Newspaper Page Text
Three dollars per annum. j
Volume l.j
Collector s Sale.
3 ill be sold to the highest bidder , on
the prist Tuesday in May next ,
ci the Court House in Elbert county,
between the usual hours , the fol
lowing property, or so much there
of, as will be sufficcnt to satisfy
the Tax due for 1812.
One houl’e ind lot in Petersburg,
the properry of Alexander Pope,
agent for the Petersburg Mercan
tile llore. lax due 24 dollars and
75 cents.’
One trad of land in Elbert court- ;
* y, on the waters of Wahatchey
cr-. 1•. ‘ fifing Jam ‘s M- ‘A - .
others, containing one hundred a
cres, returned by Nathan W.
IVhitman, lax due for igt 1 and
1812—3 dollars 27 cents.
One trad of 50 acres on the v/a- ’
tevs of Davis creek, Elbert county, ‘
adjoining Sarah Lowremore, re- ‘
turned by William IHthcock.—
tax due 41 cents. i
\ 1 I
One trad of 50 acres on the wa
*trs of Deep Creek, Elbert county,
adjoining Win. Lunsford, returned
by John Stone. Tax due 41 cts,
March 3, 1815.
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first Wednesday
in May next, at the house of “John
Jiolmes, dec. in L.inccln county, the
personal estate of said deceased.
CONSISTING of horses, cattle,
hogs, geese, one waggon, house
hold and kitchen furniture—and
other articles too tedious to enu
Terms made known on the
day of sale.
Hannah Holmes,v
March 24, 181.5.
Nine Months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the justices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell 3
trads of land, lying in Clark coun
ty- —One containing 1000 acres, ly
ing on the Appalachee river—one
containing 690 acres, on the mid
dle fork of the Oconee river—one
containing 600 acres, lying on Bar
ber’s creek in said county.—Also,
two-thirds of a trad, in Wilkes
county, containing 200 acres, lying
on Rockey creek. The above, the
Real Estate of John Wingfield,
dec.—Sold for the benefit of the
heirs of said deceased.
VVm. bimpson, Ad’mr.
March 31, 1815. ‘ (m9m)
Nine months after date, applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the justices of the Inferior court of
Wilkes county, for leave to fell
two trads of land ; one Iving in
this county, the other m Wilkin
son, containing 200 2 1-2 acres,
(more or less,) the said being the
Real Eflate of James Pollard, dec.
Daniel Owen,
Qualified Guardian
March 24, 18:5. (m2m)
IF ASHING FGJSI, (Geo.)—FßWAi\ -.APRIL 7, itfio.
1.0 ILu. AY.
The drawing of which will
commence on me Hi Monday
m November next.
Authoriled by an Act of the Le
gifiature of the State of Georgia,
palled on the 22d November, 1814,
emitted “ An Act to raise money
for the porpole ot open mg and im
proving the Navigation of the Oco
nee River, from the mouth of
Fishing creek, to Barnett’s Ihoals.”
Scheme of me Tottery.
Dolls, Dolls.
a -prizes of i.4 czo A ? ; er-w
3 • do. 5,060 - 15,000
4 - do, 2,00 q - 8,000
5 - do. 1,000 - 5,000
10’ - do. 500 - 5,000
50 - do. 100 - 5,000
100 - do. 50 - 5.000
200 - do. 20 - 4,000
30c - do. 10 * 3,000
6000 •> do. 5 - 30,000
; 6674 Prizes 100,000
buuject to a deduction of 15 p Y r
cent. —20,000 Tickets at 5 dollars
each, is 100,000 dollars ; less than
two blanks to a prize.
The drawing of the lottery will
commence in Greensborough, on
the firth Monday in November.
Payment of Prizes .will be made
in the fame place, and commence
at the expiration of sixty days, af
ter the drawing of the Lottery is
finifhed ; of which due notice will
be given. Prizes not demanded
within fix months after the draw
ing is finifhed, will be viewed as li
beral donations to the Oconee Na
vigation company, and payment
barred accordingly.
The Commiflioners have ap
pointed Sterling Grimes their a
gent, under whole signature the
Tickets will be issued.
The Oconee Navigation Lottery
Office, is eltablilhed in this place;
where all letters or orders directed
to the agent (port paid) will meet
with immediate and prompt atten
March 1815. (u)tf
INE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Lincoln coun
ty for leave to fell a track of two
hundred and fifty acres of land on
the waters of Piitol Creek, adjoin
ing J. Wade and others in said
county, it being part ot the real es
tate or John Ruifell deed, to be
fold for the benefit of the heirs and
creditors of said deed.
Clariann Ruifell, adm’x.
• Benjamin Rullell,)
> admr’s.
Thomas C. Russell, )
February Bth 181 p. :
Virtue, liberty, and science.
fM INE months alter date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county,
tor leave to fell three traits of land,
(to wit) one tract in Wilkes coun
ty, on the waters of Filhing creek,
containing two hundred acres, ad
joining Barney Zimmerman, and
others—alio one other trait, con
tainii'g one hundred and forty acres
in sud county, on the waters of
Soap creek, adjoining Hammons,
and others—alio one other trait of
land, containing two hundred two
in-,Halt acr.s, No. 312, (in the
7th ‘Uiftriit formerly Wilkinson
county,) now Telfair, being the
whole ot the real eflate of Job Ku
guley, dec. for the benefit of the
heirs and creditors of said deceased.
George Iluguley, tk
Alley Huguley, adm’rs.
Octobers, 1814.
Nine months alter date, applica
tion \v:tll be made 10 the honorable
the Inferior court of Oglethorpe
county, ior leave to feel a lot of
land, lying on Max creek, belong
ing to Elizabeth Thormou, deed,
containing 5S acres ; a part ot
the ■ Unfit or land belonging to
Dread - Thornton, deceased.
Wiley Thornton,
March 13, 1815.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honorable
the Inferior Court of Greene coun
ty, for leave to fell certain trails
of land containing between fix and
seven hundred acres, laying in the
fork of little river, adjoining lands
of Elija Star, Dr. Linton an i oth
ers, being the real cfiate of John
S. Sankey deed, for the benefit of
the heirs and creditors of the laid
& f Adn:rs
March 3d 1815.
AfTER .he expiration of | a2
months application wiil be made to
the honorable Inferior court of
Wilkes county, ior leave to fell a
tract of land in said county, con
taining three hundred and ninety
acres, (mere or less) it being the
real dtate of John Weaver, dec.
to be fold for the benefit of the heirs
and creditors of said deceased,
Elizabeth Weaver, r.rirrd;:.
Richard Sappington, adiAr.
October 8, 1814.
INE months after date appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble the Inferior court of Greene
county, for le-ive to fell five hun
dred and forty-five acres of land,
more or less, in said county, being
‘he real elf ate of V/ m. Veafey, dec.
for the benefit of the heirs and cre
ditors of said deceased.
January 27, 1815. Executrix.
[Payable half yearly.
[Number 14.
Nine months after date applica
tion will be made to the honoura
ble Judges of the Inferior Court of
Wilkes county for leave to fell cer
tain traAa of land amounting to two
thousand acres, more or less, in the
counties of Wain, Wilkinson and
Morgan, the fame being the real es
tate of Andrew Craton, deceafed*
for the benefit of his heirs and cred
itors. Joseph \Njr.)
& > Ex’rs,
Christopher Orr. j
Feb. 13th 1815,
nine months from the date
hereof, application will be made for
leave (to the honorable Inferior
court of Wilkes county) to fell two
hundred and eighty acres of land
in said county, on the waters of
Camp creek, adjoining Halliday
mid others ; it being the real eflate
of Francis Murphey. dec. for the
benefit ol the heirs and creditors of
said deceased.
Riche son Booker, adra’r.
October 8, 1814.
j V INE months after date, appli
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county
for leave to fell one lot ot land
(No. ,)fin the town of Washing
ton, lately occupied by William K.
I Corbett,, deceased, and fold for the*
benefit of his heirs and creditors.
Thomas Terrell, K, y ,
James Wingfield, 5
September 24, 1814
Nin, months after date appli=
cation will be made to the honora
ble Inferior court of Wilkes county
for leave to fell two hundred and
thirty acres of land (more or less)
in said county, on the waters of
Fishing creek, adjoining the widow
Eoiron and others; it being the
real eliate of Obadiah Wynne, dec.
and fold for the benefit of the heir#
of said deceased.
January 13, 1815. adnfir.
Feus::art Term, 1315.
p; ~”
i lUr Mi 11 TIC I J j
vr j
Leroy Pope, IN EOpllTfi
Tbr/s Bibb and \
Ears etas Tcpe. J
It appearing to (he court
that the defendants reside out of
the limits of this state—On motion,
It is ordered, That the defendants
plead anfvveror demur, not demur
ing alone within fix months or the
bill will be taken pro cenfesso. And
this rule be published once a month
for fix months, in one of the pub
lic Gazeetes of this State.
Copy from the Record ,
D, TERRELL, Clerk.
March TO,