The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 20, 1878, Image 1

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PLA nxa »VET. BY MRS. 0. W. WHITE. 'IOT- ... We had nn introdncfion, I scarce remember how; She swept WgibeoKd VuYfsy, \ I made my lowest how; !« "(jWiftSnytlifc'd*'' 11 itjhnppcned, v Wo stood, a party’gny, uWPh mullets duly waTtlm?,/' ^S^v^ulyfor “Croquet.” Like golden fell r ; Aromul her foimby^au t\\ a Aud wore^SKnglr S^f®*** Her eyes wore of the azure, That marks a summer day, My heart she quickly captured, While playing at “Croquet.” Xt picnics, lioi^'h^d'p/u hfV *' As oft it chanced we met, n i f$^ , £^*^‘ nn »l e(l , Iti lo veVbcwiUTcr ing net; V For hearts, like balls, aroaaittctjines Hit, when they’re not “iu play;” ^JVndspppiyju$bf>pd>s vfofel^i, yfOli i rM5 Tfrhfe u 'ifC' ‘ C rorpuil'' At last I dared to nsli hey,'' If fijih wlitldKlifti^J^r nnrS4 / The wfidhrlib *flasTien fbr answer, “If you can win the gni^a!,’’ And when my. pel was vanquished, l h fn lici* While plaviug ut qCwiquet.” • : f V/?'I'y cl "'rW s A l0 "'^-/ H I BY MARY V. SPENCER. ft I It was Lite in the afternoon. C'lirist- $$c vc,£ifgfrtf V&tff I d{$l *||»A Lucyl 3rafton,-taking her usual brisk walk, as utiractoil’by'a iitlle girl, \vliil stood' isbfully ,regarding some hot-house . |wersi^fcflArll^ whitWw. ¥ji&lfiUl Its neatly, but poorly ela<|. Her lia^uls Ire diisjkHl, her lips half parted in ad- fi “cyte rj*c^cjlo|i{t )ty*' v ‘ 'dver” ao ■ beautiful?’; heard her say ti tiller her breath. ./‘Would you like it, niy dear?” asked v fjnc i y; for'though rich, beautiful aud irosperity had not spoiled otir she still had a heart. ;“Oh, so much!” replied the child, [looking round to the speaker, and find- ng assurance in the sofi “But j| wMfCf ql myL jig” she added with a bluslf, “ft was of brqfclter. lie is lmmpbuekcd, you Vow, and sick in bed, and, oil! lip loves livers so.” S,” <s ; cried; and going in, she bought the sc, ‘‘Give that to your brother as a |H ( vristmasgift,” she said; “and. now toll W : to-movrqw^'l^-cHpyo V l*vhaps,” wHlrii Smile, y d v ’g6c^nVfliidTf I ei , haps, - ‘ Hi bring more flowers.” j j“0L! tliuiik you so much.” And pn she told Lucy where- to conic; and ja our heroine, with a nodmid another ■ her sweet smiles, passed on, the child 4 iked. aftor licr a3 if she had seen an ;l getorr-i-fT’- 1 ! [ugh Willoughby had been, tumo- dVia. gpeelatyr of tins qacgie^ \Vho)cKp slie he ?Plj| 4jti<Eto hi f, vfuteli tog tike pfttllM %ftre g$8| ,-n the street, “Eve been in Europe *>1 raaAi tali odftidci. lievbcl no night, no painy no hungor. Often,; wMfcW burls me, I wopdbr if God thinks it wieked'tiiaCr watit' to‘ go' to Him? I’ll tytt. bo humpbacked in heaven—will I ratSher?” Christmas morning broke bright and beautiful. The church bells rang orit their glad chimes,.' Happy : pce;ilb, in hundreds, went trooping up tWstVo.eU But Ilarrv,' in his narrow attic, was racked witlLniun. A great change' had; &{$£ic Vrwirjus face,. It had a jitiibhb't^ j, gray look; and his sister glanct*4 K jp&7i; Knijfly first at it add thou at her mother,: TJfa poor, little fellow asked to have thc .^a,! whu&vhad been put in ;l btf&keji tumbJcr, withfoipci water, placed bMita him. Y‘It ia beriming to fit^p, J?hJ; J don’t scohn to ^ufTor; soi much wlit-u I can sec it,” he satdv f ,,AMd ho murnitir ed as if to himself/alii clt the leaf. .. qu <a : Hisjnotlior w r as yaudy strugi _;,<|^.-k her tijars, M-Jicn-tbcr knock tit the door, : and Lucy ! av ty-mg^bg a whole handful of tlib VCliost Jpselevers. i; - Z “Oh, how’ bcautiipjli IjpwrbcantiAdt’K cried the little 8i|fltoi^t!Bia^hmg out lyMfea h;ub|4*’ •iAfid 1 icy arc alTfor 'le^Tjircy' jitki'spoken to bisymotliei^i UissiBtpv^liadjf ptYine up, to h «l4ieVer 'saw; Anything, In there could bo anything Wl - w these white llowcvs; they uro' so piirc tjli^yv ^ake me think of the angels, angels in their shining, robes.”, . dv/ “They arc lilios, dear.” Bhc’boUld 1 lnmljy speak steadily; “I thoti^lrt; iUfdtfllUfilc them.” s , , He took them in of their fruginnco. lujioiivs n o w;Ain YjQvJ jjj'C -olmiig me home do J looking itj> at her earnestly. ' ; s [ . . “Oitf my child, my child,” cri distmctdd'itfbtheiv ijwaii't talk so; can’t mcAh^flfwi will outlive us tilh’’ Trying to keep down her fears. He smiled faintly, and ]>nt out- bis otlpcr hand. “Kiss me, mother,” ha.-^'jjj' ,t|y. “Don’t cry.” /pienj icd the chimes of a neighbor- ! ttndp< ing fchurch bell begun to rriig. The; silver sounds rose and died, ami died ami rose again, until the wholouir quiv ered as if with celestiul music. “1 hear them singing—the harps of gbW^XAifl^ace glowed, his eyes were fixed above. “Oh! the Avails, the walls all shining— llis weak voice stopped. There was a job..T.J10! llqw’ws fell from his hand. ife^fraH'fbi’rh sank back. “Oil! my God, lie is dying,” shrieked' the mother, clasping him, in wild 1 de spair, in her arms. “W'ill nd fora dfo.tqr?” Lucy wits saw it was liopoless, where to seek for door opeugd wtoi fwft strangevs'entered. Ope. wastledn ^iiloughhy, who cam'6 forward oAgMy, sajiing, * jwtx ask for a dWt®V! friend here is one. I told you,” nod- divjttif) -the Ciiiiiing- , find w c arc jlist’dn time.” thfc bifiio -t I iiM- waysHiqqghtn it.': ' if Jo 10741101 iwtamfe Mjfe WIT AN1) WISDOM. j t .niomont;,. ^lio ’f.‘I-weutdbht*c| homing to pjeet .WOi’dP, c’lftii. Joist-t^fcf'uiie' of t >■■mwtQ | u- <Vrti.bx># «brokenly,- Ajuir hoad on hip ’ispeml 119.1* ,sld"iUlojv- abdAii eyosj-iftsueli ! ft'4f r . f '.'‘^le’Ki^'gt^iii'o^ itchfou is .made • ' - s "' . «••••> ov -• ^^'('.verpotiinr; of cold W-i#ilo' '■> *w i V D -T! ! ttivi'rr JB Mpffit E -a (iiqitiiam ljft;tlil)0, m#m\U ol ■k •qsr Ifo .as the Offspring of id. He calls lmck-tlte P t\m n«MhBMMtir86H:ir. Word or a toufch’.^ JBd ; W-]l,sbiUHyl;;of .iui " aspect; Ins hair of lyllcnn A telioiT, fttu- *j, v waving iibout, lyiteotiifcbing itpbn his , Wjljlm-wqwjv, JCf>dt|lOi . Faith in our own ability is half,of ev ery battle. \ Alako no more vows to perform this pi.’, that. It shows no great strength, ami makes .thee ride behind thyself, , Dp away with female modesty, deli- pacy .nn’d refmemont of nuumbra; and w:)»at venmijis lovely or prepossessing? > Idlers ciinnot oven find timo to he idle, or the industrious to bo at lei- Hifvo. We must bo always doing 01 sufl’eriug. Great M’UWts proceed from grbaf wvulth, but they are undutiful cbildreii, filV they sink wealth down to poverty, Fixperienco teaches wisdom, was sin iohbproverb, and the fact that no man calls his wife a bald-headed old fright -Utovc than once, proves its truth. y^ri.uc is likp 11 rich^tono—best plain iStd..; Tliat is the best part of .beanly Which a picture cannot express. Beau- Yyis as summer fruits, which arc easy ^o-eoiTupt, amt caiinpt liisb.—Lord Pu- 1 ..Tho best capital that a young liiau fOauiBlart Avitb ‘ iii life i’A industry, good sense, courage, temperance, and an tkl- jijprjttion for whatever is noble and good. 'They arc better than cash, credit or frieikl^: Books, even more than other sur roundings, carvo their own features up on the minds and hearts of the young inpdi lul lU’08siblo, and tOo much carouiul A judgyient can not bo exercised in the , .. .... soleoliou.of litei’atm‘oof : tlib scliool and Ivj.wWboirkijltifc-di' WrinktO, 1 felil'K 1 • > . ’ wi lit i) Iptitvy -rcilv bis nosei imd‘ ^^hotdlaltimoro boy who fasteiicd j. liis playfellow’s uncomimipty inHt.fni* fan- mw-'J- 1 * ’ 11 erah on Hi .... ivid ing; UiMuiJi Ratable .tOoibebohi 1 . majesty, .cotinsolft whole address, wbpi being eiqquenLnnd scfefi liim laifbh, yd,' ij pleasaiit; n the presciu .. JeftiiH}- 'iWodorit,; any i M m», for liis oxtraowlinuiy beauty uw perfect ions,;(suipabstug thO -pi * d ,,(dt J lie Saviour is So twdqi ill pi'ofiinclibtory, tliiitlhj'fi contribiltirtn to liis.perfe'eti cially valuable. and kes with Pe^'S, 1 liis 1 rrteetljT air has •o ox- f rq- ci . is [jan; ine ifpi 4 '"A WJFK’S LOVE Wopimi’j.loy(! ? ;plco the rose Idossppi- mg in the' arid desdrt. hi»rcuds its iaivs over the barf-en jn|iin»'of, . llie human ?aVt, arid WhilWallj aYpiii^ is bluek and desoluto, ft, rises w|[iiiigtl{e|iod from tlje absoueo of every ©Qlfor ehipqri. Li no SXMpfe 4m mjlWbrt a AVbinan im- QKC'rmr noamiore beautifulmimi tliat of ii wi fe, •i’arflh'ts?- Ij^etlirciH i rffift fidpH'tfs 'have hMfrfnH’^k’hci^Whev T wav be-' able lo:’ But his companion, who had already AW 0HJTIHW fen© -l-ely ^eant to lielp his secret heart there hirkad^ hoj>o it liOiuLdiV V|eiVeflp[o40nt|»t tliil 4ee|iWiW'liiWltfcoAi<Molglic dc- pnptlbpy, [Meantime the girl hnn ied homeward, id bursting- jnto ‘the attic where tile -jbr invalid lay, held up her rose in ex- tiition. '“Oh, 3ray!” cried her brotlicr, fcc- . . “whore did yon get it ?” .Such a j nty. Do let me touch it.” . “It is yours, all yours, Harry. And ’ •eautiful lady gave it to me, and said would come to sec you to-morrow.” then she told the whole story, bless with enthusiasm, irry took the ro^e pi hi^ thin wasted thought irwasohfy in lieav- such flowers' could grow,” he said. Oh, maybe the beautiful lady was ono' f God’s angejs. They used to come pn ;h, iu the Biblo time4jjui4,^hj’ not, v? Perhaps he sent*ht*r Tdr WtVtio fc-W how MgWjit uIish^ yfer^f witi. • andgifUs/ and living waters, aiid i i , - devotion which woman displavs in rt(D shook band; Wbeu.we beboid Jier in doiqc^; the bed he gazed on tins calm, still face. “Ho is Avliere no earthly physician, can avail hitij; b’u|lM>Py»’> huppior far,” lie said, a(JdrosAii%'WC Aether, tears In liis ey,cs> “than.he was hero, or any of us can be till wc fo^lotv him. The Lord hath jgi vcii,f! fonib is great j»r;it-lil ion,or was a, devout Christian, “iinu tlio Lord liatli taken away, blessed be lltonamc of the l ^ 0 ^’ ” i £± Xig'X OOx Anuxtlkl As he spoke, the neighboring eliimes, 1 1 as if to confirm liis wrifds, rose in a tri umphant burst, and then wwo Jiushed. 'J’lie meeting at ili^t bed of.death.Wijs not the last one between Hugh IViL lougby and Lucy (irufton. 1‘ atr* tended togotlicr tlio simple fiinemt, as- sjsted-afteri^Md to advance the fortunes of the bereaved ] cleaved mother,;; sending the sister to school. They iqej, too, at other similar scenes, and in time contracted a mutual affection, ? fhieh ended in the happiest of mar- iagt-s. 'J’hcirs was that rare thing, /fa uui(j|t,of tyuf souls.” One day, years after, Lucy Want for parbht- Ibr iii'ay. dcvplp' li’cj-self *1'o it srifferiug brother; but"t fie fool digs which induce it nro not-'tbrifieUvhiieli lead a : wife to ’ollb^^j^'TiifWflll^d of lior elioieC y pain jand poliJ^ilidt. eiin brm in danercr, to 'unalterable ignornrhy rk ic scones a jmorc passiugereiri urpof 'cjui, joymeiiE*. aniutl ing tire family.; wililt rhcS’.eii'de'ttiynentk- and Iqv'c for cxtroni^ joy. Which*, that presence and t hose • cndeafrixeiits are calculated- to impart,’.^r« cun, Ht areely <-o liolfl her cxiJrcneoliy ii uii’eup x «t^iuiW bio of supporting a polio court; but ho put parts f on evidence‘to.pvovo that lie tre-mon don si y Wpanlcod for liis misconduct, and the magistrate lot him gii Sviiltout Htu thor pftnisliment, Burlington Jfawhn/o: “Algernon” 'sepds us a poem in which lie declaim f‘[‘There is rest for mo in tlio si Ion I tonlb.” Oli, thore is, is there ? Yes, there is; lots of it. You try it. You’ll find out bow Tiiiich rest there is in the silent tomb, ivitb ball' a dozen Chicago medical students digging in a tier you and figlil ing over you. You crawl in llie. ib fora little quiet time, if you Want to, Algernon, but you must take your revolver villi von, all t,1ic same. It is the duty of parents and Uwmc in trusted with tlio euro of children, to instruct themselves in tlio best method of proceeding, under llie sudden dis cuses and dangers to which children are the most liable, as convulsions, choking, wounds, profuse bleeding, accidents from tire, water and other casualties. If ] were to pray for a taste which would stand by me under every variety of circuiiislaneos, mid be a source of happiness and cheerful ness to me through life, and a shield against all its 'ills, however; things might go amiss, and the world frown upon me, it would be a taste for reading.—Ihvvchcl. During so mb ' period of Mr. Jtan- jlqlph’s political career bo bad the ill- fortune to offend a eoxcombish young fellow, who determined to avenge him self by insulting the Roanoke orator on llie first 'opportunity that occurred'. At i Je;igtWtbo oppoj't(injty presonted ilself, .when tlic, youn^' sjb'ig,. meeting Ran dolph oh flip pa verticil t, walked lip to him, and said: “I never give the way to u didunod rascal.” tyA: Randolph, immediately pulling ' but and making tlio gentleman n man suffering—wheiniio'lieurt of idjUflOM&BJwklip; jveigb f/ol agony, tnnt slie would mairilaiAiwIstijio llowers tort Tko, tMIMKH' to jieaec ana resignation. J — " ' ^,18x^1). Time.—LosWusdOi i-osUired -by iudtutiW, tho' -Wl-obk- bf health •r^ainp^.h^^JriJ^'iaTieb; forgot- *ien kiiowTedgeVeitoicd'by study; ulieh- boihUed into forget fulness; o.rcu forfeited reputations re* covered bjr menijum^o;, hut who ever again lookud'-'hpwi hi s tnurpiished hours—recalled stamped umuvWi wisdyiu—or efface.I TTpV1V^9^4V cu| ' (l fhe fearful blot of wasted time? v'^i:X..r iU !l'f^ W| Ww replied: “Well, sir, I always '<Vb” rind gave him J be pavement. Youn Dbiits.—The abilify of every nian, id, pay his debts depends upon bis ability. collect debts dire him. The individuals Of a communify and linked together by a chain of debts hud credits; and in a time of depres- siori llie refusal of a person to discharge a single liability often embarasses a line of a dozen debtors and creditors. Hence (lie prompt payment of small debts becomes a public as well as a pri vate duty. The same money that pays a debt in the .morning may pay a dozen Wfore night; and twelve men are thus relieved of anxiety and pressure by'I liis payment of one obligation, debts. J J iy your ■ lOrtm 91 33. J. ..fTJX.K.E’Xi ‘ ihril'K') lt> I iigiila arthdtiWpe to (lie public tlml- .;<!■. nhliuil a complete-ul DB1TOS a»S mimes wnic .. ;) l.u'il Hunt,. Rnnliin ami Lamnv’H l*rep!u*nti.Hf«l Colognes, F.xlrants, A.:. Lily Whites, Hqlf! Soils. ir ToIdQjOOO iov or nil blink I gnarahici* Afi riicdi , , those used hi lUliyg proseriptioiifi, to bB pure nud bf l ■L-jfuIA aUal’ttt-i 1: ^^.TEIITT 3SCE3X)X —Sunli as— vjv r. -tq A lhudlleUVs FtotiaTo' 'Rb^Wn^or;* ’' '' to * ,U ' . ,i,. i - !i vnhtiflruan J»i Simmon's Llyuc, Regulntor, v , JlSI Llwr And mahy other#,* wblph jR* highly c'6ffithoildhbt6.) 1 ' * !x*. ,7'iwqoj 1 ... ><<* W **M W j vtlldtldUiilknd i* •, jowl h* - * »of cver^ , Al^ n 10 | qhoi* nl id l««fw STATIONERY an4 WRITING! MAYMUAUS Of every dcsorlptlon always on Mud.'“' ,| '* l nn» m vt rn^ ulfrAAi rnil 'iJu.ll 1m> The Ladles are ospeeiplly luvlled to oomo and. inspectimy 'slock bf Fancy and Toilet, Articles, g. thdi —Consisting of— ,•*, ■«.♦* , J |U jv* n»rO o«.*/ jbcaialbuflof ki iA lo lrid.t , Tooth Brushcfi;/., J io mi . w^ m L A low of the best brands of CTQARB and TOBACCO idways to be found iu stock, 1 o ' *» All goods sold at the lowest prices for E. .l. 0 Adt^ivllTy'v: :•( l , , , j.l •.j.! >) ” ut' r l> ~ r 77ZT~ ! ‘>r'f Tri ‘ juneSO-ihn. W. O- .un.M.iii oTT' s x ffi-aa: •it —Dealer lit— DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, Grocries, Family Medicines, Etc., BARTOW,, ..NO. f I Cm R. R,., CA. The Best Wool Market in the State I y The place where the greatest portion of. the ,two last crops' ; oft* ’• several eouuties hftvc liwp.sqld, .,,, ; . * -.;*. : The place to;sell all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE.,: jj * - 1, The place where tlio LATICfEST ^TbClt'ls llcfi.l The place where FAIR and HQUAUE dealing is guaranteed. Tlio place where tlio QUALITY of gopds; are . ' The place where you can always get Beturn after JOHN T Ordinary of! . COON* DU E LY you WOOL AND K>i COTTON. i> The place where the people say they grit Rlie' licst rirlccs, for tlie}r crJtou lust Hcasoin.-; > ' "* wjKffil f J’lie iduce where almost everything wanj MEBQH at BOTTOM Pitted ,:r,/ * 7 This, Inlcrestlng placo Is foupd* at,.,*\ "W. o. SMITH crus'nail In Hqflp t i Bartow, near $0,, J1 C. It. lb, Oa Bring your wool here mid tic tnado happy. A lar^e rpianlity of good ' CALICO AT 41-2. ■'•••' •/ !V. vlTdnoib d’riilw Ahugcquantitynf ’ Bacon Sides fremiti 6 to 6 JOO liAMETS OF n I MNlit ft./J 'iJ I T* 1 jg iioliihiit SB 'mD nl f jiL ns '.it AT qdt [Just received, Which I offer at ^fltri $7.75. : *• “ ^ V*P r , •’ >i; nl h-snvm to Tut CARLOAD of corn •• imam ‘jih (ttijti't Just received, to sell at 80 pis. A large lot of;PEAS, just!reodreant; to sell at 95ck to |>1.00, aud other tilings in pr6f>brtidu[ ' ;.r.i'ii-d.J a-#m usd H Come on ul! who would save money for thcmsctvcs.h.. -, j • * WII.LIAM. C. SMITH. “ juiK*80-:jta. % y