Newspaper Page Text
Ti e Pelham Journal
Entered December 3rd, 1902, at
Pelham, Ga., as second class mail mat¬
ter under act ol Congress of Macrlt 3rd,
Published Every Friday.
Term' ol St bs Option.
One Ye ir SI.00
T. A. BARROW, Editor and Proprietor
It-Mr. Daugherty is of a sensi
live nature and those discourteous
Senators keefl ta king about him,
lie’s going to begin to suspect that
they don’t want him in the Cabi¬
PrAideut Coolidge had a con
ference with lack Dempsey at the
White House last week- Maybe
he’s thinking about making him
Secretary of War.
A returned traveler says there
are fish in the South Seas that
jump like grasshoppers and otlieis
that climb tree-. Evidently the
South Sea Islands need a Volstead
Lieut, McReady flew to an alii
tude of 41,000 feet a few days ago,
hut on his way up he didn’t meet
the cost of living coming down,
Mr, Dobeny says that if any
body got any advantage out of the
oil leases it was the United States
government. We hope we may he
s'pared tli ■ effee t of any mcarp such
advantageous deals.
The m u wh > has been com
plaiuin : that the winteri ;re not
as severe ns ihey u -ed to be has
just dug hirnsel out of the latest
suow storm.
The Pu Iman Compauy ha; just
increased the wages of its porters.
We hope this dosn’t mean that the
traveling public will be expected
to increase the S'ze of the standard
two-bit tip.
I;'s wonderful how quickly a
statesm in goes down "hen he hits
the toboggan that’s be u greased
with aJittle oil.
After Every Meal
IPs the loiagesMasfing
confection you can tony
—and it’s a help to di¬
gestion and a cleanser
for the month
and teeth.
Wrlgley’s means
benefit as well as
Cata i id k -V F5 : * mm
Catarrh is a local dix'.is.. greatly
5 lflueaeed by tohstiiutlonnl cowl!
lions. It therefore requires constitu¬
tional treatment. HAUL'S t'Al.VURH
1lEDIOINE is taken internally and
i ets through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces of the System. IIALL’S
foundation of the disease, gives the
patient strength by Improving the gen
< ral health and assists nature in doing
its work.
All druggists. Circulars free.
F. J. Cheney & Co. ; Toledo, Ohio
Atlanta, Ga-—The grea est crop
of sweet pota os tr m any one
state this year will come from
Georgia with an estimated yield of
11,782,000 bushels, according to
figures, ba cd on national statis
tics, wAich have beeu made pub¬
lic by agricultural agents of the
Atlanta, Birmingham and At
lautic Railway.
Sweet potato production will
reach 97,429,000 bushels in the en¬
tire United States, it is estimated
Hence Georgia is a leader in . pto
cluciug the lucious yellow yams,
many of which are found on the
fertile farms along the line of
B. and A. road,
Crop diversification is reported
frorn practically every section
Georgia and Alabama traversed by
the railway, agricultural
Among the Comments on tax
revision, the following from a let
ter sent out by Senator Harris is
as clear as has come to the jour
tial office.
February 19, 1924.
My dear Sir-
1 have received hundreds of
letters urging me to support lhe
Mellon tax plan, but ! doubt
many of the writers have had an
opportunity to make a careful
comparison of this plan with the
Democratic plan. Few probably
realize that in Georgia there are
only 48 people, most of them mil
liouaires, who would be Irene-fitted
more by the Mellon plan than by
the Democratic p’au, while 67,671
would be benefited more by the
Democratic plan. 1 am support¬
ing tax eductions legislation, but
1 am unable to agree with Secre
tary Mellon tha' income 'ax s on
“earned” inc me , that is, incomes
derived from wages, salaries and
professional ervices as well as in¬
comes of farmers and merchants,
will soon become Law, It was
advocated first by me i i the Sen
ate more tha > two years ago, but
was voted down by the Republi
cans. Secretar Mellon opposed
it then, but I am glad he now sees
the justice o: my plan.
Very truly y urs
Win. J, Harris.
Mr. and Mss. I!. C. Page, of
Cotton, anq Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
King moiored over to Mr. and Mrs.
J, II. liar ’s Sunday afternoon
Miss Ida ( urles sp-nt the week
ud with Miss M, rgar t Thomas.
Mr. J, II. Hart and fain ly spent
Sunday with his daughter Mrs. L.
G, Huey.
The B. Y. P.'U. at Lake Pleas
ant is progressing fine; everybody
is invited to atteud.
Misses Noree West and Thelma
Cutts spent Sunday afternoon
with Miss Bessie HoweP.
||Mr. Bernard Palmer, of
and Mr. Wallace Curies attended
the BYPU Sunday.
Mr. Charlie Collins and Miss
F.ska White were out riding Sun
day afternoon.
Mr. j. H. Hart aud Mr. L. G.
Huey attended p reaching Sunday
at Pelham.
Mrs. Lena Taylor of Atlanta, is
visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs.
S. O. Thomas.
Misses Mamie and I rene Morrell
were in Pelham, Saturday after
110013 .
^ Mj. and Mrs. W . L. Huey moi"
ored to Pelham Saturday afternoon
Crab Apple.
Mr. Lewis Hinson who is at¬
tending school in Norman Park,
spent the week end at home.
Miss Rubye Paiker who has
been at her home in Leslie, on ac¬
count of her mother’s illness, is
back with her school.
Mr. and Mrs. McLendon, of
Albany, spent Sunday with the
former’s mother.
Misses Grace and Lucile Ilin
son weot to Adel Saturday night
to alte,ld the b °y s basket bal1
Mr. J. C. Iliusou left for Miami,
Fla,, where he will spend a few
Mrs, ]as. A. Parsons and Miss
Delle Seim, were visitors in Pelham
Saturday afternoon. If
Mr. and Mrs. L. A, Maxwell
went to Pelham Saturday after
Miss Grace Hinson, who is
f eac ij er j n Cotton, and coach of
the g j r j s b as ket ball team, was
very proud of her girls Monday
wben played Gambia team a
real clo * e « atne > ,b '' : score bein * 17
16, the victory being Camilla’s.
We have a splendid B. V. P. U.
every Sunday night, and a rather
good Sunday School in the after¬
“Golden rod”
-------- .—** _
John B. Gordon
Lodge No - !63
K. ofP.
Meets each Monday!
3 night. Visitors are :
K. L Durden, C. C
D.C. AlJigood, KR&S
Special Offering
We have just received a big assortment of men’s and young
men’s nobby suits in all wool smooth cashmere and worsted.
Newest patterns and all Colors. Highly tailored, splendid
workmanship. It will pay you to look them oyer before you
buy. Real values and best quality at lowest prices.
$22,50 mode's suits at in ____ plain .. $14.95 j A, ;r *"’_?**” ..$2.45
$25-00 models suits at in sport _____ .$ 1 o.50 All wool cashmere dress fiaiits $2.95
$4.50 value at____________
Special reduction on men’s pants. Heavy
twill Khaki work pants $1.75 Young men’s all woo! worsted*^ $4.75
$2.25 value at ______ pai;ts'$6.50 value at___A
Come and look them over, for it always
pays to look!
The Kahn Store
I Makes your Dollars have more ‘‘Sense” Cents.
‘4 \
♦♦ & ♦ <§- #««•#### j &<$><$>
When Results Depends Upon
Quality and Accuracy 7 .
The doctor may exhaust his store of professional
knowledge. He may even resort to assitance through
the service of a consulting physician in treating your
case or that of your loved one—and then his efforts
will be thwarted if inferior drugs have entered into
the preparation of the prescription he has written or
♦ unskilled hands were entrusted to the important duty
♦ of preparing them.
♦ Every day we are adding prestige to our repu¬
♦ tation as a reliable drug store.
❖ Pelham, Georgia *
M M 4 ♦♦♦♦4 ►♦♦>♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
1 have just returned from Atlanta,
where S purchased a beautiful line of and Summer millinery, and
invite my friends to call and see my
PHONE 136.
Mrs. Housewife do you have trouble
in planning vous meals daily? Let us
suggest your meat course for you. We
can furnish you with the most delicious
roasts, steaks, chops, and sausages; a
nice line of cured meats to select from.
Phone 54, and you’ll get satifactory