Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You”
Volume 67, Number 31, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Ga. 31321
Garden Clubs
Schedule Meet
Pembroke Garden Club
president Mrs. Marjorie Jones
announced Tuesday that the
Associated Garden Clubs of
Southeast Georgia will meet
Tuesday, November 11 at the
Holiday Inn at Richmond Hill
at 10:30 a.m.
The program will consist of
a demonstration of Christmas
Decorations by Mrs. Davis
Darsey of the Pink House
Florist Shop in Hinesville.
Following the demonstration
will be luncheon.
Reservation fees of $3.00 per
member should be sent by
November 6 to Mrs. R. F.
Sharp, P. O. Box 61, Rich
mond Hill.
Hostess clubs for the assoc
iational meeting will be the
Pembroke Garden Club, The
Richmond Hill Garden Club,
the Brooklet Garden Club, and
the Springfield Garden Club.
All members of the Garden
Clubs and their guests are
urged to attend.
Eastern Star
Fund Raising
Activities Set
A Rummage and Bake Sale
and a Stanley Party are
among the upcoming fund rais
ing activities of the Pembroke
Chapter of the Eastern Star.
The Stanley Party will be
held Friday night, November
7 at 7 p.m. at the home of
Mrs. David Smith. All mem
bers are urged to support this
The Rummage and Bake
Sale has been scheduled for
the Pembroke Depot Platform,
and will begin at 1 p.m. and
end when all items are sold.
Eastern Star members request
that anyone having rummage
they wish to dispose of please
contact Mrs. Grover Denmark,
Mrs. Gwen Futch, or Mrs. A.
D. Arnett.
Turner Family
Attends Reunion
Mrs. A. C. Turner spent part
of 2 weeks in Savannah visit
ing her granddaughter Mr. and
Mrs. Paul Mironiech. The
family attended the Benton
Reunion Sunday, October 19th
in Claxton at the American
Those attending were: Mr.
and Mrs. James L. Burke and
family of Pembroke; Mrs. Lula
Jordan and daughter Mrs.
Puril Sellers and two grand
children of Jacksonville, Fla:
Mrs. Emmer Gibbs and family
of Gainesville, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Burke and two children,
Darick and Stacy of Pensa
cola, Fla.; Mr. and Mrs. Dud
ley Benton of Lumber City,
Ga.; two brothers of Mrs. Tur
ner, Dennis and Virgil Benton
and family of Claxton, Ga.:
Mr and Mrs. Paul McNeal and
granddaughter; Mrs. Evelyn
Jones, Mrs Mayo Benton, Mr.
and Mrs. Van Benton and fam
ily; Mrs. Turner’s grand
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Mironiech and family. Mr. and
Mrs. Mikey Cassidy and Pam;
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Gilds and
Bryan gll of Savannah. Other
relatives attending were from
Macon, Atlanta and Alabama.
Church Youth
Attend Retreat
Approximately fifteen young 1
people of Fellowship Primi- 1
tive Baptist Church attendee 1
the Retreat at P.B.Y.F. Cami ’
near Metter, Georgia during 1
the weekend of October 24-
26. i
Elder W. A. Crumpton. 1
Church Pastor, and Bill Col- ’
lins accompanied the children '
to camp. 1
Bill Collins reports a good ’
time was enjoyed by all. 1
to offer broad basa ac
cord toU£.
Court Officials Shown At Bar Os Justice
*l||s a._ JT
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Seated in the Judges Chair, is Honorable Paul Caswell, and before the Bench ap
pears our efficient Solicitor Max Cheney. The picture does not do justice to the hand
some appearance that has been given the c ourtroom, and conveniences installed. The
County Commissioners are indeed to be con gratulated on having done an outstanding
job on the court building.
Three Women On Grand Jury
wx J .
Shown in front are Miss Dorothy Warnell, Mrs. C. E.
Dasher and Mrs. J. T. Stubbs who served on the November
Term Grand Jury. Those in the back are others that were on
the Grand Jury.
Local Jaycees,
Jaycettes Attend
Regional Meet
The Bryan County Jaycees
and Jaycettes were represented
at Region 10 Meetings of the
two organizations in Hinesville,
Staurday, Nov. 1, by several
local members.
Attending the Jaycee meet
ing at the National Guard
Armory in Hinesville were Ray
Harrison, local Jaycee presi
dent, Ed Jordan, Randall Baze
more, Gene Cowart, and Robert
Neal. The men enjoyed a delici
ous seafod supper followed by
a business session. Hosts for
the meeting and meal were the
Hinesville Jaycees.
Attending a separate Jaycee
function at the Bradwell Ele
mentary School Cafeteria in
Hinesville were Pembroke Jay
cettes Mrs. Montene Cowart,
local Jaycette president, Mrs.
Judy Neal and Mrs. Lynn Jor
dan. The ladies enjoyed a love
ly turkey and dressing supper
with all the trimmings served
buffet style. A business ses
sion followed the deliciods meal.
Hostess Club for the Regional
Jaycette meeting was the
Statesboro Jaycette Organiza
Church Slates
Gospel Sing
The Wildwood Baptist
Church will sponsor a Gospel
sing Saturday, Nov. 8, at 7:30
p.m. at the church. Church
spokesmen explained there will
be no admission charge but an
offering will be collected.
Scheduled to sing Saturday
are: The Country Men’s Quar
tet of Sylvania; Ella Grove
Quartet of Glennville; Truleton
County Gospel Singers of Sop
erton; Blue Grass Boys of Sa
vannah; East Savannah Church
of God Singers of Savannah;
The O’Brians of Richmond Hill;
and the Black Creek Church oi
God Singers.
Black Creek
PTO Meets
The Black Creek Parent-
Teacher Organization held
their first meeting Thursday
evening, October 30, in the
school auditorium.
The meeting was presided
over by Mrs. James E. New
man, Vice-President of the
Mrs. Jack S. Gardner, Sr.,
President of the Black Creek
P.T.O. was unable to attend
due to illness in her family.
The grade count was won
by Mrs. Gwen Turner’s room.
Following the business meet
ing, there was Open House for
all the parents to visit in the
rooms and talk with the teach
Refreshments were served
in the cafeteria by the teach
ers aides of Black Creek
School, Mrs. Mack Hagin, Mrs.
Calvin Haggray and Mrs. Ken
neth Shuman.
MYF Slates
Methodist Youth Fellowship
is members of the Pembroke
Methodist Church will partici
pate in a city-wide campaign to
raise funds for the United Na
tions International Children’s
Emergency Funds Friday night,
Nov. 7.
The Friday night drive will
replace the “Trick or Treat for
UNICEF” campaign planned
for last Saturday which was
cancelled because of bad weath
A hay ride has been planned
for the young people who will
canvass the town with MYF
counselors Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Cowart, and chaperones, Mr.
and Mrs. E. Terrell Owens. The
MYF’ers request that citizens
will begin at 6:30 p.m. and
hay ride and collection drive
give generously to this worthy
Mrs. E. K. Bell
Died Last Tues.
At Candler Hosp.
Mrs. Cleo Rimes Bell, 63, died
at Candler General Hospital on
last Tuesday after a short ill
She was a native of Lanier
and a member of the Bull Street
Baptist Church, the Gleaner
Sunday School and Poplar
Grove Garden Club.
Surviving are her husband, E.
K. Bell; a daughter, Mrs. G.
Lenn Nesmith of Statesboro;
her mother, Mrs. Beulah Rimes
of Savannah ;a brother Hugh
M. Rimes of Savannah; three
sisters, Mrs. A. J. Herrington
and Mrs. Sam Brewton, both
of Savannah, and Mrs. Hoske S.
Jordan, of Mcßae.
Funeral services for Mrs.
Bell was held last Wednesday'at
the Bull Street Baptist Church
in Savannah at 3:30 p.m. Fox
and Weeks were in charge of
Gleaners Class
Sponsors Social
The First Baptist Church of
Pembroke Gleaners Sunday
School Class sponsored a cover
ed dish supper at the church
for class members and their
families Thursday night, Oct.
30. Mrs. David Blitch, class
member, reports that a delici
ous meal and fellowship were
enjoyed by all.
Attending the covered dish
supper were Rev. and Mrs. Gor
don Hunter, Penny and Susan,
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Spinks, Mr.
and Mrs. Shelly Shuman, Russ,
Rick, Ron, Mr. and Mrs. David
Blitch and Beth and David Jr.,
Mrs. Mary Blanton, Skip and
Annie, Mr. W. W. Pickett, Mrs.
W. W. Curl, Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Quattlebaum, Mrs. Vivian
Gains, Mrs. Rossie Shuman,
Ashley and Maxine, Mrs. Mur
ry Ussery, William and Debbie,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quattle
baum, Cindy and Lynn, Mrs.
Pat Quattlebaum, Mr. and Mrs.
Bobby Purcell, Wayne and
Owen, and Mrs. Janette Hum
Church Holds
Seasonal Social
Mrs. Kenneth Shuman re
ports that a Halloween Out
ing was given for the young
people of Fellowship Primi
tive Baptist Church of Stilson,
Georgia in the church annex
on Saturday evening Novem
ber 1.
Refreshments consisted of
roasted marshmallows and
trimmings, plus the children
roasted marshmellows and
bobbed for apples.
There were approximately
50 young people and adults
Bill Collins of Ellabell,
Georgia was in charge of all
the activities for the young
R. L. Lane, Jr.
Died Last Thurs.
In Claxton Hosp.
Roderick L. Lane, Jr., 45, of
Pembroke died Thursday about
noon in Evans Memorial Hos
pital, after a long illness.
He was a lifelong resident of
Bryan County and was a mem
ber of the Pembroke First Bap
tist Church. He was an operat
or of a supermarket for 27
years, he served as Tax Com
missioner of Bryan County for
2 years, and for 12 years was
a member of the Pembroke City
Surviving are his wife, Mrs.
Valerie B. Lane of Pembroke;
three sons, Capt. Roderick L.
Lane, 111, Gary Lane and John
ny L. Lane, all of Pembroke; a
daughter, Miss Susan Lane of
Pembroke; four sisters, Mrs.
Joe Brewton, Mrs. Ivy Kennedy,
Mrs. E. L. Meekins all of
Pembroke, Mrs. Don Martin of
Lawrenceville; four brothers, D.
J. Lane, Carlos L. Lane, C. W.
Lane, Joseph H. Lane, all of
Pembroke. There, were many
other relatives to mourn his
Funeral services were held
on Saturday afternoon at 3:30
at the First Baptist Church of
Pembroke, and was one of the
largest funerals ever held in the
local church, the seats were all
filled, many on the outside, and
the most gorgeous display of
floral offerings from relatives
and loved ones filled the church.
Funeral services were con
ducted on Saturday afternoon
at 3:30 in the Pembroke First
Baptist Church, conducted by
Rev. John R. Joyner, Rev. J. J.
Chambless and Rev. Gordon A.
Hunter, Jr., pastor. Interment
was in Northside Cemetery in
Pembroke. Pallbearers were
Charles F. Warnell, J. O. Cow
art, E. B. Miles, Lee D. Hughes,
Harold Bacon and Tommy
Hughes. NeSmith Funeral
Home of Claxton was in charge
of arrangements.
Rosa Srickland
Bible Study
Group Meets
The Rosa A. Strickland Bible
Stud” Group met October 27,
at the home of Mrs. L. M. An
derson with ten members and
one visitor present.
Mrs. Anderson, chairman,
called the meeting to order with
a prayer given by Mrs. Charles
There was a business meet
ing held at which time new of
ficers and hostesses for the en
suing year were elected.
After the business meeting
the devotional and prayer were
given by Mrs. Bobby Purcell
and then the program was pre
sented by Mrs. Melvin S pe i r
which was entitled “God’s Plan
of the Ages” with material for
her subject taken from the
books of the Bible, Isaiah, Acts
and Ephesians.
In honor of Mrs. Perry Par
rish, deceased member, a chair
was draped in black upon which
was placed a red rose in full
After the meeting was ad
journed the hostess served deli
cious refreshments.
Those attending were: Mrs.
L. M. Anderson, Mrs. Effie
Johnson, Mrs. Laura Mock,
Miss Lula McGahee, Mrs. W. T.
Hughes, Mrs. M. N. Starling,
Mrs. Bobby Purcell, Mrs.
Charles Warnell, Mrs. Melvin
Speir, Mrs. G. R. Darsey, and
visiting with the group was
Mrs. M. F. Boyette, WMS Pres
Jaycettes Slate
Rummage Sale
The Bryan County Jaycettes
will hold a rummage sale Fri
day afternoon, Nov. 7, from 4
to 6 p.m. at the Depot Plat
form in Pembroke.
On sale at low prices will
be mens, womens and childrens
clothing and housewhole items.
Members of the Jaycette organ
ization will be on hand to as
sist Mrs. Montene Cowart, Jay
cette President, in sales. Few
if any items will be priced ‘
higher than SI.OO.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
Engagement Announced
qjtKa'W? 9 >l/
Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas Dean of Ashburn, Georgia
announce the engagement of their daughter, Emily Lee, to
William John Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ed
wards of Ellabell.
Miss Dean is the granddaughter of, Mr. J. H. Dean and
the late Mrs. Dean and the late Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brooke
of Sycamore. She graduated from Turner County High
School! Abraham Baldwin College and received a BS degree
in education from Georgia Southern College. She is em
ployed by the Chatham County Board of Education.
Mr. Edwards is the grandson of Mr. Jennings B. Lewis
and the late Mrs. Lewis of Jacksonville, Fla and the late Mr.
Frank Edwards of Ellabell, Ga., Mrs. Eddie Morgan Conner of
Immokalee, Fla. He was graduated from Bryan County
High School, attended Abraham Baldwin College, has served
a tour of duty with the U. S. Army, and is now attending
Savannah Tech.
A November planned.
: J VW / S
McFall Joins
BCHS Faculty
A new faculty member at
Bryan County High School this
year is Mr. Johnny McFall. In
addition to teaching classes in
agriculture, where his major in
terest lies, McFall is assisting
Coach Felts in the athletic de
partment by coaching the
BCHS “B Team.” He is also
serving as advisor to the BCHS
chapter of Future Farmers of
A graduate of the University
of Tennessee, Knoxville, McFall
is originally from Savannah,
Tenn. He received his B.S. De
gree in Agriculture Education
in 1969 and plans eventually to
obtain a Masters Degree in
Landscape Design in the field
of Horticulture at the Univer
sity of Mississippi.
At the University of Ten
nessee McFall was an active
member of the social-profes
sional fraternity, Alpha Gamma
Rho, and of the UT Agriculture
Club. He was one of the organ
izers and constitution writers
of the University of Tennessee
Rodeo Club.
A 1965 graduate of Collin
wood High School, Collinwood,
Tenn., McFall held the offices
of vice-president and reporter
of his local FFA chapter, and
served as circulation manager
of his school paper, and treas
urer of his sophomore class. He
was a member of the school an
nual staff, and of the Collin
wood Trojan’s basketball team.
From a family of 10, McFall
explained thta he is the only
one of the eight brothers and
sisters in his family not in
school at the present time. His
elder brother is currently in
volved in earning his Masters
Degree at a distant college
while another brother and sister
are students at other colleges.
Two high school students and
two youngsters in grammar
school complete the family.
Card Os Thanks
I would like to express my
thanks to my friends, relatives,
neighbors and everyone who has
been so very kind to me, by
sending me cards, flowers, and
for all kindnesses extended to
me, while I was a patient in
the hospital, and since my re
turn home. Your thoughtfulness
was greatly appreciated, and
may God Bless you all.
Mr. Johny Mikell.
Card Os Thanks
We wish to take this means
of expressing our deep and sin
cere thanks and appreciation to
our many friends and neigh
bors for their acts of kindness,
expressions of sympathy and
beautiful floral offerings dur
ing our recent bereavement.
May God’s richest blessings
be with each and everyone of
The Family of
Mrs. Annie Bell Coleman. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Joey Sikes of
Pembroke announce the birth of
a son, David Wayne Sikes. The
infant weighed 9 lbs. 6 oz. Mrs.
Sikes is the former Dell Oliver.
Maternal grandparents are
M.. and Mrs. Delander Oliver.
Paternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sikes,
Volunteers Work
On County DFACS
Welfare Problems
A Volunteer Services Pro
gram for Bryan County to en
list the aid of all Bryan Coun
ty citizens in helping the less
fortunate is under way, Frances
Williamson, Casework e r - i n -
Charge, of the Bryan County
Department of Family and Chil
dren Services has announced.
“The poor, sick and needy
in our County must have help,”
Mrs. Williamson said. “Many of
our citizens want to help and
for the first time in history
concerned citizens can partici
pate actively in organized social
services for welfare clients.”
The Bryan County Depart
ment is undertaking immediate
ly three volunteer services —
transportation of welfare
clients to receive medical serv
ices under the Medicaid Pro
gram and to get food help un
der the Food Stamp (or Com
modity Distribution) Program;
home counseling in nutrition,
money management, home man
agement, personal hygiene and
grooming and family planning;
and tutorial services for de
pendent children who need
“catch-up” help in school sub
jects. Other services will be
added as the Program expands.
The purpose of the Program
is to supplement the work of
the four (4) regular, profes
sional caseworkers in the Coun
ty Department. Volunteers will
enrich the welfare program and
improve communication be
tween the Department and the
Volunteers may be reimburs
ed their expenses if they wish.
There are 600 needy in Bry
an County who will be served
by Volunteers. They include
196 elderly, 6 blind and 74 dis
abled adults and 249 children
and 75 parents and caretakers
in 73 families with dependent
Mrs. Frances Williamson
urges all interested persons to
contact her at the Welfare of
fice in person or by telephone.
The office is located at the
Courthouse. The telephone
number is 653-4521.
WSCS Pledge
Service Held
The general meeting of the
Women’s Society of Christian
Service of the Pembroke Unit
ed Methodist Church was held
Monday night, November 3.
Mrs. Rex Smith presented
the program “Where the Need
Is, There We Go”. The pur
pose of the program was to
point out the ever-increasing
need for United Methodist
women to pledge their support
to help fulfill human needs
wherever they exist. Each
member signing a pledge card.
Those assisting Mrs. Smith
were Miss Blanche Lanier
Mrs. J. T. Shaw and Mrs.
Harry Owens.
During the business session
routine matters were discuss
ed. The president announced,
the Christian Social Relations
Workshop to be held at Ep
worth United Church, Novem
ber 13 at 10:00 A.M. The
topic would be Drugs. Their
use and abuse. Panelist will
Mr. Jan Tootle,, Druggist, and
Rev. C. E. Cariker.
Those present were: Mrs. W.
R. Deal, Miss Blanche Lanier,
Mrs. Rex Smith, Mrs. Wilson
Exley, Mrs. Gene Cowart,
Mrs. A. I. Rhoden, Mrs. Harry
Owens, Mrs. Jessie Hope, Mrs.
Cooper DeLoach, Mrs. J. E.
Lanier,, Mrs. J. T. Shaw and
Mrs. Clark Sims.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Benton
of Pembroke announce the birth
of a son, Robert Wilson Benton,
Jr. The infant weighed 9 lbs.,
12 ozs.
Mrs. Benton is the former
Mary Ethel Wages of Bruns
wick, Ga.
Maternal grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Wages of
. Brunswick. Paternal grandpar
■ ents are Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Benton of Pembroke.