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so linger out the prime of their
lives under the lash of these cruel
talk-masters, unless liberated by the
valor of their countrymen.
[Geo. Journal.]
“friend & monitokT
FRIDAY, April 7.
Wf. have at last, official infor
mation ot the capitulation of Fort
Bowyer, and we are consoled for
its lots, by believing every exertion
for iifj preservation to have been
made—Different however, has been
?he fate of Fort St. Philips. An
attack on that fort by a vastly supe
rior force of the enemy, for ten
days in succession made po other
impression on our gallant country
men, (but to heighten the belief they
now entertain of their superiority} —
u infa£t, (to use Maj. Overton’s
own words,) the only circumstance
to b? regretted in the attack is, the
enemy was too timid to give an op
portunity of destroying him.
£7* Our readers we trust, will be
gratified at a short Historical and
Geographical Iketch with which we
present them to-day of ALGIERS ,
— we would however observe, that !
the states of Tunis and Tripoli, are
tributary only to the Grand
Sfignior, acknowledging no con
trotyl cr dependence on ALGIERS,
which is also, tho* not in so great a ,
degree, tributary to the Grand
Seignior of Turkey—These Rates
may be in one sense termed repub- !
lies, as the DSY of ALGIERS, ‘
are elective. Morocco has no dc- !
pendence on the Grand Seignior, cr
Algiers, and is a hereditary Despot
ism, giving the title of Emperor,
and is capable of bringing one hun
dred thousand men into the field.
We have had leveral reports ref
lecting the cession of the Floridas
to Great Britain. The following
information relating thereto is deri
ved from a very refpedhble source,
and vve have little doubt of its cor
re&nefs. A cession of the Floridas
was aftuaUy made to Great Britain
by the King of Spain, Ferdinand
“VII, but the Cortes refufed their
after,jft to the grant, and dire&ed the
Captain General of the Havanna
not to deliver over the provinces,
who had determined to abide by
their inftrucftions. This we under-
Rand to be the fubflance of infor
mation given by a Mr. Arredondo,
the representative of East Florida in
the Spanish Cortes.
A General Order., unsealed, issu
ed by Admiral Cochrane , and direct
ed to Major Nicholls, commanding
the Britiffi troops at Appalachicola,
Bay, informing that officer of the
trinity of peace, was forwarded to
the Executive of this state, lad
week, to expedite its conveyance to
the British Officer. The order is
dated off St. Mary’s (Geo.) where
Admiral Cochrane of course had
Accompanying the defpatch from
Cochrane there was a letter from
Admiral Cockburn addressed to the
Indian Chiefs, advising them to de
sist from further hoftiiities against
fhje United States, and Hating ex
pressly, that the Creek Indians, as
the allies of Great Britain, were
provided for by the treaty; that
they were to be reinstated in all the
polTeffions and privileges they ert-
prior to the fate war, tz that
the BritUh government wotld fee
the article of the treaty in their fa
vor ftri&ly fulfilled.
Our government, however, do
not confider the Creeks included in
the treaty (as they certainly are
not) j and Congrcfs, just before
the end of the feflion, passed a law
appropriating money to defray the
expense of marking the iines of the
territory ceded to us by the Creeks,
and directing also under what reg
ulations the lands ffiall be offered
for sale. Ibid.
Washington, March 16.
Copy of a letter from Brig. Gen. Jas.
Winchester to the Secretary of War,
Mobile, 1 gth Feb. 1815.
SIR—Oa the 3ih in ft. Fort
Bowyer, on M- bile p hr, was in
verted by the lores ot b e enemy
by land and wafer. The roaring
of cannon commenced early in the
morning, and continued, with fliort
intervals, day and night, until the
14th, when the enemy coaled un
til this morning, or was not heard
owing to a strong N. W. wind.—
At 9 o’clock tins morning, , he wea
ther calm, a tremendous tiring of
artillery was agani heard, and con
tinued about one hour, then certfed
or could not be heard on. account
of the wind. lam ami:: formed s
to the ftrengrh of the enemy, but \
it muff be confiderabie. Near, or i
quite, ico iV.ff of vessels, of ail ffi- ‘
zes, were laying rff .Dolphin island j
within Tight of the Fort. On tiffs J
island the enemy has landed a large j
force, as well as. 9:1 Mobile Point, j
I have thrown a detach then: across |
the bay in order to effect adiver
fion of his forces. 1 know not the
result yet, but have sanguine ex- j
peciations 1 ‘.hill succeed. The ,
garriiba of F Bowyer L compo- |
fed of fUrling materials, and will |
only be conquer. .1 by an overwhel
ming force.
Major General -M’fn i.-lh has not
yet arrived, but i.s expected in a few
days ; so is the enemy, ior he can
penetrate the F ; > I (uron with
small vessels and boa sand leave
the fort in his rear. I ara prepared
for him. The troops I have, the
honor to command are in fine spir
its, and Full of military ardor.
I have the honor to be, with !
great respeft, your molt ob\\
J. WIN CHEST ER, brig. gen.
com. E. See yth Mil. Dist. j
The Hon. Sec. of War.
Attack on .Mobile Print, j
The following -s a copv of a let
ter from Judge Toulmin to R IT
Curry, efq. post Maffer at Nalh
vilie, dated
Fort-Stoddert, Feb. 14, 18 ic.
Dear Sir— l’he British attack
ed Mobile Point in great force last
Tuesday. They had 30 vessels,
comprehending 2 or 3 frigates ; a
great number of brigs of war, and
Feveral transports. A heavy firing .
continued on the whole of that and
the next day. It is said that it was
renewed on Saturday morning,-
There are British boars in the bay, •
which renders inteftcourfe between
Mobile and the Point very difficult, ,
if not impracticable. 1200 men
started on Saturday evening to the
relief of Fort Bowyer—the fort at
the Point.
February 15 —at noon.
* Major Blue landed on Sunday
with his force, of about sooo or
1200 men, twelve miles above fort
Bowyer. A heavy firing was heard
on Monday and Tnefday-
Washington, March i.O.
Lt. Col. Lawrence to Gen. Jackson.
Fort Bowyer, Feb. 12, ISIS.
Slß—lmperious neceflity has
compelled me to enter into articles
of capitulation with Maj. Gen John
Lambert, commanding his Britan
nic Majesty’s forces m front of Ft.
Bowyer, a copy of which I forward
you for the purpose of effecting an
immediate exchange of prisoners.
Nothing but the frant of provisions
and finding myfelf completely sur
rounded by thousands—batteries
: erefted on the sand mounds which
completely command the fort—and
the enemy having advanced, by
regular approaches, within thirty
yards of the ditches, and the utter
impofiibility of getting any sup
plies, would have induced me to a- j
dopt this measure. Feeling confi- j
dent, and it being the unanimous (
opinion of the officers, that we
could not retain the post, and that
the lives of many valuable officers
and soldiers would have been ule
lefsly facrificed. I thought it moft
desirable to adopt this plan, A
full and correct tfatement will be
furniflied you as early as possible.
Capt. Chamberlain, who bears
this to E. Livingston, Esq. wiii re
late to him every particular, which
I will, I hope, be fatisfaSory.
I am, with refpeft, your cbcdl- !
ent humble servant, j
Lt. Col. CouAk. |
New-fork, February 27-
Commodore Porter’s fquadrbn
of J fail, vi z. the Spitfire , Firejiy ,
Spark and Torch , brigs and large
fchrs. completely equipped in the ;
. American llyle, are nearly ready
, for lea aft the navy yard, and will ‘
• probably fail the moment the limi
j tation by treaty permits them to
proceed/ j
“When the news of peace reach
ed Sackett’s Harbor, GOO (hip car
pouters were at work upon one
1 (hip of 98 guns, one of 74 guns, 1
frigate of 44 guns! The keels had
1 been laid, and the other work in
Home forwardnefs.
N. 2~. Com. Adv.
Spain. —The royal paper curren- !
cy of Spain is at a depreciation of
63 per cent, and few or no purchaf*
es made at that—fears are enter
tained that marly of the wealthy j
merchants of that kingdom are a- ;
bout so emigrate to the “tranfatlan- j
tic United States of the Hispano A - j
mericans .” £? We are much at a i
loss for certain intelligence of the
Spaniffi provinces in America—but
it seems agreed in Spain that all, or
nearly all of them, have effected
their independence. We hope it
is so.
Naples. —A iaie London paper
fays—“ Murat is recognized king
of Naples by all the European pow
ers, except France and Sicily.—
The pope has also fanctiohed the
title. Ilis title is now Joachim I.
king of Naples. He, on his firft
coronation, called himfelf king of
the two Sicilies.”
My JACK will Hand the Spring \
Season at my Plantaton at the redu
ced price of fix dollars the Season,
and eight dollars the insurance.
Produce will be taken in payment
at the Market price.
March 3d 181 5. A. LIPHAM.
Wanted at this Office.
The fubferiber respeftfully iflE
forms she public, that he has com
menced the above business in this
place—and from his long expm.l
ence, added to his natural
he flatters himself that he can give*
general fatisfa&ion to these that
that may favor him with their cus
tom. All work committed to his
charge fiiall be immediately atten
ded to, and the workmanship not
excelled by any part of the world,
Washington , April 7. [rm iwi 2W
A list of letters remaining in th&~
Post Office, Washington, Geo.
31st March, 1815.
Samuel A Hen, Mtcajah T. An?
thony, Matilda AlHfon.
John Boren, Luther’ A Brown,
Joseph Burks, Francis Billingslea,
Eliza Bradford, Mrs. S. Bond, En
flgn Mondah Bolton, Sami. Bowen.
Wm. Corniffi, Capr. Curry, Jo
seph Callaway, Jacob Corn, Jesse
Cox, Sarah Cole 2, Hon. Superi
or Court.
Lucy Dunaway, John Duglaff..
Revd. L. Evans, John Edwards.
Richard Foftcr 2, John Favours,
John Flint.
Samud Gamage.
Capt. Thomas Hide 4, Michael
Hhdfraan, Capt. Chs. M.Heard,2,
Henry Hindfon, Owen Haliday,
Samuel Joseph, Arthur Jinkins,
John & Viffi Jackson, Mary Josey,
Revd. Wm. Jones, or Mrs. Ann
Mrs. Mary Kimbrough.
Enoch Littleton, Henry Loss,
Thomas Lackey, Greenhill H. Le
vi fa, Miss Sarah W. Lacy, 2.
Lucy Montford, Dabney M ♦
tin, John 11. Mlntoffi, Jesse Ma
lone, Jane Montgomery, William
IVT Gehee.
John Noland, IJenly Nally, Jas.
I Noland, Alexander Pope, John
Poyner, James Perry.
James Ramsey, Fielding Ruck*
j er, Malekiah Reeves, Sarah Reeves,
Michael J. Rudulph, Anderson
Riddel, Miss Nancy Rucker.
MifsF. Shackelford, Robr. Stark,
Andrew Stephens, Amos Sheort,
Capt. P. Stubblefield, Robt. Stam
per Maj. E. Slaton, Joseph Smith,
Mariah Speller.
Nancy Todd, Jordon Taylor,
Purnal Truett, William & John
j Thornton, Agnefs Talbott, Capr.
| R. Tarver Scott & Thompson,
j Capt. Nathaniel Twining.
_ Sami. Wooten, Jos. Wheatly, 2
j Simeon Whitaker, Corporal Wil
lis, Jno. Wilmon.
Post Master.
GEORGIA, 7 By DavidTer-
Vv tikes county. 3 rell, Clerk of the
Court of Ordinary for said county.
WHEREAS John Douglas ap
plies for letters of Administration
on tiie Eftare and EfFe&s of David
Douglas, dec.
These are therefore to cite and
admonifli all and fmgular the kin
dred and creditors of said deceased *
to be and appeal at the next court
of Ordinary to be held in and for
the county aforefaid, to fliew
cause (if any they have) why said
letters Ihould not be granted.
Given under my hand this 4tb
day of April , 1815.
D'AVD. TERREL, c.c.o.
I ODDER wanted’,”
For which 1 Dollar per hun
dred will be given.
Enquire at this Office 1