The enterprise. (Pembroke, Bryan County, Ga.) 1???-19??, March 14, 1913, Image 1

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    VOL. 13
Following is the , + ’ £>
Savannah District Conv 4 , .o
i><; held with the Church of t _rist
at Pernor ke, March 28-80. 1013:
Friday Evemxg
730 Devotional, Dr. I). S.
’ 'teuton, Hagan.
745 Welcome Address, James
M. Smith, Pembroke.
800 Response, T. F. ar
brough, Scarboro.
815 Organizition, Appoint
meut of Committees.
830 Shall we have quarterly
or annual conventions!
Saturday MoRMNG
MOO Devotional, D. S. Poon r,
yls How evangelize the dis
y3O Shall we co operate with
»state board!
id 00 State work, Juo. 11.
Wood, Atlanta.
11 00 Sermon, A. It., Moore,
Satuki>a y A fternoon.
.1 80 Report of churches, show
ing work done.
200 Devotional, Mark Bragg,
Jls Reports of committees.
345 Importance of Bible
BCO The care of churches.
^•^ls Duties of elders and dea
cous 'by the ministers.
Saturday Evening
Women’s Session
7 v o Devotional, Miss V ir
ainia Fitts, Rocky Ford.
" ; 15 C. W. B. M., Mrs. O. F.
’’ace, Savannah.
730 W. S. V M., Mrs. D. S.
Roose r, SavanA^
Robber Visits Pembroke.
Pembroke was visited by a very I
i clever yeggman Saturday night whol
j broke into the post office and de-
I pot, and also t>kd to get into the
j bank, but was perhaps frightened
I away before the job was finished,
iNo clue as to who the robber was
I but it is though that it was the
I same one that visited Claxton the
■ uight before.
The post office was entered from
I the side wiauow. The window was ;
I raised, and tne oars on the out-[
j side prized apart, with a long
piece of scantling, which was
i found on the outside next morning,
i Tne post office only lost six cents
I which was not enough to pay the
i robber for his trouble. He used
! the back door in coming out ol
' the office, probably to avoid the
I difficult task of crawling thf&ugh
i tne uar a < ver the window,
The depot was entered by a door
i which was prized open. Here the
’ robber got a $2.50 watch and a
sack of potatoes. ,
One of the windows in front of
the bank was broket but the hole
was not large enough for a man to
crawl through.
: , 17-
y u . teetklra
c bowel complaints. A peasant. 1
.a-mless liquid remedy. Keep a bot- I
tie on hand. All dealers sell Baby-
Ease. 25c and 509 a botil*
Round Table Social.
One of the most enjoyable af
fairs of the season was the party
with which the young men of the
(Saturday night Round Table en
tertained tne young lady members
on last Thursday evening, ihe
entertainment was given in the
school auditorium which had been
, pr pared for the occasion.
i Several interesting games were
L l . _ 2- nil . . • ■ .1 ■ .. v-n
Morrison News.
Morrison is on a boom—two new.
phones were installed last week.
Mr. S. J. Harvey and daughter,!
Miss Annie Mae, are visiting in
Miss Josie Skipper and sisters, 1
Thelma and Leonora, of Ashburn,
are visiting their grandmother,
Mis. 11. II Parrish. *
Misses Annie Mae Moirteou,
Gertrude Gabbert and Mr. Site
man Morrison attended churnb at
Salem Sunday.
Mrs. Mollie Folk, of Claxton
spent one night lids week at, Mrs.
H. E. Burkhalter's.
The Seaboard ‘‘carpenter gang’’ I
are now stationed at this, place
erecting a new 55,000 gallon lam 1
Saturday evening, March Bth,at
the heme of the bride, .diss Ethw
Vanbrackle and Mr. 11. J. New
man were married by Judge P. VV.
The I ride and groom entered
Che parlor to the strains of Men
delsohn's wailing inarch which was
beautifully rendered by Miss An
nie Mae Morrison..
The bride was becomingly
gowned in white; the groom wore
conventional black.
Those in attendance wore: Mis
ses Annie Mae Morrison, Gertrude
Gabbert, Ruby and Ethel Bunt
halter, Mrs. Mary Byrd; Messm.
Nornum Morrison, Harmon Floyd,
William Barbaree, Herbert Castle
berry, Ellie Denmark, J. C. Nich
olson, J. J. Mooie and many
After extending congratulations
and many wishes lor a loyg^aud
happy life, the guests depai ■■fc
Congress Should Act.
The> is no reason why Congress
should delay action for a new cur
rency >nd banking law beyond the.
speei assion to be ealled this
spri ogress is in possession
of ci 't* information as to the
ope: - lithe
in tin* an I all other countries.
Asid. Wii numerous disasteruns
experience u terminating, in the
panic ■ I w h their, eloquent
ii’i'< ' 81 v. th* lawmakers have
Utfore-v’eiJi vht- twenty-three vol
umes < report of the National
Monet-.- mmissiou. This- re
port i* »ost exhaustive cotn-
pendn-tu information as-to for-
eign » d American banking sys
tems cv'T compiled. In addition,
the sebcmuiuitiee of the Bunking,
an I t 7fTvUvyCommittee has been
1111 ; spefial study of the ques
tion spring anddias been
hearini u.» views of bankers anti
busi.'^s meu for several, weeks.
The *1 'ill question o.f banking
and eiw ney reform hae been un
der jo -taut investigation and
st ■ ; I 1907. Knowledge
know! rty. Information is.
inf n whether Democratic
or i, publican it. If
Congibs cannot act at the special
svssipv I ‘Cause it requires further
time to -• igat 1, Congress might
as wen tponi action indeli
uitely 1 r.lie cum reason.
p.ihi\k Objection.
- ^ ighbor, The Enterprise
'S J I > W
7:1 posed an objection on the
gre that we nr. asking a por
tioißt Bryan amu a portion of
Butyi which ano unwilling to be
tnl'Mtito the new county ofClax
wf> will dii^Mse our
Mb. E. Benton was six town
Hardware,. Harness,. Buggies
and flagons, ri. B, Smitht.
MicChns. Pato;, of Stwanimh,
was the guest of friends hese Sun
Mil. K L. Jone®, was- a business
visitor to Savannah one day this
wee Xi.
Miss- Eleta Eldeiw, of Abilins,
was the guest of. homefolks. here
Mj:_ B. L. Jordan, was the- guest
of friends at Daisy Satuudia^- and
Mr. Arnold DeLsnch, of States
boro^ was pleasant visitor to our
town Sunday.
Masses. IL M. Stwiders- amd Ira
Bacon were visitors to Savannah
Saturday and Sunday.
IM J. O t Stockland, Miss
■Stella Averit ami Mr. MeiviMe La
nier visited Statesboro Tuesday as
I have three plneos for rent or
share crop. Waat men with their
own stock, W. G. Tutea, Let-
Haxl, Ga.
Miss Dollie Clanton, of Claxton,
was the guest »>5 her sister, Miss
Maie Clanton Sunday at the home
of Mrs. E. L. Jones.
Cbamberla(a?B Cough Remedy
has won ks great reputation and
extensive sl^fe by its remai)tol>le
cures of^O'^.hu colds and
Many sufiers- from rheumatism
have been suprised. and deliighted
with the prompt relief ailbuded by
applying Chaniberlain’s-LMMment.
Not one ease of-rheumatismi in ten
requires any internal treatment
whatever. This Tm-iment is tax' sale
by all deniers.
Iwo men were.- arrested here
Monday on suspicion. It was at
Hast thought that they probably
knew something about tire 10b
’ bevies which have been commit
| ted in Pembroke and. nearby
'townsrecently, b»b investigation
proved they had nothing to do
with it. They were turned loose.
The residence of Mr. E. L,
•Stevens, of Lanier, is-uearing;com
pletion, and when finished it will
lie one of the handsomest mansions
in Pembroke. It wall be a model
home in every way. Mr. W. A.
Gill is contractor lior thia resi
,dunce, and it is proof enough of
his first class worl*.
( Children are much more likely
,to contract the contagious diseases
when they have cokte. Whooping
cough, diphtheria, sCaHfet ffivor
and consumption ante diseases ihat
are often dontracied when the
child has a cold. That is why all
medical authorities say beware of
colds. For the qpick cure of colds
you will find nothing better than
Chamberlain’s <vkugh Remedy. It
can always be depended upon mid
is pleasant andisafe to take. For
saleby all- deilers. M