Newspaper Page Text
Mr. Samuel Harville.
There still lives at a good old I
age, one of the delegates from Bui- i'
loch to the secession convention j 1
at Milledgeville in January 1861. । 1
The two delegatee from this 11
county to that memorable conven-11
tion, were Samuel L. Moore and [’
Samuel Harville, Mr. Moore!’
died only a year or two ago at the 1<
advanced age of 89 years, while I <
Mr. Harville is still living in this| ’
county. Before Georgia seceded ! :
from the union the people voted i
on that question, and each county i i
sent delegates to the state capital ! 1
to pass on that question. Bul-y
loch voted in favor of secession, ] ■
and our two delegates signed the ;
ordinance which proclaimed to the ;,
world that Georgia had transfer- j,
red her allegiance from the starsj:
and stripes to the stars and bars, i
the flag of the new liorn confed
eracy. The question of slavery ,
had agitated the country for many |
years and the greatest statesmen I
had failed to settle it, and at last ’
LJL '■— ' ■
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■ M
; mmWwl mW iMmbR irwyßß ygiffiyipyvg mErt 7 ' *
Me. C, A. Lauiek’s Residence.
♦ T
£ PreMrrand Treas. Secretary. V ic,-President. %
, S/c C. & ^oy \
* 77/anufactoring Co. *
t — 1
I . *. t
I fellow lline Ij'timber, f
■ ax
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ebhintid, Ste. I
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Address inquiries to J^bove ^irm.
had to be settled by the arbitra
ment of arms. Prior to the meet
ing of the convention at Milledge
ville the people were worked upto
the very highest pitch, and the
feeling between those who still
favored staying in the union, and
those who favored going out was
very bitter, in some sections, and
when the convention met, the two
opposing factions debated the
question for several days. Men
like Aleck Stephens thought it
best to remain in ths union, wnile
men like Robert Toombs favored
secession. After a stormy debate
the vote was taken, and Georgia
went out of the union, along with
her sister states, and then followed
the greatest war of modern times.
The population of Bulloch was
small in those days, yet about 600
of her sons took up arms in de
fense of the new government, and
many of them laid down their
lives on many hard fought fields.
Mr Harville is one of the few act
ors yet living and in hie serene
| old age he has the satisfaction of
I knowing that he did his duty in
the day that tried men’s souls.
Egypt Canning Outfit Co.,
She Sem ThMn gunner, {
JOHN E. FOr, - - Manager. (
Capacity of El 19
this Canner yw
600 Cans of Bg IMI' nil
fruit per dag ii"'' ' ' jrSOIB
of ^ , ' 3 h° urs ‘ M|||h ' : |
^gqpt, ^a., October 7ffv, 1903.
regarbo to " Site ^eiv 'UJestern Canner' 3 beoite
to sag that it i> economical 1 awb boea the vvozA abmir
a£>fy. 3t is mo |afie. Cl fittfe cot-e anb practice at
first, avtb ass io accompfioßcb. Ah-tty WOMtaw can 1
han Me it. 3 pwt up 200 3-powHb cano of tomatoes
Hi owe ba^ —cvtouqft to Cast anij otbiivatq fatuity
one yeai. 3n putting up fruit anb berries tfvio
amoivHt ca-w be tedAvb. ।
3-tio. cFotj,
^VP^ ^ a -
- M 3 aTThEHH
Mr. Malachi Akins’s Residence.
Excursion Kates to Athens, Ga., via j
Central of Georgia Railway. Ac- I
count, Georgia Baptist Con- (
vention, and Woman’s
Missionary Union (Au
xiliary). Nov. 19-
22. 1903.
Excursion tickets will be sold to
Alliens. Ga., Nov. 18th, 19tn, and 20tb,
limited to Nov. 24th, 1903 for return
passage. These rates are open to the
general public.
For prompt and reliable service see
that your ticket reads via the Centra
of Georgia Railway.
Apply to nearest agent for tickets
and additional information.
A Cure For Dyspepsia
I had Dyspepsia in its worst form
and felt miserable most all the time
Did not enjoy eating until after I used
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure which has com
pletely cured,me. —Mrs. W. W. Taylor
Hilliard, Pa. No appetite, loss of
strength, nervousness, headache, con
stipation, bad breath, sour rising, in
digestion, dyspepsia and all stomach,
troubles are quickly cured by the use (
of Kodol. Kodel represents the nat-'
ural juices of digestion combined with
the greatest known tonic and recon
structive properties. It cleanses, pu
rifies and sweetens the stomach. Sold
by W. H. Ellis.
ejimps is located on the line of
’ the Central, six miles south of
I Statesboro. It is situated in one
■of the best farming ami timber
: sections <>f the county. Messrs.
C. C. Chance & Co. are the only
merchants at this place, and they
do a very good business. The
station is located on the lands
known in former years as the
“John Olliff” place. Here Mr.
John Olliff did a successful busi
ness for twenty or thirty years.
The old homestead is still there
I and is the property of his widow,
who survives him. It is known as
one of the best farms in the
A Perfect Painless I‘ill
Is the one that will cleanse the sys
tem, set the liver to action, remove the
bile, clear the complexion, cure head
ache and leaves a- good taste in the
I month. The famous little pills for do
( ing such work pleasantly and eflectual
‘ly are DeWitt’s Little Early Risers.
Bob Moore of Lafayette, Ind., says:
“All other pills I have used gripe and
sicken, while DeWitt’s Little Early
Risers are simply perfect” Sold by W.
H. Ellis. 4-