The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 02, 1886, Image 4

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AN ACCURSED SPOT. Washington Chronicle: On the road from Americus to Vienna, Ga., is one of the richest lands in the world. Vegetation grows rich and rank, while the great wreaths of moss hanging from the wide spreading oaks look like bridal veils. This renders all the more remarkable a spot of about 100 yards square by a turn of the road, just three miles out of Vienna. Upon this spot not a bpde of grass has been known to sprout in years. In its center atar.ds a giant oak, which has lost its verdure, an I is n>w shaken from its roots by the wind. Ten years ago two little white girls, the daughters of a farmer were on their way one morning to school in Vienna. They never reached the school room, which caused no alarm, as the teacher supposed they had been kept al home. But when the children failed to return home at the accustomed hour then! was great alarm. It was sunset when the father returned from his Helds, and the night was intensely dark, with a drenching rainfall. Taking a lantern to guide his steps the father proceeded on the way to Vienna. When he reached the head of the road a flash of the light fell across a pale and vivid face. He approached ami found that it was one of his daughter*— lying dead. A low moan fell upon his ears. Proceeding to the spot whence it came, he found the other daughter hound and gagged, and tied to the oak tiee. She was wild with delirium but enough could be gathered to know that a worse crime had preceded the murder. The girl is still a hopeless maniac. The news erented intense excitement. Men left their fields, vowing that until the perpetrator of the deed was caught they would not return to the plow han dles. Circumstances gathered around a young negro in the neighborhmxl until they glow into conviction, made a fact by the culprits confession. He was taken to the spot, bound and gagged, and thrown into a blazing fire which had been built on the scene of the crime. Since that time the spot has been deemed to he accursed. Nick Hf.adaciif., a arnaation of opprvNiioii and duliiHHM nt tht> head, art- v< t v commonly produced by in digestion; morbid Jc»*|»‘»ii<lrncy. Irri Ul bi If ty and over *vtimtiv<*uv*M of the iirrvin may,a in a in.ijontv <»t be traced tx> the aame oatiiu*. l»r. J )i. Mulxmiii'm l|<>niaH)p«tbic liver and Kidu<y Balm and PHI* t* will tpoai tiv<dy cure Fur aa if by all uruggiat. COURTSHIP IN GEORGIA When a Georgia farmer found out that his son John was spark-4 ing a certain farmer's daughter for a year or more without settling any question, he called him out behind the stack and said to him : •John, do you love Susan Tucker ?’ “1 guess I do, dad.” And does she love you ?” •‘That’s what 1 duuno, and I am afraid to ask her.” ••Well, you’d better throw out a few hints to-night and find out. it's no use wearing out boot leather unless you are going to marry her.” That night nt 10 o’clock John came home a wreck His face was all scratched up, his ear was bleeding, his hat was gone, and his back was covered with mud. ••John ! John ! what on earth is the matter?" exclaimed the old man, laying down the paper. “Bin over to Tucker’s,” was the reply. And—and—and I threw out u tew hints to Susan.” “What kind o| hints?" “Why, I told her !‘J I. e i ho ti is j i* tw > miles four .iigu.'«>. a week tor the last two years Io set up with her while she chewed gum and sung through her nos ~ nd n<>« 1 reckoned it w. s for her to -brush her teeth uuj darn her stockings, • cure the bile on her chin and tell the people were engaged..’ “And her father bounced you?" “No dad, no; there’s where I'm consoled. It took the whole family, including Susan, two hired men and three dogs, ami then I wasn’t mor’n half licked. I guess we moved on ’em too soon dad—l goers it wasn't quite time to throw out hints.” J<»tH Teinn, 1 ec. 29th, 1885. To bn J H. McLrml Nt. Ixmiw* M». I hjw cr rtim-H that my nfau-r, E.nily Crew* wmt taken fift« *»i year* ago with, a br<iwt di**- ca*<- in <;•»nnectn»n with men*tru*l derange ment* which produr* -I a never** cough and general debility, r» nd* ring h< r help)*** and unald- for any kind of nervire, and »fb r baf fling th*• nkiH of norne of our beat phydetail* ano uxiug never*! bundled dollar** worth of varioiin medicine* on her V* no good. L i“t June 1 procured a bottle of Dr. J. H. Mclx‘«n " |{oin<eo|mUiic Liver and Kidney Balm, which at one*- In gun to h* ip her, »*incv then »«hu ha* | uwed aeven iM'ftlcß, an<l to our j«»v fa rmtored good health, im gaining fIcHD and hat* be come Mtr*>ng and abb to do nor hotinework, ahe in ontir* ly r* li« ved of her troubles and w< would not be without the medicine under any i oonaidcration. W. M CftKWM. For aale by all dmggfat. A man violates the laws of honor when he tuKc's advantage of another's unskillfulness or inexperience, or the technicalities of the law to impose on him. A man acts dishonorably when he does not make sacrifices to pay his debts promptly; when he attempts to raise th« market price on i another buyer; when he sells be low the market price to get away ; his neighbors customers; when he! is unmindful of favors ; when he does not allow his clerks and dependents to share in his pros perity, ami in all cases when he does acts which, if thoroughly understood, would tend to lower Inin in the estimation of his custo mers or any good man.—Dry Goods Chronicle. Far better than the ha rah treatment of medicine* which horribly gripe the path nt ai d ihntroy the coating of the nlomuch. Dr. J. 11 Mclx-iii'ii Chill** and I*-v* r ('ure by mild yet et- ( cctivcur tuui will cure. Sold at 50 cent** a bottle For nalc bv all druggfat. A Nashville special says : “Mr, Sam Small, Georgia evangelist, is in this city making arrangements to assume the <lnti s of com missioner of education for the colored race in the South. At the session of the Southern Methodist General Conference, held in thi eily 4 years ago, a plan was inaugurated for the establishment of a school at Augusta, Ga., foi the education of the colored preachers ami teachers. Since that time Rev. W. C. Dunlap has been commissioner of education, and he is now here with Mr. Small to gel the trustees and the senior bishop to transfer the office to Mr. Small.” Di ring wmt* r the blood g**t* thick and Ring gimh. now in the time to purity it, to build up y*»ur nv *t-*‘in Mild tit yournelf tor hard work, bv uaing Dr. J. 11. M l.f tu N Strengthening Cor dial and Bl'hxl hirm r. Fur itale bv all drug it. 'WHAT CORN BEER WILL DO. Washington Chtonicle: Meet ing an old friend the other day. | our conversation turned upon ' alcoholic stimulants, and the ! gentleman remarked. “There are oilier things besides corn juice that will make anybody drunk. I had a lot of corn beer not a great while ago, that had become too! hard for either myself or the box to drink, and I concluded to give it to an old sow that 1 had put up to fatten. When 1 poured it into the i trough, it seemed that she would hurt herself, and when I went to the pen in about 2 hours again she ! was blind drunk. She could grunt and roll her eyes, but could not stand alone. 1 went back again in about an hour, and I tell you that hog was reeling alxmt like a man that had been on a big spree. Tell me that corn lieer won't make a man drunk. 1 know better." Si. k h< aJ*eh< , in th* bane of many live* lint antiuviup eompaiut may be cured and Dievcnied by the ikvanu’Ual übc Dr. J. H. MvU-aii'»» ikuu«iM*p.nhic I4wr and Ki dm \ Ihlktf*, they arc to take no larger than a ptu bead, and aiv the ladiea* tavuritt h»r bii loUMuvHix, bad ta»l< in div n* •nth, jaunj fvi leucorrh* a and painful nu UNtruativn. For aata by all druggiNl. BLOOD AND MONEY. Th© blood of man haa mneh to do in shaping hi* actiofiM during bin pilgrimage through thia tr<*nl»le*w)rne world, n-gardlcHH of the amount oi pr* «* nt or expectant money in pocket or Mtor* d away in bank. It In a ronc*-d< d fact that we appear aa our blood make* hr, and the ; purer the blood, the happier, healthier, pr<*t tier ami wfaer we are; hence the oft r< peab d ’ interrogatory, ’‘how ia your bk>od ?” With pnre atreama’of lift-giving fluid couraing through our veina, l*ounding through our heart* and ploughing through our phyMieal frame*, our moral* l*ecome better, our conatitution Rtr* rtg* r, our intellectual farulth a more acute ; and grand* r, am! men, women ami children 1 happier, healthier ami more lovely. The unprecedented demand, the unparallel ed cnrativ*- powera, and the unmistakable I pr*H»f from th**** of unimpeachable character and integrity, point with an un* rriug finger to iB.B. B. Botanic Blood Bahn a * far the beat, th<- «*h<*a|M-Ht, th**’*piick*-Mt ami the grami- •*t Mini moat pow» tful blood remedy ever Iw fore known to mortal man, in the relief ami po«itiv< cure *»f Scrofula. Kh(mmati*rn, Hgin <l!N*-a*«» •», all taint** of blood poiaon. Kidney i rx*mpl iintH, old ulcera and notch, cancer*, cattarrb, etc. B. B. B. i* only al>*>’it three years old- a baby in ag»-, a giant in power but no remedy in America can make or ever ha* made auch a womb rful allowing in ita magical power* in cniiiig ami entirely eradicating the above • • mplaintH, ami gigantic *al< ** in the face of frenzied opp «ition ami would-be moneyed monopoliMt*. Ixitt* r* from all point* where introduced are pouring in U|M)ii uh, rjh aking in it* loudewt praiiie. Some *ay they receive more benefit from one t»*>ttl*- of B. B. B. than they have from twenty, thirty and fiftv and even one hundred bottle* of a )*oa*tea <!*•<•• adioii of inert ami non-medicinal root* and branche* of common foreat tree*. We h »ld the proof in black and white, and we also hold the fort. All who de*ire full information about the i*au*e ami cure <>f Blood Poi*<»n*, Scrofula ami bcrofnbm* Sw< Bing*. Vlcera, Sore*, Bhenma ti*m, Kidney Complaint*, Catarrh, * tr.., can t eriire by mail, free, a copy of onr 32-page IlhiHtrated B*»«».k of Wonder*, tilled with the most womb-rful and startling proof ever before known Addrea*, BLOOD BALM CO., Atlanta, Ga. To Rdil 'Two fiflds, both partly within the limits of Harlem, known as the Powell Ai Hni ly ami the Murray fields, 27 bales of cotton were made on the former last year. Apply at this office. Reference. F. H. Powell and Oliver Hu ly. NOTICE. ““ Notice i* hereby given, that an application will b<- mad l t-» the next Legi*lature of the State of Georgia to pa** an act to repeal the act panned at the la*t *cß*ion of th** Georgia Legiwlature prohibiting Stock from running at large in the ('minty of Coltunbia. Columbia County, Oct. !**th. 1M8C». Notice I [will be at the places named below for the purpon » of collecting State and county tax ** due for the year 188(5; FIRHT ROUND. At Dr. J. T. Smith’*, Di*t. No. 1, October 7th Smith’** old place, “ “ 2, “ Bth. . Luke’n Store, “ “ 3, “ 11th. Dunn’n ('bajmcl, “ 4, “ 12th. Mr*. I'. G. Morrow’*, “ 8, “ 14th Appling, “ “ 5, “ 9th. Grovetown, “ “ 6, “ 13th. RECOND ROUND. \t Dr. .1. T. Smith’*, Dint: No. 1, October 19th Smith’* old place, “ “ 2, *• 20th Luk.-’n Store, “ “ 3, “ 22ml Dunn** ( happel, “ “ 4, “ 23rd Mr*. P. G. Morrow’s, “ “ 8, “ 2fith Appling, “ “ 5, “ 27th Grovetown, “ “ 7, “ 30th THIRD ROUND. At Dr. J. T. Smith’*, Di*t: No. 1, November Btli Smith’* old place, “ “ “ 2, “ 9t h Luke’* Store, “ “ “ 3. “ 11th Dunn * (’happel, “ “ “ 4, “ 12th Brown’* *>ld Strain Mill, “ “ (», “ (sth Mr*. P. G. Morrow’s 4 * “ “ 8, “ Kith (»rov< town, “ “ “ 7, “ 20’h Appling, “ “ “ 5, Dre. 7th Winch i* the la-t div t>, pay to me, aftet vhirh time ti fa*, w ill be fanned and placed in h<- I i t nd* td the b heiifl for colh cti. m, I will be at Ifatlrm every day except when it above named place*. O HA’IDY. Tax Collector CEO. F. CHILO Adjustable Parlor Chair Co. 281 Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, - ILLINOIS. CjR. These two cuts the Chair in extremepositions. It is easily adjust / e<l to support the hotly in any and 4, N-rfr . all desired posi- faP; tlons. This Chair is a NEW invention. THE ONLY COMFORTABLE CHAIR EVER MADE. And TH E Chair for Home, Invalid and riiysieian use. As a t’arlor Rocking Chair it is a marvel of beauty, strength and utility. SEND FOR CATALO6UE AHO PRICES. WEBSTER WACON COMPANY Is closing out its business and HAS ON HAND ’ k a fine stock of OVER 4000! ML ' 1 Os their Celebrated Truss Axle Wagons of all styles and sizes, which will be sold • FARM WAGONS gr^ reduction. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AT A BOTTOM PRICE, A Wagon made from Vest Virginia Oak. Hiekorv. and Poplar, the best quality pro- -s v curable, and superior in every particular to interior grades now on the market. Embrace th? opportunity and save money. t All Wagons are warranted for one’ year. a,, im .n,, WEBSTER WACON CO., Write ter pricee tera. MOUNDSVILLE. Marshall Co., W. Va. professional Cards, Dr. A. J, Sanders, GENERAL PBACTITIONFR.’ Karlem. - - - -G-a. Having practiced over a quarter of* century, j will d< vote mysclfto obatetrics and diaeane* of f«*mah'M. My pi*t record i* a Miifficicnt gnaran t< * feb2H-c i Eb. T. Williams, Attorney at Law AUGUSTA, GA. CfOfficeover Commercial Bank.) Will practice in all the Courts of the Au gunta Circuit. O”Claims for collection a specialty. ftb2B-d Stone Mountain Route geokgia railroad company, ) Office Gen l Manager. a Augusta, Ga., Sept 18th, 1886. ) Commencing Sunday, 19th innt , the. fol lowing pa*nenger schedule will be operated: Train* run byVOth meridian time- 32 minutes *lowerthan Augusta time. No. 27—West—Daily. L< tv* Augusta 745 am Arrive at Harb in S 28 a m Arriv*- at Washington 10 40a m L« ave Washington 7 20 a m Anive at Athens 12 35 p m L- ave Athens 7 45 a m Arrive Atlanta 1 00 pin Storm at Grovetown, Harlem. Dearing,Thom son, S’orwood, Barnett, Crawfordville, Union Point, Grcenesboro, Madison Rutledge, Social Circl*, Covington, Conyers, Lithonia, Stone Mountain and Decatur. * No. 28—East —Daily. Moave Atlanta 2 45 pm Arrive at Athens 7 40 p m Leave Athens 2 5G p in Anive at Washington 7 35 p m Leave Washington 4 20 p m Arrive at Harlem 7 22 p id Arrive Augunta 8 15 p m Stops at Decatur, Stone Monntian, Lithonia, C.mveis, Covington, Social Circle, Rutledge, Madison, Grcenenfairo, Union Point, Craw fordville, Barnett, Norwood, Thomson, Dearing, Harlem, and Grovetown. No. I—West —Daily. j*»ave Augusta 10 50 a m Arrive Harlem 1148 am Arrive Camak 12 35 p m Arrive Milledgeville 4 26 p m Arrive at Ma cun 6 15 p m Arrive at Washington 2 20 p m Arrive at Athens 530 p m Arrive at Atlanta 5 45 pm No. 2—East—Daily. Leave Atlanta 8 00 a m I, Athena 9 00a tn l.eave Washington 11 20 a m i.eave Macon 7 10 a n> Leave Milledgeville 9 10 a ni Leave Camak 136 ptn Leave Harlem 2 83 p m Arrive Augusta 3 35pm No. 3—West—Daily. Leave Augusta 9 40 p ni Arrive Harlem 11 00 p ni Arrive Camak 12 13 am Arrive Milledgeville 4 27 am Arrive Macon 6 46 a m Arrive Atlanta 6 40 a in No. 4—East—Daily. Leave Atlanta 7 30 p in Leave Harlem 3 33am Arrive Augusta 5 00 a m No. 12—West. Leave Harlem 6no a m Arrive Augusta 7 20 a m No. 11—East. Leave Augusta 4 30 p n: Arrive Harlem 6 10 p m Superb Improved Sleepers to Macon Superb Improved Sleepers to Atlanta. Trains Nos. I, 2, 3 ami 4 will stop if signaled at any scheduled Flag Station. E. R. DOSEY, J. W. GREEN, Gcn’l Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOE W. WHITE, General Traveling Passenger Agent, Augusta. Ga- TUC TW I N I BURNER VAPOR STOVE ja ui IIJ A Perfect Jewel Bny no other. For sale by all First-Class Dealers. If yours does not keep it send postal to us. Send for copy of Twin Burner Journal. Twin Burner Stove Co., 707 to 713 Wash. St., St. Louis, Mo. WEAK/UNDEVELOPED nu IS of theHUM\ NHO I > ESI ■ \ R<»EI). 1> E V EIT <>t*El*. S I HKSiH H HN F!>, Is an interestingad vemiMssrn-ut loiitf run in our imper. In reply toimiui thatth*»roi< no evidence ot humhug at*o r are v-ry Interewto i persona may get sealed Circular* airing all particulars, by addreaainu F.RIB MuniCAL Co , W. E, ZACHRY 4 CO;. DEALERS IN Dry Goods and Notions 934 Bread Street, DPP OSITE PL A yTEPS HOTEL. W. LDEIM . 881 Broad Str et. Augusta. Ga Wholesale and Retail Dealer In COOKING STOVES AND Os Best Patterns. In stock— -5 Car loads Cook and Heating Stoves. 500 Plain and Enambled Grates. 2 Car Loads Tin Brick. 250 Boxes Bright and Roofing Tin. Tinware in great variety, very low at wholesale. 100 Bundles Sheet Iron, Sheet Zine. Solder, etc. Buy the Excelsior Cook Stoves, 17 different nizes in Stock. These stoves have been sold bv us for 12 years w-ith satisfaction. Heating Stoves for churches, schoolhouses, offices and dwellings for coal and wood. [?pgpSencl for circulars and prices. W. I. DELPH, H. P. SMART. A o . SMart H. P. SMART & BRO. MIDVILLE, 9 1-2 C. R. R. GA. MANUFACTURERS OF YELLOW HUE LUMBER, ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber sawed to order, Dressed Lnmbor of every descrip tion, Flooring Ceiling, Weather-boarding, Mouldings, Etc. Also I’ine Staves and Shingles, Laths, Fence Pickets, Vege table and Fruit Crates. priXlMH^amf * nd Midvill. b y MIDVILLE - - - - - Burke. County, Qa. We Stand aT the Head WTTTT TJETE light DOMESTIC, Da\is, Household ffl NEW HOME Se win g Machines, Wx WOFwS. .. - NEW STYLE Attachments, New Style Wood Work. Patti-Hand Attachment Phtrnished Free 500 Good Second-Hand Sewing Machines taken in exchange for above makes, to be sold a half value, $5,110, sls each, waarnted in good sewing order. Sewing Machines of all raaks paired. P2lT Agents for Domestic Paper Patterns. Send for Catalogue and Price List* to THOMAS, BARTON & KEY, ThefSewing Machine and Organ Dealers, 924 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga COjyiPOUWD I ' . * • The Great - ' Bronchitis, Asthma, Consumption, Neuralgia. Catarrh, Scrofula. Sore Throat, Paralysis, Exhaustion, Hay Fever, Rheumatism, Etc. This treatment has cured hundred of cases. Several parties in Charleston have been cured. Address, IDR. H. ISZE. CLEKLKY & SON, GO Hazel Street, CHARESTGN, S. C. Spring Millinery New and Beautiful Goods. ? n Bl C I AR t < resnectftilly informs the L-idioe that her Spring opening wi J •< In I<l vn \\v lin fda; and T.ninklay, April 14th and 15th, to which she invitee th< sp > i» 1 •m otion of every fady in Auguita and vicinity. Her present styles and assortments ha' ® never before been equaled. r MRS. N. BRUM CLARK.