The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 27, 1878, Image 1

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' Ml ^:V ? 2 ? 5 *** '"■ S ijjRjSa^ ,.:V:.p:^ . 1 -- . ' 1 • ■ , ; >'V '-'• i :\V.Y^qSjfi ■ . ■ ?a Jmk J II - WaBm ... -:■,■&;■ ■'./.:■■ ■■.' i :..^:;..., fe* - . WWPMw- ...;/ v --'rfV VOL. 1. . > v ' TRUE LOVE. DUBLIN, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1878. H~ BY ELLA WHEELER. I think true love is something like a tree; The oak, that lifts its branches to the sky, The woodman’s axe may strike it fatally, Or it may fall whqn mighty winds sweep by, And where it grew, the flowers may bloom instead, _ And all may seem as though the tree was dead. But underneath the grass and flowers, there lies, . - Hid from the gaping world, a tiny root, A little living germ that never dies, And ever and anon its branches shoot Tip through the earth, and mock, mid strive to lie The mighty forest king—the parent tree. So love may wither at the hands of Fate, , Or fall beneath the killing winds that blow, And other loves may spring up soon or late, And flowers of forgetfulness may grow Over the spot where love once grew instead, And we may think the old-time position dead. And-stlll the little germ lies in the heart 8 > closely hidden, that it is not known, And ever and ftnon its branches start— Vain mimics of the passion that has flown, Though love once slain, can live not os of yore, .* I think its ghost will haunt us evermore. The Modern Ruth. It was a terrible break-up. The lov ing husband, the tender father had gone to his rest, and now Ruth and her moth er had to face the world alone. _ Nor was this all. Mr. Hunter had been generally considered one of the wealthiest farmers ir the neighborhood, but lie was now found to have died in solvent. For years ho had been living beyond his means, “I told you so,” said one of the wiseacres, 4 'when ho sent liis darter to school in Boston, as if the • schools - here warn’t • good enough; I knowedliow it would be.” The farm was /mortgaged for its entire value, and % was immediately foreclosed; and when the other .debts wsre - Raid, there was ' not a dollar left. Ruth and her mother would have no roof even to shelter them, if Ruth had not inherited from a maiden aunt, a little, tumblo : down cottage,, with an a- cre or two of pasture land, on the out skirts of the village. Thither the two mourners repaired, with the few bits of furniture the law had allowed them, and began the hardest of all struggles, the battle with poverty on the part of woman, a battle rendered the more dif ficult in this case, because both had been tenderly, even luxuriously nurtur ed# and had never before known what it was to have to deny themselves. "I am such a burden to yon, Ruth,”, moaned the widow, who was completely broken down, not only in spirits, but in health also. “If it wasn’t for mo, you could go off somewhere and earn your living like a lady. You could teach music, or be a governess, or obtain a sit uation in a school. But while I’m an invalid, and I suppose I shall now al r ways be one, you are tied to my bedside.” Ruth was of a different character from her mothor. She was more ener getic, more self-reliant, more heroic. She had also the courage of youth bn her side. s - “God will provide,” she said.’ “He helps those- who . help themselves. What with my needle, our cow, and the Vegetable garden I shall make, we will get along famously.’’ . So this refined, cultivated girl, H who had been reared, as it were, amid rose- leaves, went to work, uncomplainingly, to support her mother and herself. For awhile, too, it seemed as if lior confi dence was prophetic. Mrs. Hunter re covered her health so as to be able to be about. Everything went well. At tho end of the first summer, Ruth, proudly countiug up her gains, said, “Mother, dear, we have not only sup ported ourselves, but havo saved money: wo are getting rich.” But, alas! different times came. In the autumn, Mrs. Hunter fell ill of rheu matic fever, for the situation of the cot tage was low and damp. She had to return to her bed again. She was no longei* able to help Ruth with her nee dle. . Poor Ruth could now earn but lit tle hersolf, her time being occupied so much in nursing her mother. Tho doc tor’s bill and the medicines soon absorb ed her small savings. She began to fall bohind. The cow, finally, had to . be sold, and at last, in order to avert abso lute starvation, Ruth was“c6mpclled to mortgage tho cottage. In the two years that followed, mat ters went from bad to worse. Mrs. Hunter still remained bed-ridden. Do all she could, Ruth was unable to make both ends meet. The interest on the mortgage fell into arrears- At last, in tho third summer of Ruth’s orphanage, a legal notice came, that, unless the. in terest was paid up, the cottage wttld be sold. Tho day before this notico was served, Ruth had gone in person to lawyer Dent, hoping to touch his-heart. But ho was deaf to her tears and - representations. Ho had the reputation of being merci less, and Ruth saw now that the charac ter was deserved. “It’s no use your coming hero,” he said rudely, “I’m ac ting for others fend not for myself: you’d better spend your time in getting to gether tli<^ interest you owe. I can’t interfere. Pay mtf the money, or the law must take its course.” When Mrs. Hunter heard tho result of this interview, nnd when afterward tho formal notice was served, she mopp ed feebly and turned her face to the wall. “We shall have to bog, or go to the poor-house, or die on the road,” she said. “Oh! that I should over have liv ed - to see this day. Ruth herself was at the end of her re sources. For awhile, she lay prostrate on the bed# whore she had flung herself beside her mother, the two mingling their tears. But the bravo girl rallied at last. She remembered that there was nothing in the house to eat,, and that she had no money to buy anything with. At first, she thought of going ‘to the store and bogging for a little more cred it; bub when she recalled how curtly this liadbcen refused, only a week bo- foro, she abandoned the idea in despair. Suddenly it flashed upon her that the wheat was being cut on tho great Gres ham farms. In the old Squire’s time, the poor had been allowed to come with a sickle and cut what they wished: it was a scriptural custom, which the Gres hams had maintained from father to soil, for generations. The old Squire was dead, but Ruth had no doubt but that tho privilege would still bo accord ed, and looping up her skirt, to look as nu .ii like one of her rustic neighbors ns possible, she took a sickle; and wont forth like her namesake of old. Her heart did not begin to fail her until just before she reached tho har vest-field, when she remembered that the heirs of tho old Squire, whoever they were, were said to be abroad, and that lawyer Dent was their agont. “New men, new measures,” she said, and stopped at tho gate, with a beating heart. “What if I am driven off?” But the thought of her sick mother, and of the empty cupboard, made her desperate. Sho lifted the latch and went ip. _ * The reapers were sweeping on ahead, in a long, graceful line; others, far behind, were binding up sheaves: and an ovor- seer, or what seemed on was on horse back, directing operat! i. Ruth began in a comer, near tho gate, far away from the rest. She looked furtively, now and then, toward the overseer, and seeing that he ha'd noticed .hor, yet did not interfere, she gathered courage. If she could have'seen herself then, in a mirror, though the least vain of her sex, she would have been startled by her own beauty. Excitement had giv en a bright glow to her cheeks and. an even increased brilliancy to her eyes. Her half rustic attire, coarse as it was, was admirably adapted to set off her fine figure; her white arms shonfc daz- zlingly; every movement was grace. Suddenly a harsh voice behind cried: “None of that. Throw down your sicklo. We’ll have no thieves here.” Ruth dropped her sickle, trembling all over, and looked around. Lawyer Dent stood there, also on horseback, and his whip was raised monacingly. Ruth shrank back; her knees gave way under her; tho harvest-field swam u- round her; she grew blind;, sho thought she was dying. She had but one feeling, one thought, the man was about to stride her. 6k! tho degradation of it, worse even than his words of insult. But she did not faint. Just as every thing whirled dizzily around her,-just ns she was losing consciousness, tho quick thud of a horse was - heard galloping over the stubblo, and astern voice addressed lawyer Dent. “What are you saying to this girl?” it cried, angrily. "Not telling lioi’ to go away! How dare you? Didn’t you know my uncle always-allowed this; ay! and the Greshams from tiino immemo rial ? Thank God we havo riever ground the faces of the poor. I saw yon raise your whip, threateningly, if I’m ‘not mistaken. By Jove! If you wore not an. older mail than myself, I’d thrash you within an inch of your ilfe, ” ■%' All of . a sudden, the angry voice ceased, and the sinker, turning to Ruth, addressed her in tones as soft as a woman’s. “My jioor child,” it said, “don’t mind Dent, I am master here. Take up your sickle and cut as much whoat He stoppod suddenly. Ruth, up to this point, had stood, with bowod fig ure, half unconscious, l\er gaze bent, in shame, on the ground; but fnuohcd by tlicso kind words, and oven more by the tone, slio lifted hor eyes,;full of tours, and gazed at tho speaker. In that look there was something that both thrilled and abashed tho bolioldor. Young Gresham, for such was the horse man, was due of the handsomest men of his day, and ho was accustomed to ad miration; but Ruth’s glance soomed to say, “Surely, you are more than human; you are somo knight of chivalry, come to rescuo mo from a foul enchanter.”— It was. this that thrilled him with a strange, wild’feeling of happiness, such as no woman’s glanco had ever before awakened. But on the other hand, in stead of finding himself in the presence of a village rustic, as ho had expected, and as the dross led him till this Wery moment. to believe, he beheld to his amazement,. a faco, not only of rare beauty, but ono instinct with that, in herited, ns well as acquired refinement, which, for want of a better word, is called high-brod. • This ho -saw at once, was no more a village girl, but a young princess in disguise. And ho had of fered such a one alms! Ho had spoken to hor as if she was a menial! Bis usu al case of manner failed him. He sat there, dumb, as if himself the cmlm’ifc Ruth broke, the spell.' “Oh, sill” she cried, with a sob, clasping her hands and looking up at him imploringly. “I'meant no harm. I used to see other peoplo do what I did. And—and—wo wore staving— mother and I—” Young Mr. Gresham turned asido for a moment, tg brush away a tear. Look ing up, ho saw Dent’s byes fastened on him, and there was a snoor on tho law yer’s faco. The young man colored angrily. “Ride on, if you"please, sir,” lie said stonily, to the lawyer. “I have some thing to say to this young Ijody alone,”. The lawyer obeyed, feeling, perhaps, that he had gone too far, and wishing ho had never seen Ruth. Then young Mr. Gresham, his hat to Ruth, as if sho had princess, said*, ^ “I beg a thousand pardons, settle with Dent to-day, and discharge him. Beliovo 'mo, I would not, for worlds, that this had happened.” - “Oh, sir! don’t, on my account, quarrel with him,” cried tender-heart ed Ruth. “He wus only doing what ho thought his duty. Besides, be sides—” “Besides what?” kindly. “Besides, he holds tho mortgage on our cottage, and it might make him harder on us than ever.’’ . * i " “Mortgage on your cottage! Is it,” he said, as if asuddon light had broken on him, “the little house down in tho meadow?” A mute nod of_assent was tho reply. “Then I am talking to Miss Hurftor. You don’t, you don’t mean to say tho rascal has been threatening you about that?” “Ho is to sell us out next month,” answered Ruth, looking down, and feeling, ohi how humiliated. Something, very like an execration, broke from Mr. Grcsliam’s lips! if lifting boon a might, perhaps, have been one, but for tho presonco of Ruth. IIo stooped from his saddle and offer ed her his hand. “Good-by, for the prosent, Miss Hun ter,” ho said. “But tell your mother slio need not worry about the mort gage. I, not Dent, holds it. I used to know your fathor when l was a boy, aud down hero; and I shall ever respect any ono who bears his name.” With this, ho lifted his lint again, wheeled his horse and spurred uftor the discomfited lawyer. Tho wholo viilugC was agog, tho noxt day with the nows.that young Gresham, the heir to the Gresham estatos, had returned- from Eiiropo, whore he had boon at hisjupclofe death; hod come down to Silvorton tho ovoning bofore; had quarrelled with and discharged law yer Dent; and had givon out that lie intended to rosido at G resham Hall, on tho homo farm, horeaftor, and to look personally after his affairs. But we an ticipate. How Ruth got homo, from tho har vest field, sho . uover afterward could toll. All she remembered was that she had rushed into the house, had flung horsolf on hor knees by tho sido of tho bed, and had-sobbed out wildly, “Oh, mothor! mother, dear! the cottage isn’t going to bo sold. I havo his word for it. And God, who has been so good in that, will now find some way, I know, for us to get along,” It had beon nearly an hour after that before she could rally hor dazed facul ties sufficiently to give hor mother a co herent narrative of what had transpir ed. She had scarcely finished, whon there was a knock at the door, and a boy from the storo-kooper brought in Several parcels, containing tea, ooffoo, sugar, biscuits, a ham and various oth er edibles. “Master says ns how ho heard the missus was sick,” said the boy, “and so ho sent these tilings, rock-' oiling as how you was too busy to come and order’em. You can. pay for’em whon ‘times is better; and you can have as much as yon like after this.” If Ruth had a suspicion that some kind intercessor had caused this credit, to bo given to' hor, sho had no proof. She pondered over tho problom as slio prepared a hasty meal for her mothor, and had just cleared the tablo, whon there was a knock at the door, and opening it, she saw a high-bred, mid- dlo-agecl lady, .dressed in a plain, but stylish walking' fcostumo, who asked, with a kind smile, aud a voice tho very echo of young'Mr.. Gresham’s, whon in its soft mood, if “Mrs. Hunter livod there;” and on being ansivored in the affirmative, said, “I know sho is sick, and don’t soo strangers, but toll her Ma ria Gresham is hero; avo used to knoAV each other avoII, Avhon avo were both girls, more than twenty years ago,; Ijoav much,my dear,” this to Ruth, Who hold tho door open for hor, “you look like your mother, when sho was of your age.’’’ — . Mrs. Hunter, at sight of her old friend, seemed to be almost well again, Tho tivo talked of former and happior times, Avhen the poor invalid had boon the belle of tho village, and then of tho years of separation, and tho changos that had taken place, until tho twilight fell, and Mrs. Gresham, horsolf rising, said she must go, or she would bo bela ted. “Iliad not heard of you for ever so long, you see,” she said, “and was to6 anxious to Avait till to-morrow. Wo went abroad when Hubert avos quite young, that lie might bo educated in Germany; and avo have been there ovor since. I don’t know but that avo should have remained there yot, if uncle hadn’t died, and Hubert heard things about his lawyer hero, that made him think wo had better return. Wo arrived only last night, 'quite unexpectedly, and my first inquiry was for you.” Our story is nearly told. LoAvyor pci\t, during tho long illness of Old Qqmro Gresham, that, lasted for years, had hud tho entire management ot the Gresham property, and had come to rc-‘ gat'd himsolf as responsible to no one. So ho had given way to his natural love of greed, extorting bribes for forbear ance from all debtors Avho Avcre behind, and mercilessly ruining those wliowuld not bribe. When the old squire died, ho reasoned that the heir Would remain in Etu’opo, and so became more cruel and more exacting. It was a ruinor of this conduct that had brought young Mr. Gresham home in thoAvay avo have seen. It was not many months boforo Ruth became a bride. Young Mr. Gresham never forgot that look in tho harvest- field; it avos a case of love at first Bight; and not Avith him alone;.for to Rutn he avos always hor “red-cross knight.” Everybody said she made the most pop ular mistress that had ovor lived at Gresham Hall. Tho reason was that sho carried Avith ber v into hor neAV and envied position, .the same devotion to others, nnd the same nobloness, which had distinguished her iu lier years of poverty. - N NO. 2. vj.;- ! ■W*. CL SMITH, —Dculor iu—- DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOES, HARDWARE, Groories, Family Medicines, Etc., BARTOW, NO. I I C. R. R.,*A. The Best Wool Market in the State I Tho place whom tho greatest portion of the two last crops of sovorul counties have been Hold. Tho place to soli all lclndB of COUNTRY PRODUCE. ’ Tho placo where tho LARGEST STOCK is kept The place Where FAIR and SQUARE foiling is guaranteed. * The placo Avhoro tho QUALIFY of goods ore Tho 'placo whoro you can always got CASH for WOOL AND COTTON. Tho placb whoro almost everything wanted in tho way of 3MC;EE] JEl c IK "Jl. USr Dis 033 Is kept at BOTTOM PRICES. • Tills Interesting piece is found at . "W“- 0„ S JMZ X Q? DEC ’ S In South Bnrtbw, near No. 11 0. R. n., Gu your wool hero aud bo made liHpity. A to* CALICO AT 4 1-2. A largo quantity of Bacon Sides from 6 to 0 i-a. fOO-r BARBELS OF FLOUR JustrOcolved, which I offer at $0 to A CAE L 0 A I) OF CORN Just received, to soil at 80 cts. A Urge lot of PEAS ju«t received to sell at OSctS. to «1.00, and other thing* In proportion. Como oil all who would savo money for themselves. WILXIAM. C. SMITH. jimo20-0m. ~w. 3. croasrss & oq., —DEALERS IN— GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Highest prices allowed for WOOL, HIDES, ETC., Taken in oxehango for goods. Wo nro selling remarkably Ioav for tho CASH. Quick sales und small profits is our motto. Wc nover fall to ’ trout you well; Call on us before purchasing elsewhere, Wo are stUi agents for the justly celebrated farmers’ E’x-ieu.cLFlo-w. ISmrp Farrnr should ham one. It is the heel Plea in the world. It yon will call on your neiyhtor, who has one, and see how nicely it works, you , will yet one for yourself They are »o cheap.- w. B. JONES&CO, XD-uL-blln, : : . c^a. junc20-8in . V • OXXDB]JlX > CASH STOIEfcEJ. DENNIS KEA, Holmes Cross-Roads, Ga. Dcu]or in Foreign and Domestic . JDIZ-Y GOODS, Groceries. Hardware, Glass ware, Crockerv-wure, Tin ware, Huts, Boots, Shoes, School Books, Stationery, NOTIONS AND FANCY ARTICLE, And other articles too numerous to mention, all of which will be sold at tho Lowest Price for CASH or PRODUCE. These goods lmvo been selected with great care, and are sure (q give satisfaction to all who may desire to purchase. June 20-ilm