The Pembroke journal. (Pembroke, Ga.) 1969-1976, January 01, 1970, Image 1
THE PEMBROKE STATE BANK Big Enough to Serve You Small Enough to Kninc You” 5% ON TIME DEPOSITS Member FDIC Volume 67, Number 39 The Pembroke Journal, Pembroke, Ga. 31321 Granddaughter of Local Resident Marries * X ' ' ' M * A ■ 1 • ® * /y ■ w - ■ Xwlj - , ? * ■ —W "F ;>'W L ■' " MRS. DONALD LEE CRAIN Miss Delila Louise Edenfield and Donald Lee Crain ex changed wedding vows on Sunday, December 28 at three thirty o’clock at the First Bap tist Church of Clinton, South Carolina. The bride’s pastor, Reverend Joseph H. Darr, of ficiated at the double ring ceremony. A special program of wedding music was present ed by Brent Howard Hol comb of Clinton and Ferman University. Creating a nuptial setting in the sanctuary were tiered brass candelabra holding lighted white tapers on both sides of the pulpit. A mass arrangement of white chry santhemums, gladioli and Starburst pompoms was used in the center. Magnolia fol iage added effectively to the church decorations. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John David Edenfield of 701 Prather Circle in Clinton. South Caro lina. She is also the grand daughter of Mrs. Ellie F. Den mark of Pembroke. A 1968 Mathematics - Second Educa tion graduate of Meredith Col lege in Raleigh, North Caro lina, the bride is a former member of the faculty of Clin ton Junior High School. Cur rently, she is a graduate as sistant at Winthrop College, Rock Hill, South Carolina. Given in marriage by her father, John David Edenfield, the bride wore a formal gown of candlelight silk peau-de soie with bell sleeves and Vic torian neckline. The gown featured illusion with alen con lace reembroidered in seed pearls on the neckline and bell sleeves. The gown had a bell shaped skirt with alencon lace motifs. The train was chapel length. The bride’s veil of candlelight French il lusion was attached to a ros ette of lace petals reembroi dered in seed pearls. The bride carried a modified cascade of white tiara roses and step hanotis interspersed with pearl sprays and tendrils of miniature English ivey. A strand of pearls, gift of the bridegroom, was her only ornament. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wayne Crain of Duncan Chapel Road in Greenville, South Carolina, are parents of the groom. A graduate of Travelers Rest High School, he attended Flo rida State University. After a tour of duty with the United States Navy in the Florida Keys, the bridegroom joined the South Carolina Highway Patrol. Presently, he is serv ing as a patrolman in Rock- Hill, South Carolina. f ~ [’MM SEfIBSIAS LEADIH6 WEEKLY NEWSPAPER | •JOURNAL Attending the groom as best man was his father. Ushers for the service were the groom’s brother, Douglas Wayne Crain of Greenville, South Carolina, the groom’s brother-in-law, Kenneth Carl Coleman of Travelers Rest, South Carolina and Billy Rhodes of Clinton, South Carolina. Miss Ida Bessie Edenfield of Clinton was her sister’s maid of honor. She was attired in a floor length formal gown of red velvet featuring a berther collar. The gown was en hanced by an a-line skirt. Her costume was completed by matching shoes and a head piece of matching velvet rib bon worn in the empire style. She carried a cascade of friendship pink glamellias. Jeffery Keith Coleman, nep hew of the groom and son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carl Coleman of Travelers Rest, South Carolina served as ring bearer for the couple. Honorary attendants were Mrs. Kenneth Carl Coleman of Travelers Rest, South Caro lina, Miss Willa Linwood Pau line Cox of Clinton, South Carolina, Miss Jessie Cameron Dixon of Henderson, North Carolina, Miss Mary Kathryn Maffitt of Brevard, North Carolina and Miss Kathrine Estelle Young of Hartsville, South Carolina. Each was re membered with a corsage of white Frenched carnations. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Edenfield, the former Frankie Denmark of Pem broke, selected a street length dress of aqua silk crepe. The dress featured an empire waistline, a roll collar, and long sleeves accentuated by small rhinestone buttons. The costume was enhanced by in verted pleats in the front. Her whimsey headdress and acces sories were of blending aqua, and she wore a Royal Bouquet orchid. The groom’s mother, Mrs. Caine, chose a street length dress of rose colored double knit crepe. The princess sil houette featured short sleeves and a slightly rolled collar. The bodice was decorated with delicate rhinestone buttons. To complete her outfit she used a whimsey headdress and acces sories of matching rose. At her shoulder was pinned a Royal Bouquet orchid. Following the ceremony, the parents of the bride entertain ed with a reception held in the fellowship hall of the church. Mr. and Mrs. William Glenn Gainey of Fayetteville, North Carolina, presided at the reg- • *’* '• f/%?* * ' ; mi A~~ ZA •’• •' TJt «W* , » *.-''-> T W>A ? ■.# twins tsg g^gy^ggggg^g ’■■ /7v^y rw /< 1 . W f w ■ % ^lO y Vrrtk X W JB \T\j .W . gs gg g g jg * z r W® • JI JJIFJ** (in •*• * Wr X■ ■ Aix A x A\\l k? iMh ' Jim z ABMM gs W \ »X WJ Jr Jr g \' x A H wA^g^g gg g F 1 I* Zw *i \j/ym ■ V'M X ?zC~&r 9 g ^SKSSK^\ WvvxJ^ — jSW-Sxx g UM » K x Form 20 *>. I iW 27.08 dec '69 ; r x/z \\^X W 1 xRB fm 1 •* -^ ex < v X’Ox } IP^HWg- j n•» O^V—Jf v v As the traditional festive fun ^So/'^ \A gU&s of the New Year begins with w ' WMF horns sounded and bells rung, we would \ ; WSI / like to add our voice to many happy ones raised in wishing everyone the very best in 1970. jt r\ ■R>, > •JOURNAL ister. The brides’ table was over laid in white linen. A central arrangement of white Star burst pompoms and pink seventeen roses in a tall silver epergne was flanked on either side by a pair of three branch ed silver candelabra. A three tiered wedding cake touched with pink roses was served on one end of the table, while the punch was served on the other. After greeting their friends and relatives, the couple left on a wedding trip to Atlanta, Georgia. For traveling, the new Mrs. Crain changed into a dress and coat of powder blue wool. The coat featured a wedding ring collar of white mink. The bride’s accessories were white, and she wore the corsage of roses lifted from her bridal bouquet. Mr. and Mrs. Crain will make their home at 706 Milton Avenue, Rock Hill, South Carolina. ACYF’s Attend Carol Sing A Christmas Carol Sing - Hay Ride was held on Decem ber 24th for the Pembroke Ad vent Christian Youth Fellow ships. The two local Pembroke A. C. Youth Fellowships joined on Christmas Eve to partici pate in singing Christmas carols on a hay ride sponsor ed by Youth leaders. Following the hay ride, the group were served hot choco late and refreshments at the home of Mrs. Lavern Alford. PEMBROKE, GEORGIA. THURSDAY, January 1.1970 Receives BA Degree MRS. BARBARA JO FISHER Pictured above is Mrs. Barbara Jo Fisher, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smith. Fernandina Beach, Florida. She received her BA degree in Elementary Education from the University of Florida in Gainesville, December 20, 1969. Mrs. Fisher is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Williams of Pembroke. Her mother will be remembered as Miss Sarah Williams. Present plans are that Mrs. Fisher will be associated with the Alachua County school system. For Sale 1 boys bicycle in good con dition. 515.00. See Mikel Wal ters at Mrs. H. C. Futch’s home. 653-2578 NOTICE A gift was taken by mis take at the Ellabell Methodist Church Christmas Program. It was a ladies light blue slip. Please return to Mrs. Hughlon Page. Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke Morgans Enjoy Family Visit Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Morgan and other mem bers of the family for the Christmas holidays were their children, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Owens and children, Rudy, Ronda, Elizabeth, Roxanne, Danny, and Randy of Charles ton, S. C., and Pvt. David Owens of Ft. Polk, La.; Mr. and Mrs. Dupree Westbury and Lisa of St. George, S. C.; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thompson, Her bert and Kimberly of Jackson ville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Waters and family entertained the family group with Christmas dinner Thursday evening. Also attend ing were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Owens, Don, and Leigh Anne; and Miss Faye Wilson and Gary Strickland, all of Pembroke. K icklighter-Morris Wedding To Ue Saturday, Jan. 3 Wedding plans have been completed for the marriage of Miss Glenda Irene Kickligh ter, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Kicklighter, Sr. of Claxton to John Albert Mor ris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther D. Morris of Claxton. The ceremony is planned for Saturday afternoon, January 3 1970, at 3:30 p.m. in the First United Methodist Church, Claxton, Ga. Friends and relatives are in vited to attend the ceremony and the reception following in the social hall. Wedding Plans Completed jSgMk MISS KITTY LEE DAVIS Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Davis of Ellabell announce the forthcoming wedding of their daughter, Kitty Lee, to James A. Myers, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Myers Sr. of Ella belle. The bride-eiect is a graduate of Bryan County High School and is presently employed with the Pembroke Man ufacturing Company. Mr. Myers is a graduate of Southeast Bulloch High School and recently completed a tour of duty in Vietnam. He is now employed with Grumman’s Aircraft Company of Savannah. The wedding is planned for January 3, 1970 at 3 p.m. at the Ellabell Baptist Church. A reception will follow the ceremony. No invitations will be sent but friends and relatives are invited to attend. GA’s Enjoy Hayride The GA’s of the First Bap tist Church of Pembroke en joyed a Yule Hayride Monday, December 22, chaperoned by Mrs. J. E. Pevey, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Daniel who furnished the truck for the ride. Meeting at the church at 5:30 p.m. the children were driven around Pembroke where they sang carols for elderly citizens and shut-ins. Following the hay ride the youth were taken back to the church where Mrs. Pevey and Mrs. David Blitch served re freshments of chewey cake, rice crispy candy, and cokes prepared by themselves and< Mrs. Daniel. The group also enjoyed popping pop-corn. Following refreshments they sang carols and played games during which time Mrs. N. L. Ham, G.A. Director joined the girls in their festivities. Attending the hayride and party were Penny and Susan Hunter, Lou Ann Daniel, Lisa Lane, Beth Winter, Marsha Owens, Cathy Floyd, Valerie Gaultney and Susie and Mar cell Wilson. First Baptist Church Filled Christmas Eve Approximately 200 people attended the Christmas Eve Services at the First Baptist Church of Pembroke where Rev. Gordon Hunter and chil dren of the Junior and Pri mary Sunday School Depart ment classes presented an ex cellent program. Those attending enjoyed the reading of the Christmas Story from the Scripture by Rev. Hunter and the singing of carols, followed by the chil dren of the Primary Depart ment singing a number of special songs and giving Christmas recitations. The Junior Class members presented an interesting pro gram of songs and Bible verses enhanced by the use of color ed lights and candles. Following the program the congregation adjourned to the fellowship hall where children were presented gifts by Santa Claus himself. Refreshments were served and an hour of Christian fellowship enjoyed by all present. Annual Garden Club Banquet Is Gala Event The annual Christmas party of the Pembroke Garden Club in the form of a Banquet Sup per attended by Garden Club members, their husbands, and special guests proved to be a gala affair at the Pembroke Community House December 18. Mrs. Marjorie Jones, club president, welcomed the guests at the door. The delicious meal served buffet style included every Christmas dish one might imagine, with the traditional turkey and a variety of other meats, salads, vegetables, cas seroles, cakes, cookies and a large assortment of desserts appealing to every palate, ac cording to chairman and co chairman Mrs. J. E. Pevey and Mrs. L. M. Anderson. Mrs. H. B. Brewton, Mrs. V. P. Stubbs, and Mrs. J. T. Stubbs arranged the foods on a long table covered in green linen with silver candel abrums burning red tapers and boasting center arrange ments of lovely red poinsettias. On the banquet table Mrs. Charles Warnell and Mrs. W. R. Deal used cloths of white linen with garlands of ivy and red berries trailed up the cen ter of each table. A mass ar rangement of poinsettias en hanced by tai red candles was placed in the center of the tables. Rev. Gordon Hunter graced the table and following the de licious supper gifts were ex changed and distributed from beneath the huge Christmas tree beautifully decorated with red luster balls and scarlet velvet bows by Miss Betty Bashlor and Mrs. J. Harry Owens. Gifts for exchanging were collected from each guest as they arrived and placed under the tree by Mr. and Mrs. A. I. Rhoden and Mrs. Helen Graham. The group enjoyed singing Christmas carols and an hour of conversation and fellow ship with friends. All attend ing report a very entertain ing evening. FOR SALE: SPINET PIANO Wanted, responsible party to take over low monthly pay ments on a spinet piano. Can be seen locally. Write Credit Manager, P. O. Box 276, Shelbyville, Indiana.