The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, June 27, 1878, Image 3

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wmm J. £1 4~~e •of the finest ever saw. jood sized, eatable sweet potato from the plantation of Mr. Frank Fuller, on the 21st inst, Hon. J, F. Robinson will please ac cept bur thanks fora fine lot of toma toes—two of them weighing fifteen ounces. Mr. J. I, Fordham called on us on Monday, presented us with a lot of Ins iious pears, peaches and apples, aiul Inbscribed for the Post. Thanks. Mr. Artie Duncan presented us hist Saturday with a fiye-pound beet from his father’s pluce, the, largest wo ever saw. Miv Enoch’Hntcliinson, of the louver part of Johnson county, favored us with a call last Thursday afternoon. He re ports crops in his community as the b st ever known. Mr. J. W. Wright, our enterprising and thorough-going marshal, we notice, is tricked out in bran new insignia pistol, bolt, rosewood baton, etc. W. B. Jones & Co., have bought and are remodeling the old store formerly occupied by J. S. Horn. When finish ed it will be a two story building—the Ijpst and most business like store in town. L. C. Perry & Co., aro erecting a ware house in rear of their store. Mr. T. B. Fuqua repoils u four- pound beet. His wife only saved six teen pounds of collard seed for private use. Dr. Hightower, who always knows exactly when and how to do the royal thing, sent round, a day or two since, a pitcher of iho.-t excellent lemonade. Thanks, and may your shadow never grow loss. Mr.. Dean, our. enterprising turpen tine man, informs ns that he has an other lot of English rabbits on the way from the North. ed that ho had some a few months ago, hut that they all died. German millet. ' It is'tho first we over WhI-cmi. from this one example, it must be the best plan. Our friends arc solicited to report focal nf- . fairs .of‘interest at this office. This is for ' Slo*r. tf, . Died, on the 21st inst., after a long aiul lingering illness with consumption, Mr. Wesley Kea, of this county, for merly of Emanuel. Wc have known Mr. ICea a long time, and wo can truly say we never knew a truer man, a bet ter citizen or a more consistent Chris tian. Easter, the wife of Charles Roberts, (colored,) died suddenly on last Satur day night,/ Dr. Ila^-ison was sum moned only in time to see her expire, lie thinks the symptoms all indicate meningotis. Mr. R. II. C. McLendon favored us with a call on Monday in a curious and at first unaccountable condition. He teas- securely hand-cuffed: It seems that ho had been handling a pair of spring-lock cuffs, and had unintention ally got them locked around his wrists. The marshal was out of town with the key,, and Mr. M; was considerably an noyed before be got relief. Master Ose Linder, qt the breakfast t.aiie of M^s. Bello Blacksliear, on last Saturday morning, took ii sip of very hot coffee iptp his mouth, from the ef fects of -which he fainted and fell from - his chair like ono shot. Ho soon re covered. Mr. J. J. Weaver brought* into our offc' on Friday last the finest cabbago wo have seen this year. M.uuiied, On the 20th inst., Mr. E. H. Blackshear to Miss Lurie Reaves, by the Rev. Mr. Fred Wimberly, at the residence of the bride’s father, Mr. Thomas Reaves, all of Pulaski county. “Pat” was originally of this county, and the friend of our school days at I A Curious Incident—bind. Freaks "pf iEolus. On the 15 th day of last month a sc vere storm passed through the "planta tion of Dr. Hicks in the northeastern portion of this county, leveling fences and uprobting trees at a fearful rate. The upper portion of ono chimney was tumbled down upon the dwelling, the hoc-hives were throwli^down, and the eggs of two or three setting hens were Buckey Academy, where wo learned to f?* 2 ’*' 0 . , _ - ,, appreciate the worth of the man whoso “P? °/ MR* »W- But the most - - - 1 wonderful performance of this wonder "Pill nnmniiia 4-a Kn T^*»L friendship we count among bur most* valued possessions. May happiness and prosperity through a long life be theirs. The Colville left our wharf bn Friday- last for tho purpose of clearing obstruc tions from the upper portion of her line. She will probably not return till after more rain. A mail route has been established from Wrightsville “to Dublin, twice a week. we arc no. uuiv iu my it will be soon. There will be a new post-office at BlaCkshear’s Mill, precisely half way from either plnco. A weekly route has also been estab lished between Dublin and Red Bluff in Montgomery county. Mr. T. B. Fuqua laid on orir table, last Tuesday, a common lien egg, with a tail to it an inch and a half long. It is now in the office on exhibition. The circulation of the Post this week is 497, and the cry is still they come. Send in your name with $ 1.50, and let her roll. Although we present our readers a much better paper than last week, we are again compelled to go to press with ful Storm remains to be told. Tho Dr’s littlt boy, Jimmy, who had gono out immediately after the storm to ascer tain damages, ran iu exclaiming exci tedly that the storm had blown off a cow’s tail. The Dr., Hardly knowing wluvt to think, went out to sec. ’Twas oven so. There was tho cow minus a tail with streams of blood flowing pro- - . , | fusely from the trembling stump. Dil- len it u ill go into operation igenfe search was made for tho missing lo. able to fay -definitely. But | tail, but it has never been found. Of course no one believes tho tail was actii- allo blown off, but it certainly was off. How it got off will perhaps always* re? main a matter of conjecture. Later.—Since the above was written, we learn that the lost tuil has bcon found wrapped tightly around a pine |N sapling. A FLEA TRAP. Something Novel—It Takes ’Em in by the Thousand. Tho carpenters who aro at work on the building of W. B. Jones & Co., complained that they could not stand the fiooS. It is an old store house they an apology for leaving out much import I aro rc,ni, ^ il1 S> the hogs have taken tant matter, and for failing to get the 8hdter un<lcr lfc for a lou S fi.nuyitul the con sequence was tho pliieo got stocked tant matter, and for failing to get the Post into tho shape it is to wear per manently. .But what \vo most regret is that we have not the' space or words adequate to express our unfeigued and heartfelt gratitude to our fellow citizens for the ovation they liayo vouch safed to the first appearance of the .“People’s paper.” • TRIBUTE OF RESPECT. Wlu-ronS the liana of death has again Visited i V vV* ,m< ,akl ‘ n hence, our much, loved hums ‘ V cstmnwl Br ‘ Jt h(ir, Snrnual Wll- „fTi lM ‘ rC wm> b(i !t «' s<, , ,ved > T, »ut In the death of Uro. n illlains, Anderson Lodge lms lost n valuable and worthy memder, the county} a Rood citizen and his family an affectionate husband and an indulgent, pnrent. Resolved 2nd While wo deplore the death of our Brother, wo will not mouru as those who have uo hope; for he died in tho full assu rance of Jesus Resolved Id That wo tender the bereaved tamily ami friends our sincere sympathies ai.d commend thorn to him who has said, I will be the widow's God and a father to the orphan. Resolved 8d, That tho monitors of Anderson htolgJS'Wuur the usunl^ badge of mourning for thirty days, and that this preambie ami resolu tions lie published in the Duhiin Post, and a copy be forwarded to the family of our broth er. M. II. Mason. ) W. G. Sammons, s J. II. Hicks. \ Committee: Professional Cards. J. E. HICKS, ESI}., “ -A/trb’^y a»“b Xjai’w". —AND— REAL ESTATE AGENT. Mount Vernon, Georgia. Jo 20, 1878, ly. THE DUBLIN Isaac T. Keen, Proprietor. Dealer in FAMILY GROCERIES, Such as BACON, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, ‘RICE, ETC/ I also have a select stock of DRY GOODS -AND-* E. 0. V0STIGK, Attorney at Law. WRIGHTSVILLE, G A„ je 20, 1878, ly. - WM. H. WYLLY, Att’y and Counsellor at Law, SANDERSVILLE, G A. Will practice In tho Courts of the Middle Circuit and Bankrupt Courts. Particular attention given to the defense of criminal cases. j ( > go, ly. Personal. with fleas. Mr.Jonesplitcoc^a plate of molasses under tho house, drove a little stake on each side, and then fastened a sheet of writing paper in a vortical posi tion over the middle of the pinto.' Tho fleas, Brno to their instinct to make for everything white, began to jump against the paper, and to slip down into tho mo lasses,, from which they were unable to extricate shemsolvos. Tho sehomo was a success. The fleas wore thinned out. w4f iLwujjaome enterprising yankee, Miss M. E. Gumming, one of Wil- T . ... , , Hinson -county's mast accomplished It will be:remombM:».•yomigfladics, who haS Ueeii TlsillTig'ligf. - relatives in this place, the family of who had mtulo this discovery lie-would Capt. Rolin A. Stanley, returned home tt PPb r Bor a patont, and make a fortune on Sunday afternoon last. 'I out of it She loaves' a host of _ JAMES J, CONNER, Attorney at JLaw, DUBLIN, GEORGIA. je 20, ly. v A. F. DALEY, Attorney at Law, WRIGHTSVILLE, GA., ,ic20, ly. J. C. Boweu, O. Bowuu BOWER & BOWER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. friends behind, ivh<feg3Aeatly r^gix*t her.: .departure and console themselves with the hope of welcoming her back in our midst at an early period. • On Saturday morning last, our hearts were made glad bv a call from some of Dublin’s most fascinating young ladies, They came in to look at our new office, and expressed themselves as well, pleas ed with its appearance. \Ve hope they will favor us often. Masters Henry Snell and Pink John son, of Wrightsville, dropped in upon us on Tuesday morning Hist To the Survivors of 18G1-00, Who ¥ Served in the Confederate Army From Laurens. Comrades: Shall other counties per petuate the memory of. tho gallant strug gle, made by their living heroes and no ble dead in defence of our liberties, and we not make some effort, to embalm in our memories those five memorable years? I hear the answer “no,” com ing from the shattered remnants of tho 14fb,,49th, 41st and 4th Georgia Regi ments. Our children, our wives, and Side-Spring Buggy for Sale. i A thoroughly renovated job at surprisingly Jon-figures. Cull at Ware’s Simp, or on Mr. Kea, at Holmes Cross Roods, je 27-tf. A Good Farm for Sale. Mr. E. P. Blacksliear is offering for sale liis magnificent Carr Shoals, place, on the cast side of the' Oconee river, five miles above. Dublin. In addition to i35P acres of good land, there is on the place one of the most splendid water powers in Georgia, not ex celled by the celebrated falls of Augusta or Cohiriibus. One hundred acres cleared /and f/ ced; 60 acres now In cultivation; 100 of • the finest cane swamp, which, though natural embankment, U not sub let to overflow; 800 ncrc3 of well timber- id pine woods; good range for cattle both winter and summer. Except two cabins, no improvements. Will sell cither with or with out fish-trap privileges. Cheap for the cash, je. 27-tf. .. our Honor all combine in demanding 6 mm. Master fcliafc ' vc pi'oye by public demolisfration, Pink was in town to go before the Edit- 101(1 perpetuate,.by.#ome regltlaf, sTatc'd, catiQnul Board which' convened that aunuul celebration the fact that we day. . He sustained a highly creditable " c -'° not traitors and rebels, but patri- examination. lie will take chaygo of. ots 1V H° valued principle moro highly the Prcdominat school this summer, than life; and honor, dearer than prop je 27-ly. IltWINTON, GA. v JAMES E. HIGHTOWER, Attorney at Law, ‘ DltBLIN, UBOROLl. OiP.ce next door to DumAn Post. jo 20, ly. AO Attorney at - Law, DUBLIN, OEOIWIA. made a specialty. Collections Court 1 louse. Office in Je 20, ly. Dr. T. H. Hall WIM, JiEHDME TJIK Practice of Medicine From this‘date. juno20 flnr and we bespeak for him a hearty sup port. He deserves it. Fire Department. The citizens of Dublin met in the. u ^ U1 Court House last Monday afternoon to several companies from this county may ,erty. Lot then, those who survive, assem ble, at tho Court llouso in Dublin din ing the month of August, and devise some jneans by which the rosters of the organize a Fire Department. Two companies were organized, one white and one colored. For the white company the following officers were elected: Captain, W. H. Tillery; 1st Lieutenant, L. C. Perry; Secretary, J. W. Peacock; Treasurer, I'jeet.' JoolB.l*cny. \ Editor Port. Colored: Captain, ' ' bo revived and some plan devised which shall result in a social reunion of the military of this county, scrvico in honor of the dead and the bond of sympathy between the living made perpetual. Wc invito communications on tho sub- SOLDIBR, Lieutenant, Jirepfi ilrowtSolan-! I ^ Sam Plume,-; Treasurer, Jerry Wood- • 3 T r ,”, , ^T^ bo «’ ^ ar( j ^ u I l»ly dissipated by tho reception of the Cheering. We had the pleasure of a call from pily dissipated by the reception of the first issue of tho Post, which, for me chanical execution, excels the first issue of any country paper wo have ovorseen. Wo congratulate you upon the liberal ing tho money—that we owed him two or three dollars for lumber. But “No,” said he, “I have the interest of your enterprise at heart. I'want to feel like a subscriber. I want to pay for mi/ pa per and sag, God speed you.” This was cheering indeed, coming as it did, from one of Laurens counry’s most hon ored and distinguished sons. That Reunion. The writer of the article in another column signed “Soldier,” wo have no doubt will touch a responsive chord in the heart of every soluier and every pa triot in the bind. But unless some one acts in tho matter, that chord will soon cease to vibrato. We hojie to have nth. cr communications next week. the “peoples paper.” Your article on Congressmen, I think, meets a hearty approval. Our Representative, Col. Blount, stands firmer in the minds of the people today than ever. Wc have now only tho echo of tho rotation claim loft.— Raw recruits can never serve us in fierce congressional battles like veterans. Your miscellany is tasteful and admi rable. Your Agricultural column needs a little sprinkling of the standard fer tilizers, which numbers of our fanners can furnish you. We report our section of the county, blessed wjth copious rains. Crops are excellent, with some grass, which is be- ing rapidly removed by our efficient and faithful laborers. Yours Trulv, CRITIC. Laurpns Hill, June 25th 1878, DR. I. H HARRISON. General Practitioner, CLOT EC X IST G-, Notions, Fancy Articles, Ctc., Etc., Which I offer to the public AS CHEAP AS'CAN HE .BOUGHT IN THE MARKET. All I ask Is, give mo a trial. ISAAC T. KEEN, PROPRIETOR. Dublin, Georgiy Parties who are behind with mo I Will still furnish with supplies rough tlie suntm " ---- june20 rarties wuo are neiumi witn mo l wiu sun lurntsn wan su; through tlie summer, if they will come up and make me secure flm W. O. BAL'< || Gun and ESTAllkluds GUN anil PISTOL REPAIRING done promptly iu,d ^IwitlsWiHy, AH Mud* »t BLACIpMi''' Also execulted^t BALE’S SHOP, (Wolfs new Stand), juneSO 8m DUBLIN, GEORGIA. Office at Drug Store. Calls during absence may be left with E. J. Taupucy. At night lie can be found nt the residence of Mrs. Keene. je 20, ly. Dr. B. If. Hightower. PRACTITIONER OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY, Dublin, Georgia. Of- Calls promptly attended day or night. ...- flee next to Hotel. Room at the residence of Juntos E. Hightower, je 20, ly. *7 X C. PHACTITIONER. Mount Vernon, Georgia. jo 20, ly. J. W. FLANDERS, M. D., Physician and Accoucheur. WRIGHTSVILLE, GEORGIA. Calls attended day or night. Ofllce'nt his residence. Je 20,1878, ly. W. J. SCARBROUGH, & CO. BAR ROOM, ZD-ulTdXxxL;, Greo-;, Keep always well supplied with Aurora Beer, WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. Also a good assortment of Family Groceries, iVhleb they wilt sell at prices Umc3. Give them a call, to suit the je 20, tf. fi. M. ARRAU, Scientific Blacksmith, Southeast Corner Public Square. ; t All work done warranted to please or no charge. . BUGGY WORK A SPECIALTY, -KEEPS ALWAYS ON HAND A Fiue Assortment of Plows, *> -ALSO- ’ THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED ARNAU SWEEP, - BjWhieh Is superior to any plow of the kjnd made In this country. With thanks for pasjjfavors, wo solicit tiie continuance of tfiq same, jc 20, ly. HENRY SMITH, BOOT AND SHOE MAKER OBBAT SEDUCTION lit PRICES. Call and have your Boots and Shoes made to onmiit, nivj thus se ll u ’ ' " v..,.. nuu....... ju.ii nuinn mm raimun innae to oiuron, niw Jims s< Northern stock ° l U1U U 111 tlluQ you cun possibly get by buyin As my rules arc exceedingly low, none need apply without Hi Henry Smith, jcA7-0m. Dublin, Ga. -A. KZIXiXivE3I])I paying high prices for carriage work. This victim < diluted and all others saved from li siiullur futo"by calling WARE'S CARRIAGE SHOP 7 ON THE DUBLIN SQUARE. By . „ resuscitated can In at Every branch of the business greatly reduced. Buggies palidedt and handsomely gilded, for * Ele-von X>olla/X*s- Worko«nequalled In stylo and finish by any country shop. W. F. GEFFCKEN, OaiX*x*iafge Malc©r 3 Building and Repairing done to Order. All work en trusted to me Neatly and Promptly executed at priced,f< suit the times. Shop on southeast corner Court Ho a a, Square, Call and see, June 20, ly. . ■ •