The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, February 04, 1886, Image 8

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I ( oluiiibia Sent Inch I. V. BALLARD, I Emitom. J. M. ATKINSON, J IfwirM. G». I m ♦. !«*• ' PRICE, fl '»'■ D» ADVANCE IJHTOKIAL NOTES. * public r<*J» iA •!"» county in many place* aro in na«<lof attention. Mr. W. S. Robert*, "t Augusta, baa ,gon<-to New York to etaml biatrial Tbe State A; ii< iiltnral Convention 'will meet in Columbus on the 9th ‘ iust. The <le:itli of Mrn Bayard, wife of S< < retnry Bayard in a bitter diajiemia tioti of Providence There ia no truer saying than that trouble* never come singly. Th- Sparta lahmru ’i’e ih of the opinion that the eipreesion of Hympa thy by the Georgia Legiai dure over the death of Gen. Omni were •‘com mercial tear*." Wo are under obligations to Senator Brown and Representative Balnea (• r the hpei-clu s of the former and Senator Beck on the much agi tated silver question. When the Signal service fails to give notice of the blizzard, coni deal era have learned the art of predicting zero weather, in order to dispose of ti few toon of coni. T’he editor of the Harmony Grove Signal congratulates himself on his 20th birth day that he was able to have a |w>t of pens and a Imo cake of coni blend for dinner. Peck may get along very well and .enjoy it ns long as he has only one bail boy, but when one reaches the point where that number is multi plied by three it is almost beyond en during. Somebody says that a healthy in fant, coning in n crndl . ia n sight that makes angels lean over the battle ments of heaven and gaze longmgiv toward earth. The idea is poetic, but the cold facts ill the case are that life is full of howling discord to the inex pi iiciiced father of colicky twins 1 .veiling N< wa. Now, Bro. News, you hit the nail nqtinr<> an the bend, especially in the lust <I m> of tin above paragraph. Nothing in this wide world is so con vincing a* experience. Stellax illr Flashes. E:,irons SiNTtsr.i.: If.every thought was a pearl of literary value, books would have no ch irms Hid every thought been indicted here which has surged tin nigh my brain, since begimng to write this it would have been a vast amount‘of nonsensical nonsense, born of uureason; destitute in skill, and destructive in tendency. Every converted thought is the essence of r is ui, wisdom and love. Every one surely recollects the adage, viz; •'think twice before speaking once.” In other words, convert your language into something as valuable as you have ability, and you may never expect to boa beneficiary to unwholesome thought The man who is careless of speech, is careless of the i t sponsibili ties pl-ieed.upo’i him bv the Creator. The foregoing thought lends us to siy that a malt is n creator by every word that from his lips, for does he not create an impression upon ins heaver; n fancy that mny live'for time YWe are now prompted to say that carelessness is one ol the forbidden fruits of life, and the man that is careh-ss always pays too dear for his whistle; see a child that is always particular with Ins toys, lus books. etc., and y ou may safely count on him as beingafrugal mamig< r.wlien he is older, see n boy of the opposite disposition and you would not be far wrong in siyiug that a lot of wild oats must be s >wu somewhere. Woe :s he that sows to Ins sorrow ? Life without music is too tame, it is delightful; after several mouths abstinence, to have the pleasure of hearing good music Miss Hattie Kogers is home again, after n protracted visit to Agusta. where we learn she had a pleasant visit. She received a cordial welcome back to the village Misses Annie Joiner and Kate Smith, pupils of Stellaville High School in the past, spent a few days m the village last Week. If they will remain m our midst until next Sun day . we can, with almost a certaiutv. promise them n spiritual feast, and literary treat from the pulpit of th. Rev W. L. Kilpatrick Mr. J. C. Hudson proposes to show his neighbors that there is a truth in the ex tession. the early garden will catch tlie spring chicken by starting this morning to plant Ins garden. We wish huu success on tl.e tish to- morrow ~Eoo” Spring Has Arrived AND THE Time to Plant I GARDEN SEED i IS HERE. I )on’t be induced to plant inferior seed. BUIST’S YOU CAN I Depend On. We guarantee each anti every j paper. Send your orders to G. Barrett & Co., AUGUSTA, GA. Be aure'to plant BUIST’S and you I will never regret it. G. Barrett & Co., AUGUSTA, GA. | CALL OH Henry S. Johnson THOMSON, GA. I Eddystone Guano lie is Sole Agent for McDuffie, Colum bia and Lincoln coun ties. Also Agent for FINEST BRAND; Acid Phosphate. Testimonials: R W Kearney. Middleburg, N. C., say s “I used one ton of Eddystone with seven standard brands on'tobac co. ami like it better than any 1 used, and expect to use it next season." Rev. G<o. A. Rose. Manson, N. C., 1 says I used one ton Eddy ston guano under tobacco, winch gave me perfect satisfaction. In fact, I can truly sav it is the best 1 ever used ” W. J Norwood, Warenton, N. C., ! say - • The Eddystone sold last season, for tobacco, has given universal ’ satisfaction. Some planters sav thsv have never had anything to act so well, will have a good trade for it this year.” Mr. John M. Green, of Atlanta, Ga.. has charge of the sale of this brand ot guano, and will be pleased to communicate with the readers of this ! article, or have them call upon the deniers throughout the south for ths Eddy stone soluble guano, as there is nothing better offered to the entire planting interest, not only for tobacco, ' but for everything raised from the > 'il, in this entire section. UP PT MW mi I ,o: Slaughter of The Innocents AT No. 1, Railroad Street, HARLEM, GA, R. L. LAMKIN Still in Front W ith the biggest announcement of the sea son. He is going to make things lively for the citizens of Columbia. Realizing the power of that commodity generally known as ‘cash." he has determined to sell Goods as Cheap As Augusta or Anywhere Else. / Will keep constantly on hand the following goods, which he guarantees to give satisfac tion : FLOUR, HAMS, SUGAR, MEAL, D. S. SIDES, COFFE, GRITS, LARD, TEA, RICE, SALT, CRACKERS. STARCH, SOAP, SODA, TOBACCO, SEGARS, SNUFF, SYRUP, MOLASSES, CHEESE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, WOODEN WARE CANNED GOODS Dry Goods. Boots, Shoes and Domestics M. B. 8ZA1.1., L A. U IBDKI.LE, J. B. DAVENPORT. Beall & Co., 612 Broad St, Augusta. Ga. I Druggists ABD DEALERS IN Seeds and Paints. \\ E are in position to sell * Drugs, Paints AND SEEDS At Bottom Figures. Lucas Ready Mixed Paints, 32 shades, by gal lon or Lbl. Atlantic Lead, Linseed Oil. Turpentine. Brushes, Kalsomine, Window Glass and Put- . ty. Write to us if you think of Painting. MEN OIMLY A Q JICK, PERMANENT, CERTAIN CURE FOR Lost orFailing Manhood. Nervousness Wea.k2l.eis, Lu ck of Strength, Vigor or Development, Caused by indiacrationfl, oicoasos, eto Benefit* fn a day; Cures usually within a month. No Deception {•or Quackery. Positive Proofs, full description and Wtterof advice tn plain sealed envelope, free. Hie MEDICAL co.. P.O. Drawer ]79. Buffalo, N.Y. Warning ! In consequence of the great success es BARRY’S 4&RWH& malarial M ANTIDOTE in PERMANENTLY CURING iiliSfilfe Chills and Fever —AND— zR{GHTg p T General Malaria! Debility, Spur ious Preparations Have been recently introduced, pur porting to supplant all others. Remember that BARRY’S MALARIAL ANTIDOTE Has been in active demand for the past thirty years, and during the prevalence of Epidemics of Malignant Chills, has saved thousands of valuable lives. BZMEMBKB! That its extraordinary curative and antidotal value has been vouched fer by men not living in the Moon or the Sandwich Islands, but by gentlemen known to you all as Representative Citizens of the highest character. REMEMBER THAT BARRY’S MALARIAL ANTIDOTE Hasnothing illusive or uncertain about it. It is a positive cure for Chillsand Fever, aad aa * Qihng Tome tor Genersl Debility. Auk for it, and take nothing else. Each bottle has my Batture on the label and outside case, and without it must be spurious. Remember, Barrv’s Mal nal Antidote. Prepared only by EDW. BARRY, M. D., Chemist, FANCY HOLIDAY GOODS, A FINE ASSORTMENT OF FANCY POTTERY FROM France, Germany, England and Hungary ner Sete” 3 " 18 Flower Goods ' Be ’’ c l ue Figures, Card Bcceivers, Vases, Salads, Tea Sets »siT>i»- Mso, Plush Goods, Whisk Broom Holders. Wall Pockets, Picture Frames -A.T BOTTOM FRIGES. T. C. BLIGH, ~Yo7bowenY Manufacturer and Dealer In Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Catridges, Fishing .Tackle, Etc. IG2S Broad St., Augusta, Ca. :c: AU work and repair done with neatness and dispatch. TUTTS i?ILLS Y£Aj3S IM USE. uinateit Medictl Triumph of th«A««i symptoms of a torpid liver. LoAAslnpp'. lite. B»v»l«co»tlve,Pal«ta tue hca.i. wi.4 u ‘hill ■cnntlaa la. the ft . I; pari, I’nla uuder tha ehaaldar t.'Ade, i‘alkie.i aftar eallnt, with *dU« inciluntion to exertion of body or Blind, Irrltabilitvur romper, Low •plrlta, with n 1 bis<>f I';■ imu neilocted aome doty, V.'ta. iJlzzJncas, Fiuttorlns Bt the Heart. Data bci'orotlio eyaa, Ueadaeho ofc:- the light ev«> lUaUeaaßOto. with litfal droti«ir.. 111 st Uly colored VrlßO, Bad COMSTIPATION. TUTT S I’iLLJ are especially adapted to such case*, one dose effect# such a chang- nf fee lin ir ’ to asion U U the sufferer. The® Inrreaec the * “K body t > Taka uh P bO-vli* tnue the yioitrifit’c<l« .'*’l Dy t fxc:r Tonic Action on the DiKesli vo Or crone. Ueaalar SKooUare pro:!uc:»L p rii■ n sc. 4 < Tons MaiR.DYE. Gw.iY Hair or XV m«KBBS ehan«ed to B BIvCK by a Simtle application or till. Dvr. It imparta a natural color, nets jnsi'intnueoualy. Sold by DrusffiMa, or «„nt. by esnren on receipt of 81. ©Woo. z'-* '■’urra* St-. Naw York. | Notice to Liquor Deal ers. *. I.L parties interested in the sale of Liqnor .JA. must at once register with the Ordinary, and pay the tax to me, before doing any busi ness. O. HARDY, Tax Collector. School Commissioner's Notice. , rpHE Board nfEducation of Columbia coun | 1 ty, Ga , will meet at Appling, G*., on the | First Wednesday in March next. By ordsr of the Board. The public schools of Columbia county, Ga., must be opened by the first day of April End closed by tbe tii*st day of July next. By order of the Board. This January 4,188 G. J T. SMITH, C. S. C.