The Columbia sentinel. (Harlem, Ga.) 1882-1924, December 09, 1886, Image 5

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Columbia Sentinel pCBLIVHED EVERY THURSDAY AT HAHI.EM osonniA. ENTERED AS SECOND-CLASS MATTER AT THE POST OFFICE IN HARLEM, <IA. THURSDAY DECEMBER 9~ 18SC. — I CITY AND COUNTY DIRECTORY CITY COUNCIL. J. W. BELT,. Mayor. C. W. ARNOLD. W. E. HATCHER. W. Z. HOLLIDAY. M. FULLER. COUNTY OFFICERS. O.D.DARHEY. Ordinarv. O W. GRAY, Clerk and Treasurer. B. IVEY. Sheriff. O. HARDY. Tax Collector. J. A. GREEN. Tax Receiver. J. C. GOETCHIUS, Coroner. MASONIC. Harlem Lodge, No. 276 F. A. M.,meete2d and , <th Saturdays. CHURCHES. Bapt at -Services 4th Sunday. Dr. E. R. Cars , well. Sunday School every Sunday. Superin tendent-Rev. J. W. Ellington. Methodist— Every 3rd Sunday. Rev. W E. Shackleford, pastor. Sabbath School every Sundav, H. A Merry, Snpt. Magistrate’s Court, 12Hth District, G. M., 4th Saturday. Return day IS days before. “ W. B. Roebuck. J. P. HORRIBLE FATE OF A YOUNG GIKL- Globe-Democrat: Evansville, Ind., November 37.—Mary Wilson, a girl 14 years of age, employed at the home of Mr. John Hanberrv. a farmer living two miles south of this city, was fatally burned Thursday morning. The girl was -landing before the grate, when her clothing caught fire, and in an instant her clothing were a mass of fire In her efforts to save her life she set the bed on tire ; also a cradle in which a baby was sleeping, At this her fear for the safety of herself was overcome b yher anxiety for the infant, and with the flames about her body she stauggled to save the child. She succeedod in extinguishing the flames in the bed, saving the little one. By this time, however, her own clothing was burned from her body and the very flesh roasted. She wrapped a sheet about her body and walked some distance for help, all the members of the family being away from home. The neighbors provided everything that could tend to the comfort of the girl, who di dat 9 o’clock last night. During winter the blood gets thick and Hing gi*h, now is the time to purify it, t» build up yoiirsjsteni and lit yourself t <>7 hard w >rk, by using Dr. J. H. McLean’s Streugtheniug Cor dial and Blood Purim r. For sale bv all drug < t. Do not allow idleness to deceive you, for while you give him to day he steals to-morrow from you. —Far better than the harsh treatment of medicines which horribly gripe the patient and destroy the coating of the atom ich. Dr. J. H McLean’s Chills and Fever Cur* by mild rot H ectiveaction will c ir° So! 1 at 50 cents a b ttle For sale by all druggist. The finest fruit earth holds up to its Marker is a finished man. A FRIGHTFUL INCIDENT- From the Monticello (Fla.) Constitution we learn that Mrs. Carrie Evans, of Palatka, Fla., the mother of a little four-weeks old baby, was horrified ten days ago on going into her room, whore her child had been left asleep about five minutes before, to see some of the white rats, pets of the house, eating the face of the child. Her screams soon brought all the inmates of the Putnam House cottage, where she resides, ! to her room, when it was discover ed that the child had been severely bitten about the face by the rats, and probably the left eye of the little one totally destroyed. Mrs. j Evans says that rate were drinking j the blood, which was flowing from the wounds when she enter. d_ the room. The cheeK, lips, tongue and nose of the child were bitten, and when first seen its face was covered with blood. The child was quietly sleeping Wednesday afternoon, but no one knows what will be the result of the wounds it —Sick Headache, a •enaation of oppression and dullness in the head, are very commonly produced by indigestion; morbid despondency, irritdbility and over sensitiveness of the nerves may,a id a majority of cases, be traced to the same cause. Dr. J. h. McLean’s Homoeopathic Javer and Kidney Bahn and Fillets will (posi tively cure. For sale by all aruggist. It is a foolish sheep that makes j the wolf his confessor. RMes of Advertising. One inch, one insertion ] no One inch, each subsequent insertion. 50 Quarterly, Seni-anunalor Yearly contracts will ’ l»e made on liberal terms. Obitnanes and Tributes ot Kenpeet charged fur at advertising rates. No communication will be published unless accompanied by the full name and nddtess of the writer These are not required for publi < cation, but a -Tuiriantcc of good faith. All e ' ijnn’iieations f »r the paper, and btisi- | ncss letters should be addressed to THS SENTINEL. I Hahlem, Ga ; GLOBE HOTEL. BreadJStreet Corner Jackson Street. AUGUSTA, GA. L. E. DOOLITTLE, PROPRIETOR 1 PROPRIETOR AIM OF THE AUGUSTA HoTKL Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. ! Table First Class in Every Particular. < L- E. DOOLITTLE, Prop ietor- I Large and well ventilated Booms. Rates, $2 Per Day Centrally located, near Railroad crossing. Telegraph Office and Barbershop in the Building. Augusta Hotel, Restaurant and lunch Room, choice wines, liquors and cigars. Meals to or der at all hours. Lease or Sale, THE TRIPPS PLANTATION Three miles from Harlem, good gin house aud press, barn and stables, together with eight tenant house.*. Apply at this office. Home Council We take pleasure in calling your attent on to a remedy so long needed in carrying children safely through the critical stage of teething. It is an incalculable blessing to mother and i child. If you are disturbed at night I with a sick, fietful, teething child, use I Pitts’ Carminative, it will give instant relief, and regulate the Dowels, and make teething safe and easy. It will cure Dysentery ami Diarrhoea. Pitts’ Carminative is an instant relief for colic of infants. It will promote di- i gestion, give tone and energy to the I stomach and bowels. The sick, puny, | suffering child will soon become the fat and frolicing joy of the household. It is very pleasant to the taste and only costs 25 cents |er bottle. Sold by druggists. For sale at. Holliday’s Drug Store | and Peeple’s Drug Store, Harlem,Ga.,' and by W. J Heggie, of Grovetown. IMACHINERY.I | Engines STEAM & WATEiII 0 Boilers Uipe&Fittia u nSawMills Brass Valve | I TiTiTFTiTrr ~~saws~ g i Cot ton Presses FILES U j Shafting Injectors | Pulleys I Hangers er V.heels ■Cotton Gins Castings g I Gearing Brass & Iron j R A Full Stock of Suppiie s .B ■cheap and good. U ■ Belting, Packing and Oilß I At Bottom Prices | K AND IN STOCK FOR | Prompt Delivery, g ■cSF Repairs promptly done/'&ff a | & ( ’O i K'onndry, Machine and Boiler Worl.-B ri ; ; : ' The Rinost Gbair Ijj ||DVQ Is the Celebrated U » Adjustable Reclining and Folding » SWith over FIFTY Changes OF POSITION. Mcrsihia IC,CGO now ia Use i A LUXURY \ \ that \ ZsagutyF SHOULD BE IN R’JF.y 7 EVERY HOUSE. THINK OF ITI A PARLOR LIBRARY, SMOKING, RECLINING OR INVALID CHAIR. LOUNGE. FULL LENGTH BED. and CHILD'S CRI3. Combined, and Adjustable to any Position requisite for Cc-nfort or Cowenienca. Send at once fur one of our Catalogues. » 930 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1 8. PHINIZY. J. PHINIZY. J. TOBIN | | PHINIZY & CO. ' COTTON FACTORS. New Standard Fire Proof Warehouse Augusta, Georgia. Liberal Advances on Consignments. ■ ■■■ - • ! GEORGE R. SIBLEY. ASBURY HULL. P. B. TOBIN GEORGE B. SIBEEI & COTTON FACTORS. 847 and 849 REYNOLDS ST. Augusta, Ga. “ FOSTER & DOUGHTY, COTTON F ACTORS and COMPRESSORS, Augusta, - - - Georgia. Warehouse and Compress occupying block bounded by Washington, Twiggs, Calhoun and Taylor Streets, ami connect ed with all the Railroads centering here by double tracks ex tending into our yards Our entire personal attention will be devoted to the biuineHH m al! its detail*, and to all who intruHt uh with conHignnieiitH we guarantee prompt and Hatiafactory return*. Liberal advance* made on consignment*. Drayage Both Ways Saved. OFFICE : 739 REYNOLDS STREET, Rooms for Several Years Occupied by Augusta Cotton Exchange. ' w.‘ N. MERCIER, Cotton Commission Merchant, 3 and 4 Warren Block, Augusta, Ga. CONSIGNMENTS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Charges us Low as any responsible house in the South. J. M. BURDEIJ., Cotton Factor and Commission Merchant CONTINUE BUSINESS AS HERETOFORE AT FIRE-FROOF WAREHOUSE, No. 19 M’lntosh Street, AUGUSTA, GA | I Attention to all Consignments ami Prompt Remittances .xctj I S. 11. MYERS, ICotton Commission Meichant, 803 Reynolds Street, Augusta, Ga. Liberal Advances made on Consignments -PROMPT RETURNS. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED— jggjrCorreapondence Solicited. r THE LAMBACH Candy Manufacturing Co. XALSO DEALEIW INX FINE FRENCH CANDIES Stick Candy a Specialty. 620 Broad Street, GEORGE F. LAMB ACK. AUGUSTA, GA. I THEO. MARKWALTER’S" Steam Marble and Granite Works. A '•> BROW ST.,!EAK LOWEHMAim XJ?I AUG-U&TA, G-a. f Marble Work, Dorne«tic &• Imported, ’ At w.-f < ' Grnrria and South Carolina Gramtr Monu J ■ ma<le a Hpecialty S‘AA$‘AA large ction of MABl’TJ'’and GRAN r _ , j f'l'K WORK ulwav* on hand, read; for J.ET- die Aff»d Men. Teeted for I Isht Year* in fafloenre !• felt without delay. thooaandcMe* they abeolutcly raro’W p r ematurely^™"T^jl , ruttim»«of the bumee orrar.lem r«»t//red. The seed and broken down men to the fell enjoyment of w»rtedeeJmatlnf •lemenUof Dfea'erlveo beck.thepetknt nerfwtand full Manly Btreneth and Viroroui Health. aud train* bothatrenrth and health. TREATMENT-te.K»th.»3.T» s lta. K. Th„,,V. HARRIS REMEDY CO., Chemi, U, 4o. 306* N. Tenth Street, ST. LOUI,, KO. . aVPTVWCD PCMONS can have FR6B Trial of our Applianeo. Ae*. forTarmal DAY a TAMAHIU., i —- \ n '7~ ■ • ■ I 1 \ \X / \ HEADQUARTERS FOB Carriages, Wagons, Coach Materials, Saddlery, Harness, Leather, Shoe Finding 1 BELTING. I'hc Finest and most varied assortment of Children’s Car riages ever brought to theUity, at all prices. Tidings of Comfort and Joy To thoMC who have been trenched and jerked about bv so-called road carts. We now effer yet the nioMt delightful vehicle, with FINEST wheel* and axle* for 7 $35.00. Try one an<l -nvc your health. Every mail who owna u hone, or wiahea to train a nolt, ah.*l4 have one, aa the prico ia within the roach of all. DAY & TANNAHILL. - - AI’OUSTA, GA JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS WILL REMOVE THEIR CABPET STOCK From 713 to 711 Broad Street (South wide) DR. CALHOUN’S NEW BUILDING, Next to Mr. E. I). Smythe’s Crockery Store. W E will continue to »e)l nq rb, urtnina, Wimlow Shades and Mouse Furnishing Goods at greatly reduced pilcea ‘ FOR SPOT ASH” or thirty davs time, city atn rptancs. JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS 714 Broad Street (South Side), AugiiHfit, Ga. WATCHES I DIAMONDS I JEWELRY | Largest and Handsomest Stock in Georgia, H AVING pnrchaHod F A BRAHE’S ENTIRE STOCK OF JEWELRY and oonsolidatoi with it he elegant stock formerly cai ri< <1 by me nt my obi Htand under the CVuitral Ho(el, I now oiler at reduced price* the hamlHomrHt stock of Jewelry, Silverware, Ar.. ever sv«a m this city, at my NEW STORE, Corner Broad and Seventh Streets, and familiarly known m “Brahe’s Corner ” Mr. BRAHE will remain yvith me, and will bo pleased to see bis friends, W ILLI A M S( TIWEIGERT, Jeweler, 702 Broad wtreat Owners of Water Power Having secured the Agency for the celebrated JgLg Burnham Water Wheel For Georgia and Smith Carolinn, 1 ain prepared to oflar pf'iul imbicemcntH to parties wishing to put in water wheel*. zySfßHEfcl n,u tt l ßO prepared to do any kind of Mill Work, naw or r*- pair. Correspondence solicited. Chas. F. Lombard, AUGUSTA, GA. JESSE THOMPSON & MANUFACTURERS OF BOOKS, SASH & BUNDS Mouldings, Brackets, Lumber, Laths and Shingles. DEALERS IN Window Glass and Builders’ Hardware, Planing Mill and Lumber Yard, Hale Street, Near Central Railroad Yard, Augusta. Ga. THE MARKHAM? BEST HOTEL IN 0 THE 0 SOUTH I Ouiet, Dignified, Homelike Best Atten Hon. Magnificent Table, Reasonable Rat w