Newspaper Page Text
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Pelham Locals jj
Mrs. W. M. Harrell win has
been at Rawlings Sanitarium in
Sandersville, Ga., for the past two
weeks, following an operation, is
expected home the first of next
week. The many friends of Mrs.
Harrell sympathize with her in her
recent illness and will be delighted
to know that she is regaining her
strength rapidly.
Mrs. L. G. Traywick leaves
week for Albany where she will
have charge of “Mrs.
Specialty Shop.”
Miss Mittie C. Palmer left Sun
day for a visit of several days to
friends in Miami.
Mr. H. L. McDonald left Sun
day for Atlanta, where he will
spend s me lime in the Legislative.
Mrs. Hattie J. Davis and Mrs.
Georgia Mae Anderson and little
sou, Melwood Autrey spent the
fourth with Mrs. A. S Parramore
near Tbomisville.
Mrs. J. D. High left Monday
for Donalsonvslle, and will spend
the week with friends and relatives
Miss Birdie Hill left Friday night
for New York, where she will at¬
tend Summer school at Columbia
Mrs. C* M. Gammage, Miss
Gladys Gammage and Miss Wells,
of Moultrie spent Wednesday with
Mrs. F. C. Gammage.
Little Mis* Louise May is suf¬
fering with whooping cough.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Adams are oc
cupingthe home formerly occupied
by Mr. and Mrs* D. C. Alligood
Misses Elizabeth Hilliard and
lohn Zennia Akridge left Monday
for a visit to relatives in Atlanta.
Mrs. S. D. Hand returned Sun¬
day from a visit to her daughters,
Mrs. C.L. Hurst in Winter Haven,
Fla., and Mrs. D. C. Barrow, in
Sebriug, Fla
Mr, and Mrs. Campbell and
Rev. T. P. Lee, of Pompano, Fla ;
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Angus Watts, last week.
Mr. G. D. Butler, Sr., is speud
ing this week with his family.
Mrs. Tom Smith and childreu
Tom Jr-, aud Charlotte leave this
week for a vacation at Tybee.
Mrs. T. H. Wilkinson aud sou,
Terrell went up to Albany Friday
to meet little Miss Willie Beckham
who was returning from a visit to
her aunt iu Sylvester.
WANTED—To buy hogs of
any kind. See me before you sell.
6 27 tf L. J. POWELL.
Little Marjorie Smith, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Smith, is
ill with whooping cough.
Miss Lois Harrell of Doerun,
Ga., is speuding the week with ber
brother, Mr. W. M. Harrell.
Mrs. T. H. Wilkiusou has as
her guests her mother, Mrs. F. C
Beckham, and her sisters, Mes
dames A. C. Johusou aud A. H.
Moore, of Rock Hill, S. C.
Mrs. B. Y. Cooper aud little boys
B. Y. Jr., Jack and William have
returned from a ten days visit to
Doles, while there they attended
the lovely church wedding
on June 26th, at 12 O’clock
high uoon, of her cousin, Miss
Rossie Champion to Mr. Joe Por
cher of Winter Garden, Fla ,
Mr. aud Mrs. Sidney Amos are
in Milledgeville spending their va¬
cation with Mrs. Amos’s parents.
Barbers Wanted
Two barbers wauted, good job.
Joe Hambrick, Live Oak, Fia.,
6 27 4tp
Mr. and Mrs. Milledge Payne
and children and Mr. and Mrs.
M. M. Payne left Monday for a
trip of several days thru the Car
Mrs. A. S. Hargrove and child¬
ren and Miss Fannie Egart left
Monday for a week’s visit in At¬
Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Elliott have
as their guest, Mr, Elliott’s sister,
Miss Elliott from Selma, Ala.,
Miss Ella Mae Piland has re
urned home from a two weeks
visit to relatives and friends at
Cordray’s Springs, accompanied
by her cousin, Miss Willie Piland.
Misses Ella Mae Piland and her
guest, Miss Willie Piland spent a
few days with relatives in Cairo
this week.
Little Miss Pearl Strickland is
visiting in Albany for several days.
Miss Marie Piland" and little
Lester and Jessie Pilaud, have re¬
turned home after an extended
visit to relatives at Cordray’s
Miss Ruth Mallard returned this
week from an extended visit to her
aunt, Mrs. Edenfield, in Stillmore.
Mrs. R. A. Mallard was called
to Albany Wednesday on account
of the illuess of her brother in law
Mr. W. B. Mallard.
Mrs. T. K. Strickland left last
Monday to visit her daughter,
Mrs Joe Luusford, of Tampa, Fla.
The home of Mr. aud Mrs* F. C
Gammage was the scene of a de
lightful house party last week,
when their daughter Miss Lora
Will entertained a number of
friends. The guests were Misses
Sara Dickson, of Richland, Mary
Sue Jones, of Atlanta, Katheriue
Gaines, of Dothan, Messers French
Snelliug and Rufus Brown, of
Miss Beth James Entertained
At Bridge
The High School set was delight¬
fully entertaiued last Wednesday
afternoon by Miss Beth James, at
a lovely Bridge party.
The living room where the
were entertained was unusually
fresh aud pretty with the variety
of cut flowers that were used.
Late iu the afternoon a variety
of sandwiches with punch
served the guests.
Those preseut were Misses Eli¬
zabeth Hilliard, John Zenuia Ak¬
ridge, Louise Spence, Martha
James, Bouuie Hill, Elnora
Marshall and Mary McDonald.
Miss Twitty Entertains For
Miss Amy Twitty entertaiued at
a lovely Bridge party Tuesday
night in honor of the visitors in
town, who are Misses Bess aud
Runette Benton, guests of Misses
Margagret and Christine Turner
and Misses Sara Dickson, Mary
Sue Joues and Katheriue Gaines,
the guests of Miss Lora Will Gam¬
The house was beautifully deco¬
rated with a profusion of garden
flowers. After the games a deli¬
cious salad course with iced tea
was served.
About twenty five guests were
present at this pretty party, Miss
Twitty was assisted in entertain¬
ing by her mother, Mrs. W.
Twitty and sister Mrs. G. P. Don¬
Mrs. J. O. Sellers of St. Augus¬
tine, Fla , is visiting friends aud
relatives for several days.
Mrs. Hand Entertains Club.
The Bridge Club was entertain¬
ed at a pretty little party Thursday
afternoon, at the home of Mrs. Lee
In the rooms where the games
were played quanities of Zinnia
and shasta daisies were used.
Late in the afternoon the hos¬
tess assisted by Miss Agnes Curry
served a dainty salad course with
Only the club members aud a
few friends were invited.
Mr. and Mrs. Julian Powell, of
Albany, were the guests of their
parents last Sunday.
A Service That is
Considerate and Helpful.
Personal interest is a helpful feat¬
ure of the service we offer to de¬
Our officsrs are always glad to aid
in any financial problem that re¬
quires special attention or explana¬
Farmers Bank of Pelham
As at the Close of Business on June 30th, 1924,
as called for by the Superintendent of Banks
of Georgia.
Loans and Discounts....... $511,153.30 Capital and Surplus........ $150,000.00
Real Estate,Furniture & Fix. . 39,498.67 Undivided Profits............ 12,085.45
Stocks and Bonds.......... 5,850.00 Dividends Uncalled for...... 4,320.00
Customers’ Bonds......... . 18,400.00 Bills Payable and Rediscounts 174,118.16
Cash in Vault and in Banks . . 64,879.76 Customers’ Bonds ........... 18,400.00
DEPOSITS 280,858.12
$639,781.73 $639,781.73
T. P. Hinman, President T. W. Curies L. D. Hand J. M. Hurst
B. U. Curry, Vice-President B, U. Curry T. P. Hinman H.L. McDonald
J. R. Payne, Cashier R. L. Goodson F. D, Hollis W. C. Twitty
C. J. King. Assistant Cashier
Farmers Bank of Pelham
Dance Of College Set
The college set was delightfully
entertained atalovely dance Tues¬
day evening at the home of Mrs
John Monaghan,
The house was prettily decora¬
ted with quanities of spring flow¬
Late iu the evening a variety of
sandwiches aud punch were served.
There were about thirty guests
present, among them were several
out of town visitors.
Mrs. B. M. Conaghan and sister
Miss Carabell West spent last week
with home folks, Mr. and Mrs. J.
T. West.
Little Miss Marion Turner was
to a picture show party
afternoon, celebrating
tenth birthday.
After seeing the picture at the
the guest’s were invited
the little hostess’s home where
cream and angel food
were served by her mother
Mrs. D L. Turner. Teu guests
were invited.
Miss Olange West is spendiug
week in Sale City, attending
revival services there. While
there she will be the guest of Miss¬
Floy Lee aud Rheba Davidson.