Newspaper Page Text
Burnis T. Faircloth having ii
proper form applied to me hr
permanent letters of adninu
tration upon the estate of to ,
aid J. Faircloth, deceased, inti
of said county, this is to notifv
the next of kin and ireditoi
>f the said Gerald J. Fai'cloth
deceased, to be and appear at
my office within the time al
■owed by law, and show <ausi
if any they tan, why permun
ent letters of administration
should not be planted to Burnis
T. Faircloth, on the estate ot
Gerald J. Faircloth, lecet scd
which application will be hi aid
before nie at the regular Janu
ary Term, 1970, of the court of
ordinary of said county.
Witness my hand and official
signature, this first day of Pc
eember, 1909.
(s) Florene M. Elrak,
Ordinary of
Bryan County. Georgia
Pec. 4-11-18-2.5
Georgia, Bryan County
Under authority of the pow
ers of sale and conveyance con
tained in that certain securiti
deed given by A. V. Ander-on
to First Federal Savings and
Loan Association of Statesboro
dated January 18, 1963 and re
corded in Book 3-L. pages 93-
*4, Bryan County records aid
assumed by Milton McKinney,
there will be sold on the first
Tuesday in January, 1970 with
in the legal hours of sale, be
fore the courthouse door i r
Pembroke, Bryan County, Geor
gia. at public outcry to the
highest bidder, for cash, t he
land conveyed in said security
.ieed described as follows:
All that certain lot or parcel
of land lying and being in the
19th G.M. District of Bryan
County. Geoigia and being Lot
No. 19 of a plat of lands of A
V. Anderson by A. 1). Eason
Surveyor, lated Septembei 5,
1962, and recorded in Plat Book
C, page 267, Bryan County
records. Said lot fronting
Northwest on Cameron Street
a distance of 120 feet and run
ning back in a southeasterly di
rection a distance of 100 feet
and bound Northwest bv Cam
eron Street: Northeast bv ar
unnumbered portion of land
shown on said plat; Southeast
by ot No. 18; and Southwest bv
Lot No. 12 of said plat.
Said salt* will be made sot
the purpose of enforcing pay
ment of the indebtedness secur
ed by said security deed, th<
whole of which is now due in
cluding principal and interest
computed to the date of sale
amounting to $2,557.17 besides
attorney fees as provided by
Code Section 29 506, anti th<
expenses of this proceeding. A
deed will be executed to the
purchaser at said sale iOni< v
ing title in fee simple as au
thorized in said security deed
This December 4. 1969.
First Federal Savings
& Loan Association
of Statesboro
By James B. Av.-i it t
Dec. 4-11-18-25 Jan. 1
Georgia, Bryan County
Under authority of the pow
ers of sale and conveyance con
tained in that certain security
deed given by A. V. Anderson
to First Federal Savings and
Loan Association of Statesboro
dated April 23, 1966 and record
ed in Book 3-M, page 63, Bry
an County records and assume*
by George W. Foxworth am
Mrs. Jetta E. Foxworth, then
will be sold on the first Tues
day in January, 1970 within the
legal hours of sale, before the
courthouse door in Pembroke.
Bryan County. Georgia, at pub
lic outcry to the highest bid
der, for cash, the land convey
ed in said security deed describ
ed as follows:
All that certain lot or parcel
of land lying and being in the
19th G.M. District of Bryan
County, Georgia, and being Lot
No. 15 of a plat of lands belong
ing to A. V. Anderson, made by
A. D. Eason, Surveyor. Septem
ber 5,1962, and recorded in
Plat Book C. page 267, Bryan
County records. Said lot front
ing southwest on Anderson
Street a distance of 101.7 feet
and running back in a north
easterly direction between par
allel lines a distance of 120
feet and bound Northwest by
Lot No. 14 of said plat: North
east by Lot No. 16; Southeast
by an unnumbeied lot of land
shown on said plat as being tri
angular in shape: and South
west by Anderson Street.
Said sale will be made for
the purpose of enforcing pay
rnent of the indebtedness secur
ed by said security deed, the
whole of which is now due in
cluding principal and interest
computed to the date of sale,
amounting to $3,664.39 beside
attorney' fees as provided by
Code Section 20-506, and the
expenses of this proceeding. A
deed will be executed to the
purchaser at said -ale convey
ing title in fee simple as an
thorized in said <e m tty deed
This Decem! 4. 1969.
Fir. Federal Saving
A- Loan Associatoin
of Statesboro
Bv: James B Xveiitt
Dec. 4-1118-25- Jan. >
Under and by virtue of the
powers contained in a deed to
secure debt, executed by A. V.
Anderson to Savannah Produc
tion Credit Associated dated
the 2nd day of December, 1964,
which deed is recorded in Deed
Book 3-M, page 560, in the Os
fice of the Clerk of the Superi
or Court of Bryan County,
Georgia, and the said Savan
nah Credit Association having
on the 31st day of July, 1965,
merged with the Statesboro
Production Credit Association
and continued under the name
style of Dixie Production
Credit Association, all as shown
by conveyance, transfer and
assignment dated the 31st day
of July, 1965, and being re
corded in Deed Book 3-O, page
81. in the Office of the Clerk
of the Superior Court of Bryan
County. Georgia, there will be
sold at auction to the highest
bidder for cash, at the court
house door of Bryan County,
Georgia, by the undersigned,
acting as attorney in fact for
the said A. V. Anderson, be
tween the legal hours of 10:00
a.m, and 4:00 p.m. on the first
Tuesday in January, 1970, to
All that certain lot, tract or
parcel of land lying and being
in the 19th G.M. District of
Bryan County, Georgia, and be
ing the Northern one-half of
that certain tract containing
5.9 acres and which is bound
as follows: North by lands of
Hoke Smith, on the East by
the Statesboro-Pembroke High
way. State Route No, 67: on the
South by lands of R. L. Morgan.
Being the tract of land upon
which the residence of A. V.
Anderson is located.
I he debt secured by said se
curity deed being in default,
said powers will be exercised
and the said land will be sold
as he property of A V' An
derso.i by tne undersigned as
attorney in fait for the purpose
of paying the indebtedness se
cured by said deed, to-wit:
Balance of principal, $7,-
600 06 in-ere t $2 346 15
thioyl, uaober 3, 1969 and a
further amount of 6 per cent
to the date of sale; attorney’s
fees; and all other charges and
expenses in connection with this
foreclosure. Said property is
to be sold subject to all out
standing taxes and a prior se
curity deed from A. V. Ander
son to The Pembroke State
Bank dated the 15th day of
June 1954. Said deed being re
corded in Deed Book 3-F, page
This the sth day of Decem
ber, 1969.
Dixie Production
Credit Association
as Attorney in Fact for
A. V. Anderson
Under and by virtue of the
powers contained in a deed to
secure debt, executed by A. V.
Anderson to The Pembroke
State Bank, dated the 29th day
of April. 1967, which said deed
is recorded in Deed Book 3-P
page 227, in the ffice of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Bryan County, Georgia, there
highest bidder for cash at the
highest bider for cash at the
courthouse door of Bryan Coun
ty, Georgia, by the undersigned,
acting as attorney in fact for
the said A. V. Anderson, be
tween the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. on the first Tues
day in January, 1970, to-wit:
All that certain tract or par
cel of land situate, lyipg and
being partly within and partly
without the City Limits of the
City of Pembroke, 19th G.M
District of Bryan County, Geor
gia, containing 20 acres, more
or less, which is bound on the
.North by lands of R. L. Mor
gan; on the East by the Pem
broke-Statesboro State High
way; on the South by lands of
H. E. Ellis; and on the West by
lands of J. G. Butler.
Being the same tract of land
conveyed to A. V. Anderson by
N. L. Ham by warranty deed
dated the 15th day of July. 1952.
(1) One lot measuring 100
feet by 250 feet sold by A. V.
Anderson to W. R. and Ann G.
Kearse, which deed is recorded
in Deed Book 3-E, at page 437,
Bryan County records.
(2) One lot sold by A. V. An
derson to Thomas E. Sanders
measuring 100 feet by 200 feet
which deed is recorded in Deed
Book 3-G, at page 397, Bryan
County records.
(3) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Alton and Florene
Elrick measuring 100 feet by
200 feet, and recorded in Deed
Book 3-G, at page 263. Bryan
County records.
(4) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to R. L. Morgan
measuring 275 feet by 279 feet,
which deed is recorded in Deed
Book 3-G, at page 477, Bryan
County records.
(5) One lot sold to Mrs. L.
A. Mason by Mr. A. V. Ander
son measuring 100 feet by 209
feet and recorded in Deed Book
3 0, at page 479, Bryan County
(6) One lot sold by A. V
Anderson measuring 100 feet
by 200 feet to Jack 1., and Mary
and John E. Neubern and re
corded in Deed Book 3-H, at
page 24, Bryan County records.
(7) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson measuring 100 feet
by 200 feet to J. K. Kendricks.
(8) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Clyde Burris meas
uring 100 feet by 200 feet and
recorded in Deed Book 3 K, at
page 19. Bryan County records.
(9) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Edwin H. Mason
measuring 100 feet by 200 feet
ami recorded in Deed Book 3-G,
at page 545, Bryan County rec
(10) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Clyde Burris meas
uring 133 feet by 309 feet and
recorded in Deed Book 3-K. at
page 577, Bryan County rec
The debt secured by said se
curity deed being in default,
said powers will be exercised
and the said land will be sold
as the property of A. V. An
derson by the undersigned at
torney in fact for the purpose
of paying the indebtedness se
cured bv said deed, to-wit:
$12,914.71 interest and prin
cipal through November 25,
1969, and the further amount
of $2.67 interest per day to the
date of sale, attorney’s fees,
and all other charges and ex-।
penses in connection with this'
foreclosure. Said property isi
to be sold subject to all out
standing taxes.
This the 25th day of Novem
ber, 1969.
The Pembroke State Bank
as Attorney in Fact for
A. V. Anderson.
Under and by virtue of the
powers contained in a deed to
secure debt, executed by A. V.
Anderson to The Pembroke
State Bank, dated the 28th day
of February, 1967, which said
deed is recorded in Deed Book
3-P, page 75, in the Office of
the Clerk of the Superior Court
of Bryan County, Georgia, there
will be sold at auction to the
highest bidder for cash at the
courthouse door of Bryan Coun
ty, Georgia. by the undersigned
acting as attorney in fact for
the said A. V. Anderson, be
tween the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p m. on the first Tue
day in January, 1970, to-wit:
A certain trail, panel or lot
of land located in the 19th G M.
District of Bryan County, Geor
gia, and designated as Lot
Number One (1) on a plot of
the Hagan Subdivision prepar
ed by J. H. Purcell on the 4th
; day' of August, 1966, which plat
is recorded in Plat Book E, page
441. Bryan County records.
Said Lot Number One (1) is
wound on the South by a lane;
on the West by th< Ash Branch
Arcola Public Road; on the
North by Audrey Avenue; and
on the East by Lot Number
Two (2) as shown on the above
mentioned plat of the Hagan
Subdivision. The above plat is
hereby meorporated herein and
made a part of this uescription
and conveyance.
The debt secured by said se
curity deed being in default,
said powers will be exercised
and the said land will be scld
as the property of A. V. Ander
son by the undersigned attorney
in fact for the purpose of pay
ing the indebtedness secured by
said deed, to-wit:
$12,914.71 niterest and prin
cipal through November 25,
1969, and the further amount
of $2.67 interest per day to the
date of sale, attorney’s fees,
and all other charges and ex
penses in connection with this
foreclosure. Said property is
to be sold subject to all out
standing taxes.
This the 25th dav of No
vember, 1969.
The Pembroke State Bank
as Attorney in Fact for
A. V. Anderson
1 Under and by virtue of the
1 powers contained in a deed to
secure debt, executed by A. V.
Anderson to The Pembroke
■ State Bank, dated the 15th day
of June. 1954, which said deed
is recorded in Deed Book 3 F,
page 149, in the Office of the
Clerk of the Superior Court of
Bryan County, Georgia, there
, will be sold at auction to the
, highest bidder for cash, at the
courthouse door of Bryan Coun
ty, Georgia, by the undeisign
’ ed, acting as attorney in fact
for the said A. V. Anderson,
between the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. on the first Tues
day in January, 1970, to-wit:
j All that certain tract or lot
, of land situate, lying and being
in the 19th G.M. District of
. Bryan County, Georgia, and
, being the Northern one-half of
, that certain tract containing
five and nine-tenths (5 9/10)
’ acres and which is bound as foi
. lows: North by lands of Hoke
Smith; on the East by the
■ Statesboro-Pembroke Highway,
j State Route No. 67; on the
1 South by lands of R. L. Mor
’ gan.
Being the tract of land upon
which the residence of A. V.
’ Anderson is located.
. The debt secured by said se
curity deed being in default,
1 said powers will be exercised
and the said land will be sold
; as the property of A. V. Ander
' son by the undersigned attor
’ ney in fact for the purpose of
paying the indebtedness secured
’ by said deed, to-wit:
$12,914.71 interest and prin
cipal through November 25,
1969 and the further amount of
$2.67 interest per day to the
date of sale, attorney's fee s,
and all other charges and ex
penses in connection with this
foreclosure. Said property is
to be sold subject to all out
1 standing taxes.
’This the 25th day of Novem
ber, 1969.
The Pembroke State Bank
as Attorney in Fact for
A. V. Anderson.
Under and by virtue of the
, powers contained in a deed to
. secure debt, executed by A. V.
Anderson to Jack W. Shuman
d/b/a Snuman Enterprises, Inc.
dated the 12th day of June,
1969, which said deed is record
. ed in Deed Book 3-R, page 337,
। in the Office of the Clerk of
the Superior Court of Bryan
, County, Georgia, there will be
sold at auction to the highest
bidder for cash at the court
, house door of Bryan County,
Georgia, by the undersigned,
acting as attorney in fact for
. the said A. V. Anderson, be
tween the hours of 10:00 a.m.
and 4:00 p.m. on the first Tues
day in January, 1970, to-wit:
, All that certain tract or lot
of land containing 20 acres,
more or less, situate, lying and
being in the City of Pembroke,
19th G.M. District of 11 r y a n
County, Georgia, and which Js
bound on the North by lands
of R. L. Morgan: Emo by Ga.
Highway No. 67, on the South
.by lands of H. E. Ellis; and on
the West by lands of J. G. But-
i ler.
, Being the same tract of land
conveyed to A. V. Anderson by
I N. L. Ham by warranty deed
; dated the 15th day of July. 1952
(1) One lot measuring 100
feet by 250 feet sold by A. V.
Anderson to W. R, and Ann G,
Kearse, which deed is recorded
in Deed Book 3-E, page 437
Bryan County records.
(2) One lot sold by A. V. An
derson to Thomas E. Sanders
measuring 100 feet by 200
feet, which deed is recorded in
Deed Book 3-G. at page 397.
Bryan County records.
(3) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Alton and Florene ।
Elrick measuring 100 feet by ,
200 feet, and recorded in Deed
Book 3-G, at page 263, Bryan
County records.
(4) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to R. L. Morgan .
measuring 275 feet by 279 feet,
which deni is recorded in Dec’
Book 3 G, at page 477, B r y a
t'oun’y records.
(5) (me lot soli: to M> 1.
A. Ma-, e by Mr. A V. Andei
son measuring 100 f-et by 209
feet and recorded in Deed Book
3-G, at page 379, Bryan Coun
tv records
(6) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson measuring 100 feet
by 200 feet to Jack L„ Marv,
and John E. Nub-rn and re
corded in Deed Rook t-H, at
page 24, Bryan County records.
(71 One Nd nd by ' V.
Andersen measuimg Un 1 feet
by 200 feet to J. K Kendricks.
(3) One lot sold by A V.
Anderson to Clyde Burris meas
uring 100 feet by 200 leet and
recorded in Deed Book 3-K. at
i page 49, Bryan County records.
(9) One lot sold by A. V.
Anderson to Edwin H. Mason
! measuring 100 feet by 200 feet
। and recorded in Deed Book 3-G,
at page 545, Bryan County rec
' ords.
(10) One lot sold by A. V.
' Anderson to Clyd Burris
measuring 133 feet by 209 feet
and recorded in Deed Book 3-K,
at page 577, Bryan County rec
(11) One lot sold by A. \ .
. Anderson to Lattimore, Sulli
van and Compton measuring
i 100 feet by 200 feet and record
i ed in Deed Book 3-K, at page
• 577. Bryan County records.
ALSO: A certain tract, par
cel or lot of land located in
the 19th G.M. District, Bryan
: County, Georgia, and designat
ed as Lot Number One (1) on
a plat of the Hagan Subdivision
prepared by J. H. Purcell on
1 the 4th day of August, 1966,
which plat is recorded in Plat
Book Fl, page 441, Bryan Coun
ty records.
■ Said Lot Number One (1) is
• bound on the South by a lane;
on the West by the Ash Branch
Arcola Public Road; on the
' North by Audrey Avenue; and
I on the East by Lot. Number
, Two (2) as shown on the above
■ mentioned plat of the Hagan
r Subdivision. The above plat is
■ herebv incorporated herein and
> made a part of this description
. and conveyance.
ALSO: All that certain tract
or lot of land situate, lying and
; being in the 19th G.M. District,
_ Bryan County, Georgia, and be
ing the Northern one-half of
that certain tract containing
five and nine-tenths (5 91<n
acres and which is bound as
follows: North by lands of Hoke
■ Smith; on the East by the
I Statesboro-Pembroke Highway,
■ State Route No. 67; on the
South by lands of R. L. Morgan,
Being the tract of land upon
which the residence of A. V.
Anderson is located.
, Said powers will be exercised
and the said land will be sold
’ as the property of A. V. An
derson by the undersigned as
attorney in fart for the purpose
of paying the indebtedness sc
cured by said deed, to-wit
principal sum of $24,154.67 with
interest thereon since June 12,
1969, at the rate of 8 per cent
per, annum, said indebtedness
having become due on demand,
and no part thereof having
been paid. Proper conveyance
will be made to the purchaser
by the undersigned as attorney
in fart for said A. V. Ander
Said property will be sold
subject to all unpaid taxes that,
may be a lien on said property
and also subject to the prior
encumbrance of a certain secur
itj deed from A. V. Amlerson
to The Pembroke State Bank
dated the 15th day of June
1954, and recorded in Deed Book-
Book 3-F, page 149, Bryan
County records, a deed t" so
cure debt from A. V Ander
son to The Pembroke State
Bank dated February 28, 1967.
and recorded in Deed Book 3-P,
page 75, Bryan County records;
and a deed to secure debt from
A. V. Anderson to The Pem
broke State Bank dated April
27. 1969, and recorded in Heed
Book 3-P. page 227, Bry a n
< ounty records. Also a deed to
secure debt from A V Ander
son to Savannah Froductimi
( redit Association dated De
cember 2, 1964, and recorded in
Deed Book 3-M, page 560, Bry
an County records as to the last
parcel herein described.
This the 4th day of Decern
her. 1969.
Jack W. Shuman, d/b/a
Shuman Enterprises, Im
as Attorney in Fact for
A. V. Anderson
of the powers contained in deed
to secure debt from Charles J.
Teepie, Jr. to Home Federal
Savings and Loan Association
of Savannah, dated September
ar, d recorded in
Clerk’s Office, Superior Court.
Bryan County, Georgia, in Deed
Book 3-y, Page 139, default
having occurred in the payment
of the debt secured by said d-ed
to secure debt, there will I
scld at public outcry befoie the
Courthouse door of Bryan
County. Georgia, between the
legal hours of sale, on the fii-t
Tuesday in January, that being
tue 6th day of January. 1979.
the following described prop
erty, to-wit:
All that certain lot. tract or
parcel of land situate, lying and
being in Bryan County, Georgia,
in tn,' 1380th G.M'. District,
said lot. tract or parcel of land
being described as follows:
Commencing at a point where
the Western right of way line
of an unnamed, unpaved road
intersects with the Southern
right of way line of U. S. High
way 80, thence from said point
of intersection along the West
ern right ot way line of said un
paved and unnamed road S 18
00’ W a distance of Four Hun
dred Twenty (425) feet to a
concrete marker on said right
of way line, the point of begin
ning. Thence from said point
of beginning S 18“ 00' W along
said right of wav line a distance
of Ono Hundred (100) feet to
a onereto marker thence N
7'? 4 M a ,• stan.e p* Two
Uundn.l Sist.v ?. ~i i26h teet
to a concrete market; them e
N 18 00’ Ea distance of One
Hundred (100) feet to a con
crete marker: thence S 72° 45'
East a distance of Two Hun
dred Sixty-four . U<>4) feet, to
a concrete markei. the point of
beginning; said land being
bounded as follows: On the
North by lands belonging to J.
'A A'der^m- rm th.' East by
an unnamed dirt road: on the
South and im the West by lands
belonging to Charles J. Teepie,
Jr., this be,' ea portion of she
lam! < . ,'fj :o < h a r 1 e s
Teepie, Jr., by D. T. Smith by
Hirn ty deed dated June 23.
1967, and recorded m Deed
Record Book :! Q. p age 47 _ of
the records ... the Clerk of Su
perior^ Court. Bryan County,
Georgia. This property herein
described also biii.g a portion
of the property ns shown on a
plat made for D T. Smith by
Marvin U Dubois, Registered
Professional Engineer, No.
4973. dated April 2. T9GC..
TERMS: i.r h; Pur< hasei
paying for deed, (o orgia prop
erty transfer tax and all taxes
and special assessments.
Home Federal Savings &
Loan Assmiati".. of
Savannah, as Agent and
Attorney in Fact for
' ’"■■.les J. Teenle, Jr.
Under and by virtue of the
power- contained in a deed to
secure debt, executed by Har
old Millard Geiger to Dr. W.
E. Smith dated November 13,
1967, which deed is recorded in
Deed Book 3-P, folio 379, in
the Office of the Clerk of the
Superior Court of Bryan Coun
ty, Geoigia. there will be sold
at auction to the highest bid
der for cash, at the courthouse
door of Bryan County, Georgia,
by the undersigned, acting as
attorney in fact for the said
Harold Millard Geiger, between
the hours of 10:00 a.m. and
4:00 p.m. on the first, Tuesday
in January, 1970, to-wit:
AB that certain tract or lot
of land si'.iate, lying and be
ing in tin ’9t,h G.M. District
of Bryan Court,, Georgia,
containing 8U a.ios, more or
less, and herog des< rdu d as fol
lows. to-wit.
Beg miiing a 1 a point, which
point of beginning is on the
North -ide of the Old I'em
broke-Statesboro Highway ap
proximately 60 feet East of
where the .■xtensi'-n of Strick
land Street runs into the above
mentioned Old Pembroke-
Statesboro Road, Heil separates
the within tract ..1 land from
the lands of Daisy Jones and
is marked by an old corner
fence post; thence running from
said point of beginning in a
Northerly direction along the
Western property lines of lands
of Daisy Jones for a distance
of 208 feet to a point; thence in
a Westerly direction along the
Southern property Jine of other
lands of Dr. W. E. Smith for a
distance of 220 feet to a point;
thence in a Northerly direction
along the Western property line
of lands of Dr. W. E. Smith for
a distance of 618 feet to a
point; thence in a Westerly di
rection along the So u t Ii er n
property line of lands of Dr.
W. E. Smith for a distance of
522 feet to a point; thence in
a Southerrly direction along the
East m property lines of lands
of F'red Lavant for a distance
of 435 teet to a point: thence in
an Ea.-ter y diroi tior along the
Northern property lines o’
Boley E!''s. Cmistunc" Rarton,
& Ellis Bacon for a distance of
522 fret to a point: them - ir a
feet to a point; thence in a
Southerly ilin'rtion along prop
erty Imes of EHis Hmoi fm :
distance of 25u feet to a point;
thence in an Fla.sterly direction
along the Nortbem right o’
way of the Old Pembroke-
Statesboro Road for a distance
of 396 feet to anoint, said point
being the point of beginning
Thi ■ being a nort:o> of that
tract >t land ■ < ved by .vai
ranty deed from Laotii. (.'
Williams and Jessi'i M. Wil
Hams, dated 22» i o- A. rii
">7, and 1 ..inu i ecord'. in
Deed Rook Q, pig 2, and be
ing recorded in the Office of
the Clerk of the Bryan County
Superior Court.
The debt secure ! by said se
curitv deed being in default,
said powers wil! bi .\. It -i 1 ‘
and the said land .v ' . >ob!
as the property of Harold Mil
lard Geiger by t' ;■ u- .-i signed
attorney in fact for t . pur
pose of paying th.- indebtedness
secured by said 5.. . • wit:
$2,284 90 interest an I mil.-
cipa] through Decembei 9. 1969.
and the further amoun' >f 8
per cent to the date of sale:
attorney’s fees; and all other
charges and expenses in con
nection with this foredo me.
S.ud oror. i..y is ♦' be sold - i'
THE PEMBROKE JOURNAL, Tuhrsday, December 25, 1969—1
jeet to all outstanding taxes,
This the 9th day of Decem
ber, 1969.
Dr. V\ E Smith
as Attorney in Fact so,
Harold Millard Geiger
Notice is hereby given that
on Wednesday, the 21st dav of
January, 1970, at 10:00 a.m.
in the Bulloch County Court
house in Statesboro, Georgia,
an opportunity will be afforded
any interested person or group
of persons to be heard in con
nection with the proposed de
sign of 1-16-1 (32) 124, Bulloch
1-16-1 (32) 124, Bulloch
County consists of gradirig.
drainage, paving and bridges
on the portion of Interstate 16
from a point just West of State
Route 67 extending easterly
11.634 miles to the Bulloch-
Bryan County line tieing into
the existing Interstate con
struction. This will be a four
lane limited access highway
Access will be provided at In
terchanges at State Route 67,
and Fede ra 1 Aid Secondary
Route 1838.
Maps, drawings and other
l» rtment information which
has been developed dil the pro
ject will be available for pub
lic inspection and copying at
the State Highway Department
of Georgia Field Highway En
gineers Office located at Build
ing 218, Travis Field, Savan
nah, Ga., and also at the Bul
loch County Courthouse. States
boro, Ga during normal busi
ness hours prior to the public
hearing. Relocation assistance
programs will be discussed at
the hearing. ’Tentative schedules
for right-of-way acquisition
and cm.strm'..oc will be dis-
Written statements and oth
er exhibits in place of. or in
addition to, oral statements at
a public hearing will be accept
ed by the Department until
February 2, 1970. They should
be sent to:
Mr. A. d’Antignac
Field Division Engineer
State Highway Department
c/o General Delivery
Jesup, Georgia 31545
To all and singular the sur
viving lineal descendants of
Grady Edwards, late of Brvan
, County, Georgia, including but
‘ not restricted to the following-
Mrs. Frances Lee Edwards
(Mrs. George K.) Kologiski
2316 East Fifth Street
Charlotte, North Carolina 28204
Mrs. Frances Ruth Kologiski
(Mrs. Charles A., Jr.) Enloe
4301 Chandworth Road
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mrs. Karen Estelle Kologiski
(Mrs. James C.) Theuaos
401-A Wakefield Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mrs. Clara Edwards
(Mrs. Herbert W.) Butler
■ 515 Kingston Street
Conway, South Carolina 29526
Mr. Herbert Joe Butler
13 Church Street
' Charleston, South Caro. 29401
Miss Sheila H. Butler
13 Church Street
Charleston, South Caro. 29401
Mr. Edward R. Butler
100 Colfox Avenue, Apt. 4-Y
■ Staten Island. New York 10306
Mr. Charles A. Enloe, HI
1301 Chandworth Road
Charlotte, North Carolina
Miss Laura Edwards Enloe
4301 Chandworth Road
Charlotte, North Carolina
Miss Frances Marie Theuaos
401-A Wakefield Drive
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mr. Herbert J. Butler
13 Church Street
Charleston, South Caro 294 11
Mr. Barrie M. Butler
13 Church Street
Charleston. South Caro. 29)01
1 Mr. Charlton Lam Butler
13 Church Street
Charleston, South Caro. 29401
Mr. Rhett P Butler
100 Colfox Avenue, Apt 4-Y
Staten Island, New York 10306
Mr Gordon B. Butler
100 Colfox Avenue, Apt. 4-Y ■
Staten Island, New York 10306
All othei lineal descendants,
born or unbon of the said
Grady Edwards.
There ; s now pending in the
Superior Court of Bryan Coun
. ty, the case of John B. Miller
Plaintiff v. (lara Edwards But
ler, Frames Fidward Kologiski
and al) m er 'ineal descendant:
of GraJj’ Edwards, deceased
seeking a Declaratory Judg
m>;nt involving the tit'e to land:
in the 1380th G.M. District
Bryan County. Georgia, devis
ed m Item Five of the Las
Will and Testament of A. H
Edwards, deceased. The Com
plaint was filed on the 26th da;
of November, 1969. The Judg.
of the Superior Court of Bry
an County, Georgia, entered ai
Order for service by Publica
tion or the 2nd day of Decem
ber, 1969. You are command
, ed to file with the Clerk of sail
' Court and serw- upon the Plain
tiff's attorney, John M. Tatum
Post Office Box No. 8126, Sa
vannah Georgia 11402, an An
swer within sixty (60) days of
the date of said Order f o i
Service by Publication.
Witness the Honorable Pau
.E. ' a-v. til. Judge of said Court
thi sth day of December, 1969
Aileen B. Harn,
''iperior ( ourt of
Bryan County. Georgia
T i )■ HRYAN
All ■.■ co ■ ,t the estate of
".I'vi; V, Pia'.is. deceased, late
- 'i' i nmty are hereby noti
,"d i rendei th"ir demands to
'' >■> ’eis'gc > aecoeding to
al' persons indebted
■sfa'" -tie required to
make immediate payment to
This Bth day of December,
196: , .
(s) Delnius H. Williams
Exeeutoi of the Estate of
Calvin Williams,
3303 Angy 11 Street
Savannah, Ga.
Sealed proposals will be re
ceived by the Jekyll Island
State Park Authority. John L.
Gordon, Agent, 270 Washing
ton, S. W., Atlanta, Georgia,
30334, until 3:00 P.M. (EST).
January 20, 1970, for the con
struction of a domestic water
system for RICHMOND HILL
STATE PARK and will be im
mediately thereafter publicly
opened and read aloud.
Bids arc to cover pump
house, pump, and control ar
rangements for an existing
well, one 2,000 gallon pneu
matic storage tank, and a pip
ing system. The site of the
work is Richmond Hill State
Park, Richmond Hill. Bryan
Couty, Georgia.
The bidding documents will
be available for examination
at the office of Southern En
gineering Company of Georgia,
the Director, Georgia Depart
ment of State Parks. Atlanta,
and the Superintendent, Rich
mond Hill State Park. A set
of the bidding documents may
be obtained from the office of
Southern Engineering Com
pany of Georgia, 1000 Crescent
A.venue, N. E., Atlanta, Geor
gia 30309, upon deposit of
twenty dollars ($20.00) which
Starting Salary
Continued expansion has created permanent oper-inft
for skilled as well as unskilled personnel interested In
learning metal work and trailer assembly
Good wages, excellent Fringe benefit* including <wn*
pony paid retirement, major medical hospitalization
and gmup life; insurance-.
Apply in Person
9:00 A.M. to 9:30 A.M
Equal Opportunity Employer
Trailers, Inc.
Lathrop Ave. — Savannah, Ga.
1 11 - 11 !■
. -
J ■ ■
/ .. • - .8 -4*’^
- - V
• * - -'U
ygllmy' a *
’■ - - W
Warmest wishes
for your
brightest Christmas
and New Year
Georgia Power Company
■ I citizen wherever we serve"
will be refunded upon the re
ceipt of a bona fide bid and
the return of the documents in
good condition within fifteen
(15) days after the bid date;
all other deposits will be re
funded with deduction of ten
dollars ($10.00) upon return of
same in good condition within
fifteen (15) days after date of
bid opening.
Bidding documents will not
be issued later than twenty
four (24) hours prior to the
time for receiving proposals.
Each bid must be accom
panied by a bid bond in an
amount not less than five per
cent (5%) of the bid. No
check of any nature will be
acceptable in lieu of the bid
The successful bidder will
be required to execute a per
formance and payment bond
covering all labor and mat
erial in an amount equal to
100% of the contract price and
executed by a Surety Com
pany licensed to do business
in Georgia.
The Owner reserves the
right to reject any and all pro
posals and to waive informal
All bids shall be on the
Form of Proposal provided
and no modification by tele
phone, telegraph, oral or writ
ten will be considered.
No bid may be withdrawn
for a period of thirty-five (35)
days after the time for receiv
ing bids.
John L. Gordon, Agent
Page 5