The Dublin post. (Dublin, Ga.) 1878-1894, August 14, 1878, Image 1

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-JU.,- ■ ----- - .2. tJ. u YOL. 1. DUBLIN, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST U, 1878. Lilies for au Album. Bg Edna Cora. How sweet this pleasing task would be, Did I but know that in thy heart Was one kind, gentle thought t>f me Still cherish’d there when fnr apart! But, ah! we met as strangers meet, And we may never meet again, Yet memory’s song to me is sweet, And ever dear her flowery chain. Then listen, lady dear, while I Try to fulfill my promise true, And as the passing moments fly, I’ll give my every thought to you. And^ctjfqr ^ee wlmt can I trace, For joy’s own self thou scem’st to be? I read it in thyliappy face; Oh! what then can I wish for thee? Dear Mary, could my The friendship that T how would send To dwell forever in thy heart, And ever claim thee as my friend. Oh! then the task would not be vain— The happy wish that I would breathe , Would place one link in friendship’s chain; One floweret bright for memory wreathe. I wish for thee—yet stop to dream What e’er thy future lot may be, And trace it as a happy beam Of dazzling sunlight on the sea; And' pause to hope that coming years May find thee still as thou art now, With not a stain of sorrow’s tears, Or cloud of care upon thy brow. And may thy laughter be as light— Thy heart as ever glad and gay; May disappointment never light Upon thy joyous, happy way. When years have flown away so fast, And ail thy youthful dreams liavc perished, Keep this memento of the past ~ With other ones that thou hast cherish’d. Oh! sometimes coinc with gentle eye, And o'er these pages kindly bend; Then memory will give u sigli To each bclov'd, departed friend! My namfe fvill then reveal to thee— Though parted in this world so wide,' And I may long forgotten be— That once I tarried by thy side. MONEY. (. BY MAUV E, CLARKE. “So you think young Holmes really loves you?” “Uncle!” “That look of surprised indigna tion is quite superfluous, my dear child.' I aril' dwuro of the fact that Atherton Holmes litis been your most devoted cavalier for several mouths, and has finally made you a proposal of marrin^fqf at the same time—par don me—I doubt liis love. He is too worldly, too selfish to suit such li nature as yours. I wish ” ‘Well, uncle* what do you, wish?” “I wish you would postpone your wedding for a few months. You are not in any hurry to leave me?” “No, no, a thousand times no. I will postpone the wedding; but, un cle, I think you misjudge Atherton.” “Well, well, child, I am satisfied if you are happy. I have had too much, trouble myself to wish to cross yquifg §e6plc in their love.” The speakers were Mr. Lawrence Colttiri, and his niece, Catherine Lewis; and, in order to introduce you properly to my heroine, I must . gOi-hfletam my story. Mr. Lewis', Catherine’s father, was a man of largo wealth, aud this was his only child, The pet of both pa rents, her life, until she was seven teen years old, was one of unbroken sunshine. But at that time, her mother died, when her father, mar- iymgagain,*and to one uncongenial to our # 7beroui(k tho hitter ourt-herpjuo,-the-hitter went to live wiVn Mr* Colton, Who declared his intention of leaving her his large fortune. Her year of mourning over, uncle insisted upon opening his house, ap&mfroducing Kate into so ciety as his heiress. She came out, in her nineteenth year, a beauty, an understood heiress, and a novelty, for Mrs. Lewis, herself averse to so ciety, had never introduced Kate into* it. Of course suitors were plenty. With a tall, full figure, perfect feat ures, and tho raro contrast of bluck hair and eyes, with a pure red and white complexion, Kate Lewis was not one to pass nnnoticcd in soci ety, and her reported heiress-ship did not detract from her charms. Among those who admired this brilliantly beautiful girl, was a young physician for whom Kate entertained the groat est respect, and who had her warm, sincere friendship. She did not know why Frank Lee was such a pot of her uncle’s, but site met him at home constantly. It was an old love story; and when the son of her who had been the love of Mr. Colton’s youth, came to him poor, orphaned, friendless, he had but obeyed the dictates of a warm, generous nature, in educating and providing for him K*atc knew uotiling pf this; sho only knew that Dr. Lee was a pet of her unclo’s and her dear mother's; she liked him in a frank, sisterly way, but she never imagined that beneath the quiet, brotherly manner he always extended toward her, the young man hid a^fierce, hot love, all the more violent that a sense of honor kept it concealed. Frank Leo was proud. He had obeyed his Another’s last wish when ho came to Lawrence Colton after her death, -and the warm, loving tenderness of his guardian made the sense of obligation sweet, not pain ful. He hud studied hard, hnd pass ed with high honors through the medical college, and knew that liis ardent love for his profession, and the high stand lie was gradually reaching in liis practice, more than repaid liis.benefactor for the first outlay. But to woo Mr. Colton’s heiress, to take advantage of his fine ly offered hospitality, to steal away the love that was the old man’s life, was repugnant to the young man's high sense of honor, tind he loved silently unsuspected. Atherton Holmes, the gentleman whose splendid talents had won Kate’s consent, when he asked her to be his wife, was a man selfish, but capable of concealing his selfishness, talented, anil intellectual’ enough to completely dazzle a young, fresh heart like Kate’s, and take her fancy captive. She believed sincerely his protestations of never-dying love, she fancied she returned it, but the uncle read the Noting heart better than she did herself. Had Frank Lee guessed how near to Mr. Colton's heart lay the hope that his niece would, one day, marry this son of his adoption, he need not have schooled his heart to snclt stern silence; hut lie did riot suspect it. He saw the flush, which had left Kate’s cheek since her mother’s death, come back in Atherton’s pres ence; he noted the full, joyous tones of her voice when she sang with her betrothed; he marked the light buoyant step which hastened to meet his rival, and he proudly smothered his own grief, and returned the cor dial, frank greeting Kate always gave him, with flic same gentle courtesy which he had ever extended to her. And now that you are acquainted, reader, with my heroine, I will take you back to the cosy sitting-room, in which the conversation which opens my story was held. The group there consisted'of Mr. Colton, Mrs. Kneass, a lady who superintended his household affairs, and did inter minable pieces of crochet work in the sitting-room in the evenings, and Frank Lee, whoso curly head is rest ing on the arm of Mr. Colton’s chair, his large, soft, blue eyes fixed on the fire, and his hand clasped fast in that of his old friend. With his first love thrown hack upon his heart, Frank had filled partially the craving for love, by becoming almost girlish in his demonstrations of affec tion toward Mr. Colton. Now seated on a low stool at the old man’s feet, ho was slowly caressing the withered hand, his eyes fixed on the grate fire, his thoughts far away. The door which leads from the sitting-room to the parlor stands open, and the rich, full notes of a woman's voice, accom panied by the tones of the grand piano, came from the other room. Kate sang well. Feeling music in the inmost depths of her nature, she could pour forth the full tones of a, rich contralto voice with passionate expression; and Frank, m his dreamy reverie, felt his whole soul spring to a now trembling life, as the glori ous voico fell, charged with the on' orgy of a German love song upon his ear. A deep, heavy sigh escaped him unconsciously. Some long silent memory in Mr. Colton’s heart was stirred too by this glorious young voico, and tho sigh, coming upon tlicso memories, was a revelation to tho old man. He look ed up. Mrs. Kneass, far away at tho other end of tho room, nodded over tho crochet work.- Atherton was hosido Kuto; the young man and his old friend were, to all intents and purposes, alone. Still liis voice was low, and ho bent forward till liis white hair mingled with Frank’s brown curls before ho spoke; then he said, “Frank, you love Kate.” Frank did not start. Tho words chiiricd well with the thoughts in his heart. He only said, “Yos; but she does not dream of it” “Frank.” Tho old man’s yoico, though low, was full aud deep. If —remember, I say— if she ever needs a friend, remember I charge you to bo that friend.” “Sho will not need mo,” said tho young man, sadly. “Loving*uiid loved, she will not need a frierid- whon she is Atherton’s wife.” But the oli man only repeated, “Remember, I charge you to be that friend!” Kate at that instant finished her song, and came, with Atherton, into the room. They wore a handsome couple. His tall, erect'figure match ed hers well; and tho dark eyes were full of tenderness as they rested on her face. She looked radiantly beau tiful; the excitement of singing had given a rich crimson glow to her cheek; and her eyes wore full of fire and hri^Uaney. y . Without any of that blushing em- barassmerit which lovo, real love, would have given her, she welcomed Frank, whom she had not seen before, and drew her chair up bosido her uncle, as if, Atherton inwardly ob served, “I was her grandfather.” Three little weeks later, how changed was the scone in the sitting- room! Mr. Colton, seized with tho same sudden disease which had car ried Kate’s mother to the grave, died a week after the night when ho pene trated Frank’s secret. Frank, carry ing out a long silent wish, was away at the time, making a visit to Niag ara, to he away on Kate’s wedding day A terrible discovery came with Mr. Colton’s death; instead of leaving large wealth, it was found that lie had bQpn living, for several years past, not on his income, hut on his capital, and it was all spent; there .was nothing, literally nothing for Kate. In her first grief, Kate had naturally turned to Atherton for comfort, aud found his soothing ten derness cxpressihly dear to her; but when the state of her uncfels affairs was told her, her first thought, dic tated by a high sense of honor, prompted her to release Mr. Holmes from h.Ls engagcuneqt, She wrote to him, looking upon the note," in her- secret heart, as a more form. To her surprise, a polite, chilling answer was roturned. Mr. Holmes, since he could escape the odium of himself proposing this measure, accepted Miss Lewis's offer to release him from the engagement. It would he impossible to describe the sudden revulsion of feeling in Kate’s heart: She knew now that sho had never given her whole love to her betrothed; and the expression of withering contempt which came upon her lip, as she rcud tho note, would have shamed even Atherton could he have seen it. Tho note, however, was tho last burden laid upon a heart already overladen with grief and anxiety, and Kate’s phy sical health gave way under tho ac cumulation of mental troublo. Frank, on his return, found Mrs. Kneass mourning over liis benefactor’s death, and Miss Kuto’s illness. She was not sick many days, but tlioy were long eriough to make her feel, with a strange, deep pleasure, the kind caro of her uncle’s ward. Tho respeotful tenderness with which ho treated her; the unremitting pro fessional cave ho gave her; tho gentle, heartfelt sympathy ho showed in her grief wore now, and her poor, tired heart rcstod with a senso of comfort upon tho love of her friond, her brother, as she fondly callod him, lAs sooh as sho was well enough to go put, again, sho applied for tho plfco of governess in a family with wit rim she had been on visiting terms, ftfid her services wore gladly accepted. She did not tell Frank of this stop irritill it was irrevocable. The fami- l|: were to leavo for Europe in a few days, and when mado aware of the certainty that, for a time at least, ho must lose his idol, Frank’s long silent love could bo concealed no longer. He'told her all, concluding with “Kate, I know that your heart is not initio yet; I do not ask you now return my lovo, but lot mb hopo. Wherever you are, write to me only ono word, ‘Come,’ and I will hasten to you. You will let mo bo your friond and brother, until I may fill a nearer place, will you not, Kate?” Trembling with the excitement of a now joy; not daring to trust her own heart yet after its recent mis take; scorning to add to liis worldly cares by coming to him, penniless, mourning, and, iter heart whispered, rejected by another, Kate only re plied in words of friendship; yet, when earnest pleading rose to im passioned eloquence, sho did whisper tho word ho longed for—“Hopo.” Three years later a group of gentlemen wore assembled on tho porch of one of tho hotels at Sara toga, when a gentleman and two Indies rode up on horseback. The Jtri’einoat,. ,wl(n> camo (euiiterin^. ; gayly rip to the porch, was a pretty blonde, in a blue habit and white' hat,, by riamo Minnie Hayes; following her more slowly came, side by side, an elderly gentleman, and a tall lady in a black habit and hat. Heavy braids of black hair resting on her cheek, and a pair of large, dreamy, black eyes,* made tho pallor of her face positively startling. Yet palo and sad, she was lovely still, and many comments were made upon her- looks as sho rode slowly up to the steps. One of the gentlemen, a now arri val, pressed slightly forward as ho saw her face. “You are admiring Miss Lewis, Doctor,” said ono of tho gentlemen standing near him. “Don’t lose your heart, sho is only a governess of Miss Hayes’s. They roturned from Europe last woek, and cume directly boro. Miss Lewis had scarcely arrived, when sho changed her dross from a light to a deep mourning, and refus ed to come into tho ball-room. I suppose she is some relation to the rich Lewis who died about two months ago 1 ” At this moment Kate raised her oyos to the porch, and they restod first oti the face sho had longed for three voars^to see. Hho bowed, and a faint color roso to her chock. Frank bounded down tho steps to meet her, but before ho lmd walked from the porch stops to thoso where the party dismounted, Kate hud gone into the house. A few mo ments later, a waiter put a card into his hand—ono word only wus pen ciled on it. Como.. He followed the man to tho pri vate parlor engaged by Mr. Htiyes, and there alone, still in her riding- dress, stood Kate. Not many words passed at first, but when tho first joy of meeting was over, Kuto said, “I am so glad, Frank, so glad that I waited. I do not como to you now, as I should have done three years ago. My father’s rcceot death, as he left no will, puts me in posses ion of more money than I ever ex pected my uncle would "leave, and, if you take me, you must tukc my property.” Atherton Holmes always winced when tho beautiful Mrs. Leo wus spoken of in his prosoncc, hor ro mantic story alluded to, and espe cially when tho narrator ttddcd, “And, after all, though Mr. Col ton loft nothing, sho was an heiress, for sho inherited • all her father’s money.” WRITING FOH THE PBESS. Many persons luiVo a lingering do- siro to soe their names in print, and jpg to write for tho press; and this, in many, instances, is a very laudable aspiration, Doubtless, most minds have at, times thoughts which aro worth being had in perpetual remem brance, and the Way in which this can be mosticffoctnally accomplished is by placing those thoughts on rceoi*d in written or printed form. One such thought may save a soul. Tho great mistake which many make is in thinking that there is little, need of euro, labor, or experience in presen ting their thoughts to tho \ an intelligible and acceptnbli public in Very fow men would undertake to make a horsc-shoo without some training; there aro men who might have a general idea regarding a house alien as they would like to build, but fow of them would under take to produce it without boiuo'pre vious exporionco in architecture; in- dood there aro riot many pooplo who would expoet to make a flnishod and saleablo pair of boots tho first time trying; but there aro bund rods of persons who think themselves com petent to write, and expect their wri tings will bo published, when they have noifchor tho education, training, or experience needful ami aro un willing to take tho oxtru caro and pains required to remedy thoir defi ciencies. Ther aro more good shoe makers than good writers: moro men Who can build respectable houses thau can write readahle ii communieations. 8omo men might make shoos without, previous exporionco, but they would expect, to work slow and take groat pains, and. it would ho a mattor of great surprise if their first, job was not u, failure, and their second far from a complete success. Let persons who luivo witlrin them “thoughts-that breathe,” endeavor to clothe them in “words that burn.” But lot them ho content to work dil igently, and to accept reproof and criticism; lot them ho willing to do thoir work once and again, so that they might do it right Let them voirtombor that they are not'exempt from tho condition of all labor; and that excellence is only obtained by porserving endeavor, and that ho who holds himself above cfiticism may expect to be beneath esteem. lose who would write acceptably for the press, must talco pains; and this is precisely what now writers aro unwilling to do. They use poor pons, palo ink, dingy paper, and Write on both sides of the sheet, neglecting the commonest, principles of composition, and then say to the wearied,and over worked editor: “Please correct all mistakes, I write in a great lmrry.” When judicious editors write arti cles “in a grout hurry” they either re vise them when at leisure, throw them into the fire, or put them in a pig eon hole to wait a year, or two, till they have time to ro-.ivrite them; and a man must bo quite ignorant of hu man nature to expect an editor to do more for a stranger’s article t han ho will for his own. If a man who has written for tho press twenty years finds it necessary to revise, correct, re-read, and ro-Writo his own articles to make them fit, for the public eye, how can a man who has had no lit erary training, and who writes in a Don’t Overshoot. Wo are told that a preacher uttered a sermon a few Sab baths ago which sounded wqII, but whioh nobody understood. Accor* dingly, ho has boon requested to re* peat it, and “say it slow.” In one pf liis sentences ho remarked: “The marvelous multitudinojasncss of the minutiae of tho corroborating cir cumstances aro tho insurmountable difficulties Wliioli unmistakably pre vent the seoptio from discovering truth.” But supposo that tho cir cumambient nobuloUsness of the ne gations Which would nullify the nonentities of. sceptical cogitations was cnligh toned by the Imdescont irridations of clarified and, glorified intuitions—what then? The trouble with too many speakers and writors is that they think moro of susiuiping their own reputation for Bchoiarsliin than ( hey do of the pooplo. Siimdo yim ■ ii lunguaguo is tho best, and wins way in tho long run. Poisonous Snakes. It is a remarkable fact ,'tliat virus of a poisonous snake is compar atively harmless whon taken into tho stomach, The most venomous snakes scorn to possoss a perfect immunity from tho poison of thoir own speieios, not boing able to poison themselves or oaoh otlior. It is fourid that car bolic acid injected under tho cutlclo, speedily destroys most of the venom ous snakes. “Instinct” accordingly, induces tho greatest repugnance in tlicBO reptiles to this acid. \Poison ous snakes quickly learn tho spot where tho solution bus been sprink led, and will not bite an animal who has been smeared with it, Advan tage takon of this fact by persons travelling in infested regions, tfho clothing may bo sprinkled with a weak solution of this acid, and the oxpoBod portions of horses and otlior animals may bo washed with it. WY-v r ""“'' &ag&— It was 120 dogreos in- the Hhodo when Goorgo Washington Childs, A. M. struck bis lyro and sang: hurry, and is too careless to copy his most ol article untl present it in its mos igihlo form, expect that it will bo no ticed or published? To thoso who desire to write, it may ho said:—Do, your best, and when 1 you have expen ded ubmidunt labor and pains upon your article, arid mado it just us good as you possibly can, you may be sure that the editor even then will findplen- ' " and deficiencies in it. But it you huvo not. done your host, and are unwilling to take time to finish and perfect it, retaining a copy for yourself,-fthon by th’rowing your manuscript into the firo, you will savo the editor trouble, and yourself disappointment, and then you cun try again, and do better next time.—The C'hriatiun. The organs hare unearthed a now device for arousing sectional feelings among thoir readers. They say that if the next congress is democratic in both branches, Texas will ho cut up into four or more states, and north ern ascendimcy in the national councils will disappear forever, “Pitt away the broken pieces fill' Of our lost thermometer; Tears of perspiration shod wo O’er the jfato bofullen hor. Gono hut not forgotten, is she; Write above hor little grave— Write in langungo simple; ‘Busted By an isothermal wave.’” —-— Aii old man’s advice to a yohtig man is, Don’t, lovo two girls at once. Love is a good thing, but it is like buttorin wurm weather—it Wori’t do to have too much on band tit once. Northern Ingratitude. t Detroit Free Press, J A nnmbor of republican journals have turned thoir batteries upon ox- Oongrossman Hyplior, of Louisiana, botauso bis testimony boforetbe Pot ter ccminittoo .did not exactly suit them. Tho moment a southern republican, refuses to swear through thick and thin by and for tho party, that moment tho scules full from tho organic leper and they discover that ho whom they once thought to bo little lower than an angel, is alto gether a disreputablo tcullnwag. King C’hnrlee and lift* Fool. This good fellow's influence was so great that Charles, King of France, onco remarked to him he thought they hnd bettor change places. As Jean did not look well pleased at tho proposal, Clmrics asked him if ho was not content at the idea of being a king. “Oh, contout enough,” was tho reply; “but I should tio ejfj ingly ashamed at havingsnch li fool!” It was this fool who once tried his master’s nerve fey rushing into lint room ono morning with the,' exclamation: “Oh sire such newsl Four thousund men have risen in the city!” “What?” cried tho startled king. “With what intention huvo they risen?” “Well,” said Jean, plac ing liis finger upon his noso, “prob ably with the intention of lying down again at bedtime!” Drink alo or lager moderately, and you will soon bo a dyspeptic. .