The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, March 07, 1924, Image 5
SHIPPING BOARD MAY SELL ALL SHIPS Washington—Bids, on the entire Shipping Board fleet of 1,335 ves¬ sels and, slightly changed contract terms have been asked for by the Board. Offers received on or be fore March 14 will be considered and no reward will be made b#lore that date. The ships that will be sold “as is, where is,” exclusive of stores, fuel and leased equipment, and Without warranty or guaranty as to seaworthiness, condition, de scription, capacity or tonnage. Purchasers may reserve the right of bottom inspection of dry dock at their own risk and expense. The advertisement covers all passenger ships operated bv the Lines, including the Leviathan and her big sister ships, and the sixteen passenger vessels of the 535 foot class, ten of which operate to the Orient from Pacific coast ports. The Dollar interests, and the Pacific Mail Steauihip Com¬ pany are known to be interested in the sale of these ten vessels, Which they operate for the board. / SINGING CONVENTION AT UNION HILL The quarterly- meeting of the Mitchell County Singing Conven¬ tion will be held with Union Hill Baptist Church Saturday March, 15th. All lovers of music are in¬ vited to come and bring dinner . Jonah Palmer. FOR RENT— Two rooms, water, lights and bath. See Mrs, Z. V t Blantou, or Telephone No. 6. vl % %ats Millions wltai ©fwoirc®** fcavedone W sin CALiltS ET bammo pewa&* l Being and dependable it sxever sposis Of the used in¬ gredients bakeday on (oak ING POWDER) V coNtiNTsne. * Sales 2% times as much a? tAatofcmyotherUarig ADAIRS ESTABLISH VALDOSTA'BRANCH Atlanta, Ga ,—Announcement has been made by the Adair Realty and Trust Company pf Atlanta, nationally known for its exteusive activities, to locate permanent di¬ vision headquarters in Valdosta, Ga., and carry on work throughout the whole of South Georgia and North Florida. The Atlanta con ceru has closed a lease foi a build iug in Valdosta heretofore occupied by the Exchange -Bank which now becomes the Adair Building. Officials of the company stated that division headquarters were established following a careful sur vey of agricultural conditions, especially as rgards tobacco grow ing and the possibilities of the in dustry. The Adair company, now pro¬ bably one of the o’de t concerns of its kind in Americ is engaged in the sale of real estate of all kiuds stocks cu l bonds, financing build¬ ing programs of all kinds and the development of the realty business At present the company is financ¬ ing several ’ large hotel projects in Florida. RIVERSIDE TEAM CHAMPION SHOTS Atlanta, Ga.,—The rifle team of Riverside Military Academy at Gainsville, Ga , won prep chain pionship of the Fourth Corps Area in the contest which closed last week, The team’s position as tlTe prep winner means that the River side cadet team will be one of the represeutatives of the Fourlh Corps Area in national champion rifle contests for a $10,000 trophy in the spring. The Riverside Academy is one of ten honor schools of the United, ) under designation by the Two Million Dollars for New Telephone Plant in 1924 ORE than $2,184,500 will he expended for the con of new plant and for additions and exten the Bell Telephone System in Georgia during 11)24. This is a continuation of our active construction programme and practically th.e entire sum is new money we have been able to secure for investment in the telephone business in Georgia. The growing needs of Georgia will require an estimated addition of 7,G40 new telephones. To accomplish this the telephone workers must handle 47,COO telephone stations during the year—an average of more than 3,TOO per month. More than $1,800,000 will be expended at the local tele¬ phone exchanges throughout the State and the balance will be required to add 893 miles of physical circuits and 45S miles of phantom eireui s to the Long Distance System. The telephone workers of Georgia approach this enormous task cheerfully, feeling confident of your continued friendly interest. C. G. BECK, Georgia Manager “Bell System’ SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY and On* Policy, all One System toward , Universal Better Service Service directed THE PELHAM JOURNAL PHILATHEANS HOLD BUSINESS MEETING] Miss Myrtle McKenzie beauti¬ fully entertained the Philathea Class at her home last Friday eve¬ ning at tight o’clock. About thirty members were present. After a business hour over which Miss Mamie Christie presided, we held a thirty minutes prayer meet ing, Mr. C. J. Hurst led this meet ing by reading the scripture; Mathew, 5: 1: 11. Mrs. IT C. Barrow gave a very interesting talk on “What way.can the PIii 1 atIiea Class assist in the revival”, which was thoroughly enjoyed by every one present. 0 “The good of a revival’’__was beautifully stressed, by Miss Bertha [ones in her own words and Mrs. j M. Hudgins gave a little talk, the inieresting feature of which “ i'he Power of Prayer,” after was this the meeting was clcrei with a prayer by Mr. C. J. llurs f . We then went into the social room in which a delicious salad cour.e and sandwiches with hot coffee were served. Misses Mary Lizzie Brim and Bertha Jones will be the bpstesses for the next meeting which will be at The borne of Miss Mary Lizzie Brim, the second Monday night in April. We urge upon*every member to attend this meeting as it will be very important. Jewell Carter, Importer. Fire Insurance We insure fer the country, as well as for towns. Get our figures. G. F. Teunisoti, --------------—--*- LJ. S. War Department, Army of ficers have predicted that the rifle team of this noted Georgia school, now the prep champions of Fourth Corps Area, gives promise of mak ing a yame for itself iu the ride competition of the National file serve Officers Training Coips. WSStjg ®£3 PELHAM CAFE For ladies and gentlemen. Hot lunches served quick. Cheapest place in town SANITARY" to getvyourfnieafs. CLEAN AND (L W. CROSBY, Prop. gg«| DOCTORS, MERCHANTS ~ YOUR OLD ACCOUNTS COLLECTED ON COMMISSION|BASIS I>y one of the largest Bonded Collection Agencies * in the country. “NO COLLECT-NO FAY.” For further in¬ formation call or see J. T. IIAMMOND, Jr., Diet. R pi . at Pelham Motor Co. The CMekamatiga Trust Co, is now prepared to MAKE LOANS on GOOD FARMS in MITCHELL COUNTY at LOWEST RATES. PLENTY OF MONE . QUICK SERVICE. Mr. Farmer, if you wish a loan, see the undersigned O. B. McELVEY, Pelham, Ga. vsszmmmmmsmi Farms For Rent 2 horse farm 7 mi. west from Pelham. 2 horse farm 3G mi. East from 1 linsonton; 2/C horse farm, 3 mi. "Southwest from Pelham. lb C. Barrow. 23 ® FARM LOANS =■ CITY LOANS Farm loans made at LOWEST RATES in Counties of Mitchell, Colquitt, Grady, Thomas and Decatur. CITY LOANS made on first class residence or busi= ness property in Pelham or Camilla at STRAIGHT Inter¬ est, payable after earned — NO monthly payment plan. Also Fire Insurance, Surveying and Title Work of any kind. F. C. BARROW, Atty., BARROW LOAN & ABSTRACT COMPANY, “The Biggest Farm Loan Concern in Southwest Geoigia.” PELHAM, GEORGIA. Wmmmm Dull, Sluggish Feeling ■p FT is- household our stand - by,” says Mrs. Thomas H. Kell, who lives near Ellijay, Ga. “We have been using it years and years. My mother’s family used it and we do here and my four sisters do, too. “I could not run my house without Black - Draught. I give it to the children whenever they need a purgative, and both Mr. Kell and myself take it. As a medicine for sluggish liver and -- TMoftTs BLACK-DRAUGHT Over Ten Million Packages Sold a Year Hi Subscribe for The Journal. that come with constipa¬ tion, Black-Draught is fine. “Lots of times I have felt dull and sluggish, my head would ache and I had to make a great ef¬ fort to do my work. A little dose of Black Draught would correct this feeling. We always keep it on the medicine shelf.” Be sure that you get Thedford’s, the old, reliable Black-Draught powdered herb liver med¬ icine. At all dealers’.