Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You”
Volume 67, Number 25, 1969, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke. Ga. 31321
Richmond Hill
Private Serving
In Vietnam
(AHTNC) — Army Private
Clayton Maxwell 111, 22, whose
mother, Mrs. Florrie M. Burke,
lives on Route 1, Richmond Hill,
Ga., was assigned Aug. 23 to
the U. S. Army Headquarters
Area Command near Saigon,
News About
Groveland Lake
Bill Greer, Executive Director
of the Georgia Southern Area
Planning and Development
Commission, discussed the
Groveland Lake with members
of the Evans County Veterans
and Auxiliary in Claxton re
cently. Mr. Greer outlined his
past efforts to gain support for
this project saying that he had
talked to over 100 citizens’
groups in this area and dis
cussed it with numerous indi
viduals and has found wide
spread support for the project.
Mr. Greer went on to point out
the tremendous economic im
pact that the lake is expected
to have. "The economists tell
us,” he said “that within ten
years after its completion it
will have attracted SSO million
in investment in this area.” This
investment would offer attrac
tions that would bring money
here that is now being spent in
vacation resorts in Florida and
other areas. He went on to say
that investment companies
from all over the U. S. have al
ready shown an interest in
building sizeable developments
on the shores of this lake.
Mr. Greer went on to discuss
the recent formation of the
Groveland Authority. He point
ed out that this has created ad
ditional interest in the project.
One by-product of this interest
has been that rumors concern
ing the project have been wide
ly circulated. Mr. Greer point
ed out that the only meeting
that has been held was the or
ganizational meeting, and that
no policies have been set by the
Authority. Mr. Greer urged
that interested citizens stay
well informed on the projects
progress and that the facts be
learned rather than making de
cisions based on rumors.
Mr. Dixie Harn of Pembroke,
Georgia, Chairman of the Au
thority, said “This Groveland
Project will do more for us in
this section than anything I can
think of, but it will take every
one working together to put it
over. If we work together, we
can carry it to completiton.”
Gospel Sing
Sponsored By
Baptist Church
A Gospel Sing will be spon
sored by the Blitchton Baptist
Church the fourth Saturday in
October. The sing will begin at
8 p.m. at the church. Refresh
ments will be served. Names of
the groups expected to sing will
be announced later.
Honorary Membership Presented
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mHHmhk^ .. -NMikMiMoi iwes - !c l -t Williamson is — -.. res.lent of
the Bryan County Jaycees, who is taking Robert Williamson
as an Honorary Member, due to the fact that he had reached
the age that he could not be a regular member, but the
Jaycees realize that Robert had meant to much to the Jaycees
to let him slip out and not be. a part of the club
To Become Bride of Philip Bacon
Mr and Mrs Thomas C Peterson of Blooming Prarie,
Minnesota, announce the engagement of their daughter, Carole
Lucille Peterson, M.D., to Merrill Philip Bacon, M D., son of
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill E Bacon of Pembroke Ga.
Dr. Peterson attended St Olaf College in Northfield.
Minnesota. She received her Doctorate of Medicine from the
University of lowa College of Medicine in lowa City, lowa.
She took a straight Pediatric internship at the Los Angeles
County University of Southern California (LACUSC) Medical
Center. At present she is doing a Pediatric residency at
Dr Bacon attended Emory University and received a
Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Georgia.
He received his M.D. degree from the Medical College of
Georgia in Augusta, Ga. and interned at LACUSC.
A mid-October wedding is planned in Blooming Prarie,
Minn. No invitation will be mailed.
Rev. Byrd Called
To R. H.
Baptist Church
Glen N. Byrd resigned as Di
rector of Food Services at
Georgia Baptist Assembly, Toc
coa, Georgia, to accept the past
orate of Richmond Hill Baptist
Church in Savannah Associa
tion effective September 24.
He had earlier been pastor of
Antioch Church in Columbus,
West Lawn Church in Macon,
Toombsboro Church, and Vic
tory Heights Church in Fort
Rev. Byrd is a graduate of
Norman College and Mercer
University. He has served in
numerous associations and
Georgia Baptist Convention
Committee posts.
The new pastor will arrive in
the community this week. His
wife and daughter will arrive
the second week in October. The
family will reside in the past
Soldier Returns j
. ■
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Sgt. William (R. L.) Conley,
son of Mr. and Mrs. William P.
Conley returned home Sunday,
September 14, 1969, after a
tour of duty in Vietnam, R. L.
was a member of the 9th In
fantry Division, 15th Engineer.
Battalion. He was awarded the
Bronze Star Medal while serv
ing in Vietnam. He will be sta-,
tioned at Ft. Bragg, North Car
olina. His many friends and
relatives are happy of his re
turn home.
Blitchton Baptist
Church Has
Church Supper
The members of the Adult
Training Union Class were en
tertained Friday night at the
■ Cherokee Restaurant with a de
\ licious meal served in the Gold
Room. Some were not able to
attend which missed an enjoy
able affair. Those who attended
are as follows: Mr. and Mrs.
, L. E. Durden, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. Stewart, Rev. and Mrs. Dave
Garrett, Mrs. Theadus Burnsed,
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Bath, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene NeSmith, Mr.
and Mrs. W. J. Butler, and Mr.
and Mrs. Calvin Saxon.
Ye Editor’s Granddaughter
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We are carrying this picture a little late because of mail
connections, however inasmuch is this lovely little lady is
the granddaughter of the Editor and the daughter of Mrs.
Slauson Miller of Fort Lauderdale and Ye Editor’s son, W.
O. (Bill) Miller of Bellevue, .ashington. The Millers at
tended their lovely wedding in Fort Lauderdale, and it was
one of the most beautiful weddings we have ever attended.
Please forgive us for running the picture a little late, but
due to circumstances and our connection we are running it,
even if 2 weeks late.
—F. O. M.
Celebrates 45th Anniversary
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Mr. and Mrs. William P. Conley Celebrate Anniversary
Sunday, September 14th Mr. and Mrs. William P. Conley of
Pembroke celebrated their forty-fifth wedding anniversary
with a dinner given in their honor by their children and
family at the Conley home. Many guests called during the 1
afternoon. Much delicious food was enjoyed and Mr. and
Mrs. Conley received many lovely gifts.
Robert L.
Williams Died
Thurs. In Hosp. ‘
Robert L. Williams, 82 died
Thursday in Appling General
Hospital. He was a native of
Johnson County and a retired
Surviving are a daughter,
Mrs. Irene W. Brooks of Bax
ley; three brothers J. U. Wil
liams, Charlie Williams and G.
B. Williams all of Pembroke;
and two sisters Mrs. E. F. Den
mark and Mrs. R. M. Winter,
both of Pembroke.
Funeral services for Mr.
Williams was held at 3 p.m. in
the chapel of Morrison Funeral
Home. Services were conducted
by Rev. John Ivey and Rev. W.
M. McClellan. Active pallbear
ers were, Joe Winter, Arlie
Smith, Harry Owens, Thomas
Williams, Gene Cowart, Wen
dell Strickland. Burial was in
Lawrence Cemetery. Morrison
Funeral Home of Pembroke was
in charge of arrangements.
R. H. Student
Council Sponsors
First Dance
The Richmond Hill Student
Council helped to get the new
school year off to a good start
by sponsoring the first dance
of the season last Saturday.
Featured for the evening was a
new band in the area, “The Hot
Smokes,” which proved to be a
big hit with the student body.
Chaperones for the occasion
were Mr. and Mis. R. L. Hansel,
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Schwabe,
Mrs. John Heilman, and Coach
Jimmy Giles.
Ricky Hansel and Bill Heil
man assisted in serving refresh
Sewing machine, makes button
holes, sews on buttons, overcast
seams, monagrams and makes
designs. Pay off balance $48.70
or credit. To see call area code
912—354-0007 collect.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
•“Wlk ... -
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Shuman of Ellabelle, Georgia are
proud to announce the engagement and forth coming wedding
of their daughter, Barbara Mae to David O. Dußose, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. David O. Dußose, Sr. of Pembroke, Georgia.
Barbara is a graduate of Bryan County High School, at
tended Savannah Vocational School and is presently employ
ed with Austin, Pahno, & Herndon, Attorneys at Law.
David is a graduate of-Bryan County High School, at
tended Savannah Technical School and is presently employ
ed by RCA Service Company of Savannah.
The wedding is planned for November 1, 1969 at 3:00
p.m. in the Ash Branch Primitive Baptist Church. A recep
tion will follow the ceremony.
No invitations are being sent but all friends and relatives
are invited to attend.
I Randall L.
I Greene Enters
• U. S. Army
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A former Pembroke boy,
Kandy Greene, son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Greene, is now serv
ing in the U. S. Army at Fort
D>x, New Jersey. Randy has
been teaching school for the
past two years in Savannah.
His wife the former Miss Caro
lyn McEntire, is now residing
with her grandparents in Tuck
er, Ga. She plans to join Randy
as soon as he has completed his
basic training. All of Randy’s
friends wish him good luck
throughout his stay in the
Richmond Hill
Opens New Term
The Richmond Hill Kinder
garten, in operation for the
past six years at the Education
al Building of the Richmond
Hill Methodist Church, opened
for the new term with thirty
four new pupils enrolled.
Mrs. W. H. Smith, Jr., organ
izer and operator of this enter-'
prise, announces that Mrs. Roy
L. Williams will be assisting
full time due to increased en
Revival Gets Off
To A Fine Start
Sundav Morning
The “kick-off” breakfast at
the Methodist Church last
Sunday morning was a big
success. There was a large
number present from all the
churches of the City and Hon.
Lane Johnson, an outstanding
Christian leader of Statesboro
was the speaker for the oc
The Methodist had invited
the men of all faiths in Pem
broke to be their guests for
the affair, and Ye Editor was
one that went, and can say
that the breakfast as good,
which was prepared by a
group of men, and we pro
nounce them first class cooks.
Mr. Johnson is a Christian
leader, and also Solicitor Gen
eral of the Ogeechee Circuit,
and everyone enjoyed his talk.
Everyone was turned out in
time to go about their days
It is affairs like this that
brings the various factions and
beliefs together.
New Members Taking Oath
HIP' a
Jaycee President Ray Harrison shown swearing in two new
members of the Bryan County Jaycees Monday night, they
are left to right, Vernon Jernigan and Ed Bacon.
Grover Denmark
Still Is Very
Seriously 11l
The many friends of Gro
ver Denmark will regret to
learn that there has not been
any change for the better in
the condition of him, he is at
Candler General Hospital and
everything possible is being
done for him, but as we all
know that there comes a time
hen our loved ones face the
future with a great deal of
doubt and that is more or less
the condition of our good
friend Grover Denmark.
He is one of the gamest
fighter that e have ever
seen, and still says that he
knows his fight is a hard one,
but he still says that he be
lieves he will whip the fight
and return to Pembroke and
his many friends.
Mr. Denmark is Command
er of the American Legion in
Pembroke, is a retired sea
man, who came to Pembroke
and got married and was liv
ing a life of real pleasure,
when he was struck done with
a serious trouble and has been
in the hospital now for many
We for one are pulling for
Grover and hope that in some
way it will be possible for
him to return home and his
loved ones.
Ye Editor And
Wife Going To
Atlanta Friday
Yes, the Editor of the Jour
nal and his wife are going
“galavanting” again. We had
an Atlanta friend call us on
Monday and tell us that he
had tickets for the Braves
game over the weekend for us,
and he thought it was time
that we went up and helped
the Braves in the world cham
pionship fight “sho nuff”, and
having the fever we are going.
We will take the time to
visit our friends the Jim Rod
gers’ who live in Decatur and
are among our “bestest”
friends. We visit their home
whenever we want to, and are
royally entertained by one of
the finest families, the hus
band a “Yankee” that came’
south and did himself proud
by taking a “red headed South
erner for his wife and they
have three fine children, all
of whom try their best to
make our visits a pleasure.
Even the smallest one plays
Canasta with the Mayor, and
she makes the Mayor hustle to
beat her.
We plan on returning home
late Sunday afternoon or early
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Paige
and Mr. and Mrs. John R. Paige
of route 1 Pembroke, Ga. have
recently returned home from
visiting Mr. and Mrs. David
Paige’s daughter and family
: M-Sgt. and Mrs. Ray J. Morris
of Jacksonville, Ark. While on
: the trip the group reports a lot
of sightseeing was done and a
wonderful time was had by all.