Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You"
5% Automatic Rtntwng
57 2 % I Y«w 2 YEARS
Vol. 68, Number 37
William W. Corl 111
Promoted to Major
Major William W.
Curl 111 is presently
serving as S-3 (Plans
and Operations) Officer
for the 25th Infantry Di
vision Support Com
mand in South Vietnam.
On May 1 in Vietnam
he received his promo
tion to Major.
He is the son of Mrs.
William W. Curl, Jr.,
and the late Mr. Curl of
Pembroke, Ga. He is
serving his second tour
of duty in Vietnam. His
wife, the former Miss
Sandra Waldrop, is
living in Columbus, Ga.,
where she is working
in the Adoptions Unit
with the Dept, of Family
and Children Services.
A 1958 graduate of
Bryan County High
School, Major Curl con
tinued his education at
Mercer University wh
ere he received anA.B.
Degree in 1962. In 1963
he began his military
career. After his basic
training at Fort Knox,
Ky., he was with the 3rd
Armored Division in
Germany for three
years. Returning to the
United States, he enrol
led in the Armor Offi-
Bryan County Cancer
Drive Leads State
Mrs. William W. Curl,
Jr., President of the
Bryan County Unit of
the American Cancer
Society, reports that the
1970 Education —Funds
Crusade has been com
pleted in the Pembroke
Area. According to the
latest report from the
State Office, Bryan
County with Mrs. Wal
ter Meeks of Richmond
Hill and Mrs. W.W. Curl
Jr. of Pembroke as Cru
sade Chairmen, has ac
hieved to date 205% of
the budget of SI6OO set
for our county and has
placed Bryan County in
first place in the Can
cer Crusade. The a
mount contributed was
$3,272.61. Warren Co
unty was listed as
runner-up with 127% the
quota reached.
Mrs. Curl expresses
thanks to everyone who
has helped to put Bryan
County on the top in
this worthy cause. With
out the assistance of
able Crusade Chairman,
it would have been im
possible to make such a
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Undepenc&nce JDau
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P.O. Box 308
Maj. W. W.Curl m
cer Advanced Course at
Fort Knox where he stu
died for one year.
After attending a six
weeks special warfare
School at Fort Bragg,
N.C., Major Curl went
to Vietnam as an Am
erican Advisor, where
he served for a year.
In 1968 he was as
signed to the 197th In
fantry Brigade at Fort
Benning, Ga.
He is expected to re
turn from Vietnam in
September and has re
ceived orders to report
to Fort Benning for duty.
record. She commends
the following chairmen
who worked with her
in the upper part of the
county: Mrs. Lewell
Turner, co-chairman;
Mrs. Robert Neal, Me
morial Funds; Mrs.
Charles F.Warnell, Re
sidential; Mrs. Randall
Bazemore, Public Re
lations; Phylis Odum,
Schools; Jim Hite, Spe
cial Events; W.D. War
ne 11, Business and Spe
cial Contacts; and E.B.
Miles, Treasurer.
There are many
others who made out
standing contributions
in various ways. Our
special thanks go to our
Sheriff, Harry William
son, who was res
ponsible for getting the
Ft. Stewart Army Band
for our kickoff parade;
our mayor and other
city officials for their
aid; to all those who I
helped to make the pa
rade a success; to
Jim Lantz who so will
ingly contributed the •
thermometer on which
we recorded our pro-
Pembroke, Georgia 31321
G.A.’s Spend
Week at
Camp Pinnacle
Four members of the
junior girls Auxiliary of
First Baptist Church
were among the 150 G.A.
to spend last week at
Camp Pinnacle in Clay
ton, Ga.
Lisa Lane, Penny
Hunter, Ruth Lanier and
Lou Ann Daniel left here
Monday, June 22 with
Mrs. Gordon Hunter and
younger daughter, Susan
for Camp Pinnacle.
After a week of main
taining a rigid schedule
which included fun filled
afternoon of swimming,
hiking, boating and
group Bible Study, etc.
They returned Saturday
evening with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Daniel,
somewhat tired, but re
ported a wonderful trip.
Mrs. N.L. Ham is G.A.
On Monday July 6,
four G.A.’s in the 12-15
age group will attend
camp Pinnacle. They
are Susan Hunter, Beth
Winter, Beth Blitch and
Wanda Kay Holton.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Yarley and children of
Columbus, Ohio are
spending several days
here with Mr. and Mrs.
H.P. Murphy.
gress as the Crusade
advanced; to the Ten
der Loving Care Band
for the benefit dance; to
the B.C.H.S. Cheerlea
ders and the Beta Club
for the Bucket Brigades;
to the ladies who worked
with Mrs. Mary Bush
and Mrs. Dorothy Geter
in the Barbecued Chi
cken Plate Sale; to the
Georgia Wranglers for
the benefit Horse Fro
lics; to the Jaycees and
ana uaycettes; to those
who gave so generously
in memory of loved
ones; and to all others
who gave of their time,
energy, and money.
“The Crusade was a
community project and
the response was simply
wonderful,” stated Mrs.
Journal Will
Close Friday
On Friday and Satur
day, the Office of the
‘ Pembroke Journal will
be closed in observance
of the Fourth of July.
Thursday, July 2, 1970
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Hawley Bazemore being presented 25-year
pin by U.J. Bacon, himself a 50-year gold
pin wearer.
Bazemore Presented
25-Year Pin Recently
At a regular commu
nication of Pembroke
Lodge #469 F. & AM
on Saturday, June 27th
Brother Hawley T. Ba
zemore was presented
with a silver 25 year pin.
Brother U.J. Bacon was
selected to present
the pin because it was
he who coached Brother
Bazemore through the
Mayor Ira Casey
Elected V. President
The Georgia Muni
cipal Association, on the
last day of its 37th An
nual Convention, elec
ted its full slate of of
ficials, district officers
Pembroke Merchants
Will Remain Open
Merchants of Pem
broke will remain open
Friday and Saturday,
July 3 and 4th accord
ing to information we
received at the Journal.
Court House
Offices Will
Be Closed
According to imor
mation all offices in the
.Court House will be
closed Friday uuiy ora
as this day is given in
observance of July 4th
which falls on Saturday.
Miss Jerry Lynn
Bacon of Atlanta spent
the week end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs.
_M.E. Bacon and family.
degrees 25 years ago.
Brother Bazemore has
been Worshipful Mas
ter of the lodge twice
and Brother Bacon
three times. Recently
brother Bacon was him
self honored by the
Grand Lodge of Geor
gia with a gold fifty year
pin, scroll and apron
and the 1971 Board of
Directors At-Large.
Elected vice presi
dent from the First Dis
trict was Ira C. Casey,
Mayor of Richmond Hill.
Specials are being
featured at Humphries
Super Market and
Harn’s Variety Store —
so shop where the bar
gains are.
Patty Mock, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Mock returned Wednes
day after spending two
weeks in Del Rio, Texas
with Lt. and Mrs. Ronald
Speir. Patty accompan
ied her sister, Mrs.
Speir (Betty Jean) and
son to Texas after their
visit here with her pa
Rev. and Mrs. D.D
Manning and Mr. and
Mrs. Jimmie Joseph and
family of Savannah were
dinner guests Sunday of
. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Odum
and family.
Bank Closed
Fri., July 3
The Pembroke State
Bank will be closed
Friday, July 3rd and4th
in observance of In
dependence Day accord
ing to bank President,
E.B. Miles.
Governor Lester Ma
ddox has issued a pro
clamation which will
allow banks to observe
Friday, July 3, 1970, as
a legal holiday. Gover
nor Maddox’s pro
clamation complies with
Code Section 14-1809
which allows as a legal
holiday, “any day pro
claimed or designated
by the Governor of the
State of Georgia or the
President of the Uni
ted States as a day of
fasting and prayer or
religious observance,”
. . . therefore, under the
Governor’s proclama
tion banks may close
on both July 3 and 4.
1970, in observance of
Independence Day.
* *
I - J
Pfc. W.P. Anderson
Paris Island, S.C., Ma
rine Private First Class
Woodson P. Anderson,
son of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles E. Anderson Sr.
of Route 1, Richmond
Hill, Ga., was marito
riously promoted to his
present rank upon grad
uating from basic train
ing at the Marine Corps
Recruit Depot at Parris
Island, S.C.
A Miscellaneous sho
wer is being given Fri
day, July 3 1970, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Sims, for the be
nefit of Mr. and Mrs.
W.W. Shuman who re
cently lost their home
by fire. Anyone wish
ing to give a gift may
do so by coming by the
Sims’ home between 8
and 10 o’clock p.m.
Official Organ Bryan County and City of Pembroke
I'he home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wiley Shuman lo
cated near Black Creek
was totally destroyed by
fire during an elec
trical thunderstorm Sa
turday afternoon and an
invalid sister of Mrs.
Shuman, suffered first
and second degree
The blaze apparently
started when a bolt of
lightening struck the
Shuman home about 3:30
Saturday afternoon. The
bolt hit the living room
area and fire swept
through the entire ho
use. Mrs. Minnie But
ler, invalid sister of
Mrs. Shuman was alone
in the kitchen at the
time. Mr. and Mrs.
Shuman had driven to
Ash’s Branch Ceme
tery. Mrs. Butler suf
fered burns on her arms
and shoulders as she at
tempted to escape from
the blaze through a
back door in her wheel
She was carried to the
Memorial Hospital in
Savannah by Morrison
Ambulance and treated
for first and second de
gree burns.
Harn Gives
J. Dixie Harn, of
Pembroke gave the wel
come address, at the
meeting of the coastal
area planning and Deve
lopment Commission
held recently in Bruns
Commission mem
bers representing Br
yan County are: I.C.
Casey, Jr., Richmond
Hill, J. Dixie Harn, and
Harley Surrency of
Pembroke and Odell
Moore of Ellabell.
Present for this an
nual report meeting
were several outstand
ing Federal as well as
state speakers and the
program and banquet
was thoroughly enjoyed
by all.
Memorial Dinner
Set For Sunday
There will be a
Barbeque and Basket
lunch at the Ellabell
First Baptist Cl urch
Sunday, July sth as a
memorial to the late
Brother Carlos Can
The dinner had been
planned by Mr. Cannon
prior to his death.
Lunch will be served
at one o’clock.
in Grant
Bryan County was in
cluded in $120,000 Eco
nomic Development Ad
ministration grant to
Coastal Area Planning
and Development com
mission to train un
employed and underem
ployed youths and adults
for non-Federal Public
service careers ac
cording to information
received from the office
of Congressman G. Es -
licit Hagan. Other cou
nties included in the
grant are Liberty, Long
and Mclntosh. .
The Bryan County Re
publican Convention is
hereby called to convene
in Bryan County Court
House in Pembroke,
Georgia on July 4, 1970,
at 1:00 P.M. for the
purpose of organizing
the Republican Party in
Bryan County and elec
ting the county officers.
Ist Congressional Dis
trict Chairman
Friends of Noah Dixon
will be glad to learn
he has returned home
after being a patient in
the Candler General
Hospital in Savannah for
three weeks. Mr. Dixon
suffered a heart attack
at his home and is now
recuperating there after
treatment at the Candler
Visiting in the Jour
nal office during the
past week was Joe
Sports, former Demo
cratic Executive Com
mittee Chairman for the
State of Georgia and who
is in the race for Com
ptroller General. Mr.
Sports is from Douglas
and has a brother, Don
Sports who is owner of
the Radio Station in
Spending Wednesday
night with Mr. and Mrs.
L.M. Anderson were
Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Wa
ters of Bradenton, Fla.
Mrs. Waters is the sis
ter of Mrs. Anderson.