HmSVgiEl Thompion't Eye Wator