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Page 4
~THE PEMBROKE JOURNAL, Thursday, September 17,1970
Lions Sponsor
First Aid Course
This week from 7-9
each evening an inter
ested group of citizens
is being instructed in
first aid by Lion Glenn
Trout, a qualified Am
erican Red Cross in~
I community interest
indicates the need, fur
ther courses will be pla
The September mee
ting of the Wilma lvey
Circle of the WSCS met
Monday evening at the
home of Mrs. Claud S.
Mrs., Wade Martin,
president, presided and
gave the devotional.
Mrs, R.P. Youmans
presented an interesting
program on ‘‘Women of
the Bible’’, She chose
to highlight the lives
of Moses’ mother and
his sister, Miriam.
After the business se
gsion the members en
joyed a delightful des
sert course of cherry
cream pie and iced tea,
~Theatre Opan Friday & Saf
urday esch waeek. Friday Night
at 8:30 P, M,
Saturday continuous Shewing
from 2:30 P. M. #
. Bept, 18-19 Frl. 'Bat,
(In Metro Color)
Joan Bennett, Jonathan Frid
Rev. D,D, Manning, Pastor
SURGRy School. ... ... ~.. 10:00A .M.
Morning 5ervice.............11:00 A M.
fTaInINR UnIOR. ... ... ... 8B DM
Evening Worship .. . (pa5t0r)....7:00 P,M,
" Church Covenant"
Wednesday Prayer Service......7:Qo P:M,
A Little Church With A Big Heart"
Serving Pembroke
with Home Delivery of
Grade “A” Dairy Products
Phone 764-6131, Statesboro Georgia
v}"fi : ..,.’ =, Words cannot
ST S, o xpress the thanks
'.. W . N
g TamersENeE R | owe you of Bryan
. ,sfi .4N County for giving
. s N
= AN me a chance. |
TS o *,}‘;* hope you will
e ki } .
oy e e 8)/ support me on
othieal . Wi" September 23. .. .
‘%Mfl y Once again Thank
o P ¢
.-i‘ oo 40 4
Sincerely yours,
Sharpe Family
Reunion Sunday
The children and
grandchildren of the late
Hansel H. Sharpe, along
with their families, ga~
thered at the American
Legion Hall in Glenn~
ville Sunday, Sept. 6,
for their annual reunion,
The more than 100
present enjoyed spread
ing basket lunches to
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
F', Sharpe of Richmond
Hill joined relatives fr
om Fort Lauderdale,
Palatka, and Jackson
ville, Fla, and Lyons,
Hinesville and Savan
nah for the family ga
thering held annually the
Sunday before Labor
Mrs, Walter Meeks,
Sr. attended the fall
meeting of the St. John’s
Parish Chapter of the
Daughters of the Am
erican Colonies held la
st I'riday at Hilton Head
South Carolina. The me
eting was held at the
Honey Horn Plantation
home of the regent, Mrs,
I'red Hack. Also attend
ing were Mrs, Meek’s
gisters, Mrs,D.S, Owen
and Mrs., T.A., Coxon
of Ludowici and Mrs,
P,B, Burwell of Wal
terboro, S.C.
Mrs., Meeks’ sister,
Mrs, Coxon, was the
speaker for the meet
ing and showed slides
of her recent trip ar
ound the world with her
sister, Mrs. Owen.
Mr. Robert Gill of
Waycross spent Sunday
with his parents Mr,
and Mrs, J.H. Gill, Sr.
Mr, and Mrs. Frank
lin William Floyd of
Richmond Hill announce
the marriage of their
daughter, Lana Dale, to
Lance Alan Weaver, son
of Mrs., Alton Lanier
of Richmond Hill and
James Clyde Weaver of
The ceremony wais
performed September 3
in Ridgeland, S.C., hy
Judge W.F. Cook.
Mr. and Mrs., Weaver
are making their home
in Richmond Hill.
Miss Carolyn
Davis Feted
Miss Carolyn Davis
bride-elect of Mr, Ste
ven Darieng, was ho
nored last Friday ev
ening, Sept. 11, with a
miscellaneous shower
held at the Richmond
Hill Baptist Church An
nex, Mrs. Vernon Rush
ing was the hostess for
the pre-nuptial event.
Guests were greeted
by the hostess and pre
sented to Miss Davis,
her mother Mrs. K.H.
Davis, the groom’s mo
ther Mrs. T.E.Darieng,
friends and out of town
A color scheme of
yellow and white was
chosen by Mrs. Rushing.
The gift table was co
vered in white and de -
corated with an appro
priate yellow and white
umbrella. The refresh
ment table, covered in
yellow, was centered
with a paper figurine of
a young maiden dressed
in matching colors. The
hostess served golden
fruit punch from a sil
ver bowl, Party dips
and chips were enjoyed
along with salted nuts
and cookies.
Miss Davis wore a be~
coming white dress with
blue trim and matching
accessories. Her cor
sage was of yellow rose
buds and tiny white wed
ding bells trimmed with
tulle and white satin rib
Out of town guests
included Mrs. Donna Sue
Jones, Miss Dianne Stu
bbs, Mrs. Ann Miles,
Mrs, Ocea Davis, and
Mrs. Doris Love all of
Around forty guests
enjoyed the occasion.
*okok % 30
“'People who think they
are too smart to be governed
by the laws of their land are
over-estimating their smart
RH. Garden Club Holds
September Meeting
The first fall meet
ing of the Richmond Hill
Garden Club was held
Wednesday afternoon,
Sept. 9, at Gill’s Grill,
During the fellowship
hour preceding the me
eting, the hostesses,
Mrs. James Gill, Mrs.
Fred Turner and Mrs.
J.H. Gill, Jr., served
delicious ice cream
parfaits and cookies.
The meeting was
called to order by the
president, Mrs. Lewis
C. Gill, who presided,
opening the meeting with
the prayer collect.
Mrs. Glenn Trout,
program chairman,
presented Mrs, James
Gill and Mrs. J.H. Gill
Jr. who gave garden hi
nts concerning pot
Club members en
joyed a show of arran
gements featuring wild,
dry and fresh plant ma
terials. Anarrangement
featuring fresh autumn
beauty berries by Mrs.
Walter Meeks, Jr. was
named first place win
ner. Mrs. Glenn Trout’s
dried arrangement and
Mrs. L.C. Gill’s zinnia
arrangement tied for
second place. Third pl
ace went to Mrs, Trout’s
golden rod arrangement
in a yellow container.
In the horticulture di
vision Mrs. Jennie Keg
sel’s gloriosa lily spe
cimen was named most
outstanding among the.
more than 35 entries.
Membhers welcomed
Mrs. J.H. Gill, Sr. as
a new garden club mem
The ladies had fun
singing an orginal com
position of the music
and poetry committee
which they adopted ea
rlier as a theme song.
During the business
session, the minutes of
the May meeting were
read by Mrs. Emmett
Wilson, and the trea
surer, Mrs. J.H. Gill,
reported. Mrs. Robert
Sharpe reviewed a new
sletter from the Savan
nah Area Council of Ga
rden Clubs concerning
the many gardening ac
tivities scheduled for
Mrs. A.A. Martin, Ol
eander District Awards
chairman, reported on
awards for which the lo
cal club may make app
Members learnedfr
om data available that
of the 42 arrangements
exhibited at the club’s
spring flower show,
“America the Beau- !
tiful ?’ not one arrange
ment scored less than
88 per cent.
Everyone present en
joyed Mrs, AA, Mar
tin’s demonstration of
Japanese flower art of
the Ikenabo School.
The club voted to or
der 50 garden club ca
At the October meet
ing members will have
a shower for patients
confined in our state’s
mental institutions. Gift
items will include soap,
shampoo, toothpaste,
and similar items of
personal necessity.
Further plans will be
discussed at the Octo
ber meeting concerning
the club’s sponsorship
of Carolyn Bashlor’s
showing and designing
of fall and Christmas
arrangements on Friday
evening, Oct. 23, Tick
ets are now available for
this special event from
any club member for
SI.OO donation,
In November the club
members plan to tour
the Rehabilitation Cen-
ter in Savannah where
they will also be guests
at a tea.
The fall meeting of the
Oleander District will
be held Oct. 7 in Jesup
at the First Baptist Ch
urch Educational Build
ing. The day’s agenda
will include a standard
flower show entitled
“Ice Warning’’, Dr. Ge
orge Donaldson as sp
eaker, lunch and in the
afternoon a tour of the
recently restored Wa
yne County Court House.
Phone ‘reservations to
Mrs. Robert Sharpe by
October 2.
The Richmond Hill
Little ILeague footbhall
team, the Bulldogs, will
meet the Brooklet Red
Devils at 7 p.m. Satur
day on the Richmond Hill
Recreation Field.
There is no charge for
the game and refresh
ments will be available.
Misses Ann Baylor
and Suzanne Foster,
were co-hostesses at
a bridesmaids’ luncheon
Monday at the lovely
Baylor home, Strathy
Hall, located on the Og
eechee River near Rich
mond Hill.
Guests were Miss Ju
dy Heilman, bride-elect
her mother, Mrs. John
F. Heilman, Miss Ka
thy Hansel, Mrs. R.F.
Hansel, Mrs. C. Neill
Baylor, Mrs. H.J. Fos -
ter, Mrs, Wade S, Ma
rtin, Mrs. James Gill,
Mrs. H.L. Schwabe and
Mrs. Walter Meeks, Jr.
Tables were covered
with white linen where
Dresden roses held pl
acecards. Larger roses
formed table centerpie
ces. Floral arrange
ments of chrysanthem
ums in fall colors ad
ded festiveness to the
living room furnished
in family heirlooms.
The hostesses pre
sented a beautiful sil
ver sugar bowl and
, cream pitcher on a sil
ver tray to the honoree.
Miss Heilman wore a
dress of wedgewood blue
accented with a sum
mer navy tie at the wa
ist and navy patent sh
oes. Her corsage was a
cymbidium orchid, a
gift of the hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Car-
Iton Gill of Richmond
Hill announce the bir
th of a daughter, Hea
ther Gardna, born Se
ptember 6, 1970, at Ca
ndler-Telfair Hospital
Paternal grandpa
rents are Mr. and Mrs,
L.C. Gill of Richmond
Maternal grandpa
rents are Mr. and Mrs.
A.A. Buie of White Oak
The Gills have two
other charming young
daughters, Zandy 4 and
Carla 2.
Mr, and Mrs. Jack
Jenkins of Richmond
Hill announce the birth
of a son, Russell Jack,
September 1, at Can
dler-Telfair. Birth we
ight was 9 lbs. 4 oz.
Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. Jessie Rick
etson, Mr. R.J. Jen
kins and the late Mrs.
Jenkins all of Baxley
The Jenkins have
two other children, both
daughters, Susie 14 and
Cynthia 7.
Bridal Showers Honor Miss Hielman
Miss Judy Heilman
was honored last Tues
day evening at a mis
cellaneous bridal sho
wer held at Curry An
nex. Hostesses were
members of the Wilma
Ivey Circle.
Mrs. R.J. Pecenka
was in charge of en
tertainment and direc
ted a contest which was
fun for all present. Te
ams were selected to
create a bridal gown
for the bride-elect us
ing newspaper, pins and
tape as their only ma
terials. Just ten mi
nutes was allowed for
each team’s creation.
Pictures of these‘‘lo
vely designs’’ were pr
esented to Miss Heilman
for keepsakes,
Decorations for the
refreshment table car
ried out a theme of yel--
low, white and bronze,
The yellow damask cloth
was centered with sil
ver candelabra each
having nosegays of lily
of the valley tied with
yellow satin ribbon at
tached. One end of the
table held a massive ar
rangement of chrys
anthemums combining
the selected colors, On
the opposite end was a
silver punch bowl from
which golden punch was
served by Mrs. R.F,
Hansel. Silver appoin
tments held a selection
of party foods.
Miss Heilman wore a
damask rose blouse with
a navy skirt and navy
accessories. Her cor -
sage of white carnations
was a gift of the hostes
On Wednesday ev
ening Miss Heilmanwas
honored with a kitchen
shower at Curry Annex.
Miss Kay Speir, Miss
Susan Schwabe and Miss
Carol Martin were hos
tesses for the occasion.
el le ]
Never before an offer like this!
/ I )
LN. : A
< N Savannah Electric will finance purchase and
| f *Jnstallation of a new, flameless electric water heater
| / up to S2OO total
\ ,
: WE \ No down payment required
/ \
| FINANCE | Up to 5 years to pay. We bill you monthly. (See
! | examples of finance plan below.) Plus 5 years
\ IT' ! guaranteed service for SI.OO per year
" / Special, low electric rate for water heater use.
\ / i~
\ : Great opportunity to have all the hot water you
M L and your family need .. . enjoy modern. electric
e e water heating ... no flue, no flame, no noise.
S install it anywhere!
v Y Call your plumbing or electrical contractor right
‘ N away. He will advise you on the size water heater your
nome needs. And he will arrange the financing
r, | with us. Installation must be made in Savannah Electric
i | service area by a licensed plumber and electrician
\ ~ Water Heater 60 months Deferred No. of Annual
oL e & Installation Finance Payment Monthly Monthly Percentage
tobe Financed _Charge Price Payments Payment Rate
r e SIOO.OO $30.00 $130.00 60 $2.16 10.75%
LT e 150.00 4500 19500 60 325 10.75%
E/' \\ 200.00 60.00 260.00 60 4.33 10.75%
I } :
E |
f o 8 : Electricity is still your biggest bargain!
| " e
~S—. . \
‘ \\V’/,’A i //)
‘ | gt
l_ | /%% and POWER cCoO.
[ o
‘ ."\\\.f/:/-\\ X
i Lot et oil Sl L i T
Last Friday evening,
Mrs. R.F. Hansel and
her daughter, Miss Ka
thy Hansel were hoste
sses fur a miscella
neous shower for bri
de-elect, Miss Judy He
ilman at their home
Contract Painting
if you are wanting painting at
a reasonable price . . . come by
or phone . . . ,
Phone 653-4654 - Pembroke, Ga.
Lake Lorraine will
be fished ...
Fish will be available
for sale to the public.
The refreshment
table was covered in gr
een linen and centered
with an arrangement of
yellow and white mums
and glads. Delicious pu
nch was enjoyed along
with tiny pinwheel san