Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You”
Volume 67, Number 32, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Ga. 31321
Redskin Season
To Open Friday
Friday, November 14th, will
mark the big day for the open
ing of the 1969-70 basketball
season when the “Redskins”
take on the “Portal Panthers”
at 7 p.m. at the local gym.
Coach Felts, new as Chief
of the Redskins, will have
many new members on his
squads as graduation hit hard
last year. The boys will have
only two men who logged any
considerable amount of play
ing time. Douglas DeLoach and
Danny Bragg. Coach Felts
has been unable tq determine
just who will start, but has a
group of newcomers who have
been battling for the starting
positions. They are William
Lane, Glynn Miles, Hoynes
Bacon, Danny Barnard, Ther
on Roberson, James Murchin
son, Herbert , Warnell and
Buddy Miller. The balance
of the squad shows Henry
Murchinson, Ray Bazemore,
Kevin Duggar, Randy Ussery,
and George Lanier. The girls
have their one-two scoring
punch back. They are Betty
Hughes and Linda William
son, but again the defense will
be a question mark as only
Debbie Raulerson has any ex
perience at that en d of the
floor. New comers who are
battling for starting positions
are Charlene Futch, Phyllis
Odum as forwards and Diane
Smith, Pam Cowart, Debbie
Douglas, and Sheryl Roberts
as guards. The remainder of
the squad consists of Patti
Page, Vicki Hagin, Ferra I>ane,
Becky Lane, Flo Bacon, Janice
Butler and Debbie Roberts.
Both squads are expected to
progress as they gain exper
ience and should round into
top form by tournament time.
The teams have been prac
ticing since September and are
in good shape physically.
The game will be a good
one as year in and out the
Portal teams are one of the
best, and the word out of
Bulloch is that the boys are
loaded. Much consolidation
has greatly increased the size
of the school. A “B" team
will preced the Varsity action
which will start at 7 p.m. The
price will remain 50c and 75c.
Journal Editor
In Hospital
Mr. Frank O. Miller, mayor
of Pembroke, and editor and
publisher of the Pembroke
Journal, is a patient in the
Candler General Hospital,
where he is undergoing examin
ation and tests.
Mr. Miller entered the hos
pital on Thursday of last week,
and he hopes to be, home with
his friends and relatives in the
very near future.
During Mr. Millers stay in
the hospital, the newspaper will
continue to be published by his
staff, and he requests that news
items and copy for advertising
be turned in to the Journal
office by Monday.
OES Birthday
Celebration Set
The Eastern Star will have
their regular meeting Novem
ber 17th at which time the
birthday of the chapter will
be celebrated. The meeting
ill be held at the Masonic
riah at 8:00 p.m. Monday.
All charter members are re
quested to be present as a
special program will be plan
ned in their honor. A special
invitation is being issued to
charter members.
Card of Thanks
I would like to express my
thanks and appreciation to
each and everyone who was
so kind to me during my re
cent illness.
The cards, visits, flowers,
gifts and phone calls meant
so much to me.
May God bless each of you.
Mrs. Florine Elrick
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JH|H| I I M H omcs
Lovely November Bride
lllliS I lllif If
Vows Exchanged
Miss Barbara Mae Shuman,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Shuman became the bride of
Mr. David O. Dußose, Jr., son
of Mr. and Mrs. David O. Du-
Bose, Sr. on November 1, 1969
at 3:00 p.m. in the Ash Branch
The Elder Wilber Lynn offici
ated at the double ring cere
mony before an altar arrange
ment of round candelabras and
baskets of white chrysanthe
mums and pom-poms.
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore a
floor length, empire waist gown
with long sleeves. Small pearls,
surrounded by sequins, adorned
the sleeves, neck and waist line
of the dress. The bride wore a
shoulder length veil on silk illu
sion trimmed with lace to match
her dress. She wore a single
strand of pearls with earrings
to match. She carried a bou
quet of white pom-poms with a
single white orchid atop a white
The bride had as her attend
ants, Mrs. Harold Miller, sister
of the bride, as matron of hon
or; Miss Diane Thompson, cou
sin of the bride, and Miss Beth
Dußose, sister of the groom, as
bridesmaids. They wore street
length dresses of light green,
trimmed with olive green lace
over the bodice and sleeves,
with bows in the back. The at
tendants wore matching acces
sories and carried bouquets of
yellow pom-poms.
The groom had as his best
man Mr. Billy Sauls of Pem
broke, The ushers were Mr.
Robert H. White, cousin of the
groom, and Mr. Bill Shuman
Jr., brother of the bride.
The bride’s mother wore a
blue knit dress and jacket with
black accessories and a corsage
of white carnations.
The groom’s mother wore a
gold knit dress and jacket with
brown accessories, and a cor
sage of white carnations.
Mrs. Cheryl Futch was the
A reception was held immedi
ately following the ceremony in
the social hall of the church.
Mrs. Ike Chassereau, Mrs. Win
ton Thompson, Mrs. Donald
Bryant and Mrs. Thomas Shu
man, aunts of the bride, served
at the reception.
For her going away suit, the
bride chose a dark green and
off-white dress and brown ac
cessories with the orchid from
her bouquet.
The couple will make their
home in Pembroke, Georgia.
The average age of the 14,-
<560,000 World War veterans is
49.3, the VA reports.
Sisters Enjoy
Birthday Supper
Mrs. Charlotte Bashlor and
Edward Winter entertained
their aunt (Mrs. Betty Powell)
and mother (Mrs. Eloise Win
ter) with a birthday supper
Monday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Joe E. Winter.
Both ladies celebrate their
birthdays on the 10th of No
The dining table was high
lighted by an arrangement of
pink glads, white carnations,
and stock; centered between
two lighted candles.
Those enjoying the supper
were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe E.
Winter, and children; Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Powell and children;
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy; and
Mr. Bill Murphy.
Later in the evening Mr. and
Mrs. J. E. Peoples and children
dropped in to enjoy a birthday
cake honoring Mrs. Winter,
Mrs. Powell, and Mrs. Peoples
(who celebrated her birthday,
October I&th) birthdays.
A good time was enjoyed by
Bake Sale
For Nov. 22
The ladies of the Ellabell
Church have scheduled a bake
sale at the church in Ellabell,
Saturday, November 22 begin
ning at 8:00 a.m. and will end
when all cakes have been sold.
The profits made will go on
drapes for the Sunday School
Everyone is cordially invited,
and anyone wishing to purchase
an order may contact Mrs. Jo
ann Miller at 653-4376.
Jaycettes Rummage Sale
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Shown above are three Bryan County Jaycettes who assisted
with the Jaycette Rummage Sale last Friday. Proceeds from
the sale will be used to aid a local family in need of assist
ance. Left to right are Gwen Turner, Judy Neal and Brenda
Bryan Commissioners Sponsor
Courthouse-Annex Open House
Bryan County Courthouse and
Annex Open House to be spon
sored by the Bryan County
Commissioners has been set for
Sunday, November 16, from 3-5
The p u rp o s e of the Open
House is to show the friends
and citizens of Bryan the im
provements and additions made
at the Courthouse this year, ac
cording to Commissioner Chair
man Jerry Wilson of Richmond
“All of the County Officials
have been most co-operative in
working as a group in accom
plis hi n g the improvements
made throughout the county as
well as those at the Court
house,” Wilson stated. “The
Bryan Commissioners are look
ing forward to this opportunity
to show Bryan citizens the
Courthouse renovations and ad
The commissioners have plan
ned the tours to begin at the
ASCS Office of the new annex,
where they will be shown
through the department. Visit
ors will exit through the rear
door of the ASCS office and
enter the rear door of the
County agents office where
they will see the spacious
new extension offices.
From there they will be direct
ed across the porch of the an
nex into the Department of
Family and Children’s Services.
Leaving through the rear door
of the FACS Dept, visitors will
circle around to the annex
porch where they will enter the
County Commissioners Room
and then the Department of
Public Health. Clinic personnel
will direct them through the
clinic’s rear door and into the
South door of the Courthouse
where they will go up the stairs
and view the courtroom with its
many improvements. Visitors
are urged to come down the
Northern Courthouse stairs
where they will be served re
freshments near the Sheriff’s
Dr. Mooney To
Address Faculty
Bryan County High School
Principal Robert Bowers an
nounced Monday that Dr.
John Mooney of Statesboro
will be the speaker at the
first of a series of In-Service
programs concerning narcotics
and drug use among the youth
Attending the 3:30 p.m, con
sultation at the BCHS Library
on Wednesday will be the
teachers of grades 8 through
12 from BCHS and Pembroke
High School.
“The purpose of this BCHS
sponsored project is to recog
nize the drug problem and
search out ways to combat and
control it”, Bowers explained.
In-Service programs are
sponsored by the school so
that teachers may study var
ious problems themselves un
der professional guidance.
Each of the up coming pro
grams will feature a speaker
considered an authority on
drug use.
Mi s. C. T. Howell
Joins Faculty At
Black Creek
Joining the Black Creek
School faculty as a new teach
er in the Primary Department
this year is Mrs. Betty K.
Howell of Savannah.
Mrs. Howell received her
high school education at Pem
broke High School where she
reigned as “Miss Pembroke
High” during her Junior year.
She entered college at Sa
vannah State and was honored
with the title of “Miss Junior,”
during her junior year. She
played in the band during her
entire college years.
Mrs. Howell’s first teach
ing experience was in Beau
fort County School System.
The following year she was
employed by the System of
Screven County where she
worked four years prior to
joining the faculty of Black
Creek Elementary School.
While in Screven County, Mrs.
Howell worked at Arnett Ele
mentary School. She was
chairman of the Primary De
partment and coordinator of
the Textbook Committee.
This young lady served as
director of a Folk Dance group
which won first place in both
county and district during
Field Day activities.
Besides regular school work,
Mrs. Howell worked two sum
mers with the Kindergarten
Program sponsored by the
Federal Government. One
summer was spent in advanced
•tudy at Savannah State Col
Her membership of a Social
and Civic Club, “Las Cinder
ellas” where she is serving as
financial secretary helps to in
crease her activities.
Mrs. Howell is one of two
children, the daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. Lamar Kelley. Rev.
Kelley is a prominent minister
of Savannah and a prosper
ous businessmen. Her mother
is a teacher in the Chatham
County School System. Her
sister has just completed col
lege at Savannah State with
a major in biology.
Mrs. Howell is the wife of
Mr. Charles T. Howel] and
the mother of three lovely
children, Vernon, Terri, and
MYF Attends
The Pembroke Methodist
MYF Sub - District met at
Reidsville at the Reidsville
Methodist Church.
The program included a
Thanksgiving supper, turkey,
dressing, and all trimmings,
hosted by the Methodist Church.
Reidsville won the “attend
ance banner” that was given
to the most MYF members from
one church. Those attending
were: Mrs. Gene Cowart, Mrs.
J. Harry Owens, Debbie Owens,
Diane and Teresa Cowart, Cart
er Harn, Wayne Purvis, David
Harn, Kenny Meekins, Rad
Johnson, Don Owens, Marsha
Owens and Kay Bazemore
Mr. Anderson
Has Birthday
Mr; and Mrs, L. M. Anderson
spent the week-end with their
daughter and her husband, Mr.
and . Mrs. S, M, Sanders of Pine
Harbor. The occasion for the
visit was a dinner party, cele
brating Mr. Anderson’s birth
day. Other dinner guests were:
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Anderson of
Ludowici, Ga. who also has a
home at Pine Harbor, and their
grandson, Mr. and Mrs. David
Anderson of Savannah.
Monday morning they were
surprised with a salt - water
fishing trip, from which they
brought back an ice chest of
bass and trout that afternoon..
A delightful time was reported
by all.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
Futch-Arban Votvs Exchanged
Mrs. Lee Futch, nee, Miss Beverly Arban
Miss Beverly Arban, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Arban, and Lee Futch, son of Mr. and Mrs, Kelly Futch
of Pembroke, were married November 1 at 3 p.m. in the
First Free Will Baptist Church.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride had Miss
Carolyn Futch as maid of honor and Mrs. Denney Harris.
Mrs. Edward Dukes and Mrs. Doug Shuman as bridesmaids.
Joseph Futch was best man and ushers were Denney Harris,
Edward Dukes and Gary Akins.
After a reception in the church social hall, Mr. and
Mrs. Futch left on a wedding trip to Florida. They will
make their home in Macon.
Engagement Announced
■Mr. and Mrs. William P. Conley of Pembroke, Georgia
announce the engagement of their daughter Dorothy Alice,
to Roy Andrew Dexter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dexter
of Blackduck, Minnesota.
Miss Conley is a 1969 graduate of Bryan County High
School and is employed by the Pembroke Manufacturing
Mr. Dexter is a 1966 graduate of Blackduck High School,
and has recently completed a three-year term of service
with the United States Army. He is now employed by the
Kraft Company of St. Marys, Georgia.
The wedding will take place January 25. All friends
and relatives are invited to attend. 1
Baptista Gather
gates representing more than
3,000 Georgia Baptist church
es met here Monday for the
148th annual Georgia Baptist
The convention, which lasts
through Wednesday, is fea
tured by reports from conven
tion agencies and periods of
miscellaneous business Reso-
lotions to be presented to the
National Baptist Convention
at a later date also are being
Southern Baptist Convention
President Dr. W. A. Criswell,
a nationally-known public
speaker, keynoted the opening
session Monday. Criswell is
pastor of the 15,000 member
First Baptist Church ol Dal
las, Tex.
Service Center
To Hold
Open House
The Bryan County Commun
ity Service Center will hold
open house on Sunday, Novem
ber 16th from 3:00 until 5:00
P.M. This will be held in
connection with the open
house at the court house and
everyone is invited to drop
by the center after or before
you have completed your tour
of the court house.
Personnel from the area qf
fice will be at the center to
meet you. The center is
located in the building next
to the community house for
merly occupied by the County
Again, we invite you to
come by and see some of the
things your Community Ser
vice Center personnel are do
ing. We encourage you to
visit with us and discuss the
various programs and projects
that are available for our low
income families.
Refreshments will be ser
ved by the center personnel.
Mrs. Nell B. Daniel, Mrs.
Marjorie B. Nolan, Mrs. Lillie
Mae Cowart, Mrs. Minnie Gei
ger, Mrs. Alice Brown.
Mrs. Strickland
Attends Seminar
Mrs. Evelyn Strickland of
the Bryan County ASCS Of
fice attended a two week Man
agement Development Course
at Georgia Center For Con
tinuing Education, University
of Georgia, Athens, Oct. 27-
Nov. 7.
The seminar concluded a
six week home study program
by Mrs. Strickland which in
cluded the reading of two
college textbooks, completion
of two workbooks, and 34 tests.
“The purpose of the course,”
Mrs. Strickland explained,
“was to obtain in depth under
standing of the basic prin
ciple of management and to
equip supervisors with the
latest knowledge in human re
lations and management.”
The intensive course is
equivalent to approximately
two college semester courses.
Mrs. Strickland is one of
the four women in Georgia
who hold the position of
County Office Manager.
During her stay at the Geor
gia Center for Continuing Edu
cation Mrs. Strickland enjoyed
a visit with Miss Callie Mc-
Whirter, sister of Mrs. D. E.
Medders, who is a member of
the Center personnel staff.
Georgia Wranglers
Elect New Officers
Last Wednesday night at
their monthly meeting the
Georgia Wranglers Riding
Club elected the following
new officers for the coming
year. President: Herman But
ler; Vice-President: Burt Us
sery; Secretary: Ray Harrison;
Treasurer: Vi Harrison; Busi
ness Manager: Waymon Ha
gan; Trailboss: Julian. Buck
ner; Arena Director: Steve
Harvey; Flag Bearers: Ted
Strickland, Dink Butler, and
Donna Harvey.
The Wrangler membership
now includes 22 families, with
a membership of this size,
working and riding together,
a fine year is expected.
Plans are now in the mak
ing for a winter club show to
be held every Sunday after
noon, that they are not at
tending a show out of town.
Ribbons will be given to the
winners every Sunday after
noon. This will create more
interest for the rider, as well
as the spectators.
Georgia needs 12,900
Registered* Nurses right now,
and will need twice as many
by the mid 1970’5. For
information, write: The
Health Careers Council' of
Georgia, P. O. Box 7661,
Station C, Atlanta, Ga.,
30309. Nov. 1-16 is “Heath
Careers Week.”