The Pelham journal. (Pelham, Ga.) 1902-current, June 27, 1924, Image 8
Tires Reduced Again We have factory notices reducing the prices again on all makes of tires handled by us. Tires can now be bought at rock=bottom prices. Lowest Prices in Years At the present low prices the factories will be over=run with or¬ ders, and an early advance may be expected. Fill your requirements right now, before prices go back up. Pennsylvania Goodrich Fisk The above standard makes are sold by us, dnd we can fit you up whatever may be your want. All sizes; truck or passenger car; fabrics, cords or balloons. Come in and let's trade. W. T. Tinsley PELHAM, GEORGIA THE PELHAM JOURNAL Baptist CiiurGh (W. B. Feagins Pastor) Below will be found the order of services for next Sunday, 29th. Strangers welcomed. 10:15 A. M. Maig Sunday school assembles. 10: 15 A. M. Philathea Class will meet in the Hotel parlor, Mr. L. I. Powell, Teacher. 10:15 A. M. Baraca Class assem¬ bles in the K. of P. Hall near Council Room. Mr. E. A, Rogers. Teacher. 10:15 A. M. Men’s Bible Class (The Old Scrap Iron Class,) meets in the City Council room. We give thirty minutes to inspirational singing and personal testimony. Warm welcome to everyone who attends. The pastor will deliver the lecture on“The Best News this old Satan Governed World ever Heard” We fullv expect more thau ONE HUNDRED men to be present. 11:30 A. M. Public worship in the church, and sermon by pastor. Subject; ,l The Magnetism of the Cross” Soul stirring message to the men of to-day. 3:00 P. M. Judson Junior Union meets. 7:00 P. M. Luthar Rice Inter mediate Union. June, on Program Dixie Theatre PELHAM, GA. FRIDAY, JUNE 27 •‘BY DIVINE RIGHT” featuring Elliott Dexter and Mildred Harris. This is an unusually strong drama that will appeal to you. It contains romance, sus pence and excitement_a thrilling fire scene and a real train wreck, that will cause you to grip y our seat. 5 and 15c. SATURDAY JUNE 28 “THE AVENGER.” This is another one of those 5 reel western pictures where there is plenty of pep and action. Also an amusing 2 reel comedy. 5 and 15c. MONDAY, JUNE 30 “SHADOWS AND SUNSHINE”—a three reel playlet, that you will like. Also “Mandan’s Oath,” 2 reels of a western type, and ‘ Nip and Tuck” 2 reel Mack Sennett Comedy, g and 15c. TUESDAY, JULY 1 This is a special bargain day. An unusual good picture with no advance in price. Will open promptly at 4 p. m., and for the first 20 minutes, all child¬ ren under 12 years of age, will be admitted free, no charge. Will show “THE HOTTENTOT,” featuring Douglas McLean. It is a comedy drama, with a won¬ derful love interest. No change in price except first 20 minutes all children under 12 years of age admitted free, and then 5 and 15c. WEDNESDAY, JULY 2 Will be closed, and there will be no picture on this day. THURSDAY, JULY 3 “CALIFORNIA ROMANCE,” featuring John Gilbert. The heroine is in love with a boy who lacks courage. He finally arouses himself and wins the girl he loves. 5 and 15c. COMING FRIDAY, JUNE 4 •‘THE MAIL MAN” 10 and 20c. * • Inspirational singing of old songs. Pastor will speak on "Christ’s Clarion Call to His Church”. Special music will be rendered at both morning and evening services by our choir. Visitors in the city cordially welcomed. "I was glad when they said un¬ to me, Let us go into the house of the Lord”. You are missing a whole lot by staying away. Get right with God. M. GOLDSTEIN AT BALTIMORE HOSPITAL Mr. M. Goldstein left Saturday for a four weeks stay in a hospital in Baltimore. Some months ago Mr. Goldstein’s health failed and he was carried to Dr, Walker s hospital in Cairo for treatment, and he came home much improved in health. Since that time his health has been poor, he been able to be at his place of buisness most of the time, until last week when he suffered another collapse. He then decided to go to Baltimore for treatment, and immediately set out for that city, accompanied by Mr. L- Frosteg. It is hoped that he will be bene¬ fited by bis trip to the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Council an¬ nounce the brith of a daughter, Rain Tree One of the Canary Islands possesses a rain tree of the laurel species which sheds a copious shower of pure water from its foliage every evening. The natives use the water for drinking and culinary p urposes. Fish Weighs Nearly Ton Tuna fish weighing 1,500 pounds have been caught in the North At¬ lantic near Cape Breton island, but species in European waters seldom weigh more than 500 pounds. Trained in Rescue Work Twelve thousand coal miners are being trained annually by the United States government in safety methods of mining, rescue and first-aid work. STAR MARKET FOR Breakfast, Dinner, and supper -- we have the : meat that need. you And it is always fresh and sanitary. We also carry fish in season. Free Delivery and QUICK SERVICE. Phone 72 - Pelham, Ga. HOWZE & HESTERS Proprietors