Newspaper Page Text
“Big Enough to Serve You
Small Enough to Know You"
5% Automatic Rantwing
s'/ 2 % I Y«r 5%% 2 YEARS
Vol. 68 Number 47 P.O. Box 308 Pembroke, Georgia 31321
Title 1 Funds for
$78,786 for
Bryan Schools
Disadvantaged school
children in Bryan Co
unty will benefit from
seven special programs
under Title 1, ESEA,
during the fiscal year
1970, according to State
School Superintendent
Jack P. Nixt Jr. R. De-
Loach is Bryan County
School Superintendent.
Funds of $78,786 will
finance projects in bus
iness education, rea
ding, and mathematics
activities as well as
projects in attendance,
food and library ser
vices and a new curri-
70 Arrests, 57 Warnings
Issued During August
Sergeant W.R. Rober
tson, of the Savannah
State Patrol Post an-,
nounced today that his
post has investigated 1
traffic accidents, made
70 arrests and issued
57 warnings in Bryan
County during August
Director in
Mr. Frank Moore, re
cently named Executive
Director of the Grove
land Lake Development
Authority, announced
this week that the Au
thority is currently in
the process of setting
up offices in Claxton,
and the operation will
be underway on a full
time basis shortly.
The Authority is hea
dquartered at 2 N. Du
val St., in the build
ing formerly known as’
the Rush Inn, and will
occupy the front two
According to Mr. J.
Dixie Harn, Chairman
of the Authority, the pr
imary responsibility of
the new Director is to
oversee development of
the Groveland Lake, a
23,000 acre reservoir
to be located in Bryan,
Bulloch, Candler and
Evans Counties.
Mr. Moore said that
he is working now on a
six-month projected pl
an of action for the pr
oject, and expects to see
positive progress in the
months ahead.
Mr. Moore’s wife, the
former Nancy Wofford
of Gainesville, Ga., and
their three children, El
izabeth, age 4, Courtney
age 3, and Henry, age 1
will be joining him in
The PtMb/uke
culum materials center.
Title 1 funds under
the Elementary and Se
condary Education Act
are distributed locally
on the basis of the num
ber of school age chil
dren in the school sys
tem from .families with
less than $2,000 annual
income. School leaders
plan their own projects
to fill locally determin
ed needs then submit
them to the Georgia De
partment of Education
Title Coordinator R.C.
Beemon for approval.
Commenting further
Sgt. Robertson said no
persons were injured in
the 1 accident and none
Estimated property
damage amounted to
Special Course
Being Offered
The Savannah Area
Vocational — Technical
School is offering a sp
ecial course in child
growth and development
This course is designed
for those who are work
ing in kindergarten or
child care centers who
need to be licensed by
the State.
The Basic I, 60
hours, course will start
September 15, 1970, 6:30
p.m. at the Cynthia
Street Branch. The
class will meet each
Tuesday and Thursday
from 6:30 p.m. to 9:00
p.m. Cost of the course
is $5.00 plus books.
Mrs. Pam Gilmore will
be the instructor.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald
D. Barnard announce the
birth of a daughter, Jen
ifer Lynn, on August
31st at Candler-Telfair
hospital in Savannah.
The baby weighed 6 lbs.
13 1/2 ozs. Mrs. Bar
nard is the former Pa
tsy Strickland.
Maternal grand
parents are Mr. and
Mrs. Eddie P. Strick
land; maternal great
grandfather is Mr. Moss
Strickland. Mrs. B.Z.
Cowart is maternal gr
Paternal grand
mother is Mrs. Janie
, Barnard.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnard
• have a son, David, 3
j years of age.
Home Economics Club Members Make Ditty Bags
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Members of the Carrie Bell Home Economics Cl^b filling the ditty bags
are left to right, seated, Mrs. Jewel Owens, and Mrs. Dot Waters,
(standing, left to right) Mrs. Marjorie Jones, County Extension Home
Economist, Mrs. Elvie Owens, and Mrs. Geroline Gpldin.
The Carrie Bell Home
Economics Club mem
bers have made ditty
bags for Bryan County
patients at Southwestern
Mr. A.I. Rhoden,
was guest of hon—-
or. with his wife at
a supper on August 28,
given by the men’s Bible
Classes of First Baptist
Church. The other adult
classes joined in this
affair to give the Rho
dens a parting send-off.
More than 50 persons
gathered around a var
iety of well prepared
dishes served by ladies
of the church in the
fellowship hall.
Mr. Ben Brewton ser
ved as master of cere
monies as he voiced the
appreciation of the class
members and the church
for Mr. Rhoden’s faith
fulness to the church
during the past many
years. He spoke of him
as a one man chamber
of commerce, faithful
visitor and spreader
of good-will for the ch
Mr. Brewton conclu
ded his remarks by pre
senting the departing
member a beautifully
gift wrapped Bible.
Four Names
Added to
Mrs. Robert Neal,
Memorial Chairman of
Bryan County Cancer
Unit, announces that
four names have been
added to the Memorial
Plaque which hangs in
the lobby of the Pem
broke State Bank. The
four names which were
added in the month of
August are Evelyn Shave
Miles, Mamie Rahn
Speir, Mary H. Spinks,
Norman L. Ham.
During the year that
the Plaque has been in
the Bank, a total of
twenty names have been
Thursday, September 10, 1970
Hospital in Thomas
ville, Georgia and Gra
cewood State Hospital in
Augusta, Georgia. The
ditty bags contain toys,
Bryan County High
Enrollment Short
According to princi
pal Robert Bowers of
Bi-yan County High Sc
hool, enrollment thus,
for this year is less than
at this same period last
year. According to pri
ncipal Bowers’s enroll
ment for the year 1970-
1971 thus far is approx
imately 575 compared
New B.C.H.S. Teachers
bv Debra Alford
JU *
Miss Faye White
Faye White is a new
comer both to Bryan
County High School and
to the teaching profes
A 1967 graduate of
Vienna High School, Vi
enna, Georgia, she re
ceived a Bachelor of
Science degree in Edu
cation from Georgia
Southern College this
Miss White is a ninth
grade Homeroom teach
er, and teaches ninth
grade Geography/ and
American History to
the eleventh graders.
Her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. George A. White,
live in Vienna, Georgia.
She has two older bro
thers, Wesley and
Her plans for the fu
ture are to get married
and work towards her
master’s degree, and
probably in that order.
U— . I
toilet articles and candy
for the children.
Mrs. Jewel Owens,
President, is sending
the bags to the hospital.
to an enrollment last
year of approximately
630. But Bowers says
this period of adjust
ment usually comes af
ter about one to two
months after the start
of school and he feels
this will be overcome
by that time.
Mrs. Bonnie Gibbs
Bonnie Gibbs brings
a French outlook to Br
yan County High School,
having studied in Fr
ance during the summer
of 1969.
A native of Monticello
Georgia, her parents
are Mr. and Mrs. N.R.
Carnes. She has one ol
der sister, Peggy, one
younger sister, Susie,
and two younger bro
thers, Reid and Timmy.
Mrs. Gibbs gradua
ted from Monticello Hi
gh School in 1965, att
ended Georgia Southern
College for two years
and went on to graduate
from the University of
Georgia in 1969 with a
Bachelor of Art degree
in French.
She taught last year
in Milledgeville.
She and her husband,
Lloyd, moved to Pem
broke last weekend.
Lloyd will commute to
3748 Are Registered
to Vote in Primary
Bryan County has
3748 voters registered
to participate in the 1970
General Primary on
The polls in the three
voting districts will be
open from 7 a.m. to
7 p.m.
Election managers
will meet at the county
courthouse at 10 a.m.
on Thursday, Sept. 10,
the day after the elec
tion, for the official con
solidation of the vote,
according to Airs. Mar
garet L Pelham, ordi
Dr. David Duck is Preacher
for Methodist Revival
Preparations are
complete for Pembroke
Methodist revival, sc
heduled for September
13 through 18. Dr. David
Duck of Moultrie, will
begin the revival on Su
nday evening at 7:30.
Dr. Duck is a distin
guished pastor and pr
eacher. He is the Pre
sident of the Southeas- g
tern Jurisdictional Bo- I
ard of Evangelism of the I
United Methodist Chu- I.
rch and headed the So- I
uth Georgia Conference I
delegation to General I
Conference, the law
making body of the whole
United Methodist Chu
rch, in 1968 and 1970.
His former pastorates
in South Georgia inclu
de Robert Mclntire ch- ,
urch Savannah, Dawson,
and Cherokee Heights,
Macon. He served suc
cessively as Superinte
ndent of the Waycross
and Americus Districts
before taking his pre
sent pastorate in June.
As part of the fellow
ship activities, the peo
ple of the church and
community are invited
to come by the church
Statesboro to attend cl
asses at Georgia Sou
thern College where he
is a junior majoring in
criminal justice.
Mrs. Gibbs teaches
Literature to eighth gr
aders and English I to
ninth graders, plus be
ing ninth grade home
room teacher.
Mrs. Ethel R. Sellers
Ethel R. Sellers is
not a newcomer to Pem
broke since she has tau
ght two years at Pern-
Official Organ of Bryan County and City of Pembroke
Voting machines will
be used for the first
time in the county. The
19th (Pembroke) district
has four machines; (El
labell) and (Richmond
Hill) the 1380th and 20th
districts, each have thr
ree machines.
The General Primary
will include both par
ties. All voters will cho
ose one party or the
other —it will not be po
ssible to vote for some
candidates of one party
and some candidates of
the other in the primary.
/ \
Dr. David Duck
for coffee and sweet
rolls at 7:00 a.m. each
day to breakfast with
the preachers before the
morning service. There
will be a covered-dish
supper at the church
each evening at 7:00
p.m. The MYF will have
a weiner roast following
the Friday night ser
Mrs. J. Dixie Harn
is the Area Chairman
of Evangelism for Pem
broke United Methodist
Church, and has been in
charge of the planning
for the revival.
broke High School, but
this is her first year
teaching at Bryan Cou
nty High.
A 1959 graduate of
Tattnall County High Sc
hool, Mrs. Sellers gra
duated from Savannah
State College in 1963,
with a degree in General
Coming from a large
family of seven sisters
and three brothers, she
is married to Jefferson
Sellers. They have no
children. Her parents
are Mr. and Mrs. Theo
Rose, of Glennville,Ge
Mrs. Sellers special
izes in ninth graders,
as she is their Home
room teacher and tea
ches them Physical Sc
ience and Geography.
This is a series of
articles prepared by
Debra Alford for her
FHA State Degree. The
purpose is to acquaint
parents with teachers.
The American Legion
home, located on High
way 280, west of Pem
broke is the new site
for the General Primary
election on Wednesday,
Sept. 9th. This will be
the official voting place
for all voters in the
19th district. People of
the 1380th and 20th dis
tricts will use their
usual polling place in
each district.
A great turn-out is
expected in this elec
tion. Choose the candi -
date of your choice and
vote on September 9th.
Poll Workers
Feted by County
Approximately 30
persons, including ma
nagers of polls and poll
workers from the three
districts in the county,
commissioners and th
eir wives, Mrs. Mar
garet Pelham, ordinary
and attorney John Har
vey and Mrs. Harvey
attended a supper in the
“Green Room” of the
City Case Thursday ev
Among the guests was
Lee O. Dry of Cordele
the state distributor for
Shoub Voting Machines,
who later in the evening
instructed a class for
the workers on the use
of the machines.
Mason’s Will
Meet Saturday
Regular Communica
tion of Pembroke Lodge
#467 F & A.M. will be
held Saturday, Sep
tember 11, at 8:00 p.m.
at the lodge hall. E.A.
degrees will be confer
All members are
urged to attend. Qua
lified visiting Brethern
are welcome.
Robert Smith W.M.,
L.F. Rogers, Sect.
Youth Return
to Shellman
Several youth of the
Pembroke Christian
Church returned this
weekend to Shellman
Bluff Christian Camp,
at Townsend, Ga.
They, and many other
young people from chu
rches throughout the
district gathered once
. again to enjoy a week
end of fellowship before
the close of the summer
season. On Sunday mo
rning, the worship ser
vice was conducted
by the youth.
Leaving early Satur
: day morning, the group
: is expected to return
, home Monday afternoon.