Newspaper Page Text
Gov. Uster Maddox
Reports People
have seen, and are seeing, the
results of federal intervention
and seizure of local control of
education. We see the federal
government increasing .its
death grip control over public
education, and at the same
time, we see a corresponding
increase in disrespect for our
country, its flag, our teachers
and civil authority. In many
cases, we _____
are witness
ing a lower
ing of the
level of
e d ucat ion
and an
increase in
and crime.
As parents, we want to teach
our children to be productive,
to be achievers, to be leaders, to
believe in his country, to
believe in the democratic
process, to believe in a great
heritage, to believe in
patriotism and loyalty, and to
believe in fair play.
Yet, when they sit on a bus
riding across town or down a
dusty country road to another
school which the federal
government says they have to
attend, when there is a school
only a few blocks away or only
down the road a short distance,
how, then, can we expect them
to believe in the principles
which are the cornerstones of
America' 1
They see the basic precepts
of our country being abolished
and trampled by the very
people who should hold these
rights and liberties most sacred.
Some of our students are
seeing what can be gained from
college and university
administrators just by
demanding that the rules be
changed. These demands are
being made by a few misguided,
mistaken misfits who have
decided that the going is too
tough. They are demanding
that admission standards be
lowered, grading levels be
abolished and all rules and
regulations governing behavior
be thrown out the
PlxHOKrnphi <1 nt For t Fndiricii. St. Simons Island. Gemitin
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So, where weather’s concerned, don’t strike your
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Georgia Power Company
window(along with college
In many instances, our
young people are learning that
if they protest, lock up
constituted officials, riot,
throw some molotov cocktails
and pelt policemen with filth,
they can have almost anything
they want.
Too many of our people are
not getting a real education
that will prepare them to meet
the demands of living and
earning a living, but they are
getting lessons in how to get
without giving.
They should fit perfectly
into the welfare society which
so many of our leaders have
been advocating . . .leaders not
only in government, but in
many of our large church
Last weekend, I saw '/here
one large church publication
had an editorial advising Lester
Maddox to “knock off”
standing up for the children of
this State and this nation and
“get on to something that
Can you imagine an official
publication of a church taking
such a stand as this? What in the
world, 1 ask you, cart be more
important than our children
and their education?
In my book, there is
nothing to equal the issue of
education in America today,
and I think it’s high time that
public officials everywhere
came to this realization.
Certainly, crime, poverty,
transportation, housing, health
and al] the other programs for
which we are spending billions
of dollars — and for which
President Nixon is proposing to
spend billions more — are
We must feed the hungry
who cannot feed themselves.
We must train those who want
to work but who have no
marketable skills. We must
build better roads and
highways and find cures for the
physical and mental! ills of our
But, if we solve all these
problems and make great
progress in ail of these areasand
lose our freedom in the process,
then we have gained nothing.
When I talk about the
education of our children, I am
not just talking about teaching
the ABC’s. I am talking about
the very survival of this nation
as a free republic.
I believe that the problems
besetting education in America
today merit the undivided
attention of the President, the
U.S. Congress and all other
servants of the people.
I would recommend that
these top public officials set
aside all other domestic matters
at this time and concentrate
their energies on cleaning up
the mess which has resulted
from giving too much power
and too little attention to the
bureaucrats who have
“knocked off” trying to
provide our children with a
worthy education and have
concentrated their full efforts
on destroying the basic
freedoms of all Americans,
black and white, ■in a
promotion of a long-since
disapproved social theory.
Until the chaos which has
been made of education can be
cleared up, 1 believe that Mr.
Nixon should put his new
welfare program in a drawer
and that the Congress should
cancel their vacation flights
which they have planned and
stay in session until the job is
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Pembroke Man Is Being Held
In Slaying of Cab Driver
PEMB R 0 K E-A Pem
broke man, Charles Clifton
Cox, 25, was being held by
authorities Thursday charged
with murder in the shooting
death of a Savannah cab driv
er after a quarrel at the driv
er's trailer home at Ogeechee
farms Wednesday night.
The victim was Oscar Lee
Larrimore. 49, of Rt. 4, Box
2-B, Ogeechee Earms He was
shot once in the chest with a
.22 caliber pistol and was
dead on arrival at Memorial
Medical Center.
Cox, who is on duty with
the National Guard at Ft
Stewart, was arrested by Ft.
Stewart military police.
Mrs. Lila Levern Shuman.
20, was booked as a material
witness in the case. Her ad
dress was given as State
Highway 204 near Ellabell.
County Detective H. J. Low
ery said the shooting occurred
about 11 p.m. Wednesday at
the Larrimore's trailer home.
Mrs. Larrimore told police
that she and her husband, a
Yellow Cab Go. driver, had
quarreled earlier and that he
had left the trailer to go for a
She said she drove to Mrs.
Shuman’s house, where she
met Cox and Mrs, Shuman,
and they went to' a bar on
U.S. 17 in Cox’s car alter
driving her truck back to her
Mrs. Larrimore said they
returned to the trailer about
H p.m. where she was met
by her husband. She said he
began cursing her and quar
reling with her again.
She said Cox and Mrs. Shu
man then drove off, but came
back moments later and the
victim walked to Cox’s car.
She said she turned to go in
side the trailer and heard two
gunshots. When she looked
back, her husband was lying
on the ground and Cox was
driving away, she said,
Cox told police that when
he put Mrs. Larrimore out,
the victim starting quarreling
with her. Not wanting to get
involved in a family argu
ment, he said he drove away
but thought he heard her
scream and turned around
and came back to see if he
could help
- When he got back, he said
the victim came toward his
car with a knife. He fired one
shot into the air and the vic
tim kept coming so he fired a
second shot, he told police.
He said he didn’t know where
that shot went but that when
he left after firing a second
time. Larrimore was still
standing. He said he then
took Mrs. Shuman home and
returned to the base
Lowery said two .22 caliber
pistols were found in Cox’s
car. He said one contained
two spent shells.
Curd Os Thanks
I wish to express my sincere
thanks for the many prayers,
cards, calls, flowers, visits and
gifts while I was a patient in
Memorial Hospital in Savannah,
and since my return home. May-
God bless all of you.
Florine M. Elrick.
THE PEMBROKE JOURNAL,, Thursday, August 28, 1969-
Outdoor Pastime
Seen As Stopper
Os Heart Attack
high-pressure, hypotension and
heart attacks increasing at an
alarniing rate in today’s fast
moving parade of humanity,
the current issue of the Georgia
State Parks News released by
State Parks Director John L.
Gordon, has an interesting and
timely article on the relation
ship between outdoor recreation
and the control of heart disease.
Dr. Joseph Wilbur, director
of the State Health Depart
ment’s Cardiovascular Disease
Control, in an interview with a
member of the Parks Depart
ment’s staff, pointed out a defi
nite relationship between out
door recreation and the preven
tion of heart disease.
Dr. Wilbur explained, the ar
ticle said, that lack of exercise
and outdoor recreation is one of
the five major factors believed
to contribute to heart attacks
and strokes, “factors which can
be so easily eliminated.”
“We don’t know why, exact
ly,” he continued in the inter
view, “but we think regular
exercise and relief from daily
tension helps to strengthen the
heart muscles.”
The heart specialist further
explained that outdoor recrea
tion helps to ward off common
tensions known to contribute to
the development of ulcers, nerv
ousness, sleeplessness and other
Asked by the interviewer to
evaluate the relationship be
tween outdoor recreation in
Georgia’s state parks and the
control ,of heart disease, Dr.
Wilbur suggested that time
spent in the parks might be
time added on to one’s life span
for, as the article stated, “a
visit to any one of these parks
is an encounter with nature’s
own physical therapy — fresh
air, exercise, rest and, in gen
eral, a completely recreating
spirit unique to the great out
Air Force Major Bobby J. Wil
son (right) son of Mrs. W. H.
Wilson, R.F.D. 1, Pinehurst,
Ga., receives the Silver Star for
gallantry from Lieutenant Gen
eral Gordon M. Graham, 'vice
commander, Tactical Air Com
mand, during a ceremony at
Eglin AFB, Fla.
—U. S. Air Force Photo.
I UjS. gold stock rose SIOO
million for April.
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