Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You”
Volume 67, Number 29, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Ga. 31321
Rufus E. Owens
. .
Died Early Fri.
In Bulloch Hosp.
Rufus Estell Owens, 61 of
Pembroke, died early Friday
morning at the Bulloch County
He was a pulpwood worker.
Surviving are four sons, R.
E. Owens, Jr.,, and Vernon R.
Owens, both of Pembroke, An
drew Owens of Savannah, and
Malcolm Owens of Odessa,
Texas; three daughters, Mrs.
Jimmy Blitch, of Louisiana,
Mrs. Archie Lynn of Savannah,
and Mrs. Joliet Cardinal of
Odessa, Texas; a brother W. H.
Owens of Savannah, his mother
Mrs. Rufus Owens of Savan
nah; seven sisters, Mrs. Belford
Shuman, Mrs. Leonial Floyd,
Mrs. Elum Ansley, Mrs. Dan
Benton and Mrs., Lillian Lee,
all of Savannah, Mrs, Ellis But
ler of Pembroke and Mrs. Grady
Shuman of Eulonia and seven
Funeral services for Mr.
Owens were held on Sunday af
ternoon at 4 p.m. from the
First Baptist Church of Pem
broke, conducted by Rev. Gor
don Hunter, pastor. Nephews
served as pallbearers. Burial
was in Northside Cemetery.
Morrison Funeral Home was in
Carriebell Club
Wins Top Honors
At Ogeechee Fair
First place honors were
awarded Bryan County Carri
bell Home Demonstration Club
Monday for the Pembroke
-club’s expert booth and exhibit
entered in the “Adult Exhibit”
division of the Educational Ex
hibits of the Ogeechee Fair.
The Carribell Club booth
featured an educational theme
of “Making A Will.” Questions
answered in the exhibit include
“Why is it important to your
family to make a will?” and
“What happens to your family
shoul one fail to make a
will ?”
Assisting Mrs. Jewel Owens,
Carribell Club president, in the
preparation of the booth were
Mrs. Geraldine Golden, first
vice president, and Mrs. Elvy
Owens, second vice president.
Judged and chos en as first
place winner on Monday at 2
p.m., the booth will remain on
display throughout the remain
der of the week.
Christian Revival
To Begin Sunday
The Revival of the Pembroke
Christian Church will begin
this Sunday, October 19, and
continue through Sunday, Oc
tober 26, scheduled as Home
coming Day. Following the
Homecoming services the noon
meal will be served at the
Evangeligt for the revival
will be Rev. Billy Bennett, of
Guyton, pastor of the local
church and also pastor of the
Guyton Christian Church. Re
vival services each night will
be at 8 p.m., and Rev. Bennett
will sponsor a children’s hour
at 7:45 p.m. during which the
youngsters may enjoy a short
song service.
Song leader for the revival
will be Truman Page of the
Blitchton Baptist Church. Spe
cial musie during the week will
be presented by the choirs of
the Guyton Christian Church,
the Pembroke Methodist
Church and the Pembroke Bap
tist Church.
Mr. R. L. Lane, Jr. was ad
mitted to Talmadge Memorial
Hospital, in Augusta two weeks
ago and seems to be improving.
All friends and relatives hope
he will soon return home feel
ing much better.
Friends of Major Grizzard
in Evans Memorial Hospital for
the last week and a half. She
returned home Saturday. She
is at home with her daughter
Mrs. H. C. Gaines.
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The wedding of Miss Rrenda Carol Davis and Jack Alton
Beckworth was solemnized Saturday, October 11 at 3 P.M.
in Black Creek Holy Church of God, with the Rev. E. H.
Duck, officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Thelma Powell of
Pembroke and Mr. Delmar Davis of Miami, Fla. The parents
of the bridegroom are Mrs. Lucy Beckworth and the late
D. N. Beckworth of Pembroke, Ga
Escorted to the altar by her grandfather, Mr. J. R. Hug
gins, the bride wore a floor length gown of white satin ac
cented with a panel of lace down the front of the A line
skirt with lace sleeves and a lace collar. She wore a finger
tip veil and carried a cascade of white carnations and red
roses. Her maid of honor was Miss Elizabeth Beckworth,
and bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Roberts, and Miss Dale
Braswell Flower girls were Kathy Powell and Genean
Mr. Danny Beckworth served as his brother’s best man,
and ushers were Mr. Ronnie Wiggins and Mr. Terall Beck
worth Mrs. Ophelia Braswell was pianist and soloist was
Miss Brenda Beckworth. She sang “Whither Thou Goest” and
‘One Hand One Heart”
A reception followed the ceremony in the recreation room
at the Pembroke Fire Station. Keeping the bride’s register
was Mrs. Ronnie Wiggins Cutting the wedding cake was
Mrs. Diana Lamb assisted by Miss Darlene Braswell and Miss
Nancy Beckworth, The couple will make their home in
Oleander Dist.
Garden Club
Met October 3
Over three hundred Oleand
er District Garden Club mem
bers and guests gathered at
the Foy Fine Arts Building on
the Campus of Georgia South
ern College, Statesboro, Geor
gia, on Oectober 3rd to begin
their eleventh annual meeting.
After registration and a
coffee, Mrs. Percy Bland,
Oleander District Director,
sounded the gavel, starting the
program of the day. She in
troduced the following guests
of honor: Mrs. N. L. Ham, im
mediate past director of the
Garden Club of Georgia, Inc.,
who gave a garden prayer, Dr.
Ronald J. Neil, Division of
Fine Arts, Georgia Southern
College, and Mrs. Lloyd Joyner,
Jr., President of Bulloch Coun
ty Federated Garden Clubs. Dr.
Neil and Mrs. Lloyd Joyner, Jr.,
welcomed the guests. Next,
Mrs. Bland introduced Mrs.
James T. Anderson, President
of the Garden Club of Georgia,
also, brought greetings to the
club members. Mrs. Bland pre
sented other Oleander District
officers, Mrs. John C. Peterson,
Co-director of the Oleander
District, Mrs. Weldon Dupree,
Corresponding Secretary, Mrs.
J. O. Harper, Treasurer, Mrs.
Harold Tuthill, Parliamentari
an, and twenty-three members
of the state board of the Gar
den Club of Georgia.
Mr. John Hathcock, choir
director of the United First
Methodist Church of States
boro, accompanied by Mrs.
Waldo Floyd, organist of the
First Methodist church, sang
“America The Beautiful.”
Reports given by 24 Oleand
er Officers and Chairmen of
various committees were given
at this time.
Mrs. Shelby Myrick, past
president of the Garden Club
of Georgia, Inc., introduced the
guest speaker of the day, Mrs.
Edith Harrison Henderson,
landscape architect and garden
editor, who spoke on “Design
for Houses.”
The members of the Oleander
Club adjourned for a luncheon
in the Blanche Landrum Din-
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Washington, D. C.—Congressman G. Elliott Hagan and Dr. Curtis G. Hames of Claxton, Georgia discuss the proposed reduction of medical
research funds by HEW. Dr. Hames told Hagan this reduction would virtually wipe out the Chronic Disease Control Program, aimed at
combating the five chronic and crippling diseases of heart, stroke, cancer, arthrtis, diabetes, neurologic and sensor diseases, which he
termed “the major causes of disability and death in the U. S.¥ Dr. Hames pointed to the valuable work in prevention and treatment of
stroke just now getting started in Savannah. which he feels would provide useful information available to the entire nation.
Ogeec.h i River Bap tiSt.Missionary Local Garden Club To Enter
Association To Meet .Wlth ' Ogeechee Fair Flower Show
Pembroke First Baptist Church
The Ogeechee River Mission
ary Baptist Association will
hold its Seventy-First Annual
Meeting with the First Baptist
Church of Pembroke, Georgia
beginning Thursday, October 16
at 10:00 a.m. The meeting, com
posed of Messengers from 29
churches, will be convened and
presided over by the Rev. Kent
L. Gillenwater, Moderator, The
Clerk for the Association is the
Rev. Bob Conley, pastor of the
Portal Baptist Church. This
will be the first time that the
Pembroke Baptist Church will
have served as the host for this
annual meeting. Mr. D, E. Med
ders is the chairman of the
local committee on arrange
ments with Mrs. Charles War
nell as co-chairman. The Annual
sermon will be preached by the
Rev. Hugo M. Davis, Jr., past
or of the Brooklet Baptist,
Church. Dr. P. Harris Ander
son, special representative of
Mercer University, will bring
an address on Christian Educa
tion at 1:45 in the afternoon.
s R L
ing Hall. Mrs. John C. Peter
son gave the invocation.
During the lunch hour and at
various interims of the day, the
members were invited to the
gallaries of the Foy Fine Arts
Building to see an art exhibit
by Miss Roxie Remley, Georgia
Southern College, and flower
arrangements by East Georgia
judges, Mrs. E. R. Joyner, Mrs.
E. F. Jungeman, Mrs. H. E.
Parnell, Mrs. George Cooledge,
JrJ., Mrs. Charlton Clark, Mrs.
Louis Crovatt, Mrs. Buford
Knight and Mrs. William
On display, during the meet
ing, were 214 specimens of hor
ticulture, for which two tro
phies were presented. The Nell
Pope trophy went to the Met
ter Garden Club for the most
number of blue ribbons; the
Arundel trophy to Mrs. E. C.
Harrison, Hibiscus Club of Sa
vannah, for the best specimen.
At this time other awards were
presented. The Irene Clark Or
mond Garden Improvement
He will be speaking w 0 the re
port that will be made by the
Rev. John R. Joyner of the
Lawrence Baptist Church. Dur
ing this first day there will be
many reports and matters of
business that will be taken care
of and there will be special
music planned by Mr. C. C.
Spinks. Lunch will be served
by the church at 12:30 and the
session will close at 3 p.m.
There will be a second day’s
session at the Fellowship Bap
tist Church of which Rev. Rob
ert Holcomb is the pastor.
Speakers from outside of the
association who will be speak
ing on this second day are Mr.
Bernard D. King, Secretary of
the Brotherhood Department of
the Georgia Baptist Conven
tion and the Rev. H. K, Neal,
. Area Missionary, whose office
is in Savannah, Georgia. The
closing inspirational speaker
will be the Rev. J. Robert
Smith, pastor of the First Bap
tist Church of Statesboro, Ga.
i e e
Award went to Mrs. Dan Miles,
Baxley; the Bernice Echols
Grant award to Mrs. A. R. Tut
en, Baxley; the Nan Bland at
tendance award to the Civic
Garden Club of Statesboro.
Certificates of appreciation
were presented to Mrs. Walter
Franklin, Jr., and Dwight W.
Bruce of Savannah for the
“Garden Club of the Air’® pro
grams for 1968-1969.
' At the close of the meeting
Mrs. Percy Bland accepted an
invitation from the Wayne
County Council for the twelfth
annual meeting to be held in
Jesup, Georgia in October 1970.
Friends of Mrs. James D.
Vincen the former Miss Jewell
Shuman will be interested in
learning she has returned to‘
Pembroke for a two months
stay while her husband has
been transferred to Seattle,
Washington. While here she
will make her home with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Shuman of Pembroke, Route 1.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
The Pembroke Garden Club will participate in the Bth
Annual Ogeechee Fair's schedule of special events this week
by entering the flower show competition.
The fair, to be in progress October 13-18, held its first
flower show on Tuesday, October 14, the day selected for
competitive entries from the counties of Bryan, Candler, and
Evans. Jenkins and Screven County entries were on trial
Wednesday, and Bulloch County gardeners will enter their
exhibits on Thursday.
Friday will be Blue Ribbon Day when all blue ribbon
winners will be exhibited and judged again for the very
best arrangement and plan of the show. ;
The Pembroke Garden Club will have entries in several
classes of the Artistic Division, the theme of which will be
“Space Ship Earth.” The Pembroke Garden Club’s major
class will be “Earth Viewed from Lunar Field,” class 8. Other
classes include “Boldness of Discovering the New Western
World”, class 2; “Inspired by Nature”, class 5; “Corporative”.
class 10; “One Requisite,” class 11, open to Home Demonstra
tion Club members; “My Favorite Space Ship Animals”,
class 12, open to 6 and 12 years of age; and “Unidentified
Flying Objects”, open to 12 through 16 years of age.
According to Mrs. L. M. Anderson of the Pembroke
Garden Club, any amateur arranger or flower grower may
enter an exhibit in the Artistic and/or Horticulture Divisions.
Entries from the respective counties will be received between
& and 10:30 a.m. each morning and will remain on exhibit
until 10 p.m. each night. The flower show will be open to
the public from 3 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. daily.
Happy Days Are
Here Again
As owner, editor and publish
er of the Pembroke Journal we
are glad to report that “Happy
Days Are Here Again for Ye
Editor.” Due to the return to
our office of Mrs. Randall
(Nancy) Bazemore, who has
been away from us for lo these
many weeks, seems like months
to, all because of health condi
tions, of Mrs. Bazemore and
her children.
But we hope that this has
all been solved and Mrs. Baze
more will be with us from now
on, we hope. She is one of the
ablest little ladies for the job
that we have ever seen, she is
a tireless worker and will mean
much to our paper. To start
with she liked just one quarter
graduating in Journalism, and,
that fitted her for her work
with the paper.
Mrs. Earline Geiger will still
be with us, and between the
two of them we realize that we
can and will get out a better
paper, and that this arrange
ment will give Ye Editor more
time to look after the advertis
ing and other duties involved
in getting out a newspaper.
.. We have known for some
time that we were short on
local news, but we were trying
to remedy our troubles, with
out success. We think we can’
see easier timee ahead and a
better newspaper. Thanks for
all our friends being so patient
during this time.
Family Reunion
The descendants of Henry M.
and Mary Bacon Burnsed will
have their annual reunion Sun
day, October 26th at the Amer.
ican Legion Home in Pembroke,
Ga. A basket lunch will be
served at noon. All friends and
relatives are invited to attend.
Bryan County
4-H Clubs
Elect Officers
The Bryan County 4-H clubs
have been organized in the
schools again this year. Many
old members and new members
have enrolled to participate in
this educational club.
Most clubs have organized
and elected a new slate of of
ficers for 1969-70. The follow
ing were elected and are now
serving as officers:
Bryan County High School
sth Grade: Vicki Cribbs, presi
dent; Liz Strickland, girls’ vice
president; Mike Harvey, boy’s
vice president; Marlene Threatt
secretary-treasurer; Joe Sikes,
reporter; Brian Fountain, Par
6th Grade: Owen Purcell,
president; Penney Hunter,
girl’s vice president; Ricky
Shuman, boy’s vice president;
Elaine Stewart, secretary
treasurer; Brian Sheffield, re
porter; Terri Fiveash, parlia
7th Grade: William Strick
land, president; Kert Bacon,
boy’s vice president; Donna
Harvey, secretary - treasurer;
Joe Miller, reporter; Carla
Harvey, parliamentarian,
Bth Grade: Russ Shuman,
president; Nancy Alford, girl's
vice president; Joe Blair, boy’s
vice president; Kathy Lee,
secretary - treasurer; David
Gardner, reporter; Leslie Sur
ry, parliamentarian. }
Pembroke High sth Grade:
Ronnie Keller, president; Rob
in Manning, girl’'s vice presi
dent; Herbert Green, boy’s vice
president; Dorothy Hills' and
Tony Lavant, secretary-treas
urer; Jerry Bryant and An
thony Green, reporters; Angelo
Bunch, parliamentarian.
6th Grade: Joe Smith, presi
dent; Velveter Johnson, girl’s
vice president; Donald Hills,
boy’s vice president; Patricia
Lott and Gwendolyn Bacon,
secretary - treasurer; Gregory
Jones, reporter; Janet Sim
mons, parliamentarian,
Tth Grade: Ervin Williams,
boy’s presdient; Alice Smith,
girl’s ‘president; Sherrie Bacon,
girl’s vice president; Thomas
Green, boy’s vice president;
Charlene Harris and Jerry
Johnson, secretary - treasurer;
Jeanette Miller and Edward
Johnson, reporters; Rosemary
Crawford and Thomas Green,
Pembroke Bth Grade: Robin
King, president; Janet Bacon,
girl’s vice president; Arthaniel
Johnson, boy’s vice president;
Dianne Miller and Linda Mor
gan, secretary-treasurer; Jane
Bacon, reporter; Lenora Brin
son, parliamentarian.
Pembroke Senior Club: Be
retha Ann Davis, president;
Catherine Smokes, girl’s vice
president; Charles Clemons,
boy’s vice president; Dianne
Powell and Sheila Fields, secre
tary-treasurer; Bessie Kelley,
reporter; Martina Ellis, parlia
George Washington Carver:
Michael Blige, president; Peggy
Jones, girl’s vice president;
Martineau Ivy, boy’s vice pres
ident; Carolyn Lee and Lyn
nette Miller, secretary-treasur
er; Cynthia Blige, reporter;
Willie Lee Houston, parliamen
We are proud of these new
officers and know that each and
every one of them will do their
job to the best of their ability.
Blitchton Baptist
Church News
Blitchton Baptist Church
has as supply pastor the Rev.
Mike Curry from Metter, Ga.
Sunday he showed slides and
gave a talk on his trip to
India. It was very interesting
and was enjoyed by everyone.
The WM.S. of Blitchton
Baptist Church had their reg
ular meeting Monday, October .
e D e
Visiting Mrs. W. T. Hughes,
‘Mrs. Lula McGahee and Mrs.
G. R. Darsey, Sr. was Mrs.
Darsey’s son, Mr. and Mrs.
G. R. Darsey, Jr. of Atlanta,