Newspaper Page Text
Cali meeting of Town Council,
June 23, 1924.
Present, A R. Baggs, Mayor,
and Councilmen H. H. Hill, W.J.
Adams. D. A. Spence, Lewis
Williams, Grover Thigpen aud
L. D Hand.
Mr. B. U. Curry, Chairman,
and W. C Cooper, Secretary and
Treasure of the Board of Educa
tion of the town, were present, and
submitted for approval, the action
of the Board at a meeting held
June 19th, 1924, in reference to
teacheis elected and salaries
named. After carefully consider
ing the report it was approved,
aud ordered made a part of the
records kept by the Clerk.
This meeting of Council
called specifically for the purpose
of considering the question of
whether or not bonds of Town
shall be issued for the purpose of
extending and improving the
water system in Town of Pelham
aud for the purpose of considering
the question of whether or not an
ordinance shall be adopted sub
mitting to the qualified voters of
the Towu’of Pelham, whether or
not bonds shall be issued by said
towu for said purpose, as required
by law.
An ordinance was passed call¬
ing an election, as follows:
Notice is hereby given to the qualified
voters of the Town of Pelham, that an
election witl be held in said town oti the
4 th day of August, 1924, at the place of
hoi ling the elections for Mayor and
Councilmen in said town, for the pur¬
pose of determining the question of
whether bonds shall be issued by the
said Town of Pelham for the amount of
$25,(100.00, the bonds, if issued, the pro¬
ceeds derived from the sale of -d. <y to
be used for the purpose of eyt s»W8g
*v. w h ter*gysteib of ?aid
Town o! Pelham.
The amount of bonds to be issued, the
pnrpose for which issued, the rate of
interest they are to bear, rules apd reg¬
ulations governing the election, being
all fully set out and provided for in an
Ordinance which is hereinafter set out
and hereby made and ordered puplished
as a part of this notice; said Ordinance
having been duly adopted by the Mayor
and Council at a meeting duly called for
the purpose and approved on the 23rd
day of June, 1924.
An Ordinance to provide for the sub
mission to the qualified voters of the
Towu of Pelham, the question of wheth¬
er bonds shall be issued by said Town
Pelham for the purpose of
and improving .the water system of
town. t
Section 1. lie it ordained by
Mayor and Council of the Town of
ham, and it is hereby ordained by
thority of the same, that on the 4tli
of August, 1924, an election shall
held in the Town of Pelham at
place for holding the election for
Mayor and Council in said Town
under the same rules and
that elections for Mayor and
men for said Town are held and as
now required for election for Mayor
Councilmen; and the returns of
election shall be made to the Mayor
Council calling such election, who
in the presence, and together with
several managers who bring up the
turns, consolidate the returns and
clare the result of said election;
election to be held for the purpose
obtaining the assent of the
voters, as is now provided by the
in this state, to the issuing of bonds
the following purpose: For the
of extending and improving the
system of said town.
©Section 2. In the event said
fied voters shall assent to the
of bonds for the extension and
ment of the water system of said Town,
that the amount of said bonds shall be
i25,000.00. Said bonds thus assented
shall bear interest at the rate of Five
cen*. per annum, payable semi-annually
in gold coin or its equivalent on the first
day of January and July of each year
thereafter at any Bank which the pur¬
chaser may designate, said bonds shall
A marriage of much interest to
many friends in this county was
that of Miss Ruth Kerlin of Winter*
ville Ga , to Mr. Lewis E. White
of this place, Monday June 16th
at the home of the bride. The Rev
J. R. Allen pastot of the Methodist
Church performed the ceremony in
the presence of relatives aud close
The bride is the daughter of
Mr. aud Mrs. T. J. Kerlin of
Wiuterville aud "is au attractive
young lady, having many lovely
traits of womanhood aud intellec¬
tual charms She finished her ed
ucatlou at the State Normal, at
Athens and taught for three years
in Mitchell county, where she was
very popular aud greatly admired
by a large circle of frieuds. Dur¬
ing the past year she taught at
Decatur Ga.
The groom is a prominent and
prosperous young business man of
this city. He is the eldest sou of
Mrs. G. W. White.
The happy couple are receiving
many congratulations and good
wishes for their future happiness.
After spending several days in
Atlauta, they are at home to their
friends with the groom’s mother.
Radio Fan* Dodge Tax
Between 100,000 and 200,000 people
In England have been using radio re¬
ceiving sets Illegally by listening in
on broadcast programs without pay¬
ing the license fee required in that
he issued in the denomination of
$1,000.09 each, being numbered con¬
secutively, and shall be signed by the
Mayor and members of the Town Coun¬
cil of the Town of Pelham and counter¬
signed by the Treasurer of said Town,
and the principal thereof shall be pay¬
able $1,000.00 per year on January 1st
in each of the years from 1930 to 1954,
both inclusive, and shall be sold to the
highest and best bidder for cash in such
amounts and after such notice as may
be deemed best by the Mayor and
CotrfXMl ot said Town of Pelham. The
expenses incident to the issuance of
said bonds and their sale shall he paid
from the proceeds thereof aud whatever
sums derived from said sale to be used
for the purpose hereinbefore stated.
Section 3. Be it further ordained
that the election hereby ordered, shall
be held under the same rules and regu¬
lations as the election for Mayor and
members of the Town Council and those
who are duly and legally registered as
now provided bylaw, shall be entitled
to vote in said election.
Section 4. Be it further ordained that
each voter shall have plainly written or
printed on his or her ballot words ex¬
pressive of his or her desire, to-wit;
“For bonds for the extension and im¬
provement of the water system of the
Town of Pelham, ” or, “Against bonds
for the extension and improvement of
the water system of the Town of Pel¬
Section 5. Be it further ordained that
due and legal notice under the law of
this state, shall be given of the election
hereby ordered, by the publication of
the notice aud this ordinance ia the
Camilla Enterprise, a newspaper pub¬
lished in the City of Camilla, Georgia,
in which the Sheriff’s advertisements
are publised; also in the Pelham Jour¬
nal, a newspaper published in the Town
of Pelham, and said publication shall
be for the space of thirty days before
the date on which said election shall be
Section 6. It is further ordained that
all ordinances or parts of ordinances in
conflict with this ordinance, be anil the
same are hareby repealed
Done in open council, this 23rd day
of June, 1924,
Councilman First Ward.
Councilman Second Ward.
Councilman Third Ward.
Councilman Fourth Ward.
Councilman Fifth Ward.
Councilman Town at Large.
The Federal Tire Company has
made the best offer yet made, in¬
troducing their Balloon Cords.
They build a full balloon tire, at
regular standard prices. With every
set of Federal Balloons sold, we give
a set of wheels and rims to fit your
old car. This offer open to all cars.
Regardless of Make
This offer is made to introduce Fed¬
eral Balloon Cords to the automobile
public, and may be withdrawn by
the factory at any time* Call and
get prices while the offer holds good.
W. R. Belk Auto Co.
Reduced to 12 l=2c per lb. in
100 lb. or 200 lb. Coutainers.
The rains have made it necess
ary to poison immediately.
Dust is best for blooming
Don’t put it off==put it over!
The Hand Trading Co