Newspaper Page Text
Let Us Make Each Other Happy and
Rejoice That Times Are no
Worse With Us.
The coming of Christmas times
are fast approaching and as we
would be happy with our readers
wo are going to ask those who are
in arearswith the paper to try and
make settlements with us. You
say I don’t owe the paper much
and you will pay it shortly. This
is true, but dear readers there are
four or five hundred due these lit
tie amounts and they are going to
pay us shortly. Friends we are in
need of the money now and ask of
yon to come forward now and set
tie like a man.
Having employed a first-class
newspaper man to assist us with
ths work of giving you a good pa
per we must have the money with
which to compensate him for his
labors. The paper shall not lack
in reading matter ns you will note
from issue to issue,and as the hoi
iday season is approaching we
trust you will remember us after
lingering the woleyear to give y :u
a paper that is well worth tlm
price we ask for it. Our Mr.
Booker is a man of family and we
will gladly accept any farm pro¬
duce you may wish to dispose of
at market prices. Such as pota¬
toes, eggs, chickens, etc., and even
is impossible to make a good pa
jper with nothing, Consider the
paper and ink bills, house rent,
wood and postage hills and a mini
-bar of others that must be paid in
order to print the paper and we
are sure you will come to our aid
at once.
Remnniber we believe the cause
we advocate is juet and right and
the time is not far -distant when
we shall see our labors triumph, in
fact the silver lining behind the
dark cloud is already showing and
men who once opposed u» are to
day advocates of some it' not all of
our principles. So come to see us
at the same old stand where we
are still banging away for the peo
pie in whose welfare we are a stock¬
Child Burned to Death.
The little two-month’s old baby
hoy of Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Sum¬
ner, Jr., living near Span, Ga„ was
accidentally burned on Monday so
that it died Tuesday morning.Mrs.
Sumner had just left the house and
had her baby snuggly wrapped in
a cotton One of the little
hoys, who was playing with a
lighted stick, in some way let the
quilt catch and in a second the
baby was developed in llames.
The mother heard her children
•creaming and rushed in to find
her baby nearly burnt to a crisp.
She quickly rescued her child from
the flames but of to no avail, and
after suffering from 12 o’clock on
Monday till 4 o’clock on Tuesday
morning, the little sufferer breath¬
ed his last.
We,ns well as the people of that
community,extend our sympathy
and may God pour out His healing
halm to their aching hearts. The
little fellow is extending to papa
and mama beckoning hands.
—For the lack of several !
week, news items and among are crowded them out are this the j 1
«ty court proceedings.
* i
Devoted To The Interest Of Johnson County And Middle Georgia.
Held Last Friday Night at the College
Was a Huge Success and a
Good Sum is Raised.
That the oyster supper last Fri
day night at the college was a
grand success is only putting it
mildly, it was a huge affair from
beginning to end, and those who
were in charge in getting up the
affair are to be complimented on
making it the richest social event
of the season,
The supper was for the benefit
of the Methodist Sabbath School,
and fhat it was so liberally pat
ronized by oar citizens was hut
right and proper,
One table took in about six dol
lars and sixty cents which was the
highest. ' There were six tallies in
11 and judging that five of them
took in twenty dollars between
them the total amount would be¬
nearly thirty dollars,
Besides oysters there were many
other toothsome dishes and taking
it all together ; t waa a supper cal
ciliated to tickle the palate of a
king, and those who participated
thereof await an early repetition
of the same.
Herchaat Declines to Take Back Goods and
Customer Is Cut to Death. Warraat
Mas Been Issued.
,,One of the most Ivor/ihle affairs
that has avbt occurred iji
town of Adrian happened there a
few days ago between Mr. John
Welsh and Mr. Lichtenstein.
Mrs. Welch had bought a skirt
from Mr. Lichenstein paying him
# 3 . for it. Mr. Welch was dis¬
pleased with the garment and ask
«d the merchant to take it back,
and lie was refused. Before any
ono knew it Mr. Weslh had been
stabbed through the breast by Mr.
Lichenstein and Mr. Welsh had
shot and broke Mr. Lichenscein’s
Mr. Welsh ran about 100
yards when he fell and expired,
Mr. Welsh was a poor man but
"hi thought of and liked by all
"'ho knew him.
A warrant has been issued for
Lichenstein and lie lias been ar¬
rested and a guard placed at his
lied. lie was formerly from Ten
oills, and bears a good reputation,
A Kogro Found Dead
A negro named D.M. Outlaw,was
found dead last Tuesday night in
the house of Sherman Christian,al¬
so colored llis skull was crushed
in two places, and the instrument
which caused death was a black
gum stick, four fi*et long and
about the size of one’s wrist. The
coroner’s jury have been investi¬
gating the cause of his dealh and
will meet to-day about tey o’clock
to decide.
Farm Lands
6 Per Cent. Interest.
We have made arrangements so
wo can negotiate loans cn farm
lands in Johnson county on short
notice. Oar commission charges
are extremely low. Call on us.
NO. 35.
F23S& •j-z
h \ 4
OO CO 00 ■>
Going Out of Business!
4 -
Five Thousand Dollars Worth of
' • . . Goods To Be Sold at Cost.
'"Phis is no “Advertising Scheme” to catch trade. I mean every word 1 say, 1 going out of
1 The Mercantile Business. am
T"\o you want ttje “J 5 . •s a > r IL. c c* ■< C Ca w 3 o = -- r~ A
YJ them. 5 3 C •J?
- »
Every item in my store, every suit of clothes, every pair of pants, every hat, every pair of shoes, even
shut every suit of underwear, every yard of cloth, every cape, every jacket, every corset; all the collar, cufl,
necktie, handkerchief, suspenders, childrens hoods, sacks, and all the hosiery and everything else Mv
stock of merchandise must be sold right away. My goods are all new, stylish and up-to-date, purchased from
the largest wholesale establishments of New York and Baltimore. '
bought; but 1 feel that it duty to give my customers the benefit of all that there is in it. Therefore 1 ar»
going to close this stock of goods out to my CUSTOMERS who have given me so much of their patronage in
Mens, Young Mens; Boys and Childrens Suits to go at “Factory Cost. Come right away and Fit your¬
self up before they are all gone. It will astonish as well as please you to realize the cost price on this line of
Clothing. 173 pail s of Mens Pants, cost from 45c to $2.00 per pair. You can buy these pants at just what
they cost me. J
400 Mens White and fancy Laundred Shirts, cost from 42c to 85c each. Take them at cost.
37 dozen Mens Undershirts and Drawers to match, cost from 20 to 43c, like all the rest, they are to 20 at
cost, (what they cost me.)
785 yards of Jeans pants cloth, cost from 8 to 22c per yard. Come right away and take it at what ii
cost, it wc 11 t be here long.
2,50; yards Sea Island and heavy Sheeting, yard wide. You can get it at exactly what it cost me hv
the bale.
Bleaching, Lonsdale, Feather Ticking, Mattress Ticking, Hickory Stripes, and all this class of goods
will go the same way. Tou can’t afford to let all of these bargains go by and not get some of them.
1 have 1,680 yards of outings. Every yard right bran-new, up-to-date, stylish goods. Cost me from 4c
to 9c per yard. Don’t buy Outings anywhere else while all this lot is going at wholesale cost price.
I will not try to describe them all 1 have so many different patterns and prices. 1 just wish to say that
ail rny fine dress goods were purchased before the advance, and they are cheap at my regular retail prices, and
now 1 am offering them to you at the wholesale prices which make'them doubly cheap. To give you an idea
I have 680 yards of Cashimere at one price.
% r * ** - - • *.* - - •* « • - “ v r * *. T.v-* • - *> - • v *
My Glove department .cannot be surpassed. 27 pairs, all sizes. Ladies fine kid, usually retail at
$1.25 pair. 1 hey cost me 85c pair. That’s what you can have them for. 32 pairs Ladies silk finish Cash
mere fleeced lined, retail price 35c pair. Take them at cost, 23c pair. 81 pair Gents gloves, cost from 27c
to 62c pr. I his it undoubtedly the strongest line of gloves 1 ever saw. It will be a pleasure to you to wear
these gloves at wholesale cost price.
Shoes, Shoes, Shoes. V
All kinds of Shoes for Men, Women and Children, Big Boys and Little Girls. 1,300 pairs to select
from. Now don’t buy any shoes anywhere else, when you can get them from me at wholesale price. Those
who have bought shoes from me in the past will tell you that 1 sell the BEST shoes for wear of any merchant
in Wrightsville. Come right away before they are all sold out.
The Cheap Cash Store,
R. T. Lovett, Prop.