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"Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Knmv You 9 ’
Volume 67, Number 37, The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke. Ga. 31321
B arm Bureau
Convention Held
Georgia Farm Bureau hon
ored various Georgians and
county Farm Bureau Chapters
during the 31st annual Farm
Bureau Convention held al
Jekyll Island. Among those
recognized were four State
Representatives: Hines L
Brantley, Metter: Paul Ne
smith, Statesboro; L. L. Pete
Phillips, Soperton, and Dorse}
Matthews of Moultrie.
The four state Legislator:
were presented a special Dis
tinguished Service Award foi
legislation they introducee
and supported pertaining t<
the 90-10 education proposa
to provide relief from burden
some property taxes.
Also recognized at the an
nual Farm Bureau Banquet
were several county agents:
They were: W. D. Ashworth,
Franklin County; Clarence
Benton, Walker County; Rob
ert Tom Boland, Ware Coun
ty; Edwin E. Brannen, Irwin
County; Billy A. Dick, Peach
County; Thomas H. Helton,
DeKalb County, and Dr. C. R.
Jordan, Head of Extension En
tomology Department. Athens.
They were recipients of the
Extension Service Distinguish
ed Service Award.
Mrs. Regina Whitaker of
Henry County received the
Farm Bureau Distinguished
Service Award for her out
standing work with Farm
Bureau and her support of
Farm Bureau programs.
The Thomas County Farm
Bureau Women received the
Women's Award for the
group’s accomplishments over
the past year. Miss Pauline
Smith is Women’s Chairman
for Thomas County.
The Georgia Farm Bureau
Office Secretary’s Award went
to Mrs. Odessa Booth of
Thomas County. Mrs. Booth
was cited for outstanding per
formance of her office secre
tarial duties.
Receiving awards for having
outstanding county Farm Bur
eau Chapters were: Pierce,
Thomas, Wayne, Bleckley, El
bert, Henry, Evans, Wilkin
son, Clay, Gilmer, Houston,
Brooks, Fayette, Worth, Deca
tur, Cook, Grady, Crisp, Cow
eta, Hall, Walker, Upson, Polk,
Laurens, Oconee, Bacon, Bar
ton, Screven, and Washington
The Farm Bureau Disting
uished Service Award District
winners were: Grady L. Block
er, Claxton, First District; J.
R. Odum, Sylvester, Second
District; R. H. Williams, Roch
elle, Third District; Mrs.
Regina Whitaker, Hampton,
Fourth District; John Lee,
Fairburn, Fifth District, Miss
Julia Veal, Sandersville, Sixth
District; Gene Owens, Cal
houn, Seventh District; Mrs.
H L. Walker, Blackshear,
Eighth District; Amon Corn,
Cumming, Ninth District, and
Marvin Ruark, Bostick, Tenth
The Georgia Farm Bureau
Mutual Insurance Company
gave the President’s Award to
50 county Farm Bureau Presi
dents whose county insurance
agents made quota for one
Ellabell Man
Assigned Duty
MERCED, Calif. — U. S.
Air Force Master Sergeant
Hiram C. Odum, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Willie R. Odom of
R.F.D. 1, Ellabell, Ga. has ar
rived for duty at Castle AFB,
Sergeant Odom is an air
craft instrument technician
with the 93rd Bomb Wing, a
unit of the Strategic Air Com
mand, America’s nuclear de
terrent force of long range
bombers and intercontinental
ballistic missiles.
The sergeant, a 1950 grad
uate of Claxton, (Ga.) High
School, attended Merced
(Calif.) Junior College. His
wife is the former Jeanne A.
Bryan Farm Bureau Earns Award
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Shown above is Mr. Aulton O. Smith (left) receiving
the award for the 'Bryan County Farm Bureau for reaching
its quota of Farm Bureau members for 1970. Mr. Smith
and Mr. Harry Hagan were delegates to the Farm Bureau
Annual Convention, November 9-12.
Bryan Farmers
Eligible For
FHA Loans
Washington, D. C. — Certain
farmers in nine Ist District
counties have been declared
eligible for emergency loans
by the Farmers Home Admin
istration, according to Con
gressman G. Elliott Hagan.
The nine counties are Bryan.
Bulloch, Candler, Evans, Mont
gomery, Tattnall, Toombs,
Treutlen and Wheeler said
Hagan further stated that
these counties have been de
signated through June 30,
1970 for emergency loans at
three percent interest because
of substantial damage to 1969
crops as result of various ad
verse weather conditions
throughout the growing and
harvesting seasons including
excessive rainfall, prolonged
drought and periods of ex
tremely high temperatures.
Pembroke High
Honor Roll
The Pembroke Elementary
and High School announces it’s
honor roll for the 2nd Six
Weeks of the 1969-70 school
4th Grade: Tena Lott, Brun
etta Bacon, Beatrice Carroll,
Timothy Holmes.
sth Grade: Dorothy Hills,
Shelia Holmes, James Dukes,
Robin Manning, Cecelia Smith.
7th Grade: Charlene Harris.
Ervin Williams.
9th Grade: Sandra Mikell,
LeVette Lanier, Charles Cle
11th Grade: Martha Faye
Randall L. Butler, Jr. Returns
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Randall L. Butler, Jr. is shown (above right) as he re
ceives an honorable discharge from the United States Navy
recently. He has returned to his home in Richmond Hill after
having served in the U. S. Navy four years. He reports that
he has taken his old job back at Union Bag and is happy to
be home. Mr. Butler served aboard the USS Shadwell and
attained the rank of Petti Officer Second Class. He was dis
charged in Norfolk, Va., recently. His parents are Mr ■
Mrs. R. L. Butler, Sr. of Richmond Hill.
Rural Housing
Loan Funds
The Farmers Home Admin
istration under provisions in
the Rural Housing Act makes
and insures rural housing
loans. Families living in the
country and in small towns
with populations of not more
than 5,500, which are rural in
character, may be eligible for
these loans.
One type for which many
families in Bulloch and Bryan
Counties may be eligible is a
loan at 6*4 percent interest
with a maximum repayment
period of 33 years. This loan
is available to eligible farm
ers and other rural residents
with low to moderate incomes.
Rural housing loans are made
only to applicants who are un
able to obtain the credit they
need from private lenders.
One of the aims of this pro
gram is to get more qualified
families into decent, safe and
sanitary housing of their own.
Funds are now available at
this attractive interest rate for
the construction of new dwell
ings. Loans also may be made
to purchase a dwelling.
Additional information about
this and oher types of hous
ing loans made by the Farm
ers Home Administration may
be obtained from Mr. Raymond
Waters, Assistant County
Supervisor, who is in Pem
broke at the ASCS office on
the 2nd and 4th Wednesday -
mornings of each month. The
home office is located in
Statesboro at Room 204 Fed
eral Building and the office
hours are from 8 AM to 5
PM, Monday through Friday.
Mr. Marshall Thigpen is the
County Supervisor serving
Bulloch and Bryan Counties.
Mrs. Bacon
Wins Award
Mrs. Clara Carter Bacon of
Pembroke, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Carter of Ella
bell. has finished her secre
tarial training „at Draughon
Business College, Inc. Savan
nah, Ga.
Friday evening, Dec. 12 at
6:30 the graduates and their
guests were honored with a
dinner at the First Federal
Pent House.
The graduates also received
their diplomas. Mrs. Bacon
was given an award in Busi
ness Administration for being
the top student in her class.
City Purchases New Decorations
Pictured above are several of the lovely new Christmas
decorations purchased by the City of Pembroke for the Busi
ness District this year. Supported by ten telephone poles
wrapped in gleaming red, the decorations consist of 3% foot
tall red candles with flickering flames on a curved bracket
which is covered in a garland of Christmas greenery featur
ing huge red sugar plum balls encircle each pole.
The effect of the newly purchased decorations is one of
stunning beauty as one approaches the business district from
either end of town and sees the rows of garland wrapped
poles with their tall red candles flickering in the darkness.
The Christmas Scene will be complete next week when the
glistening silver garlands featuring huge lighted stars en
circled with silver are placed at each end of the business
Baptist Assoc.
Leaders Meet
The Ogeechee River Baptist
Associational Leaders held a
Planning Meeting on Tuesday,
December 9, at 7:30 P.M. at
the Nic-Nac Grill in States
boro. After a Dutch supper
the Area Missionary, Rev.
Henry Kirk Neel, led the
group discussions on the
theme: “What are the Great
est Needs of the Churches in
our Association in Their
Carrying out to Completion
our Lord’s Great Commission."
The churches have six or
ganizations through which
they worship God, and enlist
their church members in the
work pertaining to the pro
motion and extending The
Kingdom of God, here at home
and to the ends of the earth.
These organizations are com
monly referred to as:
1. The Worship Services 2.
The Sunday School Bible
Teaching Dept. 3. The Church
Membership Training and De
velopment Dept. 4. The
Woman’s Missionary Union
Dept. 5, The Baptist Brother
hood Dept. 6. The Church’s
Music Ministry.
The next meeting of this
group is scheduled to be in the
Statesboro First Baptist
Church, March 9, 1970.
A small boy go! h
store because he couldn’t hold
on to his mother’s mini-skirt.
Dinner Honors
Mrs. Newman
Mrs. Bertha Newman was
honored with a birthday din
ner recently in celebration of
her 63rd birthday. Given by
the children of Mrs. Newman,
the affair was held at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Those attending were: John
Butler, Mr. and Mrs. John
Newman and daughter Harri
ette: Mrs. Jimmy Grey and
children Holly and Kevin; Mr.
and Mrs. Gary Newman, Sr.
and children Randy and
Teresa; Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Newman; Mr. and Mrs. Ray-i
mond Newman and daughters
Gloria and Joy.
Bryan Redskins
Score Victories
The Bryan Redskins closed
out the last two games of the
1969 basketball season with
victories and high hopes for the
continuing 1970 season.
In a thrilling game against
Richmond Hill, Dec. 9 the Red
skin Girls scored a 44-42 vic
tory over the Wildcats in their
home gym. Leading the Red
skin Girls was Linda William
son with 23 points.
Winning a 75-57 victory the
Redskin Boys were led by
Danny Bragg with 23 points,
and Glynn Miles with 19.
In the Redskins recent battle
against Southeast Bulloch at
the BCHS Gym Bryan took an
80-53 victory. Danny Bragg hit
21 for the Bryan Boys and
William Lane had 18.
The Redskin Girls felt the
sting of Southeast Bullochs
Yellow Jackets in a rough game
here Friday night resulting in
a 85-60 victory for the Jackets.
Pacing the losers were Betty
Hughes with 32, Linda William
son with 22, and Charlene Futch
with 6.
The 1970 season will continue
Friday night, Jan. 9, with the
Redskins again meeting South
east Bulloch on their home
More wigs are being sold than
ever. It must be a terrible feel
ing to have your head Itch under
a wig.
Fire Station Used As Courtroom
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Pictured above are some of the court officials and jury
members who participated in the court which convened
Monday in the Pembroke Fire Station. Due to the case
pending Jack Shuman vs. the Commissioner of Revenue
Judge Caswell requested that Judge Durrence preside over
the case as it originally started under him. Judge Caswell
then set up temporary court in the fire station to expediate '
the court s work because of the coming holidays.
At the same time city court was being held in the Sheriff’s
_ — ’
Garden Club Decoration Contest
And Christinas Party Announced
The annual Christmas party
of the P< mbroke Garden Club
will be held Thursday, Dec. 18,
at the Pembroke Community
House at 7 p.m. with a covered
dish supper and plans for a
very festive occasion, accord
ing to chairman and co-chair
man, Mrs. J. E. Pevey and Mrs.
L. M. Anderson.
Attending the party will be
Garden Club members, their
husbands, and their guests.
Each person attending is asked
to bring a gift for which the
price limit has been set at $3.00.
Men are to bring gifts suitable
for men and women gifts ap
propriate for ladies.
Mrs. Anderson announced
that Mrs. W. W. Pickett and
Mrs. V. P. Stubbs have secured
judges for the Christmas dec
orations in Pembroke and
Lanier. The judging will be
gins at 7 p.m. Monday night,
Dec. 22, and residents of the
area are asked that decorative
lights be turned on by 7 p.m.
so that judges may begin their
task on time.
Christmas decorations will be
judged in five categories this
year. They are as follows:
windows, door, outside tree,
overall window, door, and out
side tree, and the business dis
Winers of the Decoration
Competition will be entertained
at a formal tea in Savannah to
be hosted by the Savannah Area
Council of Garden Clubs of
which Pembroke is a member.
For Sale
Turkeys for sale call 653-
Mr. Cowart Enjoys 60th Birthday
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Mr. Carlos C. Cowart was entertained with a delicious
birthday dinner at his home Sunday, December 14, in honor
of his 60th birthday on December 10. Joining Mr. Cowart in
the delayed celebration was Mr. and Mrs. Willie Cowart of
Pembroke, Mrs. Lorena DeLoach of Nevils, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernie Williams and children of Savannah, Mrs.
Maureen Williams of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Clark Lanier
and children of Savannah, Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Bacon of
Ellabell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thomas of St. Simons, Mr. and
Mrs. Eugene Cowart and children of Pembroke, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Owens and children of Pembroke and Mrs. Kay De-
Loach and children of Claxton. All report an enjoyable
afternoon with Mr. Cowart receiving many lovely birthday
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
Game Postponed
The BCHS-Reidsville
Basketball Game scheduled for
Tuesday night, Dec. 16, at
Reidsville, was cancelled and
rescheduled for Feb. 7, also
at Reidsville.
The game was postponed be
cause the gymn under con
struction at Reidsville School
was not completed in time for
the Dec. 16 game, according to
BCHS Principal Robert
The Redskin Boys most re
cent win over Southeast Bul
loch last Friday night with a
80-53 victory brought their
total score to 4 wins, two
losses, and one tie.
Redskin Coach James Felts
commented that “The boys
look real good at times and
at other times not so good,
but seem to have improved
overall and are looking for
ward to a good second half.”
The Redskin girls have
chalked up 3 wins and taken
4 losses so far this season but
Coach Felts remarked that
“although the girls started
slow they are coming around
and in the last few games have
improved greatly. Felts com
mented that the girls team
also are looking forward to
a good second half.
Both the boys and girls
teams are putting forth a good
team effort and the Coach
credits the teams with the suc
cess thus far. According to
the Coach, game attendance
has been excellent and school
spirit good.
Court Officials
I Hold Special
Prayer Session
I During the lunch hour on
Tuesday the court officials
took time out to have a word
of prayer and thought of three
I local citizens, Mayor Frank O.
Miller, Councilman N. L.
Ham and Mr. Will Harvey.
Editor Miller
Still In Hospital
Editor Frank O. Miller con
tinues to be a patient in Cand
ler Hospital, now completing
his sixth week there.
Editor Miller, who recently
was re-elected for the 13th
term as mayor of Pembroke
has shown a weakened con
dition in the past few days.
Allen Receives
Social Security
The appointment of T. Wade
Allen as district manager of
the Savannah office of the So
cial Security Administration
was announced today in At
lanta by Wardell K. White,
Regional Representative, Bur
eau of District Office Oper
ations. Social Security Admin
Mr. Allen replaces Mr. James
W. Overstreet, Jr., who retired
the last of October after 30
years of service.
A native of Georgia, Allen
attended the University of
Georgia and is a graduate of
Emory University Law School.
He has been admitted to prac
tice law in Georgia and Fed
eral District Courts.
Mr. Allen began his career
with Social Security in Rome,
Georgia in February, 1955. He
was promoted to Operations
Supervisor in Knoxville, Ten
nessee; Assistant District Man
ager in Augusta, Georgia; and
District Manager in Gadsden.
Alabama: He comes to Sa
vannah from the Atlanta Re
gional Office where he served
as Senior Staff Officer for
He is a member of Yaarab
Temple, A.A.0.N.M.5., and an
Elder in the Presbyterian
Church U. S.
The Savannah office is
located at 101 E. Liberty
Street and serves the counties
of Bulloch, Bryan, Candler,
Chatham, Effingham, Evans,
Liberty, Long, Montgomery,
Screven, Tattnall, and Toombs
in Georgia and the counties of
Beaufort, Hampton, and Jas
per in South Carolina.
Adamsons Visit
R. H. School
Young, handsome, three
month old son of Dr. and Mrs.
Charles Adamson got his first
glimpse of public school Mon
day afternoon.
Acompanied by his mother,
Mrs. Cheryl Adamson, young
Guy was dressed in a stunning
red candy-striped jump suit,
and looked as if he had just
been plucked from a large
Christmas stocking. He was
not too impressed, seemingly,
by oohs and ahs he heard from
both students and faculty.
Mrs. Adamson taught sixth
grade at Richmond Hill School
last year.
She and Dr. Adamson make
their home at the Bamboo
Farm where he is in charge of
controlled experimentation.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank everyone
for their kindness in our re
cent sorrow in the loss of a
loved one, Harry Strickland.
We greatly appreciate the
flowers, food, cards, and words
of sympathy. May the Lord
richly bless all of you is our
May Hendry