Newspaper Page Text
Robt. DeLoach i
Assigned to §
Scronton FBI
The following item
was taken from the Sc
ranton Times Wed
nesday, September 2,
John B. Meade, Agent
in Charge of the Scra
nton office of the F. 8.1
today announced assign
ment here of Robert De-
Loach, 28, as an agent.
A native of Ellabell,
Ga., Mr, DeLoach star
ted with the F.8.1L. in
Washington D.C. in 1964
and was assigned to Al
bany N.Y. last year, He
is a graduate of Bryan
Co. High School. He re
ceived an Associate of
Arts degree from Arm
strong College, Savan
nah, Ga., and a Bache
lor of Arts degree in
Economics from the Un
iversity of Maryland.
Mr. Del.oach is the
son of Mr, and Mrs.
Cooper Deloach of
Pembroke, Ga. and is
married to the former
Miss Mary Anne Cook
of Danville, W. Va,
Savannah Group
Preseni Concert
A concert will be pre
sented by ‘‘Sing Out Sava
nnah,?””” at the Claxton
High School Gymnasium
on Saturday, Sept. 19 at
8:00 p.m, This is a youth
group from Savannah
who sing pop music
which carries an inspi
ring message.
The concert is spon
sored by the T.E.B.C.L,
Sub-district of the Uni
ted Methodist church.
Admission will be 50¢
per person. Everyone
is invited.
a man as Governor of Georgia who will - and can - work towards making
Bryan County— and the state of Georgia— a better county and state
in which to live, to grow, — and to prosper in!
CARL SAN is the man ...
He proved it when he was Governor for all Bryan County - and Georgia
—and he ought to be Governor again!
The Sanders Program for Georgia.
+To enhance the quality of education *To conserve Georgia's environment. «To operate State government
in Georgia. : ¢ To improve covernment services. etticiently.
« To restore respect for law. ¢ To assist Georaia's cities and + o revitalize the Democratic Party
o To strenothen Georgia's economy. counties. in Georgia.
*&%&% k¥ * % (Paid Political Advertisement by Bryan County Friends of Carl Sanders) %%%% %% %
T g
S .
Y Ny
§%§¥ ¥, w‘ bt fi
David Blitch in
Air Reserves
David Blitch, Jr. son
of Mr. and Mrs. David
Blitch, Sr. left recently
for six weeks basic tr
aining with the Air Na
tional Guard Reserve at
Lackland Air Force
. Base in San Antonio,
October he will begin
a 36 weeks training pe
riod in Radar and Ele
" ctronics Maintainance
at Keesler Air Force
- Base in Bilopi, Miss.
. David is a 1970 gra
duate of Bryan County
High School and was sw
orn in the Air Force
Reserve on April 30th
of this year.
. Birth Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. W.
Calvin Smith of Cha
pel Hill, N.C. announce
the birth of a daugh
ter, Aimee Elizabeth,
on September 4, 1970.
She weighed 8 lbs.
14 ozs. They have an
other daughter Kym,
age 1 1/2 yrs. She is
the granddaughter of
- Mrs. Kyle D. Smith and
' the late Kyle D. Smith,
. and Mr. and Mrs. W.W,
Johnson of Elberton,Ga.
Program Set
Feature Speaker
The Savannah Bodies
»f the Ancient and Ac
septed Scottish Rite in
so-operation with the
sther Masonic Bodies
and appendant orders is
sponsoring a program
of ‘‘Freemasonry and
Americanism’’, Sept
ember 19, 1970, at 8:00
p.m. at Alee Temple
Mosque, which is onthe
corner of Skidaway Road
and Eisenberg Drive,
Savannah, Georgia.
Featured on this pro
gram will be the Ho
norable Bernard McCh
esney Suttler 33, whois
an assistant to the Ho
norable J. Edgar Ho
over 33, Director of the
Federal Bureau of In
vestigation in Washing
ton, D.C.
Birth Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth
Morrell of Independence
Kansas, announce the
birth of a son, Mark
Aghley, born Septem
ber 4th at 8:40 p.m. in
Mercy Hospital. The in
fant weighed 5 lbs. 14
Maternal grand
parents are Mr. and
Mrs, G.W. Smith of
Ellabell. Maternal gr
eat-grandmother is
Mrs. RM. Todd of
Paternal grandpa
rents Mr. and Mrs.
Noble Morrell of Win
terset, lowa. Paternal
great-grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Ba
rner of Arthur, Nebra
ska and Mrs. Myrtle
Morrell of Chappell
Mrs. Morrell is the
former Lois Smith of
Bryan County High School News
Senior Class Meets
The Bryan County
High School Senior
Class of 1971 met in the
school cafeteria on Se
ptember 9, 1970. They
met to elect class of
filcers for the year 70-
Now securing the of
fice of the senior class
president for the year
70-71 is William Lane,
Vicepresident, David
Warnell, secretary,
Linda Williamson, trea
surer, Kevin Lanier and
reporter, Judy Drew.
We’re sure they will do
their best.
Judy Drew, Reporter
Junior Class News
The Bryan Co. High
School Jr. Class held
its first meeting Sept.
9, Election of officers
were held and they are
as follows: President,
Skip Ellison; V. Pres.
Lillian Harrison; Sec-
Charlene Futch; Trea
surer, Warren Miller;
Reporter, Debbie Dou
The following day, a
meeting was held by the
officers and sponsors,
Mrs. Linda Orman, Mr.
Billy Bice, and Mr, Br
ock. Birthday Calendars
were agreed to be sold
as the main money
making project, Later,
another class meeting
was held and procedures
of selling calendars we
re discussed. We hope
to reach the goal of 350
The meeting was then
adjourned by Pres. Skip
Debbie Douglas
Juniors Sell Calendars
The Bryan County
High School Junior
Class are selling Bir
thday calendars this ye
ar again as a money
money will be used for
the Jr.-Sr. Dance held
at the end of the year.
The Calendar will
have a picture of the
Junior class on it, Me
mbers of the Junior
class will be going from
house to house selling
these calendars. It will
list the birthday of each
individual in the family,
Anniversaries will also
be listed.
The calendars will be
sold for $2.25. We urge
that each and everyone
buy one. It will not only
be a nice calendar for
the home, it will also
help support the Junior
Beta Club Meets;
On Friday, September
4, the Bryan County High
School Beta Clubheld its
first meeting of this
school year. Mrs. Mit
chell, sponsor, wel
comed all new members
to the club. The new of
ficers for the year 1970-
71 was then announced.
They are: Pres. Brenda
Cowart, Vice Pres,
Allen Greene; Secre
tary, Debbie Miller, Di
ane Thompson; Treasu
rer, Barbara Wilson,
Skip Ellison; Projects
Chairmen, Diane Smith,
Carol Ann Curry, Phy
lis Odum; Scrapbook
Committee, Linda Wil
liamson, Warren Mil
ler, Lynn DeLoach; Ho~
nor Roll Chairmen,
THE PEMBROKE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 17, 1970-
Diane Kennedy, Melanie
Speir, Lillian Harrison;
Program Chairmen,
Donna Scott and Debra
Alford; Reporters, Anne
Burnsed and Pattie Pa
ge; Photographer, Ph
ylis Odum. The meeting
was then called toorder
by Brenda Cowart. Af
ter the usual pledges,
roll call and reading
of the minutes, a new
project was discussed.
It was decided to buy
a new water cooler for
the school. This years
magazine sale was then
brought up. We held a
call meeting, Tuesday,
September 8, and Mr.
Reynolds from the Cur
tis Publishing Company
came and talked to us
about this years sale.
All Betas received a
sales packet from the
company containing a
catalog listing all the
magazines to be sold and
order blanks. The sale
began Tuesday after
noon, The Beta Clubwo
uld like to ask all the
public to support our
magazine sale.
Anne Burnsed, Patti
Page, Reporters
Pictures Made
Last Week
Individual student pi
ctures were made at
Bryan County High Sc
hool on Wednesday, Th
ursday, and Friday of
last week.
Grades 7-11 were
made in color. The Se
niors’ had six poses ma
de, four black and white
and two in color.
From these pictures
one will be selected of
each person to be put in
the yearbook.
Annie Mae
Gillard Buried
Mrs. Annie Mae Gil
lard, 57, prominent co
lored citzen of this
community died Mon
day, Sept. 7th in Bul
loch County Hospital af
ter a long illness.
The Bryan County na
tive was a member of
Mt, Morial Baptist chu
rch in Pembroke and
Youth director of Tatt
nall Missionary Baptist
Surviving are seven
daughters, Mrs. Mary
Ann Lawrence, Miss
Grace M. Gillard, Miss
Rosalyn Gillard, Miss
Renee Elizabeth Gillard
and Miss Annie Vernita
Gillard all of Pembroke;
Mrs. Dorothy Mae Str -
ong of Atter Creek, Fla,,
Mrs. Deborah H. Hud
son, Craelsheison, Ge
rmany; a son, S. Sgt.
John Paul Gillard, Ca
mp Lejune, N.C.; one
brother Heyward Brown
Donaldsonville, Ga.; and
17 grandchildren.
Funeral services we
re held Saturday at 4
p.m. at Mt., Moriah
Baptist Church, conduc
ted by Rev. A.E. Hagan.
Burial was in Steven Gr
ove Cemetery.
Pallbearers were de
acons of Mt, Moriah Ba
ptist Church and Dea
cons of Tattnall Mis~
sionary Baptist Asso
Now is an excellent time to
identify and mark pecan trees.
Glenn Taylor, Extension Serv
ice horticulturist, says inferior
varieties and seedlings that you
want to remove this winter can
be located a lot easier with
foliage and nuts on them than
when they are bare.
Mrs.A.l. Rhoden
Honored at.
Among the events ho
noring the A.I. Rhodens
before they moved to
Jacksonville, Florida,
recently was a covered
dish supper at the Pem
broke United Methodist
The supper was given
by the women’s Society
of Christian Service at
the Social Hall on Aug.
26, The Church Mem
bership was invited
along with friends of
Mrs. Rhoden from other
churches. Mrs. Rhoden
was presented a gift by
Mrs. Elvie Owens, Pre
sident. Appropriate re
marks were made by
Mrs. Owens and others.
Ellabell Meth
Church Revival
in Progress
The fall revival atthe
Ellabell United Metho
dist Church is beingheld
this week. It begins at
8:00 p.m. every night
and will go through Fri
day night,
Preaching the revival
is the Rev, Carlton Reid,
pastor of the Meldrim-
Ellabell-Hubert Charge,
Rev. Reid came to the
charge in June from Th
omasville, Ga.
The nursery will be
open each night for tho
se who wish to bring
small children. There
will be a social hour
on Friday night after
the services, spon
sored by the Women’s
Society of Christian Se
Everyone is cordially
invited to attend all ser
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