The Washington news and miscellaneous advertiser. (Washington, Ga.) 1832-1833, September 29, 1832, Image 1

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’ w IH^HPlde. |e arc au- Into announce JilSCu; a rondi ■ ML,!) - ■nr. m ~ %/ nL IO Irße bike j fl.yi , f ;!o. T. c' U 'i f V,.. * 7 ‘}(m'r p mcrf - fSBSBBSSSSSS^^^^^ it ‘ 1 at Jsim in Henry t:Ui % 0,1 Vv ctiiit -div ’ >etober. Us: invite* mo, ns ample j>r<-v is- j to*ciitc.'Tain •! come- —*jbtit we moro parti invite nr ‘Minist ering Br to the help ofthe-Lord ■Wm mighty. iLs on , Pastor; W* of said Chareh . i f, **.mm.*> *->. , , \\ns Member’s Guide, by Maleomb, . Vieal Dictionary, |TB' * 1 *i<.n, ■■■^'onaiula.icc, W ism, unanswerable, ndrevv Fuller, ’ Boore,,.te, phtis, (% e and ic - Br.S ward.s, :■ • • C iUu: c ■■ Ei,*.. .■> p - mmmm AUGUSTA. LL SIMMONS, ECTFULLY inform tho lie, that they continue the m Business at their NEW FIRE PROOF WARE HOUSE, • early opposste the Merchants* and Planters’ bank, and a litlle below the upper market, Augusta. Having gone to great expense, to I secure the property of their custom ers, they hope for a liberal support from the public, promising, that strict and persevering devotion to the interest of their patrons, which they have heretofore exerted in their be half. They are prepared to make liberal cash advances on Cotton, and all other reasonable facilities will be Afforded. “■ ‘* ———- - Sales. HLIJRBUANT to an order ofthe the Inferior court of county while siting for ordi- HHHnjmoscs; will bo sold on the in November next, at in said countv, one containing, ac,es more or less, ]y 'WS 011 1 i ;c waters of mp creeks, in said scJ ! i lo real e.-taie of \\ d -1 ei-eas('<l, late of said si>i iho benefit of the HHHjviibjcct to ihe widow’s dow also, HFt the same time and place, |R2fiL\>Re other tract, lying on Up- i jjyreek, in said county, containiiiif ! WT acres more or less. mS Sold for the bene- Et ofthe h irss of said dec., subject dower.—Terms made the day of sale. FLORENCE, > , , If• ARNETT, s C(hn rs ‘ Ha l ><*> r, _ i a* Mfinss V. j\ 1% y 1 “ - “• yr i:sC’ j^a| I MMeOIM .#D PER TTSEB% . , —a.. . . .... .... —— ... - . h - -- -- - - - • a- a, jjGTON, (GA.) SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1832. JESSE MERCEH. Proprietor, and WILIZAM A. Editor. *LE he sold on the first Tues- W w day ia October next\ at tiie court house of Elbert county, be tween the usual hours of sale, the J\*egroe& belonging to the estate of Mayfield Bell, deceased, late of Elbert boun ty, consisting of a fellow, young woman and children, boys and girls. ALSO The Jieul belonging to said deceased, consis ting of a trsict of land containing ~a acres, more or less ly- JBL A& ing in Elbert county, well improved, adjoining lands of Parker Blackwell and others. Terms of sale made known on the day. WILLIAM A. BECK, adm'r. August 1, 1832. 3—tds he sold on the first w W Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order of the honora ble the Infei ior com t of said county while sitting for ordinary purposes, one tract of land containing 315 neres more or less, jTt Wilkes coun ty on the wafers of Rocky creek, ad joining Wm. H. Pope and others, it being a part of the real estate of Charles Pettus, deceased,—-Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec.—Terms of sale made known on the day. S. G. PETTUS, > , , JOHN PETTUS. > artm rs Sept. 8, 1832 8-tds. kktili* j'i fr *,•_ Tiina- 1 * n Nsjviniher next, at thN®B^^ou r t house Jn Eli ‘rt county, a refiS Pnbly loan wder of lbe Hon. the cJoart ‘ot r’aid county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, one tract of land in said county, lying ou the waters of VVawhaf ch'es creek con taining. V 259 ACRES, ... it being the real estate of Patrick Jack deceased. Sold for the benefit ofthe heirs of said cl ec’d .--Terms of sale made known on the day. Harriet Jack, adm’rx. Janies Jack, adm’r. August 28th, 1832. 7— m2m ’ 1 — lll ii i —mi i ■ ~ ‘■■ii.m ■ ■■■! WJKTJLh be sold on the first v W Tuesday of November next, at the court house in Wilkes county, pursuant, to an order of the honora ble the Inferior court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes,’ one tract of land containing Mm acres more or fess, ly- the waters of ik ree .^* e r S Sold for tho vi iv 4 Lit U benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased.—Terms made known on the dav of sale. VAN ALLEN ECIiLES, Administrator . Aug. 25, 1832 6-tds. - WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Wilkes county, pursuant to an order of the honora ble the Inferior court of said county while sitting for ordinary purposes, two tracts of L.MND lying in Wilkes county, adjoining lands of Luke Turner William Mc- Laughlin and others it being the tracts of land whereon Capt. Wm. Brook and Jarvis Brook r*ow lives.— Sold for the benefit of the minors of r ßryan Fauning deceased. Terms made known on the day of sale. Thomas Green, Sen, > | M r elcome Fanning. \ s Sept. 8, 1833. \B-tds. i WILL he sold on the first, Tuesday in November next at the court house in Henry county, persuant to an order of the honora ble the Inferior court of Wilkes coun ty, one tract of land containing j&4bl£ | acres less, lying in Henry county, being the real estate of John Hbard, decld. Sold for the benefit of the lieirs and creditors of said dec.—Terms made liacwu or* the duv of sale. W. Q. ANDERSON, admV Aug. 23d, 1832 % f-*tds.. IA*BA7'ILL be sold on the Ist Tues w T day in December next, at the Court House in Elbert county by order of the honorable the inferior court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, all the lieal E state of Jesse Gunter, deceased—lying in said county. Sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said dec’d. Terms made known on the day of sale. VINSON HUBBARD, Ex’r. in right of his wife. Sept. 18, 1832 10-in 2m W ILL be sold on the Ist Tues day in December next, at the court house in Elbert county, a greeable to an order of the honora ble the Inferior court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes: one tract of laud, containing 3©<> acres, lying on the waters of Falling creek, it being the real estate of William Hudson, deceased. Sold for the be nefit of the heirs anAcreditors of said dec’d. Terms made linown on the day of sale. . DAVID HUDSON, adm’r. Sept. 18, 1832 10-m2m . WILL be sold on the First Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Wilkes county, the following property to wit: three tracts of lanu, one containing life Acres more or less, CB one containing Acres more or lees, & the other containing Oj acres more or less, ad -9 * Vincent B.Low and others, —Sold as th property of John N. Simpson, dec’d.—Terms made known on the day of sale. J. B. SIMPSON, adm’r. Sept. 8, 1832. 8-tds. <■ Executor’s Sale. * . • .■ * WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in December next, at the court house in Elbert county; by order of the honorable the Inferi or court of said county, while sitting for ordinary purposes: two tracts of land, one containing 270, the other 150 a cres, lying on the waters of Beaver dam creek.—lt being the Real Es tate of George Upshaw, deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of said dee’d.—Terms made known on the day of sale. JAMES UPSHAW, Ex’r. Sept. 18,1832 10-m2m J\*otiee. PRINTED Lists of the drawing in the contemplated Gold and Land Lotteries will be regularly is sued from this office.—They will ap pear in numbers so that they may be bound together in pamphlet form. Persons desirous of becoming sub scribers can forward their names to us, post-paid, enclosing'the cash, and they will be attended to/ They should mention the post-office to w hich the number should be directed. lb# whole work will contain about 400 pages, ami cannot be afforded at less than s*> to subscribers, paid in advance. POLHILL Sc CCTHBERT. Milled ire Vi lie, August, 9, i OLD SERIES, ( NEW SERIES WHEREAS I Heretofore V feigned an instrument of u* i*f ting, offering a reward of on© |> r**i dred and fifty dollars, for ney B. Hill, and a bay ( more 7*f” mine, Which he took %*-&£ when he left this county; i sufficient reasonstochangjp. I do hereby deviate that I*WnTih?ji pay said reward. RICHARD RICE.V- Elberton, Sept. 12. 9—;n3m Musicallwsirwmexiis for Sale. IFotir slop Church Organ, (second hand.) $450 1 Two and half stop Parlour Organ 4.50 l Second hand Grand Pia no-Forte, Harpsichord or Tri angular fr. rm, 160. ON THE WAY FROM N.-YORK, from the Factory of Messrs.’ H. fV* NUNNS . . ...J® Five first rate PiANO-PdfcTfe&. 1 Plain Piano-Forte, 6 Oc tavo’s and Metalie platej de livered at Augusta, ; - - . $220 1 do. with the addition the Grand action, 1 do. Elegant finish Sc p . erful tone, 1 Upright, plain squat ßßSm three strings, . 1 do. highest finish, do. These are all pattern made to order, for this warranted ofthe best mans hip, and tone. It, is ble that there is no two Georgia, wnn -tnose at Any of the above Inatr ti n KiliMfcjSl be had by applying to the this paper. ~*| , Washington, Aug. laU), - . v, ■ *.•? - - From the Greenville The Meeting ofUthe rotate Rights Party at Monday last, was, by far, the/SPlll and most respectable political meet ing ever held in the District. Them were, by actual count, of one thousand persons, ready and ling to rally under the banner of the Union. The day, too, was unfavor able, and the seaspn a busy onb with the farmer, which prevented hun dreds from attending, who would o jtherwjs# have come and renewed their pledges t to the Union , Liberty , and the Constitution. It was, upon the whole, a proud day for the Union party of this District, and showed exclusively their strength, N yyhick will be brought forth tit the October Elections. We may well say, “fare well, a long farewell” to Nullification in Greenville, Fn the language of Judge Smith, our mountain air is too pure for it to breathe, and our mountain boys have literally tram pled it in the dust. Never, in so. large a concourse of persons, di#;- there prevail a greater unanimity of feeling and sentiment. The procee* dings of the meeting will be seen in this weeks paper. In no District in the State have greater exertions been made to promulgate the dec* trine of Nullification, aud yet we ve rily believe that its course is down* ward in Greenville.—Those “/ore (bo dings of ciil stamp ” which Judge ( Cheves sees in it, were early dinco vered by the intelligent jfeovnanrj of this District. After she meeting ad journed the Union Party formed a liue and were counted. Tins was done amidst torrents of rain, yet their ranks were unbrokeu. in tho line were seen a goodly number of venerable revolutionary so&iers.. Their beads were whitened with tic#, the frosts of seventy winters, bti£ji their spirits were as high as in best days of manhood. The motto ■'t eve ry one would have been. “i)m> country, our whole country, and p'oih.- ins but our countro*'* No. 39. No. 11.