The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, June 24, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sentinel. ItBLISHED EVERY THUBSDAY AT HARIffiM AEORGIA. entebed as SECOND-CLASS matter at the POST OFFICE IN HARLEM. OA. THURSDAY, JUNE 24 IS'-fi ThcMX Is to inform you that your subscrip tion is due, and as we need the money, kindly ask all in arrears to come up and give us a helping hand bv paying up their subscription. CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY COUNCIL. J. W. BELL, Mayor. C. W. ARNOLD. W. E. HATCHER. AV. Z. HOLLIDAY. M. FULLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. G.D.DARSEY, Ordinary. O. W. GRAY, Clerk and Treasurer. B. IVEY. Sheriff. O. HARDY, Tax Collector. J. A. GREEN. Tax Receiver. J. C. GOETCHIUS, Coroner. MASONIC. Lodge, No. 27fi FA. M., meets 2d and 4th Saturdays. CHURCHES. Baptist—Services 4th Sunday, Dr. E. R.Cars well. SnndaySehool every Sunday. Superin tendent—Rev. .1. W. Ellington. Methodist —Every 3rd Sunday. Rev. W. E. Shackleford, pastor. Sabbath School every Sunday, H. A. Merry, Supt. Magistrate’s Court, 128th District, G. M., 4tli Saturday. Return day IS days before. AV. B. Roebuck, J. P. A Town Reduced to Ashes. on: mijswr homeless families. Something Further About the Destruction ofVancouvers— The Entire town Destroyed— Meagre of the Disastrous Conflagration. Westminster, B. C., June 15.—Par lies arriving from Vancouver state that at 2:30 yesterday afternoon the wind rose to a gale and caused fires which were burning on the Canadian Pacific railway reserve to spread toward the city. The house on the extreme Avest end caught fire, and the Hames spread' rapidly to the adjacent buildings. At 4 o’clock the last house in the town was in ashes. Harring’s saw mill and the Royal City Planing Mill, being situated on points of land outside the town, were saved. Five persons are reported dead, and sever al others to have been seriously, if not fatally injured. The firm of J. M. Outer & Co. loses $5,000, on which there is an insurance of $2,000. The total loss is estimated at $1,000,000, and the insurance at SIO,OOO. One thousand persons are homeless. It is impossible to obtain further parti culars at present, on account of the wires being down. ONLY THE WORK OF AN HOUR. One short hour did the whole work. The property saved is insignificant. A “clean sweep” defines the situation. A thousand men are at work clearing up the debris for the railroad com pany. Twenty contracts for rebuild ing have already been l't. Many men lost their all, but are determined to start in again. The property loss falls directly on the pioneer element of the new city. Hundreds of people are camped out. There are meagre facilities for the relief of the sufferers, but the people of this city are es pecially open-handed in their efforts to relieve the distress. Prompt aid from the Canadian Pacific Railroad is expected. SCENES AT THE BURNING . Families were compelled to aban don their homes at a moment’s warn ing and flee for their lives. Business men, in search of valuables, were forced to rush through the flames and smoke or perish. The whole populace were panic stricken. A number of persons sought refuge in water. One man was found in a well, where he had lowered himself to escape the flames. Few of the people have more than the clothes they stand in. Os ten bodies recovered only three have been identified. Most of the burned building will be replaced with brick structures. Contracts for a large hotel and other extensive buildings, representing half a million dollars, were let just before the fire. HOW THE FIRE ORIGINATED, All day Sunday there had been a steady wind from the northwest and brush-clearing fires on the Canadian Pacific Railroad lots were fanned to such an extent as to fill the terminal town of Vancouver with smoke. No body had any idea of danger. Shortly after one p. in. several persons began to consider the situation threatening, but the smoke wns so dense that they found it impossible to direct their steps to the exact location of its source. Soon a stable near the Colonial Hotel was seen to be on fire. An alarm was given, but so skeptical were ths people that they paid no attention for some time. The wind by this time had increased to a gale and fanned the flames to a mass of raging fire. Jonesboro, Texas, Dee. 29th, 1883. To Dll. J. H. Me Lean, St. Louis, Mo. —This certifies that my sister, Emily Crews, was taken fifteen years ago with, a breast dis ease in conneetion with menstrual derange ments which produced a severe cough and gcm ral debility, rendering her helpless and unable for any kind of service, and after baf fling the skill of some of our best physicians and using several hundted dollars worth of various medicines on her to no good. Last I procured a bottle of Dr. J. 11. McLean's Homteopathic Liver and Kidney Balm, which at once began to help her, since tlien she has used seven bottles, anil to our joy is restored to good health, is gaining flesh and lias be come strong and able to do her housework, she is entirely relieved of her troubles and we would not be without the medicine under any consideration. W. M Chews. For sale by all druggist. Oleomargarine. Augusta Chronicle: It will be n great day for Democracy when the party of the people and the defenders of the constitution go before the country on oleomargarine. The re forms of the tariff of public expense, of civil service, of an honest adminis tration must go down. These are but idle matters, for the high toned and toploftical class; but the people, that great middle mass, the gristle and gizzard of this broad land, are down on oleomargarine and the rights of the great American cow must be respected. What is oleomargarine to us that we must respect it ? What do we know about oleomargarine, anyhow ? Isn’t it enough to hear is made out of cats and snails and puppy dog tails? Suppose we don’t even know how to pronounce it! Don’t every body know that oleomargarine in summer time can’t preserve the hard “g”? Down with it “g,” hard or soft. The people’s Congress has spoken and the sovereign will must be registered. But do not let the reform stop here. There is another article that must go. We refer of course to Jersey butter. It is a monopoly for the rich—an insult to the poor man and his cow. Everybody knows the Jersey cow is a British innovation. It is a menace to an established American institution. Jersey butter ought to be taxed out of existence. It ought to be colored green, bul letined and boycotted. It is the idien product of the sleek, over-fed autocrats of the foreign meadow. What is to become of the old familiar matted tail, crumpled horn of the American prairie and back street? Down with the Jersey and its British butter. Let the old grazer of the American commons be preserved and protected by national law! Danger! A neglected cold or cough may lead to Pneumonia,Consumption or other fatal di-ease. Strong's Pectoral Pills will cure a cold as bv magic. Best thing for dyspepsia,in digestion, sick headache as thousands testify. EVERYBODY’S Remedy, Old Time Cure OF Horehound AND Marshmallow FOR COUGHS AND LUNG TROUBLES. rriHE most remarkable curative for all pul- J. monary troubles. One dose will sometimes relievo the most troublesome cough -25 c. a bottle. Don’t neglect yourself, but ship that cough in time and take HOREHOUND AND MARSHMALLOW to do it. Beall & Co., 612 Broad St, Augusta, Ga. Ready Mixed Paints The nvint durable an well as the cheapest Paint used, tarda with colors, prices, etc., mailed to those contemplating painting. BEALL & CO., Augusta, Ga. NOT SEARED- BIT Till: HEIRT TIIKOBX OEiTRIE 'IHIIOOB. Sparta, Ga., Sept, 22,1885.- To the Constitution, Atlanta, —Were I to pratice deception in a case like this, 1 would think that my heart had be come seared beyond recognition. To be guilty of bearing false testi mony, thereby imperilling the lives of my fellow-men, would place me beneath the dignity of a gentleman. The facts which I disclose are en dorsed and vouchtd for by the com munity in which I live, and I trust they mai avert the influence intend ed. For twenty long years I have suffered untold tortures from a terri ble pain ami weakness in the small of my back, which resisted all modesand manner of treatment. For a long time the horrifying pangs of an eating cancer of my lower lip has added to my misery and suffering. This encroaching, burning and painful sore on my lip was pro nounced Epithelial Cancer by the prominent physicians in this section, which stubbornly resisted the best medical talent. About eighteen months ago a cutting, piercing pain located in my breast, which could not be allayed by the ust of ordinary inodes of treatment. These sufferings of misery and prostrations became so great that, on the 18th of last J uly, a leading physi cian said that I could not live longer than four days, and 1 had about given up in despair. The burning and ex cruciating ravages of the cancer, the painful condition of my back and breast, and the rapid prostration of my whole system combined to make me a mere wreck of former manhood. While thus seemingly suspended on a thread between lite and death, I commenced the use of B. B. 8., the grandest blood medicine, to me and my household, ev r used. The effec.t was wonderful—it was magical. The excruciating pains which had tormented me by day and by night for twenty years were soon held in abeyance, and peace and comfort were restore I to a suffering man, the cancer commenced healing, strength was imparted to my feeble frame, and when eight bottles had been used I was one of the happiest of men, and felt about as well as I ever did. All pain had vanished, the cancer on my lip healed, and I was pronounc ed cured. To those who are afflict ed, and need a blood remedy, I urge the use of B. B. B. as a wonderfully effective, speedy and cheap blood purifier. Allen Grant. Sparta, Ga., September 22, 1885. I saw Mr. Allen Grant, when lie was suffering with epithelial cancer of under lip, and after using the B. B. B. medicine, as staled above, I find him now almost if not perfectly cured. Signed, J. T. Andrews, M. D. Sparta, Ga , September 22, 1885. We take pleasure in certifying to the truth of the above statement, having supplied the patient with the Blood Balm. Signed, Rozier & Vardeman, Drug gists. Sparta, Ga., September 22, 1885. I often saw Mr. Allen Grant when suffering from epithelioma, and from the extent of the cancer thought he would soon die. Ho now appears perfectly well, and I consider it a most wonderful cure. Signed, 11. H. Lewis, Ordinary. A Book of Wonders Free All who desire full information about the cause and cure of Blood Poisons, Scrofula and Scrofulous Swellings, Ulcers, Sores,Rheumatism, Kidney Complaints, Catarrh, etc., can secure by mail, free, a copy of our 32 page Illustrated Book of Wonders, filled with the most wonderful and startling proof ever before known. Address. BLOOD BALM CO, Atlanta, Ga., For sale at the Drug Store of Dr. D. L. Peeples, Harlem Ga. aug-27 GLOBE HOTEL BAIIBER SHOP Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing done in the neutewt and most Hcientific manner by McINTOSH A ROBERTS. Hotand cold bath. Give uh a call. Polite attention. THIS PAPER EST NewspajM-r Advertising Bureau (10 Spruce St.), where advertising f flf HEW YUKK. FOR THE FINEST Spring and Summer Clothing G-O TO i. c, irrrs. HIS Stock thin Mcason i« iinequaled in the State. AH Wool Suit* from 15 up. Young men, old men, tall men. boys, children. Come all, for you can be fitted. A firftt-cIaHH Tailor in the store to make any alteration desired free of charge. I. C. LEVY 83G BROAD STREET Home Council. We take pleasure in calling your attent.on to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely through the critic.d stage of teething. It isnn incalculable blessing to mother and child. If you are disturbed nt night with a sick, fietful, teething child, use Pitts' Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the Dowels, and make teething safe and easy, it will cure Dysentery and Diiirrhu-a. Pitts' Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolieing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents |er bottle- Sold by druggists. For sale at Holliday’s Drug Store Harlem, Ga., and by W. J. Heggie, of Grovetown. Burial Outfits. We have in stuck a large lot of all stylos o ROSEWOOD AND WALNUT Cases and Caskets. White Marbleized Cases for infants landchil dren ol elegant st\ les, with glass full ength. Besides thou , we have a full stock of Coitins of imitation <>l line wood, which are very hand* some and cheap. We also have a full lino of Dressing Material for inside,and Ornamental Plates, etc. We arc prepared to sell these goods as low as any Un dertaker in the State, and parties wanting such goods will find it to their interest to try ns be fore going clrtewhere. J. F. Hatcher & Co., HARLEM, GA. Augusta, Gibconi; Sandersville R- K Avgusta, G. and S. Railroad, ) Augusta, Ga., Due. 10,’85. f In effect Sunday, Docember 11, 1885, at 5 p. m: Except Snndhys- Passengers and Freight. No. 1 a. m. I No. 2 A. M. Leave Gibson 5.03 I Lv.Augusta ,6:28 “ Stapleton. .5:45 | “ Westeria. ..7:02 “ Pope 6:00 | “ Gracewood 7:23 “ Matthews.. 6:15 | “ Richmond. 7:36 “ Smith 6:23 | “ Hephzibah K;08 “ Keys 6.35 | “ Bath 832 “ Burke 6.50 1 “ Burke 856 “ Bath 7:05 | “ Keys 920 “ Hephzibah. 7:17 | “ Smith 938 “ Richmond...7:37 | “ Matthews.. 950 “ Gracewood .7:47.| “ Pope. . .... 10 14 “ Westeria.. .8:03 | “ Stapleton .10 38 Arrive Augusta. .8:30 Arrive Gibson.... 11 38 No. 3. P M. I No 4 P. M. Leave. Gibson . . .1:45 | Leave. Augusta. . .5 00 “ Stapleton.. .2 47 | “ Westeria. .5 27 “ Pope 211 | “ Gracewood.s 42 “ Matthews.. .3 36 | “ Richmond .5 52 “ Smith 348 1 “ Hephzibah .6 12 “ Keys 404 | “ Bath 624 Bnike 430 1 “ Burke 639 “ Bath 454 | “ Keys 654 “ Hephzibah.s 18 | “ Smith .. ... .7 09 “ Richmond .5 53 ( “ Matthews.. .7 17 “ Gracewood. 605 | “ Pope 732 Westeria .6 20! “ Stapleton... 747 Arrive. Augusta. 6 47 | Arrive Gibson 8 20 SUNDAYS—PASSENGERS ONLY. No. 1 A. M. I No. 2 A. M Leave Gibson.... 6.10 | Leave Augusta.. ..8 00 “ Stapleton . .6.53 | “ Westeria.. .8:27 “ Pope.. . ...7.08 1 “ Gracewood.B:42 “ Matthews. . .7.23 I “ Richmond. .8:52 “ Smith 7.31 | “ Hephzibah .9:12 “ Revs 7:46 1 “ Bath 9.21 “ Burke 8:02 | “ Burke 9.40 “ Bath 8:17 | “ Keys 9.55 “ Hephzibah. .8.321 “ Smtth 10.10 “ Richmond.. .8.53 | “ Mathews..lo.l7 “ Gracewood. .9.03 I “ Popo 10’32 u Westeria 9:18 | “ Stapleton . 10.47 Arrive Augusta 9.45 1 Arrive Gibson.. .11 29 No. 3 p. m. i No. 4 p. m. Leavve Gibson.. .3.20 I Leave Augusta.. .3.00 “ Stapleton. .4.03 j “ Westeria.. 3:27 Pope 4.18 | “ Gracewood..3:42 ’ ‘Matthews. .4’33 | “ Richmond. .3:52 “ Smith 4.41| “ Hephzibah 4:12 “ Kevs 4:56 | “ Bath 4:24 “ Burke 5:11 | “ Burke 540 Bath 526 | “ Keys 4:55 “ Hephzibah. 5:38 | “ Smith 5:10 “ Richmond..s:sß | “ Matthews. .5:18 “ Gracewood.6:oß | “ Pope 5:33 “ Westeria .6:231 “ Stapleton. .5:47 Arrive Augusta.. .6:50 Arrive Gibson 6:30 R. M. MITCHELL, President, Special Notice. ALL parties indebted tome for medical service are requested to come forward and settle at once, cither by note or the cash or they will find their accounts-in an attorney’s hands. janll A. J Sanders. M. D. OSBORNE’S CORLEGIS, A ugUMtu One of the moatcono plete ln«titutioua in the Houth. ReidGooda; Reni College Currency. Many graduates in good paying poKitioiiE. Full course, 4month«. Send tor circular. A Life Experience. Remarkable and Quick cures. Trial Packages. Send stamp for sealed particulars. Address Dr. WARD & CO. Louisiana, Mo. Surveyor’s Notice. Parties desiring Surveying done can secure my services by addressing me at Harlem Ga. J R. R. HATCHER, County Surveyor. AUGUSTE GUIEN PROPRIETOR FLORAL NURSERY, I NG 1183 BROAD STREEP, - ... AUGUSTA, ul ——— ,o Roquets, Wreaths, Crosses, Horse Shoes! MARRIAGE BELLS, CUT FLOWERS, Etc. At nil seasons Give mo a call when von come to the city. AUGUSTE GUIEN. Owners of Water Power! Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Burnham Water Wheel| For Georgia ami South Carolina, I ain prepared to ofleil WjP'jlll.fflMy'ipeciiil inducements to parties wishing to put in water wheelal I am also prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, new or re-f Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BOOKS, SASH & BLINDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta. Ga. ■■■■ - 1 1 11 Day & Tannahill, HEADQUARTERS FOR Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Findings BELTING. * The Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. ■ i —■ UD" Tidings of Comfort and Joy To those who have been wrenched and jerked about by so-called road carts. We now offer you the most delightful vehicle, with FINEST wheels and ax km fur $35.00. Try one and save y<mr health. Every man who owns a bors<-, or wishes to train a eolt, should have one, as the price is within the reach of ull. DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AUGUSTA GA. W. D. BOWENJ Manufacturer and Dealer In Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Catridges, F ishing Tackle, Etc. 1028 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Al 1 work and repair done with neatness and dispatch. Globe Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. J. W. Gray, Proprietor. In clo.l'Proximity to Open Hou.o, 1« R griph Oilier ~ F.xpr... Office, Toet Office. ot> the Principal Rotail e«|iiare of the City. Ratee according to location of room. Care pmsn the Hotel every ten miuutce.