Newspaper Page Text
Three dollars per annum, j PUBLISHED (weekly) BY JOHN KM. CHARLTON. [Payable half yearly.
Vo l mi; I.j
0.7 the first Tuesday in April next ,
at the Court bouse in Washington ,
in Wilkes county, between the hours
of ten and three o’clocks the fol
lowing property , or thereof
as will satisfy the tares due there
on.. together with the cost — viz:
r r
J| WO hundred two and an half
acres of land, more or less, third
/ quality, No. 170, in the third dif
trift of Wilkinson county, granted
to Roderick, Eafley, and levied on
as the property of laid Eafley, to
fatisfy his tax for the year 1813-
fax due 1 dollar, 12 1-2 cents.
Two hundred two and an half
acres of pine land, more or less, ly
ing in the second diftridt of vviik
infon. county, No. 197, granted to
Lucy R. Wynn, and levied on as
her property, to fatisfy her tax for
she year 1813 —tax due 2 dollars
and 99 cents.
One hundred acres of land, more
-ar lei's, third quality, in Oglethorpe
county, on the waters of Long
creek, adjoining Woodruff, granted
to Trtieball, and levied on as the
propertyof Andrew Craten,to fat
ii'. hi.; rax f r the year 181-?—tax
due 6 dollars 97 cents.
Tax Collector , Wilkes county.
/anuary 27, 18 2 5.
“On the first Tuesday in Mar eh next,
at the Court House in Wilkes coun
ty, between the hours of ten and
thr>: o'clock., the following proper
ty — viz:
f >
NL negro man named Jim,
6ifr> • ven years of age, also one
waggon at this, time unfinifhed,
taken as the property of George
Walton, to fatisfy an execution in
%vor of George Walton.
Conditions Cash.
William Johnson, D.
January 27, 1815.
LL persons having demands
ugainfl: the effate of Wm.,Flughes,
deceased, are required to bring
them in properly authenticated
within the time preferibed by law,
and all those indebted, to make im
mediate payment to
Barnard H. Hughes , qualified
yohn Dyson , & > Ex-
Thomas Lesley , j ecutors.
January 27, 1815. 3w.
The British (hip Newcastle, of
50 guns, & the Acaftra, of 50,
have failed in company , in quest of
the American frigate Confutation
of 44 guns ! 0 tt tbe wooden walls
cf Old England. ”
Blank Indenture?. For sale.
Glorious Aspiration !
Col. M. Henderson,
Takes this method of in
forming his fellow-citizens be
longing to the second class,
that he is a candidate for first
Colonel, in said class, m Gen.
Daniel’s division.
Irvin Lawson,
Informs his friends cf the
third class’d militia, that he is
a candidate for the command
of Lieutenant Colonel, in said
class—lie feels some degree
of satisfaction, in the recollec
tion, that many of this class,
were volunteers or substitutes
in the battle of Autossee, and
had an opportunity of know
ing whether or not he perform
ed his duty like a soldier —the
wounds be received in that
fight, incapacitate him forever
from performing any duty fur
ther to his country on foot,
but his disposition is as ardent
as ever—his knowledge of mi
litary tactics is improved, ai'ul
he flatters‘himself should Ins
wishes in tins i aspect be real
ized, to merit a continuation
of that friendship which has
hitherto been so liberally ex
tended to him-. Febr’y 3rd.
informs his friends of the
third class’d militia, that he is
a candidate for the command
of first Colonel in said class,
and solicits their suffrage in
this respect. Feb’ry 3rd*
William M. Cain declines
being a candidate for Lieuten
ant Colonel in the third class
of militia, as he belongs to the
second. He therefore solicits
the suffrage of those in the se
cond class, for the command
of Lieu. Cob in said class.
Richard J, Willis,
Informs his friends belong
ing to the third class of mili
tia that he would feel himself
honored by the command of
Major in said class—he soli
cits their suffrage
Simpson McLendon
Informs his friends in the
second class militia, that he is
a candidate for the honorable
post of Captain in said class,
and solicits their suffrage.
A Journeyman and an Ap
prentice wanted at this Office.
*■ A t
| • John Evens
Presents his respects to the
citizens composing the third
class of militia, and informs
them, that he is a candidate
for the post of third Lieuten
ant, and would feel greatful
for their suffrage.
I . ■
William Pool
Presents his best respects
to ;he citizens which form the
third class and informs them
he is a candidate for the post
of Ensign in said class.
CuARLEt; W. Christian
Avails himself of the pres
ent opportunity and informs
Ilia friends and fellow-citizens
that he is a candidate for.first
. Colonel, \-) command the third
class in Gen. Daniel’s divis
ion, and will feel grateful for
their support. Llben Coun
ty, Teb. 3d,1815.
John Willis
Takes this method of in
forming his Fellow-Citizens
composing the third class, that
he is a candidate for the ap
pointment of Major in said
i class, and will be thankful for
■ their support. Libert Coun
’ tv, Feb. 3d. 18 45.
* torn., r.
Thomas Revives infvSSns
’ his friends and the people of
the ‘Third Class, that he is a
Candidate to command as
i First Lieutenant in said Class.
Captain Henry Sprat ling
takes the liberty of informing
his friends of the third class of
militia that he is a, candidate
for the captaincy of said Clsas.
William Walkcrinforms his
friends and that portion of the
militia composing the Second
Class, that he offers his servi
ces as First Lieutenant in said
Cy 1
Anderson Riddle informs
his friends and that part of the
Militia forming the Second
Class that he is a candidate
.for the Captaincy of said class. ]
(hT Joshua S. Calloway, j
takes the privilege of inform
:ing his friends, h fellow sol
'diers, coraposirv the second
class, that he a candidate
for the Captaincy in said class
Fielding L Thurman,
offers himself as a candidate
for the office of Major in the
second class, would feel
‘grateful for the support of his
friends in paid class.
IHe are authorised , to an
no 11 nee RICHARD LONG,
a candidate for the command
of first colonel in the second
class—He solicits the support
of his friends in said class.
presents his respects to his
friends in the second class and
informs them, that He ts a
candidate for the place of
first SERGEANT in said
class and solicits their suf
Dudley Stinson inf rms hi?
friends and that portion of the
community forming the Se*
; cond Class, that he is a can
didate for the command of Sc*
I cond Lieutenant in said Glass,
I and would feci grateful sot
i their support.
informs his friends of the third,
class, that he is a candidate
for the post of second lieuten*
I ant in the third class*
. respecfully informs his
in the third clas, that he is *
candidate for the place of Erm
sign, in said class.
informs his friends of the third
class, that he is a candidate
I for the place of third iieutene
, ant in sai.d class,
sl° We ere authorised to atm
nounee, Capt. IF.
(o f Elbert) a candidate for the.
command cf first colonel in the,
second class mil if a /s&
Capt. William Tatter son, is
a candidate for the command
of Iteut. colonel in the second
David P. Hillhouse
! Is a candidate for the appoint
ment of Lieutenant Colonel to
the regiment of second class
militia, in General Daniels?
I division.
! Nathan Holts claw's Sale be
postponed to the third day <f
March next.
Administrator’s Sale.
will be sold,
On Thursday the ninth day q£
March next, at the late residence q?
Major John A. Patterson, dec.
in Wilkes county. Ail the perform
al property of laid deceased, con
fiding of two waggons, horses and’
harness, two {tills, and several oth
er articles too tedious to mention.
Twelve months credit will be given,
by the purchaser giving bonds with*
approved fccurity.
January 27, 1814* adm’r,’