Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You’’
Volume 67, No. 44, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Ga. 31321
School4Dayscare Here™ Again!” School sDayscare AHe re®Again!~ SchoolsDaysoare hHere®Again!
Grover Denmark
Again In
Candler Hosp.
After a stay of a few days
at home our good friend Grover
Denmark has returned to Cand
ler General Hospital and it is
thought that he will undergo
Surgery the first of this week.
Mr. Denmark is one of Pem
broke’s best liked citizens, he
and his wife, Mrs. Irene Den
mark live in their little home
on Camelia Drive and is the
gathering place for their many
friends. ‘
Ye Editor feels very close to
Grover Denmark, who we have
“teasingly named” Lester Mad
dox, due to the fact that they
do resemble each other a great
deal, and our good friend Grov
er gets a kick out of us calling
him “Lester.” Well we for one
are pulling for Grover's com
plete recovery and an early re
turn of our friend “Lester” to
Pembroke. 5
Mr. Denmark is Commander
of the American Legion Post
in Pembroke.
J. E. Pevey Is
Home From The
Bulloch Hosp.
After a stay of about two
weeks in the Bulloch County
County Hospital where it was
thought he would undergo surg
ery, Pembroke’s postmaster has
returned to his home in Pem
broke and it is thought that he
will not have to undergo surg
ery after all. He has been
missed from ‘his usual place at
the post office and his friends
hope that he will soon be back
at his place in the post office.
Planning To Attend
Wedding In Florida
Ye Editor and Mrs. Frank O.
Miller are making plans to
leave Pembroke early Wednes
day September 3, along with
our son W. O, (Bill) Miller of
Seattle, Washington, who is go
ing to Fort Lauderdale, Florida
for the wedding of our grand
daughter, Luka Miller, who is
the daughter of our son W. O.
Miller. 4
The wedding will be on Sat
urday afternoon September 6,
and we plan on returning home
on Sunday afternoon September
Tth. Os course all this hinges
on the health of Mrs. F. O.
Miller, who is anxious to go,
and we feel like she will be able
to make the trip, but if she is
unable to go, then Ye Editor
will alslo remain in Pembroke.
We are anxious for every
thing to work out so that we
can go down on Wednesday and
remain there until Sunday
morning for the return trip
Teresa Wadsworth
Celebrates Birthday
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Wads
worth entertained for their
daughter, Teresa on her seventh
birthday with a party. Cake, ice
cream and punch were served
the guests. Candy, balloons and
bubble gum were given as fav
Guests who helped Teresa
celebrate her birthday were
Pam and Donna Wadsworth,
Kath and Jan Floyd, Emily,
Lisa, and Keith Geiger, Penny
and Susan Hunter, Juanita
Joyner, Tracy Jordon, Penny
and Doug Foxworth, Lisa and
Donna Gray, and Tarek Shoner.
Games were played and a good
time was had by all.
Bryan County Schools To
Begin Classes August 28th
The following schedule for the school term 1969-70
has just been released by the Bryan County Board of
Education. It is as follows:
1965-70 Calendar
Pre-planning Conferences August 21, 22 25, 26, 27
Ist Day for Students August 28
Labor Day Holiday September 1
End of Ist Month September 25
G.T.E.A. Region 11 October 17
End of 2nd Month October 23
GEA. October 29
End of 3rd Month November 21
Thanksgiving Holidays November 27, 28
Christmas Holidays December 22-Jan. 2
¥First Day After X-Mas Holidays January §
End of 4th Month : January 6
End of sth Month February 3
End of 6th Month March 3
Easter Holidays . March 26-30
End of 7th Month April 3
End of Bth Month May 1
End of 9th Month May 29
Post-planning Conferences June 1,2, 3, 4,5
Wildwood Baptist
Church Gospel
Sing August 22
The Wildwood Baptist Church
is sponsoring their Gospel Sing
August 22, 1969, at the Ameri
can Legion Home in Pembroke,
Groups to take part are as
follows: The Herman Lynn
Quartet from Collins, Ga.; The
Mike Lamb Quartet from
Glennville, Ga.; The Friendly
Five from Blitchton; The Coun
try Quartet, from Collins, Ga.;
The Smith Sisters, from Clax
ton, Ga.; The O’Brians, from
Richmond Hill, Ga.; The Butler
Brothers, from Savannah, Ga.;
Also from Savannah, The Ald
ridge Family and The East Sa
vannah Church of God Quartet.
No admission but a love offer
ing will be taken. All proceeds
will go toward the building of
the new sanctuary.
Methodist Youth
Elect Officers
The Methodist Youth Fellow
ship met Sunday afternoon in
the social hall. The meeting was
called to order by Anne Burn
sed, vice president. Sunday, Au
gust 10th began our Library
Reading period. This was speci
ally started for children in kin
dergarten through the third
grade. This program gives your
children a chance to check out
books and meet other children.
This past Sunday we had eleven
children attending our program
and hope to have more next
Sunday. Library Reading Peri
od starts at 5:30 and gets over
at 6:15 every Sunday. We urge
everyone to let your children
attend. We also held elections
for new officers. Anne Burnsed
was chosen President, Carter
Harn, Vice President, Becky
Lane, Secretary-Treasurer and
Ferra Lane, Reporter,
We then discussed having a
party and plans were made.
The meeting was then adjourn
ed. Refreshments were served
by Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Owens, Jr.
Ferra Lane, Reporter.
Mrs. Eddie Strickland entered
Candler General Hospital in Sa
vannah on Sunday afternoon
for X Rays and examinations
and it is thought that she will
undergo surgery on Tuesday
morning. Her many friends are
wishing for her a speedy recov
ery and an early return home.
Talmadge Again
Demands Hew To
Cease Cutoffs
prior to leaving Washington as
the ' three-week congressional
recess began, Georgia’s U, S,
Herman E. Talmadge, long an
outspoken critic of the Health,
Education and Welfare Depart
ment’s school guideline policies,
called on the agency as a “hu
manitarian step” to restore fed
eral aid to 37 Georgia school
systems which lost it because
they had not desegregated.
His latest appeal for restora
tion of these funds was made
in a Senate speech and in a let
ter dispatched simultaneously to
HEW Secretary Robert H.
Finch. Now that the Justice De
partment has filed a suit ask
ing a federal court to order
Georgia to desegregate all its
schools, Talmadge said he hopes
HEW will restore the money
and step out of the picture,
leaving “this complex problem”
to the courts.
“A new school term is about
to start,” he said in his speech.
“These funds are needed by the
schools, Thousands of deprived
children need their benefits, in
terms of food and an adequate
education, which is their birth
“HEW can restore these
funds, if it will. This would be
the humanitarian thing to do.
It would be the sensible thing
to do. HEW ought to be barred
from making any more cutoffs,
And for those school systems
already cutoff, funds ought to
be restored.”
“It is a ridiculous inconsist
ency to have virtually all the
agencies of the federal govern
ment working day and night to
fight poverty, and then have
HEW in effect contribute to
the problem by taking food
away from hungry school chil
dren,” Sen. Talmadge declared.
G.A. Report
The G.A.’s of the First Bap
tist Church of Pembroke, met
Monday, August 18, 1969. They
studied their steps for the Coro
nation. Those attending were,
Janet Burke, Beth Winter, Ern
estine Lee, Pam Wadswoxjth,
Cynthia Lee, Lisa Lane, Lou
Ann Daniel, Leigh Ann Owens,
Beth Blitch, Patricia Simmons,
and Maxine Shuman. '
Mrs. N. L. Ham director serv
ed the girls refreshments.
Reported by Janet Burke
and Beth Winter.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke