The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 02, 1886, Image 8

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[Columbia Sentinel. I J. M. ATKIXSOX, J H km. <»». J>». -188 G PRICE, $1 on, IS ADVANCE Editorial notes. W. C. Lstimoro made an at tempt to commit suicide, in Au gusta, on Sunday ln*t- The N’oith Georgia Conference of the M. E. Church South met in AugUMtn yi-ti-nluy and will be in NMaion for acvernl daya, A moat “hocking tragedy took place in Atlanta la»t Friday, in which Kobt. Hill allot and killed his brother, Toney, and then kill- > ed himsc’f. We hope to see the day when sensational newspapers will be a thing of the past, they go very far toward corrupting the morula < I the young. j —— — I Julius L. Brown, attorney for llhe anti-prohibitionists of Atlanta, Iwe learn from a correspondent to the Macon Telegraph has been sued for a S3OO whisky bill. There seems to be no end to in- I traducing bills in the Legislature. llt seems to us that it would be I well to cull a halt and pass or de j feat aomo of them before going I farther. The man who predicted that we were to have a mild winter may have cause to retract and declare he never said it. In proof of which many have killed hogs and are now enjoying the sweet ini-nts. I , Would it not be well for our | farmers to arrange so as to cut I down expenses in every possibh way for another year and not de pend upon the factor for advances on next year's crop before it is made. Such a course in our judg ment would tend largely toward 1 breaking the shackles that now I bind them. Live hard for one | year that you may get your In-ad | above water. - Columbus Enquirer: A “city ' preacher” went to Headland, Ala., i not long since where he preached an excellent sermon. After the sermon one of the church mem bers who has been in he habit of paying lh« preacher fl iemarked to the ditor of the Progress that he would be willing to pay $2 50 if the services of that preacher could be secured. As the church member is only worth aland f25,-i 000, this may In- considered quite • liberal proposition. Rev. Dr. Hawthorne, in his ser mon at the First Baptist Church iu Atlanta, on last Sabbath, dealt some heavy blows against the theatrical troupe* known as the “Devil’s Auction,’’ which exhibit ed in that city recently Few men attack iniquity with such power as the Doctor, and however one may be disposed to question the pro priety of his course upon certain issues, all are impressed with the irresistible tact, that his words in preaching the gospel and in con demning sin of every grade and •verywhere, are burning words.— The country needs more such men. CAN’T SEE IT. We would like very much to believe as the Atlanta Constitution does that the farmer in Georgia “ia doing well." We suppose our esteemed contemporary draws its inviting picture from the sur roundings ot its immediate section of the State. Drawing our con dusioo from the same stand point (where we live) the picture loses much of its gild. With some rare •Sceptioos, judging from reports generally, farmers are not pros perous. To-day, as they look •poo the exceeding short crop just gathered the prospects are less piontising'and the hard cash i much less in amount than at any time since the close of the war.— i i Our farmers, too, will Im- loath to I accept the conclusions of the Con stitution upon this point, however much they may admire that jour- i nal. Jn thus speaking, we d> so for this section, and not tor the i State in its entirety. I TO LAND OWNERS- Editors Sentinel : 11 Please allow me to make a few , < iemarks on surveying ami land < marks Fl at on suiveying irn-1 presses many people with the idea ' that a surveyor nt the beginning 11 of a line, “by intuition or some art i of magic," can set his compass di rectly to the terminus of such line whatever obstructions may inter- j vene, ami, that he needs no assist- | mice, this is a great mistake. A surveyor needs two assistants ■ to carry the chain, two to carry 1 ( Hags ami one an ax, if the survey- ~ or is not furnished with these as sistants, the employers need not place tort much confidence in his work. All obstructions, bushes, brush. <-tc., should be cleared away, this . is strictly requisite Mr. Flint’s s advice ami my experience diverge widely. Many times 1 have had to carry one end of the chain, and oc I casionally an ax and chop the line, ! clear away any obstructions to my progress, etc. ]~ • • However, the principal purpose of this article is to impress upon the minds of the people the im portance ot permanent land marks. W hen land lines are pcrm inent ly and correctly established land | corners should be represented by mounds made by digging ditches upon lines leading each way from corner and throwing dirt exactly upon corner thus making a con- I 1 I sideraiile mound, thence along the I lines ut intervals of ten chains Ismail ditches should be dug exact ly upon line, say 4 feet long, two wide and deep throwing the dirt along the line in front, leave vn enney of 4 feet upon which this dirt has been thrown and proceed I again to dig another ditch throw- | ing the dirt back upon said vacan- ■ 'ey thus constituting a considerable j mound, so on along the lines en- j tire, such marked lines would ' remain land mai ks for many years and adjoining land owners would not find it difficult to trace their | lines, even without the assistance 1 of a surveyor for in all probability ; most people’s experience is that surveyor services are most gener ally dearly purchased Now, Messrs. Editors, 1 have hail my say ; indulge no suspicion that this is an advertisement. 1 deny seeking work, desire retire- i meiit rather than employment.— 1 Still, there is more importance attached to this subject than many imagine. A word to the wise, etc. Alex. M. Alles. HUMILIATED. a country editor was made to writhe in keenest humiliat on of spirit on receipt of the following scathing criticism on the conduct of his paper by a subscriber : “Dere Stir—l hereby oiler my resiguushun as a subscriber to your paper, it lain a p millet of such small kousekenee as not to benefit my family takin’ of it. What you need in your shete is branes an’ someom to russle up news an’rite add) torvuls on live topieks. No meiishion has been made in your shete ot me butcherin’ a polaml chiuy pig weighin’369 pounds or of the gap- in the chickens out this way. You stenjusly ignore the tact that the later tings is ratin’ things up out here, au’ say nothin’ about Hi Simpson’s durhaui bull , calf breakin' his It-gg failin' down a j well, or of grandma Sipes having the sore leges. Two important weddins here has been utterly ignored by yore volumes, and a two colum obitchuary, writ by me on the doth of granpa Henry, was left out of your shete, to say nothin’ of an afabetical poem .leginnin' with “a is for andy and also ark,” writ by my datcr. This is why your shete is unpopuler here. If you doiit Went eddytorials from this place and ain’t goin to put no news in your shete we don't want said shete. Yoprn an disgus*, Hikam Doaks. P. S.—ls you print that obitchuary in your next issoo I may sign again foi yore shete. h. d. Notice. I I. A VINO bought the intercut of C. (L Clarke of the firm of CLARKE BROS., my terms will be, on end after thi. date, n*n fitly cash, with out exception. All parties indebted to the old firm will pleane come forward and pay their accounts at once. L. H. CLARKE, December 1, 1886. Harkin, Ga. 1 SWIFT’S SPECIFIC) # R*v. C. T. Clark, n member of the South Georg is Methodirt Conference, writes from -r Tat»• al» Coutity, Ga ;*• O year ’r helpless lor over tn ee niont «s. Al tie nmedie-•»*•<! seemed to fail until I commenced $ t-it-tiwo' Mwift’s Specific. 1 have token five bott e>*. ft"d >«m perfectly Round well tn th erain. I would Lave written sooner, but waited t> a<- if rhe cure wa« permanent. And X X now I onhes.tatiti-ly recommend 8. b. 8. as a sale end reliable remedy fur rheumatism. CO X I have al I confidence in its virtue.** ■CURES RHEUMATISM! J For over two year* I suffered intensely with miißCulur rheurnntifm. I been me almost helpers, and had t» be he p»-i nt of »-ed. At imen I was unable to turn myself in bed, r and h.dt» be handled a- tmbry hr an infant. My chest wes involved, and the pain ■r lutoieiable at times. All the old and well-known remedies were exh .neted, but no perm nen’ relief wa«-.b h- ned. About a year ago I was induced by a frend to try Swift’s qq 'A Spec.fie. The effect has been magical. My friends scarcely recognue me. My rheums 'n trern is e Urely gone, my ue oral health is superb, and lam weighing .n y pounds more QQ tn than when I c.>nirnenr«?d taking -.S. S. lam nble to sfend to ail my ministerial work. CG r n lam devontlv izruttul for my restoration to health, winch I owe. under the ble>Binf of tn n Ood,to *wiff-Hpeei«c. Rev. J. M. Lowai. tn Hatnnton,Ga., April 10, IM6. Sys Treatise on Blood and AAin JMoeases mai/ed THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ca. rn n (OSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSCS j. r. mwiiu., BREAD AND CAKE BAKER, Candy Manufacturer, DEALER IN actionEzto * 1026 BROAD ST. Toys a specialty. Candy ioc. pound. Cut This Out. Where can you buy a Ladies’ Solid Gold Stem Wind Watch for $16.00, warranted'? Where cun you buy a Gent's Double Case Solid Silver Stem Wind Watch for $lO 00, warranted ? Where can you buy an 8 day Walnut Striking Clock for $3.50, warranted? Where can you buy Eye Glasses for 25c. per psir, warranted ? Where can you have your Watches. Clocks and Jewelry repaired and war ranted at LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE? At no place but ft, J. ftENWS, 930 Broad Street, Augusta, Holo Agent for Lemaires Kock Crystal and “Arundel” tinted Spectacles. Have the beat in vention in uwe, “The Graphoscopic Optometer,” for tilting night accurate ly. Inspection and Testa cordially invited. Customers wanted for our large Stock of aomiss. DOLLS, TOYS, G--A MES. And a Choice Lot of CHRISTMAS COOX>S. The cheapest house iu Augusta for our line of Goods. DENNING &: CO., 636 Broad Street. JOHN H. FEAREY,~ PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, Dealer In AMON DSi-rWATCHES,:+:§<- Clocks and Jewelry, 729 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, QA. M <M CJ AN FNRAVING. GOLD MEDALS FOR SCHOOLS AND SOCIETIES B.—Repairing of all kinds by Experts only I For Sale or Rent T .1 Will .<-11 orr*n- mv property it Hirlim on rriHonibk- urma. For Particulars, call on Mr. H A. l ook. J. W. KEENER. I To Owners of Buggies- PAINT vonr Buggy and make it look almoat g/cd aa new. Lew than fl will do the Job. i’ome and ace the new Paint and Varniab ' unbilled. One coat ia all that ia ne- Ceaaary . N ■ Varni.hiug. The Paint leave, a brilliant gl<>-« We have Kavew Blaci. Bril ’ ilant Vermillion, Garnet and Coach Green BEALL A DAVENPOBT, Drnga, 612 Broad Htreet. | Castorine. A ( HEAP preparation of Castor Oil, for greusing Axiom. Castor Oil im known to be the be*<t Axic Grease on earth. Its expen ' sivenrss <h ter* many from using it. Cahtouine ; meets a long-felt want. Cheap, only il a gal lon. Also the Ix ut Engine Oil on earth, only | 50 cent* a gallon. BEALL & DAVENPORT, Drugs, 612 Broad Street. Tar aud Cherry. "TTTE confidently recommend this article v\ for Congh. It will cure the whole family. Whv suffer with a Cough, when you can g’ctTAß AND ( HKBity. Made only by ua. Plea.aut to take, 25 cent, and fl bottle.. BEALL & DAVENPORT, Drug., 612 Broad Street. For sale in Harlem at the live Drug Stores of % Dr. D. L. Peeples ami Dr. W. Z. Holliday Try this simple cough syrup. A New Buggy for $1.50. Imperial CARRIAGE GLOSS PAINTS Ready Mixed for u»e. P..iat one day. Ride oat the next. For $1.50 Yon can turn your old Buggy into anew one. No trouble to put on. Paint. Card with colors directions for use mailed free tu any one. L. A. CABUKLX.*. Drug., Paint, and Seed., Auju.ta, Ga. Horehound and Marshmallow. The Gr<»t Rcmedv for cough, and cold.. Relief guaranteed or money refunded, 25 aud 50 b ° n ‘ e L. A. GARDELLE, Drugs, Paints and Seeds, Augusta, Ga. A. J. GOULEY? Late of Wm. Mulherin & Co., BEGS to inform hia friend, in Columbia and adjoining counties, that he ha. purch.Md th. interest of his late partners in the store at 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument. I am not advertising prices, but guarantee those who call to see me, that I will sell thm Good and Reliable SH«ES At as Low prices as they can be purchased from any house in the State, and the best a.sortm.nt ot goods to select from. I avoid shoddy goods of all kinds. Mr. I’. KEENAN, long and tavorably known to the citizens of Columbia county, is .till at th. Old Stand and will be pleased to meet and wait on his friends. Polite attention is guaranteed to ail visitors. A. J. GOULEY, 722 Broad St., Opposite the Monument Life, Activity and Business AT Wm. Mulherin & Co.’s WE ARE RECEIVING LARGE SHIPMENTS OF BOOTS, SHOES and HATS FOR FALL Wc have received so much encouragement in our efforts to furnish the people with a good class of BOOTS, SHOES and HATS at moderate prices that we have takeu special paius to get •he best class of stock for our patrons. We have a large stock of whole.ale trad., and w. guarantiee the LOWEST PRICES. Our retail stock includes Miller A Obers, Stacy, Adams A Co., Zeigler Bros., Striblcy A Co. and many other desirable makes. For the greater convenience of many patrons, we *hav. opened a’ BRANCH STORE, at 623 BROAD STREET four doors above the Augusta Hotel. This store is iu charge of ZMGR. O’- CT. O’COSSrJSTOZR, who will be pleased to see his numerous friends and acquaintances. At both store, patron, can rely on polite attention, and our best efforts to supply them with just what they need iu our [ine. You are cordially invited to call. WM. MULHERIN & CO, Two Stores, 623 Broad St., four doors above Augusta Hotel and 913 Broad St., sign of the Large Bed Boot. New Store! New Goods! AT PEEPLES’ Central Business House, MAIN ST., HARLEM, GA. HAVING recently moved into the Store formerly occupied by Mr. W. S. Lxzenby, under Sentinel I am now prepared to offer a Complete Stock of Goods, 4Sk i Medicines, Drugs, Patent -ft Medicines, Toilet Soaps, Per fumes Brushes and Toilet Ar- WwO tides of every description. SO- S' Water and Ice kept con- WB|^K s tantly on hand. Prescriptions carefully filled or night. ALSO A NICE LINE OF rAHtY eaecsatss, Including Canned Goods, Confectioneries, Sugar, Coffee, Tobacco and Cigars. Good. ... now ready for sale and are offered at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. r D. L. Peeples, M. D. falUanb whiter mm OF THE NEW YORK MILLINERY STORE, 721 Broad Street, Opposite Confederate Monument, Augusta, Georgia. : 21188 OLLIK PUBIEU : Takes* great pleasure In announcing to the ladies of Angnsta and vicinitv that her Fall and i Wintei Opening will take place on WEDNESDAY and TBCBSDAY, October 13th aud Uth on which occasion she will display all the latest Novelties of the New York and Paris markets. , The embraces all the new shapes in Trimmed Bonnets, Round Hats Ostrich Feathers I eigßeiD Bibix ’ n '' aDd VelTe ‘ e ’ of **