The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, September 16, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sentinel. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HARLEM OEORC.TA. ENTERED AS BEOOXD-CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IS HARLEM. OA. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 18s6 TIuRnIX Is to inform yon that your snbscrip tion is d ue > an as we nee< l th* tnonev, kindly ask all in arrears to eome up and give us a helping hand bv paying up their subscription. CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY " -- • CITY COUNCIL. J W. BELT.. Mayor. C. W. ARNOT.n. W. E. HATCHER. W. 7. HOLLIDAY. M. FULLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. G.D.DARSEY. Ordinary. O. W. GRAY, Clark and Treasurer. B IVEY. Sheriff. O. HARDY. Tax Collector. J. A. GREEN. Tax Receiver. J. C. GOETCHIUS. Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge, No. 276 F. A. M., meets 2d and *th Saturdays. CHURCHES. Baptist—Services 4th Sunday, Dr. E. R. Cars W ell r Sunday School every Sunday. Superin tend'ent-Rov. J. W. Ellington. Methodist— Every 3rd Sunday. Rev. W. E. Shackleford, pastor. Sabbath School every Snndav, H. A. Merry, Supt. Magistrate’s Court, 128th District, G. M., 4th K»turdav. Return day 15 davs before. W. B. Roebuck. J. P. Paul 11. Hayne. Atlanta Constitution,May 27th, 1886: Paul H. Hayne ? How often had I read that name in old print, and how often had I felt that indescriable emotion as I read the words of fire that felt like molten gold from his nervous hand. And yet when I met him I was taken aback. Not that I was disappointed —far from it It was not a disappointment, but a sort of surprise. You see I have become so accustomed to building up a fine ideal, from hearsay, and then on com ing face to face with my ideal, find ing it cold clay, that I have fortified myself against such surprises. Paul Hayne, from hearsay, was so im measurably superior, that I naturally expected to find Paul Hayne, in every day life, a very common individual, with indifferent manners, and a make up after the dull manner of common place humanity. But the Paul Hayne of fancy was surpassed by the real flesh and blood. Paul Hayne, the sweetest songster of our own Sunny South ! In every line, curve and angle of his make-up I seemed to discern something different from what one daily jostles against in the business of bread winning. In short, the man was everything that the productions of his master hand would indicate. Were you to see him walking along the street amid a I throng of ordinary mortals you would I take a second look, or pause and i whisper to yourself: “He is more like a walking, breathing soul, with the merest gauze of mortality shining in vain to hide bis spirituality, than any man I ever met.” Os slight build and a figure the medium height, he stands straight as an arrow, and every gesture and motion is a poem in itself. He is poetry personified, the beau ideal of the genius of song. The smooth, rather pale face, clean shaved, except the bristly mustache of mingled gray and brown, is lit up by a pair of brown eyes that gleam with the light of geniality. The broad and full veined forehead, betokening a highly cultivated degree of natural intellect uality, is crowned by a closely crop ped head of grizzled hair. The nervous hand is conspicuous for the large number of prominent pulsating veins, denoting the fire that burns within that heart, where all that is noble, good and beautiful sits en throned. He is not effeminate. Oh, no! Not in the least effeminate. He is a man, strong of brain and with a brave heart, ever ready to stretch forth a hand to the unfortunate— pure, manly and unselfish. Perhaps physical debility helped to make him more spiritual in his appearance when I met him, but I imagine he is just the sort of man to tread the thorny path of life courageously, preserving at all times and under all circum stances the strong and telling features of his individuality. He does not appear to be ever diffident, neither is he overbearing in his claims. He is simply Paul Hayne, the poet, and there is the end of it But I never realized what the man was until I heard his voice. I confess to be wonderfully susceptible to the persuasive tones of the soften sex, but i men’s voices generally have little i effect, on mo. But when I’ HayhO spoke, I recognized the voice of a; I master. Soft as the Summer breezes that whisper among the pine boughs, , and as well modulated as the sooth* ! ing cadence of rippling waters, it is a voice whese accents could only be regulated by a soul well tuned to the beautiful and the good. It is captiv ating, and ore can afford to listen, just for the sake of the voice when Paul Hayne speaks. Like the distant mean of the breakers on some shining strand, or tiiejmystic a sum mer night, is the voice of our poet laureate. Without commanding, he enlists the sympathies of his audience, and magic influence of that wonderful Oue 1 v s Paul Ila ne at first sight, just simply because he cannot help it. He is so pure, so unselfish in every word and act. that a soul would have to be doubly case-harden ed that would not yield to his un ostentations influence. No flourish or grandiloquent manner markes his appearance before an audience, but a simple dignity, and quiet self possess ion that puts all at ease. We forget that we are in the presence of the sweetest psalmist of our sunny land as we listen to the heart-felt express ion of his rhythmic lay. Paul Hayne is a poet. In every fibre of his being the spirit of poesy, pure and unde filed, holds sway. They say he is fifty six years old. Time has dealt kindly with him if this be true. His soul is an offshoot of the fiery Caroli nian spirit, which has invigorated the hearts, arms and tongues of some of the grandest men the world ever saw. But he has been so long a Georgian that we must claim our share in the fruit of the Carolina spirit engrafted o:i the nobility of Georgia manhood: and while we devide the honors with our favored sister State, we still claim the mature Paul Hayne as our very own. I fvar that it will be many and many a year that Georgia soil will be able to boast of another such singer as Paul H. Hayne. M M. F. Macon. Ga. Sick Headache, a sensation of oppression and dullness in the head, are very commonly produced by indigestion; morbid despondency, irritdbility and over sensitiveness of the nerves may,a in a majority of cases, be traced to the s; mo cause. Dr. J. H. McLean’s Homeopathic Liver and Kidney Balm and Billets will posi tively cure. For sale by all druggist. I MACHINERY! Engines iSTEIM & WATER! Boilers I'ipcA Fitting! Saw Mills Briiss Valve t Grist. Mill>~~SAWS~"| Cotton Presses i Shafting p j ec t°rs | "Pulleys"' Pumps J "Hangers Water Wliiels I Jotton Gins C astings Gearing Brass & Iron A Full Stock of Supplies flieap and good. Belting, Packing and Oil At Bottom Prices" AND IN STOCK FOR Prompt Delivery. Gf-y*Repairs promptly done.“YjiSa GEO R. LOMBARD A Co",' Fcnmlry, Machine anil Boiler Works, AiH'iintii. Ga.. above I’assenu'er Depot. * Is the Celebrated * Adjustable Reclining ant Folding nnnm with over FIFTY Change# l.nUln OF POBITION - Unjlll| Mere than IC.OOO no? h Uni A LUXURY 'Cx THAT Vjggfk SHOULD BE IN EVERY HOUSE. SF THINK OF IT! A PARLOR, LIBRARY. SMOKING, RECLINING OR INVALID CHAIR. LOUNGE. FULL LENGTH BED, and CHILD’S CRIB. Combined, and Adjustable to any Position requisite for Comfort or Convenience. Send at once tor one of our Catalogues. TflE COMPLY, | • 930 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. H.H. P. J > Try it once and you will be pleased. Read and be con vinced. What Maj. Wilkins Has to Say : Mr. XV. IT. Barrett —After faithfully trying - your 11. 11. P. on myself and as a family medi cine, I pronounce it. for the cure of headache, indigestion, constipation, and all diseases proceeding from a disordered liver, one of the best medicines I have ever used. Hamilton Wilkins, Road Master (la. li. R. For sale by Dr W. Z. Holliday. Do You Expect TO FAIWT t Read this—it may save yon money. Paint your property with ' Ready Mixed Paints This i« no new paint in these parte—we have hoM in the past live or six yearn thousands of gallons of it. Some of the nicest residences in this city and surrounding country are painted with it. We refer to the pr operty, it stands an its own advertisement. Will give names of parties who have used this paint and property painted when you call. We WA CIIANT (anil understand our warrant means Homething) LUCAS’ HEADY MIXED PAINT. It will not crack, chalk off, peel or blister—this makes it a perfect paint. Thirty two shades. We carry twenty shades and White. One gallon covers 200 square feet—2 coats. Here the prices. Ail ordinary shades, in 1 gallon cans, single gal lon. $175 ; 10 gallon lots, in gallon cans, ?1 45; in bulk, half bbls, end bble„ $135 gallon. Come and see, BEALL A CO., 612 Broad Street. Special Notice. A LLparties indebted tome for medical service are requested to come forward and settle at once, either by note or the cash or they will find their accounts in an attorney’s hands. janll A. J Sanders M. D. Spring Millinery. New and Beautiful Goods. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK respectfully informs the Ladies that her Spring opening wi 1 be held on Wednesday and Thursday, April 14th and 15th, to which she invites the specii 1 attention of every lady in Augusta and vicinity. Her present styles and assortments hav o never before Deen equaled. MRS. N. BRUM CLARK. F. L. FULLER. M. B. HATCHER. RICHARD SUMMERALL FULLER, HATCHER & CO., (Successors to Young, Huck A Co.) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCR RS, 901 BROAD ST., AUGUSTA, GA. HAVING purchased the interest of Young A Hack, we propose to offer to the trade a full line of carefully selected Groceries and Plantation Supplies, At Lowest market prices. All business with ns will receive prompt attention. FULLER, HATCHER & CO. H: N. REID, DEALER IN IMPROVED MACHINERY, With the following as specialties : - _ JL iiw-i Mr* urtu j uf stable curved seed board. f 2nd Monarch Bailing Pre##. Best hand press in the w< rld. 3rd. Improved Engines and Saw Milla The Standard Boiler Feeder, IB! only one handle to operate. Is the ■jl P rac tical graded machine in the ■J IjiTwMF market. Hmm Call and see me, at 738 Reynolds St, Augusta, Ga. Home Council We take pleasure in calling your attention to a remedy so long needed ;in carrying children safely through i the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and ! child. If you are disturbed at night ■ with a sick, fretful, teething child, use ; Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the Dowels, nnd make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery and Diarrhea. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di gestion, give tone and energy to the ■ stomach and bowels. The siek, puny, suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and onb - n ost« cents ;er bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale ui Holliday’s Drug Store and Poeple’s Drug Store.Harlem,Ga., and by W. J Heggie, of Grovelown. H. H. P. What the Matron of The Augusta Orphan Asy lum Has To Say: Augusta, Ga., April 3, 1884. Mr. W. H. Barrett: Dear Sir—Af ter using your Hill’s Hepatic Panacea for two years in the Augusta Orphan Asylum. I cheerfully rec ommend it as one of the best medi cines I have ever used for indigestion, headaches, and all diseases arising from a disordered liver. It has been of great benefit to the children, al ways affording prompt relief. A. E. McKinne, Matron Augusta Orphan Asylum G. Barrett & Co., PROPRIETORS Gilder’s Liver Pills, AUGUSTA, GA. For sale by Dr. W. Z. Holliday. GLOBE HOTEL BARBER SHOP- Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing done in tlie neatest and most Hcientitic manner by Mclntosh a Roberts. Hot and void bath. Give uh a cull. Polite attention. Day & Tannahill, / A \ •< A * y' I ***] \ J/ x /- y ' ■ HEADQUARTERS FOB Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Finding ZBuELTITTGh. The Finest and most varied assortment ol Children’s Car riages ever brought to the City, at all prices. • !O’—— Tidings of Comfort and Joy To those who have been wrenched nnd Jerked about by so-called road carte. We now offer vob the most delightful vehicle, with FINEST wheels and axles for $35.00. Try one and save your health. Every num who owns a horse, or wishes to train a coll, should have one, as the price is within the reach of all. DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AUGUSTA GA. W. D. BOWEN, Manufacturer and Dealer In Guns, Pistols, Powder, Shot, Caps, Catridges, Fishing Tackle, Etc. 1028 iißroad St., Augusta, Ca. All work anddrepa done with neatness and dispatch. WATCHESI DIAMONDS I JEWELRY'. Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia. TTAVINO purehawul F. A lIItAHE’H ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY nnd c.mwlfd.t.d i "!»• < h gnnt stock formerly curried by me at my old stand under the Central Hotel 1 now otter at reduced iihcd k tin* handsomest stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Ac., ever oeea in this city, at my NEW Hl OBE, Corner Broad nnd Seventh Btrecte, and familiarly known aa '‘Brahes Corner. Mr. BRAHE will remain with mo, and will be pleased to see bis friends. WILLIAM SCIIWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Owners of Water Power. fit Having secured the Agency for the celebrated ILa Burnham Water Wheel Georgia ami South Carolina, I am prepared to offer Wmliel I inducements to parties wishing to put in water wheels, t 1^— tF|tl “ ulho P n T ,are< l to do any kind of Mill Work, new or r»i pair. Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, GA, JESSE THOMPSON & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF DOORS, SASH & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, * Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware,, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near (’mitral Railroad Yard, Augusta, Ga Till-: MARKHAM. BEST HOTEL IN o THE » SOUTH I Quiet, Dignified, Homelike. Best Atten tion. Magnificent Table. Reasonable Rates..