Newspaper Page Text
We take pleasure in announcing to our Customers and Friends that we have secured the ser¬
vices of Mr. E. K. Braselton, of Valdosta, Ga., to take charge of our prescription department.
Mr. Braseltoaa is a graduate in Pharmacy and a Licensed Pharmacist from the Georgia. State Board of Pharmacy. He is
qualified to fill aaiy otf your prescriptions accurately and neatly and will take pleasure in supplying your wants in this line.
,Ou.r Prescription Department is* recondto none In tliis section.
We use only the purest and best drugs that i 3j can buy and we expect to make this de
partmeiit a leading feature of our business. Yo i trust your prescriptions to us and he sure
they will be accurately filled by a graduate in j nacy.
But this is not all we are doing. We have the atract for supplying the school books to the
schools of Camilla and »urrounding count ry. We getting the new books in daily and in a few
days will have a supply of all kinds on hand, Undt >ur new contract with the publishers, we
will be compelled to sell these* bonks for cash. only, j ise remember this and do not ask us to
charge Sebool Books.
Another leading feoture of our business is Garden Seed. W vant to sell you your seeds and guarantee to sell you only the best seed that
money can buy. We have all the small seeds and onion sets, /ill soon have in corn, Irish potatoes, sorghum seed and in tact everything you
need. Come to see us when in town and make our plat your Headquarters. You will always be welcomed,
The Lewis Drug Co.
Georgia Paper Shell PECANS Georgia Paper Shell.
Choice Lot of young trees fpr Winter 'and Spring Deliv¬
ery. One or two year old seedlings from finest va
rities of nuts grown in my groves. Fine Trees
from my very best varieties. 20,000 “Commercial”
seedlings for budding and grafting. Call and see
my groves and nurseries. Write for catalogue and
$<w Special prices on large orders.
0. M Bacon DeWitt (*a.
i ftahigbLamar,
The Leading Blacksmith 1
Corner Scott and N. Broad Sts.
Is prepared to do first-class work
Blacksmithing. Horse=shoeing,
and General Repairing. . .
When rii need of work call on me.
The Rome, Ga.. postoffice is in
a bad way. The post-master
charges the Delivery Clerk with
inefficiency, neglect and drunk¬
enness, who, in a spirit of retalia¬
tion, charged the post-master
with drunkenness and using pro¬
fanity in the post office. AU. S.
Inspector was there this week in¬
vestigating matters and found
several hundred letters in a sewer
connected with the office, that
had been opened, many of
showing that they had
contained checks and drafts
the amount of several hundred
Uodol Byspepsia Cure
Digests what you oat.
Easy ^ Pill ®
Easy to take and easy to act is
that famous little pill DeV/itt’s
Little Early Risers. This is due to
the fact that they tonic the liver in¬
stead of purging it. They never gripe
nor sicken, not even the most delicate
lady, and yet they are so certain in
results that no one who uses them is
disappointed. They cure torpid Ifver,
constipation, biliousness, jaundice,
headache, malaria and ward off pneu¬
monia and fevers.
) Don’t Forget the Name, a
( Early Risers
Politics in Houston County.
Anticipating the coming cam¬
paign the Perry Home Journal
gives some good advice and ex¬
presses Arcadian hopes. If can¬
didates, and, their supporters,
would follow4he admonitions of
our contemporary, politics would
attain a blissful state. The Jour¬
nal says truly: ‘‘All should de¬
termine to be fair and honest.
Politics does not give license to
be unjust or unkind.” Accord¬
ing to the old {saying, “all is fair
i a love and war.” To this can be
added “and politics,” so the av¬
erage politician seems to believm
But even now Houston county is
a kind of an Arcadia, for the
Journal declares: “In Houston
trickery is decidedly unpopular
and none but capable men are
expected to become candidates.”
Continuing, our well balanced
contemporary says: “It is hoped
and expected the campaign will
be conducted with tire utmost
fairness and good will. Because
two men become candidates for
the same office, they and their
closest friends need not become
unfriendly. criticism
of one candidate does not im¬
prove the qualifications of his op¬
ponent. Each qualified voter has
the right to aspire to office, but
no man has the right to speak ill
of another solely because he is a
political opponent.”
Every Bottle Warranted.
Wq guarantee every bottle of
Chamberlain’s Cough Re&edy
and will refund the money to any¬
one who is not satisfied after us¬
ing two thirds of the contents.
This is the best remedy in the
world for la grippe, coughs, colds
croup and whopping cough and is
pleasant and safe to take, It
prevents any tendency of a cold
to result in ’pneumonia.
Lewis Drug Co.
Cotton Factors. Over 30 years experience. Ȥ
Expert Handlers of
Sea Island -
v. As well as
U pi i i t i d C otto n.
Liberal cash Advances against consignments.
Money loaned to cotton shippers on Approvede*
Large dealers in ■
Sea Island and Upland Bagging,
Sugar Cloth, Twine and Ties.
126 East Bay St. Savannah, Ga.
b|o<£o|o<ro<-Jo*>0<->o<«o<8>o<- - • - *;
o Cod) (&
<s> &
o r an
<s> i
Is after the last car of mules of the
o whicn will arrive at
<*> season
o We will sell cheap and in order to
o close oat at once.
«> Cochran&Co
O'i O :