Newspaper Page Text
‘P‘ n ‘ e ‘ }o!!ars t** PUBLISHED (wesklt) BY JOHN K. M. CHARLTON. [Payable half yearly.
Volume I.J
\ INE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Interior court of Wilkes county
for leave to fell one lot of land
(No. —,) in the town of Washing
ton, lately occupied by William H.
Corbett* deceased, and fold tor the
benefit of his heirs and creditors.
Thomas Terrell, 7 ,
James Wingfield, ‘$ rs *
September 24, 1814
notice ~~
nine months from the date
hereof application will be made for
leave (to the honorable Inferior
court of Wilkes county) to fell two
hundred and eighty acres of land
in said county, on the waters of
Camp creek, adjoining Halliday
and others ; it being the real estate
of Francis Murphey, dec. for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
’ said deceased.
Riche son Booker, adm’r.
Q&ober 8, 1814.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the {Honoura
ble Judges of the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county for leave to fell cer
tain tracts of land amounting to two
thousand acres, more or less, in the
..counties of Wain, Wilkinson and
Morgan,'the fame being the real es
tate of Andrew Craton, deceased,
fpr the benefit of his heirs and cred
itors. iofeph Orr.
. & > Ex’rs.
Chri&ephcr Orr. j
y Feb. I Stb 191.5
f jNj INE months after date appli
“ Cation will be made to the henora
ffcle Inferior court of Wilkes county
Tor leave to fell fifty acres of land
I.tnore or less, cn Long creek in the
•said county, it being the real estate
*‘of Hannah Henderson, minor, dec.
? for the benefit of her legatees.
* Hannah Henderson,
* May 24, 1814. adm\x.
jN|ine months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Greene
county, for leave to fell five hun
dred and forty-five acres of land,
more or less, in said county, being
the real estate of Win. Veafey, dec.
* for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors of said deceased.
January 27, 181.5. Executrix.
‘■ A’
the expiration of nine
cronths application will be made to
the honorable Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell a
* tfaff of land in said county, con
taining three hundred and ninety
acres, (more or less) it being the
real estate of John Weaver, dec.
to be fold for the benefit of the heirs
,j!id creditors of said dec.eafeJT
• i • ~ 1 ■ * *
’ f Elizabeth Weaver, acim’x.
Richard SappingtoT acjnj’r.
C2tbv.B#i.Bi<> 4 ‘
In nin- months from the date
hereof application will be made to
the honorable the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell 20c
acres of land, in said county, ad
joining Duncan Bohannon and o
thers, on the waters of Newford
creek; being the real estate of Wil
liam Richardson, deceased, for the
benefit of the heirs and creditors of
said deceased.
May 7, 1814. adin’r.
noTice: “
i *! INE months after date anpli
cation will be made .tc fKr b-nora
ble Inferior court of Oglstbivne
county, for leave to fell a trad *0:
land in the 15th ditlrid cf Wiikin
fon county, No. 295—containing
202 and an half acres; being- the
real estate of Britain House, deceas
ed, for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deceased,
November 9, 1811. ad mV.
xSjINE months after drc appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes coun tv
for leave to fell 202 3-2 acres of
land in Putnam county, on the wa
ters of Lick creek, adjoining Wm
& Hardy Pace—it being the real
estate of James Tolie, dec. for the
benefit of his heirs & creditors.
Pr: semr a Tolls, adm*x
James Tolls, ad mV.
July 9th, 1814.
’ months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Wilkes
county, for leave to fell the real
estate of Solomon Patten, late of
this county, deceafed—(subject to
the widows dower in one third
thereof) for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of the said deceased.
May 7, 1814. adm # r.
months after date appli
cation wilPbe made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county
for leave to. fell two hundred and
thirty acres of land (more or less)
in said county, on the waters of
Fifningcreek, adjoining the widow
Bolton and others} it being the
real estate of Obasiah Wynne, dec.
and fold for the benefit of the heirs
of said deceased.
January 13, 3815. adm'r.
Negroes to hire.
Will be hired to the highest bid
er on the firft Tuesday in March
next, at the Market Iloufe in Wash
ington, one negro man said to be
.one of the bed in the county at any
kind of work; also a woman laid
to be one of the best of House
wenches, arid a girl about 12 or 14
years of age. They will be hired
for tefl months only.
European Intelligence.
London, November 18.
A short but interesting conversa
tion took place las. night in the
commons on the property tax, on
the prdentation of a petition by Mr.
Wh-thread, from the proprietors of
the auction mart, complaining that
for an iucome of f. 6403 4*. they
had been
more than they were legally bound
to pay. It would appear, however,
that from the decision of the com
missioners that there is no appeal.
1 he Britiili property tax expires
or he sth of April, unless renew
ed by parliament. The Britifti
mniifters have refufed to fay whe
ther they content ’: e its continu
It appears by a remark in the par
liament, that the Britifti have to
maintain 75,000 troops in Belgi
London, Nov. 26.
Government yesterday received
defpatches from lord Caftlereagh,
dated the 11th inst. The only
account which transpired refpeding
their contents was, “that matte;s
were going ou well/*
T i ‘.rc is more talk than ever of
giving a head to Switzerland ; that
unfortunate country is agitated by
domestic ditTentions, which it is full
time to put an end to.
The fovereigu prince of the Ne
therlands, will it is said, soon as
sume the tide of the king of Bel
The intelligence from Spain
(hows the anxiety ol the govern
ment of the mother country as to
her colonies ; and forced contribu
tions have been exacted from the
merchants of Cadez, one of whom
lias paid 10,000 dollars to accele
rate the armament deftiiied for death
7 he Fingal Arrhed\ The Ame
rican merchants in London havo
a strong prefentitnent in favor of
peace since the arrival cf the Fingal,
and hence the English funds have
experienced a confiderabie advance.
Vienna, Off. 28.
The Crown of Poland will be
placed on the head of the emperor
Alexander. Lord Caftlereagh op.
posed for a long time, the union cf
Poland with Ruflia; as Auftrb
did the annexation of Saxony to
Prufiia, but without effect.
Vienna , Nov. 12.
The note delivered by Prince
Talleyrand, after the arrival of
count Alexis de Noailies, has made
a strong impression Che members of
the congress. It is said to relate
to Saxony, and to have already pro
duced fevend changes iA the deter
minations that had been adopted.
V- ‘ D
•. ( Vienna, Ncv. j3.
Distribution of States, Dignities,■&£.
h h believe*! th'it tjie er-nsiefcr ■
. ♦ .1 “ “* - ** %
Alexander, and the king cf Pruftlas
will depart for Berlin after the cerei
inony (hall have taken place, re-efh
tablifhing the imperial dignity of
Germany in the’ house cf Auftria*
If nothing intervene to prevent it„
this ceremony will take place ou
the 29th. The rights of the nets?
empire will be chiefly honorary.—
The head of the empir will call sos
declarations of war, will receive’
proposals for peace, will communi
cate them to the general Diet, and
will propose to it every thing he
may* deem ufeful to the interests of
Germany. In concert with the.
kings of the empire, he will watch
over the Germanic confcitution*—•
Germany wiil be divided into fe
ven principal branches, or families
at the head of each will be placed a
monarch to diredl the military force.
Two nations v.ull be subordinate to
Austria, two Pruflia, one to Bata
via, another to Wirtimberg, . and
the seventh to Hanover.
It is presumed that the medical
princes of Germany will be ap
pointed grand dignities around the
future emperor, and the organs ot
that head of kings at the gener4
Hanover, Nov. 14.
The prince regent of England
has issued a proclamation, that the
king's German ttaie wilt m future
fertn the kingdom of Hanuveiy
and his majesty’s title be kingot
the United Kingdom of Great Bri
tain and Ireland, king of Hanover,
and duke of Biunfwick and Lune*
hourg, &c.
Leipsic, Oflober 24,.
The brother of the king of Prut
fta, his royal highness Frederic Wik
liam, is to be vice roy of Saxony,
and to marry an Austrian prineds.
The constitution of Saxony will not
be changed. The return of thf.
king i no more spoken of.
Uruuels, Nov. 2.
A pubKc print has the following
article dated Naples, Od. a© : *
it is the general opinion hen;.,
that king Joachim has received frofiv
the congress at Vienna, a formal
proposal to consent to receive an
indemnity for the cro'.vn of Na
ples, which would then be reftoresJ
to it3 ancient possessor.
. From Italy, Nov. 1.
Tiie king of Sicily is on thfc
point of setting out for the congress
at Vienna, where it is said, he will
enforce his claims to the kingdota
of Naples.
The French papers give the fofr
lowing statement of the number of
troops employed, according to
them, aginft France, during the late
campaign : troops of the ci-devanf
contederation of the Rhine 145,000
men. 2. Austrian army in France
4nd Italy, 250,000. 3, Austrian
army 250,000. 4. Prufiian army^
S- Swedilh army, yo %
fNuMBKH 9.